SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

216 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | CHANGE_TIME

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/AIF/DOCUDocumentation9CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
2/BOBF/ACF_MAPBOPF Configuration: ACF mapping15CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
3/BOBF/AUTH_OBJBOPF Configuration: ACF Definition11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
4/BOBF/OBM_AK_FLDBOPF Configuration: Fieldnames for Alternative Key14CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
5/GSINS/NLG_INAGBA Interface: Incoming Message Header25CHANGE_TIMEGBA Interface: Change Time Stamp (Date and Time)decimal150
6/GSINS/NLG_OUTAGBA Interface: Outgoing Message Header15CHANGE_TIMEGBA Interface: Change Time Stamp (Date and Time)decimal150
7/OPT/CT_IDH_HEADInbound Document Handler: Registration table with header inf21CHANGE_TIMEDocument Change Timenvarchar60
8/OPT/WT_3SSupplier Self Service Data31CHANGE_TIMEDocument Change Timenvarchar60
9/UI2/NWBC_CFG_GTSAP GUI Tags: SAP Delivery16CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
10/UI2/NWBC_C_GTSAP GUI Tags: Tags of Customer17CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
11/UI2/NWBC_L_GTSAP GUI Tags: Buffer Table16CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
12CNVMBT09INDEXAll indexes they are not on the database10CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
13CNVTDMS_09_INDEXAll indexes they are not on the database10CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
14DFMCA_RM_RCATRisk category data4CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atdecimal150
15DFMCA_RM_RPRFRisk Profile Transaction Data12CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atdecimal150
16DFMCA_RM_RQARisk Question Answer Data5CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atdecimal150
17DSH_INDXINDX-like table for shared memory storage6CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
18EDOCUMENTeDocument13CHANGE_TIMEChanged On (Time)nvarchar60
19EDOCUMENTHISTORYeDocument: History13CHANGE_TIMEChanged On (Time)nvarchar60
20LTR_G_CLUData Cluster7CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
21LXE_PP_IMPLProposal Pool Implementation5CHANGE_TIMELast changed atnvarchar60
22OIUX3_TX_LEASE_DTax Reporting - Texas Lease Description7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
23OIUX8_NM_AFFOVRTax 2.0 - NM - Affiliation Code Override6CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
24OIUX8_NM_ASUE_HDTax 2.0 NM - Auto Suspend Exception Header8CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
25OIUX8_NM_ASU_HDTax 2.0 - NM - Auto Suspend Header11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
26OIUX8_NM_JC_MSTTax 2.0 - NM - Jicarilla Credit Master6CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
27OIUX8_NM_MASTERTax 2.0 - NM - Master Data15CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
28OIUX8_NM_SOLTax 2.0 - NM - Statute of Limitation9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
29OIUX8_NM_SOLEHDTax 2.0 - NM - Statute of Limitation Exception Header7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
30OIUY3Y_TX_MASTERRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Master Data PPN20CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
31OIUY3Y_TX_RRCRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - RRC Master PPN24CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
32OIUY3_TX_ASU_HDRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Auto Suspend Header11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
33OIUY3_TX_BAXRFRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAU - BA Xref9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
34OIUY3_TX_CTRLRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Reporting Control Record Master14CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
35OIUY3_TX_LEASERoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Lease Master6CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
36OIUY3_TX_MASTERRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Master Data18CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
37OIUY3_TX_OWNOVRRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Owner Level Reporting Override16CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
38OIUY3_TX_PDCXRFRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Production Disposition XRef14CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
39OIUY3_TX_RDCXRFRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Royalty Disposition XRef9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
40OIUY3_TX_RRCRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - RRC Master23CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
41OIUY3_TX_SOLRoyalty 2.0 - Texas GLO Statute of Limitation11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
42OIUY3_TX_SOLEHDRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU SOL Exception Header7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
43OIUY3_TX_UNITRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Unit Master10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
44OIUY6_WY_ASU_HDRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Auto Suspend Header11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
45OIUY6_WY_CAPOVRRoy 2.0 - Wyoming - CA Percent Override7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
46OIUY6_WY_CBMOVRRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Coal Bed Methane Override10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
47OIUY6_WY_LEASERoyalty 2.0 - WY - Lease Data8CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
48OIUY6_WY_MASTERRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Master Data24CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
49OIUY6_WY_PRICERoyalty 2.0 - WY - Report Pricing11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
50OIUY6_WY_SOLRoyalty 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limitation11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
51OIUY6_WY_SOLEHDRoyalty 2.0 - WY Statute of Limitation Exception Header7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
52OIUY6_WY_ZVOLRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Zero Volume Master13CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
53OIUYC_BA_RPTIDRoyalty 2.0 - Report ID Owner Cross Reference7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
54REQHEADAdministrative Header Data: Requirement Coverage Request14CHANGE_TIMETime of Changenvarchar60
55RSBPCB_TMPLBPC: BPF Template12CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
56RSBPC_EN_USRPREE&N User Preferences7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
57TKESS_SCRGeneric Selection Screen - Definition Header11CHANGE_TIMEDisplay variant change timenvarchar60
58TRCCT_CURRCHANGECurrency changeover17CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
59TRCCT_TRANSCurrency Changeover Transaction21CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
60/BOBF/ACT_CONFBOPF Configuration: Assignment of Action to a Node Category11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
61/BOBF/ACT_LISTBOPF Configuration: Action35CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
62/BOBF/DAC_DATABOPF: Generic Data Storage for Rapid Prototyping10CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
63/BOBF/DET_CONFBOPF Configuration: Execution times of determinations12CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
64/BOBF/DET_LISTBOPF Configuration: Determination19CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
65/BOBF/DET_NETBOPF Configuration: Determination sequence definition11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
66/BOBF/OBM_ALTKEYBOPF Configuration: Alternative Keys24CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
67/BOBF/OBM_ASSOCBOPF Configuration: Association34CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
68/BOBF/OBM_ASSOCBBOPF Configuration: Association Binding20CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
69/BOBF/OBM_ASSOCCBOPF Configuration: Node Category assignment to associations11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
70/BOBF/OBM_BOBOPF Configuration: Business Objects15CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
71/BOBF/OBM_CODE_LBOPF Code Lists for Code Value Sets11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
72/BOBF/OBM_DISELBOPF Configuration: Disabled Elements11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
73/BOBF/OBM_FINORDBOBF finalization order11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
74/BOBF/OBM_GEN_INBOPF Configuration: Generation information15CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
75/BOBF/OBM_GROUPBOPF Configuration: Group16CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
76/BOBF/OBM_GROUPCBOPF Configuration: Assignment Group / Content12CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
77/BOBF/OBM_MAPBOPF Configuration: Mapping of External and Internal Field N18CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
78/BOBF/OBM_NCATBOPF Configuration: Node Category13CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
79/BOBF/OBM_NODEBOPF Configuration: Node53CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
80/BOBF/OBM_OBJBOPF Configuration: Version42CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
81/BOBF/OBM_PROPTYBOPF Configuration: Static Properties15CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
82/BOBF/OBM_PRXPTYBOPF Configuration: Static Proxy Properties16CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
83/BOBF/OBM_QUERYBOPF Configuration: Query25CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
84/BOBF/OBM_RTWBOPF Configuration: Dependencies between Logic and Nodes23CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
85/BOBF/OBM_RTW_ABOPF Configuration: Attributes for Trigger definitions13CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
86/BOBF/OBM_SUBSCRBOBF BO subscriptions10CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
87/BOBF/OBM_VRSBOPF Configuration: Model Versions16CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
88/BOBF/OBM_VSETBOPF Configuration: Value Set20CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
89/BOBF/STA_DERIVBOPF Configuration: Status Derivator16CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
90/BOBF/STA_SCHEMABOPF Configuration: Status Scheme12CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
91/BOBF/STA_VARBOPF Configuration: Status Variable14CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
92/BOBF/VAL_CONFBOPF Configuration: Assignment of Validations to Actions12CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
93/BOBF/VAL_LISTBOPF Configuration: List of all validations18CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
94/BOBF/VAL_NETBOPF Configuration: Sequence definition of validations11CHANGE_TIMEDate on which the Settings Were Changed Lastdecimal150
TOPAccounting Engine
95/EACC/TDR_STEPSDerivation Steps16CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
TOPAccounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration
96FDM_DCATTRFSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Attributes8CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
TOPAppraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
97HRHAPAppraisal Document14CHANGE_TIMELast Change Timenvarchar60
98HRHAP_PAppraisal Document: Reference Appraisal8CHANGE_TIMELast Change Timenvarchar60
99HRHAP_TABAppraisal: WD Tab Configuration8CHANGE_TIMELast Change Timenvarchar60
100HRP5020DB Table for Infotype 502021CHANGE_TIMELast Change Timenvarchar60
TOPBack Office
101TRET_POOLAdditional Pool Data for Fund16CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
102TRET_SEC_POOLAdditional Pool Data for Security17CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
TOPBasic functions
103HUINV_HDRHandling Unit: Phys. Inv. Document Header12CHANGE_TIMETime at which the data record was changednvarchar60
104HUINV_ITEMHandling Unit: Physical Inventory Document Item25CHANGE_TIMETime at which the data record was changednvarchar60
TOPBasis Components
105/XFT/INV_QInvoice receipt queue: Header15CHANGE_TIMETime of changenvarchar60
106/XFT/INV_Q_SInvoice receipt queue: Header15CHANGE_TIMETime of changenvarchar60
TOPBasis Technology R3
107/ISDFPS/GNRDefinition of Global Number Ranges11CHANGE_TIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPBusiness Analytics
108UAB_AUDIT_TRAILTable for Audit Trail Function6CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
109UAPROJECTTransparent Table to Store Costing Projects9CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atnvarchar60
110UAWORKSETTransparent Table to Store Working Environments of Costing10CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atnvarchar60
TOPCase Management
111SCMG_T_CASE_ATTRCase Attributes9CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
112CSUM_CV_HEADCheck Sum Variant - Header Data6CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Atnvarchar60
TOPClinical System
113N2DI_DICTATDictation - Administration Data13CHANGE_TIMEIS-H: Time of Last Changenvarchar60
114N2DI_RECORDAdministration Data of Speech Recording16CHANGE_TIMEIS-H: Time of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPCollaborative Cross Applications
115/POA/D_ENUSRPREFE&N User Preferences7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPCollections Management
116UDM_WL_ITEMWorklist Item65CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
117DFKKCASEITEMSItem List in Cases, Lines11CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
118DFKKCASEITEMSHItem List in Cases, Header Data8CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
119DFKKEXTDOC2Encryption of Official Document Numbers27CHANGE_TIMEEncryption Timenvarchar60
120DFKK_SELP_RESFI-CA Selections - Result Records19CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
TOPCross-Application Components
121PDS_COMPComponent Data for PDS20CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
122PDS_HEADERHeader Data for PDS with Changes19CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
123PDS_KEYKey Table for PDS Data from PDS Maintenance14CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
124PDS_OPERPDS Data for Operations and Dependent Data28CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
TOPCross-Application Topics
125/SPE/CTRL_SWEnable SAP Solution6CHANGE_TIMETime last change was madenvarchar60
TOPeCATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
126ECCUSTOMeCATT: Customizing5CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPEmployee Interaction Center
127THREIC_CONTACTEIC Contact21CHANGE_TIMEEIC: Time Stamp of Changedecimal150
128THREIC_FOLLOWUPEIC Follow-Up15CHANGE_TIMEEIC: Time Stamp of Changedecimal150
129THREIC_RULEDEFEIC: Rule Modeler: Rule Definition11CHANGE_TIMEEIC: Time Stamp of Changedecimal150
