| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | /BIC/B0000185000 | PSA for 2LIS_13_VDITM T90CLNT090 Billing Doc. Item | 39 | FKIMG | | decimal | 13 | 0 | | |
2 | /BIC/B0000186000 | PSA for 2LIS_13_VDKON T90CLNT090 Billing Docu. Cond. | 34 | FKIMG | | decimal | 13 | 0 | | |
3 | IDGT_GTDI | GT Document Item | 8 | FKIMG | Billed Quantity | decimal | 15 | 3 | | |
4 | IDGT_MERGE_INFO | Item Merge Info | 10 | FKIMG | Billed Quantity | decimal | 15 | 3 | | |
5 | IDGT_VATI | VAT Invoice Item | 10 | FKIMG | Billed Quantity | decimal | 15 | 3 | | |
6 | J_1I_PM_COODET | EXIM: COO line items | 8 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
7 | NNL_ZH308_V9_R04 | ZH308 V09 Record04 Soll Daten | 35 | FKIMG | | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
8 | NNL_ZH308_V9_R16 | ZH308 V09 Record16 Soll Daten | 25 | FKIMG | | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
TOPAccounting Interface |
9 | GLE_FI_ITEM_MODF | ECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data) | 255 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
10 | GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIG | ECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F) | 255 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPAdvertising Management |
11 | JHTEM | IS-M/AM: RO Document, Item, Quantities | 4 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
12 | JHTFP | IS-M/AM: Billing/Settlement Documents - Item | 50 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPBilling |
13 | VBRP | Billing Document: Item Data | 5 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPCosting |
14 | COER | Sales Order Value Revenue | 76 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPData Collection |
15 | S008 | Communications Table SD -> CO/Projects | 78 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
16 | S262 | SD - Billing document | 78 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
17 | S262BIW1 | SD - Billing document | 78 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
18 | S262BIW2 | SD - Billing document | 78 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPData Retention Tool |
19 | TXW_S_VBRP | Retrieve VBRP from archive | 22 | FKIMG | Actual invoiced quantity | nvarchar | 16 | 0 | | |
TOPFinancial Accounting |
20 | /CCEE/SIFIPE7 | Pro forma invoice for temporary export of goods | 11 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting |
21 | FAGL_SPLINFO | Splittling Information of Open Items | 62 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPIntegration |
22 | FKK_VBRP_SHORT | Item Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts | 18 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPLocalization |
23 | IDGT_INFO | GTI China: Data sent to GT | 32 | FKIMG | Billed Quantity | decimal | 15 | 3 | | |
TOPPatient Accounting |
24 | NVBRP | IS-H: Billing document item data | 4 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPPeriodical Sales and Distribution |
25 | JFRP | IS-M/SD: Billing Document - Item Data | 4 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPRecycling Administration Core Functions |
26 | J_7LS990 | Pseudo Info Structure Similar to S990 for Extern.Data w/o SD | 22 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
27 | J_7LV1M | REA Document: Quantity Flow on Article Level | 19 | FKIMG | Actual Billed Quantity | decimal | 17 | 3 | | |
28 | J_7LVBRPOS | NON-SD Interface: Billing: Item Data | 5 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPSelf-Billing Proced. |
29 | VSBPLG | Processing Log: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | 21 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
TOPService Station Retailing |
30 | S412 | SSR Margin Report | 29 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |
31 | S413 | SSR - Monthly/Daily Loc.Inv. | 25 | FKIMG | Actual Invoiced Quantity | decimal | 13 | 3 | | |