SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

122 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | TYP

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1CNVCMIS_A_1_CMOScmod vs smod informatiion for cmis analyis6TYPComponent typenvarchar10
2CNVC_SCNR_SCMD1Assignment NRIV-Object to data element17TYPType of number range object (internal, document, etc.)nvarchar10
3DMC_CPU_SEMSemaphores for Synchronisation of MWB Processes1TYPSemaphore Typenvarchar40
6DOKTLDocumentation - text lines4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
7FAGL_SLL_EXCPTPosting Exceptions for Year-Dependent Ledger-Specific Docs2TYPType of Posting Application for Exceptions from Locknvarchar50
8T164ASAPcomm: System Parameters8TYPSAPcomm: Receiver typenvarchar10
9T164YSAPcomm: Incoming Mail Recipients4TYPSAPcomm: Receiver typenvarchar10
10T548SDate Conversion6TYPDate type on HR menu screennvarchar20
TOPABAP Test Frameworks ATC, CheckMan, Code Inspector
11CRMRDDOKILIndex for Doc. Table DOKHL (OBSOLETE)6TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
12CRMRDDOKTLText Lines (OBSOLETE)6TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
TOPAccounting Interface
13GLE_BALANC_LINELine Items for Balancing2TYPCategory of Correction Line Itemnvarchar10
14GLE_BALANC_LINETText Table for Line Items for Balancing2TYPCategory of Correction Line Itemnvarchar10
TOPActivation Program, Conversion Program, DB Utility, MC, SPDD
15DTELDOKIsddo4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
16DTELDOKTLDocumentation - text lines4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
17DTELDOKTL1Documentation - text lines4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
18DTLIDOKIDocu index for renaming the links to data element docu.4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
TOPALE Integration Technology
19EDADMDEBStorage of Debugging Settings2TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
TOPArchive Development Kit
20TRK00Reorg objects: Characteristics2TYPArchiving object typenvarchar10
TOPBasic Functions
21T881Ledger Master5TYPType of ledger (client in which it is to be maintained)nvarchar10
TOPCapacity Evaluations
22CYTSTR_TABTime stream keys4TYPVersion Number Componentnvarchar20
TOPCATT Computer Aided Test Tool
23CAT_VERBSCATT - Controls data9TYPType of an OLE verb (method or property)nvarchar10
TOPClinical System
24N1DCSCLASSIS-H*MED: Classifications for Services and Diagnoses3TYPClassification Category: Diagnosis or Servicenvarchar10
25N1DCSCLASSTYADDTIS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification Supplement Texts3TYPClassification Category: Diagnosis or Servicenvarchar10
26N1DCSCLASSTYTIS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification Texts3TYPClassification Category: Diagnosis or Servicenvarchar10
27N1ROLZUOIS-H*MED: Function assignment IS-H -> IS-H*MED8TYPType of Role Assignment IS-H <-> ISHMEDnvarchar10
28N2AD_ALLERGYAllergy Documentation - Allergies16TYPAllergy Type (ID)nvarchar20
29TN2AD_TYPAllergy Type2TYPAllergy Type (ID)nvarchar20
30TN2AD_TYPTAllergy - Description of Allergy Type3TYPAllergy Type (ID)nvarchar20
TOPConstruction Equipment Management
31J_3GKNDMOConditions Modification on Screen2TYPTable Type for Conditions on Screennvarchar10
32J_3GKONDMOConditions Modification on Screen2TYPTable Type for Conditions on Screennvarchar10
TOPCross-Application Components
33HDB_DBCONERP Accelerators: Connections1TYP3-Byte fieldnvarchar30
TOPCustomer Enhancements
34MODACTModifications2TYPComponent typenvarchar10
35MODSAPSAP Enhancements2TYPComponent typenvarchar10
TOPData Staging
36RSICODS_SAVEMonitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request3TYPInfoCube (=I) or PSA (=O) of change log (C)nvarchar10 packet: No.5TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10 packet: No.5TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10
39RSMDATASTATE_DMILast delta requests loaded in data target (per source)7TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
40RSMDATASTATE_DMOLast delta requests loaded from data source (per target)7TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
41RSMIOBJSTATELoad timestamp for data of InfoObjects2TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10
42RSMONENQEnqueue table for scheduler4TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10
43RSREQICODSMonitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request3TYPInfoCube (=I) or PSA (=O) of change log (C)nvarchar10
44RSREQICODS_SAVERequests Deleted from Administration Stored Here3TYPInfoCube (=I) or PSA (=O) of change log (C)nvarchar10
45RSREQICODS_SAVE2Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request3TYPInfoCube (=I) or PSA (=O) of change log (C)nvarchar10
46RSSELDONEMonitor: Selections for executed request19TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10
47RSSMSHAREMDMaster Data3TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
48RSZIELPICMONScreen Name for Data Target3TYPInfoSource typenvarchar10
TOPData Warehousing Workbench
49RSAWBNDFP_DF_TXTTable for Label/Name of a Data Flow Pattern4TYPType/Category of Data Flow Templatenvarchar200
TOPDocumentation Tools
50DOKHLDocumentation: Headers4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
51DOKILIndex for Documentation Table DOKH4TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
TOPeCATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
52ECSCR_TVEReCATT - TCD Control Data VERBS11TYPType of an OLE verb (method or property)nvarchar10
TOPEnvironment, Health and Safety Master Data
53HSMC_017EHS: Definition of Text Types for Hazardous Substance Master6TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
54HSMC_019EHS: Definition of Numeric Types in Hazardous Subs. Master6TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
TOPI18N Unicode
55UM4EXCEPSPUMG: Exception table to UMGCCTL1TYPnvarchar100
56UM4INDXINDX Log Entries2TYPnvarchar10
57UMGEXCEPSPUMG: Exception table to UMGCCTL1TYPnvarchar100
58UMGINDXINDX Log Entries2TYPnvarchar10
TOPImplementation Guide
59TSTATREResource specifications2TYPObject Typenvarchar20
TOPIncentive and Commission Management ICM
60TCACS_OASPUIGFOA Configuration: Generated UI for Selection/Parameter4TYPFOA: Usage Type of Structurenvarchar10
61TCACS_OASPUIG_TFOA Configuration: Generated UI for Selection/Parameter4TYPFOA: Usage Type of Structurenvarchar10
62TCACS_OASPUISFOA Configuration: Structure for Selection/Param. Defaults4TYPFOA: Usage Type of Structurenvarchar10
63TCACS_OASTTYPFOA: Usage Type for Structure, Value Table1TYPFOA: Usage Type of Structurenvarchar10
64TCACS_OASTTYP_TFOA: Usage Type for Structure, Value Table1TYPFOA: Usage Type of Structurenvarchar10
TOPInformation System
65T804FReport Writer: Key Figures6TYPIndicator: Key figure typenvarchar10
TOPInspection Lot Completion
66QAMBQM: Link Between Inspection Lot and Material Document4TYPType of Reference Between Inspection Lot and Material Doc.nvarchar10
TOPNon-Ferrous Metal enhancements
67/NFM/TTYP_CONVConversion of NF Rate Types3TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
TOPPatient Management
68NKAVISH: Intermediate File Creation/Borrowing/Transfer of Recrds6TYPMedical Record Request Type: Create or Borrow Med. Recordnvarchar10
TOPPrint and Output Management
69T022BSpool allocation for logical/physical destination2TYPPrinter interface: Local or remotenvarchar10
70T022DSpool: Print control translation1TYPSpool: Device type namenvarchar80
TOPProcess Controls
71GRPCCTRLPROPOSALGRPC:Control Proposal21TYPType of controlsnvarchar10
TOPProduction Orders
72COCF_SRShift Reports in PDF Format5TYPObject types of the CIM resourcenvarchar20
73COCF_SR_DSIGMETASignature Tool: Metadata for Shift Report6TYPObject types of the CIM resourcenvarchar20
74TCO05CUA status depending on panel, trans. type, funct. type etc.2TYPOrder categorynvarchar20
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
75/BEV3/CHCTBTFLTFilter Data for Each Event/Client4TYPParameter Type of Function Modulenvarchar10
TOPReport Selection for Product Costing
76TKKB1Costing Reports4TYPReport typenvarchar10
77TKKB3KKB: General Reports4TYPReport Typenvarchar10
78TKKBYKKB: Report List for General Reports6TYPReport Typenvarchar10
79TC01CUA status table2TYPTask List Typenvarchar10
TOPSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
80NTPKCH_KUMUIS-H CH: Zuo Leiststamm Schweiz (TARMED) => ausschl. Lei14TYPIS-H CH: tipo di cumulo della prestazionenvarchar10
81NWATTRISSIS-H AT: Intensivdoku. - Erfass. traumatologischer Patienten13TYPAIS Typnvarchar10
TOPSAP Note Assistant
82CWBVDBSCFGNote Impl. Test: Configuration for Version Database System2TYPnvarchar10
TOPSecure Network Communications
83SNCSYSACLSNC Access Control List (ACL): Systems1TYPSNC: Type of access control list entrynvarchar10
84LAW_ATTRCustomizing data1TYPCharacter Field Length = 10nvarchar100
TOPSecurity Deposits
85FKK_SEC_NNoncash Security Deposit4TYPNoncash security deposit categorynvarchar40
86TFK_SEC_TYPENoncash security deposit category2TYPNoncash security deposit categorynvarchar40
87TFK_SEC_TYPE_TNoncash Security Deposit Category (Texts)3TYPNoncash security deposit categorynvarchar40
TOPService Data Download
88/BDL/BDLSADATAService Definition, Definition of global variables5TYPABAP data typenvarchar40
89/BDL/IFCHA/BDL/SDCC: In/Out-Parameter10TYPnvarchar1320
90/BDL/IFEXP/bdl/sdcc: export-parameter7TYPnvarchar1320
91/BDL/IFIMP/BDL/SDCC: Import-Parameter10TYPnvarchar1320
92/BDL/IFTBL/BDL/SDCC: Export-Parameter7TYPnvarchar1320
93BDLIFCHABDL SDCC: Input/Output Parameters10TYPnvarchar1320
94BDLIFEXPBDLSDCC: Export Parameters7TYPnvarchar1320
95BDLIFIMPBDL SDCC: Import Parameters10TYPnvarchar1320
96BDLIFTBLBDL SDCC: Export Parameters7TYPnvarchar1320
97BDLSADATADefinition of global variables in the Service Assistant4TYPABAP data typenvarchar40
98TCUSDATColl. table for system data2TYP3-Byte fieldnvarchar30
99TCUSHISTData transfer history1TYP3-Byte fieldnvarchar30
100TCUSTYPTXTTexts for value type in tcusdat1TYP3-Byte fieldnvarchar30
TOPSession Manager
101SMENUSEFLAFile for the User Menu2TYPUser type (user, position,...)nvarchar20
102SMENUSENEWFile for the User Menu2TYPUser type (user, position,...)nvarchar20
103SMENUSERFile for the User Menu1TYPUser type (user, position,...)nvarchar20
104SMEN_DATECDate of Last Menu Generation1TYPUser type (user, position,...)nvarchar20
105SMEN_DATESDate of Last Menu Generation1TYPUser type (user, position,...)nvarchar20
106SETUSE_REPSet Use in Reports and Libraries4TYPRow/columnnvarchar10
107PROJVS_ENQBlock key project (project versions)2TYPObject type, projectsnvarchar10
TOPSocial Insurance
108P01BD_STATData Module Alternative Correspondence Address6TYPType in Registration Procedue for Business Data Maint.nvarchar10
109P01EL_STATStatus Table for the ELENA Notification Procedure4TYPNotification Type for ELENA Procedurenvarchar10
TOPTranslation Tools
110STRJ_WRK1Administration of Worklists for SLAT9TYPDocumentation typenvarchar10
111MDUWRMarket Data: Assign New Key for Securities/Key 14TYPNo. of the secondary index description for class datanvarchar20
TOPUser and Authorization Management
112USH10Change history for authorization profiles8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
113USH10_ARC_TMPChange History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
114USH12Change history for authorization values8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
115USH12_ARC_TMPChange History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
116USR10User master authorization profiles8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
117USR12User Master Authorization Values8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
118USRSYSPRFCUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems8TYPType of Profile (Composite or Single)nvarchar10
TOPWeb Service and SOAP - ABAP
119SRT_TEST_SEQ_IDSSequence Key for Persistent Sequences4TYPSingle-Character Indicatornvarchar10
TOPWithout Description
120RSENQ_PROT_DATATable log for lock manager (info table)9TYPType of info. for the lock managernvarchar300
TOPWork Center
121TC26Capacity category5TYPType of capacity categorynvarchar10
TOPWorkload Balancing and Group Management
122TALIMAlert Thresholds and Parameters2TYPEntry type of alert boundary value table TALIMnvarchar50