SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1026 tablesERP 6.0 

Logistics Execution
1ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CNDRDH151Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Control Info.Logistics Execution
2ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CNDRDI131Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Item Info.Logistics Execution
3ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CNDRDILM51Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Item Info.Logistics Execution
4ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CNDRDQ61Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Quan. ScaleLogistics Execution
5ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CNDRDV61Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Value ScaleLogistics Execution
6ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CONFIG31Pricing: ConfigurationLogistics Execution
7ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_CONVFACT101Pricing: Conversion factorsLogistics Execution
8ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_EXCHRATE91Pricing: Exchange ratesLogistics Execution
9ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_EXTPHYSI81Header structure of SyncBO 'Ext. Phy. U.' for pricing engiLogistics Execution
10ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_KALSM41Pricing: Pricing Step Used KeyLogistics Execution
11ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_MEKEY31Pricing: Import Key - Internal Key MappingLogistics Execution
12ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_PHYSICAL111Header structure of SyncBO 'PhysicalUnit' for pricing engiLogistics Execution
13ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PE_PROCE71Pricing: Sales Area dependant Pricing ProcedureLogistics Execution
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery
14ERP EHP76.0/DSD/C_OC_PRCDEF121Def. of Sales Doc. Type & Item Usage for Price DeterminationDirect Store Delivery
15ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CARCH31DEX Customizing - Residence time for archivingDirect Store Delivery
16ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CDTEL51DEX Customizing - Data elementsDirect Store Delivery
17ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CDTEL_T51DEX Customizing - Data elements (text table)Direct Store Delivery
18ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CFIXVA31DEX Customizing - Fixed valuesDirect Store Delivery
19ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CFIXVA_T51DEX Customizing - Fixed values (text table)Direct Store Delivery
20ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CPRTFORM21DEX Customizing - PDF form nameDirect Store Delivery
21ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CSEGM21DEX Customizing - Used segmentsDirect Store Delivery
22ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CSEGM_T51DEX Customizing - Used segments (text table)Direct Store Delivery
23ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CSTRUC51DEX Customizing - Structures of DEX/UCS segmentsDirect Store Delivery
24ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CSTRUC_T81DEX Customizing - Structures of segments (text table)Direct Store Delivery
25ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CVERS21DEX Customizing - VersionDirect Store Delivery
26ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CVERSEG41DEX Customizing - VersionDirect Store Delivery
27ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_CVERS_T41DEX Customizing - Version (text table)Direct Store Delivery
28ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_HD82DEX Stream Header (backend)Direct Store Delivery
29ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DX_IT51DEX Stream Segments (backend)Direct Store Delivery
Logistics Execution :: Mobile data entry
30ERP EHP76.0LSUTO21Mobile Data Entry: Relationship Shipping Unit to TOMobile data entry
31ERP EHP76.0T3130A71Dynamic Menu ManagementMobile data entry
32ERP EHP76.0T3130B71Dynamic Menu Management - Text TableMobile data entry
33ERP EHP76.0T3130C51Screen ManagementMobile data entry
34ERP EHP76.0T3130D41Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)Mobile data entry
35ERP EHP76.0T3130E31Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)Mobile data entry
36ERP EHP76.0T3130F51Control for Enter on RF Screens: CategorizationMobile data entry
37ERP EHP76.0T3130G101Control for Enter on RF Screens: Function Code SequenceMobile data entry
38ERP EHP76.0T313A81Determination of Verification ProfileMobile data entry
39ERP EHP76.0T313B131Definition of Verification ProfileMobile data entry
40ERP EHP76.0T313C121Assignment of application identifier typeMobile data entry
41ERP EHP76.0T313D171Definition of Application IdentificationMobile data entry
42ERP EHP76.0T313E61Descriptions of the AI DefinitionMobile data entry
43ERP EHP76.0T313F61Definition User Profile for Mobile Data EntryMobile data entry
44ERP EHP76.0T313G61General Parameters for Bar Code Type DefinitionMobile data entry
Logistics Execution :: Shipping
45ERP EHP76.0DLFLD61Non-Changeable Delivery FieldsShipping
46ERP EHP76.0DVK01421R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3Shipping
47ERP EHP76.0DVK02261R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3Shipping
48ERP EHP76.0DVM01861R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Material MasterShipping
49ERP EHP76.0FIP_C_SUBST51Customizing Table Substitution MaterialShipping
50ERP EHP76.0FIP_D_SUBST_C51Customizing Table Extension LogicShipping
51ERP EHP76.0FIP_D_WORKLIST201Worklist Substitution during Goods ReceiptShipping
52ERP EHP76.0KNVS81Customer Master Shipping DataShipping
53ERP EHP76.0LDA01151Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document AppendixShipping
54ERP EHP76.0LECOMP401Komponenten für LohnbearbeitungsanlieferungenShipping
55ERP EHP76.0LESHPMD21Indicator for active, general repairs/LE-SHPShipping
56ERP EHP76.0LIKP1792SD Document: Delivery Header DataShipping
57ERP EHP76.0LIPS2902SD document: Delivery: Item dataShipping
58ERP EHP76.0LIPSPO292LIPS Reference Data Purchase OrderShipping
59ERP EHP76.0LIPSRF332LIPS Reference DataShipping
60ERP EHP76.0SHPSOC41Service Output Control for deliveriesShipping
61ERP EHP76.0SHPSOCL131Log for Service Output ControlShipping
62ERP EHP76.0SHPSOCLA61Log activation of Service Output ControlShipping
63ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_CRED111Outbound Deliveries in Credit Check: Blocked and ReleasedShipping
64ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_EXIB51Inbound Delivery: External IdentificationShipping
65ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_EXOB31Outbound Delivery: External IdentificationShipping
66ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_GDRC91Inbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods ReceiptShipping
67ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_GDSI161Outbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods IssueShipping
68ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_PICK81Outbound Deliveries: Not PickedShipping
69ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_PUTA91Inbound Deliveries: Not PutawayShipping
70ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_ROGR61Rough Goods Receipts for VendorShipping
71ERP EHP76.0SHP_IDX_UNCH81Outbound Deliveries: UncheckedShipping
72ERP EHP76.0SHP_SRQ_TEXTPROC31Text Procedure with relevant texts for ShipmentRequestReqShipping
73ERP EHP76.0T186471Delivery List ProfileShipping
74ERP EHP76.0T186C201Profile in Deliveries EnvironmentShipping
75ERP EHP76.0T186CT41Texts for 'Create Delivery' ProfileShipping
76ERP EHP76.0T186E41Exclude/Include F Codes from the Current GUI StatusShipping
77ERP EHP76.0T186F41Functions in the Shipping Due ListShipping
78ERP EHP76.0T186T41Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List ProfileShipping
79ERP EHP76.0T186V61Link between Scenario and ProfileShipping
80ERP EHP76.0T186VT41Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List ProfileShipping
81ERP EHP76.0T30C181WM Materials Staging ZonesShipping
82ERP EHP76.0T30CT51Description for Materials Staging ZonesShipping
83ERP EHP76.0T318121Picking waves profileShipping
84ERP EHP76.0T318T51Texts for Picking Waves ProfilesShipping
85ERP EHP76.0T32361Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.ShippingShipping
86ERP EHP76.0T633K41R/2-R/3 Link: One-Time Customer DeterminationShipping
87ERP EHP76.0TAETS41Warehouse Sub-Process (Procedure for Warehouse Processes)Shipping
88ERP EHP76.0TAVG21Warehouse Activities (Operations in Warehouse)Shipping
89ERP EHP76.0TAVGT41Decsription of Warehouse ActivitiesShipping
90ERP EHP76.0THUCONTROL31Handling Unit ControlShipping
91ERP EHP76.0TL00631Assign Units of Measure to Unit-Of-Measure Load CategoryShipping
92ERP EHP76.0TLAST81Load Table for Calculating WorkloadShipping
93ERP EHP76.0TMAWBEVENT261Definiton of Possible Transactions for LE Goods MovementsShipping
94ERP EHP76.0TMAWBEVENTT41Text Tables for HU Goods Movement EventsShipping
95ERP EHP76.0TMCL_LV121W&S: Control - RWE + Picking Wave CreationShipping
96ERP EHP76.0TPRIO31Customers: Delivery PrioritiesShipping
97ERP EHP76.0TVIER41Sales Documents Containing ErrorsShipping
98ERP EHP76.0TVLGT41Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: TextsShipping
99ERP EHP76.0TVPAD51Determination Log ControlShipping
100ERP EHP76.0TVPO21Daily Period TypesShipping
101ERP EHP76.0TVPOD301Sales Document: Delivery: POD DataShipping
102ERP EHP76.0TVPODG51Reason for Variance in PODShipping
103ERP EHP76.0TVPODGT41TEXT: Reason for Variance in PODShipping
104ERP EHP76.0TVPOT41Names of Daily Period TypesShipping
105ERP EHP76.0TVSLT61Deliveries: Texts Processing StatusShipping
106ERP EHP76.0TVTG21Reasons for Date DeviationShipping
107ERP EHP76.0TVTGT41Descriptions for Reasons for Date DeviationShipping
108ERP EHP76.0TVTZ21Deadline FunctionsShipping
109ERP EHP76.0TVTZT41Description for Purpose of DateShipping
110ERP EHP76.0TWLVZ51Assign Shipping Point as Goods Receiving Point to Plant/SLocShipping
111ERP EHP76.0VALW121Delivery Plan: Definition of Route ScheduleShipping
112ERP EHP76.0VALWP81Route Schedule PeriodsShipping
113ERP EHP76.0VALWPV81Route Schedule PeriodsShipping
114ERP EHP76.0VALWT41Delivery Plan: Description of Route ScheduleShipping
115ERP EHP76.0VARK92Delivery Plan: Customer-Specific ItineraryShipping
116ERP EHP76.0VARZ92Delivery Plan: Zone-Specific ItineraryShipping
117ERP EHP76.0VAWA51Delivery Plan: Exclusion of ItineraryShipping
118ERP EHP76.0VAWK101Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Customer-SpecificShipping
119ERP EHP76.0VAWZ101Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Zone-SpecificShipping
120ERP EHP76.0VBFS141Error Log for Collective ProcessingShipping
121ERP EHP76.0VBLK121SD Document: Delivery Note HeaderShipping
122ERP EHP76.0VLKPA131SD Index: Deliveries by Partner FunctionsShipping
123ERP EHP76.0VLPMA121SD Index: Delivery Items by MaterialShipping
124ERP EHP76.0VRSLI192Receipt of Materials from DeliveriesShipping
125ERP EHP76.0WSUBST_CONTAB192Assignment Table (successfully substituted items)Shipping
126ERP EHP76.0WSUBST_CTRL111Customizing Table Extension LogicShipping
127ERP EHP76.0WSUBST_SWITCHDAT303Switch/Switch Back DataShipping
128ERP EHP76.0WSUBST_WORKLST242Worklist Substitution ProposalsShipping
Logistics Execution :: Task Resource Management
129ERP EHP76.0LACTY61Activity catalogTask Resource Management
130ERP EHP76.0LACTYT51Activity catalog - descriptionTask Resource Management
131ERP EHP76.0LAGAC41Assign Activity to Activity GroupsTask Resource Management
132ERP EHP76.0LAGDF31Activity Group DefinitionTask Resource Management
133ERP EHP76.0LAGDFT51Activity Group - DescriptionTask Resource Management
134ERP EHP76.0LALRT131Alert value mapping (threshold)Task Resource Management
135ERP EHP76.0LATCT41Attribute catalogTask Resource Management
136ERP EHP76.0LATCTT41Attribute catalog - descriptionTask Resource Management
137ERP EHP76.0LATPR71Object's attributes to presentTask Resource Management
138ERP EHP76.0LATTM81Attributes' value mappingTask Resource Management
139ERP EHP76.0LDPRF111Display profileTask Resource Management
140ERP EHP76.0LDPRFT71Display profile - descriptionTask Resource Management
141ERP EHP76.0LEGOD81Execution Control Objects (ECO) definitionTask Resource Management
142ERP EHP76.0LEGODT51Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - descriptionTask Resource Management
143ERP EHP76.0LEGOR51ECOs' subscriptions at runtimeTask Resource Management
144ERP EHP76.0LEGRS61Resource-ECO subscriptionTask Resource Management
145ERP EHP76.0LELMT142Resource elementTask Resource Management
146ERP EHP76.0LELTA41Allowed resource element typeTask Resource Management
147ERP EHP76.0LELTY42Resource element typeTask Resource Management
148ERP EHP76.0LELTYT61Resource element type - descriptionTask Resource Management
149ERP EHP76.0LENTY_RUT21Entities Catalog table for Route Management packageTask Resource Management
150ERP EHP76.0LENTY_TSK21Entities Catalog table for Task Management packageTask Resource Management
151ERP EHP76.0LETYH31Entity hierarchy in the priority modelTask Resource Management
152ERP EHP76.0LETYM51Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factorTask Resource Management
153ERP EHP76.0LEXDT81Execution data (for exception information)Task Resource Management
154ERP EHP76.0LEXTP51External process - activity mappingTask Resource Management
155ERP EHP76.0LFCPR141Function code profile per stepTask Resource Management
156ERP EHP76.0LFCTX71Pushbutton textTask Resource Management
157ERP EHP76.0LGPRI121Priority logTask Resource Management
158ERP EHP76.0LGRQA71Resource qualifications logTask Resource Management
159ERP EHP76.0LGTKA221Task actual execution data logTask Resource Management
160ERP EHP76.0LGTKL251Task pool logTask Resource Management
161ERP EHP76.0LGTKS71Task status logTask Resource Management
162ERP EHP76.0LIVPR101Input verification profileTask Resource Management
163ERP EHP76.0LLGRH181Request logTask Resource Management
164ERP EHP76.0LLGRI271Request item logTask Resource Management
165ERP EHP76.0LLGRN71Request network logTask Resource Management
166ERP EHP76.0LLGRS71Resource logTask Resource Management
167ERP EHP76.0LLGRT171Request - task progress logTask Resource Management
168ERP EHP76.0LLGST61Resource status logTask Resource Management
169ERP EHP76.0LLGTM221Route logTask Resource Management
170ERP EHP76.0LLMOD31Mode catalogTask Resource Management
171ERP EHP76.0LLMODT61Mode catalog - descriptionTask Resource Management
172ERP EHP76.0LLOCT151SiteTask Resource Management
173ERP EHP76.0LLOCTT51Site - descriptionTask Resource Management
174ERP EHP76.0LLVEL41LevelTask Resource Management
175ERP EHP76.0LLVELT61Level - descriptionTask Resource Management
176ERP EHP76.0LMENU91Menu treeTask Resource Management
177ERP EHP76.0LMENUT101Menu tree - descriptionTask Resource Management
178ERP EHP76.0LMNCT41Menu item catalogTask Resource Management
179ERP EHP76.0LMNCTT71Menu item catalog - descriptionTask Resource Management
180ERP EHP76.0LMNRT71Mandatory routesTask Resource Management
181ERP EHP76.0LMOBD51Object class IDTask Resource Management
182ERP EHP76.0LMOCD121Object class definitions for monitoringTask Resource Management
183ERP EHP76.0LMOCDT41Object class - descriptionTask Resource Management
184ERP EHP76.0LMOCH71Objects class hierarchyTask Resource Management
185ERP EHP76.0LMOCM61Object class permitted movementsTask Resource Management
186ERP EHP76.0LMTHD21MethodsTask Resource Management
187ERP EHP76.0LMTHDT51Methods - descriptionTask Resource Management
188ERP EHP76.0LMVRT91Variant for TRM MonitoringTask Resource Management
189ERP EHP76.0LNODE91NodeTask Resource Management
190ERP EHP76.0LNODET61Node - descriptionTask Resource Management
191ERP EHP76.0LOBGR62Object groupingTask Resource Management
192ERP EHP76.0LOBSL81ObstacleTask Resource Management
193ERP EHP76.0LOBSLT61Obstacle - descriptionTask Resource Management
194ERP EHP76.0LOCMD91Object class methodsTask Resource Management
195ERP EHP76.0LPAPS61Application parametersTask Resource Management
196ERP EHP76.0LPDVC71Presentation deviceTask Resource Management
197ERP EHP76.0LPLTM232Planned time for task creation lagsTask Resource Management
198ERP EHP76.0LPRSN51PersonalizationTask Resource Management
199ERP EHP76.0LPRSNT71Personalization - descriptionTask Resource Management
200ERP EHP76.0LPRVL_TSK51Entities value table for task management packageTask Resource Management
201ERP EHP76.0LRITK162Request - task progressTask Resource Management
202ERP EHP76.0LRMSG51Resources messagesTask Resource Management
203ERP EHP76.0LROUT71RoutingTask Resource Management
204ERP EHP76.0LRQNT52Request networkTask Resource Management
205ERP EHP76.0LRQSH101RequestTask Resource Management
206ERP EHP76.0LRQSI282Request itemTask Resource Management
207ERP EHP76.0LRSNC51External vs Internal reason codeTask Resource Management
208ERP EHP76.0LRSNCT71External vs Internal reason code - descriptionTask Resource Management
209ERP EHP76.0LRSQA61Resource qualificationsTask Resource Management
210ERP EHP76.0LRSRC201ResourceTask Resource Management
211ERP EHP76.0LRSTC51Resource type componentsTask Resource Management
212ERP EHP76.0LRSTY111Resource typeTask Resource Management
213ERP EHP76.0LRSTYT61Resource type - descriptionTask Resource Management
214ERP EHP76.0LRSWD42Workers of deactivated resourcesTask Resource Management
215ERP EHP76.0LRTCP61Capacity assignment for resource typesTask Resource Management
216ERP EHP76.0LRTEX91Route exceptionsTask Resource Management
217ERP EHP76.0LRTQA71Resource type and resource element qualificationsTask Resource Management
218ERP EHP76.0LSECC61Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)Task Resource Management
219ERP EHP76.0LSRZN51Serving zoneTask Resource Management
220ERP EHP76.0LSTLN91Logical transaction step flowTask Resource Management
221ERP EHP76.0LSTMP61Mapping Step Type to StepTask Resource Management
222ERP EHP76.0LSTSC81Physical screen variant per logical stepTask Resource Management
223ERP EHP76.0LTCTW61Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimationTask Resource Management
224ERP EHP76.0LTKEG51Tasks-Execution Group Objects (EGO) mappingTask Resource Management
225ERP EHP76.0LTKPL325Task poolTask Resource Management
226ERP EHP76.0LTKRT52Task - resource typeTask Resource Management
227ERP EHP76.0LTRCT131Logical transaction catalogTask Resource Management
228ERP EHP76.0LTRCTT71Logical transaction catalog - descriptionTask Resource Management
229ERP EHP76.0LWKCN51Work center operationsTask Resource Management
230ERP EHP76.0LWRKA81Working AreaTask Resource Management
231ERP EHP76.0LWRKAT51Working Area - descriptionTask Resource Management
232ERP EHP76.0LXRFN62Request cross-referenceTask Resource Management
233ERP EHP76.0LZGDF31Zone group definitionTask Resource Management
234ERP EHP76.0LZGDFT61Zone group - descriptionTask Resource Management
235ERP EHP76.0LZGZN41Zone Group - Zone RelationshipTask Resource Management
236ERP EHP76.0LZNDF51ZoneTask Resource Management
237ERP EHP76.0LZNDFT61Zone - descriptionTask Resource Management
238ERP EHP76.0LZNNX51Zone Entry-ExitTask Resource Management
239ERP EHP76.0T343XYZ241Storage Bin Structure for X, Y, Z assignment to Storage binsTask Resource Management
240ERP EHP76.0T347A61Control of link WM - TRM for Transfer OrdersTask Resource Management
Logistics Execution :: Transportation
241ERP EHP76.0B04561Shipment Type/Transportation Service AgentTransportation
242ERP EHP76.0T17341Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping TypeTransportation
243ERP EHP76.0T173T41Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: TextsTransportation
244ERP EHP76.0T644111Routes: Transit Route(s) (Country Sequence)Transportation
245ERP EHP76.0TGAF41Freight Code DeterminationTransportation
246ERP EHP76.0TGAR41Freight CodesTransportation
247ERP EHP76.0TGART51Freight codes:descriptionsTransportation
248ERP EHP76.0TGAV21Freight Code SetsTransportation
249ERP EHP76.0TGAVF51Determine Freight Code SetTransportation
250ERP EHP76.0TGAVT41Freight code set: descriptionsTransportation
251ERP EHP76.0TMFG21Material freight groupsTransportation
252ERP EHP76.0TMFGT41Material freight groups: DescriptionsTransportation
253ERP EHP76.0TROIZ51Route Determination: By Country and ZoneTransportation
254ERP EHP76.0TROLZ91Routes: Determination in DeliveriesTransportation
255ERP EHP76.0TRXEC21Tracking: Main Transaction TypesTransportation
256ERP EHP76.0TRXECT41Tracking: Texts for main process typesTransportation
257ERP EHP76.0TRXEVT31Tracking: Transactions and EventsTransportation
258ERP EHP76.0TRXEVTT51Tracking: Transactions and EventsTransportation
259ERP EHP76.0TRXIC21Tracking: Code Types for Tracking IDsTransportation
260ERP EHP76.0TRXICT41Tracking: Texts for tracking ID code typesTransportation
261ERP EHP76.0TRXLC21Tracking: Code types for locationsTransportation
262ERP EHP76.0TRXLCT51Tracking: Texts for location code typesTransportation
263ERP EHP76.0TRXPC21Tracking: Code types for partnersTransportation
264ERP EHP76.0TRXPCT41Tracking: Texts for partner code typesTransportation
265ERP EHP76.0TRXRT21Tracking: Code types for route typesTransportation
266ERP EHP76.0TRXRTT41Tracking: Texts for route type code typesTransportation
267ERP EHP76.0TRXSEC21Tracking: Types of sub-operationTransportation
268ERP EHP76.0TRXSECT41Tracking: Texts for sub-operation typesTransportation
269ERP EHP76.0TSFG21Forwarding agent freight groupTransportation
270ERP EHP76.0TSFGT41Forward. Agent-Freight Groups:DescriptnTransportation
271ERP EHP76.0TTDS201Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling PointTransportation
272ERP EHP76.0TTDST41Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: TextsTransportation
273ERP EHP76.0TTPLST41Determination of Transportation Planning Point f. BAPI CallTransportation
274ERP EHP76.0TTSG21Shipment Blocking ReasonTransportation
275ERP EHP76.0TTSGT41Description of Reason for Shipment BlockTransportation
276ERP EHP76.0TVARS161Archiving Control ShipmentTransportation
277ERP EHP76.0TVKN281Routes: Transportation Connection PointsTransportation
278ERP EHP76.0TVKNT51Routes: Transportation connection points: TextsTransportation
279ERP EHP76.0TVRAB224Route StagesTransportation
280ERP EHP76.0TVRO221RoutesTransportation
281ERP EHP76.0TVROT41Routes: TextsTransportation
282ERP EHP76.0TVRSZ52Routes: Legs for each RouteTransportation
283ERP EHP76.0TVSAK21Special Processing IndicatorTransportation
284ERP EHP76.0TVSAKT41Special Processing Indicator: TextsTransportation
285ERP EHP76.0TVSR43Routes: LegsTransportation
286ERP EHP76.0TVTK691Shipment TypesTransportation
287ERP EHP76.0TVTKT41Transport Type: DescriptionTransportation
288ERP EHP76.0TVTR41Routes: Modes of TransportTransportation
289ERP EHP76.0TVTRT41Routes: Method of Transportation TextsTransportation
290ERP EHP76.0TVT_CA_SDELI31Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for DeliveriesTransportation
291ERP EHP76.0TVT_CA_SDELI_R51Restriction of Fwdg Agent Selection Variants for DeliveriesTransportation
292ERP EHP76.0TVT_CA_SSHIP51Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for ShipmentsTransportation
293ERP EHP76.0TVT_CA_TRA51Transportation Basis Data for Forwarding AgentTransportation
294ERP EHP76.0TVT_CA_USR31Assignment Between Forwarding Agent and SAP System UserTransportation
295ERP EHP76.0VTADD0121Checking Table Supplement 1Transportation
296ERP EHP76.0VTADD01T41Checking Table Supplement: DescriptionTransportation
297ERP EHP76.0VTADD0221Checking Table Supplement 2Transportation
298ERP EHP76.0VTADD02T41Checking Table Supplement: DescriptionsTransportation
299ERP EHP76.0VTADD0321Checking Table Supplement 3Transportation
300ERP EHP76.0VTADD03T41Checking Table Supplement 3: DescriptionTransportation
301ERP EHP76.0VTADD0421Checking Table Supplement 4Transportation
302ERP EHP76.0VTADD04T41Checking Table Supplement 4: DescriptionTransportation
303ERP EHP76.0VTCFPP91Freight Planning Transfer ProfileTransportation
304ERP EHP76.0VTCFPPT41Text for Freight Planning Communication ProfilesTransportation
305ERP EHP76.0VTDST212Status of deliveries within transportation planningTransportation
306ERP EHP76.0VTDSTC272Condition of Deliveries for Freight Planning by Fwdng AgentTransportation
307ERP EHP76.0VTFA162Shipment Document FlowTransportation
308ERP EHP76.0VTLST61Status of Gen. Location in Ext. Transportatn Planning SystemTransportation
309ERP EHP76.0VTPA201Shipping PartnerTransportation
310ERP EHP76.0VTPRG52Transport. planng system cumulation proc. for delivery itemTransportation
311ERP EHP76.0VTPRK41Cond. Sequence for Loc. Subst. in Transportation PlanningTransportation
312ERP EHP76.0VTPRL102Transportation Planning System Route LimitationsTransportation
313ERP EHP76.0VTPRS21Det. Procedure for Loc. Subst. in Transportation PlanningTransportation
314ERP EHP76.0VTPRST41Texts for Determination Procedures for Location SubstitutionTransportation
315ERP EHP76.0VTRDI362Shipment Planning IndexTransportation
316ERP EHP76.0VTSP41Stage of Transport / Item AllocationTransportation
317ERP EHP76.0VTSPLS61Assignment Forwarding Agent - Log. System for Freight PlngTransportation
318ERP EHP76.0VTTK1403Shipment HeaderTransportation
319ERP EHP76.0VTTP102Shipment ItemTransportation
320ERP EHP76.0VTTS751Stage of ShipmentTransportation
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management
321ERP EHP76.0LAGP472Storage binsWarehouse Management
322ERP EHP76.0LECMOFF61Switch off change management in emergencyWarehouse Management
323ERP EHP76.0LEIN322Storage unit header recordsWarehouse Management
324ERP EHP76.0LINK121Inventory document header in WMWarehouse Management
325ERP EHP76.0LINP101Inventory document item in WMWarehouse Management
326ERP EHP76.0LINV393Inventory data per quantWarehouse Management
327ERP EHP76.0LL01291Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order ItemsWarehouse Management
328ERP EHP76.0LL02301Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement ItemsWarehouse Management
329ERP EHP76.0LL03261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change DocumentsWarehouse Management
330ERP EHP76.0LL04261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical DeliveriesWarehouse Management
331ERP EHP76.0LL05261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical StocksWarehouse Management
332ERP EHP76.0LL06261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage BinsWarehouse Management
333ERP EHP76.0LL07261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production OrdersWarehouse Management
334ERP EHP76.0LQUA583QuantsWarehouse Management
335ERP EHP76.0LQUAB151Total quant counts for certain strategiesWarehouse Management
336ERP EHP76.0LRF_WKQU162Assignment User ->QueueWarehouse Management
337ERP EHP76.0LSEG274Document for Inward and Outward MovementsWarehouse Management
338ERP EHP76.0LTAK653WM transfer order headerWarehouse Management
339ERP EHP76.0LTAP1613Transfer order itemWarehouse Management
340ERP EHP76.0LTBK385Transfer requirement headerWarehouse Management
341ERP EHP76.0LTBP472Transfer requirement itemWarehouse Management
342ERP EHP76.0LTHU112Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer OrdersWarehouse Management
343ERP EHP76.0LUBU533Posting Change DocumentWarehouse Management
344ERP EHP76.0MGEF311Hazardous materialsWarehouse Management
345ERP EHP76.0NKLV81Number ranges in WMWarehouse Management
346ERP EHP76.0T30031WM Warehouse NumbersWarehouse Management
347ERP EHP76.0T300T41Warehouse Number DescriptionsWarehouse Management
348ERP EHP76.0T30141WM Storage TypesWarehouse Management
349ERP EHP76.0T301T51Storage Type DescriptionsWarehouse Management
350ERP EHP76.0T30241WM Storage SectionsWarehouse Management
351ERP EHP76.0T302T61Storage Section NamesWarehouse Management
352ERP EHP76.0T30331WM Storage Bin TypesWarehouse Management
353ERP EHP76.0T303T51WM Names of Storage Bin TypesWarehouse Management
354ERP EHP76.0T30431Storage Section IndicatorsWarehouse Management
355ERP EHP76.0T304T51Text for Storage Section IndicatorWarehouse Management
356ERP EHP76.0T30531Storage Type IndicatorsWarehouse Management
357ERP EHP76.0T305T51Text for Storage Type IndicatorWarehouse Management
358ERP EHP76.0T30631Special Movement IndicatorsWarehouse Management
359ERP EHP76.0T306T51Texts for Special Movement IndicatorsWarehouse Management
360ERP EHP76.0T30751Storage Unit TypesWarehouse Management
361ERP EHP76.0T307T51Text for Storage Unit TypeWarehouse Management
362ERP EHP76.0T30861Requirements CategoriesWarehouse Management
363ERP EHP76.0T308T51Texts for Requirement TypesWarehouse Management
364ERP EHP76.0T30931Fire-Containment SectionsWarehouse Management
365ERP EHP76.0T309T51Names for Fire-Containment SectionsWarehouse Management
366ERP EHP76.0T30A51WM Picking AreasWarehouse Management
367ERP EHP76.0T30AT61Picking Area DescriptionsWarehouse Management
368ERP EHP76.0T30B131WM GatesWarehouse Management
369ERP EHP76.0T30BT51Zone DescriptionsWarehouse Management
370ERP EHP76.0T310181Pre-Allocated StockWarehouse Management
371ERP EHP76.0T311243Definition of WM GroupsWarehouse Management
372ERP EHP76.0T311A152Cross-Reference WM Group for DocumentsWarehouse Management
373ERP EHP76.0T311L141Definition of Run Within a WM GroupWarehouse Management
374ERP EHP76.0T31271Control Performance Data and TO SplitWarehouse Management
375ERP EHP76.0T312A81Profile for performance dataWarehouse Management
376ERP EHP76.0T312B91Profile for Transfer Order SplitWarehouse Management
377ERP EHP76.0T312R71Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer OrderWarehouse Management
378ERP EHP76.0T312S501Profile for SortingWarehouse Management
379ERP EHP76.0T312W61Time for Planned TO ProcessingWarehouse Management
380ERP EHP76.0T31981Control of Automatic Pick HU CreationWarehouse Management
381ERP EHP76.0T319A41Assignment Automatic Pick-HU CreationWarehouse Management
382ERP EHP76.0T320101Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse NumberWarehouse Management
383ERP EHP76.0T320A91WM: Storage Location ControlWarehouse Management
384ERP EHP76.0T321211Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement TypeWarehouse Management
385ERP EHP76.0T321B51Stock Types and Special Stocks for External SystemsWarehouse Management
386ERP EHP76.0T32251RM Movement Types for Clearing InventoryWarehouse Management
387ERP EHP76.0T32431Storage Loc. Ref.Warehouse Management
388ERP EHP76.0T324T51Descriptions for Storage Loc. ReferenceWarehouse Management
389ERP EHP76.0T32591WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection SamplesWarehouse Management
390ERP EHP76.0T325T51Description for Control WM-QM InterfaceWarehouse Management
391ERP EHP76.0T32671Control Table for 2-Step PickingWarehouse Management
392ERP EHP76.0T327101Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)Warehouse Management
393ERP EHP76.0T327A101Control of link WM - subsystemWarehouse Management
394ERP EHP76.0T327B61Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - subWarehouse Management
395ERP EHP76.0T327T51Variant description for link WM -> subsystemWarehouse Management
396ERP EHP76.0T327V31Variants for WM Link -> SubsystemWarehouse Management
397ERP EHP76.0T328141Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical ParametersWarehouse Management
398ERP EHP76.0T328A41Activate Whse Act. Monitor ObjectsWarehouse Management
399ERP EHP76.0T328B31Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy DisplayWarehouse Management
400ERP EHP76.0T328C51Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display VariantsWarehouse Management
401ERP EHP76.0T329A81Printer Pool DefinitionWarehouse Management
402ERP EHP76.0T329D281Transfer Order Printer ControlWarehouse Management
403ERP EHP76.0T329F211Print Control TableWarehouse Management
404ERP EHP76.0T329P91Transfer Order Print ParametersWarehouse Management
405ERP EHP76.0T329S71Print Control Table for Coll.Proc.Warehouse Management
406ERP EHP76.0T329T51Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer OrdersWarehouse Management
407ERP EHP76.0T33031Blocking ReasonsWarehouse Management
408ERP EHP76.0T330T51Text for Blocking ReasonWarehouse Management
409ERP EHP76.0T331601Storage Type ControlWarehouse Management
410ERP EHP76.0T331B101Storage Type Control for Bulk StorageWarehouse Management
411ERP EHP76.0T331L71Storage Classes Allowed per Storage TypeWarehouse Management
412ERP EHP76.0T333401WM Movement TypesWarehouse Management
413ERP EHP76.0T333A41Shipment TypesWarehouse Management
414ERP EHP76.0T333B51Texts for Transfer TypesWarehouse Management
415ERP EHP76.0T333M61Mail control for background processingWarehouse Management
416ERP EHP76.0T333N91Control for automatic transfer order creationWarehouse Management
417ERP EHP76.0T333O51Texts for automatic TO creationWarehouse Management
418ERP EHP76.0T333T51Texts for WM Movement TypesWarehouse Management
419ERP EHP76.0T333U91WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IMWarehouse Management
420ERP EHP76.0T334B361Storage Section SearchWarehouse Management
421ERP EHP76.0T334E331Storage Unit Type CheckWarehouse Management
422ERP EHP76.0T334P331Storage Bin Type SearchWarehouse Management
423ERP EHP76.0T334T411Storage Type SearchWarehouse Management
424ERP EHP76.0T334U101Access Strategy for Storage Type SearchWarehouse Management
425ERP EHP76.0T335101Default Values for InventoryWarehouse Management
426ERP EHP76.0T33691Difference IndicatorsWarehouse Management
427ERP EHP76.0T336T51Texts for Difference IndicatorsWarehouse Management
428ERP EHP76.0T337A1041Division of Storage Bins into SectionsWarehouse Management
429ERP EHP76.0T337B91Bulk Storage SectioningWarehouse Management
430ERP EHP76.0T337C51Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy KWarehouse Management
431ERP EHP76.0T337D51Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy KWarehouse Management
432ERP EHP76.0T337Z61Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit TypeWarehouse Management
433ERP EHP76.0T33831Bulk Storage IndicatorsWarehouse Management
434ERP EHP76.0T338T51Texts for Bulk Storage IndicatorsWarehouse Management
435ERP EHP76.0T33931Definition of Comment for TO ExecutionWarehouse Management
436ERP EHP76.0T339T51Text Table for Comment for TO ExecutionWarehouse Management
437ERP EHP76.0T340D721WM Default ValuesWarehouse Management
438ERP EHP76.0T342T81Assignment of Title Bar to PF StatusWarehouse Management
439ERP EHP76.0T343161Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage BinsWarehouse Management
440ERP EHP76.0T343I131Definition of Sort Field in Storage BinWarehouse Management
441ERP EHP76.0T343J131Definition of Sequence Field in Storage BinWarehouse Management
442ERP EHP76.0T34431Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WMWarehouse Management
443ERP EHP76.0T34571Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP StagingWarehouse Management
444ERP EHP76.0T34661RF Queue DefinitionWarehouse Management
445ERP EHP76.0T346L101Assignment Sections and Activities to QueueWarehouse Management
446ERP EHP76.0T346T51RF Queue DescriptionsWarehouse Management
447ERP EHP76.0T346X41Exceptions: Queue ForwardingWarehouse Management
448ERP EHP76.0T646A21Aggregate StatesWarehouse Management
449ERP EHP76.0T646B41Texts for Aggregate StatesWarehouse Management
450ERP EHP76.0T646G21Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
451ERP EHP76.0T646H41Texts for Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
452ERP EHP76.0T646L21Storage ClassesWarehouse Management
453ERP EHP76.0T646M41Texts for Storage ClassesWarehouse Management
454ERP EHP76.0T646R21Region CodesWarehouse Management
455ERP EHP76.0T646S41Texts for Region CodesWarehouse Management
456ERP EHP76.0T646V21Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
457ERP EHP76.0T646W41Texts for Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
Logistics Execution :: Yard Management
458ERP EHP76.0LYACT431Yard activitiesYard Management
459ERP EHP76.0LYDTP91Location time-dependent propertiesYard Management
460ERP EHP76.0LYFAG61Forwarding agent attributesYard Management
461ERP EHP76.0LYGRR71Geographical location groups relationshipYard Management
462ERP EHP76.0LYGTP51Yard Scheduling Graphic Tool PersonalizationYard Management
463ERP EHP76.0LYLCP61Location type capacityYard Management
464ERP EHP76.0LYLGR41Geographical location groupYard Management
465ERP EHP76.0LYLGRT71Define Location GroupsYard Management
466ERP EHP76.0LYLOC91Yard locationYard Management
467ERP EHP76.0LYLTY41Physical location typeYard Management
468ERP EHP76.0LYLTYT61Text Table for Physical Location TypeYard Management
469ERP EHP76.0LYRSN41Reason codesYard Management
470ERP EHP76.0LYRSNT61Text Table for Reason CodesYard Management
471ERP EHP76.0LYSPF111Scheduling profileYard Management
472ERP EHP76.0LYSPFT81Text Table for Scheduling ProfileYard Management
473ERP EHP76.0LYYRD121YardYard Management
474ERP EHP76.0LYYRDT51Text Table for YardYard Management
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: DSD Localization
475ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_TAX91DSD CN LOC: Customer Tax Classifications per CountryDSD Localization
476ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_TAX81DSD CN LOC: Material Tax Classifications per CountryDSD Localization
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Electonic Signature
477ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ES_CUST_REP31DSD Signature RepositoryElectonic Signature
478ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ES_DEL91DSD Delivery SignaturesElectonic Signature
479ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ES_INV91DSD Invoice SignaturesElectonic Signature
480ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ES_ORD91DSD Order SignaturesElectonic Signature
481ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ES_TEXT_ID31DSD Signature text idElectonic Signature
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Generic Statistical Data
482ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_ADM_H71DSD: Generic Statistical Data HeaderGeneric Statistical Data
483ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CAPPL21DSD: Define Statistical ApplicationGeneric Statistical Data
484ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CAPPL_T41DSD: Text Table for Statistical ApplicationGeneric Statistical Data
485ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CDMI_CHA41DSD: Define Catalog of Returned CharacteristicGeneric Statistical Data
486ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CDMI_IPR31DSD: Define InfoProviderGeneric Statistical Data
487ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CDMI_KYF51DSD: Define Catalog of Returned Key FiguresGeneric Statistical Data
488ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CDMI_SEL71DSD: Define Selections for Data ProviderGeneric Statistical Data
489ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CDMI_TSL51DSD: Define Time Selections for Data ProviderGeneric Statistical Data
490ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CEXTM21DSD: Define Extraction MethodGeneric Statistical Data
491ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CEXTM_T31DSD: Text Table for Extraction MethodGeneric Statistical Data
492ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CEXTV41DSD: Define Extraction Variant for Statistical ApplicationGeneric Statistical Data
493ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CEXTV_T51DSD: Text Table for Extraction VariantGeneric Statistical Data
494ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CEXT_RFC31DSD: Assign RFC Destination to Extraction VariantGeneric Statistical Data
495ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_CVAR_DET71DSD: Define Extraction Variant DeterminationGeneric Statistical Data
496ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_GENDAT_I71DSD: Generic Data ContainerGeneric Statistical Data
497ERP EHP76.0/DSD/GS_LAYOUT_I121DSD: Layout of Generic Data ContainerGeneric Statistical Data
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Handheld Connectivity
498ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_ASGN111MDSD Promotions - Promotion AssignmentHandheld Connectivity
499ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_CUFC121MDSD Promotions - Field SelectionHandheld Connectivity
500ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_CUST51MDSD Promotions - General SettingsHandheld Connectivity
501ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_CUTP21MDSD Promotions - Promotion TypesHandheld Connectivity
502ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_CUTPT41MDSD Promotions - Promotion Types DescriptionHandheld Connectivity
503ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_FBAM131MDSD Promotions - Feedback AmountsHandheld Connectivity
504ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_FBFG121MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free GoodsHandheld Connectivity
505ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_HEAD171MDSD Promotion - Promotion HeaderHandheld Connectivity
506ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_HEAD_T41MDSD Promotions - Promotion DescriptionHandheld Connectivity
507ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_PCLN91MDSD Promotions - Promotion PreconditionHandheld Connectivity
508ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_RSAM71MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result AmountsHandheld Connectivity
509ERP EHP76.0/DSD/PR_RSFG71MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result Free GoodsHandheld Connectivity
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Route Accounting
510ERP EHP76.0B39051BesuchsplantypRoute Accounting
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Stock Visibility
511ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_ACT21DSD Activate Stock VisibilityStock Visibility
512ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_CG_LEV41Definition of UOM for counting with counting groupsStock Visibility
513ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_CNTGR21Definition of counting groupStock Visibility
514ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_CNTGRT41Description of counting groupStock Visibility
515ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_CUS111DSD SV Scenario SettingsStock Visibility
516ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_ERROR_HD102DSD SV Error Table Movement HeaderStock Visibility
517ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_ERROR_IT121DSD SV Error Table Movement ItemStock Visibility
518ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LC_CG161DSD LC: Loading Confirmation Item on Counting Group LevelStock Visibility
519ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LC_CUS61Customizing Settings for Loading Confirmation DialogStock Visibility
520ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LC_HD151DSD LC: Loading Confirmation HeaderStock Visibility
521ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LC_MAT181DSD LC: Loading confirmation item on material levelStock Visibility
522ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LC_SCR21Customizing for detail screen of loading confirmationStock Visibility
523ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_LOCATION31DSD SV Storage Locations per PlantStock Visibility
524ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_MAIL_REC41DSD SV Recipient for Express MailStock Visibility
525ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_MM_DOC61DSD SV Stock Transfer Documents per TourStock Visibility
526ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_MM_HD102DSD SV Material Movement HeaderStock Visibility
527ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_MM_IT121DSD SV Material Movement ItemStock Visibility
528ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_ORD_TOUR51Assignment Reload and Unload Orders to TourStock Visibility
529ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_QUANT121DSD SV Truck StockStock Visibility
530ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RACOCICI91DSD SV: Check-Out / Check-In - Money ItemStock Visibility
531ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RACOCIHD101DSD SV: Check-Out/Check-In - Header DataStock Visibility
532ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RACOCIMI171DSD SV: Check-Out / Check-In - ItemsStock Visibility
533ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RL102DSD SV Final Unloading DocumentsStock Visibility
534ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RLD_ACT31DSD SV: Reload Activity TypeStock Visibility
535ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RLD_ACTT41DSD SV: Description Reload Activity TypesStock Visibility
536ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RLD_HD122DSD SV: Reload Header DataStock Visibility
537ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RLD_IT172DSD SV: Reload Item DataStock Visibility
538ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_RLD_ORD41DSD SV: Reload Order Type DeterminationStock Visibility
539ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SV_SEALNO121DSD: Seal NumberStock Visibility
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Tour Status
540ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CACTIV11Function modules triggered by tour statusTour Status
541ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CACT_IU51Activites in UPDATE TASKTour Status
542ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CPROFILE91Status profileTour Status
543ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSCEN21Tour scenarioTour Status
544ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSCEN_SH51Assignment shipment <-> delivery scenarioTour Status
545ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSCEN_T41Tour scenario (text table to /DSD/ST_CSCEN)Tour Status
546ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSCEN_VL41Assignment visit list <-> sales scenarioTour Status
547ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSTATUS21Tour status IDTour Status
548ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CSTAT_T31Tour status ID (Text table to /DSD/ST_CSTATUS)Tour Status
549ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CTYPE_SH41Shipment relevant for DSDTour Status
550ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_CTYPE_VL31Visit list relevant for DSDTour Status
551ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_STATUS193Current tour statusTour Status
552ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ST_STATUS_H81Tour status history - Recording tour statusTour Status
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Transportation Planning
553ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/RPLMT141Capacity Limit Dynamic DispatchTransportation Planning
554ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_CHECK_SA21Activate Single-Sales-Area Processes (DSD)Transportation Planning
555ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_DEBGEO81Customer's Geo-CoordinatesTransportation Planning
556ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_DRVKTOKD21Define Account Group as Account Group for DriverTransportation Planning
557ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_DRVLIC31Driver's License Class of DriverTransportation Planning
558ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_DRVLOCK51Driver's Lock TimesTransportation Planning
559ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_DRVTPLST31Assign Possible Transportation Planning Points to DriverTransportation Planning
560ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_FLTLIC31Driver's License Category of a VehicleTransportation Planning
561ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_FLTLOCK51Lock Times of a VehicleTransportation Planning
562ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_FLTTPLST31Transportation Planning Point of a VehicleTransportation Planning
563ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_LICCAT21Driver's License CategoriesTransportation Planning
564ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_LICCAT_T41Driver's License Categories - TextsTransportation Planning
565ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_LMT141Capacity Limit: Dynamic Transportation PlanningTransportation Planning
566ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_MOTRCAT41Means of Transport Type for Each Equip. Type and Veh. TypeTransportation Planning
567ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_SETUP21Main Settings for Direct Store Delivery (DSD)Transportation Planning
568ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_SHP_NOSA21Shipment Type without Single Sales Area CheckTransportation Planning
569ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_SUM61Totals Fields CategoriesTransportation Planning
570ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_TOH81Tour Master, Header DataTransportation Planning
571ERP EHP76.0/DSD/RP_TOP121Tour Master, Item DataTransportation Planning
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Vehicle Space Optimization
572ERP EHP76.0/VSO/B_FLEET111Vehicle Type for Vehicle Space OptimizationVehicle Space Optimization
573ERP EHP76.0/VSO/B_FLEET_T41Texts for Vehicle Type from Vehicle Space OptimizationVehicle Space Optimization
574ERP EHP76.0/VSO/R_CUST121Additional Data for Vehicle Space Optimization for KNA1Vehicle Space Optimization
575ERP EHP76.0/VSO/R_DPOINT31Collective Unloading Point for VSOVehicle Space Optimization
576ERP EHP76.0/VSO/R_REL31Relevance of the Delivery Item Categories for VSOVehicle Space Optimization
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Visit Control
577ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_AUTH21DSD: Visit GroupVisit Control
578ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_AUTHT41DSD: Visit Group - TextsVisit Control
579ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_BUSTRANS41DSD: Business Transaction Types for DSDVisit Control
580ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_CALTYP21DSD: Calendar TypeVisit Control
581ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_CALTYPT41DSD: Calendar Type - TextsVisit Control
582ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_DELIVER41DSD: Delivery Types for DSDVisit Control
583ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_GRP31DSD GroupingVisit Control
584ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_GRPT41DSD: Grouping - TextsVisit Control
585ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_MSGTYP51DSD - Message Types for Print and Download ControlVisit Control
586ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_ORDER41DSD: Sales Document Types for DSDVisit Control
587ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_RVTXOBJ11Visit Control - Text Determination: Allowed Text ObjectsVisit Control
588ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_TSTR71DSD: Customer / Calendar Type / Time Stream IDVisit Control
589ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_V7_PRN71DSD: Message Types for Print Output for ShipmentVisit Control
590ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLC_ARCH31Archiving: Residence Time MaintenanceVisit Control
591ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLH281DSD: Visit List - Header DataVisit Control
592ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLH_R52DSD: Visit List - Header Data: Reference DocumentsVisit Control
593ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLP141DSD: Visit List - Item DataVisit Control
594ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLP_R61DSD: Visit List - Item Data: Reference DocumentsVisit Control
595ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VLTRADAT51DSD: Download VL - Extent of Visit List TransferVisit Control
596ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VL_PRN61DSD: Message Types for Print Output for Each Visit ListVisit Control
597ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VPH351DSD: Visit Schedule - Header DataVisit Control
598ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VPP161DSD: Visit Schedule - Item DataVisit Control
599ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VPTYPE261DSD: Visit Schedule TypeVisit Control
600ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VPTYPET41DSD: Visit Schedule Type - TextsVisit Control
601ERP EHP76.0/DSD/VC_VSTATCON51DSD: Assignment of SA Type and Outcome to Cust. Visit StatusVisit Control
Logistics Execution :: Extended Warehouse Management Integration :: Cross-Application Topics
602ERP EHP76.0/SPE/PP_DLV_TYPE81Delivery Type Determination in EWM Manufacturing IntegrationCross-Application Topics
Logistics Execution :: Extended Warehouse Management Integration :: Outbound Process
603ERP EHP76.0/SPE/DIRDLV_TYPE81Delivery Type Determination for Deliveries from EWMOutbound Process
604ERP EHP76.0/SPE/DIRITM_CATG91Item Category Determination for Direct Outbound DeliveriesOutbound Process
605ERP EHP76.0/SPE/MVT_ACCGRP71Definition of Accounting Type GroupsOutbound Process
606ERP EHP76.0/SPE/MVT_DETERM31Determination of Movement Type per Accounting Type GroupOutbound Process
Logistics Execution :: Shipping :: Basic Functions
607ERP EHP76.0DVM02291R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data Material Master Stor. LocationsBasic Functions
608ERP EHP76.0LECI_CARD131Extended Pass for Registration at the CheckpointBasic Functions
609ERP EHP76.0LECI_CHK_PT21CheckpointBasic Functions
610ERP EHP76.0LECI_CHK_PTT41Checkpoint: Text TableBasic Functions
611ERP EHP76.0LECI_EVENT162Activities Within the Check-in/Check-out ProcessBasic Functions
612ERP EHP76.0LECI_EVENT_DATA323Activity Data Within the Check-in/Check-out ProcessBasic Functions
613ERP EHP76.0LECI_FORMS31Definition of Forms and Print ProgramsBasic Functions
614ERP EHP76.0T184D41Table for Items not Relevant for DistributionBasic Functions
615ERP EHP76.0T313H31Bar Code Profile: HeaderBasic Functions
616ERP EHP76.0T313I41Description of an EAN128 ProfileBasic Functions
617ERP EHP76.0T313J61Bar Code Profile: ItemsBasic Functions
618ERP EHP76.0T313K61Allocation of Layout and Bar Code Profile to Output TypeBasic Functions
619ERP EHP76.0T313L21Label Category EAN128Basic Functions
620ERP EHP76.0T313LD41Label Category EAN128Basic Functions
621ERP EHP76.0T313M41Delimiter for Variable Barcode Lengths (Usage: Printing)Basic Functions
622ERP EHP76.0T313Y91ILN for SSCC Generation at Storage Location LevelBasic Functions
623ERP EHP76.0T313Z81ILN for SSCC Generation at Warehouse Number LevelBasic Functions
624ERP EHP76.0T323V91Error handling (Host)- Decentralized SD (Definition of mail)Basic Functions
625ERP EHP76.0TCRBF51Determination of Staging Area via Customer/Storage ConditionBasic Functions
626ERP EHP76.0TCTBF51Determine gate and picked item zone via customerBasic Functions
627ERP EHP76.0TLGR21Routes: Loading GroupsBasic Functions
628ERP EHP76.0TLGRT41Routes: Loading Groups: TextsBasic Functions
629ERP EHP76.0TROAL31Routes: Allowed Actual Routes for DeliveryBasic Functions
630ERP EHP76.0TROAZ81Routes: Determination in Sales DocumentsBasic Functions
631ERP EHP76.0TRRBF51Determ. of Staging Area via Route Schedule/Storage ConditionBasic Functions
632ERP EHP76.0TRTBF51Determine gate and picked item zone via route scheduleBasic Functions
633ERP EHP76.0TVKOL111Picking: Storage Location Determination for DeliveriesBasic Functions
634ERP EHP76.0TVLA41Org.unit: Loading points per shipping pointBasic Functions
635ERP EHP76.0TVLAT51Org.Unit: Loading points per shipping point: TextsBasic Functions
636ERP EHP76.0TVLG21Routes: Weight Groups for DeliveriesBasic Functions
637ERP EHP76.0TVLGZ51Routes: Weights per Weight GroupBasic Functions
638ERP EHP76.0TVLIZ51Determin. of Deliv. Type for Goods Mvmnts Using Inb. Deliv.Basic Functions
639ERP EHP76.0TVLK691Delivery TypesBasic Functions
640ERP EHP76.0TVLKAIP51Determine Delivery Type for Delivery Creation Using BAPIBasic Functions
641ERP EHP76.0TVLKN41Deliveries: Number Range per Warehouse Number and Dlv. TypeBasic Functions
642ERP EHP76.0TVLKT41Delivery: Types: TextsBasic Functions
643ERP EHP76.0TVLKWMS41Conversion Delivery Types Decentr. WMSBasic Functions
644ERP EHP76.0TVLOZ51Determination of Deliv. Type for Gds Mvmnts for Inb. Deliv.Basic Functions
645ERP EHP76.0TVLP471Deliveries: Item CategoriesBasic Functions
646ERP EHP76.0TVLPAIP71Determine Item Category for Delivery Creation Using BAPIBasic Functions
647ERP EHP76.0TVLR41Check Table - Sequence of Activities in the DeliveryBasic Functions
648ERP EHP76.0TVLS111Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/CriteriaBasic Functions
649ERP EHP76.0TVLST41Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Scope: TextsBasic Functions
650ERP EHP76.0TVLTZ91Determin. of Deliv. Type for Transf. Postings or Stk TrnsfrsBasic Functions
651ERP EHP76.0TVSTZ181Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per PlantBasic Functions
652ERP EHP76.0TVSTZ_STORLOC171Storage-Location-Specific Shipping Point DeterminationBasic Functions
Logistics Execution :: Shipping :: Delivery Processing
653ERP EHP76.0LEDSPD_FLOW101Document Flow for Subsequent Outbound-Delivery SplitDelivery Processing
654ERP EHP76.0TVDSG51Rules for Groups of Outbound Deliveries (Subsqu. Deliv. Spl)Delivery Processing
655ERP EHP76.0TVDSP141Profile for Subsequent Outbound Deliv. Split per Deliv. TypeDelivery Processing
656ERP EHP76.0TVDSS121Profiles for Subsequent Outbound Delivery SplitDelivery Processing
657ERP EHP76.0TVDSST41Texts: Subsequent Delivery Split ScenariosDelivery Processing
Logistics Execution :: Transportation :: Freight Processing
658ERP EHP76.0A130101Service agent/tariff zone dep./tariff zone targ/shipping matFreight Processing
659ERP EHP76.0A131111Service Agent/TariffZnDp/TariffZnDest/Packaging Matl/VSEGR1Freight Processing
660ERP EHP76.0T685S101Condition Types: Scales for ConditionsFreight Processing
661ERP EHP76.0TIARS61Archiving Control Shipment CostsFreight Processing
662ERP EHP76.0TVFAP61Shipment Cost Information Profile DataFreight Processing
663ERP EHP76.0TVFAPT41Shipment Cost Information Profile: DescriptionsFreight Processing
664ERP EHP76.0TVFAW31Shipment Cost Info Profile - Planning Profile Assig. (VT04)Freight Processing
665ERP EHP76.0TVFBWA101Minimum Weights for Shipping UnitsFreight Processing
666ERP EHP76.0TVFBWAF71Bulkiness FactorsFreight Processing
667ERP EHP76.0TVFBWG31Definition of Bulkiness GroupsFreight Processing
668ERP EHP76.0TVFBWGT51Descriptions for Bulkiness GroupsFreight Processing
669ERP EHP76.0TVFCD21Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
670ERP EHP76.0TVFCDT41Description for Service Agent Procedure GroupFreight Processing
671ERP EHP76.0TVFCG21Item Procedure Group for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
672ERP EHP76.0TVFCGT41Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment CostsFreight Processing
673ERP EHP76.0TVFCSF61Pricing Procedure DeterminationFreight Processing
674ERP EHP76.0TVFCV21Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
675ERP EHP76.0TVFCVT41Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment CostsFreight Processing
676ERP EHP76.0TVFP61Assignment of Purchasing Data for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
677ERP EHP76.0TVFPTZ81Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code AreaFreight Processing
678ERP EHP76.0TVFPTZH51Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area Header DataFreight Processing
679ERP EHP76.0TVFRDR21Rounding RulesFreight Processing
680ERP EHP76.0TVFRDRT41Descriptions for Rounding RulesFreight Processing
681ERP EHP76.0TVFRDRX51Definition of Rounding RulesFreight Processing
682ERP EHP76.0TVFRFQ21Scale BasesFreight Processing
683ERP EHP76.0TVFRFQT41Descriptions for Scale BasesFreight Processing
684ERP EHP76.0TVFSCB571Scale BasesFreight Processing
685ERP EHP76.0TVFT111Shipment Cost Item CategoriesFreight Processing
686ERP EHP76.0TVFTK81Determination: Shipment Cost Item CategoriesFreight Processing
687ERP EHP76.0TVFTR21Rules for Date Determination for Shipment CostingFreight Processing
688ERP EHP76.0TVFTRP41Detail of Rules for Date Determination in Shipment CostingFreight Processing
689ERP EHP76.0TVFTRT41Description of Rules for Date Det. in Shipment CostingFreight Processing
690ERP EHP76.0TVFTT41Shipment Cost Item Categories: DescriptionsFreight Processing
691ERP EHP76.0TVFTZ21Tariff Zones for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
692ERP EHP76.0TVFTZT41Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
693ERP EHP76.0TVTF71Shipment Cost TypesFreight Processing
694ERP EHP76.0TVTFT41Shipment Cost Types: DescriptionsFreight Processing
695ERP EHP76.0V54IV_SELOPT101Incoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service ProviderFreight Processing
696ERP EHP76.0VFKGRP361(Freight) Group ConditionsFreight Processing
697ERP EHP76.0VFKK181Shipment Costs: Header DataFreight Processing
698ERP EHP76.0VFKN421Account Determination in Shipment Costs ItemFreight Processing
699ERP EHP76.0VFKONV411(Freight) ConditionsFreight Processing
700ERP EHP76.0VFKONX62Conditions: Dimension-Dependent DataFreight Processing
701ERP EHP76.0VFKP642Shipment Costs: Item DataFreight Processing
702ERP EHP76.0VFPA201Partner for Shipment CostsFreight Processing
703ERP EHP76.0VFSCAH231Scale HeaderFreight Processing
704ERP EHP76.0VFSCAHT41Descriptions for ScalesFreight Processing
705ERP EHP76.0VFSCAID51Scale Item: Gross WeightFreight Processing
706ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIF51Scale Item: Gross VolumeFreight Processing
707ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIF051Scale Item: MeasuringFreight Processing
708ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIL051Scale Item: Postal CodeFreight Processing
709ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIL251Scale Item: Tariff ZoneFreight Processing
710ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIL451Scale Item: Transportation ZoneFreight Processing
711ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIL651Scale Item: RegionFreight Processing
712ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIR51Scale Item: DistanceFreight Processing
713ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIS51Scale Item: Number of Shipping UnitsFreight Processing
714ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIS051Key Item: Shipping MaterialFreight Processing
715ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIS151Scale Item: Length of Loading Platform (Shipping Unit)Freight Processing
716ERP EHP76.0VFSCAIT051Scale Item: Duration (Idle Time, Travel Time, and so on)Freight Processing
717ERP EHP76.0VFSCAR161Freight Rates (One-Dimensional)Freight Processing
718ERP EHP76.0VFSCAR261Freight Rates (Two-Dimensional)Freight Processing
719ERP EHP76.0VFSCAR371Freight Rates (Three-Dimensional)Freight Processing
720ERP EHP76.0VFSI281Shipment Costs: Sub-item DataFreight Processing
721ERP EHP76.0VFZP91Correct Original Assignmen of ConditionsFreight Processing
Logistics Execution :: Transportation :: Interfaces
722ERP EHP76.0CIF_MAP_SP_SL31Unique Mapping of Shipping Point to Storage LocationInterfaces
723ERP EHP76.0CMCONNECT52Setup of Continuous MovesInterfaces
724ERP EHP76.0VLBL61Express Delivery Company's Data FieldInterfaces
725ERP EHP76.0VLBLTD41Express Delivery Company's Carrier AssignmentInterfaces
726ERP EHP76.0VRTCO91Routing Info per Carrier/Country/LocationInterfaces
727ERP EHP76.0VRTCP91Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip CodeInterfaces
728ERP EHP76.0VRTCPR101Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip Code AreaInterfaces
729ERP EHP76.0VTRKH294Tracking Data - HeaderInterfaces
730ERP EHP76.0VTRKP111Tracking Data - ItemInterfaces
731ERP EHP76.0VXSIFN31Express Dlv. Company: Funct. Module for VXSITDL Data FieldsInterfaces
732ERP EHP76.0VXSIFNT41Small Parcel Carrier: Function Module DescriptionInterfaces
733ERP EHP76.0VXSIG61Express Delivery Company: Weight CodesInterfaces
734ERP EHP76.0VXSIP31Express Delivery Company: Product CodesInterfaces
735ERP EHP76.0VXSIPS61Packing StationInterfaces
736ERP EHP76.0VXSIPST41Description of Packing StationInterfaces
737ERP EHP76.0VXSIPT51Express Delivery Company: Product Code DescriptionInterfaces
738ERP EHP76.0VXSIQ21Small Parcel Carrier: Qualifier for CommunicationInterfaces
739ERP EHP76.0VXSIQE51Small Parcel Carrier: Conversion into External QualifierInterfaces
740ERP EHP76.0VXSIQT41Small Parcel Carrier: Descr. of Qualifier for Ext. Comm.Interfaces
741ERP EHP76.0VXSIS41Small Parcel Carrier: Special Processing (Service Code)Interfaces
742ERP EHP76.0VXSISP41Express Delivery Company: Delivery Priority -> Service CodeInterfaces
743ERP EHP76.0VXSISR41Small Parcel Carrier: Route -> Service CodeInterfaces
744ERP EHP76.0VXSISV41Small Parcel Carrier: Shipping Condition (Service Code)Interfaces
745ERP EHP76.0VXSITD221Express Delivery CompanyInterfaces
746ERP EHP76.0VXSITDL301Express Delivery Company: Meta Description Data FieldInterfaces
747ERP EHP76.0VXSITDLT51Small Parcel Carrier: Data Field (Type Description)Interfaces
748ERP EHP76.0VXSITDLV131Small Parcel Carrier: Data Fields per Shipping PointInterfaces
749ERP EHP76.0VXSITDNSO31Number Range Sub-objectInterfaces
750ERP EHP76.0VXSITDT41Express Delivery Company: DescriptionInterfaces
751ERP EHP76.0VXSITDU61Express Delivery Company: URLsInterfaces
752ERP EHP76.0VXSITS61Express Delivery Company: Service CodesInterfaces
753ERP EHP76.0VXSITST51Small Parcel Carrier: Service Codes DescriptionInterfaces
754ERP EHP76.0VXSIV61Express Delivery Company: Shipping Point: ControlInterfaces
755ERP EHP76.0VXTRKS41Tracking Status DetailsInterfaces
756ERP EHP76.0VXTRKST51Tracking Status DetailsInterfaces
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Cross-Docking
757ERP EHP76.0LEXUS21Extension 2.0 usageCross-Docking
758ERP EHP76.0LXDCN294Cross Dock decisionCross-Docking
759ERP EHP76.0LXDTO94Decision TO cancel linkCross-Docking
760ERP EHP76.0LXWHS131Cross Docking warehouse level customizationCross-Docking
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Dynamic Cycle Counting
761ERP EHP76.0LCDCC71Customization for Dynamic Cycle CountDynamic Cycle Counting
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Other Functions
762ERP EHP76.0T331C81Control of storage type for putaway strategy KOther Functions
763ERP EHP76.0TCMCONTROL21Control of change management in decentralized WMSOther Functions
764ERP EHP76.0TWAP1121Appointments: Appointments ProfileOther Functions
765ERP EHP76.0TWAP1T41Appointments: Appointments Profile - DescriptionOther Functions
766ERP EHP76.0TWAP231Appointments: Deviation ReasonsOther Functions
767ERP EHP76.0TWAP2T41Appointments: Description for Deviation ReasonsOther Functions
768ERP EHP76.0WAPPT242AppointmentsOther Functions
769ERP EHP76.0WAPPTV91Appointments: WorklistOther Functions
770ERP EHP76.0LDK00213Status Record for WM Communication RecordsR2-R3 Link
771ERP EHP76.0LDK01381Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
772ERP EHP76.0LDK02431Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
773ERP EHP76.0LDK03291Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
774ERP EHP76.0LDK04181Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
775ERP EHP76.0LDK05271Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Mat. MasterR2-R3 Link
776ERP EHP76.0LDK06151Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status ChangeR2-R3 Link
777ERP EHP76.0T321D111Assignment Movement Type RM-WMS Dec. ERP -> HOST Act. (R/2)R2-R3 Link
778ERP EHP76.0T321K61Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)R2-R3 Link
779ERP EHP76.0T323M61Log. Error Handling Host R/2 - Decentr. WMS ERP (Mail Def.)R2-R3 Link
780ERP EHP76.0T323P91Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->ERP)R2-R3 Link
781ERP EHP76.0TQCOM21Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ)R2-R3 Link
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Value-Added Services
782ERP EHP76.0LVVGC141Value-Added Services (VAS) general customizationValue-Added Services
783ERP EHP76.0LVVOR182VAS ordersValue-Added Services
784ERP EHP76.0LVVRO83VAS request orderValue-Added Services
785ERP EHP76.0LVVWC73VAS work center determinationValue-Added Services
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Handheld Connectivity :: DownloadUpload
786ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_DEST_CN31DSD HH: Destination of the DSD ConnectorDownloadUpload
787ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_DL_RECOV111DSD: Download RecoveryDownloadUpload
788ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_DRVTXT61DSD: Download HH - Driver MessagesDownloadUpload
789ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAARTT41DSD - RA: Allowed Transaction TypesDownloadUpload
790ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACAD211DSD Route Settlement: Customer Address Data (One-Time Only)DownloadUpload
791ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACKDRS21DSD - RA: Reasons for Differences (Value Table)DownloadUpload
792ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACKDRST41DSD - RA: Reasons for Differences (Text Table)DownloadUpload
793ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACL161DSD Route Settlement: ClearingDownloadUpload
794ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACOCICI91DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out/Check-In - Money ItemDownloadUpload
795ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACOCIES101DSD RA: Check-In/Out SignaturesDownloadUpload
796ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACOCIHD111DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In - Header dataDownloadUpload
797ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACOCIMI171DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out Check-In - ItemsDownloadUpload
798ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACOLPAY141DSD - RA: Revenue and Payment ProcessingDownloadUpload
799ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACTR81DSD Route Settlement: Transmission ControlDownloadUpload
800ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RACVHD181DSD Route Settlement: Customer Visit - HeaderDownloadUpload
801ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADELCD111DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution ConditionsDownloadUpload
802ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADELCND121DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution ConditionsDownloadUpload
803ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADELES131DSD RA: Delivery/Order SignaturesDownloadUpload
804ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADELHD151DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution - HeaderDownloadUpload
805ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADELIT201DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution ItemsDownloadUpload
806ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADISTYP41DSD - RA: Distance Types (Value Table)DownloadUpload
807ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADISTYT41DSD - RA: Distance Types (Text Table)DownloadUpload
808ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADS101DSD Route Settlement: Tour Distance SheetDownloadUpload
809ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADXHD71DSD Route Accounting: DEX Header DataDownloadUpload
810ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RADXIT52DSD Route Accounting: DEX Item DataDownloadUpload
811ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAEC211DSD Route Settlement: Receipts/ExpendituresDownloadUpload
812ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAECA71DS Route Settlement: Collection SettlementDownloadUpload
813ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAERRIDX111DSD - RA: Error Index TableDownloadUpload
814ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAHD272DSD Route Settlement: Tour Header DataDownloadUpload
815ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVCD91DSD Route Settlement: HH Invoice Header ConditionsDownloadUpload
816ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVCND101DSD Route Settlement: HH Invoice Header ConditionsDownloadUpload
817ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVES121DSD RA: Invoice SignaturesDownloadUpload
818ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVHD131DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document HeaderDownloadUpload
819ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVIT81DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document ItemsDownloadUpload
820ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAIVPRT111DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document PrintDownloadUpload
821ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RALOCKHD31DSD - RA: Change Management TourDownloadUpload
822ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAPAYBC101DSD - RA: Bank Codes (Not Accepted for Payment Term)DownloadUpload
823ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAPAYMNT21DSD - RA: Payment Method (Value Table)DownloadUpload
824ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAPAYMTT41DSD - RA: Payment Method (Text Table)DownloadUpload
825ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAPAYTYP101DSD - RA: Payment Type (Valid for Payment Term)DownloadUpload
826ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAREASON21DSD - RA: Reasons for Delivery Changes (Value Table)DownloadUpload
827ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAREASOT41DSD - RA: Reasons for Delivery Changes (Text Table)DownloadUpload
828ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RATIMTYP41DSD - RA: Time Types (Value Table)DownloadUpload
829ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RATIMTYT41DSD - RA: Time Types (Text Table)DownloadUpload
830ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RATS121DSD Route Settlement: Tour Time SheetDownloadUpload
831ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAVISCOD21DSD - RA: Customer Visit Reasons (Value Table)DownloadUpload
832ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RAVISCOT41DSD - RA: Customer Visit Reasons (Text Table)DownloadUpload
833ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RTATYP21DSD - RA: Route Accounting Transaction Types (Value Table)DownloadUpload
834ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_RTATYPT41DSD - RA: Route Accounting Transaction Types (Text Table)DownloadUpload
835ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_TBALCTRL81DSD - RA: Application Log - Treatment of MessagesDownloadUpload
836ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_TBALHD61DSD - RA: Application Log - General SettingsDownloadUpload
837ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_TRADAT61DSD: Download HH - Volume of the Transferred Shipment DataDownloadUpload
838ERP EHP76.0/DSD/HH_TRANSBEL51DSD: Documents for ShipmentDownloadUpload
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Handheld Connectivity :: DSD Connector
839ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ACT2RFC31DSD Connector: Determine RFC DestinationDSD Connector
840ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CHG_RSN31DSD CN: Reasons for Changing Deliveries and OrdersDSD Connector
841ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CHG_RSNT41DSD CN: Description of Reasons for Delivery ChangesDSD Connector
842ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CLR_HD201DSD CN: Clearing header dataDSD Connector
843ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CNDLE91DSD Connector: Table Listing/Exclusion ConditionsDSD Connector
844ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_PROM81MDSD Promotions - condition types for discountsDSD Connector
845ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_TYPE71Condition types manual discountDSD Connector
846ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_T_T71Condition types manual discountDSD Connector
847ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_HD101DSD CN: Check-out Check-in Header DataDSD Connector
848ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_ITM151DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In ItemsDSD Connector
849ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_PAY101DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In PaymentsDSD Connector
850ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_RST41DSD CN: Reasons for DifferencesDSD Connector
851ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CONTACT371DSD Connector: Contact PersonDSD Connector
852ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_CHAN111DSD CN: ChannelDSD Connector
853ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_GRP21DSD CN: Groups for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
854ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_GRPT41DSD CN: Mobile Device Group DescriptionDSD Connector
855ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_MEST41DSD CN: Mobile Engine ServerDSD Connector
856ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_MESV31DSD CN: Mobile Engine Server DestinationDSD Connector
857ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CREDIT311DSD Connector: Credit dataDSD Connector
858ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUSTKEY41DSD CN: Parameter for General Settings of Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
859ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUSTKEYT61DSD CN: Parameter Descr. for General Settings of Mobile Dev.DSD Connector
860ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_CPD261DSD CN: One-time CustomerDSD Connector
861ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_HD901DSD CN: Customer DetailsDSD Connector
862ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_SA361DSD CN: Sales area dependent customer master dataDSD Connector
863ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_BAK201DSD Connector: Backup Table for Data ReadinessDSD Connector
864ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_RSET61DSD Connector: Data ResetDSD Connector
865ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_STAT204DSD Connector: Data ReadinessDSD Connector
866ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEBUG_UP21DSD CN: Activation to keep upl. data in CN tables for debugDSD Connector
867ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DELV_LFT31DSD CN: Assignm. of Delivery Types to DSD Delivery ScenariosDSD Connector
868ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_CND101Pricing: Manual discount condition for deliveriesDSD Connector
869ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_HD352DSD CN: Delivery Header DataDSD Connector
870ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_ITM402DSD CN: Delivery ItemsDSD Connector
871ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DOCMASK101DSD CN: Document NumberingDSD Connector
872ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_HD71DSD CN: DEX Header Interface structureDSD Connector
873ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_ITM52DSD CN: DEX Item Interface structureDSD Connector
874ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_PQU31DSD-CN: Mapping EAN-Category to DEX Product QualifierDSD Connector
875ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_UOM31DSD-CN: Mapping UoM from ISO-Code to DEX CodeDSD Connector
876ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_CANC41DSD CN: Define Settings for Canc./Chang. Signed DocumentsDSD Connector
877ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_CUST181DSD CN: Assign signer role and sequence to documentsDSD Connector
878ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_HD121DSD CN: Signatures Header DataDSD Connector
879ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_ITM51DSD CN: Signatures Item DataDSD Connector
880ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_EXPS_HD61DSD CN: Driver ExpenditureDSD Connector
881ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_EXPTYPE51DSD CN: Expense TypesDSD Connector
882ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_GEN_CUST71DSD CN: General Setting for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
883ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INVT_HD71DSD CN: Stock header dataDSD Connector
884ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INV_HD291DSD CN: Billing Doc. Header DataDSD Connector
885ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INV_ITM322DSD CN: Billing Doc. ItemsDSD Connector
886ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_LOG_CTRL61DSD Connector: Control of Appl.Log and Monitor EntriesDSD Connector
887ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAP_FM21DSD-Connector: Function Modules for Mapping (Value Table)DSD Connector
888ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAP_RULE131DSD-Connector: Define Mapping RulesDSD Connector
889ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_DESC61DSD CN: Material descriptionsDSD Connector
890ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_HD341DSD CN: Material Data for Downloading to HHDSD Connector
891ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_LNK111DSD CN: Link Table Material for EmptiesDSD Connector
892ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_SOR211DSD CN: Material Sales Organization DataDSD Connector
893ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_TYPE31DSD CN: Material TypesDSD Connector
894ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_UOM151DSD CN: Material Alternative Units of MeasureDSD Connector
895ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSGT2OBJ31DSD CN: Assignment Message Types to MDE ObjectDSD Connector
896ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSG_CUST41DSD Connector: Definitions of Driver MessagesDSD Connector
897ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSG_HD132DSD CN: Message header dataDSD Connector
898ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_MAPP71DSD Connector: Document Numbering MappingDSD Connector
899ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_PREF51DSD Connector: Document Numbering PrefixDSD Connector
900ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_TRAN71DSD Connector: Document Numering Last NumberDSD Connector
901ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJECT21DSD Connector: Connectivity ObjectsDSD Connector
902ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJECTT41DSD CN: Objects in the MDEDSD Connector
903ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJ_FM51DSD Connector: Function Modules for MappingDSD Connector
904ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OI_DOC31DSD CN: Assingment of Document Types as Open Item Doc. TypesDSD Connector
905ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OI_INV31DSD CN: Assign Invoice Types as Open Item Select. CriteriasDSD Connector
906ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OPIM_HD252DSD CN: Open Items header dataDSD Connector
907ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_AUT31DSD CN: Assignm. of Sales Doc. Types to DSD Order ScenariosDSD Connector
908ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_CND101Pricing: Manual discount condition for ordersDSD Connector
909ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_HD302DSD CN: Order Header DataDSD Connector
910ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_ITM312DSD Connector: Order ItemsDSD Connector
911ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYMENT21DSD CN: Payment MethodDSD Connector
912ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYMENTT41DSD CN: Description of Payment MethodDSD Connector
913ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYM_HD191DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from CustomerDSD Connector
914ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAY_TYPT51DSD CN: Accepted Payment / Credit Cards in DSDDSD Connector
915ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PROCSTAT41DSD Connector: Status Records for Download and UploadDSD Connector
916ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PROD_HRY51DSD CN: Product HierarchyDSD Connector
917ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PRO_FBAM91MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts in ConnectorDSD Connector
918ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PRO_FBFG101MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods in ConnectorDSD Connector
919ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_REVN_HD191DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from CustomerDSD Connector
920ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLE21DSD CN: Role for Mobile Devices, group specificDSD Connector
921ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLET41DSD CN: Description of DSD Role for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
922ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLE_GRP41DSD CN: Assignment of roles to a group of devicesDSD Connector
923ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_RPL_STAT91DSD Connector: Replication ResultDSD Connector
924ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_HD282DSD CN: Tour Header DataDSD Connector
925ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_SCN301Tour Scenario Settings for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
926ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_SHP31DSD CN: Assignment of Shipment Types to DSD Tour ScenariosDSD Connector
927ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS163DSD Connector: Transaction Management with Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
928ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS_FS61DSD Connector: Transmission - Permitted Follow-On StatisticsDSD Connector
929ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS_HD145DSD Connector: Administration of the TransmissionDSD Connector
930ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VISIT_RT41DSD CN: Visit ReasonDSD Connector
931ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VIST_ACT161DSD CN: Activities during the Customer VisitDSD Connector
932ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VIST_HD251DSD CN: Customer Visit HeaderDSD Connector
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Output Control :: Valuated Delivery Note
933ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/VDT68551Permissible Terms of Delivery: Types for R/3 BeverageValuated Delivery Note
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Route Accounting :: Route Settlement
934ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_ACTIVETA31Settlement Cockpit - (In)active Transaction TypesRoute Settlement
935ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_APPLINFO61Application Log: INDX tablesRoute Settlement
936ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_ASL_EXCL141DSD: Control of Automatic SettlementRoute Settlement
937ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_CLEARSET101DSD Clearing: Settings for Automatic ClearingRoute Settlement
938ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_CLUSTAT31DSD Clearing: User Status for ClearingRoute Settlement
939ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_CLUSTATT41DSD Clearing: Texts for User Status for ClearingRoute Settlement
940ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_CON_RN51DSD Route Settlement: SA Result per Status of Cust. Trans.Route Settlement
941ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_DIFIAC141DSD Settlement: Interim AccountsRoute Settlement
942ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_IACFIN101Settlement: Interim Accounts, Final DifferenceRoute Settlement
943ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_LAYOUT81User-Specific Layout Data (for the Settlement Cockpit)Route Settlement
944ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_NRZUORD31DSD: Assignment of Number Range IntervalRoute Settlement
945ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_PMGIAC41DSD Settlement: Generic Driver and Cust. Accts (Collection)Route Settlement
946ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_PMSIAC41DSD Settlement: Driver and Customer Accounts (Collection)Route Settlement
947ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_POSTSET91DSD Collection: Posting Ctrl. Driver Receipts/ExpendituresRoute Settlement
948ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_DOCS72Settlement: Merging of Back-End DocumentsRoute Settlement
949ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW92Settlement: Document FlowRoute Settlement
950ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_HEAD311Settlement Document HeaderRoute Settlement
951ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_ITEM52Settlement Document ItemRoute Settlement
952ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_LC151DSD Settlement Document: Sequence QuantitiesRoute Settlement
953ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_MBAL131Settlement Document: Payment DifferencesRoute Settlement
954ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_PROC61DSD: Settlement RunsRoute Settlement
955ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_QBAL341Settlement Document: Quantity DifferencesRoute Settlement
956ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_SLD_QDET341Settlement Document: Quantity Differences, Diff. ReasonsRoute Settlement
957ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TBSO51DSD Route Settlement: Settlement OfficeRoute Settlement
958ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TBSOASSM31DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office Determ. for Shipm.Route Settlement
959ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TBSOSLTY31DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office Settlement TypesRoute Settlement
960ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TBSOT41DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office TextsRoute Settlement
961ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TCSTAMAP121DSD Route Settlement:Document Ctrl.Customer Sales Trans.TypeRoute Settlement
962ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TCSTATYP21DSD Route Settlement: Customer Sales Transaction TypesRoute Settlement
963ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TCSTATYT41DSD Route Settlement: Customer Sales Transaction Types TextsRoute Settlement
964ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TC_CSTT31DSD Tour Settlement: Cust.Sales Trans.Type (Cust.-Specific)Route Settlement
965ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TC_CTRL41DSD Tour Settlement: Cust.Sales Trans.Types DeterminationRoute Settlement
966ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGFIND91DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group DeterminationRoute Settlement
967ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGGRP181DSD Settlement: Tolerance GroupsRoute Settlement
968ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGGRP_T41DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group TextsRoute Settlement
969ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGSEARCH91DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group Search CriteriaRoute Settlement
970ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGTYP21DSD Route Settlement: Tolerance TypesRoute Settlement
971ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TGTYP_T41DSD Route Settlement: Tolerance Type TextsRoute Settlement
972ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TIDSAREA21DSD Settlement Cockpit: SubareasRoute Settlement
973ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TIDSARET41DSD Settlement Cockpit: Subareas - DescriptionsRoute Settlement
974ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TIDTAARE21DSD Settlement Cockpit: Transaction ScreensRoute Settlement
975ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TIDTAART41DSD Settlement Cockpit: Transaction Screens DescriptionsRoute Settlement
976ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TSLTYASM31DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Type Determ. for ShipmentsRoute Settlement
977ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TSLTYP171DSD Route Settlement: Settlement TypesRoute Settlement
978ERP EHP76.0/DSD/SL_TSLTYPT41DSD Route Settlement: Descriptions Settlement typesRoute Settlement
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Route Accounting :: Tour Data Entry
979ERP EHP76.0/DSD/DE_FUPREC131Tour Data Entry ControlTour Data Entry
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Transportation Planning :: Loading Units
980ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUT90341Units of Measure and TolerancesLoading Units
981ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUT90441Unit of Measure Divisor for Loading UnitsLoading Units
982ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUT90621Check Table for LU Groups in Material MasterLoading Units
983ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUT906T41LU Group DescriptionLoading Units
984ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUT90721Shipment Types for which Load. Unit Determination Is AllowedLoading Units
985ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUTA71LU: Permitted Document Types OrderLoading Units
986ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUTL61LU: Permitted Document Types DeliveryLoading Units
987ERP EHP76.0/BEV1/LUTT71LU: Permitted Document Types TransportLoading Units
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Vehicle Space Optimization :: Main Process
988ERP EHP76.0/VSO/B_SUBVCL_FT151Definition of Loading Bays for Vehicle Type (VSO)Main Process
989ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_BAY_CAT21Definition of Loading Bay Category (VSO)Main Process
990ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_BAY_CAT_T41Texts for the Loading Bay Category (VSO)Main Process
991ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_DATA_CLUS61Cluster Table for Vehicle Space Optimization DataMain Process
992ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_GRAPHSTR71Graphic String for Vehicle Space OptimizationMain Process
993ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_BELEG61Input Data: Deliveries (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
994ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_DLY_HDR181Input Data: Delivery Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
995ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_DLY_ITM361Input Data: Delivery Items (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
996ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_PAL_DAT191Input Data: Pallets (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
997ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_POS101Input Data: Delivery Items (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
998ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_SHP_HDR281Input Data: Shipment Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
999ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_STACK61Input Data: Overstackability (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1000ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_SUBVEH181Input Data: Loading Bays (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1001ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_TRANS91Input Data: Relevant Shipment Fields (VSO)Main Process
1002ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_I_VEH171Input Data: Vehicle Data (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1003ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_MSG_STAT51Assignment Message to Status for VSOMain Process
1004ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_O_SHP_HDR51Result Data: Shipment Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1005ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PACKTYP31Definition of the Package Type (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1006ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PALVCL51Assignment Packaging Material to Vehicle Type (VSO)Main Process
1007ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PKG61Definition of the Packing Group (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1008ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PKGPAL61Packaging Material Properties of a Packing Group (VSO)Main Process
1009ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PKG_PKTYP41Assignment Package Type to Packing Group (VSO)Main Process
1010ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PKG_T51Texts for the Packing Group (Vehicle Space Optimization)Main Process
1011ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PLT_TP31Assignment Plant to Transportation Planning Point (VSO)Main Process
1012ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PROFIL171Profile for Vehicle Space OptimizationMain Process
1013ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PROFIL_T41Texts for the Profile of Vehicle Space OptimizationMain Process
1014ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_PROF_W_S41Assignment VSO Profile to Plant and Shipment TypeMain Process
1015ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_STACKDEF51Overstackability Def. Package Type for VSOMain Process
1016ERP EHP76.0/VSO/M_VSO_SETUP21Central Settings for Vehicle Space OptimizationMain Process
Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Vehicle Space Optimization :: Picking
1017ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_DEF_PRTYP31Process Type of Vehicle Space OptimizationPicking
1018ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_HU_CREATE41Control Automatic Creation of Handling Units (VSO)Picking
1019ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_HU_SYNC71Synchronizing the Deliveries of a Shipment (HU Creation)Picking
1020ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_LOG_ID41Log ID of a Shipment in Vehicle Space OptimizationPicking
1021ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_PAL_TO92Assignment VSO Packing Proposal Items to WM TO ItemsPicking
1022ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_PRC_TYP51Control Table: Determine Process Type of VSOPicking
1023ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_RSLT_PLTH161Result of VSO: Packing Proposal (Header Data)Picking
1024ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_RSLT_PLTI131Result of VSO: Packing Proposal ItemsPicking
1025ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_RSLT_VHCL181Result of VSO: VehiclePicking
1026ERP EHP76.0/VSO/P_TXT_PRTYP61Texts for Process Type of Vehicle Space OptimizationPicking