| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
TOPFlexible Real Estate Management |
1 | TIVAJMAXINC | OBSOLETE: Replaced by TIVAJMINMAXINC | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
2 | TIVXCAJCH01LOC | Location: Assignment of Adj. Rule, Off.Language, Correspond. | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
3 | TIVXCAJSPECH01 | Adjustment Rule CH01 | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
4 | VIXCAJOBJCH01 | Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Term Data CH01 | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
5 | VIXCAJSPECH01 | Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Rule CH01 | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
TOPReal Estate Contract |
6 | TIVCDCONDREL | Condition Type per Condition Group | 6 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
TOPRent Adjustment |
7 | TIVAJATCOSTSGRP | Costs Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK | 3 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
8 | TIVAJATEXPGRP | Expense Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK | 3 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
9 | TIVAJATFINGRP | Financing Item Group for Adjustment Rule TASK | 3 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
10 | TIVAJMEASAT | Measurement: Settings per Adjustment Rule | 3 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
11 | TIVAJMINMAXINC | Minimum/Maximum Increase per Adjustment Rule | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
12 | TIVAJRLCTRL | Adjustment Rule for Adjustment Control Rule | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
13 | TIVAJRULE | Adjustment Rules | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
14 | TIVAJRULECOMB | Combined Adjustment Rule | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
15 | TIVAJRULECOND | Computability Provisions per Adjust.Rule and Condition Type | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
16 | TIVAJRULET | Adjustment Rules (Text) | 3 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
17 | TIVAJSPECCOMP | Additional Data for Adjustment Rule COMP | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
18 | TIVAJSPECINDX | Additional Data for Adjustment Rule INDX | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
19 | TIVAJSPECRLRA | Additional Data for Adjustment Rule RLRA | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
20 | TIVAJSPECTASK | Additional Data for Adjustment Rule TASK | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
21 | VIAJAT | Adjustment Measure | 22 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
22 | VIAJNEXTADJM | Date of Next Adjustment to Condition | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
23 | VIAJOBJCOMP | Contract/Rental Object: COMP | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
24 | VIAJOBJINDX | Contract/Rental Object: INDX | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
25 | VIAJRECORD | Adjustment record | 6 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
26 | VIAJRULE | Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Rule | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
27 | VIAJSPECINDX | Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Method INDX | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
28 | VIAJTERM | Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Term | 4 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |
TOPService Charge Settlement |
29 | TIVSCAJSPEC | Additional Data for SCS Adjustment Rule | 2 | ADJMRULE | Adjustment Rule | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | | |