| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | FMBCS_FMBL_CD | Empty table for change documents on FMBL incl. local. fields | 10 | CEFFYEAR | Year of Cash Effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
TOPBudgeting |
2 | FMBL | Funds management budget document lines (entry documents) | 10 | CEFFYEAR | Year of Cash Effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
3 | FMHBL | Funds management budget document lines (held documents) | 10 | CEFFYEAR | Year of Cash Effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
4 | FMKF_TERM | Key Figures - FM Terms | 13 | CEFFYEAR | Key Figures - Year of cash effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
5 | FMKF_TERM_AVC | Key Figures - FM AVC Term | 11 | CEFFYEAR | Key Figures - Year of cash effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
6 | FMKF_TERM_RB | Key Figures - FM Terms | 12 | CEFFYEAR | Key Figures - Year of cash effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
7 | FMPEPLAY_COL | FMPEP: layout customizing settings for columns | 9 | CEFFYEAR | Year of Cash Effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
8 | FMPEP_VARIANTL | Session variants (line part) for transaction FMPEP | 10 | CEFFYEAR | Year of Cash Effectivity | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |