SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

323 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | CRENAM_SEG

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1ESH_OM_ALCONFLayout Configurations15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
2ESH_OM_AOTYPDObject Types: Predecessor Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
3ESH_OM_AOTYPNLObject Types: Nodes: Layout Templates10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
4ESH_OM_AOTYPNRPObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
5ESH_OM_AOTYPNRPFObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives: Field Mappings11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
6ESH_OM_AOTYPNRPVObject Types: Nodes: Related perspectives: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
7ESH_OM_AOTYPNRRVObject Types: Nodes: Related requests: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
8ESH_OM_CLCONFLayout Configurations15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
9ESH_OM_COTYPDObject Types: Predecessor Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
10ESH_OM_COTYPNLObject Types: Nodes: Layout Templates10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
11ESH_OM_COTYPNRPObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
12ESH_OM_COTYPNRPFObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives: Field Mappings11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
13ESH_OM_COTYPNRPVObject Types: Nodes: Related perspectives: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
14ESH_OM_COTYPNRRVObject Types: Nodes: Related requests: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
15ESH_OM_DDLEnterprise Seaerch: DDL to be activated2CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
16ESH_OM_ILCONFLayout Configurations15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
17ESH_OM_IOTYPDObject Types: Predecessor Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
18ESH_OM_IOTYPNLObject Types: Nodes: Layout Templates10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
19ESH_OM_IOTYPNRPObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
20ESH_OM_IOTYPNRPFObject Types: Nodes: Related Perspectives: Field Mappings11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
21ESH_OM_IOTYPNRPVObject Types: Nodes: Related perspectives: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
22ESH_OM_IOTYPNRRVObject Types: Nodes: Related requests: Fixed Values13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
TOPNetWeaver Enterprise Search
23ESH_OM_AAUTHCAuthoritzation Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
24ESH_OM_AAUTHCPBPath based Authorization Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
25ESH_OM_AAUTHCTAuthorization Checks: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
26ESH_OM_AAUTHCVPBPath based Authorization Checks: Check Values for Free Style12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
27ESH_OM_AAUTHNCNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Values11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
28ESH_OM_AAUTHNFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Assg.13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
29ESH_OM_AAUTHNLNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
30ESH_OM_AAUTHNNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects:8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
31ESH_OM_AAUTHNSNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
32ESH_OM_AAUTHOFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
33ESH_OM_AAUTHONWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
34ESH_OM_AAUTHONWTSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
35ESH_OM_ACATEGCategories12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
36ESH_OM_ACATEGTCategories: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
37ESH_OM_ACATTRCommon Attributes12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
38ESH_OM_ACATTRTCommon Attributes: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
39ESH_OM_ACATTRUCommon Attributes: Usage Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
40ESH_OM_ADPRVDData Providers19CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
41ESH_OM_ADPRVDFData Providers: Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
42ESH_OM_ADPRVDFLData Providers: Filters10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
43ESH_OM_ADPRVDFLCData Providers: Filters: Filter Conditions15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
44ESH_OM_ADPRVDFLTData Providers: Filters: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
45ESH_OM_ADPRVDGData Providers: Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
46ESH_OM_ADPRVDGDData Providers: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
47ESH_OM_ADPRVDGFData Providers: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
48ESH_OM_ADPRVDGTData Providers:. Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
49ESH_OM_ADPRVDTData Providers: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
50ESH_OM_AOTYPObject Types32CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
51ESH_OM_AOTYPCObject Types: Assignment to Categories9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
52ESH_OM_AOTYPKKeywords for Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
53ESH_OM_AOTYPNObject Types: Nodes23CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
54ESH_OM_AOTYPNAObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
55ESH_OM_AOTYPNAFObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers: Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
56ESH_OM_AOTYPNATObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers: Description9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
57ESH_OM_AOTYPNBNObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
58ESH_OM_AOTYPNBNFObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Field Assignments10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
59ESH_OM_AOTYPNBNTObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
60ESH_OM_AOTYPNCObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
61ESH_OM_AOTYPNCCObject Types: Nodes: Assignment of Authorization Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
62ESH_OM_AOTYPNCCLObject Types: Nodes: Logical Conjunctions of Auth. Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
63ESH_OM_AOTYPNCCRObject Types: Nodes: Assign. of Auth. Checks: Node Ass10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
64ESH_OM_AOTYPNCFObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Assig. to Node Fields9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
65ESH_OM_AOTYPNCTObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
66ESH_OM_AOTYPNFObject Types: Nodes: Node Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
67ESH_OM_AOTYPNGFObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
68ESH_OM_AOTYPNGFDObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
69ESH_OM_AOTYPNGFFObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
70ESH_OM_AOTYPNGFTObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
71ESH_OM_AOTYPNPObject Types: Nodes: Members of Node11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
72ESH_OM_AOTYPNQObject Types: Nodes: Requests22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
73ESH_OM_AOTYPNQFObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Fields20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
74ESH_OM_AOTYPNQFBObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Backend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
75ESH_OM_AOTYPNQFCObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Common Attr.9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
76ESH_OM_AOTYPNQGObject Types: Nodes: Request Attribute Groups12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
77ESH_OM_AOTYPNQGDObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
78ESH_OM_AOTYPNQGFObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
79ESH_OM_AOTYPNQGTObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
80ESH_OM_AOTYPNQNObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
81ESH_OM_AOTYPNQRObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
82ESH_OM_AOTYPNQTObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
83ESH_OM_AOTYPNRFObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
84ESH_OM_AOTYPNRFBObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Backjend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
85ESH_OM_AOTYPNRFUObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Assignment to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
86ESH_OM_AOTYPNRGObject Types: Nodes: Response Attribute Groups12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
87ESH_OM_AOTYPNRGDObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
88ESH_OM_AOTYPNRGFObject Types: Nodes: Resp.Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
89ESH_OM_AOTYPNRGTObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
90ESH_OM_AOTYPNRGUObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attr. Groups: Assignm. to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
91ESH_OM_AOTYPNROAssignment of Roles to Nodes10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
92ESH_OM_AOTYPNRRObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
93ESH_OM_AOTYPNRRFObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests: Field Mappings12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
94ESH_OM_AOTYPNTObject Types: Nodes: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
95ESH_OM_AOTYPPObject Types: Navigation Paths13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
96ESH_OM_AOTYPPSObject Types: Navigation Paths15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
97ESH_OM_AOTYPQNObject Types: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
98ESH_OM_AOTYPQRObject Types: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
99ESH_OM_AOTYPTObject Types: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
100ESH_OM_AOTYPTVObject Types: Transvol9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
101ESH_OM_AOTYPUObject Type Usages14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
102ESH_OM_AOTYPUFObject Type Usage: Fields Relevant for Usage16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
103ESH_OM_AOTYPUGAttribute Groups for TbO Usage Fields11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
104ESH_OM_AOTYPUGFObject Types: TbO Usage: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
105ESH_OM_AOTYPUGTObject Types: TbO Usage.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
106ESH_OM_AOTYPUTObject Type Usage Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
107ESH_OM_ARELATRelations20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
108ESH_OM_ARELATFRelations: Field Assignments13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
109ESH_OM_ARELATFVRelations: Fixed Values14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
110ESH_OM_CAUTHCAuthoritzation Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
111ESH_OM_CAUTHCPBPath based Authorization Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
112ESH_OM_CAUTHCVPBPath based Authorization Checks: Check Values for Free Style12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
113ESH_OM_CAUTHNCNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Values11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
114ESH_OM_CAUTHNFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Assg.13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
115ESH_OM_CAUTHNLNWObs:SAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Ctrl Flds16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
116ESH_OM_CAUTHNNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects:8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
117ESH_OM_CAUTHNSNWObs:SAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Ctrl Flds10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
118ESH_OM_CAUTHOFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
119ESH_OM_CAUTHONWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
120ESH_OM_CCATEGCategories12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
121ESH_OM_CCATTRCommon Attributes12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
122ESH_OM_CCATTRUCommon Attributes: Usage Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
123ESH_OM_CDPRVDData Providers19CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
124ESH_OM_CDPRVDFData Providers: Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
125ESH_OM_CDPRVDFLData Providers: Filters10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
126ESH_OM_CDPRVDFLCData Providers: Filters: Filter Conditions15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
127ESH_OM_CDPRVDGData Providers: Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
128ESH_OM_CDPRVDGDData Providers: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
129ESH_OM_CDPRVDGFData Providers: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
130ESH_OM_CDPRVDGTData Providers: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
131ESH_OM_COTYPObject Types32CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
132ESH_OM_COTYPCObject Types: Assignment to Categories9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
133ESH_OM_COTYPKKeywords for Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
134ESH_OM_COTYPNObject Types: Nodes23CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
135ESH_OM_COTYPNAObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
136ESH_OM_COTYPNAFObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers: Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
137ESH_OM_COTYPNBNObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
138ESH_OM_COTYPNBNFObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Fields Assignments10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
139ESH_OM_COTYPNCObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
140ESH_OM_COTYPNCCObject Types: Nodes: Assignment of Authorization Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
141ESH_OM_COTYPNCCLObject Types: Nodes: Logical Conjunctions of Auth. Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
142ESH_OM_COTYPNCCRObject Types: Nodes: Assign. of Auth. Checks: Node Ass10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
143ESH_OM_COTYPNCFObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Assig. to Node Fields9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
144ESH_OM_COTYPNFObject Types: Nodes: Node Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
145ESH_OM_COTYPNGFObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
146ESH_OM_COTYPNGFDObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
147ESH_OM_COTYPNGFFObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
148ESH_OM_COTYPNGFTObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
149ESH_OM_COTYPNQObject Types: Nodes: Requests22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
150ESH_OM_COTYPNQFObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Fields20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
151ESH_OM_COTYPNQFBObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Backend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
152ESH_OM_COTYPNQFCObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Common Attr.9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
153ESH_OM_COTYPNQGAttribute Groups for Request Fields12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
154ESH_OM_COTYPNQGDObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
155ESH_OM_COTYPNQGFObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
156ESH_OM_COTYPNQGTObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
157ESH_OM_COTYPNQNObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
158ESH_OM_COTYPNQRObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
159ESH_OM_COTYPNRFObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
160ESH_OM_COTYPNRFBObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Backend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
161ESH_OM_COTYPNRFUObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Assignment to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
162ESH_OM_COTYPNRGObject Types: Nodes: Response Attribute Groups12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
163ESH_OM_COTYPNRGDObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
164ESH_OM_COTYPNRGFObject Types: Nodes: Resp.Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
165ESH_OM_COTYPNRGTObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
166ESH_OM_COTYPNRGUObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attr. Groups: Assignm. to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
167ESH_OM_COTYPNROAssignment of Roles to Nodes10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
168ESH_OM_COTYPNRRObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
169ESH_OM_COTYPNRRFObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests: Field Mappings12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
170ESH_OM_COTYPPObject Types: Navigation Paths13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
171ESH_OM_COTYPPSObject Types: Navigation Paths Steps15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
172ESH_OM_COTYPQNObject Types: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
173ESH_OM_COTYPQRObject Types: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
174ESH_OM_COTYPUObject Type Usages14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
175ESH_OM_COTYPUFObject Type Usage: Fields Relevant for Usage16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
176ESH_OM_COTYPUGAttribute Groups for TbO Usage Fields11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
177ESH_OM_COTYPUGFObject Types: TbO Usage: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
178ESH_OM_COTYPUGTObject Types: TbO Usage.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
179ESH_OM_CRELATRelations20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
180ESH_OM_CRELATFRelations: Field Assignments13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
181ESH_OM_CRELATFVRelations: Fixed Values14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
182ESH_OM_CSWASGNSwitch Assignments12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
183ESH_OM_IAUTHCAuthoritzation Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
184ESH_OM_IAUTHCPBPath based Authorization Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
185ESH_OM_IAUTHCTAuthorization Checks: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
186ESH_OM_IAUTHCVPBPath based Authorization Checks: Check Values for Free Style12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
187ESH_OM_IAUTHNCNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Values11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
188ESH_OM_IAUTHNFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Assg.13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
189ESH_OM_IAUTHNLNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
190ESH_OM_IAUTHNNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects:8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
191ESH_OM_IAUTHNSNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
192ESH_OM_IAUTHOFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
193ESH_OM_IAUTHONWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
194ESH_OM_IAUTHONWTSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
195ESH_OM_ICATEGCategories12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
196ESH_OM_ICATEGTCategories: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
