SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

118 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | CHNGBY

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
TOPAuthorizations and Access Control Context
1/PLMB/AUTH_OBSIDObject - Secure Identifier Assignment10CHNGBYUser IDnvarchar120
2/PLMB/AUTH_SIDRPSecure Identifier Repository10CHNGBYUser IDnvarchar120
3/PLMB/AUTH_UGSIDUser Entity - Secure ID - Activity List Assignment10CHNGBYUser IDnvarchar120
TOPCommand and Support Relationships
4/ISDFPS/FORCMDAttributes of Task Organization16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
5/ISDFPS/FORCMDIDSupply Relationship IDs13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
6/ISDFPS/FORMNTAttributes of Maintenance Relationships16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
7/ISDFPS/FORMNTIDIDs of Maintenance Relationships13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
8/ISDFPS/FOROTHAttributes of Additional Relationships16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
9/ISDFPS/FOROTHIDIDs of Other Relationships13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
10/ISDFPS/FORSUPAttributes of Supply Relationships16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
11/ISDFPS/FORSUPIDSupply Relationship IDs13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
12/ISDFPS/ORCMDTask Organizations22CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
13/ISDFPS/ORCMD1Task Organization, Basic Types of Dependent Attributes7CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
14/ISDFPS/ORMNTMaintenance Relationships22CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
15/ISDFPS/ORMNT1Maintenance Relationships, Basic Types, Dependent Attributes7CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
16/ISDFPS/OROTHAdditional Relationships22CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
17/ISDFPS/ORSUPSupply Relationships22CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
18/ISDFPS/ORSUP1Supply Relationships, Basic Types, Dependent Attributes7CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
19/ISDFPS/ORTOBTechnical Object Relationships (Maintenance)22CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
TOPConfiguration Control
20CCMHOLEStructure Gap Table11CHNGBYObject Changed by:nvarchar120
TOPCross-Application Components
21/PTGWFI/F_PIRAPSWorkflow Runtime Stack for Parked Invoices18CHNGBYUser Namenvarchar120
TOPEngineering Change Management
22EDGERelation Between Change Numbers11CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
23ENODENodes ECH9CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
TOPForce Element
24/ISDFPS/FORBEAttributes of HR - BE Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
25/ISDFPS/FORBEIDIDs of HR - BE Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
26/ISDFPS/FORCEForce Element (Database)35CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
27/ISDFPS/FORCEMAuthorized Materials25CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
28/ISDFPS/FORCEPMaterial Packages17CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
29/ISDFPS/FORCERReference Force Element (Database)11CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
30/ISDFPS/FORCE_PRIndividual Threshold Values for Readiness19CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
31/ISDFPS/FORCNAttributes of REC - HR Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
32/ISDFPS/FORCNIDIDs of HR - REC Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
33/ISDFPS/FORDELPlanned Delimitation and Deletion Operations16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
34/ISDFPS/FOREPAAttributes of the Force Element - EPA Relationships13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
35/ISDFPS/FOREPAIDIDs of the Force Element - EPA Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
36/ISDFPS/FORIPOFORCER: Authorized Infrastructure: Attributes13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
37/ISDFPS/FORIPOIDFORCER: Authorized Infrastructure: IDs12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
38/ISDFPS/FORMCAttributes of the Material Container-Force Element Relatshp13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
39/ISDFPS/FORMCHAttributes of the Material Container - HR Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
40/ISDFPS/FORMCHIDIDs of the HR - MC Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
41/ISDFPS/FORMCIDIDs of Material Container - Force Element Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
42/ISDFPS/FORMPHAttributes of the HR - MPO Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
43/ISDFPS/FORMPHIDIDs of the HR - MPO Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
44/ISDFPS/FORMPOAttributes of the Force Element - MPO Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
45/ISDFPS/FORMPOIDIDs of the Force Element - MPO Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
46/ISDFPS/FORRICAttributes of the Force Element - RIC Relationship13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
47/ISDFPS/FORRICIDIDs of the Force Element - RIC Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
48/ISDFPS/FORRRFORCER: RE Search Request: Attributes13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
49/ISDFPS/FORRRIDFORCER: RE Search Request: IDs12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
50/ISDFPS/FORTOBAttributes of Relationship to Technical Objects16CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
51/ISDFPS/FORTOBIDIDs of Relationship to Technical Objects13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
52/ISDFPS/FORVPAAttributes of the Force Element - PPA Relationships13CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
53/ISDFPS/FORVPAIDIDs of the Force Element - PPA Relationships12CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
TOPIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
54CPATYPECustomizing Table for iPPE Alternative Types13CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
55CPNTYPECustomizing Table for iPPE Node Type24CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
56CPPECNTLGeneral iPPE Customizing26CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
57CPRTYPECustomizing: iPPE Relationships26CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
58CPVSMDLModel Associations between the PVS Objects11CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
59CPVSMDLCModel Associations between the Customer-Spec. PVS Objects11CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
60CPVTYPECustomizing Table for the iPPE Variant Types19CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
61INSTANCEIDGeometric Instance: Identification13CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
62LINEBALLine Balance Versions in iPPE10CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
63MODMIXHModel Mix Header Data8CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
64OMC_BASICBasic Settings: Enhanced Dependency Editor6CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
65OMC_MCDEPDefine Scheme for Enhanced Dependency Editor58CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
66OMC_MDEPEnhanced Dependency Editor: Assign Scheme31CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
67PALTIDiPPE Alternative: Time-Independent ID and Attributes13CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
68PCOLMRColor Key Master Record6CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
69PFOCIDiPPE Focus Master Record10CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
70PNDALTAlternativensegment zum Positionsknoten9CHNGBYName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt geändert hat.nvarchar120
71PNDRELPositionsknotenbeziehung in der PVS10CHNGBYName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt geändert hat.nvarchar120
72PNODEPositionsknoten in der PVS11CHNGBYName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt geändert hat.nvarchar120
73PNODIDiPPE Node: Identification14CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
74POSVIDiPPE Variant: Identification13CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
75PPECPROOBJLNKiPPE Assignment Table: Object Links with cProjects15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
76PPEHDRiPPE Access Object21CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
77PPESPRECONDiPPE Status Precondition, Central Data9CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
78PPESSTATUSiPPE Status, Central Data12CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
79PRELACTRelationships for the SNP and Workshop Plan18CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
80PRELIDiPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
81PRGENGEN Relationships - Relationships Table18CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
82PROJIDiPPE Assignment Table: PS Objects15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
83PRPVRRelationship Between Variants: Identification and Attributes16CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
84PRSETSet Relationships: Table of Links17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
85PRTSTTest Relationships - Relationships Table19CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
86PVS_VSHEMEVariance Scheme for Structure Node13CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
87PXARCIDTable for Archiving Indicators for iPPE Objects16CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
88RPPNTiPPE Reporting Points8CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
89USRTICLASSClass Assignment for Tabular Maintenance of iPPE10CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
TOPLine Maintenance
90/ISDFPS/LM_MISMission9CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
91/ISDFPS/GEOLOCGeolocation Database Table29CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
92/ISDFPS/RICReportable Item Code17CHNGBYLast Changed bynvarchar120
TOPLogistical Requirements
93/ISDFPS/PRMPAIDiPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaster Data Distribution
94/ISDFPS/CCMHOLERReplication Table CCMHOLE11CHNGBYObject Changed by:nvarchar120
TOPMaterial Categories
95/ISDFPS/PRMPOAttributes of BOM Relationships14CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
96/ISDFPS/PRMPOCAttributes of Relationships Between Matl Container and MPO15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
97/ISDFPS/PRMPOCIDiPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
98/ISDFPS/PRMPOIDiPPE Relationship: Time-Independent ID and Attributes15CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduct and Process Modeling
99RLMFWOHRelease Order - Header Data12CHNGBYChanged bynvarchar120
100RLMFWOLRelease Order - Items24CHNGBYChanged bynvarchar120
101RCPT_PPMIG_CLASSRMS-RCP: Class Migration Log6CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
102RCPT_PPMIG_ROOTRMS-RCP: PP Migration Log6CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
103RCPT_PPMIG_STATSRMS-RCP: Migration Steps - Status6CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
TOPResourcen Management
104PREQRRMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Equipment Requirement17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
105PRPOBARMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Operation-Action17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
106PRPOBIRMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Assignment Relationshps f. Items17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
107PRPOBORMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Stage-Operation17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
108PRPOBRRMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Relationships Between Operations17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
109PRPOBSRMS-RCP: iPPE Relationship: Recipe-Stage, Process-Stage17CHNGBYName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
110RMSAT_STD_PARA_HRMS-ATL: Header Table Parameter Standardization13CHNGBYChanged Bynvarchar120
111RMSLA_HDHeader Data of Label Set6CHNGBYChanged Bynvarchar120
TOPRouting EBOM Assignment
112/PLMI/RTGRCALNKHRouting Component Assignment Link19CHNGBYUser Who Last Changed the Objectnvarchar120
113/PLMI/RTGRCASCOHRCA Planning Scope Version10CHNGBYUser Who Last Changed the Objectnvarchar120
TOPWarranty Claim Processing
114PNWTYHWarranty Claim Header (PVS Node)47CHNGBYName of Person Responsible Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
115PNWTYVWarranty Claim Version (PVS Node)43CHNGBYName of Person Responsible Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
116PRWTYiPPE Relationship: Time-Ind. Ident./Attributes Warranty15CHNGBYName of Person Responsible Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
117PVWTYWarranty Claim Item (PPE Variant)52CHNGBYName of Person Responsible Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
118WTY_PARTNER_TABPartner for Warranty Claim13CHNGBYName of Person Responsible Who Changed Objectnvarchar120