SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

651 columns | Print definition?B1 9.2  | LINENUM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1APJ2Project Plan Steps Time Record3LineNumLine NumberInt110
2CUVVUser Validations3LineNumRow NumberInt110
3DGP4Business Place List2LineNumLine NumberInt110
4FTT1Financial Template Import - Files2LineNumRow NumberInt110
5MLS1Distribution Lists - Recipients2LineNumAddressee NumberInt110
6OTCXTax Code Determination2LineNumRow NumberInt110
7PCI1Process Checklist Element Extended Data2LineNumLine NumberInt110
8PJT2Project Plan Steps Time Record3LineNumLine NumberInt110
9PQW1Purchase Quotation Generation: Line Items2LineNumRow NumberInt110
10RIT1Interest Rates2LineNumRow NumberInt110
11SPRGApplication Start1LineNumRow NumberInt110
12TPL1Template - Records2LineNumLine No.Int110
13TRN1Subtable of OTRN2LineNumLine Number of TableInt110
14TRN2Subtable of OTRN2LineNumLine Number of TRN1Int110
15ARC5Reciept log vat adjustment-History3LineNumRow Number - HistoryInt110
16ARC8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
17CHO2Checks for Payment - Print Status5LineNumRow NumberInt110
18PDF5PaymentDraft - vat adjustment3LineNumRow NumberInt110
19PDF8Payment Draft - TDS Entries2LineNumRow NumberInt110
20PMN5Payment - VAT Adjustment3LineNumRow NumberInt110
21PMV8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries2LineNumRow NumberInt110
22RCT5Reciept vat adjustment3LineNumRow NumberInt110
23RCT8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries2LineNumRow NumberInt110
24TMP8Incoming Payment - TDS Entries2LineNumRow NumberInt110
25TPW3Utilization and Payment2LineNumLine NumberInt110
26VPM5Outgoing Payments - Vat Adjustment3LineNumRow NumberInt110
27VPM8Outgoing Payment - TDS Entries2LineNumRow NumberInt110
TOPBusiness Partners
28ACR1Business Partner Addresses - History14LineNumRow No.Int110
29ACR2Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods-History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
30CRD1Business Partners - Addresses14LineNumRow NumberInt110
31CRD2Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods2LineNumRow NumberInt110
32DDT1Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
33ODUNDunning Letters1LineNumRow NumberInt110
34TGG1Target Group Details23LineNumLine NumberInt110
35AAC1Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas - History2LineNumLine NumberInt110
36ACD1Credit Memo - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
37ACD2Credit Memo - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
38ACQ1Capitalization - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
39ACQ2Capitalization - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
40ACS1Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas2LineNumLine NumberInt110
41AFA1Asset Document - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
42AFA2Asset Document - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
43AJD2Withholding Tax - History22LineNumRow NumberInt110
44AWD1Withholding Tax Dates2LineNumRow NumberInt110
45AWD2Value Ranges7LineNumRow NumberInt110
46AWH1Tax Definition10LineNumRow NumberInt110
47AWH2WTax Definition - Rows29LineNumRow NumberInt110
48AWH3Value Range9LineNumRow NumberInt110
49BTF2Journal Voucher Withholding Tax - History22LineNumRow NumberInt110
50CFH1Cash Flow Statement Report - History - Rows5LineNumCash Flow Line No.nVarChar50
51FAA1Asset Attributes - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
52FAC1Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
53FAC2Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Period Control Change2LineNumRow NumberInt110
54FAM1Fixed Asset Data Migration - Rows2LineNumLine NumberInt110
55FAR1Fixed Asset Revaluation - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
56FIX1Fixed Asset Transaction - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
57FTR1Transfer - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
58FTR2Transfer - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
59GBI10GBI Row 10 - Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar50
60GBI12GBI Row 12 - Shareholder's Rights and Interests Changing Report6LineNumLine numbernVarChar60
61GBI13GBI Row 13 - Enterprise's Profit Distribution Report4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar60
62GBI14GBI Row 14 - Small Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar50
63GBI15GBI Row 15 - Enterprise's VAT Payable Detail Report4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar60
64GBI8GBI Row 8 - Enterprise's Balance Sheet4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar60
65JDT2Withholding Tax - History22LineNumRow NumberInt110
66JST1TDS Adjustment - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt1100
67MDP1Manual Depreciation - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
68MDP2Manual Depreciation - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
69OCFWCash Flow Line Item3LineNumCash Flow Line No.nVarChar50
70OFRCFinancial Report Categories69LineNumLine NumbernVarChar60
71ORTMRate Differences1LineNumReconciliation KeyInt110
72RTI1Retirement - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
73RTI2Retirement - Area Journal Transactions2LineNumRow NumberInt110
74RTM1Rate Differences - Rows1LineNumReconciliation KeyInt110
75RTM2Rate Differences - SC Adjustment Rows1LineNumReconciliation KeyInt110
76SHR1Shareholder's Rights and Interests Report History - Rows4LineNumLine NumbernVarChar60
77WHT1Withholding Tax Definition10LineNumRow NumberInt110
78WHT2Withholding Tax Definition - Rows29LineNumRow NumberInt110
79WHT3Value Range9LineNumRow NumberInt110
80WTD1Withholding Tax Dates2LineNumRow NumberInt110
81WTD2Value Ranges7LineNumRow NumberInt110
82ZRD1POS Daily Summary - Totals2LineNumRow NumberInt110
83ACPA1Periods Category - WIP Mapping - Log2LineNumLine NumberInt110
84AMR3Inventory Revaluation SNB3LineNumRow NumberInt110
85CIN11Correction Invoice - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
86CPA1Periods Category - WIP Mapping2LineNumLine NumberInt110
87CUL1Customer Usage Statistics Log2LineNumLine NumberInt110
88HMM1Child Table of OHMM2LineNumChild No.Int110
89HMM2Child Table of OHHM2LineNumChild No.Int110
90HMM3OHMM Child Table2LineNumLine NumberInt110
91KPS1KPI Set Array 12LineNumKPI Line NumberInt110
92MRV3Inventory Revaluation SNB3LineNumRow NumberInt110
93TCN1Tracking Note - Line Data2LineNumRow NumberInt110
94TCN2Tracking Note - Brokers2LineNumRow NumberInt110
TOPInventory and Production
95AIN1Inventory Counting - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
96AIN10Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
97AIN11Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
98AIN2Inventory Counting - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
99AIN3Inventory Count - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
100AIN5Inventory Counting - Team Counters - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
101AIN6Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
102AIN7Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
103AIN9Inventory Counting - Individual Counter - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
104AIT5Asset Item Projects - History2LineNumLine NumberInt110
105AIT6Asset Item Distribution Rules2LineNumLine NumbernVarChar110
106AMR1Inventory Revaluation - History - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
107AMR2Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows (Archive)3LineNumRow NumberInt110
108AQI2Inventory Opening Balance - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
109AQR2Inventory Counting - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
110AQR3Inventory Count - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
111ASP1Special Prices - Data Areas3LINENUMRow NumberInt60
112AUG1UoM Group Detail6LineNumRow NumberInt110
113AWO1Production Order (Rows) - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
114AWO3Production Order - (Closure) - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
115ENT1Entry - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
116ICD1Inventory Counting Draft - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
117ICD10Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
118ICD11Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
119ICD2Inventory Counting Draft - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
120ICD3Inventory Count Draft - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
121ICD5Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
122ICD6Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
123ICD7Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
124ICD9Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
125IGE1Goods Issue - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
126IGE11Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
127IGE13Goods Issue Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
128IGE14Goods Issue - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
129IGE15Gds Issue - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
130IGE16Goods Issue - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
131IGE19Goods Issue - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
132IGE2Goods Issue - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
133IGE21Goods Issue - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
134IGE3Goods Issue - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
135IGE4Goods Issue - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
136IGE5Goods Issue - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
137IGE9Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
138IGN1Goods Receipt - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
139IGN11Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm Det2LineNumRow NumberInt110
140IGN13Goods Receipt Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
141IGN14Goods Receipt - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
142IGN15Gds Rcpt - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
143IGN16Goods Receipt - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
144IGN19Goods Receipt - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
145IGN2Goods Receipt - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
146IGN21Goods Receipt - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
147IGN3Goods Receipt - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
148IGN4Goods Receipt - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
149IGN5Goods Receipt - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
150IGN9Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
151INC1Inventory Counting - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
152INC10Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
153INC11Inventory Counting - Individual Counter - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
154INC2Inventory Counting - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
155INC3Inventory Count - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
156INC5Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
157INC6Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
158INC7Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
159INC9Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row Counted Qty2LineNumRow NumberInt110
160IOD2Inventory Opening Balance Draft - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
161IPD2Inventory Posting Draft - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
162IPD3Inventory Posting Draft - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
163IPF1Landed Costs - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
164IPF3Landed Costs - Customs Summary2LineNumRow NumberInt110
165IQI2Inventory Opening Balance - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
166IQR2Inventory Posting - UoM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
167IQR3Inventory Posting - SnB2LineNumRow NumberInt110
168ITM5Asset Item Projects2LineNumLine NumberInt110
169ITM6Asset Item Distribution Rules2LineNumLine NumbernVarChar110
170MRV1Inventory Revaluation Information Array2LineNumRow NumberInt110
171MRV2Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows3LineNumRow NumberInt110
172SPP1Special Prices - Data Areas3LINENUMRow NumberInt60
173UGP1UoM Group Detail6LineNumRow NumberInt110
174UWOR1Production Order - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
175UWOR3Production Order - Closure2LineNumRow NumberInt110
176WOR1Production Order - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
177WOR3Production Order - Closure2LineNumRow NumberInt110
178WTQ1Inventory Transfer Request - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
179WTQ11Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
180WTQ13Inventory Transfer Request Rows - Distributed Freights2LineNumRow NumberInt110
181WTQ14Inventory Transfer Request - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
182WTQ15Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Appl2LineNumRow NumberInt110
183WTQ16Inventory Transfer Request - SnB Properties2LineNumRow NumberInt110
184WTQ19Inventory Transfer Request - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
185WTQ2Inventory Transfer Request - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
186WTQ21Inventory Transfer Request - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
187WTQ3Inventory Transfer Request - Freight44LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
188WTQ4Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
189WTQ5Inventory Transfer Request - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
190WTQ9Inventory Transfer Request - Drawn DPM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
191WTR1Inventory Transfer - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
192WTR11Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
193WTR13Inventory Transfer Rows - Distributed Freights2LineNumRow NumberInt110
194WTR14Inventory Transfer - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
195WTR15Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Appl2LineNumRow NumberInt110
196WTR16Inventory Transfer - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
197WTR19Inventory Transfer - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
198WTR2Inventory Transfer - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
199WTR21Inventory Transfer - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
200WTR3Inventory Transfer - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
201WTR4Inventory Transfer - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
202WTR5Inventory Transfer - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
203WTR9Inventory Transfer - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
TOPMarketing Documents
204ADO1A/R Invoice (Rows) - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
205ADO11A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Det) - Hist2LineNumRow NumberInt110
206ADO13A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
207ADO14Invoice - Assembly - Rows - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
208ADO15A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Applied) - Hist2LineNumRow NumberInt110
209ADO16Draft - SnB properties2LineNumRow NumberInt110
210ADO17A/R Invoice - Import Process - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
211ADO18A/R Invoice - Export Process - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
212ADO19Bin Allocation Data - History3LineNumLine NumberInt110
213ADO2A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
214ADO20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
215ADO21A/R Invoice - Document Reference Information - History5LineNumLine NumberInt110
216ADO22A/R Invoice (Resource Costs) - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
217ADO3A/R Invoice - Freight - History44LineNumline numInt110-1
218ADO4Documents - Tax - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
219ADO5Withholding Tax - History22LineNumLine NumberInt110
220ADO9A/R Invoice (Rows) - History2LineNumRow NumberInt110
221ATX1Tax Invoice - History - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
222ATX2Tax Invoice Operation Codes2LineNumBase Doc. Abs. EntryInt110
223CIN1Correction Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
224CIN13Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
225CIN17Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data2LineNumBin Allocation SequenceInt110
226CIN18Correction Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
227CIN19Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
228CIN2A/R Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
229CIN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
230CIN21Correction Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
231CIN22Correction Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
232CIN3A/R Correction Invoice - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
233CIN4Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
234CIN5AR Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
235CIN9Correction Invoice - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
236CPI1A/P Correction Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
237CPI11A/P Corr. Inv - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
238CPI13A/P Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
239CPI14A/P Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
240CPI15A/P Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
241CPI16A/P Corr. Inv - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
242CPI17A/P Correction Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
243CPI18A/P Correction Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
244CPI19A/P Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
245CPI2A/P Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
246CPI20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
247CPI21A/P Correction Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
248CPI22A/P Correction Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
249CPI3A/P Correction Invoice - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
250CPI4A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
251CPI5Withholding Tax Data22LineNumLine NumberInt110
252CPI9A/P Corr. Invoice - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
253CPV1A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
254CPV11A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
255CPV13A/P Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
256CPV14A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
257CPV15A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
258CPV16A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
259CPV17A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
260CPV18A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
261CPV19A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
262CPV2A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
263CPV20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
264CPV21A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
265CPV22A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
266CPV3A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
267CPV4A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amt per Doc.2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
268CPV5A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
269CPV9A/P Corr Inv Rvrsl - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
270CSI1A/R Correction Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
271CSI11A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm Det2LineNumRow NumberInt110
272CSI13A/R Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
273CSI14A/R Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
274CSI15A/R Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
275CSI16A/R Corr. Inv. - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
276CSI17A/R Correction Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
277CSI18A/R Correction Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
278CSI19A/R Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
279CSI2A/R Corr Inv - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
280CSI20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
281CSI21A/R Correction Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
282CSI22A/R Correction Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
283CSI3A/R Correction Invoice - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
284CSI4A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Amount Per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
285CSI5A/R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
286CSI9A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
287CSV1A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
288CSV11A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
289CSV13A/R Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
290CSV14A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
291CSV15A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
292CSV16A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
293CSV17A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data2LineNumBin Allocation SequenceInt110
294CSV18A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
295CSV19A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
296CSV2A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
297CSV20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
298CSV21A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
299CSV22A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
300CSV3A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
301CSV4A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amount Per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
302CSV5A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
303CSV9A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
304DLN1Delivery - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
305DLN11Delivery - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
306DLN13Delivery Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
307DLN14Delivery Notes - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
308DLN15Delivery - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
309DLN16Delivery - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
310DLN17Delivery - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
311DLN18Delivery - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
312DLN19Delivery - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
313DLN2Delivery Notes - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
314DLN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
315DLN21Delivery - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
316DLN22Delivery - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
317DLN3Delivery Notes - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
318DLN4Delivery - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
319DLN5Delivery - Withholding Tax22LineNumRow NumberInt110
320DLN9Delivery - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
321DOC20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
322DPI1A/R Down Payment - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
323DPI11A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
324DPI13A/R Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
325DPI14A/R Down Payment - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
326DPI15A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
327DPI16A/R Down Payment - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
328DPI17A/R Down Payment - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
329DPI18A/R Down Payment - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
330DPI19A/R Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
331DPI2A/R Down Payment - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
332DPI20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
333DPI21A/R Down Payment - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
334DPI22A/R Down Payment - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
335DPI3A/R Down Payment - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
336DPI4A/R Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
337DPI5A/R Down Payment - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
338DPI9Down Payment Incoming - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
339DPO1A/P Down Payment - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
340DPO11A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
341DPO13A/P Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
342DPO14A/P Down Payment - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
343DPO15A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
344DPO16A/P Down Payment - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
345DPO17A/P Down Payment - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
346DPO18A/P Down Payment - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
347DPO19A/P Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
348DPO2A/P Down Payment - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
349DPO20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
350DPO21A/P Down Payment - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
351DPO22A/P Down Payment - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
352DPO3A/P Down Payment - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
353DPO4A/P Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
354DPO5A/P Down Payment - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
355DPO9Down Payment Outgoing - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
356DRF1Draft - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
357DRF11Draft - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
358DRF13Draft Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
359DRF14Draft - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
360DRF15Draft - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
361DRF16Draft - SnB - Rows2LineNumLine NumberInt110
362DRF17Draft - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
363DRF18Draft - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
364DRF19Draft - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
365DRF2Draft - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
366DRF20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
367DRF21Draft - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
368DRF22Draft - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
369DRF3Draft - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
370DRF4Draft Documents - Tax2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
371DRF5Draft Documents - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
372DRF9Document Draft - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
373GTI1GTS Invoice Details2LineNumLine NumberInt110
374GTM1GTS Mapping Object Details2LineNumLine NumberInt110
375IEI1Incoming Excise Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
376IEI11IEI - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
377IEI13Incoming Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
378IEI14Incoming Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
379IEI15IEI - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
380IEI16Incoming Excise Invoice - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
381IEI17Incoming Excise Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
382IEI18Incoming Excise Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
383IEI19Incoming Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
384IEI2Incoming Excise Invoice - Freight - History - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
385IEI20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
386IEI21Incoming Excise Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
387IEI22Incoming Excise Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
388IEI3IEI - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
389IEI4Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
390IEI5Incoming Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax22LineNumRow NumberInt110
391IEI9IEI - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
392IGE17Goods Issue - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
393IGE18Goods Issue - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
394IGE20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
395IGE22Goods Issue - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
396IGN17Goods Receipt - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
397IGN18Goods Receipt - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
398IGN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
399IGN22Goods Receipt - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
400INV1A/R Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
401INV11A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
402INV13A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Freights2LineNumRow NumberInt110
403INV14A/R Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
404INV15A/R Inv. - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
405INV16A/R Invoice - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
406INV17A/R Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
407INV18A/R Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
408INV19A/R Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
409INV2A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
410INV20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
411INV21A/R Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
412INV22A/R Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
413INV3A/R Invoice - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
414INV4A/R Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
415INV5A/R Invoice - Withholding Tax22LineNumRow NumberInt110
416INV9A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
417IVM1Invoice Mapping Object Details2LineNumLine NumberInt110
418MIN2Item Imformation of MI5LineNumRow NumberInt110
419MIV2A/P Monthly Invoice - Item5LineNumLine numberInt110
420OEI1Outgoing Excise Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
421OEI11OEI - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
422OEI13Outgoing Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
423OEI14Outgoing Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
424OEI15OEI - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
425OEI16Outgoing Excise Invoice - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
426OEI17Outgoing Excise Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
427OEI18Outgoing Excise Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
428OEI19Outgoing Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
429OEI2OEI - Freight Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
430OEI20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
431OEI21Outgoing Excise Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
432OEI22Outgoing Excise Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
433OEI3OEI - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
434OEI4Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
435OEI5Outgoing Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax22LineNumRow NumberInt110
436OEI9OEI - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
437PCH1A/P Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
438PCH11A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
439PCH13A/P Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
440PCH14A/P Invoice - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
441PCH15A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
442PCH16A/P Invoice - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
443PCH17A/P Invoice - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
444PCH18A/P Invoice - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
445PCH19A/P Invoice - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
446PCH2A/P Invoice - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
447PCH20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
448PCH21A/P Invoice - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
449PCH22A/P Invoice - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
450PCH3A/P Invoice - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
451PCH4A/P Invoice - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
452PCH5A/P Invoice - Withholding Tax Data22LineNumLine NumberInt110
453PCH9A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
454PDN1Goods Receipt PO - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
455PDN11GRPO - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
456PDN13Goods Receipt PO Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
457PDN14Goods Receipt PO - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
458PDN15GRPO - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
459PDN16Goods Receipt PO - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
460PDN17Goods Receipt PO - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
461PDN18Goods Receipt PO - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
462PDN19Goods Receipt PO - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
463PDN2Goods Receipt PO - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
464PDN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
465PDN21Goods Receipt PO - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
466PDN22Goods Receipt PO - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
467PDN3Goods Receipt PO - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
468PDN4Goods Receipt PO - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
469PDN5Goods Reciept PO - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
470PDN9Goods Receipt PO - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
471POR1Purchase Order - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
472POR11PO - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
473POR13Purchase Order Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
474POR14Purchase Order - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
475POR15PO - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
476POR16Purchase Order - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
477POR17Purchase Order - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
478POR18Purchase Order - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
479POR19Purchase Order - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
480POR2Purchase Order - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
481POR20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
482POR21Purchase Order - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
483POR22Purchase Order - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
484POR3Purchase Order - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
485POR4Purchase Order - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
486POR5Purchase Order - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
487POR9Purchase Order - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
488PQT1Purchase Quotation - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
489PQT11PQ - Drawn DPM Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
490PQT13Purchase Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
491PQT14Purchase Quotation - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
492PQT15PQ - Drawn DPM Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
493PQT16Purchase Quotation - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
494PQT17Purchase Quotation - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
495PQT18Purchase Quotation - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
496PQT19Purchase Quotation - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
497PQT2Purchase Quotation - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
498PQT20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
499PQT21Purchase Quotation - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
500PQT22Purchase Quotation - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
501PQT3Purchase Quotation - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
502PQT4Purchase Quotation - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
503PQT5Purchase Quotation - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
504PQT9Purchase Quotation - Drawn DPM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
505PRQ1Purchase Request - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
506PRQ11PR - Drawn DPM Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
507PRQ13Purchase Request Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
508PRQ14Purchase Request - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
509PRQ15PR - Drawn DPM Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
510PRQ16Purchase Request - SnB Properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
511PRQ17Purchase Request - Bin Allocation Data2LineNumBin Allocation SequenceInt110
512PRQ18Purchase Request - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
513PRQ19Purchase Request - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
514PRQ2Purchase Request - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
515PRQ20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
516PRQ21Purchase Request - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
517PRQ22Purchase Request - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
518PRQ3Purchase Request - Freight44LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
519PRQ4Purchase Request - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
520PRQ5Purchase Request - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
521PRQ9Purchase Request - Drawn DPM2LineNumRow NumberInt110
522QUT1Sales Quotation - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
523QUT11Sls Quote - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
524QUT13Sales Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
525QUT14Sales Quotation - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
526QUT15Sls Quote - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
527QUT16Sales Quotation - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
528QUT17Sales Quotation - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
529QUT18Sales Quotation - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
530QUT19Sales Quotation - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
531QUT2Sales Quotation - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
532QUT20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
533QUT21Sales Quotation - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
534QUT22Sales Quotation - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
535QUT3Sales Quotation - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
536QUT4Sales Quotation - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
537QUT5Sales Quotation - Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
538QUT9Sales Quotation - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
539RDN1Returns - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
540RDN11Returns - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
541RDN13Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
542RDN14Return - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
543RDN15Returns - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
544RDN16Returns - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
545RDN17Returns - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
546RDN18Returns - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
547RDN19Returns - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
548RDN2Return - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
549RDN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
550RDN21Returns - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
551RDN22Returns - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
552RDN3Return - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
553RDN4Returns - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
554RDN5Returns - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
555RDN9Returns - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
556RDR1Sales Order - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
557RDR11Sls Ord. - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
558RDR13Sales Order Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
559RDR14Sales Order - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
560RDR15Sls Ord. - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
561RDR16Sales Order - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
562RDR17Sales Order - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
563RDR18Sales Order - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
564RDR19Sales Order - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
565RDR2Sales Order - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
566RDR20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
567RDR21Sales Order - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
568RDR22Sales Order - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
569RDR3Sales Order - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
570RDR4Sales Order - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
571RDR5Sales Order - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
572RDR9Order - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
573RIN1A/R Credit Memo - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
574RIN11A/R Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
575RIN13A/R Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
576RIN14A/R Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
577RIN15A/R Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
578RIN16A/R Credit Memo - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
579RIN17A/R Credit Memo - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
580RIN18A/R Credit Memo - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
581RIN19A/R Credit Memo - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
582RIN2A/R Credit Memo - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
583RIN20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
584RIN21A/R Credit Memo - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
585RIN22A/R Credit Memo - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
586RIN3A/R Credit Memo - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
587RIN4A/R Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
588RIN5A/R Credit Memo - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
589RIN9A/R Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
590RPC1A/P Credit Memo - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
591RPC11A/P Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Det.2LineNumRow NumberInt110
592RPC13A/P Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
593RPC14A/P Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
594RPC15A/P Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld2LineNumRow NumberInt110
595RPC16A/P Credit Memo - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
596RPC17A/P Credit Memo - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
597RPC18A/P Credit Memo - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
598RPC19A/P Credit Memo - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
599RPC2A/P Credit Memo Rows - Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
600RPC20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
601RPC21A/P Credit Memo - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
602RPC22A/P Credit Memo - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
603RPC3A/P Credit Memo - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
604RPC4A/P Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
605RPC5A/P Credit Memo - Withholding Tax22LineNumLine NumberInt110
606RPC9A/P Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
607RPD1Goods Return - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
608RPD11Gds Return - Drawn Dpm Detail2LineNumRow NumberInt110
609RPD13Goods Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses2LineNumRow NumberInt110
610RPD14Goods Return - Assembly - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
611RPD15Gds Return - Drawn Dpm Applied2LineNumRow NumberInt110
612RPD16Goods Return - SnB properties2LineNumLine NumberInt110
613RPD17Goods Return - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
614RPD18Goods Return - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
615RPD19Goods Return - Bin Allocation Data3LineNumLine NumberInt110
616RPD2Goods Return - Freight - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
617RPD20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
618RPD21Goods Return - Document Reference Information5LineNumLine NumberInt110
619RPD22Goods Return - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
620RPD3Goods Return - Freight44LineNumline numInt110-1
621RPD4Goods Return - Tax Amount per Document2LineNumRow NumberInt110-1
622RPD5Goods Return - Withholding Tax Data22LineNumLine NumberInt110
623RPD9Goods Return - Drawn Dpm2LineNumRow NumberInt110
624SAL1Salida - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
625TPI1Purchase Tax Invoice - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
626TPI2Tax Invoice Operation Codes2LineNumBase Doc. Abs. EntryInt110
627TRA1Transition - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
628TSI1Sales Tax Invoice - Rows12LineNumRow NumberInt110
629TSI2Tax Invoice Operation Codes2LineNumBase Doc. Abs. EntryInt110
630TXD1Tax Invoice Drafts - Rows2LineNumRow NumberInt110
631VRT2Tax Invoice Report Grid Info17LineNumItem Row NumberInt110
632WTQ17Inventory Transfer Request - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
633WTQ18Inventory Transfer Request - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
634WTQ20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
635WTQ22Inventory Transfer Request - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
636WTR17Inventory Transfer - Import Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
637WTR18Inventory Transfer - Export Process2LineNumRow NumberInt110
638WTR20Intrastat Expenses10LineNumLine NumberInt110-1
639WTR22Inventory Transfer - Resource Costs2LineNumRow NumberInt110
640AEC1Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication2LineNumRow NumberInt110
641AMD1Amout Differences Report Lines1LineNumInternal IDInt110
642BTA2Brazil Tax Adujstment - Taxes Paid in Advance2LineNumRow NumberInt110
643EBL1E-Balance Report Data2LineNumLine NumberInt110
644ECM1Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication2LineNumRow NumberInt110
645EJB1ERV-JAb Wizard Signing Persons2LineNumRow NumberInt110
646EJD1ERV-JAb Signing Persons List2LineNumRow NumberInt110
647OAMDAmount Differences Report1LineNumInternal IDInt110
648ORFLAlready Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports4LineNumRow No.Int110
649PRS1Detail Lines of Print Sequence Definition2LineNumRow NumberInt60
650RDC1Multilingual Report2LineNumLine NumberInt110
651RPRSPrint Sequence Definition3LineNumVisual OrderInt60