| Column | Field | Description | SQL Type | Length | Decimals | Relation | Default Value | Constraints | SQL Create Statement |
| 1 | WddCode | Internal Number | int | 11 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 2 | WtmCode | Authorization Template | int | 11 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 3 | OwnerID | Production Code | int | 11 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 4 | DocEntry | Document Counter | int | 11 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 5 | ObjType | Object Type | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | | (-0=(-, (-1=(-, (-2=(-, (-3=(-, 10000071=Inventory Posting, 112=Documents - Drafts, 1250000001=Inventory Transfer Request, 132=Correction Invoice, 13=A/R Invoice, 140=Payment Drafts, 1470000065=Inventory Counting, 1470000109=Inventory Counting - Drafts, 1470000113=Purchase Request, 1470000131=Inventory Opening Balance - Drafts, 1470000136= | Allow NULL? |
| 6 | DocDate | Posting Date | date | 8 | 0 | | | | |
| 7 | CurrStep | Stage Code | int | 11 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 8 | Status | Status | char | 1 | 0 | | W | A=Generated by Authorizer, C=Canceled, N=Rejected, P=Generated, W=Pending, Y=Approved | Allow NULL? |
| 9 | Remarks | Remarks | nvarchar | 100 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 10 | UserSign | User Signature | int | 6 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 11 | CreateDate | Production Date | date | 8 | 0 | | | | |
| 12 | CreateTime | Production Time | int | 6 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 13 | IsDraft | Draft | char | 1 | 0 | | Y | N=No, Y=Yes | Allow NULL? |
| 14 | MaxReqr | No. of Authorizers | int | 6 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |
| 15 | MaxRejReqr | No. of Rejects | int | 6 | 0 | | | | Allow NULL? |