SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
10OPOR386Purchase Order

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

474 columns | Print definition?B1 8.82  | DOCENTRY

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1OTCXTax Code Determination1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
2ARC2Incoming Payment - Invoices - History3DocEntryInvoice KeyInt110
3ARC8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries - History4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
4ARCTIncoming Payment - History1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
5OMTCBank Statement - Matching Criteria1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
6OPDFPayment Draft1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
7ORCTIncoming Payment1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
8OVPMOutgoing Payments1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
9PDF2Payment Draft - Invoices3DocEntryInvoice KeyInt110
10PDF8Payment Draft - TDS Entries4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
11PMV8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
12RCT2Incoming Payments - Invoices3DocEntryInvoice KeyInt110
13RCT8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
14TMP8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
15VPM2Outgoing Payments - Invoices3DocEntryInvoice KeyInt110
16VPM8Outgoing Payment - TDS Entries4DocEntryInvoice Internal IDInt110
TOPBusiness Partners
17ACP1Campaign - BPs32DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
18ACRDBusiness Partners - History181DocEntryNumeratorInt110
19CPN1Campaign - BPs32DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
20OCLGActivities16DocEntryLinked Document EntrynVarChar200
21OCRDBusiness Partner181DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
TOPInventory and Production
22AITMItems - History202DocEntryNumeratorInt110
23AMR1Inventory Revaluation - History - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
24AMR2Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows (Archive)1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
25AMRVInventory Revaluation - History1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
26AWO1Production Order (Rows) - History1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
27AWO2Production Order - Base1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
28AWORProduction Order - History1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
29ENT1Entry - Rows1DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
30IGE1Goods Issue - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
31IGE10Goods Issue - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
32IGE11Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
33IGE12Goods Issue - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
34IGE13Goods Issue Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
35IGE14Goods Issue - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
36IGE15Gds Issue - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
37IGE2Goods Issue - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
38IGE3Goods Issue - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
39IGE4Goods Issue - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
40IGE6Goods Issue - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
41IGE7Delivery Packages - Goods Issue1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
42IGE8Items in Package - Goods Issue1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
43IGE9Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
44IGN1Goods Receipt - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
45IGN10Goods Receipt - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
46IGN11Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm Det1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
47IGN12Goods Receipt - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
48IGN13Goods Receipt Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
49IGN14Goods Receipt - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
50IGN15Gds Rcpt - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
51IGN2Goods Receipt - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
52IGN3Goods Receipt - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
53IGN4Goods Receipt - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
54IGN6Goods Receipt- Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
55IGN7Goods Receipt - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
56IGN8Goods Receipt - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
57IGN9Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
58IPF1Landed Costs - Rows1DocEntryLanded Costs Internal IDInt110
59IPF2Landed Costs - Costs1DocEntryLanded Costs Internal IDInt110
60IQI1Inventory Initial Qty Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
61IQR1Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile) Lines1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
62MRV1Inventory Revaluation Information Array1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
63MRV2Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
64OAIMArchive Inventory Message2DocEntryDocument NumberInt110
65OENTShipping Types1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
66OIGEGoods Issue1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
67OIGNGoods Receipt1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
68OILMInventory Log Message2DocEntryDoc Abs EntryInt110
69OIPFLanded Costs1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
70OIQIInventory Initial Quantity1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
71OIQRInventory Stock Posting (Reconcile)1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
72OITLInventory Transactions Log6DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
73OITMItems202DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
74OMRLAdvanced Inventory Revaluation1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
75OMRVInventory Revaluation1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
76OWORProduction Order1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
77OWTQInventory Transfer Request1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
78OWTRInventory Transfer1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
79SITMItems202DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
80UILMIVI Inventory Log Message2DocEntryDoc NumberInt110
81UITMItems202DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
82UWO2Production Order - Base1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
83UWORProduction Order1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
84UWOR1Production Order - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
85WOR1Production Order - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
86WOR2Production Order - Base1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
87WOR2VProduction Order - Base1DocEntryDocument Internal NumberInt110
88WTQ1Inventory Transfer Request - Rows1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
89WTQ10Inventory Transfer Request - Row Structure1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
90WTQ11Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
91WTQ12Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Extension1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
92WTQ13Inventory Transfer Request Rows - Distributed Freights1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
93WTQ14Inventory Transfer Request - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
94WTQ15Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Appl1DocEntryDocument NumberInt110
95WTQ2Inventory Transfer Request - Freight - Rows1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
96WTQ3Inventory Transfer Request - Freight1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
97WTQ4Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
98WTQ6Inventory Transfer Request - Installments1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
99WTQ7Inventory Transfer Request - Delivery Packages1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
100WTQ8Inventory Transfer Request - Items in Package1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
101WTQ9Inventory Transfer Request - Drawn DPM1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
102WTR1Inventory Transfer - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
103WTR10Inventory Transfer - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
104WTR11Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
105WTR12Inventory Transfer - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
106WTR13Inventory Transfer Rows - Distributed Freights1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
107WTR14Inventory Transfer - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
108WTR15Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Appl1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
109WTR2Inventory Transfer - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
110WTR3Inventory Transfer - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
111WTR4Inventory Transfer - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
112WTR6Inventory Transfer - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
113WTR7Inventory Transfer - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
114WTR8Inventory Transfer - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
115WTR9Inventory Transfer - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
TOPMarketing Documents
116ADO1A/R Invoice (Rows) - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
117ADO10A/R Invoice - Row Structure - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
118ADO11A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Det) - Hist1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
119ADO12A/R Invoice - Tax Extension - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
120ADO13A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
121ADO14Invoice - Assembly - Rows - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
122ADO15A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Applied) - Hist1DocEntryDocument NumberInt110
123ADO2A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
124ADO3A/R Invoice - Freight - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
125ADO4Documents - Tax - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
126ADO6Documents History - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
127ADO7Delivery Packages - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
128ADO8Items in Package - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
129ADO9A/R Invoice (Rows) - History1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
130ADOCInvoice - History1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
131ATXITax Invoice - History1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
132CIN1Correction Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
133CIN10Correction Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
134CIN12Correction Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
135CIN13Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
136CIN2A/R Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
137CIN3A/R Correction Invoice - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
138CIN4Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
139CIN6Correction Invoice - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
140CIN7Delivery Packages - Correction Invoice1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
141CIN8Items in Package - Correction Invoice1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
142CIN9Correction Invoice - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
143CPI1A/P Correction Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
144CPI10A/P Correction Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
145CPI11A/P Corr. Inv - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
146CPI12A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
147CPI13A/P Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
148CPI14A/P Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
149CPI15A/P Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
150CPI2A/P Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
151CPI3A/P Correction Invoice - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
152CPI4A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
153CPI6Documents History - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
154CPI7A/P Correction Invoice - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
155CPI8A/P Correction Invoice - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
156CPI9A/P Corr. Invoice - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
157CPV1A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
158CPV10A/P CrIn Rev - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
159CPV11A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
160CPV12A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
161CPV13A/P Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
162CPV14A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
163CPV15A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
164CPV2A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
165CPV3A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
166CPV4A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amt per Doc.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
167CPV6A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
168CPV7A/P Corr Inv Rvsl - Deliv Pkgs1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
169CPV8A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
170CPV9A/P Corr Inv Rvrsl - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
171CSI1A/R Correction Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
172CSI10A/R Correction Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
173CSI11A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm Det1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
174CSI12A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
175CSI13A/R Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
176CSI14A/R Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
177CSI15A/R Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
178CSI2A/R Corr Inv - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
179CSI3A/R Correction Invoice - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
180CSI4A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Amount Per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
181CSI6A/R Corr. Inv. - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
182CSI7A/R Corr. Inv. Deliv. Pkgs1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
183CSI8A/R Corr. Inv. - Items in Pkg1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
184CSI9A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
185CSV1A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
186CSV10A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
187CSV11A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
188CSV12A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
189CSV13A/R Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
190CSV14A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
191CSV15A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
192CSV2A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
193CSV3A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
194CSV4A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amount Per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
195CSV6A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
196CSV7A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
197CSV8A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
198CSV9A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
199DLN1Delivery - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
200DLN10Delivery - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
201DLN11Delivery - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
202DLN12Delivery - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
203DLN13Delivery Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
204DLN14Delivery Notes - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
205DLN15Delivery - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
206DLN2Delivery Notes - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
207DLN3Delivery Notes - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
208DLN4Delivery - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
209DLN6Delivery - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
210DLN7Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
211DLN8Items in Package - Delivery1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
212DLN9Delivery - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
213DPI1A/R Down Payment - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
214DPI10A/R Down Payment - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
215DPI11A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
216DPI12Down Payment In - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
217DPI13A/R Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
218DPI14A/R Down Payment - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
219DPI15A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
220DPI2A/R Down Payment - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
221DPI3A/R Down Payment - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
222DPI4A/R Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
223DPI6A/R Down Payment - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
224DPI7Delivery Packages - A/R Down Pymt1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
225DPI8Items in Package - A/R Down Pmt.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
226DPI9Down Payment Incoming - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
227DPO1A/P Down Payment - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
228DPO10A/P Down Payment - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
229DPO11A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
230DPO12Down Payment - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
231DPO13A/P Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
232DPO14A/P Down Payment - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
233DPO15A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
234DPO2A/P Down Payment - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
235DPO3A/P Down Payment - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
236DPO4A/P Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
237DPO6Down Payment Out - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
238DPO7Delivery Packages - A/P Down Pymt1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
239DPO8Items in Package - A/P Down Pmt.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
240DPO9Down Payment Outgoing - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
241DRF1Draft - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
242DRF10Draft - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
243DRF11Draft - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
244DRF12Draft - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
245DRF13Draft Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
246DRF14Draft - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
247DRF15Draft - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
248DRF2Draft - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
249DRF3Draft - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
250DRF4Draft Documents - Tax1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
251DRF6Document Drafts - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
252DRF7Delivery Packages - Drafts1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
253DRF8Items in Package - Draft1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
254DRF9Document Draft - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
255IEI1Incoming Excise Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
256IEI10Incoming Excise Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
257IEI11IEI - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
258IEI12Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
259IEI13Incoming Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
260IEI14Incoming Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
261IEI15IEI - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
262IEI2Incoming Excise Invoice - Freight - History - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
263IEI3IEI - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
264IEI4Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
265IEI6IEI - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
266IEI7Delivery Packages - Incoming Excise Invoice1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
267IEI8Incoming Excise Invoice - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
268IEI9IEI - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
269INV1A/R Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
270INV10A/R Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
271INV11A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
272INV12A/R Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
273INV13A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Freights1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
274INV14A/R Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
275INV15A/R Inv. - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
276INV2A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
277INV3A/R Invoice - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
278INV4A/R Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
279INV6A/R Invoice - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
280INV7A/R Invoice - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
281INV8A/R Invoice - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
282INV9A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
283IVM1Invoice Mapping Object Details4DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
284OCINA/R Correction Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
285OCPIA/P Correction Invoice1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
286OCPVA/P Correction Invoice Reversal1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
287OCSIA/R Correction Invoice1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
288OCSVA/R Correction Invoice Reversal1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
290ODPIA/R Down Payment1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
291ODPOA/P Down Payment1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
292ODRFDrafts1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
293OEI1Outgoing Excise Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
294OEI10Outgoing Excise Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
295OEI11OEI - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
296OEI12Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
297OEI13Outgoing Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
298OEI14Outgoing Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
299OEI15OEI - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
300OEI2OEI - Freight Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
301OEI3OEI - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
302OEI4Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
303OEI6Outgoing Excise Invoice - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
304OEI7Delivery Packages - Outgoing Excise Invoice1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
305OEI8Outgoing Excise Invoice - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
306OEI9OEI - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
307OIEIIncoming Excise Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
308OINVA/R Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
309OOEIOutgoing Excise Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
310OPCHA/P Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
311OPDNGoods Receipt PO1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
312OPORPurchase Order1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
313OPQTPurchase Quotation1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
314OQUTSales Quotation1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
315ORCLRecurring Transaction Instances7DocEntryCreated Doc EntryInt110
316ORDNReturns1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
317ORDRSales Order1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
318ORINA/R Credit Memo1DocEntryNumeratorInt110
319ORPCA/P Credit Memo1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
320ORPDGoods Return1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
321OSALOutgoing1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
322OTPIPurchase Tax Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
323OTRATransition1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
324OTSISales Tax Invoice1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
325OTXDTax Invoice Draft1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
326OWDDDocs. for Confirmation4DocEntryDocument CounterInt110
327PCH1A/P Invoice - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
328PCH10A/P Invoice - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
329PCH11A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
330PCH12A/P Invoice - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
331PCH13A/P Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
332PCH14A/P Invoice - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
333PCH15A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
334PCH2A/P Invoice - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
335PCH3A/P Invoice - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
336PCH4A/P Invoice - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
337PCH6A/P Invoice - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
338PCH7Delivery Packages - A/P Invoice1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
339PCH8A/P Invoice - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
340PCH9A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
341PDN1Goods Receipt PO - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
342PDN10Goods Receipt PO - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
343PDN11GRPO - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
344PDN12Goods Receipt PO - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
345PDN13Goods Receipt PO Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
346PDN14Goods Receipt PO - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
347PDN15GRPO - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
348PDN2Goods Receipt PO - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
349PDN3Goods Receipt PO - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
350PDN4Goods Receipt PO - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
351PDN6Goods Receipt PO - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
352PDN7Goods Receipt PO - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
353PDN8Goods Receipt PO - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
354PDN9Goods Receipt PO - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
355POR1Purchase Order - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
356POR10Purchase Order - Row structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
357POR11PO - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
358POR12Purchase Order - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
359POR13Purchase Order Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
360POR14Purchase Order - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
361POR15PO - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
362POR2Purchase Order - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
363POR3Purchase Order - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
364POR4Purchase Order - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
365POR6Purchase Order - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
366POR7Delivery Packages - Purchase Order1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
367POR8Items in Package - Purchase Order1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
368POR9Purchase Order - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
369PQT1Purchase Quotation - Rows1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
370PQT10Purchase Quotation - Row Structure1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
371PQT11PQ - Drawn DPM Detail1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
372PQT12Purchase Quotation - Tax Extension1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
373PQT13Purchase Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
374PQT14Purchase Quotation - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
375PQT15PQ - Drawn DPM Applied1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
376PQT2Purchase Quotation - Freight - Rows1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
377PQT3Purchase Quotation - Freight1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
378PQT4Purchase Quotation - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
379PQT6Purchase Quotation - Installments1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
380PQT7Delivery Packages - Purchase Quotation1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
381PQT8Items in Package - Purchase Quotation1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
382PQT9Purchase Quotation - Drawn DPM1DocEntryInternal Document IDInt110
383QUT1Sales Quotation - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
384QUT10Sales Quotation - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
385QUT11Sls Quote - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
386QUT12Sales Quotation - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
387QUT13Sales Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
388QUT14Sales Quotation - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
389QUT15Sls Quote - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
390QUT2Sales Quotation - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
391QUT3Sales Quotation - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
392QUT4Sales Quotation - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
393QUT6Sales Quotation - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
394QUT7Delivery Packages - Sales Quotation1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
395QUT8Sales Quotation - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
396QUT9Sales Quotation - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
397RDN1Returns - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
398RDN10Returns - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
399RDN11Returns - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
400RDN12Returns - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
401RDN13Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
402RDN14Return - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
403RDN15Returns - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
404RDN2Return - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
405RDN3Return - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
406RDN4Returns - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
407RDN6Returns - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
408RDN7Delivery Packages - Returns1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
409RDN8Returns - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
410RDN9Returns - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
411RDR1Sales Order - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
412RDR10Sales Order - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
413RDR11Sls Ord. - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
414RDR12Sales Order - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
415RDR13Sales Order Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
416RDR14Sales Order - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
417RDR15Sls Ord. - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
418RDR2Sales Order - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
419RDR3Sales Order - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
420RDR4Sales Order - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
421RDR6Sales Order - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
422RDR7Delivery Packages - Sales Order1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
423RDR8Sales Order - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
424RDR9Order - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
425RIN1A/R Credit Memo - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
426RIN10A/R Credit Memo - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
427RIN11A/R Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
428RIN12A/R Credit Memo - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
429RIN13A/R Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
430RIN14A/R Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
431RIN15A/R Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
432RIN2A/R Credit Memo - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
433RIN3A/R Credit Memo - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
434RIN4A/R Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
435RIN6A/R Credit Memo - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
436RIN7A/R Credit Memo - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
437RIN8Items in Package - A/R Credit Memo1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
438RIN9A/R Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
439RPC1A/P Credit Memo - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
440RPC10A/P Credit Memo - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
441RPC11A/P Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Det.1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
442RPC12A/P Credit Memo - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
443RPC13A/P Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
444RPC14A/P Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
445RPC15A/P Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
446RPC2A/P Credit Memo Rows - Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
447RPC3A/P Credit Memo - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
448RPC4A/P Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
449RPC6A/P Credit Memo - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
450RPC7Delivery Packages - A/P Credit Memo1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
451RPC8Items in Package - A/P Credit Memo1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
452RPC9A/P Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
453RPD1Goods Return - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
454RPD10Goods Return - Row Structure1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
455RPD11Gds Return - Drawn Dpm Detail1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
456RPD12Goods Return - Tax Extension1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
457RPD13Goods Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
458RPD14Goods Return - Assembly - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
459RPD15Gds Return - Drawn Dpm Applied1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
460RPD2Goods Return - Freight - Rows1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
461RPD3Goods Return - Freight1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
462RPD4Goods Return - Tax Amount per Document1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
463RPD6Goods Return - Installments1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
464RPD7Goods Return - Delivery Packages1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
465RPD8Goods Return - Items in Package1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
466RPD9Goods Return - Drawn Dpm1DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
467SAL1Salida - Rows1DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
468TRA1Transition - Rows1DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
469VRT2Tax Invoice Report Grid Info15DocEntryUnique Document IDInt110
470MSN5MRP-Specific Document3DocEntryDocument EntryInt110
471ORCMRecommendation Data1DocEntryInternal NumberInt110
472ORFLAlready Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports3DocEntryDocument Internal IDInt110
TOPSales Opportunities
473OOPRSales Opportunity48DocEntryLinked Document EntryInt110
474OCTRService Contracts50DocEntryLinked Document No.Int110