SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

100 columns | Print definition?B1 9.2  | TYPE

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1CSPISolution Packager Information3TypeParameter TypenVarChar200
2MAP1Input and Output of Mapping3TypeTypenVarChar100NACRYSTAL=Crystal Report, CSV=CSV File, NA=Not Avalible, TXT=Text File, XML=XML File
3OALRAlerts2TypeTypeVarChar10AA=Alert, M=Message
4OALTAlerts Template3TypeTypeVarChar10US=System Alert, U=User Alert
5OCMNCustomized Menu4TypeMenu TypeVarChar10C
6OLLFLegal List Format14TypeFormat TypenVarChar50LAR=Electronic Document, ARA=Electronic Authority Report, IM=Electronic Document - Input Message, INTER=Internally Used, L=Generic Electronic File, NFeC=NF-e Cancelation Document, NFeD=NF-e Invoice Document, NFeS=NF-e Number Skipping Request
7OMAOMobile Add-On Setting4TypeTypeVarChar10MH=Home, M=Module
8OPROProperty Object4TypeProperty TypenVarChar60StrinStrin=String, XML=XML
9OSTASales Tax Authorities6TypeTypeInt110
10OSUSSupport Usage Statistics3TypeTypeInt110
11OUDOUser-Defined Object5TYPEObject TypeVarChar1011=Master Data, 3=Document
12OWJBWorkflow Job Entity7TypeTypenVarChar2500
13TCD4Withholding Tax Code Determination4TypeWTax Code TypeVarChar10LL=Line Item WT Code, P=AP Default WT Code, R=AR Default WT Code
14TCD5Tax Code by Usage5TypeTax Code TypeVarChar10LL=Line Item Tax Code, P=A/P Default Tax Code, R=A/R Default Tax Code
15OPFTPortfolio Definitions3TypeTypeVarChar10CB=Bill of Exchange, C=Cheque
16OPYMPayment Methods for Payment Wizard3TypeTypeVarChar10I=Incoming, O=Outgoing
TOPBusiness Partners
17ACPNCampaign3TypeCampaign TypeVarChar10EE=E-Mail, F=Fax, M=Mail, O=Other, P=Phone Call, S=SMS, T=Meeting, W=Web
18AOATBlanket Agreement9TypeAgreement TypeVarChar10GG=General, S=Specific
19OCLSActivity Subjects3TypeRelated TypeInt60-1
20OCPNCampaign3TypeCampaign TypeVarChar10EE=E-Mail, F=Fax, M=Mail, O=Other, P=Phone Call, S=SMS, T=Meeting, W=Web
21OOATBlanket Agreement9TypeAgreement TypeVarChar10GG=General, S=Specific
22AJD2Withholding Tax - History16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
23AWHTWithholding Tax12TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10VI=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
24BTF2Journal Voucher Withholding Tax - History16TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
25JDT2Withholding Tax - History16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
26JST1TDS Adjustment - Rows18TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Incoming Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
27OASGAccount Segmentation4TypeTypeVarChar10AA=Alphanumeric, N=Numeric
28OWHTWithholding Tax12TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10VI=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
29AHFCHide Functions Configuration - History4TypeTypenVarChar6000=System, 1=User
31FORMFORM resource5TypeForm typeInt11000=Resize Document, 1=Dialog Box, 3=No Title Document, 4=Fixed Document, 5=Resize No Title Document, 6=Toolbar, 7=Fixed No Minimize
32ITMRITMR4TypeTypeInt6010=Text field, 11=Picture field, 12=User field, 1=Page header, 2=Start of report, 3=Repetitive area header, 4=Repetitive area, 5=Repetitive area footer, 6=End of report, 7=Page footer
33KPI1Key Performance Indicator Field3TypeKPI Field TypeInt110
34KPI2Key Performance Indicator Scope3TypeKPI Scope TypenVarChar2500
35KPI3Key Performance Indicator Parameter or Filter3TypeTypenVarChar200
36MFLDMetaData Tables Fields6TypeTypeVarChar10AA=DB Alpha, B=DB Binary, D=DB Date, I=DB Auto Key, M=DB Memo, N=DB Numeric
37MTBLMetaData Tables3TypeTable TypeInt6011=User OM, 2=User, 3=System OM, 4=System
38NCP1New Cockpit Tile3TypeTypenVarChar200
39NCP2New Cockpit Tile2TypeTypenVarChar200
40OBTABrazil - Tax Adjustment7TypeTypeInt60110=ICMS-ST Obligations to Pay or Paid - Own Operations, 11=Adjustment of IPI Appraisal, 12=Adjustment of PIS Appraisal, 13=Adjustment of COFINS appraisal, 1=Referred Collection Document, 2=Other Obligations, Adjustments, and Information Originating from Fiscal Documents, 3=Adjustment of ICMS Appraisal, 4=Adjustment and Additional Informati
41OCPTCockpit Main Table18TypeTypeVarChar10UT=Template, U=User
42OCUCCUS Configuration2TypeTypeInt110
43OHFCHide Functions Configuration4TypeTypenVarChar6000=System, 1=User
44OPTIPoint of Issue3TypeTypeVarChar10PE=Domestic Electronic, F=Fiscal, P=Domestic Printing, T=Export Electronic, X=Export Printing
45PACTPervasive's Insight to Action3TypeInsight to Action TypenVarChar500
46RFRMFORM resource9TypeForm typeInt11000=Resize Document, 1=Dialog Box, 3=No Title Document, 4=Fixed Document, 5=Resize No Title Document, 6=Toolbar
48SLSCLocal Settings Components CABs4TypeTypeVarChar10C=Chart of accounts, H=HANA Content, L=CR Layout, O=Objects, P=CR Report, R=Reports
49SXRELXLR Event Log2TypeTypeInt110
50SXRETXLR Enum Types3typetypeInt110
51SXRPDXLR Property Definitions7typetypeInt1100
52SXRTEXLR Terms3TypeTypeInt110
53WPK1Dashboard Packages' Parameter or Filter3TypeTypenVarChar200
54XAP2XAPP Widget3TypeWidget TypenVarChar2500
55XAP3XAP Filter4TypeType of filternVarChar2500
TOPHuman Resources
56AHE2Education5typeEducation TypeInt110
57AHEMEmployees7typeEmployee TypeInt110
58HEM2Education5typeEducation TypeInt110
59OHEMEmployees7typeEmployee TypeInt110
TOPInventory and Production
60AEDGDiscount Groups2TypeTypeVarChar10A=All BPs, C=Customer Group, S=Specific BP, V=Vendor Group
61ATT1Bill of Materials - Components - History23TypeComponent TypeInt1104-18=Text, 290=Resource, 4=Item
62AWORProduction Order - History6TypeProduction Order TypeVarChar10SD=Disassembly, P=Special, S=Standard
63IGE5Goods Issue - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
64IGN5Goods Receipt - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
65ITT1Bill of Materials - Components23TypeComponent TypeInt1104-18=Text, 290=Resource, 4=Item
66OCYCCycle8TypeCycle TypeVarChar10CC=Cycle, M=MRP
67OEDGDiscount Groups2TypeTypeVarChar10A=All BPs, C=Customer Group, S=Specific BP, V=Vendor Group
68OWORProduction Order6TypeProduction Order TypeVarChar10SD=Disassembly, P=Special, S=Standard
69UWORProduction Order6TypeProduction Order TypeVarChar10SD=Disassembly, P=Special, S=Standard
70WTQ5Inventory Transfer Request - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
71WTR5Inventory Transfer - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
TOPMarketing Documents
72ADO5Withholding Tax - History16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
73CIN5AR Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
74CPI5Withholding Tax Data16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
75CPV5A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
76CSI5A/R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
77CSV5A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
78DLN5Delivery - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
79DPI5A/R Down Payment - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
80DPO5A/P Down Payment - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
81DRF5Draft Documents - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
82IEI5Incoming Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
83INV5A/R Invoice - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
84OEI5Outgoing Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding Tax TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
85PCH5A/P Invoice - Withholding Tax Data16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
86PDN5Goods Reciept PO - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
87POR5Purchase Order - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
88PQT5Purchase Quotation - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
89PRQ5Purchase Request - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
90QUT5Sales Quotation - Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
91RDN5Returns - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
92RDR5Sales Order - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
93RIN5A/R Credit Memo - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
94RPC5A/P Credit Memo - Withholding Tax16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
95RPD5Goods Return - Withholding Tax Data16TypeWithholding TypeVarChar10I=Income Tax Withholding, V=VAT Withholding
96EJB2Docs List for ERV-JAb Wizard5TypeTypenVarChar30PDF=PDF, XML=XML
97OTRXTransformation Documents4TypeTypenVarChar80XSLTXSLT=XSLT Document
98RDFLDocument Standards6TYPETypeVarChar10LL=Layout, P=Print Sequence
99RITMReporting Element4TypeTypeInt6010=Text Field, 11=Picture Field, 12=User Field, 1=Page Header, 2=Start of Report, 3=Repetitive Area Header, 4=Repetitive Area, 5=Repetitive Area Footer, 6=End of Report, 7=Page Footer
100RTYPDocument Type List9TYPETypeVarChar10LL=Layout, P=Print Sequence