SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

57 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | NIOBJNM

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/B364/KFPIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Structure El2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
2/B364/KMPITEMSConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Structure El2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
3/B631/KACTTYPEConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Activity Typ2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
4/B631/KCOORDERConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Order2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
5/B631/KCOSTCNTRConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Cost Center2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
6/B631/KCOSTELMTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Cost Element2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
7/B631/KPLANTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Plant2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
8/B631/KPROFTCTRConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Profit Cente2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
9/B631/KWBSELMTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject WBS Element2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
10/BI0/KBUCKETConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Directory of2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
11/BI0/KCALMONTHConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Calendar Yea2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
12/BI0/KCALMONTH2Conversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Calendar mon2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
13/BI0/KDATEConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Date2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
14/BI0/KFISCPERConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Fiscal year/2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
15/BI0/KHALFYEAR1Conversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Halfyear2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
16/BI0/KINFOPROVConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoProvider2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
17/BI0/KIOBJNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoObject2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
18/BI0/KRSPL_ORGConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Area of Resp2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
19/BI0/KRSTT_EIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Error ID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
20/BI0/KRSTT_FTPCConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Function Sub2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
21/BI0/KRSTT_FUNCConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Functions2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
22/BI0/KRSTT_IONMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoObject2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
23/BI0/KRSTT_IPBZMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject RTM for Non-2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
24/BI0/KRSTT_IPNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoProvider2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
25/BI0/KRSTT_JIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Job ID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
26/BI0/KRSTT_OBJNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Object Name2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
27/BI0/KRSTT_PIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Trace Packag2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
28/BI0/KRSTT_PVARConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Play Variant2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
29/BI0/KRSTT_QYNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Query Name2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
30/BI0/KRSTT_RQIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Test Request2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
31/BI0/KRSTT_RVARConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Ref. Data Va2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
32/BI0/KRSTT_SAPCPConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject SAP Componen2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
33/BI0/KRSTT_SVARIConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Selection Va2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
34/BI0/KRSTT_TIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Trace ID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
35/BI0/KRSTT_TLAYConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Trace Layer2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
36/BI0/KRSTT_TOTYPConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Object Type2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
37/BI0/KRSTT_TRANRConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Transport Re2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
38/BI0/KRSTT_TRTGTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Transport Ta2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
39/BI0/KRSTT_USERConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Trace User2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
40/BI0/KTCAIFAREAConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoArea Ana2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
41/BI0/KTCTAPPLConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Appl. Compon2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
42/BI0/KTCTBWOBJCTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject BI Object2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
43/BI0/KTCTIFAREAConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject InfoArea2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
44/BI0/KTCTMDXFCConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject MDX Function2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
45/BI0/KTCTPRCSCHNConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Process Chai2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
46/BI0/KTCTQUERIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Query (UID)2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
47/BI0/KTCTSOURSYSConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Source Syste2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
48/BI0/KTCTSTATEVTConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject Statistics E2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
49/BI0/KTCTSYSIDConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject BW System2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
50/BI0/KTCTUSERNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject User2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
51/BI0/KTCTUSRNMConversion of Hierarchy Nodes - SID: InfoObject User ID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
52RSDMHSITAB740Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
TOPMetadata Repository
53RSDMHSITABObsolete from APOLLO ->RSDMHSITABNEW2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
54RSDMHSITABNEWModel table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
55RSDMHSITABTHJModel Table: Conversion Hierarchy Nodes - SID (THJ)2NIOBJNMInfoObject type of the nodenvarchar300
TOPOLAP Technology
56RSSAUTHHIERDefinition of the Authorizations for Hierarchies9NIOBJNMInfoObjectnvarchar300
57RSSAUTHHIERNODEBW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes2NIOBJNMInfoObjectnvarchar300