SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data
1Business One9.3ARSC1255Resource Master Data - LogGeneral
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns

SELECT ResCode, VisResCode, Series, Number, CodeBars, ResName, FrgnName, ResType, ResGrpCod, UnitOfMsr, PrchseRes, SellRes, ProdRes, CardCode, NoDiscount, IssueMthd, StdCost1, StdCost2, StdCost3, StdCost4, StdCost5, StdCost6, StdCost7, StdCost8, StdCost9, StdCost10, validFor, validFrom, validTo, frozenFor, frozenFrom, frozenTo, DfltWH, QueryGroup, PicturName, UserText, QryGroup1, QryGroup2, QryGroup3, QryGroup4, QryGroup5, QryGroup6, QryGroup7, QryGroup8, QryGroup9, QryGroup10, QryGroup11, QryGroup12, QryGroup13, QryGroup14, QryGroup15, QryGroup16, QryGroup17, QryGroup18, QryGroup19, QryGroup20, QryGroup21, QryGroup22, QryGroup23, QryGroup24, QryGroup25, QryGroup26, QryGroup27, QryGroup28, QryGroup29, QryGroup30, QryGroup31, QryGroup32, QryGroup33, QryGroup34, QryGroup35, QryGroup36, QryGroup37, QryGroup38, QryGroup39, QryGroup40, QryGroup41, QryGroup42, QryGroup43, QryGroup44, QryGroup45, QryGroup46, QryGroup47, QryGroup48, QryGroup49, QryGroup50, QryGroup51, QryGroup52, QryGroup53, QryGroup54, QryGroup55, QryGroup56, QryGroup57, QryGroup58, QryGroup59, QryGroup60, QryGroup61, QryGroup62, QryGroup63, QryGroup64, CreateDate, UpdateDate, DataSource, ValidComm, FrozenComm, LogInstanc, ObjType, Deleted, UserSign2, Attachment, AtcEntry, LastPurPrc, LastPurCur, LastPurDat, LstEvlPric, LstEvlDate, NumResUnit, TimeResUn, ResAlloc, LinkItm, RelCap1, RelCap2, RelCap3, RelCap4, UserSign FROM ARSC


