| Table | Table Description | Column# | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Default Value | Constraints |
1 | T5R6B | Define Wagetype Group for Overtime | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group for Overtime | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
2 | T5R6BT | Wagetype Group for Overtime Text Table | 3 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group for Overtime | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
3 | T5R6C | Mapping Wagetype to Group for Overtime | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group for Overtime | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
4 | T77PAYRUWTGRP | PYD: Wage Type Groups | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
5 | T77PAYRUWTGRPT | PYD: Wage Type Group Texts | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
6 | T77PAYRUWTGRPW | PYD: Wage Type Group Wage Type Assignment | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 20 | 0 | | |
TOPJapan |
7 | PA0852 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0852 | 27 | WTGRP | Wagetype Grouping | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
8 | T7JPLA_OTLIM | Define overtime extension limits | 5 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
9 | T7JPLA_WTASN | Assign Overtime Accumulation Wage Types | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
10 | T7JPLA_WTGRP | Define Wage Type Group | 2 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
11 | T7JPLA_WTGRPT | Text table for Wage Type Group | 3 | WTGRP | Wage Type Group | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
12 | T7JPSK_CCRL_C | Shukko Cost Charging Rule Characteristics | 3 | WTGRP | Wagetype Grouping | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |
TOPPayroll |
13 | T7BG11 | Insurance Type of payment | 6 | WTGRP | Specification of evaluation class | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | | |
14 | T7SIDW | Distribution of SI and Tax results according to WTGroups | 3 | WTGRP | Specification of evaluation class | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | | |
TOPPersonnel Administration |
15 | T7PLW2 | Groups of wagetypes | 2 | WTGRP | Wage type group | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | | |
16 | T7PLW3 | Opisy grup skladników wynagrodzenia | 3 | WTGRP | Grupa skladników wynagrodzenia | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | | |
17 | T7PLWT | Table of wagetypes groupings | 3 | WTGRP | Wage type group | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | | |
TOPStaffing |
18 | T77WT | Employee Group/Subgroup Assignment to Work Schedule Groups | 4 | WTGRP | Work Schedule Group | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | | |