SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

123 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | CRTIM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1BKK_OPD_IT_EXTExternal Item Selection Table - Outgoing Payment Dispatcher48CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
2CCGLT_PRTREQ_HDREHS: Print Request Header Table9CRTIMCreation Time of Print Requestnvarchar60
3CCGLT_PR_HDR_UT2EHS: Print Request Header Table Test Data for Unit Test13CRTIMCreation Time of Print Requestnvarchar60
4CNVLTHCM_STATUSStatus of Path Determination6CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
5CNV_10020_ACTActions - Header data10CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
6CNV_10020_CDOBJHCondition objects: Header data9CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
7CNV_10020_CFOBJHConcatenated/fragmented objects: Header data10CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
8CNV_10020_CONDConditions - Header data10CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
9CNV_10020_DTFLDAssignment of determination to tables and fields23CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
10CNV_10020_DTOBJHDetermination objects11CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
11CNV_10020_FVOBJFixed value objects11CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
12CNV_10020_PATHDetermination paths: Header data26CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
13CNV_10020_RCOMPAssignment of rules to non-transp. field components14CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
14CNV_10020_RDTOBJAssignment of rules to determination object components14CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
15CNV_10020_RULERules - Header data9CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
16CNV_10020_VLISTValue lists - Header data10CRTIMCreation timenvarchar60
17T049CEvaluation of the Autocash Tapes3CRTIMTape Creation Timenvarchar60
18T7UNPF_FI_ADDETAdditional Details23CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
19T7UNPF_FI_ADJUSAdjustments15CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
20T7UNPF_FI_CONTRContributions11CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
21T7UNPF_FI_MISCEFinancial Interface Misc. Transactions13CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
22T7UNPF_FI_OPRHDOperation Header13CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
23T7UNPF_FI_STFHDStaff Member Header Table11CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
24T7UNPF_FI_TRANSAdditional Details36CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
25T7UNPF_HR_ADDRAddress18CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
26T7UNPF_HR_CHILDChild details19CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
27T7UNPF_HR_CNTRCContract details18CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
28T7UNPF_HR_DEPNDDependent details19CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
29T7UNPF_HR_DSDuty Station details10CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
30T7UNPF_HR_EMAILEmail Information12CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
31T7UNPF_HR_LANGLanguage Allowance10CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
32T7UNPF_HR_LWOPLeave Without Pay11CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
33T7UNPF_HR_OPRHDOperation Header12CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
34T7UNPF_HR_PARTParttime Details10CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
35T7UNPF_HR_PHONEPhone Information12CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
36T7UNPF_HR_SALSalary details12CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
37T7UNPF_HR_SECONStaff Secondment details13CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
38T7UNPF_HR_SEPStaff Member Separation details13CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
39T7UNPF_HR_STAFFStaff Member Table21CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
40T7UNPF_HR_STFHDStaff Member Header Table14CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
TOPAccount Management
41BKK42_NTCMaster Data for Notice and Allowances18CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
42BKKNTCNotice: Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice19CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPAddress ManagementBusiness Address
43SADRAddress Management: Company Data42CRTIMAddresses: Creation timenvarchar60
44SADRPAddress Management: Personal Data18CRTIMAddresses: Creation timenvarchar60
TOPApplication-Specific Upgrade
45/ASU/HEADERASU Version Header7CRTIMField of type TIMSnvarchar60
TOPBank Customer Accounts
46BKKCORRITEMAuxiliary Table: Payment Items for Adjustments93CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
47BKKSOBCA: Standing Orders38CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
48BKK_PRENOTEPrenotes39CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
49NIHC_DB_PO_PNTASource Document for Incoming Payment Orders43CRTIMTime when the object was created or changednvarchar60
50NIHC_DB_PO_STATStatus of Payment Order9CRTIMTime when the object was created or changednvarchar60
51TBKKCORRBCA: Table showing if Correspondence is Active5CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPBusiness Partner
52BPOBTABPartner-Object Relationship15CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPConfiguration management
53IBINCMIB: Config.Mang.: Component/Instance27CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
54IBSPCMIB: Config.Mang.: Specialization20CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
55IBSTCMIB: Conf.Mang.:Structure8CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
56DFKKIP_ITMPayment Specification: Related Items15CRTIMPayment Specification: Time of Creation of Itemnvarchar60
57DFKKIP_ITMVPayment Specification: Preselected Items12CRTIMPayment Specification: Time of Creation of Itemnvarchar60
TOPFinancial Supply Chain Management
58BNK_BTCH_STREFStatus reference10CRTIMCreate Timenvarchar60
TOPFSCM In-House Cash
59IHC_DB_PNSource Document for Incoming Payment Orders89CRTIMCreated Atnvarchar60
60IHC_DB_PN_STATUSIHC: Payment Order Status15CRTIMTime when the object was created or changednvarchar60
TOPGL transfer
61BKKC01Gen.Ledger: Reconciliation Key Accounting Documents10CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
62BKKC30Gen. Ledger: Log for Transfer Postings (Bal.Sh.Prep., etc.)8CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
63BKKCNOITGLTable of Items not Updated on the Account41CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
64BKKCVAAdministration Table Individual Value Adjustment12CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPGlobal Trade Services
65/SAPSLL/XLCLICSTemporary Table for Upload Licenses: License Status5CRTIMTimenvarchar60
TOPInstalled Base
66IBADDRIBase: Business Address Services Connection9CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
67IBIBIB: Installed Base/IBase4CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
68IBINIB: IBase Components - Condition27CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
69IBINTXIBase: Text for the Instance10CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
70IBSPIB: Installed Base Component - Enhancement/Specialization20CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
71IBSTIB: Installation Component - Structure8CRTIMTime (UTC) at which the object was createddecimal150
TOPMaster Data
72BCA_US_HLD2RELHold Records which have not been released - Dual Control25CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
73BCA_US_HOLDHold Amounts Which Affect Available Balance24CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPMaster Data Synchronization
74BC001Business Partner: Assign Vendor - Partner6CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
75BD001Business Partner: Assignment Customer - Partner6CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
76CVI_CUST_CT_LINKConnec. Between Relationship + Activity Partner for Customer7CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
77CVI_CUST_LINKAssignment Between Customer and Business Partner6CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
78CVI_VEND_CT_LINKConnec. Between Relationship + Activity Partner for Vendor7CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
79CVI_VEND_LINKAssignment Between Vendor and Business Partner6CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPNon Profit Organizations
80T7UNPF_MI_ACTCOUNJSPF Monthly Interface Activity Control Table10CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
81T7UNPF_MI_BISTAUNJSPF Monthly Interface Break in Service13CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
82T7UNPF_MI_CHLDRUNJSPF Monthly Interface Children Table23CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
83T7UNPF_MI_DEPNDUNJSPF Monthly Interface Export key24CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
84T7UNPF_MI_PARTTUNJSPF Monthly Interface Part Time Table11CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
85T7UNPF_MI_PRTCIUNJSPF Monthly Interface Participant Table25CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
86T7UNPF_YI_SCHEUNJSPF Yearly Interface data table14CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
TOPPayment Item
87BKKITPayment Item93CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
88BKKITAIInfo Items for Interest Penalty at Balancing26CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
89BKKITENQBlocked Payment Items93CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
90BKKITRELPayment Item93CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
91BKKITTMPPlanned Payment Items94CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
92BKKITTMP_DELPlanned Payment Items - Completed94CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPPayment Order
93BKKPOHDPayment Order, Header Data32CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
94BKKPOHD_TMPPlanned Payment Order, Header Data33CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
95BKKPOHD_TMP_DELPlanned Payment Order, Header Data33CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPProduct Safety
96CVCHEEHS: Event buffer for report shipping5CRTIMEntry Timenvarchar60
97CVDDHEHS: Report shipping orders108CRTIMEntry Timenvarchar60
98CVDPHDDS: OBSOLETE !! DDOC log, header record19CRTIMEntry Timenvarchar60
TOPProgress Tracking
99TSTNTExpediting Status Information10CRTIMTimenvarchar60
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
100FMOPBLDocument Reference IS-PS <=> IS-PS-CA8CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPReal Estate Management
101BPOBIMMOBusiness Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate26CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPRecycling Administration Core Functions
102J_7LSADRAddress Management: Company Data42CRTIMAddresses: Creation timenvarchar60
103LINKAGERelationships11CRTIMEntry timenvarchar60
TOPStakeholder Relationship Management
104USC_CONTACTSRM Contact: Central Storage of Contacts16CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
105USC_CONT_DOCSRM Contact: Documents10CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
106USC_CONT_KWDSRM Contact: Keywords7CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
107USC_CONT_RELSRM Contact: Related Contacts7CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
108USC_CONT_STHSRM Contact: Stakeholders13CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
109USS_STAKEHOLDERSEM-SRM: Specific Master Data of Stakeholder11CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
110USS_STH_COVERSEM-SRM: Relationship Stakeholder and Coverage7CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
111USS_STH_EXPECTSEM-SRM: Expectations of Stakeholders17CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
112USS_STH_INFLSEM-SRM: Influence of Stakeholders12CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
113USS_STH_SHARESEM-SRM: Shares of Stakeholders11CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
114USS_STH_STH_GRPSEM-SRM: Group of Stakeholders10CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPUse AP-MD-BP Components
115BUT000BP: General data I78CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
116BUT000_TDBP: General Data I, Shadow Table Time Dependency79CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
117BUT000_TDSBP: General Data I, Shadow Table Time Dependency80CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
118BUT050BP relationships/role definitions: General data14CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
119BUT050SBP Relationships/Role Definitions: General Data15CRTIMTime at which the object was creatednvarchar60
TOPUse Subcomponents
120SOFDSAPoffice: Object Definition16CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
121SOODSAPoffice: Object definition18CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
122SORFSAPoffice: Replication Table19CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60
123SOUDSAPoffice: user definition10CRTIMTime creatednvarchar60