SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

69 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | QUANT

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1EENRGY_CR_BRBrazil: Energy Credits Account9QUANTBrazil: Energy Credits Quantitydecimal3114
2T868Elimination of IC profit and loss13QUANTQuantitydecimal133
3WRF_APC_PPCMPPlanned Article Prepack Components4QUANTComponent (Variant) Quantitydecimal100
TOPBasic Functions
4T800AFI-SL tables8QUANTStore quantitiesnvarchar10
5T820Planning Parameters22QUANTInd.: Plan field group manually?nvarchar10
6T868BElimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.s10QUANTProduct quantitydecimal133
7T881Ledger Master10QUANTStore quantitiesnvarchar10
8T886FI-SL Activities7QUANTStore quantitiesnvarchar10
TOPClinical System Assignment of Agent to Drugs6QUANTMedication: Quantity of Assigned Agent or Drugdecimal123
10N1BCPMAT_RDBasic Cat.: Additional Item Data Matl Catalog Trans. Data3QUANTQuantitynvarchar40
11N1BDCCAGENTAMedication: Assignment of Agents to External Drugs7QUANTMedication: Quantity of Assigned Agent or Drugdecimal123 Agents - Drug (O B S O L E T E)7QUANTMedication: Quantity of Assigned Agent or Drugdecimal123
13N1FOFOAIS-H*MED: (O B S O L E T E) Ingredient - Drug Assignment6QUANTMedication: Quantity of Assigned Agent or Drugdecimal123 Medication, Ingredient - Drug Assignment7QUANTMedication: Reference Dosedecimal123
15TF585Inventory Data14QUANTInventory quantitydecimal173
TOPCost Object
16FCO_DOC_POSFailure Cost Document Item8QUANTComponent or Activity Quantitydecimal153
TOPData Collection
17CF650Profitability 116QUANTQuantitydecimal153
18CF994archive example20QUANTQuantitydecimal153
19CF995profitab: customers21QUANTQuantitydecimal153
20CF996profitability (rep.)20QUANTQuantitydecimal153
TOPDelivery Confirmation
21DELCONCODelivery Confirmation: Basis of Logistic Matching - Item6QUANTConfirmed Quantitydecimal153
22DELCONJITCODelivery Confirmation: Result of Logistics Matching - Item4QUANTDeviating Delivery Quantitydecimal133
TOPForce Element
23/ISDFPS/FORCEMAuthorized Materials9QUANTAuthorized Quantitynvarchar80
24/ISDFPS/FORCEPMaterial Packages13QUANTNumber for Assigned Provisions Packagenvarchar80
25/ISDFPS/FOREPAAttributes of the Force Element - EPA Relationships15QUANTNumbernvarchar80
26/ISDFPS/FORMCAttributes of the Material Container-Force Element Relatshp16QUANTNumbernvarchar80
27/ISDFPS/FORMCHAttributes of the Material Container - HR Relationship16QUANTNumbernvarchar80
28/ISDFPS/FORMPHAttributes of the HR - MPO Relationship18QUANTNumbernvarchar80
29/ISDFPS/FORMPOAttributes of the Force Element - MPO Relationship18QUANTNumbernvarchar80
30/ISDFPS/FORRICAttributes of the Force Element - RIC Relationship15QUANTNumbernvarchar80
31/ISDFPS/FORVPAAttributes of the Force Element - PPA Relationships17QUANTNumber for Assigned Provisions Packagenvarchar80
TOPForeign Trade
32/SAPSLL/PRPREFR3GTS: Material Master Record: Preference Data (Summarized)10QUANTQuantity as Floating Point Field for GTSfloat1516
TOPGlobal Trade Services
33/SAPSLL/BOPITGTS: General Bill of Product - Item Data14QUANTQuantity as Floating Point Fieldfloat1516
34/SAPSLL/CCMITCustoms Warehouse Collective Completion - Item9QUANTStock Quantitydecimal3114
35/SAPSLL/KMATPREFGTS: Preference Processing KMAT - Storage of Results12QUANTQuantity as Floating Point Fieldfloat1516
36/SAPSLL/PRBOPCGTS: Outward Processing BOP - Components5QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
37/SAPSLL/PRBOPHSLL: Outward Processing BOM - Header Data5QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
38/SAPSLL/PRPREFSLL: Product Master: Preference Data11QUANTQuantity as Floating Point Fieldfloat1516
39/SAPSLL/RXPMRACVRe-Export: Log: Values of Component8QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
40/SAPSLL/RXPMRAVRe-Export: Log: Values of Assembly8QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
41/SAPSLL/RXPMRVRe-Export: Log: Values in BOP8QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
42/SAPSLL/RXPMVRe-Export: Log: Values of Product8QUANTQuantity Field as QUANTdecimal163
43/SAPSLL/T606SVLegal Control: Status Management per License Type8QUANTField Control for Statuses in Legal Controlnvarchar10
TOPInformation System
44TCNDBProfile: Database parameters in Project Info System51QUANTIndicator: Select valuated quantitiesnvarchar10
TOPIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
45PNRESiPPE Resource Node: Attributes12QUANTNumber of Production Resourcesdecimal133
46PROJIDiPPE Assignment Table: PS Objects11QUANTQuantity (in Component Variant)decimal133
47PRRESiPPE Relationships - Resource Capacity5QUANTNumber of Production Resourcesdecimal133
48PVCMPDPVS Variant (CMP): Basic Data6QUANTQuantity (in Component Variant)decimal133
49PVCONiPPE Concept6QUANTQuantity (in Component Variant)decimal133
TOPJust-In-Time Processing
50DLCNOCODelivery Confirmation JIT Outbound Items5QUANTCall Quantitydecimal153
51JITBACKFTMPTemporary File for Confirmation Pool7QUANTCall Quantitydecimal153
52JITCOCall components4QUANTCall Quantitydecimal153
53JITOCOCall Components JIT Outbound6QUANTCall Quantitydecimal153
54JITQUNumber of Calls4QUANTNumber of JIT Callsint100
55J_3RTSESecondary index table for VAT12QUANTQuantitydecimal133
TOPLogistical Requirements
56/ISDFPS/PNEPAMMaterials Within an Equipment Package7QUANTNumberdecimal133
TOPMaterial Categories
57/ISDFPS/PAMPOAttributes of BOM Alternatives6QUANTNumbernvarchar80
58/ISDFPS/PRMPOAttributes of BOM Relationships6QUANTNumbernvarchar80
59/ISDFPS/PRMPOCAttributes of Relationships Between Matl Container and MPO5QUANTNumbernvarchar80
TOPMaterials Management
60/ISDFPS/REO_PLANPlanned Transfer Postings for Reorganizations13QUANTStock Quantitydecimal133
61T8PL03FI Planning: Configuration of Plan Tasks17QUANTInd.: Plan field group manually?nvarchar10
TOPProduction Orders
62COCF_CONF_QTYConfirmation: Table for Subdivided Quantity Postings7QUANTQuantity to be Confirmeddecimal133
TOPProfitability Analysis Basic Functions
63K830002Summarization level ST: 400 KC 01 CF996 0000018QUANTQuantitydecimal153
64K830004Summarization level ST: 400 KC 01 CF996 0000028QUANTQuantitydecimal153
TOPRecipe Development
65/PLMB/RFO_FRMITMFormula items12QUANTQuantitydecimal186
66/PLMI/DEF_PARAMDefault Calculation Parameter2QUANTQuantitydecimal126
TOPReport Selection for Product Costing
67TKKR0Hierarchy Summarization (Header)9QUANTSummarization of the Input Quantitiesnvarchar10
TOPTakeoverHandover of Technical Objects
68PHINTPhase In Table5QUANTQuantitydecimal133
TOPWarranty Claim Processing
69PVWTYWarranty Claim Item (PPE Variant)8QUANTQuantity Claimeddecimal153