SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

286 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | POSIT

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/IBS/TRB_ECF_PCFRBD ECF - Provision Cash Flow3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
2/IBS/TRB_ECF_PCORBD ECF - Provision Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
3/IBS/TRB_ECF_PUTRBD ECF - Provision Utilization3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
4/IBS/TRB_ECF_VCFRBD ECF - Value Adjustment - Cash Flow3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
5/IBS/TRB_ECF_VCORBD ECF - Value Adjustment - Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
6/IBS/TRB_ECH_PCFRBD ECF - Provision History - Cash Flow3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
7/IBS/TRB_ECH_PCORBD ECF - Provision History - Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
8/IBS/TRB_ECH_PUTRBD ECF - Provision History - Utilization3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
9/IBS/TRB_ECH_VCFRBD ECF - Value Adjustment History - Cash Flow3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
10/IBS/TRB_ECH_VCORBD ECF - Value Adjustment History - Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
11/IBS/TRB_ECI_CFRBD ECF - Cash Flow Import Table5POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
12/IBS/TRB_ECI_CORBD ECF - Import Table for Collateral5POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
14/UI2/CHIP_CPARCHIP Cache: CHIP Parameter4POSITNatural Numberint100
15/UI2/CHIP_CPARMCHIP Cache: CHIP Parameter5POSITNatural Numberint100
16CNV_20100_COESDuplicate COES keys (target values)13POSITnvarchar80
17PA0294HR Naster Record Infotype 0294 - reserved !31POSITPosition (CIS)nvarchar2000
18PA0297HR Master Record: Infotype 0297 Work conditions49POSITPosition (Russia)nvarchar1000
19PA0906HR Master Record: Infotype 090633POSITHR IN PS: Proposed Positionnvarchar80
20RS2HANA_AUTH_FILAuth: Filter data for dyn. analytical privileges8POSITNatural Numberint100
21RSCNVRROPRemodeling rule operations4POSITOperation Numbernvarchar30
22RSCNVRROPVALRemodeling rule operation values4POSITOperation Numbernvarchar30
23RSCRMEXCPRSCRM: Extract Fields (Cross Product)3POSITAxis Tuplenvarchar100
24RSCRMEXFLDSRSCRM: Extract field10POSITInternal Length in Bytesnvarchar60
25RSDIPRONCUMVIOBJInfoProvider: InfoObjects for NCUM Validity Table3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
26RSDODSOFIELDDataStore Object: Fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
27RSFBPCMPOpen ODS View: Compounding5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
28RSFBPFIELDOpen ODS View: Fields5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
29RSFBPSOURCEOpen ODS View: Source Objects4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
30RSIPRORANGESemantic Partitioning: Data Distribution4POSITPosition in PartProvidernvarchar40
31RSOADSOKEYFIELDSDatastore Objects: semantical keyfields2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
32RSOSJOINBW Search: Join Information of Affected TLOGO Tables6POSITNatural Numberint100
33RSOSRUNTIMEBW Search: View Runtime Information6POSITNatural Numberint100
34RSOSRUNTIMEEXECBW Search: Execution Information of Individual Identifiers3POSITNatural Numberint100
35RSPMLOGRSPM Message Logs5POSITRSPM: Position Numbernvarchar60
36RSPMTRACERSPM: Trace3POSITRSPM: Position Numbernvarchar60
37T5FITCORRGRP1Corrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table7POSITField positionnvarchar40
38T5FITCORRGRP1CCorrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table8POSITField positionnvarchar40
39T7CNRM_DECITMDetermining Factor Item3POSITPosition of a Determining Factor Itemnvarchar40
40T7CNRM_DECSETDecision Factor SET - OBSOLETE3POSITPosition of a Determining Factor Itemnvarchar40
41T7CNRM_TXDTTYPDetail of Statistical Item Type of Text3POSITSequence Numbernvarchar40
42TCALAObject overview9POSITPosition Within a Sequencenvarchar20
43TKA4ECost Element Attribute3POSITItem within the cost element attribute mixnvarchar10
44YIT_DETKFIDA: User Fields - Detail Info3POSITIDA: Position of user fieldnvarchar20
45YIT_IBUIndustry-Specific Components2POSITIDA: Item in (2-level) hierarchytinyint30
46YIT_SAPApplication Components2POSITIDA: Item in (2-level) hierarchytinyint30
TOPActual Payments and Forecast
47COFPDocument Lines (project cash management)11POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
48AFWCH_FDEP_SAMPAFW: Sample Customizing Characteristic Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
49TOAOSLogical mapping to implementation method3POSITNatural Numberint100
TOPBasis Services Communication Interfaces
50KCDSPSender structure (part)4POSITData transfer: item in the header - item structurenvarchar10
TOPBI Content Analyzer
51RSCONTIOBCHECKATReference table for check incompatible changes Attributes6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
52RSCONTIOBCHECKCMReference table for check incompatible changes Compounding5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPBudgeting and Availability Control
53FMFCTRMVStore Bgt vals. returned before moving funds ctr.9POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
54FMKOBPLocal Authority Funds Management Additional Data3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPBusiness Planning and Simulation
55UPC_CHACMPProperties of a Characteristic4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
56RODIOBJCMPBW: InfoObjects / Compounding2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
57ROOHIECOMCompound Information for Hierarchy DS in Source System5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
58ROOSGENQVFField Descriptions for Extract Structure Versions4POSITPosition of the field in the tablenvarchar40
59ROOSGENTFSTRTransfer Structure (Character) Segmented5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
60ROOSPRMSFControl Parameters Per DataSource6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPCentral Part of Product Master
61COMC_CRD_GEN_BWCCRM CRD: Compound for Fields from Product Extensions4POSITnvarchar30
TOPClient-System Adapter
62MDMEXTRFLDMDM Field Table for Extraktor Metadata6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
63MDMEXTRGRPMDM Field Group Extraktor Metadata5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPClosing Operations
64FMCFBAPPISPS: Budget Closing Operations: Manual Approval6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPCompensation Management
65PA0395HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)28POSITExternal position/work center keynvarchar400
66TF90FDActive Field Catalog - Consolidation, Char. Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
67TF90QActive Attributes in Consolidation2POSITItemnvarchar40
68TF90QSAttributes Basis Field Catalog Consolidation (Fixed Fields)2POSITItemnvarchar40
69TF90SDBasis Field Catalog - Consolidation, Char. Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
70TF91FDField Catalog - Consolidation, Characteristic Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
71TF91QAttributes in Consolidation2POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPCost Center Accounting
72TKA52CO planner profile: profile items5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
73TKA52_OMCOOM Planning: Appl.-Spec. Profile Item Attachment (TKA52)5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
74TKA53CO planner profile: entry screen for pre-parameterization5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
75TKA54CO Planner Profile: Planning Layout Default Settings5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
76TKA55CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
77COERSales Order Value Revenue92POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
78COESCO Object: Sales Order Value Line Items12POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPData Basis
79RSBDATAPIDMESSOpen Hub: Log for a Request2POSITCounterint100
80RSBOHDESTVARDirectory of Parameters of Open Hub Destinations3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
81RSBOHFIELDSFields of the Open Hub Destination4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
82RSBREQUESTMESSOpen Hub: Log for a Request2POSITCounterint100
83RSBREQUIDSELSETSelection Options of a Request2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
84RSBSPOKEFIELDSFields Directory of an InfoSpoke8POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
85RSBSPOKESELSETInfoSpokes Directory3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
86RSBSPOKEVFIELDSFields Directory of an InfoSpoke8POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
87RSBSPOKEVSELSETInfoSpokes Directory3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
88RSBSTEPIDMESSOpen Hub: Log for a Request2POSITCounterint100
89RSBTRANSFIELDTarget Structure InfoObjects for Open Hub Transformation4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
90RSDCUBEIOBJObjects per InfoCube (where-used list)3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
91RSDCUBEMULTIInfoCubes concerned with MultiCube3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
92RSDDIMEDimensions directory4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
93RSDDIMEIOBJInfoObjects per dimension (where-used list)4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
94RSDICVALIOBJInfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCube3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
95RSDIPROHNODEIOBJInfoProvider: InfoObjects in Hierarchy Nodes5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
96RSDIPROIOBJRANGEPartitioning Areas: InfoProvider4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
97RSDODSOATRNAVNavigation Attributes in DataStore3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
98RSDODSOIOBJInfoObject in DataStore4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
99RSDODSOIOBJINDInfoObjects in DS Indexes4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
100RSLPOPARTLogical Partitioning: Partitions of a LPO4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
101RSLPOPARTRANGELogical Partitioning: Partitioning Criteria5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPData Collection
102TKAFDGeneral CO field catalog, compound characteristics3POSITItemnvarchar40
103TKAQGeneral accounting attributes3POSITItemnvarchar40
104TKCFDSAP-EIS Field Catalog, Dependencies between Characteristics2POSITItemnvarchar40
105TKCOHWSAP-EIS:Criteria for finding dep. objects for obj. collector3POSITSAP-EIS: Positionnvarchar20
106TKCOUSAP-EIS: Key description for object class2POSITSAP-EIS: Positionnvarchar20
107TKCQAttributes SAP-EIS2POSITItemnvarchar40
108TKCQSAttributes of basic field catalog SAP-EIS (fixed fields)2POSITItemnvarchar40
109TKCSDBasic field catalog SAP-EIS, linked characteristics2POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPData Mining
110RSDMESC_ABC_MAPMapping for Filling ABC Indicator2POSITnvarchar60
111RSDMESC_ABC_SELThreshold Values for Filling ABC Indicator2POSITnvarchar60
TOPData Staging
112MCH_SELFIELDSSelection fields3POSITnvarchar40
113RS3RDFLDVariable fields of the 3rd party source system3POSITFour-digit numbernvarchar40
114RS3RDFLDNEWVariable Fields of Third Party Source System - New4POSITFour-digit numbernvarchar40
115RSBKDATAPAKSELDTP: Data Package Selections4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
116RSBMLOGPARHierarchical Log: Field/Value Pair4POSITRow Index of Internal Tablesint100
117RSBMLOGPAR_DTPDTP Log: Field/Value Pairs7POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
118RSBMONMESSHierarchical Log: Table with Messages3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
119RSBMONMESS_DTPDTP Log: Table With Messages6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
120RSDADAPDOKBW Archiving: Data Object Key3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
121RSDADAPIDXOBJBW Archiving: Further Index Characteristics5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
122RSDANLSEGIBW Archiving: Fields of a Segment Index4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
123RSDANLSEGVFBW Archiving: Segment Version of a Nearline Object4POSITPosition of the field in the tablenvarchar40
124RSDSSEGFDDataSource - Segment Fields5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
125RSDSSEGFDSHDataSource in BW - Shadow Table Fields5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
126RSDSSEGFDTDataSource - Texts for Segment Fields6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
127RSDSSEGFDTSHDataSource in BW - Shadow Table Field Texts6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
128RSISFIELDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
129RSISNFIELDInfoSource - Field Table3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
130RSISOFIELDInfoSource fields (provider structure of a source system)4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
131RSISOSELFDInfoSource selection fields of a source system4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
132RSKSFIELDNEWFields for New InfoSource4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
133RSKSFIELDSHShadow table: Communication structure fields3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
134RSOLTPHIECOMReplicate of Compounding Info. for Hier.-DataSource in BW6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
135RSOLTPSOURCEFDSHShadow Table: OLTP Source Fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
136RSOLTPSOURCEFIEOLTP Source Fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
137RSOLTPSOURCEFIETTexts for OLTP Source Fields5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
138RSOLTPSOURCEFTSHTexts for OLTP Source Fields5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
139RSOLTPSOURCESFISegment Fields of a DataSource5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
140RSOLTPSOURCESFITTexts for the Segment Fields of a DataSource6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
141RSOSATTFDSHShadow table: InfoSource attributes4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
142RSOSFIELDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
143RSOSOATTFDInfoSource attributes of a source system4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
144RSOSOFIELDInfoSource fields of a source system4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
145RSOSOSELFDInfoSource selection fields of a source system4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
146RSSDLINITSELLast Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source4POSITNatural Numberint100
147RSTRFIELDSHShadow table: Transfer Structure Fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
148RSTSFIELDTransfer structure fields3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
149RSTSFIELDSHShadow table: Transfer structure fields4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
150RSTSIDOCFIELDFields for the IDoc Operational Data Store3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
151RSTSODSFIELDFields for the Operational Data Store3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
152RSUIDEPENDENCIESPossible Specifications for a Field3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
153RSUPDKEYUpdate rule: Key per key figure4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPEnd User Technology
154RSDASSERVPARVALValue of the Service Parameter of the Data Access Service4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
155RSPERSBSEGB Segment For RSPERSHEAD6POSIT2 byte integer (signed)smallint50
156RSRA_BP_OBJECTSParts of the Batch Printing Setting6POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
157RSRA_ER_DRILLDrill Characteristics for the Exception Reporting Setting4POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
158RSRA_ER_FOLLOWUPFollow-Up Actions for Reporting Agent Exception Reporting7POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
159RSRA_PACKAGE_MEMParts of a Report Agent Job3POSITSort number floatfloat1516
160RSZELTATTRAttribute selection per dimension element6POSITPositionnvarchar40
TOPFinancial Accounting
161/CCEE/FISIMT940Bank statement - MT 940 - convert reference6POSITStart positionnvarchar30
TOPFinancials Basis
162UGCM0500FIN Change Management: Registered Properties4POSITFIN Change Management: Position in Tree/Rownvarchar30
163UGMD2041FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Attributes5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
164UGMD2042FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Compound4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
165UGMD2051FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Attributes4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
166UGMD2052FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Compound3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
167UGR31008FIN Master Data: Dummy Field Names with Properties12POSITPosition of the field in the tablenvarchar40
168UGR31022FIN Master Data: Buffer Table f.Fields of Extract Structures10POSITPosition of the field in the tablenvarchar40
169T5F1UCRC-TDS : Links between wage types and fields5POSITCRC-TDS records positionnvarchar30
TOPFunds Management
170BPCGControlling Object, by Year3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
171BPCJControlling Object, by Year3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
172BPDZLine Entry Document7POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
173BPEGLine Item Overall Values Controlling Obj.10POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
174BPEJLine Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.11POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
175BPEPLine Item Period Values Controlling Obj.39POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
176BPGETotals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.4POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
177BPGVPrel.entry, overall6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
178BPIGBudget Object Index (Overall Budget)3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
179BPIJBudget Object Index (Annual Budget)3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
180BPJATotals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.4POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
181BPJVPrel.entry - annual values6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
182BPPETotals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.4POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
183BPTRObject Data Controlling Obj.3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
184BPTXBudgeting Text3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
185FCABPFI-CA: Document Item13POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
186FMACTPOSFIFM: List of Internal Item Numbers3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
187FMAPSTATFIFM: System Status for FIFM Acct Asst Objects6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
188FMBEFI-FM Cash Levels8POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
189FMBUDFI-FM Data Transfer Structure FM4C6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
190FMCFAATR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
191FMCFAASTR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
192FMCFAAS_TRTR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
193FMCFAA_TRTR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
194FMCFABTR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
195FMCFABSTR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
196FMCFABS_TRTR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
197FMCFAB_TRTR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
198FMCFSBFM - CF: Carryforward rules3POSITFIFM closing operations: sender itemnvarchar80
199FMCFSITR-FM Selected Open Commitments28POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
200FMCICommitment items master data11POSITItem (Internal Commitment Item Number)nvarchar80
201FMEPFI-FM Line Items9POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
202FMFCPOFIFM: Commitment Summarization Item6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
203FMFIPGBPBudget Structure Template: FM Budgeting Control5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
204FMFIPGPAssign Commitment Item to Budget Structure Template5POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
205FMFPOFIFM: Commitment Item6POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
206FMFREEPOSFIFM: Free List of Internal Item Numbers4POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
207FMHIPOSFIFM: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations for an Item4POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
208FMPGCommitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year7POSITItem (Internal Commitment Item Number)nvarchar80
209FMPOSITCommitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT)4POSITItem (Internal Commitment Item Number)nvarchar80
210FMREFActive availability ctrl: Cross commitments reference table3POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
211FMSUFI-FM Totals Records9POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
212POS00Is No Longer Used: List of Internal Item Numbers1POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
213POSFREIIs No Longer Used: Free List of Internal Item Numbers1POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPIncentive and Commission Management ICM
214TCACSFDCommissions: Field Catalog Search, Feature Dependencies3POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPInformation System
215TKAFD_USER_APPDDependencies for Customer Characteristics3POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPInvestment Programs
216TAIFDIM Drilldown: Characteristic Dependencies3POSITItemnvarchar40
217PA0853HR Master Record: Infotype 085332POSITExternal position/work center keynvarchar400
218TCNVFVariable overviews: Displayed fields8POSITVariable overviews: Column positionnvarchar30
219TCNVFTVariable overviews: Texts for displayed fields9POSITVariable overviews: Column positionnvarchar30
TOPMetadata Repository
220RSDBCHATRMaster data attributes4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
221RSDICEElimination of Internal Business Volume for Key Figures3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
222RSDIOBJCMPCompound (dependencies) of InfoObjects3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
223RSDREFOBJReference Objects for InfoObjects3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
224RSLTIPXREFTransientProvider: Cross References3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
225RSODUSERSETTINGSBW Documents: User Settings4POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
226RSOTLOGOCOPYCopying TLOGO Objects (Old and New Names)5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
227RSOTLOGOSEARATRSearchable attributes for Object Types3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPOLAP Technology
228RRAMFIEFields of Model2POSITNumc3, internal usenvarchar30
229RRKMULTIPROVHINTControl of MultiProvider Hint3POSITCount parametersnvarchar40
230RSLHNODEWSPWorkspace/Folder Assignment3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
231RSRA_ER_LOGLog Information for an RA Setting3POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
232RSRA_ER_LOG_DATATable of Logged Data Cells3POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
233RSRA_ER_LOG_ENTRLog Entries for every Exception3POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
234RSRA_ER_LOG_IXBW: Cluster Table for Report Agent Exception Log4POSITPosition of an Entry in a Selectionnvarchar40
235RSUNIURLCOMPURL->IObj2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
236RSUNIURLIOBJURL->IObj2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
237RSWSPLREFWorkspaces: Local Objects3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
238RSWSPPROFWorkspace: Authorization Profiles3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
239RSWSPXREFWorkspaces: Cross References3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPOperational Data Provisioning ODP
240RODPSLOADMSGODP Activation (Data)3POSITnvarchar60
