SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

119 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | UTIME

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/OPT/VIM_1WI_AGTCurrent Agents of Work Items4UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
2/OPT/VT_ATM_SRCSource Table for the Aggregations of the ATM report38UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
3/OPT/VT_DOC_HReporting table: Document header23UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
4/OPT/VT_DOC_HEA1Document Header - copy of /opt/vt_doc_head33UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
5/OPT/VT_DOC_HEADDocument Header33UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
6/OPT/VT_KPI_SRCSource Table for the Aggregations of the KPI Dashboard31UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
7/OPT/VT_WIReporting table: Workitems14UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
8/OPT/VT_WI_ACTNWork Item Actions8UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
9/OPT/VT_WI_ACTVReporting table: Workitem activities9UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
10/OPT/VT_WI_AGNTReporting table: Current agents of workitems5UTIMEUTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)decimal150
11CNVCMIS_A_1_BADIExit: Implementation side: Attributes14UTIMETimenvarchar60
12CNVC_SCOL_CCACHEChecksum cache for SCOL7UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
13CNVC_SCWB_XTEVTrigger event table5UTIMETimenvarchar60
14CNVMBTINCLMBT PCL: Includes to be integrated in Conversion Objects8UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
15DDSQLSCSRCSource Code Buffer for Database Procedure Proxies10UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
16SAPACOREPOSITORYRepository for SAP ABAP Connector8UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
17SDDIC_DDLS_MOCKDDLS Mock Data5UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
18TSCON_PROJ_LOGRecording of processed projects7UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
19ZAUTOTRObject lists for work lists17UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPALE Integration Technology
20BDLSHDRHeader Data for Conversion of Logical System Names15UTIMETIME Data Element for SYSTnvarchar60
TOPAudit trail enhancements ILM
21AUT_D_ILM_CDHDRAudit Trail (ILM): Storage Change Document Headers (ILM)8UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPBasic Data
22P44VPlanning Versions12UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
TOPBasic Functions
23ETXDCLOGTemporay table for storing last error message of an update14UTIMETimenvarchar60
24T800OObject management FI-GL/FI-SL7UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
25T888MFI-SL Field Assignments10UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPBusiness Partner
26BPFRGOBSOLETE TABLE: Business Partner: Roles for Release4UTIMETIME Data Element for SYSTnvarchar60
TOPBusiness Planning
27UPB_SY_BPSCONNLevel and Area for which Classes Were Generated6UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPChange Documents
28CDHDRChange document header7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
29CDSOLMIGSolution Manager Runs for Change Document Transfers7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
30CDSOLMIG_DDChange Document Objects to be Migrated7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
31PCDHDRChange document header7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPClientServer Technology
32D342LTable for long CUA objects7UTIMECHAR06 data element for SYSTnvarchar60
33D345TTable for Long GUI Objects (Texts)7UTIMECHAR06 data element for SYSTnvarchar60
34D346TTable for Long GUI Objects (Texts)6UTIMECHAR06 data element for SYSTnvarchar60
35REPOLOADReport Loads (Loads and Line References)7UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
36REPOSRCReport Source Code21UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
37REPOTEXTReport Texts6UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
TOPCommand and Support Relationships
38/ISDFPS/ORXPRASWClient-Independent Final Confirmation for Table Conversion4UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
39DFKKCOLI_LOGCollection Agency Information File: Communication Log16UTIMETime changednvarchar60
40DFKKCOLLP_IM_WBuffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Master Data Change)18UTIMEChange Time (Batch Input)nvarchar60
41DFKKCOLL_CHCollection: Changes to Business Partner Master Data4UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPCross-System Tools
42CMPWLECustomizing Comparison: Exception List (SAP)8UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
43CMPWLECCustomizing Comparison: Exception List (Customer)8UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPCustomer Enhancements
44SXC_ATTRExit: Implementation side: Attributes10UTIMETimenvarchar60
45SXS_ATTRExit: Definition side: Attributes for an enhancement14UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPCustomer Interaction Center
46CCMCLBSCall center callback - Whole21UTIMECall center callback change timenvarchar60
TOPData Collection
47TKCOMSAP-EIS: Method table2UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPDefault Risk and Limit System
48VTBLPLog for Single Transaction Check4UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPDistribution Requirements Planning
49MDRP_DRUNDeployment run13UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
50MDRP_DRUNVPlanning File: Deployment Run7UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPEnergy Data Management
51EPROFVALSTATHISTHistory of Profile Value Status11UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPEnterprise Service Framework Layer
52SCOOLOBJECTSObject Pattern Model8UTIMECool : Time of Changenvarchar60
TOPFlexible Real Estate Management
53VICALOGREFCNTInternal Performance Log8UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
54FAGL_BCF_FIELDSSummarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L Accounts6UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
55FAGL_CUST_FIELDSCustomer fields for flexible general ledger6UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
56FAGL_FIELD_MOVECConversion Table for Customer Fields of General Ledger9UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
57FAGL_LEDGER_SCENActive Scenarios of a Ledger6UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
58T800FConversion Table for New General Ledger Fields7UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
59T888GCustomer fields for flexible general ledger7UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
60T888SUpdate flexible general ledger: Standard scenarios11UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPGeneral status management
61CRM_JCDOChange Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO)6UTIMETime changednvarchar60
62CRM_JCDSChange Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST)7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
63JCDOChange Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO)6UTIMETime changednvarchar60
64JCDSChange Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST)7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPGRC Access Control Plug-In
65/VIRSA/ZANALOBJTAnalyzed authorization objects6UTIMETimenvarchar60
66/VIRSA/ZANALTRANAnalyzed transactions6UTIMETimenvarchar60
67/VIRSA/ZFFCDHDRFirefightId Change Document7UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
68T8JDPJV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table12UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPNon Profit Organizations
69T7UN_T52CDSchema-Directory10UTIMEUhrzeit der letzten Änderungnvarchar60
TOPOLAP Technology
70RSDDSTATINFOBW Statistics (OLAP), Information by Navigation Step6UTIMEBW Statistics Timenvarchar60
TOPPayroll General Parts
71DSYS_XPRA_PROTLog table for converting RPDSYS to HRDSYS7UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
72T514DForm Index12UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
73T52CCDirectory of Customer Schemas11UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
74T52CDSchema Directory11UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
75T52CEDirectory of Personnel Calculation Rules8UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
76T52DZAssignment: Customizing - Model Wage Type7UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
TOPPerformance Assessment Workbench
77SLS_PETPAW - Person/Event/Test Relationship Table21UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPProduct Safety
78EST_CHANGE_DOCSEHS: Change Documents in the EH&S System12UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPPublic Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
79DFMCAILOTPSCD: Approval List Installment Plans35UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPRegulatory reporting for insurance companies
80TISSR_GP_CHANGEISSR: Tabelle zur Aufnahme der Informationen zur GP-Änderung19UTIMEUhrzeit der Änderungnvarchar60
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
81/BEV1/RBDNUMScreen for Value Field of CO-PA Individual Record Postings6UTIMEDictionary: time of last changenvarchar60
TOPRepository Browser
82OBJTYPEGROUPSSemantic Group Affiliation of Object Types8UTIMELast Changed atnvarchar60
83WVOBJECTTYPESRegistry Table for Object Types8UTIMELast Changed atnvarchar60
84/CBAD/CHG_EFF_HCBAD: Changes to the future in extended contracts - Header8UTIMETime changednvarchar60
85/CBAD/CHG_FUTURECBAD: Changes to the future in extended contracts - Header8UTIMETime changednvarchar60
86ERP_SLS_LINKWorklist Subset Link13UTIMETimenvarchar60
TOPSales Plan
87ERKOEvent Header10UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
88ERZUEvent Assignment19UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
89LISPLBackground Job for LIS Planning14UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
90P445VSales and Operations Planning: Versions13UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
91P445XLIS Planning Versions Table11UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
92T445PPlanning Types: LIS/SOP18UTIMETime of last changenvarchar60
TOPSAP Note Assistant
93SVRS_VCNT_HEADHeader table for TLogo test objects6UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
94/SAPAPO/DP440GMaster Forecast Profile (APO0300)38UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
95/SAPAPO/DP_ALERTProfile for Filtering Output to Alert Monitor13UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
96/SAPAPO/TIMESERITime Series in Forecast23UTIMETime of Last Changenvarchar60
TOPSyntax, Compiler, Runtime
97SHMM_TRC_GLOBALShared Memory Monitor Trace: Global Control5UTIMEnvarchar60
TOPText Retrieval and Information Extraction
98SRETDOCSTable for user's document favorites3UTIMETime URL savednvarchar60
TOPTranslation Tools
99LWRKOBJObject lists for worklists17UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
100LWRKOTRObject lists for worklists17UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
101LXE_AVTranslation Evaluations8UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
102LXE_LOGSE63 - Recording of Processed Objects11UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
103LXE_LOG_TCSE63 - Recording of SP corrections9UTIMESystem Timenvarchar60
104LXE_WRKOBObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
105LXE_WRKOB1Objects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
106LXE_WRKOBDObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
107LXE_WRKOBKObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
108LXE_WRKOBOObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
109LXE_WRKOBSObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
110LXE_WRKOBXObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
111LXE_WRKOBYObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
112LXE_WRKOBZObjects in Worklists21UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
113TRNL_AVTranslation Evaluations7UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
114TRNL_OLTranslation Object Lists8UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPTransport Organizer
115VERSOBJ_ALIASList of Active Alias Object Types14UTIMELast changed atnvarchar60
TOPUser and Authorization Management
116USARC_CDREDReloaded Archived Change Documents for User Data6UTIMETime changednvarchar60
TOPWeb Service Tools - ABAP
117VEPHEADERVirtual End Point Definition: Administrative Data15UTIMEWebServices: Change Timenvarchar60
118WSHEADERWeb Services Definition Administrative Data14UTIMEWebServices: Change Timenvarchar60
119WSHEADER_DARKDark table of WSHEADER (only for transport reasons)15UTIMEWebServices: Change Timenvarchar60