ColumnFieldDescriptionSQL TypeLengthDecimalsRelationDefault ValueConstraintsSQL Create Statement
1ResCodeInternal Codenvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
2VisResCodeResource No.nvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
3SeriesSeriesint110NNM1 Allow NULL? 
4NumberNumberint110 Allow NULL? 
5CodeBarsBar Codenvarchar2540 Allow NULL? 
6ResNameResource Descriptionnvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
7FrgnNameDescription in Foreign Lang.nvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
8ResTypeResource Typechar10ML=Labor, M=Machine, O=Other Allow NULL? 
9ResGrpCodResource Groupint60ORSB1 Allow NULL? 
10UnitOfMsrUnit of Measurenvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
11PrchseResPurchase Resource [Yes/No]char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
12SellResSales Resource [Yes/No]char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
13ProdResProduction Resource [Yes/No]char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
14CardCodePreferred Vendornvarchar150OCRD Allow NULL? 
15NoDiscountNo Discountschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
16IssueMthdIssue Methodchar10BB=Backflush, M=Manual Allow NULL? 
17StdCost1Resource Cost 1num196 Allow NULL? 
18StdCost2Resource Cost 2num196 Allow NULL? 
19StdCost3Resource Cost 3num196 Allow NULL? 
20StdCost4Resource Cost 4num196 Allow NULL? 
21StdCost5Resource Cost 5num196 Allow NULL? 
22StdCost6Resource Cost 6num196 Allow NULL? 
23StdCost7Resource Cost 7num196 Allow NULL? 
24StdCost8Resource Cost 8num196 Allow NULL? 
25StdCost9Resource Cost 9num196 Allow NULL? 
26StdCost10Resource Cost 10num196 Allow NULL? 
27validForActivechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
28validFromActive Fromdate80
29validToActive Todate80
30frozenForInactivechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
31frozenFromInactive Fromdate80
32frozenToInactive Todate80
33DfltWHDefault Warehousenvarchar80 Allow NULL? 
34QueryGroupPropertiesint1100 Allow NULL? 
35PicturNamePicturenvarchar2000 Allow NULL? 
36UserTextItem Remarkstext160
37QryGroup1Property 1char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
38QryGroup2Property 2char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
39QryGroup3Property 3char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
40QryGroup4Property 4char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
41QryGroup5Property 5char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
42QryGroup6Property 6char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
43QryGroup7Property 7char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
44QryGroup8Property 8char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
45QryGroup9Property 9char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
46QryGroup10Property 10char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
47QryGroup11Property 11char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
48QryGroup12Property 12char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
49QryGroup13Property 13char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
50QryGroup14Property 14char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
51QryGroup15Property 15char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
52QryGroup16Property 16char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
53QryGroup17Property 17char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
54QryGroup18Property 18char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
55QryGroup19Property 19char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
56QryGroup20Property 20char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
57QryGroup21Property 21char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
58QryGroup22Property 22char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
59QryGroup23Property 23char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
60QryGroup24Property 24char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
61QryGroup25Property 25char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
62QryGroup26Property 26char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
63QryGroup27Property 27char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
64QryGroup28Property 28char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
65QryGroup29Property 29char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
66QryGroup30Property 30char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
67QryGroup31Property 31char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
68QryGroup32Property 32char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
69QryGroup33Property 33char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
70QryGroup34Property 34char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
71QryGroup35Property 35char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
72QryGroup36Property 36char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
73QryGroup37Property 37char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
74QryGroup38Property 38char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
75QryGroup39Property 39char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
76QryGroup40Property 40char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
77QryGroup41Property 41char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
78QryGroup42Property 42char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
79QryGroup43Property 43char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
80QryGroup44Property 44char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
81QryGroup45Property 45char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
82QryGroup46Property 46char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
83QryGroup47Property 47char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
84QryGroup48Property 48char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
85QryGroup49Property 49char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
86QryGroup50Property 50char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
87QryGroup51Property 51char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
88QryGroup52Property 52char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
89QryGroup53Property 53char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
90QryGroup54Property 54char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
91QryGroup55Property 55char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
92QryGroup56Property 56char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
93QryGroup57Property 57char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
94QryGroup58Property 58char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
95QryGroup59Property 59char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
96QryGroup60Property 60char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
97QryGroup61Property 61char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
98QryGroup62Property 62char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
99QryGroup63Property 63char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
100QryGroup64Property 64char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
101CreateDateDate of Creationdate80
102UpdateDateDate of Updatedate80
103DataSourceData Sourcechar10NA=Doc. Generation Wizard, D=Restore Wizard, I=Interface, M=Import, N=Unknown, O=DI API, P=Partner Implementation, T=Year Transfer, U=Update Allow NULL? 
104ValidCommActive Remarksnvarchar300 Allow NULL? 
105FrozenCommInactive Remarksnvarchar300 Allow NULL? 
106LogInstancLog Instanceint1100 Allow NULL? 
107ObjTypeObject Typenvarchar200290 Allow NULL? 
108DeletedDeletedchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
109UserSign2Updating Userint60 Allow NULL? 
111AtcEntryAttachment Entryint110 Allow NULL? 
112LastPurPrcLast Purchase Pricenum196 Allow NULL? 
113LastPurCurLast Purchase Currencynvarchar30 Allow NULL? 
114LastPurDatLast Purchase Datedate80
115LstEvlPricLast Evaluated Pricenum196 Allow NULL? 
116LstEvlDateDate of Last Reval. Pricedate80
117NumResUnitNo. of Resource Unitsint1101 Allow NULL? 
118TimeResUnTime per Resource Unitsint110 Allow NULL? 
119ResAllocResource Allocationchar10SB=End Date Backwards, D=On End Date, F=Start Date Forwards, S=On Start Date Allow NULL? 
120LinkItmLinked Itemnvarchar500OITM Allow NULL? 
121RelCap1Relevant to single run capacity 1char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
122RelCap2Relevant to single run capacity 2char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
123RelCap3Relevant to single run capacity 3char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
124RelCap4Relevant to single run capacity 4char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
125UserSignUser Signatureint60 Allow NULL? 


PRIMARYNoYesResCode, LogInstanc