SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

315 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | CPUTM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/BGLOCS/VATMAHDRVAT Margin Header13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
2BBP_RBKPDocument Header: Invoice Receipt10CPUTMTime of data entrynvarchar60
3CNV_20200_SNAPBackup table for TFK021_SNAP: Acct Balance: Current Snapshot5CPUTMTimenvarchar60
4CNV_20200_TABASStores the last runs of corresponding BUKRS per package ID7CPUTMnvarchar60
5DFKKPDCFI-CA: Postdated Checks8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
6DFKKPDC_RIDFI-CA: Check Deposit Run Information5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
7DFKKPRNHSEPA: Direct Debit Pre-Notifications (FI-CA)18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
8FIAPSAD_ADP_HDEmployee's Advance Payment Request Header Data9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
9FIAPSAD_ORDR_HDOrder Number Header KSA41CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
10FIBKRUD_CMO_HDConsolidated MO header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
11FIBKRUD_MEMORDERMemo Order for Banking RU10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
12FIEUD_FIDOC_HSAFT: FI Transaction Document Header46CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
13FIEUD_GOODS_HSAFT:XML:Goods Movement Header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
14FIPDCOM_LOGOman PDC Printing log12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
15FKKSK_VATRUNFI-CA Slovakia: VAT Ledger Report Runs12CPUTMTime of VAT Ledger Report Runnvarchar60
16FLQITEMMMPARK_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM Documents16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
17FLQITEMPARK_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents17CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
18FUDT_VDOCBKPFVerification Document Header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
19FUDT_VDOCBKPFHVerification Document Header(History)10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
20GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents60CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
21GLPCA_T_CTProfit Center Documents76CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
22GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
23GLPOS_C_DEB_CTGLPOS_C_CT Customer Line Items82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
24GLPOS_C_GL_CTGLPOS_C_CT G/L Line Items82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
25GLPOS_C_VEN_CTGLPOS_C_CT Vendor Line Items82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
26GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
27GLPOS_N_GL_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type82CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
28IDCN_3RFF4ADJDOCAdjustment Document Header9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
29J_1UF_FINAL_CLRClearing documents for which no tax documents needed7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
30J_1UF_ORD_IN_TAXOrder data used in tax vouchers and corrections14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
31J_1UF_TAX_POSExtended data of tax document positions11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
32MLAUFHHistory table for summarized MLAUF data21CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
33MLAUFKEPHHHistory table for summarized MLAUFKEPH data17CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
34T093DControl dep. posting18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
35VIYCSETTLSTEPCAM Settlement Step Information16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
36ZSAWAActual line item table42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
37ZSAWPPlan line items table122CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
38ZSEMBPSAActual line item table38CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
39ZSEMBPSPPlan line items table118CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
40ZSPLITAIsteinzelposten-Tabelle42CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
41ZSPLITPPlaneinzelposten-Tabelle122CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
42ZZ001AActual Line Item Table49CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
43ZZ001PPlan Line Items Table129CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
44ZZLINEAActual line item table43CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
45ZZLINEPPlan line items table107CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
46ZZSL01AActual line item table51CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
47ZZSL01PPlan line items table131CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
48ZZSPECAActual line item table42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
49ZZSPECPPlan line item table106CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
50CMACDB_FEEHDFee Calculation Document Header9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
51PIQDB_NL_ADDRMaintain GBA Address5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
52PIQDB_NL_CRIHOCRIHO Changes39CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
53TCMACGRHDGrants Document Header8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPAccounting Interface
54GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
55GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPAccrual Engine
56ACEDSOHAccrual Subobject Header Data12CPUTMTime at which the accrual subobject was added/changednvarchar60
57ACEPSOHAccrual Subobject: Header Data in Posting Component8CPUTMTime at which the accrual subobject was added/changednvarchar60
58ACEPSPPLOGLogical Periodic Accrual Run8CPUTMTime data was entered atnvarchar60
TOPActual CostingMaterial Ledger
59CKMLKALNRMaterial Ledger: Cost Estimate Number Control7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
60MLAUFMaterial Ledger Item Table for Order History20CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
61MLAUFKEPHML: Cost Component Split (Components) for Order History16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
62MLBEMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction19CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
63MLBEHMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction19CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
64MLHDMaterial Ledger Document: Header13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPActual Payments and Forecast
65COFPDocument Lines (project cash management)68CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPActual Update and Commitment Update
66GTR_NOTIFY_TRIGTrigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPAlternative Valuation Run
67CKMLAVRDOCClosing Document for Cumulation6CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPAsset Accounting
68APERB_ITEMSLog Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FI9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPAvailability Control
69FMAVCAActual line item table41CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
70FMAVCPPlan line items table89CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
71MYMP1Receipt Data LFIO/FIFO Valuation16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
72MYMP1RStorage for Invoice Differences (LIFO/FIFO)15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
73MYSEG_EXTRACTDocument Segment: Material10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPBasic Functions
74ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
75FILCAFI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables52CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
76FILCPFI-LC: Plan line items for object table130CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
77FLQITEMC1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast from Securities14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
78GGREFAExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)44CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
79GGREFPExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)124CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
80GLFUNCAActual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
81GLFUNCPPlan Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting106CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
82GLFUNCURollup line item tables with function area for IDES42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
83GLFUNCVRollup plan line items table with function area for IDES106CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
84GLP0Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
85GLPO1Plan Line Items for Object Table132CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
86GLPO2Plan Line Items for Object Table Global140CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
87GLPO3Plan Line Items for Object Table132CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
88GLREFAExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
89GLREFPExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)122CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
90GLREFUExample for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)44CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
91GLREFVExample for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)124CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
92GLSO1FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO153CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
93GLSO2FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure corresponds to GLS261CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
94GLSO3FI-SL LI Table with Objects for GLTO353CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
95TABASLogging of periodic posting runs in FI-AA6CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPBasis Components
96ZDS400_BKPFBelegkopf für Buchhaltung10CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
97FMBDAActual line item table42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
98FMBDPFM Budget change line items table90CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
99FMRBAActual line item table40CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
100FMRBPPlan line items table88CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPCash Budget Management
101FMCLHDCash Budget Management: Clearing Information for Posting7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
102GLISDEAActual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)54CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
103GLISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)118CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
104GRISDEAActual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup54CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
105GRISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup118CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
106VVKKTAXREPTax Reporting ITA: Data for Tax Report33CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
107ECMCASAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)51CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
108DFKKCJCCash Desk Closing Data11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
109DFKKCJFTransfer Accepted Payments10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
110DFKKCJMCash Journal Master Data5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
111DFKKCJTTransaction Data for Cash Journal12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
112DFKKCOPALog Table for COPA Transfer7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
113DFKKDDADebit Memo Notification9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
114DFKKESRPOR Payment Supplement17CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
115DFKKEXCExternal Payment Information31CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
116DFKKEXCJCash Journal: Data Store for Inbound Services23CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
117DFKKEXC_SUMExternal Payment Information: Totals Records15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
118DFKKEXC_SUM_HISTCash Desk Closing History (DFKKEXC_SUM)16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
119DFKKKOHeader Data in Open Item Accounting Document9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
120DFKKMKOHeader data for sample contract accounting document9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
121DFKKORDERRequests: Header Data19CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
122DFKKORDER_SRequest Templates: Header Data19CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
123DFKKPOHPayment Order: Header Data24CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
124DFKKPREPERRFailed Prepaid Balance Changes in SAP CC6CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
125DFKKPREPREVFlagged Reversals for Top-Up Documents of Prepaid Accounts7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
126DFKKRDIRevenue Distribution38CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
127DFKKRDI_BWLast Extraction to Business Intelligence (BI)4CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
128DFKKREGOBJRegistered Objects for Messages to Be Created10CPUTMSystem Timenvarchar60
129DFKKREP06Tax Report Data (Invoicing Time or Triggered)36CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
130DFKKREP06_STax Report Data - Shadow Table for Posting Date36CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
131DFKKREP07Tax Report Data (Clearing Time)42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
132DFKKTHI_HISTHistorical Entries of DFKKTHI12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
133DFKKTHI_SUM_HISTHistorical Entries of DFKKTHI_SUM9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
134DFKKWOHTMPTemporary Write-Off History22CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
135DFKKZARepayment Request29CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
136FKKDIHDRFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - header5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
137FKKDIHDTMPFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
138FKK_UMBHIHistory of Transfer to Another Account10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
139TFK021_SNAPAccount Balance: Current Snapshot4CPUTMTime of Creation of Snapshot (Account Balance)nvarchar60
140COPPP_HDRCO Postprocessing List - Headers37CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
141SURDOCHEADERSurvey documents: header information7CPUTMSurvey document time creatednvarchar60
TOPCost Element Accounting
142COFIPSingle plan items for reconciliation ledger118CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
143COFISActual line items for reconciliation ledger55CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPCost Object
144FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header34CPUTMTime At Which Document Was Enterednvarchar60
TOPCross-Application Components
145BKKPFAccounting document header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPEnhancements to scheduling agreements MM Outbound
146ISAUTOEKLWESLast Deliveries for FLAB11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
147ISAUTOEKLWESHLast Deliveries for FLAB11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPExcise Duty
148/BEV2/EDMSEExcise Duty Document Table67CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPFinancial Accounting
149ACCTHDCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
150AVIKPayment Advice Header24CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
151BKPFAccounting Document Header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
152EBKPFFin.Accntng Doc.Header (of Docs from Extern.Systems)12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
153FBICRC001AICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents32CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
154FBICRC001PNot in use47CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
155FBICRC002AICRC: GL Accounts: Documents32CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
156FBICRC002PNot in use47CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
157FBICRC003AICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents33CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
158FBICRC003PNot in use48CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
159FBICRC01020Not in use12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
160ICRC05G/L Account Reconciliation - Details on Last Data Selection5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
161KMKPFFI: Account Assignment Model Header Information11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
162VBKPFDocument Header for Document Parking13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPFinancial Services Localization
163/CEEIS/RUAActual line item table53CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
164/CEEIS/RUPPlan line items table133CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPFlexible Real Estate Management
165VIPRLEDTAGRAIsteinzelposten-Tabelle32CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
166VIPRLEDTAGRPPlaneinzelposten-Tabelle96CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
TOPFund Accounting
167FMCCAVCAActual line item table38CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
168FMCCAVCPPlan line items table86CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
169FMPPFUNDItems for Partial Payment by Fund Process23CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPFunds Management
170FCABPFI-CA: Document Item56CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
171FMCNAIFM Line Items with Active CCN Logic11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
172FMEPFI-FM Line Items51CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
173FMFG_PO_SUBSETZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
174FMFG_PO_ZEKKNZEKKN data for all FI items referencing service POs16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
175FMFG_SAV_FACTS1ASaved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 60044CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
176FMFG_SAV_FACTS2ASaved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 60048CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
177FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGASaved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 60044CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
178FMFG_YBA_DELTAFMFG: Year of Budget Authority - Timestamp5CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
179FMFYCVAValue Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
180FMIAActual Line Item Table for Funds Management45CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
181FMIOICommitment Documents Funds Management73CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
182FMIOICCNEarmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
183FMIPPlan Line Items Table for Funds Management77CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
184FMSPLITAActual line item table46CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
185FMSPLITPPlan line items table78CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
186FMUSFGAActual line item table for US Federal Government.44CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
187FMUSFGFACTS1A4Actual line item table44CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
188FMUSFGFACTS1PPlan line items table75CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
189FMUSFGFACTS2AActual line item table48CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
190FMUSFGFACTS2PPlan line items table79CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
191FMUSFGPPlan line items table75CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
192FMZUCHChange information on allocation of CO Object to FM Object7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
193FMCJIS-PS: Documents in Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
194PAYOHPayment Order - Header Data10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
195PSOKPFRecurring Request Document Header14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
196BKPF_ADDAccounting Document Header10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
197FAGLCOFITRACELog of Real-Time Integration CO->FI6CPUTMTiem When Log Entry Creatednvarchar60
198FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTLFI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals Records46CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
199FAGL_MIG_RPITEMSMigration in New G/L: Objects To Be Posted Subsequently14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
200FAGL_QUEUE_LOGLog of Delta Queue for Error Analysis47CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
201GLFLEXAFlexible general ledger: Actual line items46CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
202GLFLEXPFlexible G/L: Plan line items124CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPGeneral Ledger Reorganization
203FAGL_R_PER_TRACKReorganization: Log of Changed Posting Periods13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPGrantee Management
204GMAVCAActual line item table41CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
205GMAVCPPlan line items table105CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
206GMIAActual Line Item Table40CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
207GMIPPlan line items table87CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPInformation system
208FMBKABSTIS-PS: Bestände im Kassennebenbuch7CPUTMUhrzeit der Erfassungnvarchar60
TOPInspection Lot Completion
209QAMBQM: Link Between Inspection Lot and Material Document9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
210TZIN1Document Header Data from Source Document (PS Int.Calc.)10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPInventory Management
211MARIShort document: material movement15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
212MKPFHeader: Material Document10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
213MWMKPFHeader Table for the Interface3CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPInvoice Verification
214RBDIFFKOInvoice Verification - Conditions22CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
215RBKPDocument Header: Invoice Receipt10CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
216RSEG_TMTM Document Items Incoming Invoice24CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
217JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items118CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
218JVPSC01AActual line item table52CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
219JVPSC01PPlan line item table116CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
220JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO154CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
221JVSO2JV Billing FI-SL Line Item38CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
222PSAHDPSA Document Header16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
223PSCHDPSC document header16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
224T8JEVJoint venture event table9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
225T8J_GJCB_REVCutback reversal control table14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
226T8J_JVECJVA equity change document relationship30CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
227T8PSA_COST_ADJPSA Cost Adjustment27CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
228T8PSA_EVENTPSA Event table9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
229T8PSA_PREPOSTPreliminary Posting29CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
230T8PSA_STOCK_ADJPSA Stock Adjustment20CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPLease Accounting
231FILA_GF_ITEMCHAHObject Data: Value ID Change Header Information18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
232FILA_GF_ITEMDATAProcess Data59CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
233FILA_GF_PROCINFOObject Data: Processing Info for Process8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
234J_1AINFW_FILESForeign Currency Inflation Adjustment: File Management6CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
235J_1IBONDExcise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond master28CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
236J_1ICALOCAllocation of materials to assets16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
237J_1IEWTPROVTable for TDS provisions18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
238J_1IEWT_CERTIFCertificate Issued Details-EWT India15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
239J_1IEWT_CERTIF_NCertificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCO15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
240J_1IEXCDTLExcise invoice line item details66CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
241J_1IEXCHDRExcise invoice header detail47CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
242J_1IITMDTLItem Details - for Capital goods and subcontracting31CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
243J_1ILICDTLExcise Bonding: License detail17CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
244J_1ILICHDRExcise Bonding: License Header15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
245J_1IPART1Excise part I detials25CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
246J_1IPART2Excise Part II details36CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
247J_1IRG1Excise RG1 details42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
248J_1ISERVCService tax details25CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
249J_1ISER_BSEGTransaction table having the Invoices with Service Category29CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
250J_1ITAXDEPDepreciation computation as per Income Tax (India)15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
251J_1ITDSClassic TDS - reference table39CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
252J_2IACCBALOpening/Closing a/c balance table12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
253J_2IEXDATERegister Extraction Dates8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
254J_2IEXTRCTData Extract table for Excise Registers9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
255J_2IREGBALOpening/Closing balance table for Raw & Capital goods14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
256J_2IRG1BALOpening/Closing balance table for RG122CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
257J_2IUTZDATUtilization dates8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
258J_3RFTAXRATax Accounting: Actual line item table53CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
259J_3RFTAXRPTax Accounting: Plan line item table101CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
260J_3RFTAXRVATax Accounting: Actual line item table53CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
261J_3RFTAXRVPTax Accounting: Plan line item table101CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
262J_3RKKRSAccount correspondence line items32CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
263RFIDPTAAVPro-Rata Asset Acquisition Value20CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
264RFIDPTDCADPro-Rata DPR adjustment documents14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
265RFIDPTPCADPro-Rata periodic PPR calculation adjustment documents14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPMaterials Management
266RPOD_IDXGoods Movement Synchronized with a SUS/ICH System8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPOverhead Cost Controlling
267COBKCO Object: Document Header36CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
268DFKKBOHBoleto: Header data27CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPPegging, Grouping, and Distribution
269DIS_ADMINDistribution - Administration Table23CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
270PEG_ADMINPegging - Administration Table15CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPPeriodic Material Valuation
271CKMLCUMDOCClosing Document for Cumulation6CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPProduct Cost by Period
272CEZPReporting Points Line Items25CPUTMTime At Which Document Was Enterednvarchar60
TOPProduction Orders
273FUNOCMFunction marked for Order Change Management21CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
274FUNREQFunction marked for PP/PS9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPProfit Center Accounting
275GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items35CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
276GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items110CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
277T8A_ALLOCPostprocessing of Allocations for BS Accts in Profit Centers8CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
278DFMCAILOTPSCD: Approval List Installment Plans31CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
279EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document29CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
280EKBEHRemoved PO History Records29CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
281EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs22CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
282EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs22CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPRegulatory reporting for insurance companies
283ISSRFLDEAActual line item table76CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
284ISSRFLDEPPlan line items table156CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
285/BEV3/CH1030BKPFHeader Data for CH Event Ledger 0000103012CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
286/BEV3/CHFIAActual line item table40CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
287/BEV3/CHFIPPlan Line Items Table120CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
288/BEV3/CHVGRAActual line item table42CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
289/BEV3/CHVGRPPlan Line Items Table122CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPRetail Ledger
290PCRRETAILAActual line item table41CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
291PCRRETAILPPlan line items table121CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPSAP Credit Management
292DFKKCMSCredit Management: Master Data Replication7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
293DFKKCRPCreditworthiness Record: Generating Actions18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
294DFKKOBLIDPartner Messages for SAP Credit Management Update7CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPSAP Retail Store
295WSTI_POS_EVENTPhysical Inventory in an Opened Store: POS Trans by Receipt12CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPSpecial Purpose Ledger
296/CCIS/PBU18APBU18: Actual line item table55CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
297/CCIS/PBU18PPBU18: Plan line item table135CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPSupply Chain Management
298ERPTM_IV_DATATM 8.0 TCM-ERP Invoice Integration Data Table20CPUTMSystem Entry Timenvarchar60
299TCM_D_IV_INDEXTM 7.0 TCM-ERP Invoice Integration Indextable20CPUTMSystem Entry Timenvarchar60
TOPTariffs, Duties and Permits
300OIHEDAActual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger56CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
301OIHEDPPlan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger136CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
302OIHSLATDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table61CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPTransfer to Financial Accounting
303TRACTSLAActual Line Item Table34CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
304TRACTSLPPlan Line Items Table114CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
305FLQHEADMALiquidity Calculation - Header for Manual Transfer Postings11CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
306FLQITEMBSLiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Bank Statement Docs20CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
307FLQITEMD1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from Loans17CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
308FLQITEMFILiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Other FI Documents18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
309FLQITEMFI_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
310FLQITEMFI_TPLiquidity Calculation: Actual Line Items at Top Level20CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
311FLQITEMPO_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM POs16CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
312FLQITEMPR_FCLiquidity Calc. Forecast - Line Items, Purchase Requisitions14CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
313FLQITEMSO_FCLiquidity Calculation-Forecast Line Items from Sales Orders13CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
314FLQITEMT1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans.18CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60
TOPVendor Evaluation
315EVAL_IV_RES_HDResults of Vendor Evaluation (Header)9CPUTMTime of Entrynvarchar60