SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

116 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | AUGBL

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/BIC/B0000165000PSA for 0FI_AP_4 T90CLNT090 FI-AP: Items Delta56AUGBLnvarchar100
2/BIC/B0000166000PSA for 0FI_AR_4 T90CLNT090 FI-AR Items Delta56AUGBLnvarchar100
3/BIC/B0000168000PSA for 0FI_GL_40 T90CLNT090 G/L Accounts: Items8AUGBLnvarchar100
4/BIC/B0000169000PSA for 0FI_GL_41 T90CLNT090 Documents, Compact8AUGBLnvarchar100
5/BIC/B0000170000PSA for 0FI_GL_4 T90CLNT090 FI-GL Items Delta22AUGBLnvarchar100
6/BIC/B0000172000PSA for 0FI_GL_14 T90CLNT090 Gen. Ledger: Items8AUGBLnvarchar100
7/OPT/VIM_1CLEAR/OPT/VIM_1HEAD Extension with Clearing Documents (BSAK)10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
8/OPT/VIM_2HEADAdditional Fields for Table /OPT/VIM_1HEAD21AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
9/OPT/WT_3S_PYMNTSupplier Self Service Payment Information10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
10BSAD_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
11BSAK_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
12BSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
13BSEGAccounting Document Segment9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
14BSID_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
15BSIK_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
16BSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
17BSSEGAccounting Document Segment9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
18CNVA_PCREA_GRIROGR/IR Items - Results (Level 2)6AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
19CNVTDMS_05_BSADHeader table for BSAD9AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
20CNVTDMS_05_BSAD1Header table for BSAD9AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
21CNVTDMS_05_BSAKHeader table for BSAK9AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
22CNVTDMS_05_BSAK1Header table for BSAK9AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
23CNVTDMS_05_BSASFill Header BSAS - P&G6AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
26CNVTDMS_05_BSISFill Header BSIS - P&G6AUGBLBELNR for CNVTDMS_05_*nvarchar100
27DFKKEPRTLog for Inconsistent FI-CA Documents43AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
28DFKKOPK_USTPDHelp Table for Taxes When Writing Off US SALES TAXES3AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
29FAGLBSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
30FAGLBSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
31FIAPPLD_INV_DATECleared Overdue Invoice Details (Poland)10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
32FIEUD_FIDOC_ISAFT: FI Transaction Document Item60AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
33FIWTQAD_MCLWithholding Tax Monthly Clearing for Qatar9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
34FUDT_VDOCBSEGVerification Document Item with Additional Info9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
35FUDT_VDOCBSEGEVVerification Document Item in the Entry View9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
36FUDT_VDOCBSEGHVerification Document Segment with Additional Info(History)9AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
37GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
38GLPOS_C_DEB_CTGLPOS_C_CT Customer Line Items48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
39GLPOS_C_GL_CTGLPOS_C_CT G/L Line Items48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
40GLPOS_C_VEN_CTGLPOS_C_CT Vendor Line Items48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
41GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
42GLPOS_N_GL_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type48AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
43VIYCEXPITEMExpense Items27AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPAccounting Interface
44GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)289AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
45GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)289AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPAutomatic Payments
46PAYRQPayment Requests139AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPBasic Functions
47FIGLDOCG/L accounting: Subsequent derivations7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
48REGUPWW/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run36AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
49WITH_ITEMWitholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item35AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPCentral Cash Desk Procedure
50FMFGT_IPACEDUS Federal IPACed transaction information12AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
51FMFGT_IPACED_IDUS Federal IPACed transaction information8AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
52ITAGCYAGENCYFIAgency Collections: Data for Transfer to Agency FI12AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
53VVKKCFRECCash Receipts to be Transferred to Claims System24AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
54VVKKREPCLMoney Laundering Clarification Worklist6AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
55VVKKREPCL_REPFS-CD: Money Laundering Law Reporting State6AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
56VVSCCLINFOBill Scheduling: Clearing Information6AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
57DFKK10991099 Statutory Reporting Data10AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
58DFKKCOLLHManagement Data for Submission to Coll. Agency (History)24AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
59DFKKMOPItems in contract account document61AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
60DFKKMOPWItems in contract account document17AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
61DFKKOPItems in contract account document61AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
62DFKKOPWItems in contract account document17AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
63DFKKOP_REPOpen Items from FPO465AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
64DFKKOP_SHORTPartner Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts14AUGBLClearing Document Number from Contract Account Documentnvarchar120
65DFKKPAHPayment Notification10AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
66DFKKRAClearing/Reversal History (Document Header Level) < 4.622AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
67DFKKRAPClearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level) < 4.625AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
68DFKKRAPTClearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level)5AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
69DFKKRATPartial Clearing Reset2AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
70DFKK_SG_ERRTable of Incorrect Checked Documents (Safeguarding)10AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
71DFKK_SG_TRIGTrigger Table for Documents to Be Checked (Safeguarding)10AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
72DFKK_SG_TRIG_CTable of Successfully Checked Documents (Safeguarding)10AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
TOPCross-Application Components
73/OPT/S_PAYMENTVSS Staging Table: Payment3AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
74BBSIDAccounting: Secondary index for customers7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPData Retention Tool
75TXW_S_BSEGRetrieve BSEG from archive51AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPDown Payment Chains
76/SAPPCE/TDPCIDXCDown Payment Chain: Index for Cleared Items11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
77/SAPPCE/TDPCIDXODown Payment Chain: Index for Open Items11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPFinancial Accounting
78ARIX_BSADFI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer Accts10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
79ARIX_BSAKFI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Indx for Archiving Vendor Accounts10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
80ARIX_BSASFI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts10AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
81BSADAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
82BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
83BSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
84BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
85BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
86BSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPFunds Management
87FMPU_MIG_OPITEMSMigration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Closed7AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
88PAYRCAdditional Header Data for Recovery Order43AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
89BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers102AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
90FAGLBSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
91FAGLBSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
92FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEMFI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line Items16AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPGL Account Posting
93TCJ_WTAX_ITEMSWithholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document Items44AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPGrantor Management
94GTRFIINV_TRGTrigger Table for Grantor Notification to CRM6AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPInformation System
95DKKOPBalance Audit Trail41AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
96DKOKPOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail13AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
97DSKOPBalance Audit Trail46AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
98DEABPSCustomer change table: Logical view of BB amounts54AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
99EABPS_CORRSub Budget Billing Plan for Correspondence Print38AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
TOPInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
100DFKKINVDOC_IItems of Invoicing Document62AUGBLClearing Document or Printed Documentnvarchar120
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
101T8JBI_THDJVA billing threshold details10AUGBLAccounting Document Numbernvarchar100
TOPLocal Currency Changeover
102EWUFI_SCAEMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted8AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
103J_1AWITHWithholding transaction data31AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
104J_1IEWTCHLNTable for Internal and external Challan nos-EWT India.12AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
105J_3RFTAX_EXTRDTax Extract Detail Lines11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
106RFITEMAP_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Vendor Transactions11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
107RFITEMAR_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Customer Transactions11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
108RFITEMGL_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the GL Account Transactions11AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPPayment Transactions
109FPIN_T_POSTENDatabase for Penalty Interest (Chorus)12AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPReal Estate Management
110VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface135AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
111VIMIIPInvoice Items12AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
112/BEV3/CH1030BSG1Document Segment CH Event Ledger Part111AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPRental Accounting
113VIRALSRHDStatistics - Returned Debit Memos in RE: Header Data8AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
114VIRALSRITStatistics - Returned Debit Memos in RE: Source Items8AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPTechnical Application Support
115CNV_20425_SCAEMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted5AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100
TOPTransaction Manager
116VTBSIZUHedge Allocation23AUGBLDocument Number of the Clearing Documentnvarchar100