| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | BBP_MENUTEXT | Texts for Menu Entries | 4 | TTEXT | Character 100 | nvarchar | 100 | 0 | | |
2 | CNVCMIS_A_1_TRAN | Transaction Analysis Table(CMIS) | 12 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
3 | NWS_EXT_PROTN | Message Log, R/3 Extractor | 17 | TTEXT | Message Supplement Text | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
4 | T169S | Tolerance Limit Keys | 3 | TTEXT | Text for tolerance limit key | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
5 | T169T | Text Table for Tolerance Limits | 5 | TTEXT | Text, 40 Characters Long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
6 | T5C1T | Texts for Withholding Tax | 6 | TTEXT | Withholding tax text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
7 | T801U | Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Independent Part) | 30 | TTEXT | Indicator: Text before single values | nvarchar | 1 | 0 | | |
8 | TZGRT | Name of grouping rules | 3 | TTEXT | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
9 | TZUNT | Assignment Rule Names | 3 | TTEXT | Description of the Sort Key | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
TOPABAP Runtime Environment |
10 | TSTCT | Transaction Code Texts | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
TOPArgentina |
11 | T7AR41 | Contract types in Argentina: T7AR40 texts | 3 | TTEXT | Description of type of work contract in Argentina | nvarchar | 25 | 0 | | |
TOPBasic Data |
12 | TNT0T | IS-H: Texts for Category Table of Service Assignments | 5 | TTEXT | IS-H: Description of the type of service assignment | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
TOPBelgium |
13 | T5BD2 | Local Unit ID text table. | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
TOPCanada |
14 | T5KTS | Tax types description | 3 | TTEXT | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPDistributor-Reseller-Management |
15 | /SAPHT/DRMCGVALT | Text table: Active validations for inb 867/844 and staging | 3 | TTEXT | DRM Validation Type text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
16 | /SAPHT/DRMCRJRNT | Text Table : Claim Rejection Reason | 4 | TTEXT | Ship-and -Debit claim rejection reason | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
17 | /SAPHT/DRMCSTGRT | Staging Validations: Text for the rules | 5 | TTEXT | DRM Validation rules text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
18 | /SAPHT/DRMCXNCDT | DRM Transaction Code Texts | 4 | TTEXT | Description of DRM relevant transaction code | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
19 | /SAPHT/DRMVALCLT | Staging Validations: Text for the Class | 5 | TTEXT | DRm Validation Class text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
TOPDocumentation Tools |
20 | TCSTC | Documentation: Copy of TSTCT | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
21 | THSTC | Documentation: Copy of TSTCT | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
TOPDownstream |
22 | TOI0TWB | IS-OIL Application Test dynamic modifications | 3 | TTEXT | Text (length 35) | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
TOPGRC Access Control Plug-In |
23 | /VIRSA/ANALOBJTT | Analyzed authorization objects Text | 4 | TTEXT | Texts in user master/authorizations | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
24 | /VIRSA/ANALTRANT | Analyzed transactions Text | 4 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
25 | /VIRSA/CRAUTHOBT | Critical Authorization Objects Text | 4 | TTEXT | Texts in user master/authorizations | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
26 | /VIRSA/CRTRANC1T | Restricted Transactions Text | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
27 | /VIRSA/ZANALOBJT | Analyzed authorization objects | 3 | TTEXT | Texts in user master/authorizations | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
28 | /VIRSA/ZANALTRAN | Analyzed transactions | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
29 | /VIRSA/ZCRAUTHOB | Critical Authorization Objects | 3 | TTEXT | Texts in user master/authorizations | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
30 | /VIRSA/ZCRTRAN | Critical Transactions | 4 | TTEXT | Risk Description | nvarchar | 132 | 0 | | |
31 | /VIRSA/ZCRTRANC1 | Restricted Transactions | 3 | TTEXT | Transaction Text | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
32 | /VIRSA/ZCRTRANT | Critical Transactions Text | 5 | TTEXT | Risk Description | nvarchar | 132 | 0 | | |
TOPIndonesia |
33 | T7ID2T | Text For Tax Levels (Indonesia) | 5 | TTEXT | Text for Tax Levels | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPInformation System |
34 | T800 | Report Writer: Reports | 114 | TTEXT | Indicator: Text before single values | nvarchar | 1 | 0 | | |
35 | T801G | Report Writer: Sections | 44 | TTEXT | Indicator: Text before single values | nvarchar | 1 | 0 | | |
36 | T801X | Report Writer: Standard Layout - Lang. Independent (new) | 78 | TTEXT | Indicator: Text before single values | nvarchar | 1 | 0 | | |
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting |
37 | T8J6F | JV JIB Subclass B Codes Text Table | 7 | TTEXT | JV text for table T8J6E | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
38 | T8J7G | JV Project Type Description | 5 | TTEXT | JV TEXT60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
39 | T8J7H | JV Cost Centre Type Description | 5 | TTEXT | JV TEXT60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
40 | T8J7I | JV Order Type Description | 5 | TTEXT | JV TEXT60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
41 | T8JCGT | Description for customizing groups for authorization | 3 | TTEXT | Description of customizing group for authorization | nvarchar | 45 | 0 | | |
42 | T8JJT | Recovery Indicator Description | 5 | TTEXT | Recovery Indicator Description | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
43 | T8JPAT | Descriptions for processes for authorization | 3 | TTEXT | Description of processe for authorization | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
44 | T8JWT | Internal Recovery Indicator Description | 4 | TTEXT | Internal Recovery Indicator Description | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
45 | T8PSA_PROC_A_TXT | PSA Authority Process Code Descriptions | 3 | TTEXT | Authority Process Code for PSA | nvarchar | 35 | 0 | | |
TOPLocalization |
46 | J_1BMMNFTU | MM: Allowed automatic text key description | 4 | TTEXT | Description text key | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPMaintenance Orders |
47 | /CUM/CUTYPET | CU: Compatible Unit Type | 4 | TTEXT | CU: CU Category Description | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPNetherlands |
48 | T5N2E | Text: Wage Tax [Loonheffing] Table (NL) | 4 | TTEXT | Text for Table Type | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
TOPOrganizational Management |
49 | T77TD | Texts for Task Classification | 4 | TTEXT | Text for the Classification of Tasks | nvarchar | 25 | 0 | | |
TOPPersonnel Administration |
50 | T7PLE4 | TERYT municipality GUS codes texts | 8 | TTEXT | Description | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
51 | T7PLET | TERYT municipality GUS codes texts | 7 | TTEXT | Description | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
TOPPersonnel Time Management |
52 | T550S | Daily Work Schedule Texts | 5 | TTEXT | Daily Work Schedule Text | nvarchar | 15 | 0 | | |
TOPReuse Services for Country Development |
53 | T5F99K0T | Possible configuration options descriptions | 5 | TTEXT | Character field of length 40 | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
54 | T5F99KMT | Description of configuration option modificators | 6 | TTEXT | Text, 40 Characters Long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
55 | T799BPP06T | Texts for Pension Periodicity Values | 5 | TTEXT | Text (100 characters) | nvarchar | 100 | 0 | | |
TOPSpain |
56 | T5E03 | IA/ID and NID healthcare companies | 4 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
57 | T5E04 | Registered company and work center names | 5 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
58 | T5E2T | Contract type keys for Social insurance | 5 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
59 | T5E32 | Healthcare company codes - Social Insurance | 2 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
60 | T5E3T | Keys for Social insurance contribution groups | 4 | TTEXT | Contribution group description | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
61 | T5E4B | Employment texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
62 | T5E4D | CNAE texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
63 | T5E4T | Description of Social Insurance branch-office types | 4 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
64 | T5E5T | Texts of Social Insurance contribution types | 4 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
65 | T5E6I | Contract texts according to company | 8 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
66 | T5E6J | Contract texts according to Social Insurance | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
67 | T5E6K | Contract grouper texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text, 40 characters long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
68 | T5E6L | Calculation method texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
69 | T5E6M | Contract set texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
70 | T5E6T | Title texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
71 | T5E75 | Work center commitment code | 3 | TTEXT | Text Field | nvarchar | 50 | 0 | | |
72 | T5E76 | Allowance group code | 5 | TTEXT | Text Field | nvarchar | 50 | 0 | | |
73 | T5E77 | Academic qualification according to INEM code | 3 | TTEXT | Text (100 characters) | nvarchar | 100 | 0 | | |
74 | T5E7I | Spanish Office of Employment (INEM) branch texts | 4 | TTEXT | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
75 | T5EII | Employment tax control constant texts | 5 | TTEXT | Text, 40 Characters Long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
76 | T5EIJ | Texts of unemployment tax amount constants | 5 | TTEXT | Text, 40 Characters Long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
77 | T5EMA | Legal application message texts, Spain | 4 | TTEXT | 150 character text | nvarchar | 150 | 0 | | |
78 | T5EPT | Forms management: Description of form | 5 | TTEXT | Text length 32 | nvarchar | 32 | 0 | | |
79 | T5ES5 | Processing method keys | 5 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
80 | T5ES9 | Processing method keys | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
81 | T5EST | Incentive groups | 4 | TTEXT | Text Field of Length 60 | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
TOPSwitzerland |
82 | T5C2G | Texts for Withholding Tax | 5 | TTEXT | Text, 40 Characters Long | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
TOPTranslation Tools |
83 | SBRNTTTTAB | SBRN Test Environment | 3 | TTEXT | SBRN Test Environment | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
84 | TRMMAPP | User values storage table | 16 | TTEXT | Text of length 132 | nvarchar | 132 | 0 | | |
TOPUser Administration |
85 | USR08 | Table for user menu entries | 7 | TTEXT | SAP application (function) | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | | |
TOPUser and Authorization Management |
86 | TOBJT | Short Texts for Authorization Objects | 3 | TTEXT | Texts in user master/authorizations | nvarchar | 60 | 0 | | |
TOPWarehouse Management |
87 | T329T | Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders | 5 | TTEXT | Description of forms for transfer order printing | nvarchar | 25 | 0 | | |