SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

122 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | ERNAMADM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
TOPRecycling Administration Core Functions
1J_7LBDCMSGREA Conditions: Error Messages BDC Condition Adjustment44ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
2J_7LC01REA Company Codes10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
3J_7LC02REA Company Codes: Common Company Codes47ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
4J_7LC03REA Data Filter: Billing Types9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
5J_7LC04REA Data Filters: Sales Areas10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
6J_7LC05REA Data Filter: Material Types8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
7J_7LC06REA Data Filter: Product Hierarchies8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
8J_7LC07REA Data Filter: Material Groups8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
9J_7LC08REA Customizing: Data Filter Indicator22ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
10J_7LC09REA Customizing: General Controls100ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
11J_7LC10REA Countries: Country Grouping8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
12J_7LC11REA Customizing: Selection Criteria for Declarations8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
13J_7LC13REA Data Filters: Transaction Types10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
14J_7LC14REA Data Filter: Movement Types11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
15J_7LC15REA Data Filter: Document Types10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
16J_7LC16REA Bill of Material Usage (Company Code)8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
17J_7LC17REA Packaging Types9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
18J_7LC18REA Change Fields8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
19J_7LC191REA Data Filters: Splitting for Sales Transactions20ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
20J_7LC192REA Data Filters: Splitting for Purchasing Transactions18ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
21J_7LC193REA Data Filters: Transaction-Dependent Sales Data Filters16ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
22J_7LC194REA Data Filters: Transaction-Dep. Purchasing Data Filters14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
23J_7LC20REA Packaging Levels8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
24J_7LC200REA: Packaging Level - Recycling Partner Assignment10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
25J_7LC21REA Special Condition Types14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
26J_7LC23REA Customizing: Assignments for Automatic Article Managemnt15ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
27J_7LC26REA Data Filter: BOM Usage7ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
28J_7LC27REA Data Filter: BOM Item Category7ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
29J_7LC28REA Data Filter: Sales Document Item Category8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
30J_7LC29REA Data Filter: Packaging Material Type8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
31J_7LC31REA Customizing: General Interface Default Settings15ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
32J_7LC32REA Data Filters: Customer Industry Key8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
33J_7LC34REA DME: Field Mapping and Rule Set17ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
34J_7LC36REA Condition Types19ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
35J_7LC37REA Condition type assignment: Versions14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
36J_7LC38REA Condition type assignment: Items11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
37J_7LC39REA Packaging: Weighting Factors for Units of Measure9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
38J_7LC40REA Info System: Recycling Partner-Spec. LIS Update14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
39J_7LC41REA Data Filter: Country Allocations11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
40J_7LC42REA Data Filter: Allocation R-Partner, Country and Comp.Code13ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
41J_7LC43REA Data Filter: Filter Type Definition16ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
42J_7LC44REA Data Filter: Field Definition Country Assignment21ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
43J_7LC45REA Data Filter: Key8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
44J_7LC46REA Data Filter: Groups for Material Characteristic18ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
45J_7LC47REA Customizing: Customer Enhancement17ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
46J_7LC48REA Data Filter: Field Definition Charact. Material Master9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
47J_7LC49REA Data Filter: Material Master Characteristic Values9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
48J_7LC50REA Data Filters: Definition Access Sequences for Hierarchy9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
49J_7LC51REA Data Filters: Access Sequences - Accesses16ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
50J_7LC52REA Company Codes: Assigned Plants for Bills of Material8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
51J_7LC53REA Data Filters: Assignment Access Sequences Customer Hier.14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
52J_7LC54REA Data Filters: Asgmt Access Sequences Vendor Hierarchy12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
53J_7LC55REA Data Filters: Trade Level Combinations10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
54J_7LC56REA Data Filters: Trade Level Combinations - Transactions11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
55J_7LC57REA Data Filters: Transaction Keys9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
56J_7LC58REA Customizing: Posting of Accruals Corrections33ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
57J_7LC59REA Customizing: Assignment of Accruals Correction Posting11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
58J_7LC60REA Customizing: Condition Types for Accruals Correction8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
59J_7LC61REA Data Filters: Access Sequence Doc. Flow Evaluation7ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
60J_7LC62REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation-to-Billing Type Asgmt11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
61J_7LC63REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Path7ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
62J_7LC64REA Data Filters: Access Sequence Doc. Flow Eval. - Paths10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
63J_7LC65REA Data Filters: Accesses in Document Flow Evaluation Path12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
64J_7LC66REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation Single Access16ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
65J_7LC67REA Data Filters: Filter Definition for Doc. Flow Evaluation8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
66J_7LC671REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation Sales Doc. Type9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
67J_7LC672REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Billing Type9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
68J_7LC673REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Delivery Type9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
69J_7LC68REA Customizing: RePartner-Dep. Consistency Check Header11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
70J_7LC69REA Customizing: RePartner-Dep. Consistency Check Items20ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
71J_7LC70REA Customizing: Log File Control for Declarations12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
72J_7LE00REA Partner Master Record: Name of Recycling Partner7ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
73J_7LE01REA Partner Master Record: General Data (Country-Dependent)107ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
74J_7LE02REA Partner Master Record: Company Code33ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
75J_7LE04REA Partner Master Record: Volume/Area Classes26ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
76J_7LE05REA Partner Master Record: Packaging Types28ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
77J_7LE06REA Partner Master Record: Additional Information Key12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
78J_7LE07REA Partner Master Record: Content Identification Key12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
79J_7LE08REA Partner Master Record: Month-Quarter Assignment12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
80J_7LE09REA Partner Master: Document Types75ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
81J_7LE10REA Partner Master: Document Types Periodicity11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
82J_7LE11REA Partner Master: Selection Groups for Consecutive Docs10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
83J_7LE12REA Partner Master: Consecutive Doc.-to-Selection Grp Asgmt12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
84J_7LE13REA Partner Master: Trade Levels24ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
85J_7LE14REA Partner Master: Trade Level Proportion (price list vers)15ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
86J_7LE15REA Partner Master: Formulas for Fee Calculation11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
87J_7LE16REA Partner Master Record: Packaging Category - Fraction12ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
88J_7LE17REA Partner Master: Price Formulas18ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
89J_7LM01REA Article Master: General Data11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
90J_7LM02REA Article Master: Company Code9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
91J_7LM03REA Article Master: Sales Units21ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
92J_7LM04REA Article Master: Packaging Assignments32ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
93J_7LM05REA Article Master: Recycling Partner Assignment29ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
94J_7LM06REA Article Master: Bills of Material18ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
95J_7LM07REA Article Master: General Referencing9ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
96J_7LM08REA Article Master: Referencing Company Codes/Countries13ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
97J_7LM09REA Article Master: R.Partner-Depend.Data Assign.Packaging29ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
98J_7LM10REA Article Master: Filters for Regional Processing23ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
99J_7LM11REA Article Master: Declaration Key19ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
100J_7LP01REA Price List: Versions19ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
101J_7LP02REA Price List: Items22ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
102J_7LP03REA Price List: Conditions18ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
103J_7LS01REA Fractions: Internal Fractions10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
104J_7LS02REA Fractions: Partner Fractions16ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
105J_7LS03REA Mat.Types: Internal/Recycling Partner Material Types10ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
106J_7LV01REA Packaging Master Data: General Data38ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
107J_7LV01TREA Packaging Master: Short Texts11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
108J_7LV02REA Packaging Master Data: Fraction Assignment (Weight)14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
109J_7LV03REA Packaging Master Data: Recycling Partner Assignment29ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
110J_7LV04REA Packaging Groups: General Data11ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
111J_7LV05REA Packaging Master Data: Packaging/Packaging Group Assign.24ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
112J_7LV06REA Packaging Master Data: Bills of Material13ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
113J_7LV07REA Packaging Groups: Recycling Partner-Dep. Packaging Data25ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
114J_7LV08REA Packag. Mast. Data: Re.Partner-Dep. Data Asgmt Fraction15ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
115J_7LV1AREA Document: Consecutive Document Types for Main Doc. Type19ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
116J_7LV1BREA Document: Consolidated Documents8ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
117J_7LV1FREA Document: Characteristics/Grouping from MM17ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
118J_7LV1HREA Document: Trade Levels29ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
119J_7LV1KREA Document: Header Data93ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
120J_7LV1MREA Document: Quantity Flow on Article Level31ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
121J_7LV1PREA Document: Item Data92ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120
122J_7LV1SREA Document: Selection Criteria Log14ERNAMADMName of Person who Created the Objectnvarchar120