SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1097 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | SRTF2

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/1SAP1/IDPBD1000SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
2/1SAP1/IDPBD1800SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
3/1SAP1/IDPBD2000SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
4/1SAP1/IDPBD2800SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
5/1SAP1/IDPBD3800SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
6/1SAP1/IDPBD4800SOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
7/AIF/STRUCTINFOCache to decrease the runtime of UTIL_GET_STRUCT_FIELDS10SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
8/CPD/FC_ATCHMENTPFP Attachments using SDOK : Obsolte3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
9/GBT/IDOC_ADR_SBShared Buffer Schema for IDOC Address data (ADRMAS)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
10/IWFND/I_MED_CTCGeneric Cluster Caching for Meta Data (Language-Dependent)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
11/IXOS/RSA_T_PRRSTable: Cluster Table for LARS Protocol Entries4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
12/NAKISA/C1_DBSTGDashboard Analytics staged data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
13/NAKISA/C2_IMPDashboard analytics import parameters temporary table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
14/PERSONAS/T_MEMOTablestructure used for shared buffer implementation.3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
15/PERSOS/MCONTTable for Media data Contents(Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
16/SAPF15/DATAF15 Belege (Daten)4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
17/SAPF15/DATADECOF15 Belege (XPRA_DECOMPRESS)4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
18/SAPPSSRM/MCNPCDplanned change definition of mass change/novation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
19/SAPSRM/D_SAV_VADatabase table for saving user variants6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
20/SDF/HISCluster table for EarlyWatch Alert Trend Analysis3SRTF2int100
21/SDF/IVISQRYPERSPersist queries for data collectors4SRTF2int100
22/SDF/MON_CALLPARFunction Calls of /SDF/MON parameters5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
23/SLOAP/CLU_RESSLOAS cluster for analysis results4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
24/SLOAP/CLU_SRCSLOAS cluster for module source code4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
25/SLOAP/CLU_SRCTTransport table for /SLOAS/CLU_SRC6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
26/SLOAP/CLU_STORSLOAS cluster for storage of binary objects4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
27/SLOAP/CLU_STORTTransport table for /SLOAS/CLU_STORE6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
28/SLOAP/CLU_TMPSLOAS cluster for temporary data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
29/SLOAP/CLU_TXTSLOAS cluster for text storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
30/SLOAP/CLU_TXTTtransport table for /SLOAS/CLU_TXT6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
31/SLOAP/DOWNUPDATINDX table for upload / download protocoling5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
32/SOMO/JOBMON03Job data selection criteria cluster7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
33/SOMO/JOBMON16Unified job monitoring - joblog information cluster5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
34/SOMO/JOBMON17Storage for data collector calls for monitoring object7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
35/SOMO/JOBMON18Unified Job Monitoring - Trace information6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
36/SOMO/JOBMON19Unified job monitoring - joblog information cluster new6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
37/UI2/CACHECache for storing query results (collections and entities)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
38/UI2/NWBC_NAV_TRNWBC Cache Table7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
39/UI2/NWBC_OBN_PANWBC Cache Table5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
40/UI5/FASTMIMEBUFUI Theming: Buffer for MIME Access (ONLY SHARED BUFFER)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
41/WSCGMBH/LOGSKommunikationsprotokolle4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
42/XLSO/FAVORITESFavorites4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
43/XPLM/ACM_SHAREDDatabase buffer to store objects across sessions4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
44AFWGO_MDATA_EP2Calculation Bases for Each Final Result Procedure5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
45AMDPDBTemporary Data Transfer Table3SRTF2int100
46BBPCONTSDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
47BBPD_CTR_BACKUPBackup Copy of Purchasing Contracts for Conversion Report4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
48BBPD_CTR_MASS_CHCTR: Mass Change - Data Interface for Background Run4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
49BBPD_DATA_CACHEBBP: Cluster Table for Cache4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
50BBP_AGENT_TEMPTemporary Storage of Search Results (INDX Structure)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
51BBP_ATT_PRINTRecording of Print-Processed Documents3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
52BBP_OUT_PARAMSEBP: Transient Output Parameter Storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
53BBP_TRANSCONTENTEBP: Transient Content Storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
54BBP_WLRA_CLUSTERTable for Data Cluster Definitions in Workload4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
55BDSCONT19BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
56BDSCONTAUDAUD: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
57CMATTASDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
58CNVCDOPUCIA_KSP8CDOP UCIA: Table to store the Obj detail list of KB in SP83SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
59CNVCDOPUCIA_KWBSCDOP: UCIA: Table to store the Obj detail list of Knw.Base3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
60CNVCMIS_A_30_SELCMIS table to store export and Import data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
61CNVC_NR_CLUSTERSystem table for storing NR analysis data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
62CNVC_SCWB_FILEFile storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
63CNVHCM_CLUSTERTDMS4HCM: Parameter Storage Cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
64CNVHCM_D_PSLCRITTDMS4HCM: Storage of Criteria and Result of Object Selection4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
65CNVINFOSLO General information3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
66CNVLTHCM_ADDSELDLT HCM: Additional Selection Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
67CNVMBTCLUMBT PCL Cluster for temporary data storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
68CNVMBTCONVDUPCLUDuplicate Storage: Storage Cluster6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
69CNVMBTPLKCLUDMIS PLK - Cluster3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
70CNVMBTSTORETemporary storage3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
71CNVMBTVARCLUPIFD Variant Cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
72CNVSTORETemporary Storage of Data Records for Conversions3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
73CNVTDMSSCM_DCCluster: SCM EWM Delivery DOCID4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
74CNVTDMS_05_AUFKCConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
75CNVTDMS_05_AUFPCConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
76CNVTDMS_05_BKPFCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
77CNVTDMS_05_BSEGCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
78CNVTDMS_05_BUTCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
79CNVTDMS_05_CKMLCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
80CNVTDMS_05_CKMVCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
81CNVTDMS_05_CLUTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
82CNVTDMS_05_COBKCConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
83CNVTDMS_05_COPACTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
84CNVTDMS_05_DNSDCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
85CNVTDMS_05_DNSTCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
86CNVTDMS_05_EKKOCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
87CNVTDMS_05_EMMACConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
88CNVTDMS_05_EODRPBanking - EOD reports5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
89CNVTDMS_05_EQUICTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
90CNVTDMS_05_FMIOCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
91CNVTDMS_05_FMUSCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
92CNVTDMS_05_FULCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
93CNVTDMS_05_ISCConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
94CNVTDMS_05_J3AACTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
95CNVTDMS_05_J3ABCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
96CNVTDMS_05_J3ADCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
97CNVTDMS_05_JESTCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
98CNVTDMS_05_MPAPCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
99CNVTDMS_05_MPVLCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
100CNVTDMS_05_OGCConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
101CNVTDMS_05_OILGConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
102CNVTDMS_05_RESBCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
103CNVTDMS_05_STXCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
104CNVTDMS_05_VBOCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
105CNVTDMS_05_VBUKCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
106CNVTDMS_05_WBRKCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
107CNVTDMS_05_WCDTCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
108CNVTDMS_05_WCDVCTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
109CNVTDMS_CR_CLUTDMS -TDTIM/TDTCC Cluster for Intermediate Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
110CNVTDMS_SRM_CLUCluster for Temporary Data Storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
111CNVTEMPConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
112CNV_10020_CLUCluster for saving object relationships8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
113CNV_10940_CLUCluster Table for Report/Variants Back up6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
114CNV_10993_PDFCLUTable for PDF strings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
115CNV_20000_MCDXFiscal Year conversion -- data4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
116CNV_20308_DLDATACluster for Data Download4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
117CNV_20308_EXPORTExport in INDX for Transfer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
118CNV_ADT_CLUTransformation Summary: Cluster for data provider downloads5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
119CNV_BACKUP_CLUConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
120CNV_DEMO_DATAData for demo packages6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
121CNV_DOWNUP_DATAINDX table for upload / download protocoling5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
122CNV_MBT_UT_STOREUnit test storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
123DBA_XCHG_DATADBA Cockpit: Exchange Data for Action Controllers6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
124DMC_ERROR_LOGMWB: store latest error messages per mass transfer and table6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
125DMC_INDXMWB: General Data Storage ( INDX Structure )4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
126DMC_INDX2MWB: generic data store ( INDX-like, 40 bytes key length)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
127DMC_INDXCLCluster for Data Load in Sender System4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
128DMC_MT_TRACKMWB: Tracking Information for a Mass Transfer7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
129DMC_RTO_TABKEYMWB: Key for Tabl Entries to be Transferred5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
130DMC_TRNSPT_INDXDMC: Shadow Table for Transport Link5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
131DSH_INDXINDX-like table for shared memory storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
132E2ET_TBOM_ENVBPCA: TBOM collect calculated envireonemnt object for perfm4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
133EHPRCD_TESTIOCP: Table for storing test input and output data4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
134EPIC_BCP_PTParameter Transfer Table for Program EPIC_BANK_COMM_PROG4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
135ESH_ADM_JI_CLUSTINDX-like database for clustered data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
136FARR_D_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
137FARR_D_NOTESTable for Farr Notes4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
138FCML_SEARCHSaved search criteria6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
139FDT_BRS_TRA_0100OBSOLETE4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
140FDT_TRACE_TCFDT: Indx-typed table for Lean Trace - Obsolete4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
141FIN_AR_QRY_CACHEFIN-AR: Cache for CPU-Intensive Database Queries5SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
142FUCN_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
143FUCN_DSRUN_STAGEChina Growth Reporting: Run Staging Table5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
144FUCN_NOTESDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
145FUCN_RUN_STAGEChina Growth Reporting: Run Staging Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
146ILM_INDX_AOINDX-like Table for a List of Archiving Objects4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
147INDXNClike INDX, w/o CLIENT3SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
148INDX_VERtable used in EXP/IMP veris5SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
149IUUC_RECON_F2F_RIUUC: Reconcilation Field-to-Field Result7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
150IUUC_RL_DATArepl logging - staging area for tables in replication6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
151IUUC_RL_DATA_CLrepl logging - staging area for tables in replication6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
152J_1GVL_MLBUFBuffered YTD aggregates7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
153J_1I_EXIM_FILESSDOK: Tabelle für Dokumentinhalte (Import/Export)4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
154J_1I_INDXIndia System Table INDX for Octroi in PO4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
155LTMC_DISP_TEMPGeneric store for extracts10SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
156LTR_ATOM_QUARK_C.4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
157LTR_ATOM_QUARK_S.3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
158LTR_CLUSTERCluster3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
159LTR_G_CLUData Cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
160LTR_REPOSITORYSLO Version Repository8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
161MSSROWSETMSSQL : DB performance snapshot data5SRTF2int100
162N1MCI_MSGCSerialized Messages4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
163N1TPI_CWD_PDFClinic WinData Findings (PDF) in SAP DB4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
164NWS_EXT_INDXPersistence of Extraction (Excel Spreadsheet)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
165RSCRMVIEWSTORERepository for ISQ Views5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
166SCI_INDX_COPYSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
167SHDB_CLUSTERINDX type cluster table for access via cl_lib_cluster4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
168SMDCONTTable for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
169SMDCONTURLTable for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
170SNWD_EPM_SNAPSEPM: Table to hold snapshots (backups) of generated data5SRTF2Natural Numberint100
171T5F99CONT1SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
172T5FDSNFILESObsolete - DSN: Files of DSN4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
173T5FDSNFILES_V2DSN: Files of DSN4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
174T7INPEMECluster Table Count Eligible Employees(Shared Buffer)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
175T7RUCL1Russian's cluster4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
176T7SKRZDCluster table for Annual Tax Clearing4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
177TCPCHECKTesttabelle Konvertierungen5SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
178TFO_BUFFERBuffer of Font data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
179TILM_STOR_MON_DHILM DB Store: Monitoring KPI Details - Historical Data8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
180TLRT_TARO_DMSStoring the TARO documents in DMS4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
181VER05155_TESTTestfälle für SPUMG ( VER05155)3SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
182VERI_INDXABAP/4 verification: Export/import database4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
183YIT_DOCUBOXIDA: Document container3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
184YIT_PROTIDA: Change log5SRTF2Natural Numberint100
185YIT_SAFEIDA: Data Safe for Change Log4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
186YIT_URLMEMORYInfobase: Shared Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
187ZADHOCXPORTImport/Export Structure for ADHOC Event Parameters4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
188ZCODE_ASSIGNRFC Datenzuordnung4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
189ZCR_MASDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
190ZFSCM_PDFSAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
191ZIDCONT01SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
192ZIDESUSERSave data clusters from user tables4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
193ZLCRT_INDXAI LCR: Buffer Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
194ZSDOKCONT1SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
195/BOBF/DAC_DATABOPF: Generic Data Storage for Rapid Prototyping5SRTF2int100
196PIQCONT01Campus Mgmt: Document Content Table (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
197PIQCONT02Campus Mgmt: Document Content Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
198PIQCONT03Campus Mgmt: Document Content Table (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
199PMIQCONT01Document Content Table (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPABAP Test Frameworks ATC, CheckMan, Code Inspector
201PROC_VERSIONSSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
202SCICHKV_PACode Inspector: Cluster Table for Check Variant Parameters3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
203SCIINS_ADDCode Inspector: General Restrictions for Inspection3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
204SCIINS_OBJCode Inspector: Object Set At Time of INSP Execution3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
205SCIINS_VARCode Inspector: Check Variant at Time of INSP Execution3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
206SCIOBJ_SELCode Inspector: Cluster Table for Object Set3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
207SCI_USERSCode Inspector: Cluster Table for User Parameters3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAccounting - General
208TCC_INDXClosing Cockpit: System Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAccounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration
209FDM_BUFFERCluster for Decoupling in 1-System Scenario5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPActual CostingMaterial Ledger
210CKML_INDX_RUNSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAdditional Material Functions
211WSD_INDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAddress ManagementBusiness Address
212ADQUINDXINDX-type table for quarterly adjustment addresses4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAdvertising Management
213JHINDXIS-M/AM: INDX Table Type for Storing Temporary Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
214JHTREELAYOUTIS-M: Cluster Table for Layout of Tree Structure RJHW2MEN4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAgency Business Global Trade
215MC45W_0CWBSETUPStorage: BW Rebuild for MC45W_0CWB4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
216AFWGO_CNTL_EP1Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
217AFWGO_MDATA_EP1Calculation Bases for Each Single Records Procedure5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPApplication Framework
218MDG_DEMO_TRANSCluster Table for Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
219MDG_MDFTRANSCluster Table for Master Data Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
220MDG_MDF_INDXCluster Table (Class CL_MDG_MDF_FIELDINFO_LOCAL)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
221MDG_TR_TRANSCluster Table for Master Data Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
222USMD1220Change Request: Drafts (Data of Entity)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
223USMD6900SMT Mapping - Cluster Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
224USMDWDPARAMParameter Passing in WebDynpro4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAppointment Calendar
225SCAPPTINDXINDX table for appointment long texts5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPArchive Information System
226ASAFBCLUSTERArchiveFileBrowser: General Temporary Storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
227OAPRESAP ArchiveLink: Presettings for early, late entry4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPArchiving Engine
228TARCHUSERSETTINGArchiving Factory: User Settings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPASAP AcceleratedSAP
229SASACONT1ASAP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAudit trail enhancements ILM
230AUT_I_STXLAudit Trail (ILM): SAPscript Text File Lines (Dummy Table)7SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
TOPAuthoring Tools
231QMM_CONT1QMM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAuto-ID Infrastructure
232/AIN/BW_SETUP_ISetup table for initial data upload to BW for internal data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPAvailability Check
233ATP_INDXATP_INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPAverage Daily Balance
234GLE_TADB_DXDatabase for Temp. Data (Eg Transfer Complex Param.btw Jobs)4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPBalanced Scorecard
235UMB_MC104Scorecard: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
236UMB_SC144Scorecard: BLOB for Cause-Effect Chain (OBSOLETE)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBank Customer Accounts
237BKKINDXBCA: Cluster Table4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPBAPI Tools for BAPIs see Note 813411
238BF4INDXF4 cluster buffer3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBasic Data and Tools
239RMSDXRMS: Data Repository for User Settings5SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPBasic Functions
240EMMA_JOBRUNIDMSGMonitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
241MCDXCompressed Consolidation transaction data4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
242RFRRAccounting data - A/R and A/P information system4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
243UDMCONT01Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
244UDMCONT02Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
245UTSEGDATATime Segment Data Container Template4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
246VZLOGLog Analysis of x/y Tables15SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBasis Application Log
247BALDATApplication Log: Log data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
248BAL_AMODALApplication Log: INDX table for amodal communication4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
249BAL_INDXApplication Log: INDX tables4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPBasis Components
250/XFT/GEN_REP_VARVariants for Generic Reporting4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
251/XFT/INV_Q_3Comment table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
252/XFT/INV_Q_3_SComment table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
253/XFT/INV_Q_4Log table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
254/XFT/INV_Q_4_SLog table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
255/XFT/INV_Q_8Text sample4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
256/XFT/INV_Q_8_SText sample4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
257/XFT/INV_TEXTTText templates invoice receipt log4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
258/XFT/INV_VIEW01Cluster structure4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBatch-Oriented Parallel Processing of Mass Data
259BANK_PACK_PARAMSApplication-Specific Parameters for Package Templates4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
260BANK_PP_PARAMSApplication-Specific Global Parameters4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
261BANK_PP_PAR_PCRParameters for Package Generation4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
262BANK_PP_RUNPARMGlobal Parameters for Mass Run4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
263BANK_PP_SRV_PCKAssignment Server -> Package Area4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBRFplus - ABAP-Based Business Rules
264FDT_DEBUG_INDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
265FDT_TRACE_0100FDT: Index-typed table for Lean Trace4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBudget Control System
266BUBAS_CLUSTERCluster to store application log5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
267BTXCONT01Budge_text: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Accounting
268/EACC/TRANSBusiness Accounting: Metadata Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
269UREXECTRCTrace Option for Realignment Runs6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Analytics
270UABSURINDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
271UAB_XML_DATAXML Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
272UAUXS_DATAXML Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Application Support
273CNVCLUConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Consolidation
274UCD_S_BUFFERShared buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
275UCL0200Table with Stored Logs5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
276UCL2040Log: Stored Logs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
277UCM_S_OC_BUFFEROC: Buffer for Sender/Receiver Rels4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Context Viewer
278/BCV/D_INDXINDX table for shared memory4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
279/BCV/D_LCNS_HISTHistory Data of License Audit4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
280/BCV/D_QCACHEQuery cache cluster table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
281/BCV/D_QRESULTQuery result cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
282/BCV/D_SSHOTDSnapshot Data (Context, Visual., Results)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Document Service
283BDSCONT2BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
284BDSCONT6BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
285BDSCONT7BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
286BDS_CONT1BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
287KWBCONTHJRTest: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Information Collection
288BDSCONT13BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
289BICCONTENTSEM-BIC: Table for Document Contents3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Planning
290UPBXPlanning Applications: Generic Data Container4SRTF2Counter in IMPORT/EXPORT Data Tablesint100
291UPB_CMI_110Graphic - BLOBs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Planning and Simulation
292BDSCONT12BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
293BDSCONT31BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
294UPC_TRACE_DATATrace Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
295UPX_CLUSTERCluster Table for Sales Planning4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPBusiness Process Engine
296SWFDXMPINDXXML Message Proxy: INDX table3SRTF2Data field for Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT tableint100
TOPBusiness Server Pages
297SSCOOKIEBusiness Server Pages (BSP) DB Table Server-Side Cookies7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCapacity and Resource Planning
298/MRSS/T_SETNAMECluster table for Setname4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPCase Management
299SCMGCONT01Case: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
300SCMGPOIDCRContent Table for POID Content Repository3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCCMSDatabase Monitors for MaxDB
301SDB_SEL_STMTMaxDB/liveCache CCMS: Monitoring Data Repository3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPChange Pointer Service
302CNS_CP_IMGCNS: Change Pointer - Export Object Type in Image Format4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
303CSUM_EV_DATAExecuted Analyses - Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
304CSUM_EV_SELEExecuted Analyses - Selection Fields4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPClaims Management
305ICL_BRFP_TRACEINDX-Like Table for BRFplus Trace4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
306TICL105Storage of Picture Files in Data Clusters (see INDX)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
307CLBUFCluster Table for Classes and Variants4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPClassification Toolset
308CLS_RUN_ASSGNMNTClassifications of objects in a result list6SRTF2Natural Numberint100
309CLS_RUN_PARAMSRun directory5SRTF2int100
TOPClinical System
310N2CLIO_TESTDATAClinical Overview: Test Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
311N2CLIO_TRANSFERClinical Overview: Data Transfer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
312N2PMDBLOBCluster Table for Link Objects4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
313N2PMDTEXTCluster Table for PMD Endless Texts4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
314N2PROPERTYBAGIS-H*MED: Property Bag6SRTF2Property Bag: Next Record Counterint100
315N2PROPERTYBAG_SHIS-H*MED: Property Bag5SRTF2Property Bag: Next Record Counterint100
316N2TRANSPORTBCSETIS-H*MED: Structured Cluster Table for N2TRANSPORT3SRTF2Not More Closely Defined Area, Possibly Used for Patchlevelsnvarchar40
317N2TRANSPORTCLUSTIS-H*MED: Cluster Structure for N2TRANSPORT3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
318N2VDITEMSIS-H*MED PD: Typed Entries (Cluster)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCollaboration Folders
319CFF_CONTCFF: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
320CFF_CONT_URLCFF: Table for URLs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
321CDTESTDATACluster Table for Correspondence Data3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
322DVIINFOCLUSTInformation Cluster Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPCommunication Services Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony
323BCST_IBCTBCS: Shared Buffer for Inbound Distribution4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
324SBCMCONT1SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
325SMYOWPMyObjects Hierarchy in WP (Cluster)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPCompliance Check
326EHSBT_RC_ESTRHSHEHS: Table f. Storing Substs w. Constraints in Shared Memory4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
327EHSBT_RC_EXPLSHMEHS: Table for Storing Explosion Result in Shared Memory4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
328EHSBT_RC_GRPSHMEHS: Table for Storing Substance Group in Shared Memory4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
329MCDX2Compressed Consolidation transaction data4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPConstruction Equipment Management
330/SAPCEM/INDXStorage for CEM Similar to INDX Table (Note 3992)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
331DFKKDTAccounting Data (INDX Structure)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
332DFKKUMBINDXCluster for Variant Storage in Transaction FPU24SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
333DPAYHPayment program - data for payment11SRTF2User-defined sorting of payment datanvarchar480
334FDT_TRACE_DUNNFDT: Indx-typed table for Lean Trace4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
335TFK009_ARARGENTINA: Legal reporting time / grouping8SRTF2Argentina: Report Group Assignment 2nvarchar20
336BDSCONT24BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
337COINT_INDXCockpit CO-Integr.: Data for Automatic Message Processing4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
338FCOMTS_CR_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
339QISRCONFIGInternet Service Request: Scenario Configuration (XML)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCorporate Performance Monitor
340BDSCONT15BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
341BDSCONT17BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
342UMC_STD_BLOBSStandard - Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
343UMR_RI130OBSOLETE RMS: Graphic - BLOBs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
344UMV_TR122Value Driver Tree: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCorrespondence Tool
345DFKKCODCLUSTCorrespondence - Correspondence Cluster Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
346DFKKCOPCorrespondence - Document Part List3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
347DFKKCORRRFDTCluster Table for Correspondence Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
348TFKK_CORRSPNDPBPParameters for Package Formation4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPCost Center Accounting
349KPP1CONT1KPP: Document contents table (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCross-Application Components
350/IXOS/DCRSA_OUTSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
351/IXOS/DC_TAVINDXVariant INDX table for data cluster.4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
352/IXOS/DC_TBPROT1New Log table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
353/IXOS/DC_TBRANGEValue of selection field at node for data cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
354/IXOS/DC_TCTMPLWORD document templates for changeable documents7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
355/IXOS/RS_T_CLUSTSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
356CCMSBI_TESTCASESCCMS/BW: Test Data for Automat. Tests in CCMS-BW Environment4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
357CKLTEXGeneric store for extracts11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
358CMLTEXGeneric store for extracts11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
359CNV_05010_CLUCluster for saving table contents4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
360J_2GLPOTFLegal printed docs: Print data7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCross-Application Mass Maintenance
361MASSVARDATData for Variants4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCross-Application Topics
362/SPE/DELTA_DELVDelta Tool: Results of delivery comparison4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
363/SCMB/DF_CC_TRANTransport Table for Doc. Flow Appl. Data During Client Copy4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCustom Development Management Cockpit
364CNVCDMCUCIA_KSP8CDMC UCIA: Table to store the Obj detail list of RIB in SP83SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
365CNVCDMCUCIA_KWBSCDMC:To store the Obj detail list of R.Inf.Base - Not Valid3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCustomer Bill of Services
366BOSPS_CLUSTERBOSPS Data Cluster for variants etc4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPCustomizing Project Management IMG
367SPROCONT1SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Basis
368RSCNVACTDATACopy of the INDX for Converting ODS Objects4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
369RSDRI_DS_TCTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
370RSDRI_DS_TC_BACKTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
371RSODSACTDATACopy of INDX for ODS Activation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
372RSODSMPPSQLLOGCopy of INDX for ODS Activation5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
373RSODSO_ROLLBACKTable for Temporary Storage of Data during Rollback4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
374RSSEM_RFCPACKTemporary Storage of Selected InfoProvider Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Collection
375COIXControlling: Info system cluster tables4SRTF2Controlling: Cluster sort fieldint100
376COIX_DATAControlling: Info system cluster tables4SRTF2Controlling: Cluster sort fieldint100
377COIX_DATA40Cluster table infosystem4SRTF2Controlling: Cluster sort fieldint100
378MCSLOGFile for saving logs6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
379VKMILog for Updating Open Credit Values (S066, S067)11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Conversion
380DMC_PROTDMC: Logs and Tables for Backwards Navigation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Replication Framework
381DRFD_SERVOUT_LOGInformation for a DRF_OUTBOUND Run8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Staging
382AUNIT_PSA_MD_CPCommunication of Parallel Processes in Test4SRTF2int100
383RSBATCHDATACopy of INDX for Batch and Enqueue Runtime Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
384RSBKDATACopy of INDX for DTP: Runtime Buffer5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
385RSCRTMONDATACopy of INDX for CRT Runtime Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
386RSCRT_RDA_MONDATCopy of INDX for CRT Runtime Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
387RSHASHDATAData for Hash Encryption4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
388RSPC_BUFFERShared Buffer for Processes (Esp. Customer Programs)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
389RSREQARCHDATAData for Hash Encryption4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
390RSTRANCLUSTTable Cluster: Save Data Flow Comparisons5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
391RSUPDSIMULDTable for saving simulation data update3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPData Transfer
392PPARFCInterface Table for aRFC Processing4SRTF2aRFC Sort Fieldint100
TOPDatabase Interface, Database Platforms
393DBA_TEST_DATADBA: Test Data9SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPDB-Independent Database Interface
394SQLT_INDXSystem table INDX (shared buffer) for ST05 initial screen3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPDB2 for AS4
395DB4_CLUSTERiSeries: Temporary Statistics Data3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPDB2 Universal Database for UNIX NT
396DB6MONDB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
397DB6_RESET_DATADB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPDefault Risk and Limit System
398KLCLUSTCluster for Distributed Data Use4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
399KLCLUSTERCluster for Distributed Data Use4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPDemand Management
400LPDXPlanning runtime table: INDX table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPDistributed Maintenance
401/ISDFPS/PMCPRUNXTransfer Change Authorization - Runtime Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
402/ISDFPS/PMDISRXDistribution Factory - Runtime Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
403/SAPHT/DRMANAL00DRM Inventory analysis4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
404MC09DR0DRMSETUPStorage data BW reconstruction for MC09DR0DRM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
405MC09MS0DRMSETUPStorage data BW reconstruction for MC09MS0DRM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
406MCHTDR0DRMSETUPStorage data BW reconstruction for MC09DR0DRM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPDocument Management Framework
407FSYSCONTSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
408KWTCONTSKWF Test: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
409SKWF_SHBUFTable for SKWF Cache3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
410SKWF_URLIOKW Framework: URL Segment Map Onto IO4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
411SKWF_URL_IO_CHKW Framework: URL Segment Map Onto IO4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
412SKWG_DOCSTable for Document Export3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
413SKWS_CACHECache Table for CM Status Management3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPDocument Management Services
414KDM_CONT1KPro Demo: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
415SDOKCONT1SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
416SDOKMSHBUFTable for Model Cache3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
417SDOKPHCBUFSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
418SDOKPHVBUFSDOK: Table for Contents of Virtual (Generated) Documents4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
419SDOKRELOCSDOK: Table for location requests4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
420SDOLCONT1SDOK: Table for Language Delivery-Relevant Document Content4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
421SMAICONT1Table for Document Contents for Application Server4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
422SMASCONT1SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPDocument Management System
423CVSE_INDXUser specific settings for document search4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
424DMS_CONT1_CD1DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
425DMS_CONT1_HD1DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
426DMS_CONT2_CD1DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
427DMS_CONT2_HD1DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
428DMS_SELECTIONSFind Document: Selection Variants5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
429PCL_RCFUser-Specific Settings for Document Search5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPeCATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
430ECLOG_MSGObsolete: Application Messages During Execution3SRTF2int100
431NWECMD_CNTNTNW ECM: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPElectronic Data Interchange
432WRF_GDS_SHAREDefinition for Shared Objekt4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPElectronic Data Records
433AUT_STXLSAPscript Text File Lines: Dummy Table for Audit Trails7SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
TOPEmployee Interaction Center
434THREICCONT01Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPEnd User Technology
435BDSCONT11BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
436RSIXRAReporting Agent: Cluster Table3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
437RSIXWWWCluster Table for Storing Web Reporting Components3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
438RSIX_DATABW: Cluster table backup data4SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
439RSZWOBJStorage of the Web Objects5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPEnterprise Service Framework Layer
440COL_INDX_CACHESystem Table: Cool Runtime Cache3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
441SCOL_CLIENT_INDXLanguage Import/Export: Data Cluster for General Storage3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
442SCOL_WB_DATASETESF Test Environment : Test Data Management9SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPEnvironment, Health and Safety
443/TDAG/CPT_DEFSCLCP: Cluster table for user defaults5SRTF2Continuation IDint100
444/TDAG/CPT_TESTIOCP: Table for storing test input and output data4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
445/TDAG/RCSL_BGRImport/export report parameter for background processing4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
446EVE_XML_PERS_DBPersistence Table for XML Data7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPExcise Duty
447/BEV2/CS_MEMORYEMCS Process: Table for Shared Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPF1 Help
448HLPINDXSystem Table INDX3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPF4 Help
449DDF4PSINDXContains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
450DDLBBUFTSTTest: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables3SRTF2int100
TOPFast Search Infrastructure
451SFSG_DEF_RTRuntime Table3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPField Service
452IWWOPervasive Service: Cluster with Internet Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPFinancial Accounting
453RFDTAccounting Data (INDX Structure)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPFinancial Mathematics
454FIMA_TRACE_DATAFIMA: Trace Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPFinancial Supply Chain Management
455EDX_PARKEDX: Inbound Messages (Messages Ready for Processing)4SRTF2EDX: Cluster Counter (Split File in the Table)int100
TOPFinancials Basis
456FINB_DEMO_TRANSFINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
457FINB_TR_DERIVEFINB-Transport: Table for Transporting the ABA Derivation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
458FINB_TR_TRANSFINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
459UBC_CL_BIBatch Input Sessions (INDX-Structure)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
460UBC_CL_INVBill Data (INDX-Structure)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
461UGCMBACKData Model Synchronization: Backup for Conversion4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
462UGMDTRANSFIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
463UGMD_BACKFIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
464UGSCDTDATAData for Customizing Comparison6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPFloorplan Manager Web Dynpro ABAP
465FPM_T_ATTACHMENTSDOK: Tabelle für Dokumentinhalte (Import/Export)3SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
466FPM_T_NOTESSDOK: Tabelle für Dokumentinhalte (Import/Export)3SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
TOPFlow Manufacturing
467TLDPS_CONT1Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
468TLDPS_CONT1_SProcess Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPForms Processing
469FPCONTEXTRForm Objects: Context - Runtime Objects4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
470FPLOGLOG Structure Form Processing for SHARED MEMORY3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPFunction Builder
471EUFUNCDevelopment Environment Objects6SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPFund Accounting
472FMCCAVC_PRLCluster table for different purposes4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPFunds Management
473FMFGRCN_SAVSaved reconciliation report results4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
474FMD1_F15_DATAF15 Interface - Documents (Data)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGateway SAP Data Enablement
475/IWBEP/I_MGW_CTCgeneric cluster table for meta data caching6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGeneral Application Functions
476TABADRXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
477FAGL_DATAC_CLUSTContent of Data Container4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
478FAGL_PROT_DATALogged Data4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPGeneric Applications
479BSSP_ATMNAttachments: Content4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
480BSSP_NOTENotes: Content4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGeneric Interaction Layer
481CRMS_GIL_MODELEXDefinition Table for Shared Memory Communication3SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPGeneric Object Services
482SGOSHSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGeneric Project Planning
483CGPLT_OPT_INDXProject Planning: User-Specific Options6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGlobal Trade Services
484/SAPSLL/APPIDXStore Application Data in Application Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
485/SAPSLL/CORCONTSLL: Storage of Content Mgt Document Content (KPRO)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
486/SAPSLL/CUSIDXStore Customizing Data in Application Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGoods Issue Process
487/SPE/COMM_DATALogged Communication Data between ERP and EWM4SRTF2Key Component of Table /SPE/COMM_DATAint100
TOPGovernance, Risk and Compliance
488GRFNCONT1GRPC: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
489GRPCCONT1GRC: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPGuided Structure Synchronization
490/PLMB/GSS_SU_PARSynchronization Unit Parameters4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPHelp Infrastructure for ABAP
491HCSKW_TEST_RESTest Data Repository (Result)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPHierarchy Storage
492INDX_HIERINDX-type table for buffering structures3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
493INDX_HSRCHText buffering table for searching in structures3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPHR Administrative Services
494ASRCONT03HR - ASR: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
495T5ASRCONT01Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
496T5ASRCONT02Attachments HRAdmin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPI18N Unicode
497TECHED02_UNICODEDemo texts for TECHED 2002 Unicode and ABAP lists3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
498UM4CHKPSPUMG: Checkpoint Management3SRTF2int100
499UM4CONDSPUMG+SUMG Hint Management: Condition3SRTF2int100
500UM4ICLUSTResults of the C-Check for initial records in table cluste3SRTF2int100
501UM4INDXINDX Log Entries4SRTF2int100
502UM4PMBATInfo on Running Background Jobs3SRTF2int100
503UM4PMCNVReprocess Log Entries3SRTF2int100
504UM4PMSTStatistics of tables3SRTF2int100
505UMGCHKPSPUMG: Checkpoint Management3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
506UMGCONDITIONSPUMG+SUMG Hint Management: Condition3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
507UMGHISTORYData used for the Unicode migration of the system3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
508UMGINDXINDX Log Entries4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
509UMGINFOGeneral information about SPUMG status3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
510UMGINITCLUSTResults of the C-Check for initial records in table cluster3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
511UMGPMBATInfo on Running Background Jobs3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
512UMGPMCNVReprocess Log Entries3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
513UMGPMSTStatistics of tables: obsolete 09/20053SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
514UMGR3LLOGr3load log for sumg3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
515UMGSETTSPUMG/SUMG old settings table3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
516UMGTESTCASEUnicode conversion tests4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
517UMG_TEST_INDXSPUMG Test Table3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
518UMG_TEST_INDX1Test table for SPUMG3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPImplementation Guide
519FINIIndex Table for SAPfind3SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
520INDXBCSETINDX-Type Table to Save Check Results3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
521SFDGDSYS: Postscript File Lines7SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
522TVARINDSave screen variants3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
523VORINDXProcedure model data buffer3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPIncentive and Commission Management ICM
524CACS_OAINDXFOA: Storage of Structured Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
525CACS_TGMEMTarget Agreements: Table for Shared Memory (Internal)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
526CACS_TXTCLSTICM: Cluster Table for Text Strings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
527FPP_CLUSTContent of Data Container4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPIndustry Solution Catch Weight Management
528CON_FIN_WQ_DATAData of Transactions in Work Queue (INDX Table)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPInformation System
529CNDBFile to save selection versions (INDX)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
530GREPReport Writer: File of Stored Reports11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
531GRIX_AUTReport Writer: Values of Adjustment-Related Characteristics10SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
532GRRTReport Writer: Runtime information for generated programs6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
533MC05Q00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notif. Activity)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
534MC05Q00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00CSE(Notification Cause)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
535MC05Q00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00ITM (Notification Item)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
536MC05Q00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00NTF (Notification)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
537MC05Q00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notification Task)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
538MC17I00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ACT (Notif. Activity)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
539MC17I00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00CSE(Notification Cause)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
540MC17I00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ITM (Notification Item)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
541MC17I00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00NTF (Notification)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
542MC17I00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00TSK (Notification Task)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
543MC18I00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notif. Activity)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
544MC18I00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00CSE(Notification Cause)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
545MC18I00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00ITM (Notification Item)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
546MC18I00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00NTF (Notification)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
547MC18I00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notification Task)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
548PSINFO_INDXSystem Table INDEX: Project Information System4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
549REISCNCONT01Contract: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
550REISROCONT01Rental Object: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
551TRIX_DATATreasury: Cluster Table Info System4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
552CPPE_CULLINDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
553PPEXPL_RTO_INDXSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPIntegration Engine
554SXMSCLUPXMB: Property Cluster6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
555SXMSCLUP2XMB: Property Cluster (Switch Table)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
556SXMSCLURXMB: Resources Cluster7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
557SXMSCLUR2XMB: Resources Cluster (Switch Table)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPIntegration of Catalogs, Partner Directories OCI, OPI
558WSI_OCI_BGSEARCHTemporary Storage of Search Results (INDX Structure)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPInteractive Drilldown Reporting
559RSTHIXCluster Table for Hierarchy Interface7SRTF2Hierarchy interface: Cluster sort fieldint100
TOPInterestCharge Calculation
560BKKMAPPLDATAApplication Parameter for Parallel Process. (Cluster Table)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPInternationalization I18N
561CFONT_CHAR_WIDTHI18N: Cascading font, unicode and its width for a font3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
562CFONT_TEMP_FILEI18N:cascading font, temp uploaded file3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
563I18NSRHRESResults of an I18N_SEARCH analysis4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPInternet Communication Framework
564ICFMEMORYBuffer for Internet Communication Framework (ICF) Runtime3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPInventory Accounting
565UAIDETAILDATATrace Option for Realignment Runs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
566EBBPINDXAuxiliary Table is Shared Buffer when Calling Budg.Bill.Plan4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
567JVBXJV Billing Database (INDX-Table)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPJust-In-Time Processing
568JITSBJIT : Shared Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
569JIT_PRINTJIT :Shared Buffer for Print Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPKnowledge Warehouse
570CUSTCONT1KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
571IWB0CONT1KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
572IWB1CONT1KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
573IWB2CONT1KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
574IWEXINDXKEn: Html Export Analysis Data (INDX)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLanguage Transport
575TLANINDXLanguage Import/Export: Data Cluster for General Storage3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
576APB_LAUNCHPADLaunchpad7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
577APB_LAUNCHPAD_VLaunchpad with versions8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
578BDSCONT24ABDS: Table for documents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLegacy System Migration Workbench
579/SAPDMC/LSODOCDocumentation13SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLegal Case Management for ILM
580SLCM_RW_DOCLegal Case Management: Attachments in Retention Warehouse4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLine Maintenance
581/ISDFPS/LM_ACC_DLM - Accident Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPList Processing
582SABP_LISTTR_M_LIList Storage Location for List Trace Manager3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
583TPRI_DEFAdministration for Printing Defaults4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
584VER_ACC_OUTPUTVERI-Daten für ACC4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
585LCCONNMODEBUFFERBuffering of LC_CONN_MODE in Shared Memory3SRTF2int100
TOPliveCache Applications
586/SAPAPO/FN_INTFCInterface Data for Function Logging4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
587/SAPAPO/OM02_BTCVariants for Background Processing /SAPAPO/OM024SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
588/SAPAPO/OMLOGCLFunction Module Log for OM Layer (LC Table)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
589/SAPAPO/OMLOGCLULog for Function Modules of OM Layer - Cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
590/SAPAPO/OMTSINDXSystem Table INDX for SAPTS Test Framework4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
591/SAPAPO/UPGRADEData for Release Upgrade5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
592LCA02_BTCVariants for Background Processing of LCA024SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
593LCA_EXST_ROUTINECluster Table for Shared Buffer Use4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLoans Management
594VDDUNNPARAMETERParameters of Dunning Run for Treasury Loans4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
595J_1BEFD_INDXJ_1BEFD_INDX - Serialization of the obj. in Ato Cotepe 824SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLogical Database Builder
596RSDSQOBJSelection views3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPLogical DB, Selection Screens, Selection Variants
597VARIABAP/4: Variant storage (similar to INDX)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLogistics - General
598ECP_KEY_INDXE&C portal: Index Table for E&C Portal4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLogistics Basic Data
599DMF_D_LOGapplication log table for DMF RFC content4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
600MASS_JOB_ERRORMass Maintenance Cluster for Error Recover4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPLogistics Information System LIS
601MC02M_0ACCSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC02M_0ACC4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
602MC02M_0CGRSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0CGR Storage4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
603MC02M_0HDRSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OHDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
604MC02M_0ITMSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
605MC02M_0SCLSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OSCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
606MC02M_0SCNSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SCN Storage4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
607MC02M_0SGRSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SGR Storage4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
608MC02M_0SRVSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OSRV4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
609MC03BF0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03BF04SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
610MC03BX0SETUPBW Stock Initialization Storage for MC03BF04SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
611MC03UM0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03UM04SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
612MC04PE0ARBSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
613MC04PE0COMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0COM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
614MC04PE0MATSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0MAT4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
615MC04PK0KANSETUPKanban Setup table for MC04PK0MAT4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
616MC04P_0ARBSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0ARB4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
617MC04P_0COMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0COM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
618MC04P_0MATSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0MAT4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
619MC05Q1_INSPSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q1_0INSP (Check Results)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
620MC05Q2_INSPSETUPBW Reorganization for MC05Q2_0INSP (Inspection Results)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
621MC06M_0ITMSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC06M_0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
622MC08TR0FKPSETUPStorage BW Reorganization for MC08TR0FKP4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
623MC08TR0FKZSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0FKZ4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
624MC08TR0TKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TK4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
625MC08TR0TLPSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TLP4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
626MC08TR0TSSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TS4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
627MC11VA0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0HDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
628MC11VA0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
629MC11VA0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC11VA0KON4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
630MC11VA0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0SCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
631MC11VA0STHSETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STH4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
632MC11VA0STISETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0ST4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
633MC11V_0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
634MC11V_0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
635MC11V_0SSLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
636MC12VC0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0HDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
637MC12VC0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
638MC12VC0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0SCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
639MC12_PUFFERInterim Buffering for MC12 Deltas?4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
640MC13VD0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0HDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
641MC13VD0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
642MC13VD0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC13VD0KON4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
643MC40RP0REVSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
644MC43RK0CASSETUPBW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Cashier4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
645MC44RB0RECSETUPBW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Sales Receipt Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
646MC45CD0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45CDLST4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
647MC45PD0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45PD0LST (Posting List)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
648MC45VD0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
649MC45VS0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
650MC45W_0HDRSETUPFolder: BW setup for MC45W_0HDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
651MC45W_0ITMSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45W_0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
652MC45W_0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45W_0LST4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
653MC47M_0BVSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC47M_0BV4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
654MCEXHASHLO Extraction - Memory Tabele for Hash Values4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
655MCEXLOGFile for saving logs10SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
656MCEX_DELTA_BACKBackup Table for Logistics Extraction Queues (MCEX*)7SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
657MCEX_DELTA_UPDDelta Update Logistics Extraction5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPMain Process
658/VSO/M_DATA_CLUSCluster Table for Vehicle Space Optimization Data4SRTF2int100
659/VSO/M_GRAPHSTRGraphic String for Vehicle Space Optimization4SRTF2int100
660/ISDFPS/PM_MB_DPM Maintenance Book - Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMaintenance Processing
661ALM_MESYNC_DB2ME Sync Delta-Download Handling: Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPManagement Cockpit
662UMM_FR106Frames : Graphic - BLOB (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPManagement of Internal Controls
663FOPCCONT1FOPC (MIC): Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMarket Risk Analyzer
664VTVCLUSTCluster for Distributed Data Use4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
665VTVRAMAINRisk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
666VTVRAPARAMRisk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
667VTVSVCARCXRM: Data Cluster for Index per Set5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMaster Data
668MDHSCluster Table BOMs Explosion (Shared Buffer)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
669MDTABCluster Table Initial Screen SRList/MRP List (Shared Buffer)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
670MDTCAggregated MRP table items4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMaster Data Framework
671DML_DELIVERY_DATMDF Cluster Table for Delivery of Application Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
672DML_INACTIVE_DATMDF Cluster Table for Inactive States4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
673UGMD_INDXCluster Table of cl_ug_fieldinfo_local Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMaterials Management
674/PSPRO/CONT01Cust.: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
675/PSPRO/CONT02Cust.: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
676/PSPRO/CONT03Cust.: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
677/SAPPSPRO/INDX1Table for Link from SRM (EBP) to Records Management4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
678OPS_SE_SOC_LOGLog for Service Output Control12SRTF2Natural Numberint100
679SDBCCMSMaxDB/liveCache CCMS: Monitoring Data Repository3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMenu Painter
680EUDBDevelopment Environment Objects4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
681RSNORMDBStandards4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
TOPMerchandise Distribution
682MDS_TMPMerchandise Distribution: Cluster Table for Temporary Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPMetadata Repository
683BDSCONT10BW Transaction Data: Table for Doc. Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
684BDSCONT8BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
685BDSCONT9Obsolete BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
686BWCONTHIERTable for Document Content BW Hierarchies3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
687BWCONTMASTTable for Document Content BW Master Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
688BWCONTTMPLTable for Document Content BW Web Templates3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
689RSDIXBW: Cluster table info. system3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
690RSODCONTENTBW: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
691RSOHTMLBW Repository: Intermediate Memory for Generated HTML Pages3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
692RSOXMLIMPCONTBW Repository: XML (CWM) Import: File Contents3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
693TEMERRIS-U Migration: Clipboard for Error Data (INDX Tab)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPMobile Applications
694/ISDFPS/ME_INDXCluster Tables (INDX) for Temporary Storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
695ALIMCDATAAlerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC Communication4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
696ALMONIDEFAlerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
697ALMONISETSAlerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
698ALMONITORSAlerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default Values3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
699ALMRULESAlerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
700ALMSETSV2Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 23SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
701ALPERFDBAlert: Performance database11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
702ALPERFDB_CAlert: Performance Database11SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
703ALPERSONELAlerts: Personalized Data of Monitoring Architecture5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
704ALPFDBVARPFDB: Report Variants3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
705ALPFREPDEFTable for Report Definitions4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
706ALPFREPORTDEFTable for PerfDB Report Definitions4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
707ALPFWSCHEMWeighting Schemata for PerfDB Reorganizations3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
708ALPF_TESTDATARepository for Test Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
709CSMBK_CLClass Definitions in CCMS Repository7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
710CSMBK_CL2Class Definitions in CCMS Repository8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
711CSMBK_TKToken Definition in CCMS Repository8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
712CSMBK_TK2Token Definition in CCMS Repository7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
713CSM_CNTXTContexts for Executing Asynchronous SCR Methods4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
714CSM_EXTVALExtended Keys for SCR Objects5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
715SWLN3WORKLNon-R/3 Statistic: Summarized Statistic Data (Aggregates)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
716SWNCMONISAP Workload NW Collector: Data Clusters7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPNetweaver Business Client
717NWBC_NAV_TREENWBC Cache Table (Cluster Table)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
718NWBC_OBN_PARAMNWBC OBN Cache Table (Cluster Table)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPNetWeaver Demonstration
719SNWD_EPM_INDXEPM: Table for EPM Data Snapshots4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
720SNWD_SNAPSHOTSObsolete - Do Not Use4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPNetWeaver Enterprise Search
721ESH_ADM_BIN_DATAESH Data Buffer for log for binary data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
722ESH_CA_CLUSTERESH Cache Storage: INDX-like database for clustered data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
723ESH_SE_RUNTIMEESH Search Runtime Data Buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPNon Profit Organizations
724T7UNAAP_CLUSTPaap Cluster5SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPOffice Suite Program
725/OSP/OCONT01OSP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
726/OSP/OCONT02OSP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
727/OSP/OCONT03OSP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPOLAP Technology
728RRAMIOBJSHMShared Memory for Analytical Model3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
729RSBBSIXBW: Cluster Table Info. System3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
730RSCDSSHMCLUSTTABTable for RSCDS SHM Cluster3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
731RSDDSTATTREXS_MMTREX Statistics Table for DB Buffer (Detail)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
732RSDDSTATTREX_MMTREX Statistic Table for DB Buffer3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
733RSDRBATCHPARAListcube: Transfer of Parameters in Batch Mode3SRTF2int100
734RSDRC_TCTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
735RSDRC_TC_BACKTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
736RSDRI_TCTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
737RSDRI_TC_BACKTest Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
738RSDRM_TCTest Data RSDRM (Multiprovider Split)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
739RSDRS_TCTest Data RSDRS4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
740RSDRS_TC_BACKTest Data RSDRS4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
741RSDRV_TCTest Data RSDRV (Virtual Cubes)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
742RSDRV_TC_BACKTest Data RSDRV (Virtual Cubes)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
743RSIXBW: Cluster table info. system4SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
744RSIX_MANDTINDEPBW: Cluster table info. system3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
745RSRA_ER_LOG_IXBW: Cluster Table for Report Agent Exception Log6SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
746RSRA_IXDSCluster table for storing the key for the DataStore6SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
747RSR_CACHE_CLUCache Cluster Storage for Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
748RSR_CACHE_DATA_CCache, Cluster Table: Data Storage3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
749RSR_CACHE_DAT_SHCache: Data Store, Pattern for Shared Memory and Buffer3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
750RSR_CACHE_DBS_IXBW: Cluster Table Cache4SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
751RSR_CACHE_DB_IXBW: Cluster Table Cache6SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
752RSR_CACHE_IXBW: Cluster Table Cache3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
753RSSBAUTVALAuthorization Check Reporting: Single Values in Authorizatn4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPOperational Data Provisioning ODP
754RODPSCLUSTERShared memory4SRTF2int100
TOPOrganization and Planning
755INDX_ESSEmployee Self-Service (ESS) Settings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
756OIUOW_ORP_TWBORP test workbench comparison history4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPackage Tools
757AKB_INDXObsolete: Temporary BCB Data Storage4SRTF2int100
758AKB_USAGE_INFOObsolete: Temporary BCB Data Storage4SRTF2int100
759AKB_USAGE_INFO2Obsolete: Temporary BCB Data Storage5SRTF2int100
760CLS_FAVORITESFavorite list for characteristics3SRTF2Natural Numberint100
761PAKDATBUFBufferung for Package Attributes (EXPORT TO SHARED BUFFER)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPatient Management
762N1GUILAYOUTLayout setting6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPayment Transactions
763FIEBCONT1FIEB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
764REGUHSettlement data from payment program159SRTF2User-defined sorting of payments incl. sequence numbernvarchar560
765T5HPBS_NAPI_CLComm. - daily breakdown cluster table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
766T5HV0HR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
767T5TELDPHR Cluster 24SRTF2Continuation IDint100
768T5TNEMPRIHRCZ - sick pay application attachment4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
769T5TPSDPRESHR Cluster 14SRTF2Continuation IDint100
770T5TREGHR Cluster 24SRTF2Continuation IDint100
771T5TREGSIHRCZ - insured register4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
772T7ROERHR Cluster 2 - ER Insurances4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
773T7SKDNPHR Cluster with simulated bases for DNP calc. in 1/20104SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
774T7SKRLHR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
775T7SKRZZPHR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
776T7UACL1HR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPPayroll General Parts
777DSYS_PHCONT_CCD2DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
778DSYS_PHCONT_C_CDDSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
779DSYS_PHCONT_ECD2DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
780DSYS_PHCONT_ECI2DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
781DSYS_PHCONT_E_CDDSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
782DSYS_PHCONT_E_CIDSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
783PCL1HR Cluster 14SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
784PCL2HR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
785PCL3HR Cluster 34SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
786PCL4HR Cluster 44SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPPeople Centric UI Framework
787CRM_BSP_SYSINDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPeople Centric UI Framework Customizing
788CRMC_BL_CONTXTCRM: Current Blueprint Context for an Application4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
789CRMC_BL_DBXCHGCRM: Table for Generic Data Exchange6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
790CRMC_BL_DTXCHGCRM: Table for Generic Data Exchange6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPerformance Assessment Workbench
791KWPWCONT1KWPW Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPerformance Monitors TCC
792EARLYMonitor table MONI3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
793MONIMonitor table MONI3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPPeriodic Material Valuation
794CKMLDELTAPOSTTemporary Storage for Delta Postings for Cumulation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPersonal Object Worklist
795POWL_CHECK_LOGResults of consistency checks4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
796POWL_FIELDCATField catalog storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
797POWL_RESULTQuery result cache4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
798POWL_SELCRITCirteria Storage4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPersonnel Administration
799CLSTCASECluster Table for Test Cases8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
800T7PL05Configuration table for GUS forms6SRTF2Continuation IDint100
801T7PL10HR Cluster 24SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
802T7PLF1Form repository - binary data4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPPersonnel Cost Planning
803PCL5HR/RP Cluster 5; HR Planning Usage4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPPersonnel Management
804/BKC/S21_CLUSTDBC&T! - Cluster table for storing Clone&Test! data4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
805/BKC/S21_PCL4_IXC&T! - Index table for clusters of PCL45SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
806RSPLS_RECOVERYBW-IP Blobs for Recovery4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPPlant Maintenance
807MC17I30HDRSETUPStore BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
808MC17I30OPRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
809MC18I30HDRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC18I30HDR (Order)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
810MC18I30OPRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC18I30OPR (Process)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPPortal Content
811ISTNLMORDERGANTTOrders for Gantt Display4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPostprocessing Office
812/SAPPO/ORDER_DATAdditional Data for Postprocessing Order4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProcess Management
813BDSCONT25BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
814CMX_ISE_EVTQUEUEIntersession Events:Event Queue (Cluster,Shared Memory Only)5SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPProduct Lifecycle Management
815/PLMB/LCNS_HISTHistory Data of License Audit4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProduct Safety
816TCGC1EHS: Import/export - cluster table for parameters4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPProduction and Revenue Accounting
817OIUT2_CLUSTERSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProduction Orders
818CODBFile to save distributed orders (INDX)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
819COWBSUBOBJFile for Saving Sub-objects COWRK (INDX)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProfit Center Accounting
820KE1_WU_SELOPTPCA Where-Used List: Selection Table4SRTF2int100
TOPProfitability Analysis
821/EACA/TPMTRANSCluster Table for Metadata Transport4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
822COVAVariants: Cluster Table4SRTF2Controlling: Cluster sort fieldint100
823TKEDRXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
824TKETRANSCO-PA: Cluster Table for Transporting Metadata4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
825TKETRPROTDAccess Log Table for Summarization Levels, Detail4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProject Builder
826CNPB_INDXPreview for Project Builder4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProject Planning Board
827PSPPT_INDXSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProject System
828PLM_PS_INDXSystem table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPProxy Generation
829SPROXINDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
830DFMCA_TRACE_0100TRM BRF+: Indx-typed table for Lean Trace4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPQuality Management
831MC05QV0UDNSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC05QV0UDN (Usage Decision)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPQuery Management
832/PLMPCV/D_RESULTQuery result cluster4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPReal Estate Management
833BDSCONT26BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRecords and Case Management
834RENCONT01Rendering: Table for Document Contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
835RMPSPOIDCRContent Table for POID Content Repository3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
836RMPSPOIDCR_CLNTContent Table for POID Content Repository (Client)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
837RPDCONT01DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
838RPDCONT02DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
839RPDCONT03DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
840RPDCONT04DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
841RPDCONT05DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
842RPDCONT06DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
843RPRCONT01PRO: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
844RPRCONT02PRO: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
845RPRCONT03PRO: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
846RPRCONT04PRO: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
847RPRCONT05Gen. Search: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
848RPRCONT06DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
849RPRCONT08PRO: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
850RPRCONT09DMWB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
851RPSCONT01DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
852RPSCONT02DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
853RPSCONT03DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
854RPSCONT04DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
855RPSCONT05DOMEA: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRegulatory reporting for insurance companies
856ISSR_ADMN_ASTVWISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen5SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
857ISSR_MIG_BCKPISSR: Clustertabelle für Backup5SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
TOPReport Tree
858SERPLISTSReporting: Lists4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
859MCSAFile for saving selection versions (AUSTAB)5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
860MCSIFile for Storage of Selection Versions (INDX)7SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPRetail Enterprise Services
861WESD_SERVOUT_LOGInformation for a RWES_SERVICES_OUT Run8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
862WESD_XIMSG_LOGIndex for XI Message GUID to Outbound Service Log4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRetail Information System RIS
863MCWPSFile for storing results of function group MCWPS7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPReusable Components of Business Suite Foundation
864/BOBF/ATF_CREPSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPReuse Services for Country Development
865T7TW10System table for VB Up/download3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
866OIUH_REP_HISTReporting History old Razorfish4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
867QUEUESTATE_INDXINDX Table for qRFC Data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRisk Analysis
868AMORTCLUSTCluster for Distributed Data Usage in ALM: P+L Results4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
869GAPCLUSTCluster for Distributed Data Use4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
870JBRBDSLFNCRM-BDS: Calculation Basis per Run Number4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
871JBRINDXRM: Cluster for Storing Datasets Derived from INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
872JBRINDXCATRM: Cluster for Storing Datasets, Catalog Entries4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRoute Settlement
873/DSD/SL_APPLINFOApplication Log: INDX tables4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPRoyalty Reporting
874OIUREP_REG_HISTReporting history (System table INDX)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRuntime Analysis
875RS38T_VARRuntime Analysis: Variants for Measurement Restriction4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
876SATR_TABABAP Traces (INDX)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPRuntime WorkbenchMonitoring
877SXIPERF_INDXXI Performance: INDX Cluster3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
878SXMSAGGDATSAP XI Status Overview: Aggregated Data8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
879SXMSAGGMAPSAP XI Status Overview: Mapping Aggregation Key Attribute4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
880SXMSALERTCONTENTPI Alerting: Alert Information5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Business Workflow
881BDSCONT20BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
882OJDEFObjects in the SAP System: definitions source3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
883OJDEFLObjects in the SAP System: definitions load5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
884SWFSLSINDXDeadline Service: Index Table for Temporary Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
885SWUOCONT1SWUO: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
886SWU_CONT1SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
887SWWINDXObsolete 6.1/ INDX Table for SWW Internal Runtime Constructs4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Expert Finder
888T7KW_SDOKCONT1SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP GUI for Windows Controls
889BDSCONT14BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
890ISH_IDX_LOGGINGIndex Table for Logging Communication Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Internet Transaction Server
891IACFLOWINDX file for HTML templates (cross-language)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
892IACHTMLObsolete:INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Independent)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
893IACHTMLLObsolete: INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
894IACJSCRObsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Independent)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
895IACMIMEObsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Independent)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
896IACMIMELObsolete: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Dependent)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
897IACML_CContent of MIME Objects (Language-Independent)7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
898IACMU_CContent of MIME Objects (Language-Independent)6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
899IACTL_CContent of HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
900IACTL_C_TEMPHTML Templates (Lang-Dep.), Temporary for Version Management8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
901IACTU_CHTML Templates (Language-Independent) for Version Management7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
902IACTU_C_TEMPHTML Templates (Lang-Indep.), Temporary for Version Managemt7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
903IACXU_C_TEMPXML Templates, Temporary for Version Management7SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP List Viewer
904BDSCONT16BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
905LTCXGeneric store for extracts10SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
906LTDXGeneric storage of display variants9SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
907LTDXBStorage of BLOBs for display variants from LTDX9SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
908LTEXGeneric store for extracts10SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
909SALV_EX_STORAGEALV Data Repository for External Access8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
910ISM_DM_CONTIS-M DM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
911ISM_DM_CONT_URLIS-M DM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP NetWeaver Mobile - Use subcomponents
912MEREP_510Table to store the out bound XML file6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
913MEREP_810Common Table for Migration3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
914MEREP_811Common Table for Migration -Log3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
915MEREP_816Profile Data for the System Setting3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Note Assistant
916CWBCIDATACompressed data on correction instructions6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
917CWBCIDATAOBJCompressed data on correction instructions11SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
918CWBNTDATACompressed data for OSS Notes5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
919CWBRFCCACHCache for Request Data from Remote Systems4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
920CWB_HIST_DCorrection Workbench: History Data6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
921SCWBINDXVSDummy Table for Packing Data6SRTF2int100
922SCWB_INDXDummy Table for Packing Data3SRTF2int100
923AGDBABAP/4 Generation Tool: Pattern database4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
924AQDBSAP Query: Tables and Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
925AQGDBSAP Query: Tables and Data (Global)3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
926AQLDBSAP Query: Tables and Data (Local)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
927AQRDBSAP Query: Runtime Objects for Query Reports3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
928AQSGDBSAP Query: Tables and dates (global, trash)3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
929AQSLDBSAP Query: Tables and dates (local, trash)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
930AQTDBSAP Query: Transport stocks (local)3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
931TAQTSSAP Query: Transprt of Queries, Functn. Areas and User Grps3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPSAP Records Management
932SCMGPOIDCR_CLNTContent Table for POID Content Repository (Client)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
933SRMCONT_MNSRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
934SRMCONT_MTSRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
935SRMCONT_UNSRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
936SRMCONT_UTSRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
937SRMLOCSRTTBLLocator: Save Search Result Tables with IMPORT/EXPORT4SRTF2int100
938SRMPOIDCRContent Table for POID Content Repository3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
939SRMPOIDCR_CLNTContent Table for POID Content Repository (Client)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
940SRM_INDX1Table for Queue Elements4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
941SRM_INDX2Table for Report Profiles4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
942SRM_INDX3Table for Deleted Queue Elements4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
943SRM_INDX4Table for Search Variants4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
944ZRMCONT05SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
945ZRMCONT06SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
946ZRMCONT07SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Support Services
947IDEFIXCluster Table for Automatic Notes Search4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSAP Utilities
948ESMON_MARUNIDMSGMonitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
949BDSCONT3SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
950STXLSTXD SAPscript text file lines7SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
951CIF_LAYPREF_INDXCluster Table for Storing Layout Settings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
952CIF_PREF_INDXCluster Table for Storing User Settings4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
953/PLMB/SEA_CRITCluster for Search and Filter Criteria4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
954LAWDIVINDXTest4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPService Data Download
955/BDL/BDLFUPDEFService Definition, Interface data of functions6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
956/BDL/TMPDATData Container for Performance Data (EarlyWatch Alert)7SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
957/BDL/_CLUSTLdata which is to transfer from Sapnet to Customer3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
958/SDF/CMO_IACJSCRCMO Service: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-Indep5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
959/SDF/INDXINDX table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
960/SDF/LAYOUTSLayouts4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
961/SDF/MONCluster table for monitoring data3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
962/SDF/MSS_CUSTSQL Server Monitors in ST-PI Addon - Customizing3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
963/SDF/STADStatistical Records3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
964BDLDATCOLData container for download data16SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
965BDLFUPDEFInterface data of functions5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
966BDLTMPDATTemporary data container for service data transmission7SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
967BDL_CLUSTLdata which is to transfer from Sapnet to Customer3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPService Station Retailing
968OIRC_PASSFuels pricing pass prices export table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
969SETDATASets - Contents (before Release 4.0)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
970SETSSets - Contents (before Release 2.2)4SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
971SHPSOCLLog for Service Output Control8SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPSmart Forms
972SSFSETSAP Smart Forms: Settings3SRTF2Natural Numberint100
973STXFCONTSmart Forms: Form Subobjects (Active)3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
974STXFCONTRSmart Forms: Runtime Objects5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
975STXFCONTSSmart Forms: Form Subobjects (Saved)3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
976STXFCONTVSmart Forms: Form Subobjects - Versions4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
977STXTRACESmart Forms: Trace (Data)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPSocial Services and Social Security
978PSSCD_FDT_TRACEFDT: Indx-typed table for Lean Trace4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSolution Manager Implementation
979SACONT01SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
980SACONTURLSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
981T5ET2Cluster table for Spain4SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPSpecification 2
982ADS2KIPUPL_CLSSpec2000 Upload: Parallel Processing Resumption4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPStakeholder Relationship Management
983BDSCONT28BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
984SRMCONTENTSEM-SRM: Table for Document Contents3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
985SRM_CNTCONTENTSEM-SRM Contact: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
986USS_UCON0_DATA07UCON0: Hierarchy 07, Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
987USS_UCON0_DATA08UCON0: Hierarchy 08, Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
988USS_UCON0_HIER05UCON0: Hierarchy 054SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
989USS_USTH0_DATA04USTH0: Hierarchy 04, Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
990USS_USTH0_DATA06USTH0: Hierarchy 06, Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
991USS_USTH0_DATA07USTH0: Hierarchy 07, Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
992USS_USTH0_HIER04USTH0: Hierarchy 044SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
993USS_USUR1_DATAUSUR1: Stakeholder to a Hierarchy4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPStrategic Enterprise Management
994PCLHRStore of Temporary Data from HR4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
995PSHLP_FILTER_DBProject Worklist - User Specific Filter Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
996PSHMEM_CLUS_TABClustered Table for Shared Memory4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
TOPSupply Chain Management
997/SDF/WS_MONSystem Table INDX3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPSyntax, Compiler, Runtime
998ABAPDOCU_BUFFBuffer table for formatted content of ABAP Documentation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
999ABAPHTMLSystem Table for Buffering COntents of ABAP Documentation4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1000CONTEXTBContext buffer8SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1001DEMO_INDX_TABLEINDX-Like Database Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1002INDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1003RNDPGSCANRESULTTest4SRTF2Natural Numberint100
1004RTMRESRuntime Monitoring Result Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1005SLINCACHESLIN cache (table like INDX)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1006SVER_64BIT_INDXSystemtabelle INDX4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
1007TPDAINDXTPDA: Cluster für den neuen Debugger4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
1008VER_SEC_INDXData-Cluster4SRTF2Folgesatzzähler in EXPORT/IMPORT-Datentabellenint100
TOPSystem Landscape DirectoryComponent Repository
1009LCRT_INDXAI LCR: Buffer Table3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTable Analysis
1010TAAN_DATATable Analysis: Executed Analyses - Data4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTag Library
1011CRMD_UIF_SYSINDXSystem Table INDX for CRM UI Framework4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTalent Management
1012T77TMCSDOKCONT1HCM: TMC - Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1013GLOSSARYGlossary Table3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1014STERM_INDXINDX-Style Tables for Saving Possible Entry Tables3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1015TERMTerminology Table3SRTF2BIN1 data element for SYSTtinyint30
TOPTime Sheet
1016PTRV_WAFLOGLog File for Inbound Container in Travel Management6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTime streams
1017TTSTRCOMPCompiled time stream (data container)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1018T52SMS_INDXProcess Manager: Save General Data5SRTF2Sort field for PCLx (dup.key)int100
TOPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1019OIJ02_DS_INDXSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTrading Contract
1020MC46GT0ASOSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46Gtaso4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1021MC46GT0BITSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46GTBITSETUP4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1022MC46GT0CFMSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46GTCFM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1023MC46GT0GTMSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46Gtaso4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1024MC46GT0HDRSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46GT0HDR4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1025MC46GT0HEDSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46Gt0HED4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1026MC46GT0ITMSETUPStorage: BW Setup for MC46GT0ITM4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1027MC46GT0SCLSETUPStorage: BW Setup or MC46GT0SCL4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPTrading Execution Workbench
1028WB2TRANSFERData Transfer Global Trade4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTransaction Management
1029THXT_HDOC_DMSStoring the hedge documentation documents4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTransaction Manager
1030GTHMEXINDXTHMEX cluster table4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1031TCORFT_MESSAGECorrespondence Messaging Interface: Messages4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTransaction Tax Engine
1032TTEPD3_DOCCLfor 3.0 TTE Document Clustering4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1033TTEPDT_DOCCLfor 4.0 TTE Document Clustering4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTransaction Variant and Table Control Settings
1034BDSCONT21BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTranslation Tools
1035IWB3CONT1KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1036LXE_COLLSMSystem Table INDX4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1037LXE_CONT1SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1038LXE_ETSTATStatus Handling for External Tools via the Shared Memory4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPTransport Organizer
1039TESTFBParametersätze zu Tests von Funktionsbausteinen6SRTF2Fortsetzungskennzeichenint100
1040VRSSC_ATTRCentral Table for Version Management3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1041VRSSC_TAB_RESULTResult of Table Comparison4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1042VRSTC_CONFIGSSystem Comparison: Configuration Data of Comparison3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1043VRSXCentral Table for Version Management5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1044VRSX2Central Table for Version Management (Report Source)5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1045VRSX3Central Data Table for Version Management (Methods,...)5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1046VRSX4Version Data Table for MIMEs5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1047VRSX5Version Data Table for Aliases6SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPTravel Planning
1048FTPT_LOG_GDSCluster for GDS Log Data8SRTF2Sort Field for FTPT_LOG_GDS (Dup.Key)int100
TOPUI Framework Service Provider Infrastructure
1049/PLMB/FRW_BUFFERFramework buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPUpstream Graphics
1050OIUGT_BASECONFIGUpstream Graphics Base Configuration3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1051OIUGT_INDXUpstream Graphics INDX Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPUse Subcomponents
1052SOADRBUFSAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1053SOC3SAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1054SOFFCONT1SOFF: Table for Document Contents (import/export)4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1055SOHSSAPoffice: DB for Home System (Shared Buffer)4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1056TERRDDI: INDX-Like Table for Temporary Storage of Error Data4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1057TFSAVEDI: INDX-Like Table for Temporarily Storing the Files4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
TOPWeb Application Builder
1058O2PAGCONINDX File for Oxygen Pages6SRTF2int100
1059O2PAGRTOxygen: INDX File for Static HTML Pool (Runtime)3SRTF2int100
1060O2XMLDESCXML Description3SRTF2int100
TOPWeb Channel Framework
1061COM_WECT_WCMCONTContent table for COM_WEC_WCM4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
1062WDY_VD_GUIDDELTATable for Delta HTML Pages3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1063WDY_WB_SOURCEMAPWebDynpro: Mapping WebDynpro Source <-> Gen. ABAP Code3SRTF2int100
TOPWeb Service and SOAP - ABAP
1064SRT_IDP_BDSOAP Idempotent WS: Document Template Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1065SRT_WSIL_TMPWSIL Buffer Table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWeb Survey
1066TUWS_DATAXML Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1067TUWS_FORMSERVICEXML Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1068TUWS_PDFQuestionnaire as PDF5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1069TUWS_SURVEYSurvey6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1070TUWS_SURVEY_GRPSurvey6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1071TUWS_TARGETHIERXML Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1072UXS_DATAXML Data6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWebRFC, Web Reporting
1073WWWDATAINDX-type table for storing WWW objects3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWithout Description
1074RSBAIPROVTemporary Storage of Selected InfoProvider Data5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1075RSQRDBSAP Query: Runtime Objects for Query Reports3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1076RSRVAPPLLOGIXCluster Table for Detail Data from RSRV Application Log3SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
1077RSTTIXBW: Cluster table info. system4SRTF2Cluster sort fieldint100
TOPWorkbench Tools Editors, Painters, Modelers
1078COVDETVARCoverage Analyzer: Detail Variants3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1079COVMVHISTable for Storing the History from Coverage Analyzer3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1080COVMVSETTable for Storing Settings for Global View3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1081COVREFCoverage Reference Table: All Processing Blocks3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1082COVRESTable of Coverage Results4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1083COVRES0Temporary Storage for Coverage Results6SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1084COVSETTINGGeneral Settings for Coverage Analyzer3SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
1085EUDIALTest data for dialog module management6SRTF2Continuation IDint100
1086EUF4VALUESRepository Infosystem: Last F4 Help value selected4SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1087EUINFOABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tree Display5SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1088EUINFOLIRepository Infosystem: Save background lists10SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1089O2XSLTDESCStorage for XSLT Programs4SRTF2int100
1090SMIMCONT1SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWorkbench Utilities
1091BL01_INDXStore variants3SRTF2BIN4 data element for SYSTint100
1092DBDATAData Browser Procedure Data4SRTF2Continuation IDint100
1093RLIB_CONTCluster with contents of the Reuse Library3SRTF2Continuation IDint100
1094RLIB_TREESReuse Library trees3SRTF2Continuation IDint100
1095SMET01Metrics: Shared buffer table4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPWorkforce Management Core
1096/SAPAPO/LRP_SYNCCluster Table for Synchronization5SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100
TOPXBRL Reporting
1097UGXBUF0Shared buffer4SRTF2Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tablesint100