SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

91 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | TZONE

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/LOCSRM/SYS_MSGSystem messages in Live auction for Brazil PPS5TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
2/MRSS/C_NW_TZONETime Zone To Be Used for the Integration of Demands3TZONETime Zone to Be Used for the Integration of Demandsnvarchar10
3/MRSS/M_HCMTZONEAssignment: Mirror for Personnel (Sub)Area - MRS Time Zone6TZONEStandard Time Zone for SAP Multiresource Schedulingnvarchar60
4/MRSS/M_R3_TZONEMirror for Time Zone attribute5TZONEIndicator for Time Zone in Demand Integrationnvarchar10
5/OPT/CT_PDF_PFPDF Log: Profiles9TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
6/ORS/USER_PREFERUser preference18TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
7/SMD/MD_____00M4SID-Tabelle fuer Time zone3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
8/SOMO/JOBMON04Job Metric definition table24TZONETime Zoneint100
9/SOMO/JOBMON11Job schedule information46TZONETime Zoneint100
10BBPD_LA_ACTIVITYUser activities log8TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
11BBPD_LA_BIDHISTBid history21TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
12BBPD_LA_CHATChat10TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
13BBPD_LA_CLTSTATClient status11TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
14BBPD_LA_LASTBIDAuction last (best) bid9TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
15BBPD_LA_MESSAGEMessage15TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
16BBPD_LA_PALASTBBidders' best bid20TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
17BBPD_LA_PARTNERBBest bid per bidder and auction item10TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
18BBPD_LA_PROXYBIDProxy bid status13TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
19BBP_PDHGPBusiness Transaction Purchasing Information37TZONETime Zone for Date and Time Fields of Procurement Documentnvarchar60
20DFKK_MA_HHeader Data of Master Agreement16TZONETime Zone of Master Agreementnvarchar60
21EBILLPRGIS-U: Billing Programs6TZONETime Zone for Usage in Billing Programnvarchar60
22ECONDIPROCINTFIS-U: Processing Interface for Conditions6TZONETime Zone for Usage in Billing Programnvarchar60
23ETOUEXCPTPRGTOU Exception Program6TZONETime Zone for TOU Exception Programnvarchar60
24T243ETime Zone of the Subsystems3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
25ZIDES_USR02Logon data of certain users32TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
26ZUSR02Users and passwords32TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPAccounting Interface
27GLE_RUNADM_IDERP Run Administration14TZONETime Zoneint100
TOPAddress ManagementBusiness Address
28SADRAddress Management: Company Data49TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPAuthentication and SSO
29USR02Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use)32TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPBasic Functions
30FSLSTForeign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
31FSLSTAForeign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
32FTCOMTForeign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
33FTGKLLegal Control: Log (Up-to-Date)3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
34FTGKLALegal Control: Log (Prestep for Archiving)3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
35FTGOVPAForeign Trade: Periodic Declarations8TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
36MMPREF_PRO_01Logging table for archiving object MMPREF2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
37MMPREF_PRO_01_BLog table - Preference - Information from rules2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
38MMPREF_PRO_02Log table - Main component - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
39MMPREF_PRO_03Log table - Component - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
40MMPREK_PRO_01Log table for archiving object MMPREK2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
41MMPREK_PRO_01_BLog table - Preference - Info from rule2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
42MMPREK_PRO_02Log table - Main component - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
43MMPREK_PRO_03Log table - Component - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
44MMPREW_PRO_01Log table for archiving object MMPREW2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
45MMPREW_PRO_01_BPreference CPG: Log - Information from rule2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
46MMPREW_PRO_02Preference CPG: Log main component - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
47MMPREW_PRO_03Preference CPG: Log components - Information2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
48TFK8026Billing Cycle11TZONETime Zone for Billing Cyclenvarchar60
TOPBusiness Planning and Simulation
49UPS_LINKSLinks to Org. Values9TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPComplaints and Returns
50/SPE/INSPECRESHInspection Outcome: Header12TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
51DFKK_VT_HCT: Header Data of Provider Contract19TZONETime Zone of Provider Contractnvarchar60
TOPCross-Application Components
52FRE_DB_SITERelevant site's in F&R4TZONETimezone for sitenvarchar60
TOPCustomer Interaction Center
53CCMCLBSCall center callback - Whole13TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPDigital Signature
54TC71Digital Signature14TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
55/DSD/HH_RADELHDDSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution - Header9TZONEDSD - RA: Time Zonenvarchar60
TOPFlexible Real Estate Management
56TIVCARECURRecurrence Rule24TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
57VICARECURDeadline Regulation24TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPGeographical Functions
58GEOLOCGeo location (lon/lat/alt/...)9TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPGlobal Trade Services
59/SAPSLL/TLEGTZAssign Time Zone to Deadline Type for Each Legal Regulation5TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPImplementation Guide
60TPRORGUNITSOrganizational Units Affected in a Project8TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPIndustry-Specific Component Automotive
61RESKEYR3Resource Proxy ERP9TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPInformation System, iViews
62BWOM2_TIMESTBW CO-OM: Timestamp Table for Delta Extraction9TZONETime Zoneint100
TOPInterface to Terminal Automation System
63OIK37IS OIL: Shadow table for SD document processing21TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
64TOIKOWCTime windows5TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPJust-In-Time Processing
65JITBACKFTMPTemporary File for Confirmation Pool19TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
66JITCUCustomer data6TZONETime zone of customer plantnvarchar60
67JITTC0User Profile for the JIT Cockpit6TZONETime Zone of Specific Usernvarchar60
TOPMaintenance Orders
68/MRSS/C_HCMTZONEAssignment: Personnel (Sub)Area - MRS Time Zone4TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPRecycling Administration Core Functions
69J_7LSADRAddress Management: Company Data49TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
70/BEV1/RPTZKDAssignment Customer-Transportation Zone-Sequence No. (RPlan)3TZONETransportation zone to or from which the goods are deliverednvarchar100
71/BEV1/RPTZZEITTimes at Transportation Zone Level (Dyn.Transport.Planning)3TZONETransportation zone to or from which the goods are deliverednvarchar100
TOPReturnable Packaging Logistics
72RLREPROC_ITEMItem Default Data for Reprocessing Record16TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPRoom Reservations and Seating Arrangements
73TIVORRSAREAReservation Area3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
74VIORRSReservation33TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPTime streams
75TTSTRTime stream: Administration table11TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPTime Zones
76TTZ5Assign Time Tones to Countries3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
77TTZ5SAssign time zones to regions4TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
78TTZ5ZAssign time zones to postal codes in gener. length4TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
79TTZEXConvert Time Zone ID from External to Internal4TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
80TTZINConvert Time Zone ID from Internal to External3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
81TTZZTime zones2TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
82TTZZTTime Zones3TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
83OIGSVTD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment21TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
84OIGVTD Vehicle Header19TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPTraining and Event Management
85HRP1026Infotype 1026 DB table32TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPUser and Authorization Management
86USR03User address data28TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPWithout Description
87CCMSBIAVAILDOWNTIndividual Non-Availability Settings15TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
88CCMSBIAVLREPCFIndividual Reporting Settings: SLA Limits20TZONETime Zonenvarchar60
TOPWorkforce Management Core
89/SAPAPO/LRPSOPROSupplied WD Time Overtime Profile Set11TZONETimeZonenvarchar60
90WFDBPC_RULEWFD Template rules11TZONETime zone of appointmentnvarchar60
91WFDOTPROFOvertime Profile Configuration9TZONETimeZonenvarchar60