| Column | Field | Description | SQL Type | Length | Decimals | SAP Type | Default Value | Null Allowed | CheckTable | Rollname | SQL Create Statement |
| 1 | CLIENT | Client | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CLNT | (N'000') | No | * | MANDT | Allow NULL? |
| 2 | VARNUMH | Condition Record ID | varbinary | 16 | 0 | RAW | | No | /1CN/CTXSAPD0004 | /SAPCND/COND_TABLE_ENTRY_ID | |
| 3 | STFKZ | Scale Type | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | /SAPCND/SCALE_TYPE | Allow NULL? |
| 4 | KZBZG | Scale Base Type | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | * | /SAPCND/SCALE_BASE_TYPE | Allow NULL? |
| 5 | KUMZA | Counter for Conversion to Base Unit of Measure | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_NUMERATOR | Allow NULL? |
| 6 | KUMNE | Denominator for Conversion to Base Unit of Measure | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_DENOMINATOR | Allow NULL? |
| 7 | EXPNT | Base 10 Exponent for Conversion to the Base Unit of Measure | smallint | 5 | 0 | INT2 | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_CONV_COND_EXP | |
| 8 | MWSK1 | Sales Tax Code | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | PRCT_SALES_TAX_CODE | Allow NULL? |
| 9 | MWSK2 | Withholding Tax Code | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | PRCT_WITHHOLDING_TAX | Allow NULL? |
| 10 | KONMS | Condition Scale Unit of Measure | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | UNIT | (N' ') | Yes | * | PRCT_COND_SCALE_UOM | Allow NULL? |
| 11 | KONWS | Currency Key: Condition Scale | nvarchar | 5 | 0 | CUKY | (N' ') | Yes | * | PRCT_COND_SCALE_CURR | Allow NULL? |
| 12 | KSTBM | Scale Limit | decimal | 18 | 5 | DEC | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_COND_SCALE_LEVEL | |
| 13 | MEINS | Base Unit of Measure for a Product | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | UNIT | (N' ') | Yes | * | PRCT_BASE_UOM | Allow NULL? |
| 14 | KZNEP | Exclusion Indicator in Condition Record (KZNEP) | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | PRCT_EXCL_INDICATOR | Allow NULL? |
| 15 | MXWRT | Lower Limit of the Condition Rate | decimal | 15 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_LOWER_LIMIT_COND_RATE | |
| 16 | GKWRT | Upper Limit for Condition Rate | decimal | 15 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | PRCT_UPPER_LIMIT_COND_RATE | |
| 17 | PTERM | Terms of Payment Key | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | PRCT_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT | Allow NULL? |
| 18 | VALDT | Value date | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | DATS | (N'00000000') | Yes | | PRCT_VALUE_DATE | Allow NULL? |
| 19 | VALTG | No. of Value Days | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | NUMC | (N'00') | Yes | | PRCT_VALUE_DAYS | Allow NULL? |