SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1128 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | ERNAM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/BIC/B0000178000PSA for 2LIS_11_VAITM T90CLNT090 Sales Doc. Item46ERNAMnvarchar120
2/BIC/B0000179000PSA for 2LIS_11_VASCL T90CLNT090 Sales Doc. Schedule56ERNAMnvarchar120
3/BIC/B0000181000PSA for 2LIS_11_VAKON T90CLNT090 Sales Document Cond.36ERNAMnvarchar120
4/BIC/B0000183000PSA for 2LIS_12_VCITM T90CLNT090 Delivery Item41ERNAMnvarchar120
5/BIC/B0000184000PSA for 2LIS_13_VDHDR T90CLNT090 Bill.Doc.Header Data12ERNAMnvarchar120
6/BIC/B0000186000PSA for 2LIS_13_VDKON T90CLNT090 Billing Docu. Cond.32ERNAMnvarchar120
7/CCEE/FISC_BSFiscalization Croatia: Business Space Master Data10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
8/CCEE/FISC_BS_RGFiscalization Croatia: Business Space Registration6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
9/CCEE/FISC_CDFiscalization Croatia: Charg Device/Bill Machine Master Data6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
10/CCEE/FISC_CROAFiscalization Croatia: Fiscalized documents13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
11/GSINS/INH_RIDHHCM-FSCD: List of HCM Posting runs to be processed11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
12/PTGWFI/IEM_DCVWOptura IE monitor report completed item table7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
13/PTGWFI/IEM_WFVWOptura IE monitor report completed item table7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
14/SAPF15/DATAF15 Belege (Daten)8ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
15/SAPF15/DATADECOF15 Belege (XPRA_DECOMPRESS)8ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
16/SAPF15/ELKOGESF15 ELKO Daten GES Dateien16ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
17/SAPF15/ELKOHKR1F15 ELKO Daten aus HKR 137ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
18/SAPF15/ELKOHKR2F15 ELKO Daten aus HKR 2 Satzart 2 + HKR 646ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
19/SAPF15/ELKOHKR4F15 ELKO Daten aus HKR 428ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
20/SAPF15/ELKOHKR5F15 ELKO Daten aus HKR 532ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
21/SAPF15/ELKOHKRZF15 ELKO Daten aus HKR 2 Satzart 321ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
22/SAPF15/ELKOZM_VF15 Daten aus ZÜV 101, alte Versionen28ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
23/SAPF15/ELKOZUV1F15 ELKO Daten aus ZÜV 10027ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
24/SAPF15/ELKOZUV2F15 ELKO Daten aus ZÜV 20024ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
25/SAPF15/ELKOZUV5F15 ELKO Daten aus ZÜV 50023ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
26/SAPF15/ELKOZUV6F15 ELKO Daten aus ZÜV 60021ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
27/SAPF15/ELKOZUV9F15 ELKO Daten aus ZÜV 90017ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
28/SAPF15/ELKOZUVMF15 Daten aus ZÜV 10127ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
29/SAPF15/F15F15 Belege (Kopfdaten)13ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
30/SAPF15/F15B01F15 B01 Belege21ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
31/SAPF15/F15B02F15 B02 Belege41ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
32/SAPF15/F15E02F15 E02 Belege16ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
33/SAPF15/F15HF15 Belege (Kopfdaten Historie)14ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
34/SAPF15/RMF15 Rückmeldung Klärungsbestand16ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
35/SAPF15/SMF15 SEPA Mandat9ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
36/SAPSLL/CUSWLADLink for Requesting External Customs Declaration Replicates11ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
37/SMERP/STG_MM005Data staging - Material batch view complex table203ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
38/SMERP/STG_PM001Data staging - Equipment complex table10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
39/SMERP/STG_PM002Data staging - Functional Location complex table14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
40/SMERP/STG_PM003Data staging - Equipment List Set - Hdr - complex tab10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
41/SMERP/STG_PM004Data staging - Equipment list set - Measuring Points18ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
42/SMERP/STG_PM008Data staging - Functional Loc. List Set - Hdr - complex tab14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
43/SMERP/STG_PM009Data staging - Func. Loc. List Set - Meas. Pts - cmplex tab18ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
44BKKPOMNDPayment order Enriched with Mandate details13ERNAMUser who Created the Current Version of the Mandatenvarchar120
45CFDI_REQ_MXMX:CFDI request details12ERNAMCreated By (Username)nvarchar120
46CFDI_RESP_MXMX: CFDI Response Details16ERNAMCreated By (Username)nvarchar120
47CFDI_STAT_LOG_MXMX: CFDI Status Log Details10ERNAMCreated By (Username)nvarchar120
48CMCBC_APPR_CODEApproval Process Code4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
49CMM_D_IDXCommodity Management: Index Table34ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
50CNV_20100_SKA1CNV backup copy for SKA17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
51CNV_20100_SKB1CNV backup copy for SKB19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
52CNV_20200_RF180Copy of RF180 with new AFTLF to determine AFTLF-Mapping10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
53CNV_20800_KNVKCNV backup copy: Customer master contact person69ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
54COPC_ACCOUNTCash Account32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
55DFKKBPLOCKFI-CA: Business Partner Locks8ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
56DFKKBPLOCKHFI-CA: Business Partner Locks - History10ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
57DFKKCFKWLHKWL: KPI Cockpit Worklist (Header Data)4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
58DFKKCJT_WDRWHCash Journal: Historical Data for Withdrawal Posting13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
59DFKKPARTADJTrigger for Adjustment of Partner Billable Items17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
60DFKKPDCFI-CA: Postdated Checks9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
61DFKKPDC_RIDFI-CA: Check Deposit Run Information6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
62DFKKPRNHSEPA: Direct Debit Pre-Notifications (FI-CA)23ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
63DFKK_ACCADJAdjustment Postings when Implementing Acct Assgmt Chars16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
64DFKK_MA_BPEligible Business Partners10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
65DFKK_MA_HHeader Data of Master Agreement7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
66DFKK_MA_PRAllowed Products12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
67DFKK_MA_SRRecipient of Service10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
68DFKK_NEWACCADJObsolete: See DFKK_ACCADJ16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
69DFKK_VT_DCT: Discounts on Provider Contract11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
70DFKK_VT_TRCT: IDs of Provider Contract (Technical Resources)12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
71ECOMP_GRP_BRBrazil: Compensation Groups21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
72ECOMP_REL_BRBrazil: Define Energy Compensation Relationships10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
73ECRM_MIOMR_TMPTemporary MR Data15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
74EDOCLNRXMLeDocument Chile: Number Range XML5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
75ETOU_COMP_REL_BRBrazil: Define Compensation Relationships within TOU Groups7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
76FKKID_EXP_ITM_ACr.Mem.&Exp.Conf.: Export Confirmation Items16ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
77FKKID_VAT_ITM_ACr.Mem.&Exp.Conf.: VAT Transfer Items12ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
78HRPADNLP_LOG0015NL Pens: infortype 0015 log for Payroll Process22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
79HRPADNLP_LOGIMMENL Pens: Immediate Payments - log for Payroll Process17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
80HRPADNLP_LOGSTATNL Pens: Person posting status for FICA11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
81IDGT_GTDHGT Document Header26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
82IDGT_GTDIGT Document Item12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
83IDGT_GTDMMapping of SAP Document and GT Document12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
84IDGT_VATHVAT Invoice Header20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
85IDGT_VATIVAT Invoice Item15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
86IDGT_VATMMapping of GT Document and VAT Invoice6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
87IDREPFW_STORHRep.Framework: Data Storage - Headers8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
88MEV_D_AD_ITEMPeriod-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
89MEV_D_AD_ROOTPeriod-End Valuation: Accruals Document Root27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
90MEV_D_WL_ITEMPeriod-end valuation: Worklist item12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
91PA3362HR Master Record: Infotype 336225ERNAMEmployer namenvarchar600
92REMOB_T_ACTIVITYActivity History master data9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
93REMOB_T_LOGVisit History9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
94T184Sales Documents: Item Category Determination18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
95T184LSales Documents: Item Category Determination18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
96T7TRK09IFRS : Posting Record8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
97TEWA_EL_OBJBHBehavioral Control (Behavior)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
98TVEPZSales Document: Schedule Line Category Determination14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
99WBRDAgency Business: Bank Data Suspense Account6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
100WSPT_LIKPDocuments For Portugal Webservice15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
101WSPT_LIKP_REJRejected documents for Portugal Webservice8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
102ZCATSDBRecords changed with processing status '10'75ERNAMnvarchar120
103ZCATSDB2Records changed with processing status '10'76ERNAMnvarchar120
104ZEIMMARAUSING FOR STORING EIM MARA DATAS4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
105ZEIM_LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
106ZEIM_VBAKSales Document: Header Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
107ZEIM_VBAPSales Document: Item Data79ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
108ZIDOC_CREATEIDocs zu denen ein ZALEAUD geschrieben wurde3ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
109ZSMSMcontrol table for SMS in SD3ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
110ZSMSVcontrol table for SMS in SD3ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
111ZSMSV2control table for SMS in SD3ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
TOPActual CostingMaterial Ledger
112CKMLMV001Procurement alternatives41ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
113CKMLMV005Consumption alternatives29ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
114CKMLMV013Assignment table: Process for production order22ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
115CKMLMV014Assignment table: Procurement alternative for order6ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
TOPAdvertising Management
116JHTAKIS-M/AM: Settlement Run Sales Document Header4ERNAMCreated Bynvarchar120
117TJH05IS-M/AM: Billing: Document Types35ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPAgency Business Global Trade
118WBPAAgency Business: Business Partner Assignment6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
119WBRCAgency Business: Complaints9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
120WBRFDocument flow vendor billing document/settlement request10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
121WBRFNDocument Flow of Reference Document to Agency Document10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
122WBRKAgency business: Header24ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
123WBRPAgency business: Item37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
124WLFD_IVRHDRAgency Bus.: DB table for Invoice Request Header14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
125AUBFDocument Flow SAP Retail (Allocation Table, Promotions...)20ERNAMName of Person Who Changed Objectnvarchar120
126AUFGAllocation Table Sub-Item, Store Group15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
127AUFIAllocation Table, Document Sub-item, Stores12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
128AUKOAllocation Table Document Header12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
129AUPOAllocation Table Document Item10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
130SVKOAllocation Rule / IS-R Allocation20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
131SVPOSAllocation Rule Items / SAP IS-R Allocation15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
132SVUPAllocation Rule Sub-Item (Stores)11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPAppropriation Requests
133IMAKAppropriation requests - general data7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
134IMAVAppropriation request variant5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
135IMAVCCalculations Copied from Variants to WBS Elements9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPAssortment List
136WBBHAssortment list header12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPAssortment Maintenance
137WRSZAssignment of assortment user to assortment14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
138WSOFModule Assignment (SAP Retail) to Plants7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
139WSOHAssortment Modules SAP Retail8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
140WSOJOBDefinition of Jobs for Assigning a Plant to an Assortment9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
141WSOPModules SAP Retail / Item Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
142CATSHRCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to HR61ERNAMUser Who Created Data Recordnvarchar120
143BNKABank master record5ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
144SEPA_MANDATESEPA Mandate13ERNAMUser who Created the Current Version of the Mandatenvarchar120
145SEPA_MANDATE_LCHSEPA Administration: Global Locks (History)7ERNAMAuthornvarchar120
146SEPA_MANDATE_LCKSEPA Mandate Management: Global Locks6ERNAMAuthornvarchar120
147TIBANIBAN8ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
TOPBank Master Data
148TBCHAIN0Definition bank chains9ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
149TBCHAIN1Bank chains10ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
TOPBasic Functions
150AKKPDocumentary Payment Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master - Header Data67ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
151ANARAsset Types3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
152ANGAAsset catalog general data3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
153ANGBAsset catalog deprec. area7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
154ANKAAsset classes: general data3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
155ANKBAsset class: depreciation area7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
156ANKPAsset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
157ANLAAsset Master Record Segment8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
158ANLBDepreciation terms8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
159EIEIForeign Trade: Export/Import Communication Data19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
160EMBKLegal Control: License Master - Header Data30ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
161FTCOMTForeign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
162FTGOVPAForeign Trade: Periodic Declarations12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
163KNKKCustomer master credit management: Control area data11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
164KNMTCustomer-Material Info Record Data Table6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
165SKB1G/L account master (company code)8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
166SKM1Sample G/L accounts8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
167TVAKSales Document Types32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
168TVAPSales Document: Item Categories23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
169TVEPSales Document: Schedule Line Categories15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
170TVFKBilling: Document Types14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
171TVLKDelivery Types21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
172TVLPDeliveries: Item Categories20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
173TVSTZOrganizational Unit: Shipping Points per Plant18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
174VBSKCollective Processing for a Sales Document Header4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPBasic functions
175VEKPHandling Unit - Header Table18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPBasis Components
176ZDS400_HEAD2Tabelle für Beispielprogramm des ZDS4003ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
177ZDS400_VBAKTabelle für Beispielprogramm des ZDS4005ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
178ZSALES_ORD_HEADSales Order Header (IDES DEMO)5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
179ZSALES_ORD_ITEMSales Order Item(IDES Demo)14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
180VBRKBilling Document: Header Data48ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
181VBRPBilling Document: Item Data71ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
182VRKPASales Index: Bills by Partner Functions11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
183VRPMASD Index: Billing Items per Material10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
184OIIGMMHGMM: Meter history15ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
185OIIGMMKGMM: General meter header table28ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
186OIIGMMMGMM: Meter/Material assignment9ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
187OIIGMMSGMM: Meter/Storage object assignment6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
188OIIOTWSKBDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set header5ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
189OIISCPWKSCP: Site control parameters (plant) - IS-Oil BDRP39ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
190OIISLVCHSilo calibration history index9ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
191OIISLVCKOSilo: Calibration - LVC (strap) set header32ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
192OIISOCTSSSOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> SO (IS-Oil BDRP)9ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
193OII_DIP_MVMTRelated stock derived from SOC material assignment19ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
TOPBusiness Partner
194DFKKBPCL_IMPImport Data of Business Partner Duplicates6ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
195TIVBPVENDORCMPVendor Preassignment (CoCd Data)5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
196TIVBPVENDORGENVendor Preassignment (General Data)14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCapacity and Resource Planning
197/MRSS/D_RM_HEADRRequest Details5ERNAMCreated Bynvarchar300
TOPCapital Investments
198ANIADepr. simulation for invest. projects9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
199CUSDCustomizing: Class/Config: Screendesigner8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
200WCOCOPCondition Contract: Partner Assignment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPClinical System Dispatch - Recipient27ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
TOPCoding Block
202TCOBNCoding Block: Customer Fields9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
203DIMAIOBIO: Header Data for Insurance Object in FS-CD7ERNAMIO: Technical User That Creted Insurance Objectnvarchar120
204DIMAIOBPARIO: Insurance Object-Partner Relationship in FS-CD4ERNAMIO: Technical User That Creted Insurance Objectnvarchar120
205VVKKIHISTIOBSec. Acct Int. Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: History (Detail)11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
206KONAAgreements11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
207KONDConditions (Data)5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
208KONHConditions (Header)3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
209KOTF501Sales Organization / Distribution Channel / Division6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
210AFFWGoods Movements with Errors from Confirmations5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
211AFRCIncorrect cost calculations from confirmations7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
212AFRHHeader information for confirmation pool5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
213AFRH_DELBackup Copy of Header Information for Confirmation Pool5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
214AFRP0Table of planned changes for confirmation (PDC)4ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
215AFRUOrder Confirmations5ERNAMName of the person who entered the confirmationnvarchar120
TOPConstruction Equipment Management
216/SAPCEM/BDKOHeader Data for Requisition Note16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
217/SAPCEM/BDPORequisition Note Item20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
218/SAPCEM/INVENTURInitial Entry of Stock Balances16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
219J_3GARCHIVCEM Archiving Lists4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
220J_3GBELKDocument File - Header Data3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
221J_3GBELPDocument Data - Item Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
222J_3GPRLHDCEM Price Lists Condition Header3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
223J_3GSTLKOPFHeader Data for Equipment BOMs10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
224J_3GSTLPOSItem Data for Equipment BOMs14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
225J_3GZVBAPBackup Table for CEM Data in Rel. 3.065ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPConstruction Progress Report
226/SAPPCE/TPNVConstruction Progress Report14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPConsumer Products for Food Beverage
227CFB_BACKFLUSHBackflush of Batches16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
228DFKKARREPCONTSTARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control table6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
229DFKKAVKPayment Advice: Header Data16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
230DFKKAWMForeign Trade Reporting: Report File23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
231DFKKCCMDMaster Data Groups of Test Series8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
232DFKKCCTKCollections Management: Test Series - Header Data10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
233DFKKCDLOTSLot Management for Cash Desk and External Cash Desk Services3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
234DFKKCJCCash Desk Closing Data12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
235DFKKCJMCash Journal Master Data6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
236DFKKCJTTransaction Data for Cash Journal11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
237DFKKCMKManually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
238DFKKCMPManually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data34ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
239DFKKCMUSERAdditional User for Collections Management11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
240DFKKCOLI_LOGCollection Agency Information File: Communication Log22ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
241DFKKCOL_LOGCollections Agency File: Settlement Log (Payments)19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
242DFKKCRRepository For Checks33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
243DFKKCRDELCR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic Data36ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
244DFKKCROWNCR: Information on Issued Check Forms8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
245DFKKDDADebit Memo Notification7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
246DFKKDOCFI-CA DMS: Administrative Data of Documents12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
247DFKKDOC_CONFKKDMS: Links Between Application Objects and Documents8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
248DFKKESRPOR Payment Supplement15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
249DFKKEXCExternal Payment Information29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
250DFKKEXCJCash Journal: Data Store for Inbound Services21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
251DFKKEXC_SUMExternal Payment Information: Totals Records13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
252DFKKEXC_SUM_HISTCash Desk Closing History (DFKKEXC_SUM)14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
253DFKKIP_GRPPayment Specification: Header Data15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
254DFKKIP_GRPHPayment Specification: Payment Data (History)17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
255DFKKKOHeader Data in Open Item Accounting Document7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
256DFKKMDUKMaster Data Lot: Header Data13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
257DFKKMKOHeader data for sample contract accounting document7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
258DFKKNRKNOC Returns Lot: Header Data7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
259DFKKORDERRequests: Header Data17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
260DFKKORDER_SRequest Templates: Header Data17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
261DFKKPOHPayment Order: Header Data22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
262DFKKPPPromises to Pay Header Table21ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
263DFKKPPROPEXCExceptions for Due Date Determination and Last Payments5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
264DFKKRDI_PERIODAssignment of Distribution Periods to Distribution Groups7ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
265DFKKREPTReceipt Documents5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
266DFKKREPTCLClearing Information for Receipt Documents16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
267DFKKRKReturns lot: Header data26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
268DFKKSUMCControl details for posting totals16ERNAMName of the User who Created the Reconciliation Keynvarchar120
269DFKKTHI_HISTHistorical Entries of DFKKTHI13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
270DFKKTHI_HIST2Reversal: Historical Entries DFKKTHI (w/o Tax Posting)14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
271DFKKTHI_SUMAggregated Transfer Records for Invoicing11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
272DFKKTHI_SUM_HISTHistorical Entries of DFKKTHI_SUM10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
273DFKKWLWorklist8ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
274DFKKWLAWorklist (Work Item Type)8ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
275DFKKWLIWork Items25ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
276DFKKWLIAWork Items (Work Item Type)25ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
277DFKKWLIA_ACActions of Work Item (Work Item Type)12ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
278DFKKWLI_ACActions of Work Item12ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
279DFKKZARepayment Request27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
280DFKKZKPayment lot: Header data26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
281DFKKZWDoubtful/Individual Val. Adjust. for Receivables - Trigger17ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
282DFKKZWFTDoubtful/Individually Adjusted Receivables: Trigger Table18ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
283DFKK_CUST_EXTRFI-CA Partner - Extracts7ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
284DFKK_DOC_EXTRFI-CA Documents - Extracts9ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
285DFKK_GP_EXTRFI-CA Partner - Extracts8ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
286DFKK_SG_ERRTable of Incorrect Checked Documents (Safeguarding)16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
287DFKK_VT_HCT: Header Data of Provider Contract6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
