SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

111 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | ITEM_ID

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/1RA/0SD010MIItems for Class SD01 - Raw Data13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
2/1RA/0SD012MIItems for Class SD01 - Processable13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
3/1RA/0SD014MIItems for Class SD01 - Processed13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
4/1RA/0SD020MIItems for Class SD02 - Raw Data13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
5/1RA/0SD022MIItems for Class SD02 - Processable13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
6/1RA/0SD024MIItems for Class SD02 - Processed13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
7/1RA/0SD030MIItems for Class SD03 - Raw Data13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
8/1RA/0SD032MIItems for Class SD03 - Processable13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
9/1RA/0SD034MIItems for Class SD03 - Processed13ITEM_IDItem ID of Source Document for Revenue Accouting Itemnvarchar150
10/CPD/C_CHKITEM_TCPD: Customizing for Checklist Items Text2ITEM_IDMilestone Checklist Itemnvarchar120
11/CPD/C_CHK_ITEMSDefine Checklist Items (Milestones)2ITEM_IDMilestone Checklist Itemnvarchar120
12/CPD/C_CHK_MAPCustomizing for Milestone Checklist Mapping4ITEM_IDMilestone Checklist Itemnvarchar120
13/CPD/D_MP_ITEMMaster Project Structure Elements12ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar400
14/SLCE/IRTIRT Relationships4ITEM_IDGUID of a CRM Order Objectvarbinary160
15CMCBD_TK_LINKSBRF+ Workflow Task and Link Mapping Table3ITEM_IDWork List: Item ID(GUID)nvarchar320
16CMCBD_TK_USERSBRF+ Workflow Task and User Mapping Table3ITEM_IDWork List: Item ID(GUID)nvarchar320
17CMCBD_WKLIST_NAWork List: Alert/Notification Table2ITEM_IDWork List: Item ID(GUID)nvarchar320
18CMCBD_WKLIST_TKWork List: Tasks Table2ITEM_IDWork List: Item ID(GUID)nvarchar320
19CMCBD_WKL_NA_MBXWork List: Alert/Notification Mapping Table3ITEM_IDWork List: Item ID(GUID)nvarchar320
20GRACCHANGELOGData Change Log table14ITEM_IDItem Idnvarchar900
21GRACMENUAUTHAuth mapping table for AC IA.1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
22GRFNMENUAPPCOMPMenu Authorization Entity Mapping1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
23GRFNMENUAPPCOMPCMenu Authorization Entity Mapping - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
24GRFNMENUPFCGPFCG Auth Mapping Table1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
25GRRMOBITEMSWSwitch Configuration - Menu Items Visibility2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
26RSDB2A_CONTROLDB2 Accelerator: conrol center TOC1ITEM_IDint100
27RSDB2A_CTRLTXTDB2 Accelerator: language dependent texts2ITEM_IDint100
28RSLSTWADMStW / BW Workspace Assignment5ITEM_IDSAP Jam: Item IDnvarchar220
29TEXT_CTY_EXPOSCommodity Price Exposure5ITEM_IDCommodity Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
30TEXT_POSF_DCS_PRExposure Position Flow DCS Pricing Data6ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
31TEXT_REXP_DCS_PRRaw Exposure Item DCS Pricing Data3ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
32TEXT_REXP_FO_IDXIndex for Financial Object Raw Exposure (TC)5ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
TOPAccounting Engine
33/EACC/CONFIGS_LIConfigurations5ITEM_IDField Namenvarchar300
34/EACC/GEN_PROGSGenerated Programs13ITEM_IDField Namenvarchar300
TOPAccounting Interface
35GLE_ECS_BAL_ITEMGL open items that are not in ECS7ITEM_IDID of Error Correction Itemvarbinary160
36GLE_ECS_ITEMECS: Error Correction Items2ITEM_IDID of Error Correction Itemvarbinary160
37GLE_ECS_ITEM_MSGECS: Error Messages for Error Correction Items2ITEM_IDID of Error Correction Itemvarbinary160
38GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)2ITEM_IDID of Error Correction Itemvarbinary160
39GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)2ITEM_IDID of Error Correction Itemvarbinary160
TOPBusiness Navigator
40DF54SActive nodes for a variant4ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar200
TOPClinical System
41N2GL_ITEMPathways: Item of Treatment Pathway3ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar320
42N2GL_TM_STEPpathways Step of Patient Pathway9ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar320
43N2HIT_LI_ENHL: Findings Hit List: Assignment: Entry - Hit List7ITEM_IDGUID in 'CHAR' Format in Uppercasenvarchar320
TOPControl Plan
44DPR_CTRLPLAN_IControl Plan: Characteristics Within Control Plan3ITEM_IDUnique Characteristic ID in the Control Plannvarchar150
45QPCPD_ITEMItem of Control Plan3ITEM_IDExternal ID of Control Plan Itemnvarchar80
TOPCross-Application Components
46CFX_BI_MAP_ATTRMapping of cFolders Attribute IDs to the OS Fields7ITEM_IDID of Item in cFoldersnvarchar2550
TOPCustom Development Management Cockpit
47CNVCDMC_BPCACDMC Table for BPCA interface with mapping and TBOM info5ITEM_IDUnique ID - 32 charactersnvarchar320
TOPEnd User Technology
48RSLOCALITEMVIEWUser-Defined Data Views5ITEM_IDTechnical Name of an Itemnvarchar300
49RSLOCALITEMVIEW2User-Defined Data Views8ITEM_IDTechnical Name of an Itemnvarchar300
50RSZWOBJXREFStructure of the BW Objects in a Template4ITEM_IDTechnical Name of an Itemnvarchar300
TOPFunds Management
51IAOM_GTR_EXATGrantor: Account Assignment Manager External Characteristics5ITEM_IDItemnvarchar100
TOPGovernance, Risk and Compliance
52GRFNMENU(Obsolete) Menu3ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
53GRFNMENUAUTHMenu Authorization Entity Mapping1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
54GRFNMENUAUTHCMenu Authorization Entity Mapping - Cust enhance2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
55GRFNMENUC(Obsolete) Menu - Customer enhancement4ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
56GRFNMENUITEMMenu Item1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
57GRFNMENUITEMCMenu Item - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
58GRFNMENUITEMCTMenu Item Text - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
59GRFNMENUITEMTMenu Item Text1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
TOPGRC Risk Management
60/ORM/ORMTEVNTCLSILD Event Classification Data4ITEM_IDILD Attribute Value IDnvarchar100
61/ORM/ORMTEVNTLCLILD Event Losses Classification Items6ITEM_IDILD Attribute Value IDnvarchar100
62PTJPFWS_ITEMDATA(Obsolete) Request Item Data for Flexible Work Schedule JP2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
63T7JPCP_DTFLSTRDefine Data File Structure7ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar300
64TPTJPFWS_ITEMDATRequest Item Data for Flexible Work Schedule JP2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
TOPManagement of Internal Controls
65FOPCWFITEMMIC: Workflow Items2ITEM_IDWork Itemnvarchar320
66FOPCWFRECIPMIC: Workflow Recipients2ITEM_IDWork Itemnvarchar320
67GHO_OWNDOI_ITMCKOwnership : Division of Interest details in item work table2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
68GHO_OWN_DOI_ITMSOwnership : Division of Interest details2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
69GHO_OWN_DOI_SSMOwnership Sliding Scale Maintenance2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
70GHO_OWN_SM_ITMSOwnership Scale Method Items2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
71GHO_OWN_TRO_ITMTransfer of Ownership Item Table2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
72GHO_TRO_BG_ITMSTemporary storage for Bearer group from transfer request2ITEM_IDOwnership UUIDnvarchar320
TOPPersonnel Time Events
73TPTCOR_APLDifferent Payment (Correction Scenario)2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
74TPTCOR_CORECore Information (Correction Scenario)2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
75TPTCOR_CUSTOMERCustomer (Correction Scenario)2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
76TPTCOR_KOSTLCost Assignment (Correction Scenario)2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
77TPTCOR_LOGISTICLogistics Orders (Correction Scenario)2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
TOPPersonnel Time Management
78PTARQ_ATTS_INFOLeave Request: Attendance Data2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
79PTARQ_EXTRA_INFOLeave Request: Additional Fields for Attendances/Absences2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
80PTREQ_ATTABSDATARequest Data for Attendances/Absences2ITEM_IDID of Request Itemnvarchar320
81PRCD_SIM_ATTRPricing Document Attributes (Simulation)3ITEM_IDItem Numbervarbinary160
82PRCD_SIM_ITEMPricing Document Item (Simulation)3ITEM_IDItem Numbervarbinary160
TOPProcess Controls
83GRPCMENUMenu3ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
84GRPCMENUCMenu - Customer enhancement4ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
85GRPCMENUITEMMenu Item1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
86GRPCMENUITEMCMenu Item - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
87GRPCMENUITEMCTMenu Item Text - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
88GRPCMENUITEMTMenu Item Text1ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
89GRPCMENUTASKMenu Task mapping2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
90GRPCMENUTASKCMenu Task mapping - Customer enhancement2ITEM_IDMenu Item IDnvarchar200
91GRPCWFITEMPC: Workflow Items2ITEM_IDWork Itemnvarchar320
92GRPCWFRECIPPC: Workflow Recipients2ITEM_IDWork Itemnvarchar320
TOPProcess Management
93CMX_XSR_DB_ITEMStandard Execution Step Repository: Items2ITEM_IDXSteps: ID of a Repository Itemnvarchar220
94CMX_XSR_DB_ITEMTStandard Execution Step Repository: Texts for Items2ITEM_IDXSteps: ID of a Repository Itemnvarchar220
95CMX_XSR_DB_VERSStandard Execution Step Repository: Versions4ITEM_IDXSteps: ID of a Repository Itemnvarchar220
TOPProcess Orchestration for Built-In Processes
96POC_D_BA_LOGTask Log Header4ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar100
97POC_D_EVTQEvent Processing Queue4ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar100
TOPResourcen Management
98RMSAT_STD_PARA_IRMS-ATL: Variable Item Table Parameter Standardization4ITEM_IDObject ID for Standardizationnvarchar320
TOPTransaction Manager
99TEXT_ARCH_LOGArchive trace log info8ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
100TEXT_POSF_PRICESExposure Position Flow Pricing Data6ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
101TEXT_POSITIONSExposure Positions30ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
102TEXT_POS_FLOWExposure Position Flows29ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
103TEXT_REXP_DLYRaw Exposure Item Delivery Data3ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
104TEXT_REXP_ITEMRaw Exposure Item3ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
105TEXT_REXP_PRICESRaw Exposure Item Pricing Data3ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
106TEXT_REXP_SUBITSub Raw Exposures (Split Items)3ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
107TEXT_TRANSACTIONUnmatched Exposure Business Transactions29ITEM_IDRaw Exposure Line Item IDnvarchar50
TOPWithout Description
108RSDMTA_DEPN_DETDepending items detail table3ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar2000
109RSDMTA_ENUM_INFOLIS table Information2ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar2000
110RSDMTA_LEAD_DETLeading items detail table3ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar2000
111RSDMTA_LIS_DETLIS detail table3ITEM_IDItem IDnvarchar2000