| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | /AIF/T_FINF | Interface definition | 61 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
2 | /SDF/IVISALEPNDG | ALE messages stuck in tRFC | 9 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
3 | IDXLOGDC40 | IDoc Adapter RFC Logging EDI_DC40 | 13 | CIMTYP | Extension (defined by customer) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
4 | TBDDAAGMESSAGE | Residence Times for Message Types or Partners | 4 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPALE Integration Technology |
5 | CIMHIS | Predecessors of Extension Types (until Release 3.1) | 1 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
6 | CIMSYN | Syntax Description for Extensions | 1 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
7 | EDCIM | Extensions | 1 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
8 | EDCIMT | Short Description of Extensions | 1 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
9 | EDIDC | Control record (IDoc) | 42 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
10 | EDIDO | Value table for IDoc types | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
11 | EDIDOCINDX | Control record (IDoc) | 42 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
12 | EDIFCT | IDoc: Assignment of FM to log. message and IDoc type | 4 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
13 | EDIMSG | Output Types and Assignment to IDoc Types | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
14 | EDISYN | Syntax Description for Extended Basic Types | 2 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
15 | EDP13 | Partner Profile: Outbound (technical parameters) | 20 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
16 | EDPPV | Proposal Values for Partner Fast Entry | 17 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
17 | EDVIEW | View of logical message for IDoc type | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
18 | IDXIDOCSYN | IDoc Adapter IDoc Syntax Description for each Port | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
19 | IDXSLOAD | IDoc Adapter Administration | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
20 | TBDMS | Assignment of message type to IDoc type | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPData Conversion |
21 | DMC_IDOC | Master Data for IDocs | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPDistribution Unit Distribution Packet |
22 | TUPS01ALE | ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types (Distributable) - Serv. | 4 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
23 | TUPS01D | Obsolete (Old Data) | 4 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPFinancial Accounting |
24 | FEDICUS | FI EDI Control for Calling Customer Functions per Segment | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPIntegration Server |
25 | IDXLNKOBJ | IDoc Adapter Link Segment Fields for Port | 3 | CIMTYP | Extension (defined by customer) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPSupplier Workplace |
26 | ISI_SWPBC | Partner agreement for document exchange via SWP + SAP BC | 12 | CIMTYP | Extension (customer extension of basic IDoc type) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |