SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

94 tablesERP 6.0 

Logistics Execution :: Direct Store Delivery :: Handheld Connectivity :: DSD Connector
1ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ACT2RFC31DSD Connector: Determine RFC DestinationDSD Connector
2ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CHG_RSN31DSD CN: Reasons for Changing Deliveries and OrdersDSD Connector
3ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CHG_RSNT41DSD CN: Description of Reasons for Delivery ChangesDSD Connector
4ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CLR_HD201DSD CN: Clearing header dataDSD Connector
5ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CNDLE91DSD Connector: Table Listing/Exclusion ConditionsDSD Connector
6ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_PROM81MDSD Promotions - condition types for discountsDSD Connector
7ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_TYPE71Condition types manual discountDSD Connector
8ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CND_T_T71Condition types manual discountDSD Connector
9ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_HD101DSD CN: Check-out Check-in Header DataDSD Connector
10ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_ITM151DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In ItemsDSD Connector
11ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_PAY101DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In PaymentsDSD Connector
12ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_COCI_RST41DSD CN: Reasons for DifferencesDSD Connector
13ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CONTACT371DSD Connector: Contact PersonDSD Connector
14ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_CHAN111DSD CN: ChannelDSD Connector
15ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_GRP21DSD CN: Groups for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
16ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_GRPT41DSD CN: Mobile Device Group DescriptionDSD Connector
17ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_MEST41DSD CN: Mobile Engine ServerDSD Connector
18ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CPT_MESV31DSD CN: Mobile Engine Server DestinationDSD Connector
19ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CREDIT311DSD Connector: Credit dataDSD Connector
20ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUSTKEY41DSD CN: Parameter for General Settings of Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
21ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUSTKEYT61DSD CN: Parameter Descr. for General Settings of Mobile Dev.DSD Connector
22ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_CPD261DSD CN: One-time CustomerDSD Connector
23ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_HD901DSD CN: Customer DetailsDSD Connector
24ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_CUST_SA361DSD CN: Sales area dependent customer master dataDSD Connector
25ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_BAK201DSD Connector: Backup Table for Data ReadinessDSD Connector
26ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_RSET61DSD Connector: Data ResetDSD Connector
27ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DDR_STAT204DSD Connector: Data ReadinessDSD Connector
28ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEBUG_UP21DSD CN: Activation to keep upl. data in CN tables for debugDSD Connector
29ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DELV_LFT31DSD CN: Assignm. of Delivery Types to DSD Delivery ScenariosDSD Connector
30ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_CND101Pricing: Manual discount condition for deliveriesDSD Connector
31ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_HD352DSD CN: Delivery Header DataDSD Connector
32ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DEL_ITM402DSD CN: Delivery ItemsDSD Connector
33ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DOCMASK101DSD CN: Document NumberingDSD Connector
34ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_HD71DSD CN: DEX Header Interface structureDSD Connector
35ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_ITM52DSD CN: DEX Item Interface structureDSD Connector
36ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_PQU31DSD-CN: Mapping EAN-Category to DEX Product QualifierDSD Connector
37ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_DX_UOM31DSD-CN: Mapping UoM from ISO-Code to DEX CodeDSD Connector
38ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_CANC41DSD CN: Define Settings for Canc./Chang. Signed DocumentsDSD Connector
39ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_CUST181DSD CN: Assign signer role and sequence to documentsDSD Connector
40ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_HD121DSD CN: Signatures Header DataDSD Connector
41ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ES_ITM51DSD CN: Signatures Item DataDSD Connector
42ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_EXPS_HD61DSD CN: Driver ExpenditureDSD Connector
43ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_EXPTYPE51DSD CN: Expense TypesDSD Connector
44ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_GEN_CUST71DSD CN: General Setting for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
45ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INVT_HD71DSD CN: Stock header dataDSD Connector
46ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INV_HD291DSD CN: Billing Doc. Header DataDSD Connector
47ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_INV_ITM322DSD CN: Billing Doc. ItemsDSD Connector
48ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_LOG_CTRL61DSD Connector: Control of Appl.Log and Monitor EntriesDSD Connector
49ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAP_FM21DSD-Connector: Function Modules for Mapping (Value Table)DSD Connector
50ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAP_RULE131DSD-Connector: Define Mapping RulesDSD Connector
51ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_DESC61DSD CN: Material descriptionsDSD Connector
52ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_HD341DSD CN: Material Data for Downloading to HHDSD Connector
53ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_LNK111DSD CN: Link Table Material for EmptiesDSD Connector
54ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_SOR211DSD CN: Material Sales Organization DataDSD Connector
55ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_TYPE31DSD CN: Material TypesDSD Connector
56ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MAT_UOM151DSD CN: Material Alternative Units of MeasureDSD Connector
57ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSGT2OBJ31DSD CN: Assignment Message Types to MDE ObjectDSD Connector
58ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSG_CUST41DSD Connector: Definitions of Driver MessagesDSD Connector
59ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_MSG_HD132DSD CN: Message header dataDSD Connector
60ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_MAPP71DSD Connector: Document Numbering MappingDSD Connector
61ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_PREF51DSD Connector: Document Numbering PrefixDSD Connector
62ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_NUM_TRAN71DSD Connector: Document Numering Last NumberDSD Connector
63ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJECT21DSD Connector: Connectivity ObjectsDSD Connector
64ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJECTT41DSD CN: Objects in the MDEDSD Connector
65ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OBJ_FM51DSD Connector: Function Modules for MappingDSD Connector
66ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OI_DOC31DSD CN: Assingment of Document Types as Open Item Doc. TypesDSD Connector
67ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OI_INV31DSD CN: Assign Invoice Types as Open Item Select. CriteriasDSD Connector
68ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_OPIM_HD252DSD CN: Open Items header dataDSD Connector
69ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_AUT31DSD CN: Assignm. of Sales Doc. Types to DSD Order ScenariosDSD Connector
70ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_CND101Pricing: Manual discount condition for ordersDSD Connector
71ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_HD302DSD CN: Order Header DataDSD Connector
72ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ORD_ITM312DSD Connector: Order ItemsDSD Connector
73ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYMENT21DSD CN: Payment MethodDSD Connector
74ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYMENTT41DSD CN: Description of Payment MethodDSD Connector
75ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAYM_HD191DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from CustomerDSD Connector
76ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PAY_TYPT51DSD CN: Accepted Payment / Credit Cards in DSDDSD Connector
77ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PROCSTAT41DSD Connector: Status Records for Download and UploadDSD Connector
78ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PROD_HRY51DSD CN: Product HierarchyDSD Connector
79ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PRO_FBAM91MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts in ConnectorDSD Connector
80ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_PRO_FBFG101MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods in ConnectorDSD Connector
81ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_REVN_HD191DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from CustomerDSD Connector
82ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLE21DSD CN: Role for Mobile Devices, group specificDSD Connector
83ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLET41DSD CN: Description of DSD Role for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
84ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_ROLE_GRP41DSD CN: Assignment of roles to a group of devicesDSD Connector
85ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_RPL_STAT91DSD Connector: Replication ResultDSD Connector
86ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_HD282DSD CN: Tour Header DataDSD Connector
87ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_SCN301Tour Scenario Settings for Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
88ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TOUR_SHP31DSD CN: Assignment of Shipment Types to DSD Tour ScenariosDSD Connector
89ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS163DSD Connector: Transaction Management with Mobile DevicesDSD Connector
90ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS_FS61DSD Connector: Transmission - Permitted Follow-On StatisticsDSD Connector
91ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_TRANS_HD145DSD Connector: Administration of the TransmissionDSD Connector
92ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VISIT_RT41DSD CN: Visit ReasonDSD Connector
93ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VIST_ACT161DSD CN: Activities during the Customer VisitDSD Connector
94ERP EHP76.0/DSD/ME_VIST_HD251DSD CN: Customer Visit HeaderDSD Connector