SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

115 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | COLOR

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/SMERP/STG_MM001Data staging - Material master plant view complex table181COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
2/SMERP/STG_MM002Data staging - Material storage location view complex table181COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
3/SMERP/STG_MM003Data staging - Material UoM view complex table182COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
4/SMERP/STG_MM004Data staging - Material warehouse view complex table181COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
5/SMERP/STG_MM005Data staging - Material batch view complex table181COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
6/WSOPT/DWSDaily Work Schedule6COLORColor for ShiftTemplatenvarchar80
7/XPPM/EVA_C_KPICPPM CS EVA: KPI Customizing (color ranges)5COLORKPI colornvarchar20
8ABAP_ONLINE_ROOMABAP Online Community: Room members7COLORABAP ONline Community: Character 64nvarchar640
9DOUI_ELEMDBOS Cockpit: Screen Element23COLORDBOS Cockpit: IDnvarchar320
10EHFNDD_CHM_BINFOChemical - Basic Info9COLORColornvarchar210
11GRPC_STAT_COLORStatus Color details2COLORCharacter field, length 7nvarchar70
12QOD_STATUS_CQM Statuses Customizing5COLORStatus Colornvarchar60
13T457HMPS evaluation: hierarchy of MRP elements16COLORColor of curvetinyint30
14TN1PDS_OGCAAssignment of Occupational Group to Color4COLORColor of Progress Entrynvarchar70
15UMG_TEST_Bdata->string converstion test table1COLORnvarchar10
17UMG_TEST_DUnicode conversion test table1COLORnvarchar10
18UMG_TEST_GTest table2COLORSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
19UMG_TEST_QTest table1COLORnvarchar10
20UMG_TEST_RTest table2COLORSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
21YLP_MAST_LANEMASTER LANE TABLE5COLORColor code for lanenvarchar200
22ZEIMMARAUSING FOR STORING EIM MARA DATAS212COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
23ZRDB_DEL_DIR16.09.2009: Delete DIR50COLORNicht näher def. Bereich, evtl. für Patchlevels verwendbarnvarchar40
TOPAccount Determination
24T180SReporting: Display Variants: Fields19COLORColor of curvetinyint30
TOPAppointment Calendar
25SCAPPTTYPEAppointment Type11COLORAppointment Management: Color of Appts. of Certain Typesint100
TOPASAP Tools and Contents
26SMAPPR0Solution Map: Process category, main process, process4COLORSolution Map: Colornvarchar20
27WRF_APC_MPAMarkdown Profile Assignment5COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
TOPBasis Components
28/XFT/INV_C14Line coloring2COLORLine colornvarchar40
TOPBusiness Service Functions
29RTXTFFormat Table for Report Texts11COLORColornvarchar10
TOPCapacity and Resource Planning
30/MRSS/C_RM_ASSGCMaintain Colors for Assignments display5COLORAssignment Color Codenvarchar20
31/MRSS/C_RM_SRCHCColors for Search Results8COLORAssignment Color Codenvarchar20
TOPCapacity Leveling
32TCY66Curve representation3COLORColor category of curvenvarchar20
TOPClaims Management
33ICLITEMAUDamaged Vehicle19COLORColornvarchar100
34ICSITEMAUDamaged Vehicle19COLORColornvarchar100
35KSMLCharacteristics of a Class23COLORColornvarchar10
TOPClinical System
36N2AZLAYTRezeptierhilfe: GUI Layout Table6COLORGUI Struktur Layout Table COLORnvarchar10
37TN2CHART_COLOREnhances New Field MEDICATION_COLOR2COLORCharting: Colornvarchar150
38TN2CHART_COLOR_TCharting: Text Table for TN2CHART_COLOR3COLORCharting: Colornvarchar150
TOPComponent Integration Installation Windows Components
39ECLSTAMPSTable of All Existing Stamps for ECL Viewer6COLORint100
TOPConstruction Equipment Management
40J_3GLEIARTActivity Types11COLORCalendar: Color flagnvarchar10
TOPCross-Application Components
41BC430_PROTArchive for Logs of BC430_CHECK6COLORnvarchar10
42MMARAGeneral material data212COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
TOPData Collection
43TKEBXAdministration of exceptions7COLORColor in hierarchy graphicnvarchar20
TOPDatabase Monitors
44INFCFGALRSINFCFGCHECK: temp. storing of alert results6COLORINFCFGCHECK: Monit. attribute colornvarchar10
TOPEmployee Self-Service
45T77WWW_LECCColor codes for life event menu1COLORESS Color for life event frameworknvarchar80
46T77WWW_LECCPColor code allocation to service3COLORESS Color for life event frameworknvarchar80
47T77WWW_LECCTColor codes long texts for life event menu2COLORESS Color for life event frameworknvarchar80
TOPEnd User Technology
48RSRA_BP_RTXTFReport Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxth11COLORColornvarchar10
TOPEnterprise Service Framework Layer
49SCOL_PLANE_ADDON<cool> Ref. Flight Example: Additional Data for Aircraft3COLORntext10737418230
50LKSMLCharacteristics of a Class23COLORColornvarchar10
TOPEnvironment, Health and Safety
51TCGL3EHS: Report Applications18COLORColor display of a hierarchy nodenvarchar10
52COLORSEXCExcel Colors3COLORRow Index of Internal Tablesint100
53TLSU5SAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Colors3COLORName of colornvarchar400
54TWCOLPossible colors (W lib)2COLORColor in W interfacenvarchar110
55TWCOTTexts on Colors3COLORColor in W interfacenvarchar110
TOPI18N Unicode
57TECHED03_COLORSMultilangual demo data1COLORnvarchar10
58TECHED03_RESULT1Result table for Unicode outside communication exercises5COLORnvarchar10
59UMG_TEST_1Multilangual demo data1COLORnvarchar10
60UMG_TEST_2Multilangual demo data1COLORnvarchar10
61UMG_TEST_3Multilangual demo data1COLORnvarchar10
62UMG_TEST_4Multilangual demo data2COLORSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
TOPInventory Management
63MMIM_REP_PRINTPrint Settings, Reporting MM-IM7COLORDo Not Color Values After +/- Signnvarchar10
TOPLoans Management
64TDPR_ATTRTYPEAttribute Type2COLORColor display of a hierarchy nodenvarchar10
65RFITEMAP_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Vendor Transactions130COLORColor of Line Item in the Listnvarchar30
66RFITEMAR_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Customer Transactions130COLORColor of Line Item in the Listnvarchar30
67RFITEMGL_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the GL Account Transactions130COLORColor of Line Item in the Listnvarchar30
68TCNVFVariable overviews: Displayed fields16COLORVariable overviews: Colornvarchar10
69TCNVZVariable overviews: Displayed objects (lines)12COLORVariable overviews: Colornvarchar10
TOPMaintenance Orders
70/MRSS/C_DBM_STATThis Table maps DBM order status to graphical element type3COLORGraphic element typenvarchar20
71/MRSS/C_DSG_CLRHold the color details of the properties of the graph3COLORColors for chart engine graphnvarchar200
72/MRSS/C_DSG_COLColor Properties for Web Util Report4COLORWebDynpro:BarColornvarchar20
73/MRSS/C_DSG_TCOLTable to store the team colour properties3COLORColors for chart engine graphnvarchar200
TOPMaintenance Processing
74/MRSS/C_DPR_ACCLColor for showing resource availability(Assignment Calendar)3COLORColor code for Resource Availability(Assgn Calendar)nvarchar20
TOPManagement Cockpit
75UMM_DFT_T_RANGEDefault Value Range for Tachometer11COLORColor of Rangeint100
76UMM_FR119Table for Legend Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)5COLORColornvarchar100
77UMM_FR120Table for Graphics Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)4COLORColornvarchar100
TOPMaterial Groups
78WTREEVersion Management for Reclassification Trees18COLORColor display of a hierarchy nodenvarchar10
TOPMaterial Master
79MARAGeneral Material Data212COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
80MARA_TMPFile for Incorrect Data in Direct Input219COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
81MVRACross-version fields for MARA212COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
82WER_TEST_ARTICLESubset of articles used for testing8COLORColor of curvetinyint30
83WER_TEST_MARASubset of mara fields for testing7COLORColor of curvetinyint30
84WER_TEST_RESULTSubset of mara fields containing the result for testing7COLORColor of curvetinyint30
TOPPersonal Object Worklist
85POWL_EASY_DEFTTechnical Fields of Fieldcatalog for Easy-POWL Feeder31COLORnvarchar20
86N1PGCOLSTATColor Selection for Appointments8COLORSurgery Scheduling: Value for Colornvarchar80
TOPPortfolio Management
87RPM_DP_STATGRPDependency:Status Indicators group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
88RPM_PROJ_BDGRPProject Budget Status Group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
89RPM_PROJ_PRGRPProject Priority group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
90RPM_PROJ_RKGRPProject Risk Group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
91RPM_PROJ_SDGRPProject Schedule Status Group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
92RPM_PROJ_STGRPProject Staffing Status Group6COLORAlert Object Color Statusnvarchar70
TOPPrice Planning Workbench
93WRF_PPW_WORKLERRPPW Worklist Error Table4COLORCharacteristic Value that Describes a Colornvarchar180
94WRF_PPW_WORKLISTPPW Worklist4COLORCharacteristic Value that Describes a Colornvarchar180
TOPProcess Controls
95GRPCDEFTYPEDeficiency Type3COLORColornvarchar10
TOPProduct definition
96TFIPR_ATTRTYPEAttribute Category2COLORColor display of a hierarchy nodenvarchar10
TOPProfitability Analysis
97CEPRINTTable for description of print statement for CO-PA forms25COLORDisplay colornvarchar20
98CESETSSet Administration in the Report Painter13COLORDisplay colornvarchar20
TOPRisk Analysis
99JBRNODETXTAll Information for Display of Hierarchies14COLORColor display of a hierarchy nodenvarchar10
TOPRisk Assessment
100EHHSSC_RISKEVARisk Evaluations4COLORRisk Evaluation Colornvarchar10
101EHHSSC_RISKLVLRisk Levels6COLORRisk Level Colornvarchar10
TOPSAP Internet Transaction Server
102ITS_CSScontains cascading style sheets (css) for generator42COLORnvarchar250
TOPSAP Multiresource Scheduling
103/MRSS/C_SGX_CTPOJGantt Color Categories - Color Items4COLORRGB Color Code (Red, Green, Blue) Separated by Commasnvarchar110
TOPSAP Utilities
104SCODE_INSeal code9COLORCharacteristic Value for Colors of Variantsnvarchar180
TOPShift Planning
105T77EDShift Planning: Definition of Shifts23COLORColor Definition for Shift Abbreviation Fieldnvarchar10
106T77RQ_ICONIcon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Shift Planning5COLORColor Definition for Shift Abbreviation Fieldnvarchar10
107T77SP_STYLEColor and Character Formatting for Shift Planning4COLORColor Definition for Shift Abbreviation Fieldnvarchar10
TOPTime Data Recording and Administration
108TMW_TD_ATTRIBColor Attributes for Short IDs in the TMW4COLORColor Definition for Shift Abbreviation Fieldnvarchar10
TOPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
109OIJWLRCNOIL-TSW: Worklist Reason codes7COLOROIL-TSW: Colornvarchar20
TOPTravel Expenses
110T706_ABWHAbsence Types from Place of Work (PS; Separation Allowance)5COLORColor of Selected Days in Calendartinyint30
TOPTravel Planning
111TA20PPPPriority of Trip Rules3COLORColor of prioritynvarchar10
TOPUser and Authorization Management
112USKRIAEntry of Critical Auths for Report RSUSR0098COLORColor for WRITEtinyint30
TOPWaste Management
113TEWARESULTZIS-W: Allocation of fields to confirmation category13COLORColor Of Confirmation Fieldnvarchar200
TOPWithout Description
114RSHIENODESHierarchy Node(s)16COLORColor of Hierarchicy Nodenvarchar20
TOPWork Center
115TC30Work center category8COLORColor work center category for graphicsnvarchar110