| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
1 | DFKK_BRF120 | BRF: Parameter for Initialization of Buffer Elements | 9 | INTO_STRUCTURE | Name of Structure/Table in DDIC | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
2 | TFKKBRFBUFFER | Reserved Buffer Elements | 4 | INTO_STRUCTURE | Name of Structure/Table in DDIC | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
3 | DFMCA_BRF120 | Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item | 9 | INTO_STRUCTURE | Name of Structure/Table in DDIC | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
4 | DFMCA_BRF140 | Table for Reserved Structure IDs | 3 | INTO_STRUCTURE | Name of Structure/Table in DDIC | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |