SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

212 columns | Print definition?ERP 6.0  | WRBTR

TableTable DescriptionColumn#AliasColumn DescriptionData TypeLengthDecimalsDefault ValueConstraints
1/BIC/B0000172000PSA for 0FI_GL_14 T90CLNT090 Gen. Ledger: Items160WRBTRdecimal150
2/OPT/VIM_1CLEAR/OPT/VIM_1HEAD Extension with Clearing Documents (BSAK)15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
3/OPT/VIM_1ITEM_SDocument Item12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
4/OPT/VIM_TITEMDocument Item12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
5/OPT/WT_3S_LOG_LSupplier Self Service - Logging of Lean Variant7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
6BOE_COL_ITEMCollection item data table20WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
7BOE_DIS_ITEMDiscount item data table9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
8BOE_DOCBoe Document52WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
9BOE_PAY_ITEMPayment item data table9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
10BOE_REF_DOCReference documnet for BoE18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
11BSAD_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
12BSAK_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
13BSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
14BSEGAccounting Document Segment32WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
15BSID_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
16BSIK_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
17BSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
18BSSEGAccounting Document Segment21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
19CMCBD_BGT_CLAIMBudget claims based on suggest level13WRBTRAmount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
20FAGLBSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
21FAGLBSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
22FIAPPTD_BALANCETable to store the Balances for Vendor/Customer/Bank Account9WRBTRAmountdecimal242
23FIAPPTD_TRANSTable to store the transaction details of the CBR PT17WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
24FIAPSAD_ADPSFSettelement Details for KSA12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
25FIAPSAD_ADP_LTAdvance Payment Request Line Items Details9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
26FIAPSAD_ATCHMTAttachment details for Expenditure/Payment order8WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
27FIAPSAD_ORDR_LTLine Item for Order Number KSA13WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
28FIARQAD_CRV_LTCash Receipt Voucher Line item table12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
29FIBKRUD_CMO_ITConsolidated MO ITEMS20WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
30FIBKRUD_MEMORDERMemo Order for Banking RU32WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
31FIEUD_GOODS_ISAFT-XML:Goods Movement Line Items16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
32FIEUD_MMINV_ISAFT:MM: Item Details for XML Purchase Invoice21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
33FLQITEMMMPARK_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM Documents14WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
34FLQITEMPARK_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents15WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
35FUDT_VDOCBSECLRHAdditional Data for Document Segment: Clearing Information18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
36FUDT_VDOCBSEGVerification Document Item with Additional Info21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
37FUDT_VDOCBSEGEVVerification Document Item in the Entry View21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
38FUDT_VDOCBSEGHVerification Document Segment with Additional Info(History)21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
39FUDT_VDOCBSE_CLRAdditional Data for Document Segment: Clearing Information18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
40IDCN_3RFF4ADJITMAdjustment Document Item12WRBTRSigned value field for adjustment amountdecimal132
41J_1UF_INV_REFDocument references to FI Invoice processed items26WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
42J_1UF_TAX_POSExtended data of tax document positions28WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
43J_1UF_TP_BSEGCORItems of Corrective documents12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
44J_1UF_TP_BSEGORIItems of Original documents12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
45J_1UF_TP_RESOPRInformation of Notification. Operations37WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
46J_3RF_TP_BSEGCORItems of Corrective documents12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
47J_3RF_TP_BSEGORIItems of Original documents12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
48MLAUFCRHHistory table for summerized MLAUFCR data12WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
49REGUPProcessed items from payment program33WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
50T044EForeign Currency Valuation: Items with Special Cover9WRBTRForeign Currency Amount with Signs (+/-)decimal132
51VIYCEXPITEMExpense Items53WRBTRNet Amount in Foreign Currencydecimal132
52YVIM_1ITEMDocument Item12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
53ZJVPARMSJournal Entries for Business case10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPAccounting Interface
54GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)436WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
55GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)436WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
TOPActual CostingMaterial Ledger
56CKMI1Index for Accounting Documents for Material19WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
57MLAUFCRMaterial Ledger Currency Table for Order History11WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
58MLBECRMaterial Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.10WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
59MLBECRHMaterial Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.10WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
60UKM_TRANSFER_ARData from AR for SAP Credit Management9WRBTR9(17)-character value field with 2 decimal placesdecimal172
TOPAlternative Valuation Run
61CKMLAVRDOCCRCumulation Posting Document: Currency Information7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPAutomatic Payments
62PAYRQPayment Requests21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPBasic Functions
63BSIWIndex table for customer bills of exchange used15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
64BSIXIndex table for customer bills of exchange used15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
65FLQITEMC1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast from Securities9WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
66GSBLCABusiness area consolidation: deviating records25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
67KNKKF1Credit Management: FI Status Data21WRBTRA/R Summary: Amount in Document Currencydecimal132
68T045DTADME file check table for bill of exchange presentation6WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPCentral Cash Desk Procedure
69FMFGT_IPACEDUS Federal IPACed transaction information20WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
70FMFGT_IPACED_IDUS Federal IPACed transaction information10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPConstruction Equipment Management
71J_3GVERSITax/Insurance Data11WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
72FMRC01_FICAResults List Comparison of FM/FI (FI-CA Documents)12WRBTRFI Net Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal132
TOPCross-Application Components
73BBSIDAccounting: Secondary index for customers25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPData Retention Tool
74TXW_S_BSEGRetrieve BSEG from archive20WRBTRAmount in document currency (TC)nvarchar160
TOPData Transfer
75PPDITTransfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs36WRBTRHR Payroll: Amountdecimal152
76PPDSTTransfer to Accounting: Substituted Acc. Assig. Object21WRBTRHR Payroll: Amountdecimal152
TOPElectronic Bank Statement
77FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
78FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
79FEB_ITEM_SAVESaving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account)10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPEmpties Management When Extension EA-CP Is Active
80/BEV1/NEINVBALBalances of Empties Qties and Empties Values f. Inv.Receipt8WRBTRValuedecimal192
81/BEV1/NEINVITMEmpties Quantities and Values from Invoice Receipt11WRBTRInvoice Amountdecimal132
82OIA12IMovement Based Netting document item24WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPFinancial Accounting
83/OPT/VIM_1ITEMDocument Item12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
84ACCRBDAccruals/Deferrals Master Data - Basic Data11WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
85ACCRPOSTAccrual/deferral postings12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
86ACCTCRCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Currencies8WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
87AVIPPayment Advice Line Item22WRBTRGross amountdecimal132
88BSADAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
89BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
90BSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
91BSE_CLRAdditional Data for Document Segment: Clearing Information18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
92BSE_CLR_ASGMTDoc. Segment Add. Data: Clearing Info with Acct Assignment18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
93BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
94BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors25WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
95BSIPIndex for Vendor Validation of Double Documents7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
96BSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
97EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
98ICRC01Document Table for G/L Account Reconciliation10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
99ICRCAICRC: Items to be Reconciled16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
100ICRCUICRC: Potentially Differing Document Groups16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
101ICRCZICRC: Reconciled, Completed Items16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
102KMZEIFI: Account Assignment Model Item Information11WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
103KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items11WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
104RF048Subseq.BA/PC Adjustmnt: Index/Distributn Vector (Calculate)12WRBTRTotal amounts per documentdecimal152
105VBSEGADocument Segment for Document Parking - Asset Database15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
106VBSEGDDocument Segment for Customer Document Parking18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
107VBSEGKDocument Segment for Vendor Document Parking18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
108VBSEGSDocument Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPFinancials Basis
109UBC_TB_INVHBill (Header)9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
110UBC_TB_INVPBill Item7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPFlexible Real Estate Management
111VIXCOTDOCCOA, Distribution of VAT, Documents15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPFund Accounting
112FMPPFUNDItems for Partial Payment by Fund Process24WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPFunds Management
113FMUDBSEGAddtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
114FMUDBSEGHAddtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order19WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
115FMUDKBLPAddtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of Revenue19WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
116KBLEWItem development amounts in various currencies8WRBTRAmountdecimal152
117KBLPWDocument item amounts in different currencies7WRBTRAmountdecimal152
TOPFunds Management-Specific Postings
118FMCJIS-PS: Documents in Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger12WRBTRAmount in Document Currencydecimal152
119FMFUNDTRANSYEARAdditional Documents for Funds Transfer to Diff. Years18WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
120PSOSEGADocument Segment for Assets Document Parking16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
121PSOSEGDDocument Segment: Recurring Request, Customer19WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
122PSOSEGKRecurring Request Document Segment, Vendors19WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
123PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts17WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPGeneral Ledger Accounting
124BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers13WRBTRAmount in transaction currencydecimal232
125EWUFI_SPLITEMU Implementation: Table of FAGL_SPLINFO* to Be Corrected12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
126FAGLBSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
127FAGLBSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
128FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEMFI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line Items30WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
129FAGL_SPLINFO_VALSplitting Information of Open Item Values9WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
TOPGeneral Ledger Reorganization
130FAGL_R_APAR_VALReorg: Values for Receivables and Payables Object List15WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
131FAGL_R_BLNCE_VALReorganization: Balances to Be Transferred - Values16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
132FAGL_R_SPL_VALReorganization: Splitting Information of Open Item Values9WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
TOPInformation System
133DKKOPBalance Audit Trail36WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
134DKOKPOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail38WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
135DSKOPBalance Audit Trail38WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPInformation system
136FMBKABSTIS-PS: Bestände im Kassennebenbuch12WRBTRBetrag in Belegwährungdecimal132
137FMCJ_BTRErfassung des Kassenistbestandes3WRBTRBetrag in Belegwährungdecimal152
TOPInformation System
138QSTREFI/HR Withholding Tax Report for Spain29WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPInventory Management
139USEGRetail Revaluation Document: Revaluation Segment38WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPInvoice Verification
140RBCODocument Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment6WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
141RBDRSEGBatch IV: Invoice Document Items59WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
142RBMADocument Item: Incoming Invoice for Material5WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
143RBVDMATInvoice Verification - Aggregation Data, Material13WRBTRGross Amount in Foreign Currency with +/- Signsdecimal132
144RKWAConsignment Withdrawals16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
145RSEGDocument Item: Incoming Invoice13WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPJoint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting
146T8J_POST_ERROR_CDocuments with errors in JV posting (Open Items)29WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPLoans Management
147TDRXXForeign currency loan with special coverage6WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
148VDZNB_PAYINFOPayment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity17WRBTRForeign currency amount (different from account cuurency)decimal132
149VDZNB_USAGEPayment Postprocessing: Usage of a Payment Postpr. Activity13WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
150IDEU_VATEU VAT Posting15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
151J_3RFPM_RATE_CLCDownpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - payments10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
152J_3RF_REGINV_DEOutgoing invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK ver 212WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
153J_3RF_REGINV_KIncoming invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
154J_3RKKRSAccount correspondence line items23WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
155LFB1_KRVendor Master Enhancement for Korea5WRBTRAmount for Payment Programdecimal132
TOPMaterials Management
156/SAPNEA/ROWAChargeable component consumptions16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
157ROWAIndex table : Chargeable component consumptions16WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPPatient Accounting
158NBRKAZIS-H: Assignmt of downpayment/copayment (FI) to billDoc(SD)9WRBTRIS-H: Amount in sales document currencydecimal132
159NFAGIS-H: Case accrual7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPPayment Transactions
160FPRL_ITEMItem Data22WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
161PYORDPPayment order item data7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
162REGUP_COREProcessed Items from Payment Program17WRBTRAmount in transaction currencydecimal232
TOPPeriodical Sales and Distribution
163JFREVLIABACCIS-M/SD: Accr.Table for Rev.Dist.w/Liab.Acct for Transfer18WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
164JFREVLIABACC_REVIS-M/SD: Reverse Revenue Dist. w/Liability Acct for Trans.21WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
165JFREVPERIS-M/SD: Accrual Table for Period-Related Revenue Dist.16WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
166JFREVPER_REVERSEIS-M/SD: Reverse Period-Related Revenue Distribution19WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
167JFREVVAIS-M/SD: Accr.Table for Issue-Rel.Revenue Dist.w/o Liab.Acct16WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
168JFREVVAACCIS-M/SD: Accr.Table for Issue-Related Rev.Dist.w/Liab.Acct17WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
169JFREVVAACC_REVERIS-M/SD: Reverse Issue-Related Revenue Dist. w/Liab. Account20WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
170JFREVVA_REVERSEIS-M/SD: Reverse Issue-Related Revenue Dist. w/o Liab. Acct19WRBTRIS-M/SD: Cumulated Amountdecimal132
171JFVAIS-M/SD: Accrual Table Revenue Distribution at Issue Level13WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
172JFXBPOSDLIS-M: Backup Transfer Internal Table XBPOS19WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
173JFXJFVADLIS-M: Backup Transfer Internal Table XJFVA15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
174JKACCFIZUOIS-M/SD: Payment Log - FI Document Data at Cycle Level11WRBTRPayment Amount for Cycle in Renewal Subscriptiondecimal132
175EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
176EKBEHRemoved PO History Records15WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
177EKBEH_MARemoved PO History Records at Account Assignment Level21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
178EKBE_MAHistory of Purchasing Document at Account Assignment Level21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
179EKBE_SRV_SUMTotals History for SRV Documents12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
180EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs14WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
181EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs14WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
182EKBZH_MAHistory Table Delivery Costs at Account Assignment Level21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
183EKBZ_MADelivery Costs at Account Assignment Level21WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPReal Estate Management
184RFVIUMSATZTest Data for RE Multicash Sales Data16WRBTRAmountnvarchar180
185VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface33WRBTRAmount in foreign currency for tax breakdowndecimal132
186VIMIIHInvoice Header20WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPReceivablesPayment Management
187TZB41Account Clearing: Amount Limits7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
188VDARL_RLSDirect Debits Per Contract12WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPRemaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects
189/BEV1/RSFFRINTable of Invoice Data9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
190/BEV3/CH1030BSG1Document Segment CH Event Ledger Part123WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPRevenue recognition
191VBREVACRevenue Recognition: Compression of FI Revenue Postings14WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
192VBREVERevenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines9WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
193VBREVKRevenue Recognition: Control Lines7WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
194VBREVRRevenue Recognition: Reference Document Lines10WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132
TOPTransfer Prices and Decentralized Responsibility
195KFPEWClearing Amounts in Various Currencies9WRBTRAmountdecimal152
196KFPPWDocument Item Amounts in Different Currencies8WRBTRAmountdecimal152
TOPTravel Expenses
197PTRV_DOC_ITTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document38WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
198PTRV_DOC_TAXTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document15WRBTRAmount or tax amount in the currency of the currency typesdecimal132
199FLQITEMBSLiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Bank Statement Docs16WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
200FLQITEMD1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from Loans12WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
201FLQITEMFILiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Other FI Documents14WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
202FLQITEMFI_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents14WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
203FLQITEMFI_TPLiquidity Calculation: Actual Line Items at Top Level16WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
204FLQITEMMALiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Manual Transfers10WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
205FLQITEMPO_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM POs14WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
206FLQITEMPR_FCLiquidity Calc. Forecast - Line Items, Purchase Requisitions11WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
207FLQITEMSO_FCLiquidity Calculation-Forecast Line Items from Sales Orders11WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
208FLQITEMT1_FCLiquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans.13WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
209FLQSUMLiquidity Calculation - Totals Records10WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
210FLQSUM_FCLiquidity Calculation - Forecast Totals Records11WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
211FLQSUM_TPLiquidity Calculation: Totals Records at Top Level10WRBTRLiquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currencydecimal152
TOPVendor Evaluation
212ABS_IV_KEYFI_ITMAbsolute Key Figures at Item Level8WRBTRAmount in document currencydecimal132