241RODPSODPEMSGODP Activation (Data)3POSITnvarchar60
242RODPS_REPL_SELSelections on Queues for Enterprise Search6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
TOPOrders for Projects
243FMSPCopy FMSU table order to project10POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPPatient Accounting
244NWVIEW_L07IS-H: Definition of Form Folders5POSITIS-H: Sequence of Forms in Foldernvarchar20
TOPPatient Management
245TN14GIS-H: Movement Reasons (EDI)3POSITIS-H: Movement Reason - Key Positionnvarchar10
246TN14RIS-H: Movement reasons (§301) - Text4POSITIS-H: Movement Reason - Key Positionnvarchar10
247DFKKBOL_BANKIDBoleto: Bank ID Determination Results7POSITConsecutive Runs for Manual Boleto Creation/Reversalnvarchar40
248DFKKBOPBoleto: Item Data3POSITItem number in a Boletonvarchar60
TOPPegging, Grouping, and Distribution
249DIS_TOBJSDistribution: cost objects posted to per group8POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
250DIS_TOBJS_FMSUDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash)10POSITInternal commitment item (8 chars)nvarchar80
TOPPersonnel Administration
251PB0395HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)28POSITExternal position/work center keynvarchar400
252T8PL01DPFI Planning : Field Dependency for Validation6POSITItemnvarchar40
253T8PL03FI Planning: Configuration of Plan Tasks5POSITItem within planner profilenvarchar30
TOPProfitability Analysis
254TJBFDField Catalog IS-B-PA, Characteristic Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
255TJBSDCO-PA Basis Field Catalog: Dependent Characteristics2POSITItemnvarchar40
256TKEFDCO-PA field catalog, compound characteristics2POSITItemnvarchar40
257TKESDCO-PA Basis Field Catalog: Dependent Characteristics2POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPRisk Analysis
258JBRRMTKEFDRM: Copy of CO-PA Field Catalog, Characteristic Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
259JBRRMTKESDRM: Base Field Catalog CO-PA, Characteristic Dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
260TCA16Layout of lines in object overview versions6POSITPosition Within a Sequencenvarchar20
TOPSAP Business Partner
261MDMEXTRFLD_PREFMDM Field Table Extractor Metadata (Copy)6POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
262MDMEXTRGRP_PREFMDM Field Group Extractor Metadata (Copy)5POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
263TTMRFDField catalog for Risk Management, chracter. dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
264TTMRSDBasis field catalog Risk Management, character. dependencies2POSITItemnvarchar40
TOPValue Adjustment
265/IBS/TRB_IASCOLRBD IAS-GATE Collateral Data5POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
266/IBS/TRB_IASGPORBD IAS-GATE Position Data5POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
267/IBS/TRB_SCHISTRBD IAS - History Value Adjustment Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
268/IBS/TRB_SCHISTRRBD IAS - History Provision Collaterals3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
269/IBS/TRB_SHCOLRBD IAS - Value Adjustment Collateral3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
270/IBS/TRB_SHCOL_RRBD IAS - Provision Collaterals3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
271/IBS/TRB_SHEETRBD IAS - Value Adjustment Cash Flow Positions3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
272/IBS/TRB_SHEET_IRBD IAS - Provision Utilization3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
273/IBS/TRB_SHEET_RRBD IAS - Provision Cash Flow Positions3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
274/IBS/TRB_SHISTRBD IAS - History Value Adjustment Cash Flow Positions3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
275/IBS/TRB_SHIST_IRBD IAS - History Provision Utilization3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
276/IBS/TRB_SHIST_RRBD IAS - History Provision Cash Flow Positions3POSITRBD: Sequence Numbernvarchar100
TOPWD ABAP Page Builder
277CHIP_CACHE_PARACHIP Cache: CHIP Parameter4POSITNatural Numberint100
278CHIP_CACHE_PARAMCHIP Cache: CHIP Parameter5POSITNatural Numberint100
TOPWithout Description
279RSKSFIELDFields of the communication structure3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
280RSNSPACENamespace and Namespace Assignments for BW Objects2POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
281RSNSPACETEMPLTemplates for BW Applications3POSITPosition of the Field in the Structure / Tablenvarchar40
282RSRBATRAttribute table for print settings6POSITPositionnvarchar40
283RSRBDIMDimension table including the print settings7POSITPositionnvarchar40
284RSRBMEMAttribute table for print settings6POSITPositionnvarchar40
285RSRVPARAMETERSETParameter of Elementary Tests in Transaction RSRV5POSITNatural Numberint100
286RSRVSETTINGSettings for Analysis and Repair Tools3POSITNatural Numberint100