197ESH_OM_ICATTRCommon Attributes12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
198ESH_OM_ICATTRTCommon Attributes: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
199ESH_OM_ICATTRUCommon Attributes: Usage Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
200ESH_OM_IDPRVDData Providers19CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
201ESH_OM_IDPRVDFData Providers: Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
202ESH_OM_IDPRVDFLData Providers: Filters10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
203ESH_OM_IDPRVDFLCData Providers: Filters: Filter Conditions15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
204ESH_OM_IDPRVDFLTData Providers: Filters: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
205ESH_OM_IDPRVDGData Providers: Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
206ESH_OM_IDPRVDGDData Providers: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
207ESH_OM_IDPRVDGFData Providers: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
208ESH_OM_IDPRVDGTData Providers:. Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
209ESH_OM_IDPRVDTData Providers: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
210ESH_OM_IE_BUFFERFile Upload - Data Provider Metadata (File)8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
211ESH_OM_IOTYPObject Types32CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
212ESH_OM_IOTYPCObject Types: Assignment to Categories9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
213ESH_OM_IOTYPKKeywords for Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
214ESH_OM_IOTYPNObject Types: Nodes23CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
215ESH_OM_IOTYPNAObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
216ESH_OM_IOTYPNAFObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers: Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
217ESH_OM_IOTYPNATObject Types: Nodes: Operational Data Providers: Description9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
218ESH_OM_IOTYPNBNObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
219ESH_OM_IOTYPNBNFObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Field Assignments10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
220ESH_OM_IOTYPNBNTObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
221ESH_OM_IOTYPNCObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
222ESH_OM_IOTYPNCCObject Types: Nodes: Assignment of Authorization Checks9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
223ESH_OM_IOTYPNCCLObject Types: Nodes: Logical Conjunctions of Auth. Checks14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
224ESH_OM_IOTYPNCCRObject Types: Nodes: Assign. of Auth. Checks: Node Ass10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
225ESH_OM_IOTYPNCFObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Assig. to Node Fields9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
226ESH_OM_IOTYPNCTObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
227ESH_OM_IOTYPNFObject Types: Nodes: Node Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
228ESH_OM_IOTYPNGFObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
229ESH_OM_IOTYPNGFDObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
230ESH_OM_IOTYPNGFFObject Types: Nodes: Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
231ESH_OM_IOTYPNGFTObject Types: Nodes: Node Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
232ESH_OM_IOTYPNPObject Types: Nodes: Members of Node11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
233ESH_OM_IOTYPNQObject Types: Nodes: Requests22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
234ESH_OM_IOTYPNQFObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Fields20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
235ESH_OM_IOTYPNQFBObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Backend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
236ESH_OM_IOTYPNQFCObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Request Fields: Common Attr.9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
237ESH_OM_IOTYPNQGObject Types: Nodes: Request Attribute Groups12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
238ESH_OM_IOTYPNQGDObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
239ESH_OM_IOTYPNQGFObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
240ESH_OM_IOTYPNQGTObject Types: Nodes: Req.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
241ESH_OM_IOTYPNQNObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
242ESH_OM_IOTYPNQRObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
243ESH_OM_IOTYPNQTObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
244ESH_OM_IOTYPNRFObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
245ESH_OM_IOTYPNRFBObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Backjend Names8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
246ESH_OM_IOTYPNRFUObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Assignment to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
247ESH_OM_IOTYPNRGObject Types: Nodes: Response Attribute Groups12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
248ESH_OM_IOTYPNRGDObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Hierarchy9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
249ESH_OM_IOTYPNRGFObject Types: Nodes: Resp.Attribute Groups: Field Assignment9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
250ESH_OM_IOTYPNRGTObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
251ESH_OM_IOTYPNRGUObject Types: Nodes: Resp. Attr. Groups: Assignm. to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
252ESH_OM_IOTYPNROAssignment of Roles to Nodes10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
253ESH_OM_IOTYPNRRObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
254ESH_OM_IOTYPNRRFObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests: Field Mappings12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
255ESH_OM_IOTYPNTObject Types: Nodes: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
256ESH_OM_IOTYPPObject Types: Navigation Paths13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
257ESH_OM_IOTYPPSObject Types: Navigation Paths15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
258ESH_OM_IOTYPQNObject Types: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
259ESH_OM_IOTYPQRObject Types: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
260ESH_OM_IOTYPTObject Types: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
261ESH_OM_IOTYPUObject Type Usages14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
262ESH_OM_IOTYPUFObject Type Usage: Fields Relevant for Usage16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
263ESH_OM_IOTYPUGAttribute Groups for TbO Usage Fields11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
264ESH_OM_IOTYPUGFObject Types: TbO Usage: Attribute Groups: Field Assignmnt9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
265ESH_OM_IOTYPUGTObject Types: TbO Usage.: Attribute Groups: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
266ESH_OM_IOTYPUTObject Type Usage Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
267ESH_OM_IRELATRelations20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
268ESH_OM_IRELATFRelations: Field Assignments13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
269ESH_OM_IRELATFVRelations: Fixed Values14CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
270ESH_OM_LOGCONTYAuthorization Types8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
271ESH_OM_LOGSYSLogical Systems12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
272ESH_OM_LOGSYSAAssignment of Logical Systems to Software Component Versions10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
273ESH_OM_LOGSYSTLogical Systems: Descriptions8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
274ESH_OM_SAUTHNCNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Values11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
275ESH_OM_SAUTHNFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Field Assg.13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
276ESH_OM_SAUTHNLNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
277ESH_OM_SAUTHNNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects:8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
278ESH_OM_SAUTHNSNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Assg. of Auth. Objects: Control Flds10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
279ESH_OM_SAUTHOFNWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
280ESH_OM_SAUTHONWSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects11CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
281ESH_OM_SAUTHONWTSAP_NW Authorizations: Authorization Objects: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
282ESH_OM_SCATEGCategories12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
283ESH_OM_SCATEGTCategories: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
284ESH_OM_SDPRVDData Providers19CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
285ESH_OM_SDPRVDFData Providers: Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
286ESH_OM_SDPRVDFLData Providers: Filters10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
287ESH_OM_SDPRVDFLCData Providers: Filters: Filter Conditions15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
288ESH_OM_SDPRVDFLTData Providers: Filters: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
289ESH_OM_SDPRVDTData Providers: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
290ESH_OM_SOTYPObject Types32CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
291ESH_OM_SOTYPCObject Types: Assignment to Categories9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
292ESH_OM_SOTYPKKeywords for Object Types10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
293ESH_OM_SOTYPNObject Types: Nodes23CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
294ESH_OM_SOTYPNBNObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations16CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
295ESH_OM_SOTYPNBNFObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Fields Assignments10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
296ESH_OM_SOTYPNBNTObject Types: Nodes: Backend Navigations: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
297ESH_OM_SOTYPNCObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
298ESH_OM_SOTYPNCFObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Assig. to Node Fields9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
299ESH_OM_SOTYPNCTObject Types: Nodes: Authority Checks: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
300ESH_OM_SOTYPNFObject Types: Nodes: Node Fields22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
301ESH_OM_SOTYPNQObject Types: Nodes: Requests22CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
302ESH_OM_SOTYPNQFObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Fields20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
303ESH_OM_SOTYPNQNObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
304ESH_OM_SOTYPNQRObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
305ESH_OM_SOTYPNQTObject Types: Nodes: Requests: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
306ESH_OM_SOTYPNRFObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields17CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
307ESH_OM_SOTYPNRFUObject Types: Nodes: Response Fields: Assignment to UI Area9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
308ESH_OM_SOTYPNROAssignment of Roles to Nodes10CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
309ESH_OM_SOTYPNRRObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
310ESH_OM_SOTYPNRRFObject Types: Nodes: Related Requests: Field Assignment12CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
311ESH_OM_SOTYPNTObject Types: Nodes: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
312ESH_OM_SOTYPPObject Types: Navigation Paths13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
313ESH_OM_SOTYPPSObject Types: Navigation Paths15CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
314ESH_OM_SOTYPQNObject Types: Queries: Nodes9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
315ESH_OM_SOTYPQRObject Types: Queries: Relations9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
316ESH_OM_SOTYPTObject Types: Descriptions9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
317ESH_OM_SRELATRelations20CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
318ESH_OM_SRELATFRelations: Field Assignments13CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
319ESH_OM_SYSGRPSystem Groups9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
320ESH_OM_SYSRELProduct Versions26CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
321ESH_OM_SYSRELDSoftware Component Versions: Dependency Control Specific.8CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
322ESH_OM_SYSRELMSoftware Components: Mapping Appliance <-> Backend9CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120
323ESH_OM_UI_AREAUI Area7CRENAM_SEGName of Person Who Created the Segmentnvarchar120