SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

52 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | SET_TYPE

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/SAPPSSRM/C_MDASystem Action Metadata in Rule Framework3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
2/SAPPSSRM/C_MDACCustomer Action Metadata in Rule Framework3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
3/SAPPSSRM/C_MDFSystem Configuration Table for Field Metadata3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
4/SAPPSSRM/C_MDFCCustomer Configuration Table for Field Metadata3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
5/SAPPSSRM/C_MDSSystem Set Type Metadata in Rule Framework3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
6/SAPPSSRM/C_MDSCCustomer Set Type Metadata in Rule Framework3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
7/SAPPSSRM/C_STSLSet Levels for Set Types1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
8/SAPSRM/C_ACTSETAssignment of Actions to Set Type and Business Object Type2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
9/SAPSRM/C_ACT_BCField activation for BID Comparison2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
10/SAPSRM/C_CLIPField Mapping for Cross BO copy/paste2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
11/SAPSRM/C_CLIPCField Mapping for Cross BO copy/paste for customer fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
12/SAPSRM/C_MDASBMeta Data Configuration for Set Actions2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
13/SAPSRM/C_MDASBCCustomer Metadata Configuration for Actions on Set Level2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
14/SAPSRM/C_MDASBLLook-Up Table BO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata4SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
15/SAPSRM/C_MDASDMeta Data Configuration for Dependant object Fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
16/SAPSRM/C_MDASDLLook-Up Table for Dependant Object(Set) Action Metadata2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
17/SAPSRM/C_MDA_S1Meta Data Configuration for Set Actions1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
18/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBMeta Data Configuration for Set Fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
19/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBBBO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata3SET_TYPEType of Procurement Document Setnvarchar50
20/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBCCustomer Table for Configuration of Set Field Metadata2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
21/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBLLook-Up Table BO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
22/SAPSRM/C_MDFSDMeta Data Configuration for Dependant object Fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
23/SAPSRM/C_MDFSDBDependant object Field Metadata2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
24/SAPSRM/C_MDFSDLLook-Up Table for Dependant Object/Set Field Metadata2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
25/SAPSRM/C_MDFSSTMetadata: Mapping Channel Logic Layer Structure to Set Type2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
26/SAPSRM/C_MDFSTRStructures with possible Fields for Metadata Configuration3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
27/SAPSRM/C_MDF_S1Meta Data Configuration for Set Fields1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
28/SAPSRM/C_MDS_H1Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
29/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HCCustomer Metadata Configuration for Header Set Types2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
30/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HDMeta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
31/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HLLook-Up Table Metadata Configuration for Header Set Types2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
32/SAPSRM/C_MDS_I1Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
33/SAPSRM/C_MDS_ICCustomer Metadata Configuration for Item Set Types2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
34/SAPSRM/C_MDS_ILLook-Up Table for Metadata Configuration for Item Set Types2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
35/SAPSRM/C_MDS_ITMeta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
36/SAPSRM/C_SETSBOSet Subtypes per BO, Set Type and Set Level1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
37/SAPSRM/C_SETSUBSet Subtypes (are not directly read from this table)1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
38/SAPSRM/C_SETSUTDescription of Set Subtypes1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
39/SAPSRM/C_SETTYSet Types and their Long Key1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
40/SAPSRM/C_SETTYTSet Type Text Table1SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
41/SAPSRM/C_STRSETMapping of Structure Names to Set Types2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
42/SAPSRM/C_TS_FPMTab - set type association to control tab visibility3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
43/SAPSRM/C_TS_VISTab - set type association to control tab visibility4SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
44/SAPSRM/C_WF_SETSet level customizations for SC workflow trigger2SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
45/SAPSRM/INI_METStatic metadata for fields in display mode5SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
46/SAPSRM/INI_METCCustomer Static metadata config for fields in display mode5SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
47/SAPSRM/MAP_CFGTable for ESOA Channel Map to PDO and Map from PDO3SET_TYPEBusiness Object Set Typenvarchar50
49BBP_CUF_INCLNAMEAssignment of Customer Includes to Individual Documents4SET_TYPESet Type for Determining CUF Structurenvarchar300
TOPTransaction Manager
50RDPT_SETQuantity of Redemption Schedules15SET_TYPEClass for Redemption Schedule Setnvarchar50
51RDPT_T_SET_NAMERepayment Schedule Sets4SET_TYPEClass for Redemption Schedule Setnvarchar50
52RDPT_T_SET_TYPEClass for Redemption Schedule Set2SET_TYPEClass for Redemption Schedule Setnvarchar50