| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | GHO_ALC_SRC_CHEM | Chemical Analysis Source data for alloc results invalidation | 6 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
2 | GHO_ALC_SRC_FORM | Formula Source data for Allocation results invalidation | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
3 | GHO_ALC_SRC_NDRL | Source Table for Node Rule | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
4 | GHO_ALC_SRC_NRUL | Source Table for Network Rule | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
5 | GHO_ALC_SRC_THEO | Obsolete:Theoretical Src data for Alloc reslts invalidation | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
6 | GHO_ALC_SRC_TR | Theoretical Source data for Allocation results invalidation | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
7 | GHO_ALC_SRC_UOMR | Source Table for UOM Rule | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
8 | GHO_ALC_SRC_WC | Obsolete:Allocation Source Data from Well completion | 6 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
9 | GHO_ALC_SRC_WCT | Allocation Source Data from Well completion | 8 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
10 | GHO_ALC_SRC_ZNL | Zonal Source data for Allocation Results Invalidation | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
11 | GHO_ALLOC_PREP | Allocation Results Header | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
12 | GHO_ALLOC_RUN_JB | Allocation Results Header | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
13 | GHO_DM_ALLOC_RES | Allocation Results | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
14 | GHO_DM_RESULTS | Deferment Results | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
15 | GHO_FORM_MEAS_H | Allocation Formula Measurements Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
16 | GHO_PPA_DATA | PPA request details | 5 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
17 | GHO_WELL_PRIOR | Capture Measurement - Well Test Priority | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
18 | GHO_WELL_STD_H | Table for storing the well test standard header values | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPMeasurement System |
19 | GHO_IMRG_STD_H | Header for Standardized QCI Volumes | 2 | NETID | Production Flow Network ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPNetwork Modeler |
20 | GHO_NETWORK | Production Network | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
21 | GHO_NETWORK_T | Production Network Language Dependent Texts | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
22 | GHO_OBJ_ATTR | Network Object Attributes | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
23 | GHO_OBJ_ATTR_L | Network Object Attributes Link Level | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
24 | GHO_OBJ_GR_ATTR | Network Object Graphical Attributes | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
25 | GHO_SIM_INET | Object Links for Network Simulation | 3 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
TOPNetwork Objects |
26 | GHO_IFLOT_EXT | Function location extension table | 109 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
TOPNetwork Operations |
27 | GHO_NETVER_H | Header Data of a Production Network Version | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
28 | GHO_NETVER_ITM | Items of a Production Network Version | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
29 | GHO_NETVER_OBJL | Object Links assigned to a Production Network Version | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
30 | GHO_NETVER_TX | Template Set: Language Dependent Descriptions | 2 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
31 | GHO_OTS | GHO Order Template Structures | 3 | NETID | Production Network Identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
32 | GHO_PP_PTABLE_HD | Header Table for Results of GHO Planning Table | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
33 | GHO_PP_PT_FILTAB | Filter Settings Table for Planning Table | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
34 | GHO_PP_PT_UDATA | User specific Data for the Planning Table | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPObject Networking |
35 | INET | Object networking | 4 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
36 | T372I | Network identification | 2 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
37 | T372I_T | Language-dependent texts for network ID | 2 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
TOPProduct Configurator |
38 | COMM_CFGCNTDEP | Dependency Nets that are attached to Tasks/Events | 4 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
39 | COMM_CFGDEP | Basic Data for Dependencies (including Nets) | 8 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
40 | COMM_CFGDEPCOM | Compiled Code for Dependency Nets | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
41 | COMM_CFGDEPDNN | Discrimination Nodes | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
42 | COMM_CFGDEPPAT | Pattern | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
43 | COMM_CFGDEPSPN | Simple Pattern Nodes | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
44 | COMM_CFGDEPVAR | Pattern | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
45 | COMM_CFGNETBLOB | BLOBed Dependency Nets | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
46 | COMM_CFGNETOBJ | Position Numbers of the Characteristics of Classes | 3 | NETID | Internal identifier of a model element | int | 10 | 0 | | |
TOPProduction Allocation |
47 | GHO_ALLOCRES_H | Allocation Results Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
48 | GHO_ALLOC_OVR | OBSOLETE - GHO Allocation Theoratical Override | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
49 | GHO_ALLOC_RES_H | OBSOLETE - Table for storing allocation results (Header) | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
50 | GHO_COM_WC_H | Commingled Well Completion Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
51 | GHO_INET_LOG | Change log table for INET - productive networks | 2 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
52 | GHO_RULE_LOG_H | Allocation Rule Log Header | 25 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
53 | GHO_SIMU_CAP | Simulation: Modified network object capacities | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
54 | GHO_SIMU_DOWNTIM | Simulation: Predicted downtimes | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
55 | GHO_SIMU_FLRT_H | Simulation: Flow Rate Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
56 | GHO_SIMU_H | Simulation Header | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
57 | GHO_SIMU_H_T | Simulation Header Language Dependent Texts | 2 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
58 | GHO_SIMU_INETLOG | Log table for simulation changes in production network | 2 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
59 | GHO_SIMU_INETX | Language-dependent texts for Links in Simulated Networks | 3 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
60 | GHO_SIMU_TOR_H | Simulation: Theoretical Override Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
61 | GHO_SIMU_WCOM_H | Simulation: Commingled Well Completion Header | 4 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
62 | GHO_THEO_OVR_H | Allocation Theoretical Override Header | 3 | NETID | Network Object ID | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPProduction Campaign |
63 | PCMO4 | Production campaign pegged reqmt resource network | 9 | NETID | Object ID of the resource | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
TOPRouting |
64 | PLKO | Task list - header | 54 | NETID | Object ID of the resource | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |
TOPSales and Distribution |
65 | SCECNTDEP | Assignment of Dependencies to Control Knowledge | 4 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
66 | SCEDEP | Dependencies (Basic Data) | 6 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
67 | SCEDEPCOM | Compilation of Dependency Nets | 3 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
68 | SCEDEPDNN | DNNs of Dependency | 3 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
69 | SCEDEPPAT | Pattern of Dependency | 3 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
70 | SCEDEPSPN | SPNs of Dependency | 3 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
71 | SCEDEPVAR | Variables of Dependencies | 3 | NETID | Internal counter for objects in an SCE knowledge base | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | | |
TOPTechnical Objects |
72 | EAML_D_EVT | EAML: Events DB Table | 17 | NETID | Network identification | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | | |