SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

145 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | AUFPL

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/SMERP/KBED_EXExchange Table - Capacity Requirements4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
2/SYCLO/AUFPL_EXSyclo Exchange Table - Maintenance Work Order4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
3AUAASettlement Document: Receiver Segment27AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
4BSAD_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
5BSAK_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)102AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
6BSEGAccounting Document Segment224AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
7BSID_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
8BSIK_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors102AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
9BSSEGAccounting Document Segment213AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
10CNVTDMS_05_AUFPLCollected Header Document Numbers for TDMS_Time-AFKO-AUFPL3AUFPLAUFPL for CNVTDMS_05_AUFPLnvarchar100
11FUDT_VDOCBSEGVerification Document Item with Additional Info213AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
12FUDT_VDOCBSEGEVVerification Document Item in the Entry View213AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
13FUDT_VDOCBSEGHVerification Document Segment with Additional Info(History)213AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
14GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents44AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
15GLPCA_T_CTProfit Center Documents60AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
16GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
17GLPOS_C_DEB_CTGLPOS_C_CT Customer Line Items47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
18GLPOS_C_GL_CTGLPOS_C_CT G/L Line Items47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
19GLPOS_C_VEN_CTGLPOS_C_CT Vendor Line Items47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
20GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
21GLPOS_N_GL_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type47AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
22ODTF_IDOC_LOG_NATravel on Demand: Log f. Netw. Activity Replication via IDOC2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
23QAOPERATIONRelation between Keyfields of PP and QM2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
24REGUPProcessed items from payment program100AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
25ZPS22Project system: Text symbol assign. Standard network4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
26ZPS22FProject system: Text symbol assign. Standard network seq.3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
27ZPS23Project System: Text Symbol Assignment - Activities3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPAccounting Interface
28GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)177AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
29GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)177AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPActual CostingMaterial Ledger
30CKMLDUVCOUsage Differences for Each Account Assignment Object22AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPAlternative Valuation Run
31CKMLAVRDOCITLines for Cumulation Posting Document47AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPBasic Functions
32FPLABilling Plan22AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
33FPLAPOBilling Plan22AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
34VFPLABilling Plan22AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
35VBRPBilling Document: Item Data201AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPCapacity Evaluations
36CYOPR_MOVEOrder-/operation data2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPCapacity Leveling
37ISTBEDActual requirements records7AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
38AFFWGoods Movements with Errors from Confirmations35AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
39AFRUOrder Confirmations66AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPCost Object
40FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header16AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPCross-Application Components
41BBSIDAccounting: Secondary index for customers98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
42ONROFObject number index for production resource order3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
43ONROSObject number index for order sequence3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
44ONROVObject number index for order process3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPDistribution of Usage Variances
45CKMLDUVACTCODistribution Acty Differences: Diff. Per Acct Assgnmt object21AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
46CKMLDUVNCOUsage Differences for Each Account Assignment Object22AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
47DUVMSEG_EXTRACTduv mseg extract for performance18AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPExternal Services
48ESKNAccount Assignment in Service Package29AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPFinancial Accounting
49ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document68AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
50BSADAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
51BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)102AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
52BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
53BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors102AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
54EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents70AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
55KMZEIFI: Account Assignment Model Item Information48AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
56KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items48AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
57VBSEGSDocument Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database77AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPFreight Processing
58VFKNAccount Determination in Shipment Costs Item28AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPFunds Management
59KBLPDocument Item: Manual Document Entry35AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
60FMFUNDTRANSYEARAdditional Documents for Funds Transfer to Diff. Years76AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
61PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts75AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
62BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers46AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
63FAGL_SPLINFOSplittling Information of Open Items26AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPGeneral Ledger Reorganization
64FAGL_R_SPLReorganization: Splitting Information of the Open Items19AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPInformation System
65MCAFKOVVersions: Order Header Data - PP Orders5AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
66MCAFVGVVersions: Order Procedure5AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
67MCSFISR/2 SFIS Data: Old4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
68TZIN1Document Header Data from Source Document (PS Int.Calc.)17AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPInterface to External Project Software
69NPGUIDGUIDs for Network Header3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
70NVGUIDGUIDs for Network Activity3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPInventory Management
71MSEGDocument Segment: Material115AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
72MWXMSEGZMSEG: Interface for Posting of Value115AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
73MWZMSEGZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value115AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
74RESBReservation/dependent requirements97AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
75RKPFDocument Header: Reservation32AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPInvoice Verification
76RBCODocument Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment51AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
77JVCO1JV Object Table 2 for JVTO15AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
78JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items32AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
79JVPSC01OObject table 118AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
80JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO132AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
81JVTO1JV Summary Table with Objects30AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
TOPLocal Currency Changeover
82EWUFI_SCAEMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted21AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
TOPMaintenance History
83HIVGPM order history - operations5AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPMaintenance Notifications
84OPROLAVO Link to Object List Entry2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPMaintenance Orders
85/MRSS/D_DEM_PSRejected and/or deleted requirements2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
86AUFMGoods movements for order38AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPMaster Data
87PLAFPlanned Order55AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPNetwork and Activity
88MLSTMilestone18AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPOverhead Cost Orders
89COBRBDistribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement42AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPPayment Transactions
90FPRL_ITEMItem Data58AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPPlant Maintenance
91Z9I_STK_IF_NPVPM/PS-Schnittstelle: Netzplanvorgänge28AUFPLIdentifizierende Nummer des Vorgängers zu einem Netzplannvarchar100
92Z9I_STK_IF_NPV_WPM/PS-Schnittstelle: Netzplanvorgänge Werkstattsicht35AUFPLIdentifizierende Nummer des Vorgängers zu einem Netzplannvarchar100
93Z9I_STK_VORGANGTerminkontrolle Stillstandsplanung: Relevante Vorgänge16AUFPLPlannummer zu Vorgängen im Auftragnvarchar100
TOPProcess Order
94AFFTOrder - Process Instructions2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
95AFFVOrder - Process Instruction Values2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
96COCR_CMX_DB_CRContext Data for Root Node4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
97COCR_CMX_DB_CSContext Data for XSteps4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
98OPDEVOrder Operation - Schedule Deviations2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPProduct Cost Planning
99KEKOProduct Costing - Header Data78AUFPLRouting No. for Operations with Non-Order-Related Productionnvarchar100
TOPProduct Lifecycle Management
100DIWPS_NOTI_PCOMPTable for Partically Completed Notifications8AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPProduction Orders
101AFFLWork order sequence2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
102AFKOOrder Header Data PP Orders45AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
103AFVCOperation within an order2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
104AFVUDB structure of the user fields of the operation2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
105AFVVDB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
106COWIPB_CHVWWIP Batches with Where-Used List25AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
107ORDCOMCommunication control Operation download2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPProduction ResourcesTools
108AFFHPRT assignment data for the work order2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPProfit Center Accounting
109GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items55AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPProject System
110PSHLPDB_HIER_TMPTable to store temporary hierarchy data13AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
111PSHLP_HIER_DBLocal cache:Project/Independent Network hierarchy13AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
112EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment31AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
113EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document34AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPQuality Inspection
114QALSInspection lot record91AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
115/BEV3/CH1030BSG1Document Segment CH Event Ledger Part1215AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
TOPRepetitive Manufacturing
116COMPMOVEGoods Movement of Components154AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPResults Recording
117QEWLQM Handheld: Worklist for Transfer5AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
118KBEDCapacity Requirements Records34AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
119KBKOHeader Record for Capacity Requirements4AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPSelf-Service Procurement
120/SRMERP/D_ACC_ITAccount assignment item28AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
121VSAFFH_CNVersion: PRT allocation to work order3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
122VSAFFL_CNVersion: Order sequences PP orders3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
123VSAFKO_CNVersion: Order header data for PP orders46AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
124VSAFVC_CNVersion: Operation in order3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
125VSAFVU_CNVersion: User fields in operation in order3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
126VSAFVV_CNVersion: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
127VSEBKN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition account assignment32AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
128VSFPLA_CNVersion: Billing schedule23AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
129VSHIST_NVTranfer history for network activity2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
130VSHIST_OVTransfer history activity2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
131VSKBED_CNVersion: Capacity requirement records35AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
132VSKBKO_CNVersion: Capacity requirements header for an order5AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
133VSMLST_CNVersion: Milestone19AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
134VSPLAF_CNVersion: Planned order55AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
135VSRESB_CNVersion: Reservation/Dependent requirements98AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
136PSHLP_ACT_PM_DTTable for tracking whether acty dates are determined by pmcs2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
TOPTechnical Application Support
137CNV_20425_SCAEMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted18AUFPLTask list number for operations in ordernvarchar100
TOPWork Clearance Management
138WCADWCM: Approval Group2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
139WCADQWCM: Log (Approval Group)2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
140WCAEWCM: Order Operation <-> Approval Group2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
141WCAEQWCM: Log (Order Operation <-> Approval Group)2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
142WCAFWCM: Order Operation <-> Work Clearance Document2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
143WCAFQWCM: Log (Order Operation <-> Work Clearance Document)2AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
144WCASWCM: Application <-> Order Operation3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100
145WCASQWCM: Log (Application <-> Order Operation)3AUFPLRouting number of operations in the ordernvarchar100