288DFKK_VT_ICT: Items of Provider Contract6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
289DFKK_VT_VKCtr: Contract Accts and Bus. Partners of Provider Contract8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
290DPAYCHKHHeader: Accounting Using Creation of Payment Media11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
291FKKDIHDRFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - header6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
292FKKDIHDTMPFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
293FKKPREPACCMaster Data for Prepaid Account27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
294FKKVKContract Account Header4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
295FKKVKPContract Account Partner-Specific6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
296FKK_UMBHIHistory of Transfer to Another Account8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
297TEARREPCONTRTARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control table6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
298TEARREPCONTSTARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control table6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
299TFKARREPCONTRTARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control table6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPContract Billing
300EAPPOBJApplication Objects6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
301EAPPOBJTHISApplication Objects6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
302EDSCDisc.Header Data13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
303EMDUSDFORMHEADTable of MDUS Formulas9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
304EMDUSDIFACEHEADTime-of-Use Interface13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
305EMDUSDRQHEADTable of MDUS Request Data12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
306EPPMHEADERHeader Table for Prepayment Meter10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
307EPREIMstr Pricing Table for All Prices17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
308EPRESCLPrice Adjustment Clause for All Price Categories6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
309ERCHBilling Doc. Data43ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
310ERCH_DOC_EXTRBilling Document Extract -Selection Requirements -5ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
311ESCHBilling Schema (Header Data)11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
312ETRFRate (Head. Data)17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
313ETTAGeneral Rate Category (Header Data)19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCost Center Accounting
314TKRSTRTransport Resource Prices14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCross-Application Components
315AAUUFKOrder master data6ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
316BC490KKNA1General data in customer master29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
317EEORDPurchasing Source List6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
318J_2GLPDOCSFIFI legal documents12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
319J_2GLPLEGDOCLegal printed documents14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
320KKNA1General Data in Customer Master29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
321MMARAGeneral material data4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
322SKNA1Customer Master table for BC417 Course29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
323SKNVKCustomer Master Contact table for BC417 Course68ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
324VVBAKSales Document: Header Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
325VVBAPSales Document: Item Data79ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCustomer Contact
326BCONTBusiness Partner Contact15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCustomer Master
327KNA1General Data in Customer Master29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
328KNVKCustomer Master Contact Partner68ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
329KNVVCustomer Master Sales Data6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPCustomer Service
330EDISCDOCDiscDoc.: Header12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
331EINIDATCRInit. Data Cr. Doc.: Premise - Header Data9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPData Collection
332S260SD - Sales order87ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
333S260BIW1SD - Sales order87ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
334S260BIW2SD - Sales order87ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
335S261SD - Delivery note82ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
336S261BIW1SD - Delivery note82ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
337S261BIW2SD - Delivery note82ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
338S262SD - Billing document75ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
339S262BIW1SD - Billing document75ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
340S262BIW2SD - Billing document75ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
341S264SD- Offer90ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
342S264BIW1S264BIW1 * SD - Quotation90ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
343S264BIW2S264BIW2 * SD - Quotation90ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPData Retention Tool
344TXW_S_EKKORetrieve EKKO from archive22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
345TXW_S_LIKPRetrieve LIKP from archive18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
346TXW_S_VBAKRetrieve VBAK from archive17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
347TXW_S_VBRKRetrieve VBRK from archive38ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPDefense Forces and Public Security
348/ISDFPS/ZEBANCopy of EBAN14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPDevice installation
349EADZMultiple-Installation Billing Data: Register11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
350EASTIHHeader Data for Register Relationships7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
351EASTLBilling data: Installation Structure at Device Level11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
352EASTSBilling data: Installation Structure at Reg. Level13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
353ETDZTechnical Data for Installed Register33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
354EZUGDevice Allocations for Device (Non-Metering Devices)11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
355EZUZDevice Allocations for Register (Metering Devices)12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
356EZWGEASTIHHeader Data for Predefined Register Relationships10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPDevice Management
357EANASIS-U Device Checker: Current Processing Status of Test9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
358EDEVGRMaster Data for Device Group5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
359EFLOGIS-U Device Checker: Log File for all Analyzed Errors11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
360EGERRDevice data: Info record for point of delivery - historical22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
361EGTUR_HEADCreation Data for Periodic Repl. List EGTUR5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
362EWIKWinding Group16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
363EZWGRegister Group33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
364EZWG_HEADRegister Group: Header Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
365TE271Sample Lot26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
366TE683Periodic Repl. Variants19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
367TELOT_RESULT_TOPHeader Table for Lot Allocation Results for B/NL7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPEmpties Management
368/BEV1/EM0LGMTXCustomizing - Empties Calculation23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
369/BEV1/EMDRKKZItem Categories That Are Not Printed6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
370/BEV1/EMVISFEmpties Customizing Selection for SIS fields4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPEnergy Data Management
371EEDMIMPORTLOG_DBEDM Import Log: Database Table28ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
372EEDMSETTLDOCSettlement Document (Header)15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
373EEDMSETTLDOCALERSettlement Document (Alerts)20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
374EEDMSETTLDOCERRSettlement Document (Errors)21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
375EEDMSETTLDOCRUNSettlement Document (Run)8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
376EEDMSETTLDOCVARHVariants for Header Info of Settlement Document7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
377EEDMSETTLUNITSettlement Unit (Header Data)18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
378EEDMSETTLUNITHSettlement Unit (Historical Data)10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
379EEDMSETTLUNITPODAllocation of Settlement Unit to Point of Delivery5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
380EEDMSETTLUNITTSettlement Unit (Text)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
381EEDMUISETTLUNITAllocation of Point of Delivery to Settlement Unit10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
382EPROFASSAllocation of Profiles13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
383EPROFHEADProfile Header Data21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
384EPROFHEAD_TMPHeader Data of Temporary Profile21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
385ESERVPROVService provider8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
386EZWGEPROFASSTemplate for Creating and Allocating Profiles10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
387EQUIEquipment master data4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
388EQUZEquipment time segment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
389IEQT_WL_HDR_BACInterim Statuses - Header Data (Backup)16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
390IEQT_WL_HEADERInterim Statuses - Header Data15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
391IEQT_WL_ITEMSInterim Statuses - Items25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
392IEQT_WL_ITM_BACInterim Statuses - Items (Backup)26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
393HRESS_D_CATS_FAVCATS Favorites: database table82ERNAMUser Who Created Data Recordnvarchar120
394OIA01Exchange header (IS-Oil EXG standard/core object)17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
395OIA02Exchange item data - sales side11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
396OIA03Exchange item data - purchasing side12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
397OIA05HQuantity schedule header table - sales side26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
398OIA06HQuantity schedule header table - purchasing side27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
399OIA08HLIA Document: Header Data9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
400OIA10HExchange - Netting document header7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
401OIAQAExchange Statement Print Requests37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPExternal Services
402ASMDService Master: Basic Data4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
403ESLAService Type Editions15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
404ESSRService Entry Sheet Header Data4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
405TMP_SPECModel Service Specifications13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPFinancial Accounting
406ACCRBDAccruals/Deferrals Master Data - Basic Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
407AVIKPayment Advice Header17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
408KNB1Customer Master (Company Code)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
409LFA1Vendor Master (General Section)31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
410LFB1Vendor Master (Company Code)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
411RF180Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: Posting Runs8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
412SKA1G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPFinancial Services Localization
413/GSINS/OLR_RCLCHOpen Loss Reserves: Reserve Calculation (Header)7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPForeign Trade
414/SAPSLL/KMATWLR3GTS: R/3 Feeder System: KMAT Worklist10ERNAMName of Person Who Created Objectnvarchar120
415/SAPSLL/OBJIDXSLL: R/3 BS: Index of Documents Not Transferred6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
416/SAPSLL/OBJSYNCGTS: R/3 Feeder System: Index of Generated Documents7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
417/SAPSLL/PRPREFR3GTS: Material Master Record: Preference Data (Summarized)18ERNAMName of Person Who Created Objectnvarchar120
TOPFreight Processing
418VFKKShipment Costs: Header Data13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
419VFKPShipment Costs: Item Data44ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
420VFSCAHScale Header18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPFunctional Locations
421IFLOSFunctional Location Labels11ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
422IFLOS_VSFunctional Location Labels (Version Table)12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
423IFLOTFunctional Location (Table)8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
424IFLOT_VSFunctional Location (Version Table)9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
425IHPAPlant Maintenance: Partners10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
426IRLOTReference Functional Location (Table)8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPFunds Management
427BPTRObject Data Controlling Obj.9ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
428FMACAssign Cashier Account3ERNAMProcessornvarchar120
429FMCJIS-PS: Documents in Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
430FMD1_F15F15 Interface - Documents13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
431FAGL_RPACKReorganization: Package13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
432DFSCIHISTIOBBalance Int. Calculation at Contract Account Level: History10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPGlobal Trade Services
433/SAPSLL/ADRCONLegal Control: Data on Address Defined for Business Partner3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
434/SAPSLL/ADRLRIDGTS: Identification Numbers for Address in Business Partner3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
435/SAPSLL/BOMHDSLL: BOM - Header31ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
436/SAPSLL/BOMITSLL: BOM - Item27ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
437/SAPSLL/BOMSTATSLL: BOM: Statis for BOM Transfer9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
438/SAPSLL/BOPHDGTS: General Bill of Product - Header Data15ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
439/SAPSLL/BOPITGTS: General Bill of Product - Item Data19ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
440/SAPSLL/CCMHDCustoms Warehouse Collective Completion - Header18ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
441/SAPSLL/CDSYNCGTS: Synchronization of Customs Doc. with Feeder System Doc.6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
442/SAPSLL/CMLBPCase Management Audit Business Partners6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
443/SAPSLL/CMLCDCase Management Audit Customs Document5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
444/SAPSLL/CMLPRCase Management Audit Customs Product6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
445/SAPSLL/CORCUITCL&L Srv.: Document - Item- and Country-Specific Customs Data3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
446/SAPSLL/CORCUSDCL&L Srv.: Document - Doc.- and Country-Specific Customs Data3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
447/SAPSLL/CORDASVLegal & Logistics Services - Information on Data Service5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
448/SAPSLL/CORSTHChronological Status of a Document12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
449/SAPSLL/CTSCONVNumber System: Relations Between Number Systems23ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
450/SAPSLL/CTSCONVANumber System: Relations: Authority: Recoding23ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
451/SAPSLL/CTSCONVPNumber System: Relations: Improperly Classified Products14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
452/SAPSLL/CTSGENLegal&Logistics Services: Generic Part of Customs Tariff No.14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
453/SAPSLL/CTSNUMCustoms Tariff Number14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
454/SAPSLL/CTSNUMCL & L Services - Country-Specific Customs Tariff No.15ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
455/SAPSLL/CTSSETGTS: Assignment of Number to Set9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
456/SAPSLL/CTSTXTKSLL: Numbering System: Search Terms for the Numbering Texts3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
457/SAPSLL/CUHDCustoms Document: Header5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
458/SAPSLL/CUHDBLRCustoms Document: Header: Blocked Legal Regulations7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
459/SAPSLL/CUHDRCustoms Document (Backup): Header5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
460/SAPSLL/CUITCustoms Document: Item5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
461/SAPSLL/CUITBLRCustoms Document: Item: Blocked Legal Regulations8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
462/SAPSLL/CUITPREGTS: Customs Document: Item: Preference Data20ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
463/SAPSLL/CUITRCustoms Document (Backup): Item5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
464/SAPSLL/CUPEDSupplementary Customs Declaration Header20ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
465/SAPSLL/CUSWLDCustoms Processing: Procedures Completed for Customs Decl.73ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
466/SAPSLL/CUSWLMQuantity Comparison: Customs Declaration/Goods Receipt34ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
467/SAPSLL/CUSWLNCompleted Quantity Comparisons Customs Declaration/GR34ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
468/SAPSLL/CUSWLOWorklist for Transactions with Reference to Delivery or PO73ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
469/SAPSLL/EMCNAManage Numbers for Fallback Procedure9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
470/SAPSLL/FTOBPRELGTS: Relational Table: Foreign Trade Org.for Business Part.7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
471/SAPSLL/FTOPRRELGTS: Relational Table: Foreign Trade Org.for Product6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
472/SAPSLL/GENOBJSLL: Generated Objects4ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
473/SAPSLL/ITARAUDITAR Tracking: Log - Header Data14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
474/SAPSLL/IVMCSL01Individual Stock Item, Special Customs Proced. - Change Log11ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
475/SAPSLL/IVMCSL02Totals Stock, Special Customs Procedures - Change Log11ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
476/SAPSLL/IVMFSL01Change Log for Individual Stock item Free Circulation f. PEU11ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
477/SAPSLL/IVMPSL01Processing Stock: Log of Changes11ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
478/SAPSLL/KMATPREFGTS: Preference Processing KMAT - Storage of Results24ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
479/SAPSLL/KMATWLGTS: KMAT Worklist12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
480/SAPSLL/KMATWLSIGTS: KMAT Worklist Subitem7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
481/SAPSLL/LCLICLegal Control: License Header11ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
482/SAPSLL/LCLICAQLLicense: Change Log: Available Quantity12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
483/SAPSLL/LCLICAVLLicense: Change Log of Available Quantity12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
484/SAPSLL/LCLICSLegal Control: Licenses - Statuses6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
485/SAPSLL/LCPROProject Master4ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
486/SAPSLL/LCPROTProject Master - Text Table5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
487/SAPSLL/LC_CUSB1GTS: Custs Prcssng: Duty Cat: Non-EU Country Duty, Pharmac.28ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
488/SAPSLL/LC_CUSB2GTS Customs Management: Toll Category: Preferred Customs29ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
489/SAPSLL/LC_CUSXCGTS: Customs Managemet: Toll Cat: Customs Tolls: Exclusion5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
490/SAPSLL/LEGCONLegal Control - Document30ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
491/SAPSLL/LEGPEUClosing of Free Circulation with Prescribed End Use24ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
492/SAPSLL/LEGSCPClosings of Special Customs Procedures (IP / PUCC)25ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
493/SAPSLL/MILOMAContent Migration Log - Header Data7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
494/SAPSLL/PARMAGTS: Partner Mapping12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
495/SAPSLL/PRLegal & Logistics Services: Product Master21ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
496/SAPSLL/PRBOPHSLL: Outward Processing BOM - Header Data9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
497/SAPSLL/PRBWHGTS Product Master: BW Relevance per Logical System6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
498/SAPSLL/PRCONLegal Control - Product Master3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
499/SAPSLL/PRCTSProduct Master - Global Customs Tariff Numbers3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
500/SAPSLL/PRCTSCProduct Master - Country-Specific Customs Tariff Numbers3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
501/SAPSLL/PRECIPProduct Master: Data for Special Customs Procedures5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
502/SAPSLL/PRECONDGTS: Preference: Additional Conditions (Data Prov. Upload)6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
503/SAPSLL/PRECONDTGTS: preference: additional cond's (upload data provider -B)15ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
504/SAPSLL/PREGPGTS: Preference: Rule Groups (Data Provider Upload)7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
505/SAPSLL/PREGPCONGTS: Preference: Linked Rule Groups (Upload from Data Prov.)5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
506/SAPSLL/PREGPPROGTS: Preference: Procedure Groups (Data Provider Upload)16ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
507/SAPSLL/PRELGREGGTS: Preference: Agreement - Rule Group Assgmt (DP Upload)8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
508/SAPSLL/PREPROCGTS: Preference: Procedure (Data Provider Upload)11ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
509/SAPSLL/PREPROCTGTS: Preference: Procedure (Data Prov. Upload) - Description6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
510/SAPSLL/PRETFCNOGTS: Preference: Tariff Code Rule Grp f. Agreemt (DP Upload)10ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
511/SAPSLL/PREVDPreference: Long-Term Vendor Declaration - Header12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
512/SAPSLL/PREVDAUDSLL: Preference: Vend.Decl. for Customer Purp.: Audit84ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
513/SAPSLL/PREVDCHGGTS: Preference, Vendor Decl. (Customer), Relevant Changes5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
514/SAPSLL/PREVDHPreference: Long-Term Vendor Declaration Header12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
515/SAPSLL/PREVDIPreference: Long-Term Vendor Declaration Item7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
516/SAPSLL/PREVDWLOSLL: Preference: Vend.Decl. f. Cust. Purp. - Worklist16ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
517/SAPSLL/PRGENGTS: Product Master: Generic Characteristic Values35ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
518/SAPSLL/PRODWLGTS: Product Master: Global: Worklist7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
519/SAPSLL/PRPARLegal and Logistics Services: Product Master - Partner6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
520/SAPSLL/PRPREFSLL: Product Master: Preference Data19ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
521/SAPSLL/PRPRFCSLL: Product Master: Preference Data: Confirm. Pref. Reqmts13ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
522/SAPSLL/PRPRFSSLL: Product Master: Preference Data: Special Requirements14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
523/SAPSLL/PRREXProduct Master: Re-Export Segment19ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
524/SAPSLL/PRTLegal and Logistics Services: Product Master - Short Text3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
525/SAPSLL/PRTAXLegal and Logistics Services: Product Master - Tax Groups10ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
526/SAPSLL/PRUOMLegal & Logistics Services: Product Master - Units3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
527/SAPSLL/PRVDRELProduct Master: Relevance for Request of Vendor Declaration7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
528/SAPSLL/PSVCONDGTS: Preference: Additional Conditions (Manual Entry)6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
529/SAPSLL/PSVCONDTGTS: Preference: Additional Conditions (Manual Entry)15ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
530/SAPSLL/PSVGPGTS: Preference: Rule Groups (Manual Entry)7ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
531/SAPSLL/PSVGPCONGTS: Preference: Linked Rule Groups (Manual Entry)5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
532/SAPSLL/PSVGPPROGTS: Preference: Procedure Groups (Manual Entry)16ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
533/SAPSLL/PSVLGREGGTS: Preference: Agreement - Rule Group Assgmnt (Man. Entry)8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
534/SAPSLL/PSVPROCGTS: Preference: Procedure (Manual Entry)11ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
535/SAPSLL/PSVPROCTGTS: Preference: Procedure (Manual Entry) - Description6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
536/SAPSLL/PSVTFCNOGTS: Preference: Tariff Code Rule Grp f. Agreemt (Man.Entry)10ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
537/SAPSLL/RXPCALCRe-Export: Calculation Log6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
538/SAPSLL/SCPBODSettlement Run for Special Customs Procedures9ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
539/SAPSLL/SECADJWLWorklist for Automatic Adjustment of Securities15ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
540/SAPSLL/SECFINGTS: Guarantees - Refinancing10ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
541/SAPSLL/SPLAUDLegal Control - SPL - Audit3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
542/SAPSLL/TSHDTax Statement: Header5ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
543/SAPSLL/TSPLLegal & Logistics Services: LC: SPL Master (Header Data)3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
544/SAPSLL/TSPLALegal Control: SPL Master (Address Data)3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
545/SAPSLL/TSPLAKLegal Control: SPL Master (Address Data) - Keywords3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
546/SAPSLL/TSPLNLegal Control: SPL Master (Name Data)3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
547/SAPSLL/TSPLNKLegal Control: SPL Master (Name Data) - Keywords3ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
548/SAPSLL/VDFCPEUInstallation Statement for Free Circ. w/Prescribed End Use8ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
549/SAPSLL/VDIWLPROLTVD Maintenance via Web Dynpro: Control Line12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
550/SAPSLL/VDMTWLPreference: Worklist to Maintain LTVD via Web Dynpro18ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
551/SAPSLL/VDOWLWorklist: Vendor Declaration for Customer's Purpose19ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
552/SAPSLL/XLCLICSTemporary Table for Upload Licenses: License Status6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPGoods Receipt Process
553BORGR_VTTP_NOEXNew inbound deliveries with references6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPHandheld Connectivity
554/DSD/PR_HEADMDSD Promotion - Promotion Header7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPHong Kong
555PA0344HR Master Record: Infotype 0344 (Familiy members HK)51ERNAMName of family member's employernvarchar500
TOPIncentive and Commission Management ICM
556CACS_DET_VARIANTCharacteristics of Determination Variant4ERNAMLast user to change objectnvarchar120
TOPInformation System
557DKKOSBalance Audit Trail61ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
558DKOKSOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master Record64ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPInformation system
559FMBKABSTIS-PS: Bestände im Kassennebenbuch5ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
TOPIntegration Customer Relationship Management
560ECRM_REPL_HDHeader Data for IS-U Sales Replication Error Handling30ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPIntercompany Data Exchange
561ECROSSREFNOReference Number for IDoc11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
562EIDESWTDOCSwitch Document Header26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
563EIDESWTDOCTMPTemporary Switch Document Header Data27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
564EIDESWTMSGDATAMessage Data for Switch Document32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
565EIDESWTMSGTMPTemporary Switch Document Message Data34ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
566ESERVICEPoint of delivery service16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
567TINV_EXTR_HDRExtract of Bill Receipt Document: Admin. Data (Eval. System)7ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
568TINV_TRANSF_HSTReversal: Historical TINV_INV_TRANSF Entries18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPInterface to External Project Software
569NPGUIDGUIDs for Network Header6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
570NVGUIDGUIDs for Network Activity8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
571PDGUIDGUIDs for Project Definition6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
572PRGUIDGUIDs for WBS Element6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
573PSGUIDGUIDs for Project Definition7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPInterface to Terminal Automation System
574OIK01IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
575OIK01DIS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document Data21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
576OIKDCPDelivery confirmation9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
577OIKLIDRTD - TAS Reference Table55ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
578VXSITDLExpress Delivery Company: Meta Description Data Field26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
579VXSITDLVSmall Parcel Carrier: Data Fields per Shipping Point13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPInventory Management
580MWXVM07MFields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07M47ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
581MWZVM07MFields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07M47ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
582UKPFRetail Revaluation Document: Revaluation Header6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
583WRMA_EVALPERCompleted RMA Periods9ERNAMUser Namenvarchar120
TOPInvestment Programs
584IMPRInvestment Program Positions13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPInvoice Forecasting
585IFW_WORKLISTInvoice forecasting worklist16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
586DEABPTable: Customer Change Header Data for BB Amounts27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
587EABPBudget Billing Plan27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
588EABPJVL_CORRCorrespondence Print: Bud. Bill. Plan Header and YAP Info.28ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
589EABPLSample Lines for Budget Billing Plan31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
590EABPS_CORRSub Budget Billing Plan for Correspondence Print54ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
591EJVLYearly Advance Payment19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
592ERDKPrint Document/Header Data40ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
593ERD_DOC_EXTRPrint Document Extract - Selection Conditions -6ERNAMName of Clerk who Imported Extractnvarchar120
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
594T8JEVJoint venture event table7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
595T8J_GJCB_REVCutback reversal control table12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
596T8J_JVECJVA equity change document relationship31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
597T8PSA_EVENTPSA Event table7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPKnowledge Base
598ISLACTSDB: Solution Activity8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
599ISLATTSDB: Solution Attachment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
600ISLATTXTSDB: Solution Attachment Text8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
601ISLTKSDB: Solution Task8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
602ISLVALCATSDB: Solution Validation Category7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
603ISMITSDB: Symptom Trigger5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
604ISMITCASDB: Symptom Trigger Cause11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
605ISMITOPSDB: Symptom Trigger Object Part9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
606ISMITPRSDB: Symptom Trigger Problem10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
607ISMITXTSDB: Symptom Trigger Short Text9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
608ISMOBSDB: Symptom Object table10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
609ISMPSDB: Symptom table20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
610ISMSLSDB: Symptom Solution Link table7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
611ISMTXTSDB: Symptom short text8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
612ISMVALCATSDB: Symptom Validation Category7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
613ISOLSDB: Solution table13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
614ISOTXTSDB: Solution Short Text Table8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPLease Accounting
615/LSIERP/WLWorklist6ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
616/LSIERP/WLIWork Items9ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
617J_1B_CIAP_OBJECTCIAP document data38ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPLogistics - General
618OIFSPBLPhysical Location - Master Data15ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
619OIJTSTransport system (IS-Oil TSW standard/core object )32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
620WBHDTrading Contract: Commercial Data20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
621WBHETrading Contract: Schedule Lines6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
622WBHFTrading Contract: Document Flow9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
623WBHITrading Contract: Item Data28ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
624WBHKTrading Contract: Header Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
625WBHPTrading Contract: Partner Assignment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaintenance History
626HIKOOrder master data history28ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
TOPMaintenance Notifications
627QMELQuality Notification7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
628QMFEQuality notification - items4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
629QMMAQuality notification - activities11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
630QMSMQuality notification - tasks11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
631QMURQuality notification - causes5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaintenance Orders
632/CUM/CONMSCU: Construction Measure Master Data17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
633/CUM/CUDESIGNCU: Design Header Data28ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
634/CUM/CUNITCU: Master Data15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
635/MRSS/C_PARAMRCCF: Generelle Einstellungen4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
636T352RMaintenance revisions18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaintenance Task Lists
637MPLAMaintenance plan6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
638MPOSMaintenance item11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMarketing Retail Network
639OIFBBP1Business partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)9ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
640OIFBPBLTLocation type - permissible partner roles (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
641OIFBRF2Bus. par. roles - permissible tech. categories (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
642OIFCHRS2Retail Network Contract service hours type5ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
643OIFCOPT1Retail Network Contract option type5ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
644OIFDD1Delivery point info for bulk delivery preplannning34ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
645OIFDD2Bulk delivery preplanning version5ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
646OIFDDM1Del. point/material info for bulk delivery planning20ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
647OIFDDM2Del. point/material/tank (bulk delivery planning)9ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
648OIFDDM3Del. point/material/meter (bulk delivery planning)10ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
649OIFDTT1Tank type table - bulk delivery planning10ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
650OIFOANLAObject links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
651OIFOCEPCObject links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
652OIFOCOASObject links - CO order (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
653OIFOCSKSObject links - CO cost center (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
654OIFOIFLOObject links - PM functional location (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
655OIFOPBLTLocation type - permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN)5ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
656OIFOPROJObject links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
657OIFORACTIVActivation of Oil-Retail Integration Components11ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
658OIFORCAMConversion of article master to material master data (ALE)13ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
659OIFOT001LObject links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
660OIFOT001WObject links - CA Plant (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
661OIFPBLIndex to point at Business Location14ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
TOPMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
662OICDCDifferential Reference Code11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
663OICDTDifferential Reference Code - Texts7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMarketing, Contract and Order Entry
664OID9IRemapping Default Item Categories11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
665OIDAPAutomatic Plant Determination21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaster Data
666EANLInstallation21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
667ECRM_TEMP_OBJCRM Integration: Clipboard for Technical Objects9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
668EKONFranchise Contract MasterData13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
669ELACCLoyalty Account Header10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
670EPDPRODIS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
671EPROPOwner Allocation13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
672EREDEMPRedemption Document for Loyalty Program19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
673EVBSPremise13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
674EVERIS-U Cont.33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
675EVERHIS-U Contract History26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
676EWATWASTESRVPRODService Products for Waste and Recycling6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
677SAFKRun Schedule Master Data5ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
TOPMaterial Groups
678WTREEVersion Management for Reclassification Trees128ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
679BEREITMaterial identification: staging data18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
680HUM_KOMMIHUM Picking with Partial GI Posting14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterial Maintenance
681TPARBusiness Partner: Functions6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterial Master
682MARAGeneral Material Data4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
683MARA_TMPFile for Incorrect Data in Direct Input11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
684MBPRStock at Production Storage Bin8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
685MCH1Batches (if Batch Management Cross-Plant)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
686MCHABatches7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
687MCHBBatch Stocks8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
688MEIKMake-to-Order Stock for Customer Order11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
689MKLKConsignment Stocks and Returnable Packaging with Customer9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
690MKOLSpecial Stocks from Vendor10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
691MKOPConsignment Price Segment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
692MKUBMaterial Provided by Customer9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
693MLIBMaterial Provided to Vendor8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
694MSTAMaterial Master Status6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
695MVRACross-version fields for MARA4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
696WRF_CHARVALCharacteristic Values with Customer Fields15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
697WRF_FOLUP_TYP_AFollow-Up Relationships to Original Material12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
698WRF_PRGRPPrice Level Groups7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterial Requirements Planning
699MPNSETMPN-MRP Set: Group of Interchangeable MPNs in MRP8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterial Sorting
700/BEV1/EMASVMaterial Sorting Variant9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
701/BEV1/EMFASForm for Material Sorting Variant4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
702/BEV1/EMFAS1Material Sorting: Sales Documents5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
703/BEV1/EMFAS2Material Sorting: Shipping Documents6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
704/BEV1/EMFAS3Material Sorting: Groups6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
705/BEV1/EMFAS4Material Sorting: Billing Documents7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMaterials Management
706/ISDFPS/CS_EXLSTException List: Overwritten Purchase Requisitions19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
707/ISDFPS/CS_SW_IDSystem Switch: Force Element and IDocs9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
708/ISDFPS/EQUITRPAssignment: Storage Bin --> Equipment (Loading Object)9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
709/ISDFPS/NSN_IDNATO Stock Number: Master Data7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
710/SAPNEA/JSCDIEHDie management header table5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
711J_1GVL_WHBLOG2Circular Valuation Log13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMeasuring Points and Counters
712IMELEntry List for Measurement Documents6ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
713IMPTTMeasuring Point (Table)12ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
714IMRGMeasurement Document14ERNAMName of User Who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMedia Product
715JPTGENHEADHeader Data on Generation Profile6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPMeter Reading
716EABLMR Document50ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
717EABLDELDeleted Meter Reading Document50ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
718EASTERegister-related Period Consumption7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
719ETRGBilling Order17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
720EAUSMove-out Doc. for Contract Acc.32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
721EAUSVMove-out Doc. Contract Level22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
722ECAMIOPRHEADIS-U: Parked Document: Header Data10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
723EEINMove-in Doc. for ContAcc.35ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPNet Worth Tax
724IDFIAA_JP_COND1Selection Criteria for Stored Reports6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPNetwork Modeler
725GHO_SIM_INETObject Links for Network Simulation23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPNon-Ferrous Metal enhancements
726/NFM/TBWEReporting Base for NF Key, Company Code, Base Key6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
727/NFM/TCOVHISCoverage History14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
728/NFM/TNEBBase Keys and Currencies for NF Keys6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
729/NFM/TNEB_ORGDifferent Base Key on Organizational Level8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
730/NFM/TNESNF Metal Key6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
731/NFM/TNES_ORGDifferent NF Key Data on Organizational Level8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
732/NFM/TRATESRate Table19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
733/NFM/TRATESPROVRate Table of Providers12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPObject Networking
734INETObject networking22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPOperative Structures
735PROJProject definition6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
736PRPSWBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPOrganizational Flexibility
737/ISDFPS/PM_TP_OFlight Programs for Order17ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
TOPOutput Determination
738NACHDetailed output data3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPOverhead Cost Controlling
739COSCCO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPOverhead Cost Orders
740AUFKOrder master data6ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
741COBRASettlement Rule for Order Settlement3ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
742TKZUTRTransport Overhead Records14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPatient Accounting
743NVBRKIS-H: Billing document header data37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
744NVBRPIS-H: Billing document item data37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
745NWVIEW_L07_FORMSIS-H: Forms Entered for Case11ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
746TN16IS-H: Insurance Contract Schemes17ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
747DFKKBOHBoleto: Header data25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPendulum List Indirect Sales
748/BEV4/PLDANFABHSales Request History18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
749/BEV4/PLDANFABSSales Request - Header17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
750/BEV4/PLDANFARTSales Request - Items16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
751/BEV4/PLDANFKONConverted Request Table with Reporting Period35ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
752/BEV4/PLDANFMELRequest Table with Reporting Period34ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
753/BEV4/PLDANFZEITRequirement Update15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
754/BEV4/PLDUMARTConversion Table Material Master15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
755/BEV4/PLDUMKDNConversion Table Customer/Object Numbers27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
756/BEV4/PLPROTLogs Sales Pendulum List (Master Data)5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPeriodical Sales and Distribution
757JFRKIS-M/SD: Billing - Header Data38ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
758JFRPIS-M/SD: Billing Document - Item Data33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
759JFSKIS-M/SD: Sales Document - Collective Processing for Header3ERNAMCreated Bynvarchar120
760JLRKIS-M/SD: Settlement Header Data25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
761JLRPIS-M/SD: Item Data for Settlement35ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
762JLSKIS-M/SD: Header for Settlement in Collective Processing4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
763TJF31IS-M/SD: Collective Transfer Run to RF/FI7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
764TJFKIS-M/SD: Billing Document Types14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
765TJL53IS-M/SD: Log for Settlement Transfer7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
766IHSGObject-Related Permits in Plant Maintenance5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
767PA0634Philippines Previous Employer Information Info-type24ERNAMPrevious Employer's Namenvarchar300
TOPPlant Maintenance
768Z9I_STK_VORGANGTerminkontrolle Stillstandsplanung: Relevante Vorgänge32ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
TOPPlant Master
769WRF1Plant data49ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPoint of delivery
770EUIGRIDAllocation of PoD to Grid9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
771EUIHEADPoD Header Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
772EUIINSTLNAllocation of Installation to PoD11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
773EUILNRAllocation of Logical Device to PoD9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
774EUILZWAllocation of Logical Register to PoD9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
775EUITRANSTransformation of Internal/External Point of Delivery No.10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPortioning and scheduling
776TE417Sched. Recs: Portions16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
777TE418Schedule Records: MR Units23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
778TE419Parameter Records for Scheduling21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
779TE420Sch. Mast. Data: Portion18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
780TE422Schedule Master Data for Meter Reading Unit31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
781TE423Budget Billing Dates12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPosition Management
782KONHMPortfolio Determination - Data Part5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
783WBASSOCGlobal Trade: Association Table41ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
784WBCUMULGlobal Trade: Aggregation Table16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPrice Planning Workbench
785WRF_PPW_WORKLERRPPW Worklist Error Table36ERNAMName of Person Who Created Objectnvarchar120
786WRF_PPW_WORKLISTPPW Worklist37ERNAMName of Person Who Created Objectnvarchar120
TOPPrint Workbench
787EFCLPrint Worbench: Form Classes5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
788EFRMPrint Workbench: Application Forms9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
789EFRMTRLSTWorklists for Application Form Translation5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
790EPRINTACTPrint Action Record39ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
791EWMINSPHEADInspection list header7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduct Cost by Period
792CKPHMaster Record: Cost Object ID Number15ERNAMCreated bynvarchar120
TOPProduct Lifecycle Management
793DIWPSWork Package8ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
TOPProduction Allocation
794GHO_INET_LOGChange log table for INET - productive networks24ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
795GHO_SIMU_INETLOGLog table for simulation changes in production network24ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduction and Revenue Accounting
796OIUCM_CONTRACTPRA Contracts5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduction Campaign
797PCMHProduction campaign header3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
798PCMO1Pegged production campaign: material4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
799PCMO2Pegged production campaign: requirements9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
800PCMO3Pegged production campaign: recipe4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
801PCMO4Production campaign pegged reqmt resource network4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduction Network
802GHO_PRDENTY_TYPETable for Holding Oil and Gas Entity14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProduction Orders
803COCF_SRShift Reports in PDF Format16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
804TCOPField selection profile6ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
TOPProfitability Analysis
805CEERRORCO-PA: Incorrect records from SD29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPProgress Tracking
806TXPDATExpediting Data23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
807WAALMaterial-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.)21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
808WAGUValidity of plant groups - IS-R15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
809WAKHPromotion Header Data, IS-R63ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
810WAKPPromotion Item Data56ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
811WALEMaterial to store assignment to promotion58ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
812WAZBModule plant-group assignment10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
813WAZTPromotion/themes assignment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
814WAZWPromotion/advertising media assignment5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
815WMFFMarkdown Planning - Stores11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
816WMFHMarkdown Planning - header data17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
817WMFLMarkdown Planning - Price Lists6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
818WMFPMarkdown Planning - item data (materials)35ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
819WMFUMarkdown planning - price phases per material/un34ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
820WMPKMarkdown rule header5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
821WMPRMarkdown rule item10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
822WSAHWorklist Season wind-up - header16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
823DFMCAALOTWrite-Off of Documents with Approval4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
824DFMCADLOTDocument Resubmission4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
825DFMCAILOTPSCD: Approval List Installment Plans29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
826DFMCA_CORELData Table for Relationship14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
827DFMCA_CRPAApproval List for Document Changes13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
828DFMCA_FPF_HISFPF: Form Processing History14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
829DFMCA_RETURNData Table for Tax Returns29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
830DFMCA_RETURN_OData Table for Tax Returns32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
831DFMCA_RET_DOCSDFKKDOC Documents and Tax Returns Link5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
832DPSOBContract Object in Collection and Disbursement4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
833DPSOB_BP_ACCData for Contract Object for Each Partner & Cont. Acct Cat.5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
834AMPLTable of Approved Manufacturer Parts13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
835AMPL_REJECTIONRejection of AMPL Row13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
836EBANPurchase Requisition14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
837EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
838EINAPurchasing Info Record: General Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
839EINEPurchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
840EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document49ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
841EKBEHRemoved PO History Records49ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
842EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
843EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
844EKKOPurchasing Document Header10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
845EKPAPartner Roles in Purchasing9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
846EORDPurchasing Source List6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
847EQUKQuota File: Header8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
848EREVVersion in Purchasing6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
849MEREQXPurchase Requisition Change Parameter14ERNAMUpdated information in related user data fieldnvarchar10
850WDFR_DISPPerishables Planning Header127ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
851WRF_PRCT_WL_ITEMOriginal Table for Worklist Items15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
852WRF_PRCT_WL_SHDWShadow Table for Worklist Items18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPQuality Notifications
853QMEL_EXTExtension Table for Notification3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPRecycling Administration Core Functions
854J_7LVBRKNON-SD Interface: Billing: Header Data13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
855J_7LVBRPOSNON-SD Interface: Billing: Item Data16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
856/BEV1/BO_DATAProof Table for Rebate Processing36ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
857/BEV1/RBCUSTRebate Customizing History13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
858/BEV1/RBVBAKSales Document: Header Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
859/BEV1/RBVBAPSales Document: Item Data79ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
860/BEV1/RBWEItemized Proof Rebate Settlement58ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
861/BEV1/REWARTRental Items: Delivery Schedule Items24ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
862/BEV1/RSAUAOrder Types for Route Settlement8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
863/BEV1/RSCOERFCOCIS: Check-Out Entry9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
864/BEV1/RSDIFDifferences of Route Settlement10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
865/BEV1/RSFSAAssignment of Drivers' Numbers4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
866/BEV1/RSIMACollection Material9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
867/BEV1/RSPTYItem Categories for Route Settlement4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
868/BEV1/RSVBFTCOCIS Document Flow for Shipment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
869/BEV1/RSZAPayment Types for Collection3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
870/BEV1/TSSDBSPRColumn Reference for Main Table Statistics Telephone Sales10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
871/BEV1/TSSDBTPRCategory Reference for Main Table Statistics Telephone Sales10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
872/BEV3/CHA_KOPFContract Statement Document Header Selection15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
873/BEV3/CHCIVBSKSales Document Collective Run Header CH Billing Documents4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
874S467Indirect Order Update7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
875S467ES467 - Structure Information7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPRemote Control and Communication Framework
876RCCC_PARAMRCCF: General Settings4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPReport Selection for Product Costing
877CKRCOAnchor Entry of Summarized CO Object (Summarization Object)5ERNAMCreated by (CO object summarization)nvarchar120
TOPRetail Pricing
878WELKCompetitor: Price Entry Document (Header)4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
879WKBKPricing document: header3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
880WPFAMFamily Pricing: Definition of Families7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
881WWKKMarket-Basket Pricing Document: Header3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
882/CBAD/CONTRACT_HAdvanced Order Processing and Billing: Header Data20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
883/CBAD/CONTRACT_IAdvanced Order Processing and Billing: Item Data19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
884/CBAD/CON_DBSAdvanced Order Processing and Billing: DBS Item Data11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
885/CBAD/CON_FUND_HAdvanced Order Processing and Billing: Fund Header Data11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
886TVBUROrganizational Unit: Sales Offices4ERNAMUser Who Created Data Recordnvarchar120
887VAKGUSales Index: Quotation Validity13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
888VAKPASales Index: Orders by Partner Function14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
889VAPMASales Index: Order Items by Material13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
890VBAKSales Document: Header Data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
891VBAPSales Document: Item Data79ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
892VBLBSales document: Release order data26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSales Activities
893SADLSTADMAdministrative Data - Address List7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
894VBKASales Activities5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSales Promotions
895VKAOFSales Index: Open Sales Activities11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
896VKAWVSales Activities by Follow-up Date11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSAP Ambulatory Care Management
897N2HM_KPFACM: Kopfdaten zum Heilmittelkatalog9ERNAMName des Sachbearbeiters, der das Objekt hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
TOPSAP Credit Management
898DFKKCMSCredit Management: Master Data Replication5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
899DFKKCRPCreditworthiness Record: Generating Actions16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
900/ISHFR/COSTCOVIS-H FR: Coverage12ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
901/ISHFR/TN16P_TDAItems for Contract Schemes - Time-Dependent11ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
902NNL_DDS_QHDeklaration Query kopf13ERNAMIS-H: Name des Sachbearbeiters, der den Satz hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
903NNL_DDS_QHLDeklaration Query kopf log14ERNAMIS-H: Name des Sachbearbeiters, der den Satz hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
904NNL_DDS_RHDeklaration Ergebnis kopf24ERNAMIS-H: Name des Sachbearbeiters, der den Satz hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
905NNL_DDS_RHLDeklaration Ergebnis kopf log25ERNAMIS-H: Name des Sachbearbeiters, der den Satz hinzugefügt hatnvarchar120
906NWCHNBEWIS-H CH: Bewegungen zum Fall - Zusatzfelder Schweiz37ERNAMIS-H: nome del responsabile che ha aggiunto il recordnvarchar120
907TN16PIS-H SG: Contract Scheme Items19ERNAMIS-H: Name of Employee who Created Recordnvarchar120
TOPSAP Utilities
908EABLCTemporary Meter Reading Document in AMI Environment50ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
909EADZ_QDQuantity Determination Procedure7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
910EAMI_DEVICE_STATAMI: Device Status7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
911ECUST_DOC_INStore the reference of the documents provided by customer10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
912ELPASSAllocation of Load Profiles to any BOR Objects13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
913EUFASSAllocation of Usage Factor to any BOR Objects13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
914SCODE_INSeal code11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
915SEAL_INSeal20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
916APODELTAATP: POSGUID Copied to a Second R/3 System9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSecurity Deposits
917FKK_SECSecurity Deposit16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSelf-Billing Proced.
918VSBGRHIDoc Header Regrouping Information8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
919VSBGRIIDoc Item Regrouping Information9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
920VSBPLGProcessing Log: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
921VSBTRMTransmission: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings11ERNAMName of User Who Added the Transfernvarchar120
TOPSerial Numbers
922EQSESerial Number Records5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
923SERISerial Numbers4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPService Station Retailing
924OIRAPROCSTATPC Process status (IS-OIL SSR)9ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
925OIRA_PRINTINDEXPrint group index data10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
926OIRA_PRNDOC_HEADPrint document header data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
927OIRBMATMETBusiness Location material/meter assignment (IS-Oil, SSR)19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
928OIRBOANLAObject links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
929OIRBOCEPCObject links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
930OIRBOCOASObject links - CO order (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
931OIRBOCSKSObject links - CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
932OIRBOIFLOObject links - PM functional location (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
933OIRBOMMT001LObject links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)6ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
934OIRBOPROJObject links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
935OIRBOT001LObject links - CA storage location (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
936OIRBOT001WObject links - CA Plant (IS-Oil SSR)7ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
937OIRBPBLBBusiness location at business type level (IS-OIL SSR)25ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
938OIRBPBLSTATLocation Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)9ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
939OIRCCOMPDSSR Pricing - Competitor price differences11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
940OIRCCOMPDMSSR Pricing - Competitor price differences/Material12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
941OIRCLPCDSSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
942OIRCLPCDMSSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences/Material12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
943OIRCMDPGRSSR Pricing - Material differences rates11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
944OIRCPRCHHEADSSR Pricing - Change header details5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
945OIRCSDPGRSSR Pricing - Service type differences rates11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
946OIRC_DRREJSSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records73ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
947OIRC_GMMHSSR Meters - History57ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
948OIRC_GMMH_DELSSR Meters - Deleted meter readings history58ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
949OIRC_MRREJSSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records60ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
950OIRC_PRCHKSSR Pricing - Price check24ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
951OIRC_PRLOG_PRMSSR Pricing - Price update parameter log19ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
952OIRC_SOCDIPSSR Stocks - Dip readings history70ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
953OIRECH_APPLSSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR)11ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
954OIREPBLSSR PC: Types per business location18ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
955OIRESETT_HEADPayment Cards: Settlement Run Log13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
956OIRESETT_ITEMPayment Cards: Settlement Run Log9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
957OIRESPCRSSR PC: Splitting criteria14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
958OIREUPLKXXXXSSR PC: Template for generated DTF tables (header)64ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
959OIRE_RECON_RUNReconciliation run results14ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
960DVK01R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R331ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
961FIP_D_WORKLISTWorklist Substitution during Goods Receipt19ERNAMName of the Person who created the Objectnvarchar120
962LECOMPKomponenten für Lohnbearbeitungsanlieferungen20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
963LIKPSD Document: Delivery Header Data3ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
964LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
965TVIERSales Documents Containing Errors4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
966VLKPASD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
967VLPMASD Index: Delivery Items by Material9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
968WSUBST_CONTABAssignment Table (successfully substituted items)18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
969WSUBST_SWITCHDATSwitch/Switch Back Data23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
970WSUBST_WORKLSTWorklist Substitution Proposals18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
971VSAUFK_CNVersion: Order master data7ERNAMEntered bynvarchar120
972VSEBAN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
973VSEBKN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition account assignment8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
974VSPROJ_CNVersion: Project definition7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
975VSPRPS_CNVersion: WBS Element (Work Breakdwn Struc. Elem.) Mast. Data9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
976VSVBAK_CNVersion: Sales document: Header data6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
977VSVBAP_CNVersion: Sales document: Item data80ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSoftware Management
978TOGM4Maintenance Profile6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPStock Visibility
979/DSD/SV_ERROR_HDDSD SV Error Table Movement Header8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
980/DSD/SV_MM_HDDSD SV Material Movement Header8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
981/DSD/SV_RLDSD SV Final Unloading Documents5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
982CNLDST_OBJSAppl.and Obj. with Activated Language-Dependent Short Texts4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
983CNLDST_SHORTTXTable of Language-Dependent Short Texts10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSubsequent Settlement
984EBABSettlement Runs Subsequent Settlement, Header Data6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
985KOPARebate Arrangement/Partner Assignment5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPSupersession Chains
986PICHDParts Interchangeability Header Data (Sus+MPN)6ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
987PICPSParts Interchangeability Item (SuS+MPN)12ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
988PICRLParts Interchangeability Relation (Plant/MRP Area)13ERNAMName of person who created the objectnvarchar120
TOPTariffs, Duties and Permits
989OIH14Tax rate revaluation - obsolete27ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
990OIHLLicense Master Data31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPTechnical Objects
991EAML_D_LRP_HDRLinear Reference Pattern Header4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
992PROJSStandard project definition6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
993PRPSSStandard WBS Element (WBS element) - Master Data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPTime Sheet
994CATSDBCATS: Database Table for Time Sheet75ERNAMUser Who Created Data Recordnvarchar120
TOPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
995OIB_TANKDIPSilo management tank strapping history21ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
996OIFSBLCDBlocking Indicator for Business Locations8ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
997OIFSPBLTPhysical Business Location Type11ERNAMUser who Created Recordnvarchar120
998OIISCPBLSCP: Site control parameters (business loc) - IS-Oil BDRP41ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
999OIISCPKNSCP: Site control parameters (customer) - IS-Oil BDRP39ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1000OIISLVCKSOC: Linear/volumetric conversion (strap) set header9ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1001OIISOCAOISOC: Storage object characteristic: appl. specific oil & g5ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1002OIISOCB1SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk18ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1003OIISOCB2SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: packaged5ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1004OIISOCKSOC: Storage object characteristic segment header33ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1005OIISOCKLSOC: Storage object characteristic class17ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1006OIISOCO1SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk23ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1007OIISOCTSMSOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDR23ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1008OIISOCTSPSOC: Assignment SO <-> Plant/Storage location IS-Oil BDRP7ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1009OIISOCTYPSOC: Storage object type7ERNAMUser who created recordnvarchar120
1010OIJ03_LOVTSW: Table for Left on Vehicle Entries19ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1011OIJBERBerth Table15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1012OIJBERLOCIndex table for berths at TSW locations7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1013OIJBERMATAssignment of material to berths8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1014OIJBERSOCAssignment of berths to tanks7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1015OIJBRDOIL-TSW: Rundown table for Batch26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1016OIJBRDHRD header f.batch:Don't use(obsolete) & don't delete(XPRA)30ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1017OIJBRDNOMStock Projection item / nomination X-ref table21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1018OIJCLIPBOARDClipboard Table for Railcar33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1019OIJHCT01OIL-TSW: Ticket Holding Table (Draft version 1) - OBSOLETE71ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1020OIJLOCLocation table9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1021OIJLOCMATOIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material table87ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1022OIJNOMCOIL-TSW: Nomination copy table103ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1023OIJNOMHNomination Header52ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1024OIJNOMHATLOADNomination Hatch load sequence plan18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1025OIJNOMHATPLANNomination: hatch plan9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1026OIJNOMINomination Item103ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1027OIJNOMSUBITEMSNomination Sub-Item53ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1028OIJPHYINVPhysical inventory13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1029OIJPLANLOCOIL TSW: Multiple planning Locations7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1030OIJRDOIL-TSW: Rundown table25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1031OIJRDHRundown header: Don't use (obsolete) & don't delete (XPRA)29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1032OIJRDHTPSETOIL-TSW: Rundown Rack issue / throughput settings13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1033OIJRDNOMStock Projection item / nomination X-ref table20ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1034OIJRRAOIL-TSW: Partner roles17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1035OIJSDLOCOIL-TSW: Multiple sources/destinations of location15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1036OIJTHPUTFCRack issue / Throughput forecast15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1037OIJTHPUTFCAVGOIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput forecast daily average15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1038OIJTHPUTFCESTOIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput estimate pop-up16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1039OIJTSLOCOIL-TSW: transport system/location assignment table12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1040OIJTSMATOIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material table79ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1041OIJTSMATSEQDisallowed Material sequence within Transport system8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1042OIJWLOIL-TSW: Worklist21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1043OIJXTSW control record6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1044OIJ_EL_CP_LAYTCharter party and laytime and demurrage agreement59ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1045OIJ_EL_CP_LOCCharter party contract: load and discharge locations11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1046OIJ_EL_CP_PRODCharter contracts: products and product groups11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1047OIJ_EL_DOC_EVRules for nomination events17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1048OIJ_EL_DOC_H_REFOil TSW: Document header reference to nomination; not used8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1049OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REFDocument item reference to nomination26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1050OIJ_EL_DOC_MOTOil TSW: TSW Relevance of order item37ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1051OIJ_EL_DOC_M_MOTOIL TSW: TSW Details / Multiple MoT's9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1052OIJ_EL_LAYT_EVLaytime start and end events21ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1053OIJ_EL_LAYT_INFLaytime terms17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1054OIJ_EL_PROD_DATAProduction data for locations11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1055OIJ_EL_TCKET_UOMUniversal ticket additional units of measure15ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1056OIJ_EL_TICKET_HUniversal ticket table13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1057OIJ_EL_TICKET_IUniversal ticket item table39ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1058OIJ_LMTIMECONOILTSW: Time dependent constraints by location & material10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1059OIJ_NOMLTLaytime and demurrage for groups in nominations17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1060OIJ_PLAN_PRF3WP Planning Profile84ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1061OIJ_RDHEADStock Projection header32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1062OIJ_RELPROFOil-TSW: Release profiles for Schedules9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1063OIJ_REPORT_QUANTSW: Reported Nomination quantities into/out of inventory10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1064OIJ_SCHEDPlanned Schedule Lines150ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1065OIJ_SIM_SCHEDobsolete table (will be cleaned up)25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1066OIJ_TGTSFTTIMETime dependent target and safety levels9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1067OIJ_VEH_PERFMarine Scheduling - Table to Store vehicle Performanace25ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPTrading Contract
1068WBGTGlobal Trade: Generic Document Information10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPTransfer Postings
1069J_1AAWAYBLWay Bills for asset movements43ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1070VTTKShipment Header6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1071VTTPShipment Item6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1072VTTSStage of Shipment7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPUpstream Graphics
1073OIUGT_LAYOUTUpstream Graphics Graphics Variants8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1074OIUGT_LOGUpstream Graphics Graphics Log5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPVariant Configuration
1075CECUSDConfiguration editor: design: basic data8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPVehicle Management System
1076VLCBATCHACTVELO : Variant for Action Execution in Batch110ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1077VLCCUORDERVELO : Sales Order8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1078VLCDELIVERYVELO : Delivery7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1079VLCGISSUEVELO : Material Document /Goods Issue8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1080VLCGMOVEMVELO : Material Documents (Other)8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1081VLCGRECEIPTVELO : Material Document / Goods Receipt10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1082VLCHISTORYVELO : Vehicle History16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1083VLCINCINVOICEVELO : Incoming Invoice9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1084VLCINQUIRYVELO : Request for Quotation8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1085VLCINVOICEVELO : Billing Document7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1086VLCOFFERVELO : Quotation8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1087VLCPORDERVELO : MM Purchase Order8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1088VLCRESERVATIONVELO : Reservation7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1089VLCREVALUATIONVELO : Delivery7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1090VLCSMNOTIFVELO : Service Notification7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1091VLCSMORDERVELO : Service Order9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1092VLCVEHICLEVELO : Vehicle31ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPVendor Evaluation
1093ELBMVendor Evaluation: Material-Related Item7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPVendor Master
1094LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization data5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1095LFM2Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1096WYT1Vendor Subrange4ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1097WYT3Partner Functions8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1098WYT5Changes to Vendor Master Record9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPVisit Control
1099/DSD/VC_VLHDSD: Visit List - Header Data22ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1100/DSD/VC_VPHDSD: Visit Schedule - Header Data29ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPWarehouse Management
1101LSEGDocument for Inward and Outward Movements26ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1102BGMKMaster Warranty Header10ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPWaste Management
1103EEWA_CAPAB_HEADIS-U Waste: Capacity Planning - Header13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1104EEWA_GUARANTORGuarantor Contract13ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1105EEWA_PROP_HHeader data of property11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1106EEWA_ROBCleaning Object36ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1107EWACALENDERDefinition of General Non-Workdays7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1108EWADEVSERVService Order for Container Delivery18ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1109EWAEHSGPBusiness Partner Integration Table EHS/ IS-W7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1110EWAEQUIIS-U WA: Additional Data for Equipment Master32ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1111EWAOBJHeader Data for Service Frequency45ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1112EWAROUTEHeader table of route70ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1113EWATDEVLOCProvisional Container/Container Location Allocation16ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1114EWA_BILL_RELEVNTValuation of Fields Relevant for Billing in Waste Bill.Cat.33ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1115EWA_EL_WDPLANTWaste Disposal Facility23ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1116EWA_EL_WDPPROCTransaction Within Facility17ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1117EWA_EL_WDPPROGRTransaction Group6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1118EWA_EL_WDPPROTETransaction Template8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1119EWA_EL_WDPPROTYProcedure Category12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1120EWA_FAKTORFactors for Billing of Waste Management Services8ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1121EWA_OBJADDRESSObject Address11ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1122EWA_ORDER_HEADHeader Table for Waste Disposal Order52ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1123EWA_SERVADDRESSService Address12ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1124EWA_VBSTable Supplement for Premise with Historical Data9ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1125EWA_WA_WEIGHOFFLOffline Weighing86ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1126TEWA_EL_OBJTRAObject Transaction Configuration (CL_EEWA_TRANSACTION)5ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
1127TEWA_EL_OBJTRAMObject Transaction Configuration (Overriding Clients)6ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
TOPWork Clearance Management
1128WCAGNWCM: Approvals7ERNAMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120