SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

61 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | THRESHOLD

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1BBPC_STOCH_CHECKCustomizing Table for Stochastic Check of Documents5THRESHOLDNet Valuedecimal152
2BBP_CT_THRESHOLDBackground Processing for Documents3THRESHOLDNumber of Itemsnvarchar100
3DXLFT_STTHRSHLDShort text threshold2THRESHOLDMaximum Length of Translation Unitint100
4FBICRC_C_OVICR: Overview Chart with Single Company Displayed4THRESHOLDThreshold for Amountnvarchar170
5FBICRC_C_OV_ALLICR: Overview Chart with Multi Company Displayed6THRESHOLDThreshold for Amountnvarchar170
6OIUY3_TX_GLO1_THRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - GLO1 Threshold2THRESHOLDRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Royalty Due Net BBLs Thresholddecimal156
7OIUY3_TX_GLO2_THRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - GLO2 Threshold3THRESHOLDRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - GLO2 RD Thresholddecimal112
8P2IE_PRDPayroll Results: PRD (IE)17THRESHOLDPRD: Threshold Appliednvarchar30
9SIMDQ_MTCADDRSTGIM in HANA address settings for the Match Policy3THRESHOLDIM in HANA match thresholdnvarchar100
10SIMDQ_MTCFIRMSTGIM in HANA firm settings for the Match Policy3THRESHOLDIM in HANA match thresholdnvarchar100
11SIMDQ_MTCPERSTGIM in HANA person settings for the Match Policy3THRESHOLDIM in HANA match thresholdnvarchar100
12VIYCCOST2DCApplication of Distribution / Denominator Method49THRESHOLDThresholddecimal92
13VIYCPROVProvision Parameters33THRESHOLDThresholddecimal92
14HRP1723DB Table for Infotype 172319THRESHOLDAttendance Threshold Valuenvarchar30
TOPAddress ManagementBusiness Address
15TSADRVGRECThreshold for Duplicate List in SAP Dialog Box4THRESHOLDPercentage: Threshold for duplicate check in dialogdecimal31
16TSADRVGRPCCustomizing settings for logical search pools4THRESHOLDPercentage: Threshold for duplicate check in BAPIdecimal31
TOPAdvertising Management
17TJHCNTENT_VAR_ICIS-M: Number of Entries MiniApp: Variant Icon Assignment4THRESHOLDIS-M: Number of Entries MiniApp: Threshold Valuenvarchar100
TOPClaims Management
18HRP7004DB Table for Infotype 700419THRESHOLDThreshold Valuenvarchar60
TOPDB2 for OS39
19DB2ALERTSLIMITSTable needed for collecting data for DB2 limits alert monit.5THRESHOLDnvarchar320
TOPDuplicate Check Fuzzy Search
20BSC_DUPL_OBJsupported object types for duplicate check4THRESHOLDPercentage: Threshold for duplicate check in BAPIdecimal31
21T77RCF_SRCH_ATBTO BE DELETED - OBSOLETE12THRESHOLDThreshold for Display of Rankingdecimal52
22T77RCF_SRCH_ATBCTO BE DELETED - OBSOLETE13THRESHOLDThreshold for Display of Rankingdecimal52
23T77RCF_SRCH_ATTBTO BE DELETED - OBSOLETE13THRESHOLDThreshold for Display of Rankingdecimal52
24T77RCF_SRCH_ATTCSet Up Attributes for Flexible Search Applications13THRESHOLDThreshold for Display of Rankingdecimal52
25T77RCF_SRCH_ATTRSet Up Attributes for Flexible Search Applications12THRESHOLDThreshold for Display of Rankingdecimal52
26T77RCF_WORKTIEmployment Fractions3THRESHOLDWeekly Working Time Threshold Value for Employment Fractiondecimal42
TOPEnd User Technology
27RSKPI_KPI_THDKPI: Threshold Values4THRESHOLDThreshold Value of KPInvarchar600
28RSKPI_VNT_THDKPI Variant: Threshold Values5THRESHOLDThreshold Value of KPInvarchar600
29EVE_THRESHOLD_GGlobal Threshold Values: Definition3THRESHOLDThreshold Value of Evaluationsnvarchar160
30EVE_THRESHOLD_GRThreshold Values: Check Conditions3THRESHOLDThreshold Value of Evaluationsnvarchar160
31EVE_THRESHOLD_GTThreshold Value: Definition3THRESHOLDThreshold Value of Evaluationsnvarchar160
32EVE_THRESHOLD_VLFulfilled Threshold Value4THRESHOLDThreshold Value of Evaluationsnvarchar160
TOPFinancial Accounting
33FERC_C0General regulatory parameters8THRESHOLDAcceptable numerical error threshold in % per sending objectnvarchar30
TOPFunctions for U.S. Federal Government
34FMFG_ABPParameters for Automatic Budget Postings Functionality8THRESHOLDAmount threshold for activation of automatic budget postingsdecimal132
TOPIncentive and Commission Management ICM
35CACS_RETAGRIndividual Retention Agreement in Commission Contract9THRESHOLDThreshold Value for Retentiondecimal152
36TCACS_STRETRUCharacteristic Attributes of Retention Rule9THRESHOLDThreshold Value for Retentiondecimal152
37INFREQ4USParallel Upd. Stat. Request Table (sapdbainf <-> child4us)8THRESHOLDtinyint30
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
38T8J8CStepped Rate Thresholds5THRESHOLDThreshold Amount - Stepped Rate Overhead (JVA)decimal172
39T8J8IAssigned Producing Statistical Ratio Thresholds6THRESHOLDThreshold Number of Wellsnvarchar50
TOPKnowledge Management and Collaboration
40CPETASKLOGDatabase table with log information for Ad hoc Workflow19THRESHOLDNot More Closely Defined Area, Possibly Used for Patchlevelsnvarchar40
41J_1AR_BUTYPEMaintain Business Types for Monotributo vendors6THRESHOLDThreshold Amountdecimal112
TOPLogistics Basic Data
42WRF_REF_RFSReference Determination Schema13THRESHOLDThreshold Value for Attributestinyint30
TOPManagement of Internal Controls
43HRP1818DB Table for Infotype 181821THRESHOLDThreshold Valuedecimal122
TOPMedia Sales and Distribution
44/NAM/TJKCMPTHRSHComplaint Threshold4THRESHOLDThreshold for Shipping Problem Messageint100
TOPPegging, Grouping, and Distribution
45TBLP_SORTTBLP Sort criteris configuration table11THRESHOLDDummy for B20 int1 (Local Everywhere)tinyint30
TOPPerformance Monitors TCC
46DBSTATHINFINFORMIX update statistical information7THRESHOLDThreshold for update statisticssmallint50
47DBSTATTINFINFORMIX update statistical information7THRESHOLDThreshold for update statisticssmallint50
TOPProcess Controls
48GRPCEVENT1AGGREvent Monitoring Aggregation6THRESHOLDThresholdint100
49GRPCVIOLATIONEvent Monitoring: Violations9THRESHOLDThresholdint100
50GRPC_SCOP_THRESHScoping Threshold6THRESHOLDThreshold Valuedecimal152
51HRP5318DB Table for Infotype 531821THRESHOLDThreshold Valuedecimal152
TOPRisk Assessment
52EHHSSC_ER_CHExposure ratings for Chemicals3THRESHOLDThresholddecimal92
TOPTax Reporting
53OIUX3_TX_EDITS2OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #26THRESHOLDGeneral Flagnvarchar10
54OIUX3_TX_RP_EDT2OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #27THRESHOLDGeneral Flagnvarchar10
TOPTransaction Manager
55THAHRT_ASS_PROSPRetrospective effectiveness assessment result16THRESHOLDThreshold for Effectiveness Calculation in Percentdecimal53
56THMHRT_ASS_RETRORetrospective effectiveness assessment result16THRESHOLDThreshold for Effectiveness Calculation in Percentdecimal53
57THMHRT_MEASUREEffectiveness measurement result15THRESHOLDThreshold for Effectiveness Calculation in Percentdecimal53
58THMT_CALC_TYPESCalculation types.12THRESHOLDThreshold for Effectiveness Calculation in Percentdecimal53
TOPUpgrade Tools
59CRR_TFW_CONF_DTCRR, Test Framework, Log12THRESHOLDThresholdnvarchar100
TOPWorkforce Management Application
60ITC_EXCPN_MAPMapping table to connect exception profile and type4THRESHOLDException Threshold Amountdecimal102
61ITC_EXCPN_TYPEPunch Exception Types3THRESHOLDEnables the threshold feature of the exceptionnvarchar10