| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | J_1UF_TP_GROUPT | Transfer pricing groups definition table | 13 | TXT30 | Short text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
2 | J_1UF_TP_SCR | Transfer pricing selection criteria definition | 6 | TXT30 | Short text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
3 | J_3RF_TP_GROUPT | Transfer pricing groups definition table | 37 | TXT30 | Short text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
4 | J_3RF_TP_SCR | Transfer pricing selection criteria definition | 13 | TXT30 | Short text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
5 | J_3RF_TP_SCRMAT | Materials list for selection group | 5 | TXT30 | Short text | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | | |
6 | T001J | Company Code - Parameter Type Names | 3 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
7 | T031T | Name of Bill of Exchange Status | 5 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
8 | T042H | Text table for additional payment methods | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
9 | T077T | Table no longer in use | 5 | TXT30 | Account Group Name | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
10 | T077X | Account Group Names (Table T077D) | 4 | TXT30 | Account Group Name | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
11 | T077Y | Account Group Names (Table T077K) | 4 | TXT30 | Account Group Name | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
12 | T077Z | Account Group Names (Table T077S) | 5 | TXT30 | Account Group Name | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
13 | TFK005DT | Texts for TFK005D | 3 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 50 | 0 | | |
TOPBasic Functions |
14 | T082H | Field string name: Asset master data maintenance | 5 | TXT30 | Name of screen layout rule | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPBasis-Related Help Functions, Appl. Log, Formula Intepreter |
15 | TBE32T | P&S BTE: Partner Function Module Descriptions | 8 | TXT30 | Text on additional components per function module | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPCentral Cash Desk Procedure |
16 | FMFGT_FSNT | Text table for Fiscal Station Number - US. Fed. Government | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPCollectionsDisbursements |
17 | TIBRSELTYPT | Selection Category Texts for the Broker Report | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
18 | TKKVHVTVT | FS-CD Transactions: Texts | 8 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
19 | TKKVIHVORT | FS-CD Internal Transactions | 3 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
20 | TKKVVKKMT | Text Table for Modif. No. for Invoice Fields | 6 | TXT30 | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
21 | TE305T | Transactions for Company Code and Division (Texts) | 9 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
22 | TEIHVORT | IS-U Internal Transactions (Obsolete) | 3 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
23 | TEIIVORT | Internal Transactions for Collective Bills | 5 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
24 | TEISVORT | Collective Bill Transactions | 5 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
25 | TEITVORT | Text Tables: Internal Subtransactions (Obsolete) | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
26 | TFK000KT | Description of account assignment categories | 3 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
27 | TFK001GT | Name of Company Code Groups | 4 | TXT30 | Group Name | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
28 | TFK004T | Selection categories for manual payment processing | 5 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
29 | TFK056ST | Blocking Reasons for Interest Calculation (Text Table) | 4 | TXT30 | Name of Interest Lock Reason | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
30 | TFK059ET | Additional Withholding Tax : Texts | 5 | TXT30 | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
31 | TFKAVARIT | Write-Off Variants | 4 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
32 | TFKAVART | Write-Off Variants: Age and Amount Grid | 7 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
33 | TFKHVOT | Main transactions in contract accts receivable and payable | 5 | TXT30 | Name of Main Transaction | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
34 | TFKIHVORT | Internal Main Transactions - Text Table | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
35 | TFKITVORT | Internal Sub-Transactions | 5 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
36 | TFKTVOT | Sub-transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable | 6 | TXT30 | Name of Subtransaction | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
37 | TFKZGRT | Desription of Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVA | 4 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
38 | TFKZMETHT | Text Table for TFKZMETH | 4 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
39 | TFKZRGRT | Description of Reset Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVA | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
40 | TFKZVARIT | Value Adjustment Variants | 4 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
41 | TFKZVART | Value Adjustment Variants - Definition of Age Grid | 5 | TXT30 | Language-Related Text Field | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPFinancial Accounting |
42 | F107_TPROVMETH_T | Texts for Provision Calculation Method | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
43 | T043GT | Name of Business Partner's Tolerance Groups | 5 | TXT30 | Name of Tolerance Group | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
44 | T043ST | Name of Business Partner's Tolerance Groups | 5 | TXT30 | Name of Tolerance Group | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPFunds Management |
45 | FMFGT_ALCT | Text Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov | 4 | TXT30 | Agency Location Code Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
46 | FMFGT_POT | Text table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPGeneral status management |
47 | TJ02T | System status texts | 4 | TXT30 | Object status | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
48 | TJ30T | Texts for User Status | 6 | TXT30 | Object status | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
49 | TJ48T | Text Table for Selection IDs | 4 | TXT30 | Text (30 Characters) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
50 | TFSCHVTVT | Transactions for Company Code and Division (Texts) | 9 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPInformation System |
51 | T044KT | Further Specifications for Sorted List | 7 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
52 | T044LT | Sorted List of Open Items | 4 | TXT30 | Text | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPPlant Maintenance |
53 | EAMS_CVBSYSSTAT | System Status and Icon Combination of Objects | 5 | TXT30 | Status Description | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
54 | EAMS_CVBSYSTST | System Status and Priority Combination of Objects (Text) | 5 | TXT30 | Status Description | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
55 | EAMS_CVBUSSTS | User Status and Icon Combination of Objects | 6 | TXT30 | Status Description | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPReal Estate Management |
56 | S406 | Rental units | 79 | TXT30 | Occupancy type (text) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
57 | VIRPS406 | Rental units | 78 | TXT30 | Occupancy type (text) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPSAP Business Partner |
58 | TBZ0N | BDT Activities: Texts | 5 | TXT30 | BDT: Name of Activity | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPTraders and Schedulers Workbench |
59 | OIJWLRCT | OIL-TSW: Reason code text | 4 | TXT30 | OIL-TSW: Short text 30 char's | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |
TOPTransaction Manager |
60 | ATR1T | Text table for reference categories | 4 | TXT30 | Name of reference category (long) | nvarchar | 30 | 0 | | |