130THREIC_SLASLA Contracts9CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
TOPEnterprise Service Framework Layer
131COL_INDX_CACHESystem Table: Cool Runtime Cache5CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPFast Search Infrastructure
132SFSG_DEF_RTRuntime Table5CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPFinancial Accounting
133/OPT/VIM_1HEADDocument Header15CHANGE_TIMEDocument Change Timenvarchar60
TOPFinancials Basis
134UAC_AUDIT_TRAILTable for Audit Trail Function6CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPGeneral Ledger
135/EACA/TGLPRIMANOConfiguration Information for the Source Document16CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
TOPGovernance, Risk and Compliance
136GRFNREPLACEMENTRole replacements (Cuts)10CHANGE_TIMETime Stampdecimal150
TOPInternal Collection Procedure
137UHC_CASE_ALISTActions in Collection Case9CHANGE_TIMETime Stampdecimal150
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
138T8PSA_PSCPSC Master18CHANGE_TIMEChanged Atnvarchar60
139T8PSCMSTRProduction Sharing Contract14CHANGE_TIMETime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPLease Accounting
140/LSIERP/TQ_P_HDRPayment Status8CHANGE_TIMETime at Which the Object Was Last Changednvarchar60
TOPLO Integration
141CURTO_FOCUS_CHGChange Pointer for Order/WBS BOM for PDS Transfer13CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
142CURTO_PDS_CHGChange Pointer for Production Data Structure15CHANGE_TIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
TOPLoans Management
143VDCHK_GROSS_NETStorage of data for report RFVD_GROSS_TO_NET18CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
144VDLOANCHARACProcessing Characteristics per Loan9CHANGE_TIMETime of Initial Entrynvarchar60
TOPManagement of Internal Controls
145FOPCRBFPLReporting Buffer: Cases - Remediation Plans21CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
146FOPCRPLCINFOReplacement Information9CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
147FOPCRPLCINFO2Replacement Information: Case10CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
TOPMarket Risk Analyzer
148VTVBARNPVs of OTC transactions25CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
TOPMaster Data Distribution
149/ISDFPS/HRORG_CHHR Objects: Last Change (LAST_CHANGED)6CHANGE_TIMELast Change: Timenvarchar60
TOPNetweaver Business Client
150NWBC_CFG_GUI_TAGDefinition of SAPGUI Tags which can be linked to Chips16CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
151NWBC_C_GUI_TAGDefinition of SAPGUI Tags by Customer17CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
TOPPackage Tools
152PAKPARAM_LOGPackage Parameters Table5CHANGE_TIMEField of type TIMSnvarchar60
TOPPayment Transactions
153FPRL_HEADERList Header Data9CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
154FPRL_ITEMItem Data9CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
155FPRL_LOGList Log11CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
TOPProcess Controls
156GRPCRPLCINFOReplacement Information11CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
157GRPCRPLCINFO2Replacement Information: Case10CHANGE_TIMELast Changed Ondecimal150
TOPProduction Orders
158NAVP_PROFILENavigation Profile14CHANGE_TIMEChange Time of the Navigation Profilenvarchar60
TOPProfitability Analysis
159/EACA/TPMVARIProfitabiliy Analysis Variant11CHANGE_TIMEChanged atnvarchar60
160TKETRPROSAccess Log, Control8CHANGE_TIMECreation/change timenvarchar60
TOPReusable Components of Business Suite Foundation
161/BOBF/DM_CST_HDRCustomer Header11CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
162/BOBF/DM_LTXT_CLong Text Content10CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
163/BOBF/DM_LTXT_RTHeader Text Collection11CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
164/BOBF/DM_PRD_HDRProduct Header (Demo)14CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
165/BOBF/DM_SORD_RTSales Order Header15CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
166/BOFU/DM_PRD_HD1Header13CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
167/BOFU/DM_PRD_HDRHeader14CHANGE_TIMEChange Timedecimal150
168OIUE2_ESCH_ADDRProc 2.0 - Escheat - Addresses5CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
169OIUE2_ESCH_BAProc 2.0 - Escheat - BA24CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
170OIUE2_ESCH_HOLDProc 2.0 - Escheat - ASCII - Holder Record42CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
171OIUE2_ESCROWADDRProc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Addresses5CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
172OIUE2_RUN_HDRProc 2.0 - Run Header44CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPSAP NetWeaver Mobile - Use subcomponents
173MEALERTSTable for Client Alert Information for CCMS12CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
174MEALERTS_SAVETable for Client Alert Information for CCMS12CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
175MEMGMT_DEV_ALERTME: Current device alerts13CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
TOPSAP Records Management
176SRMALATTRLISAttribute Memory, Language-Independent, Single-Value6CHANGE_TIMELast Changed On/Atdecimal150
TOPService Data Download
177/BDL/HEADNachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)7CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
178BDLHEADNachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)7CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
179BDLSESSIONHEADNachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)7CHANGE_TIMEnvarchar60
TOPStock Transfers
180/SPE/T_SRCSTKTYPDisplay of source stock type5CHANGE_TIMETime last change was madenvarchar60
TOPSyntax, Compiler, Runtime
181SNAPTIDABAP Runtime Errors (Texts in SNAPT)6CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPTax Reporting
182OIUX3_MIG_CTRLTax Reporting - Migration Control42CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
183OIUX3_RPT_PROFTax Reporting - Reporting Profile22CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
184OIUX3_RUN_HDRTax Reporting - Run Header36CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
185OIUX3_TX_ASU_HDTax Reporting - Auto Suspend Header11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
186OIUX3_TX_BATXIDTax Reporting - Texas BA Tax ID9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
187OIUX3_TX_LEASETax Reporting - Texas Lease8CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
188OIUX3_TX_MASTERTax Reporting - Texas Master Data18CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
189OIUX3_TX_SOLTax Reporting - Statute of Limitation10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
190OIUX3_TX_SOLEHDTax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception Header7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
191OIUX5_OK_ASU_HDTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Auto Suspend Header10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
192OIUX5_OK_BATXIDTax 2.0 - Oklahoma BA Tax ID9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
193OIUX5_OK_MASTERTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data18CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
194OIUX5_OK_SOLTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Statute of Limitation9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
195OIUX5_OK_SOLEHDTax 2.0 - Statute of Limitation Exception Header6CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
196OIUX5_OK_ZVOLTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Zero Volume Reporting Master10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
197OIUX6_WY_ASU_HDTax 2.0 - Wyoming Auto Suspend Header11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
198OIUX6_WY_BAOPIDTax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator ID9CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
199OIUX6_WY_LCDOVRTax 2.0 - Wyoming Lease Condensate Override12CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
200OIUX6_WY_MASTERTax 2.0 - Wyoming Master Data22CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
201OIUX6_WY_SOLTax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limitation10CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
202OIUX6_WY_SOLEHDTax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limitation Exception Header7CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
203OIUX6_WY_ZVOLTax 2.0 - Wyoming Zero Volume Reporting Master8CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
204OIUX7_RUN_HDRTax 2.0 - WYGP Run Header35CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
205OIUX7_WY_MKTOVRTax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type Xref Override11CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
206OIUX7_WY_MPALLOCTax 2.0 - WYGP MP Allocation8CHANGE_TIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPTransaction Manager
207TRGT_USER_DATATR Position Management - User Data9CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
TOPTransfer to Financial Accounting
208TRPRT_PAYMENTSPersistent Data for Payment Requests56CHANGE_TIMELast Edited atnvarchar60
TOPVirtual Machine Container
209SVMCRT_COMP_CATCatalog of Installed Java Components10CHANGE_TIMELast changed atnvarchar60
210SVMCRT_CONFVMC Runtime: Configurations7CHANGE_TIMELast changed atnvarchar60
211SVMCRT_MOD_CATRepository of Installed Java Components5CHANGE_TIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPWeb Dynpro ABAP Rendering
212WDR_ADP_CHNGLOGChange Log of Web Dynpro Adapter Data7CHANGE_TIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPWeb Service and SOAP - ABAP
213SRTFT_QUEUEProcessing FIFO14CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
214SRTFT_QUEUE_LOGLog of SRT Configuration FIFO15CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
215SRT_DT_CFG_DIRSRT Design Time Configuration Data: Header Data7CHANGE_TIMETimenvarchar60
TOPWeb Services Tool
216CRMOST_GENSTATUSGeneration status of objects from CRM Open Services Tool10CHANGE_TIMETIME Data Element for SYSTnvarchar60