SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

54 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | PNGUID

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
TOPCommand and Support Relationships
1/ISDFPS/FRC_IDXIndex for Changes to Force Assignments5PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
TOPForce Element
2/ISDFPS/FORCEMAuthorized Materials3PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
3/ISDFPS/FORCEPMaterial Packages3PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
TOPIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
4LINEBALLine Balance Versions in iPPE4PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
5PAMODCCapacity Requirement of an Activity-Resource Relationship5PNGUIDIdentification of Object Reference in iPPEvarbinary160
6PAMODDDuration of an Activity-Resource Relationship7PNGUIDIdentification of Object Reference in iPPEvarbinary160
7PNACTPVS Activity Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
8PNACTHDiPPE Attribute in Routing Header2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
9PNACTOPRiPPE Attribute in Operation2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
10PNCMPPVS Component Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
11PNCOLPVS Color Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
12PNCONiPPE Concept Group2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
13PNFLOPVS Factory Layout Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
14PNFLORPVS Factory Layout Nodes: Assigned Resources2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
15PNGENGeneric Engineering Node: Attribute Table2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
16PNODIDiPPE Node: Identification2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
17PNODTXiPPE Node: Texts2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
18PNRESiPPE Resource Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
19PNSETSet Node: Table of Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
20PNTSTTest Node: Attribute Table2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
21POSVIDiPPE Variant: Identification5PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
22PPESGENNiPPE Status, GEN Node-Specific Data4PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
23PVBASSSA Assignment Table for iPPE Shop Floor Manufacturing2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
24PVS_VSHEMEVariance Scheme for Structure Node2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
25PVS_VSHEME_CHARCharacteristics for Variance Scheme2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
26USRGISETTINGSUser Settings for the iPPE Workbench5PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
TOPLogistical Requirements
27/ISDFPS/PNEPAApplication-Specific Attributes of Equipment Package2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
28/ISDFPS/PNEPAMMaterials Within an Equipment Package2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
29/ISDFPS/PNMPAApplication-Specific MPA Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
30/ISDFPS/PNMPAMMaterials Within a Material Package2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
31/ISDFPS/PPESMPANiPPE Status of Material Package4PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
TOPMaterial Categories
32/ISDFPS/PNMPOApplication-Specific MPO Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
33/ISDFPS/PNMPOCApplication-Specific Attributes of the Material Container2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
34/ISDFPS/PNMPOSOrganizational Areas Using Object (Def. in CSERV)2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
35/ISDFPS/PPESMPONiPPE Status of Material Planning Object4PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
TOPMaterials Management
36/ISDFPS/FORCEP_MAssignment FE/PPA/Matl for Status Management Initial Supply3PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
37/ISDFPS/FRC_IDX1Index for Changes to Force Assignments5PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
38/ISDFPS/MPX_IDXPlot Material Changes in MPO / MPA2PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
TOPProduct Data Management
39PDN_MAP_HEADERProduct Designer: Mapping Table for Headers3PNGUIDGlobal identification of an item's change statusvarbinary160
40PDN_MAP_ITEMProduct Designer: Mapping Table for Items3PNGUIDGlobal identification of an item's change statusvarbinary160
TOPRecipe Development
41/PLMI/RCP_MIGRATMigration Administration (mapping of RM to RD)2PNGUIDRecipe Migration: iPPE Node GUID of RM Recipe Objectvarbinary160
TOPResourcen Management
42MRTRST_HDRRMS-MRTRS : MR Transformation Header5PNGUIDUniversal Unique Identifiervarbinary160
43PNEQRRMS - RCP Equipment Requirement Node: Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Node Numbervarbinary160
44PNFRMRMS-FRM: PVS Formula - Item Nodes: Attributes2PNGUIDPVS Node Identifiervarbinary160
45PNPOBARMS-RCP: Attributes of "Process Action" POB Node2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
46PNPOBORMS-RCP: Attributes of the "Process Operation" POB Node2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
47PNPOBSRMS-RCP: Attributes of POB Nodes, Process and Stage2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
48PNRCPHeader Node Attributes2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
49RCPT_GRMR_RELRMS-RCP: Relationship Between General Recipe & Master Recipe5PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
TOPStructures Workbench
50/ISDFPS/MATSPPLNMaterials Planned for Force Element37PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
51HRT1981Table Section Infotype 19815PNGUIDInternal Identification for PVS Objectsvarbinary160
TOPWarranty Claim Processing
52PNWTYHWarranty Claim Header (PVS Node)2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
53PNWTYVWarranty Claim Version (PVS Node)2PNGUIDInternal Number of iPPE Nodevarbinary160
54WTYV_IMRGMeasurement Documents for Version of Warranty Claim2PNGUIDGUID Warranty Claimvarbinary160