SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

62 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | UNIT_ID

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1BGRFC_NOTI_ERRTemporary Storage of Error Messages1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
2BOE_DOCBoe Document60UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
3CMCBD_CONSUMECash Budgeting Consumption5UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
4CMCBD_ENTRY_HISTCash Budgeting Entry History5UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
5CMCBD_LIQ_ASS_RTRuntime: Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Assignment4UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
6CMCBD_LIQ_CUR_RTRuntime: Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Currency4UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
7CMCBD_LIQ_SG_SCThe sources of suggest value for each liquidity item4UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
8CMCBD_ORG_QUERYOrganizational Hierarchy Query Assignment3UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
9CMCBD_ORG_UNITOrganizational Unit3UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
10CMCBD_PL_TPLTCash Budgeting Liquidity Item Assignment Template4UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
11CMCBD_WKLIST_TKWork List: Tasks Table7UNIT_IDOrganizational Unit IDnvarchar80
12QRFC_I_UNIT_SESSSession Information for Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
13SRAL_BGRFC_CACHECache for bgRFC log data2UNIT_IDUnit identifier for Channel RFCnvarchar320
14TRFC_I_UNIT_SESSSession Information for Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
TOPBackground RFC bgRFC
15BGRFC_IUNIT_HISTHistory of Inbound bgRFC Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
16BGRFC_I_RUNNABLEInbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units3UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
17BGRFC_N_RUNNABLEObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use3UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
18BGRFC_OUNIT_HISTHistory of Outbound bgRFC Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
19BGRFC_O_CONV_ERRUnits with Errors Occurred During Conversion2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
20BGRFC_O_RUNNABLEOutbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units3UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
21BGRFC_SRV_CFMConfirmed bgRFC Units2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
22BGRFC_SRV_STATEServer Status of bgRFC Units1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
23BGRFC_UNIT_TIMETimestamp when Background RFCs Completed2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
24QRFC_I_ERR_STATEInbound qRFC: Unit Error State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
25QRFC_I_EXE_STATEInbound qRFC: Unit State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
26QRFC_I_QINInbound qRFC: Queue Order1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
27QRFC_I_QIN_TOPInbound qRFC Queue (Top Unit)4UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
28QRFC_I_SDATAInbound qRFC: Unit Payload1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
29QRFC_I_UNITInbound qRFC: Unit Header1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
30QRFC_I_UNIT_LOCKInbound qRFC: Unit Locks2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
31QRFC_N_EXE_STATENo-Send qRFC (Outbound) - Execution Status of Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
32QRFC_N_QOUTObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
33QRFC_N_QOUT_TOPObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use4UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
34QRFC_N_SDATAObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
35QRFC_N_UNITObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
36QRFC_N_UNIT_LOCKObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
37QRFC_O_ERR_STATEOutbound qRFC: Unit Error State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
38QRFC_O_EXE_STATEOutbound qRFC: Unit State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
39QRFC_O_QINInbound qRFC: Queue Order1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
40QRFC_O_QOUTOutbound qRFC: Queue Order1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
41QRFC_O_QOUT_TOPOutbound qRFC Queue (Top Unit)4UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
42QRFC_O_SDATAOutbound qRFC: Unit Payload1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
43QRFC_O_UNITOutbound qRFC: Unit Header1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
44QRFC_O_UNIT_LOCKOutbound qRFC: Unit Locks2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
45TRFC_I_DESTClient and Destination name for Inbound tRFC1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
46TRFC_I_ERR_STATEInbound tRFC: Unit Error Status1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
47TRFC_I_EXE_STATEInbound tRFC: Unit State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
48TRFC_I_SDATAInbound tRFC: Unit Payload1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
49TRFC_I_UNITInbound tRFC: Unit Header1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
50TRFC_I_UNIT_LOCKInbound tRFC: Unit Locks2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
51TRFC_O_DESTClient and Destination Name for Outbound tRFC1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
52TRFC_O_ERR_STATEOutbound tRFC: Unit Error State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
53TRFC_O_EXE_STATEOutbound tRFC: Unit State1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
54TRFC_O_SDATAtRFC: Unit Payload1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
55TRFC_O_UNITOutbound tRFC: Unit Header1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
56TRFC_O_UNIT_LOCKOutbound tRFC: Unit Locks2UNIT_IDID of Unit in Background RFCvarbinary160
57LDQ_DATALDQ Application Data of Unit1UNIT_IDID of Unit in Local Data Queuenvarchar320
58LDQ_STATEStatus Values of LOCAL DATA QUEUE5UNIT_IDID of Unit in Local Data Queuenvarchar320
TOPSAP Business Workflow
59SWF_TST_WFUNITWorkflow: Tabelle für Unittests2UNIT_IDGUID im 'CHAR' Format in Großschreibungnvarchar320
TOPSupply Chain Management
60/SDF/EM_MSGMessages4UNIT_IDUnit IDnvarchar320
61/SDF/EM_OBJECTException Management - Object Table4UNIT_IDUnit IDnvarchar320
62/SDF/EM_UNITException Management - Unit Table4UNIT_IDUnit IDnvarchar320