SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

166 tablesERP 6.0 

Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management
1ERP EHP76.0LAGP472Storage binsWarehouse Management
2ERP EHP76.0LECMOFF61Switch off change management in emergencyWarehouse Management
3ERP EHP76.0LEIN322Storage unit header recordsWarehouse Management
4ERP EHP76.0LINK121Inventory document header in WMWarehouse Management
5ERP EHP76.0LINP101Inventory document item in WMWarehouse Management
6ERP EHP76.0LINV393Inventory data per quantWarehouse Management
7ERP EHP76.0LL01291Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order ItemsWarehouse Management
8ERP EHP76.0LL02301Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement ItemsWarehouse Management
9ERP EHP76.0LL03261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change DocumentsWarehouse Management
10ERP EHP76.0LL04261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical DeliveriesWarehouse Management
11ERP EHP76.0LL05261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical StocksWarehouse Management
12ERP EHP76.0LL06261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage BinsWarehouse Management
13ERP EHP76.0LL07261Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production OrdersWarehouse Management
14ERP EHP76.0LQUA583QuantsWarehouse Management
15ERP EHP76.0LQUAB151Total quant counts for certain strategiesWarehouse Management
16ERP EHP76.0LRF_WKQU162Assignment User ->QueueWarehouse Management
17ERP EHP76.0LSEG274Document for Inward and Outward MovementsWarehouse Management
18ERP EHP76.0LTAK653WM transfer order headerWarehouse Management
19ERP EHP76.0LTAP1613Transfer order itemWarehouse Management
20ERP EHP76.0LTBK385Transfer requirement headerWarehouse Management
21ERP EHP76.0LTBP472Transfer requirement itemWarehouse Management
22ERP EHP76.0LTHU112Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer OrdersWarehouse Management
23ERP EHP76.0LUBU533Posting Change DocumentWarehouse Management
24ERP EHP76.0MGEF311Hazardous materialsWarehouse Management
25ERP EHP76.0NKLV81Number ranges in WMWarehouse Management
26ERP EHP76.0T30031WM Warehouse NumbersWarehouse Management
27ERP EHP76.0T300T41Warehouse Number DescriptionsWarehouse Management
28ERP EHP76.0T30141WM Storage TypesWarehouse Management
29ERP EHP76.0T301T51Storage Type DescriptionsWarehouse Management
30ERP EHP76.0T30241WM Storage SectionsWarehouse Management
31ERP EHP76.0T302T61Storage Section NamesWarehouse Management
32ERP EHP76.0T30331WM Storage Bin TypesWarehouse Management
33ERP EHP76.0T303T51WM Names of Storage Bin TypesWarehouse Management
34ERP EHP76.0T30431Storage Section IndicatorsWarehouse Management
35ERP EHP76.0T304T51Text for Storage Section IndicatorWarehouse Management
36ERP EHP76.0T30531Storage Type IndicatorsWarehouse Management
37ERP EHP76.0T305T51Text for Storage Type IndicatorWarehouse Management
38ERP EHP76.0T30631Special Movement IndicatorsWarehouse Management
39ERP EHP76.0T306T51Texts for Special Movement IndicatorsWarehouse Management
40ERP EHP76.0T30751Storage Unit TypesWarehouse Management
41ERP EHP76.0T307T51Text for Storage Unit TypeWarehouse Management
42ERP EHP76.0T30861Requirements CategoriesWarehouse Management
43ERP EHP76.0T308T51Texts for Requirement TypesWarehouse Management
44ERP EHP76.0T30931Fire-Containment SectionsWarehouse Management
45ERP EHP76.0T309T51Names for Fire-Containment SectionsWarehouse Management
46ERP EHP76.0T30A51WM Picking AreasWarehouse Management
47ERP EHP76.0T30AT61Picking Area DescriptionsWarehouse Management
48ERP EHP76.0T30B131WM GatesWarehouse Management
49ERP EHP76.0T30BT51Zone DescriptionsWarehouse Management
50ERP EHP76.0T310181Pre-Allocated StockWarehouse Management
51ERP EHP76.0T311243Definition of WM GroupsWarehouse Management
52ERP EHP76.0T311A152Cross-Reference WM Group for DocumentsWarehouse Management
53ERP EHP76.0T311L141Definition of Run Within a WM GroupWarehouse Management
54ERP EHP76.0T31271Control Performance Data and TO SplitWarehouse Management
55ERP EHP76.0T312A81Profile for performance dataWarehouse Management
56ERP EHP76.0T312B91Profile for Transfer Order SplitWarehouse Management
57ERP EHP76.0T312R71Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer OrderWarehouse Management
58ERP EHP76.0T312S501Profile for SortingWarehouse Management
59ERP EHP76.0T312W61Time for Planned TO ProcessingWarehouse Management
60ERP EHP76.0T31981Control of Automatic Pick HU CreationWarehouse Management
61ERP EHP76.0T319A41Assignment Automatic Pick-HU CreationWarehouse Management
62ERP EHP76.0T320101Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse NumberWarehouse Management
63ERP EHP76.0T320A91WM: Storage Location ControlWarehouse Management
64ERP EHP76.0T321211Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement TypeWarehouse Management
65ERP EHP76.0T321B51Stock Types and Special Stocks for External SystemsWarehouse Management
66ERP EHP76.0T32251RM Movement Types for Clearing InventoryWarehouse Management
67ERP EHP76.0T32431Storage Loc. Ref.Warehouse Management
68ERP EHP76.0T324T51Descriptions for Storage Loc. ReferenceWarehouse Management
69ERP EHP76.0T32591WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection SamplesWarehouse Management
70ERP EHP76.0T325T51Description for Control WM-QM InterfaceWarehouse Management
71ERP EHP76.0T32671Control Table for 2-Step PickingWarehouse Management
72ERP EHP76.0T327101Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)Warehouse Management
73ERP EHP76.0T327A101Control of link WM - subsystemWarehouse Management
74ERP EHP76.0T327B61Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - subWarehouse Management
75ERP EHP76.0T327T51Variant description for link WM -> subsystemWarehouse Management
76ERP EHP76.0T327V31Variants for WM Link -> SubsystemWarehouse Management
77ERP EHP76.0T328141Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical ParametersWarehouse Management
78ERP EHP76.0T328A41Activate Whse Act. Monitor ObjectsWarehouse Management
79ERP EHP76.0T328B31Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy DisplayWarehouse Management
80ERP EHP76.0T328C51Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display VariantsWarehouse Management
81ERP EHP76.0T329A81Printer Pool DefinitionWarehouse Management
82ERP EHP76.0T329D281Transfer Order Printer ControlWarehouse Management
83ERP EHP76.0T329F211Print Control TableWarehouse Management
84ERP EHP76.0T329P91Transfer Order Print ParametersWarehouse Management
85ERP EHP76.0T329S71Print Control Table for Coll.Proc.Warehouse Management
86ERP EHP76.0T329T51Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer OrdersWarehouse Management
87ERP EHP76.0T33031Blocking ReasonsWarehouse Management
88ERP EHP76.0T330T51Text for Blocking ReasonWarehouse Management
89ERP EHP76.0T331601Storage Type ControlWarehouse Management
90ERP EHP76.0T331B101Storage Type Control for Bulk StorageWarehouse Management
91ERP EHP76.0T331L71Storage Classes Allowed per Storage TypeWarehouse Management
92ERP EHP76.0T333401WM Movement TypesWarehouse Management
93ERP EHP76.0T333A41Shipment TypesWarehouse Management
94ERP EHP76.0T333B51Texts for Transfer TypesWarehouse Management
95ERP EHP76.0T333M61Mail control for background processingWarehouse Management
96ERP EHP76.0T333N91Control for automatic transfer order creationWarehouse Management
97ERP EHP76.0T333O51Texts for automatic TO creationWarehouse Management
98ERP EHP76.0T333T51Texts for WM Movement TypesWarehouse Management
99ERP EHP76.0T333U91WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IMWarehouse Management
100ERP EHP76.0T334B361Storage Section SearchWarehouse Management
101ERP EHP76.0T334E331Storage Unit Type CheckWarehouse Management
102ERP EHP76.0T334P331Storage Bin Type SearchWarehouse Management
103ERP EHP76.0T334T411Storage Type SearchWarehouse Management
104ERP EHP76.0T334U101Access Strategy for Storage Type SearchWarehouse Management
105ERP EHP76.0T335101Default Values for InventoryWarehouse Management
106ERP EHP76.0T33691Difference IndicatorsWarehouse Management
107ERP EHP76.0T336T51Texts for Difference IndicatorsWarehouse Management
108ERP EHP76.0T337A1041Division of Storage Bins into SectionsWarehouse Management
109ERP EHP76.0T337B91Bulk Storage SectioningWarehouse Management
110ERP EHP76.0T337C51Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy KWarehouse Management
111ERP EHP76.0T337D51Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy KWarehouse Management
112ERP EHP76.0T337Z61Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit TypeWarehouse Management
113ERP EHP76.0T33831Bulk Storage IndicatorsWarehouse Management
114ERP EHP76.0T338T51Texts for Bulk Storage IndicatorsWarehouse Management
115ERP EHP76.0T33931Definition of Comment for TO ExecutionWarehouse Management
116ERP EHP76.0T339T51Text Table for Comment for TO ExecutionWarehouse Management
117ERP EHP76.0T340D721WM Default ValuesWarehouse Management
118ERP EHP76.0T342T81Assignment of Title Bar to PF StatusWarehouse Management
119ERP EHP76.0T343161Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage BinsWarehouse Management
120ERP EHP76.0T343I131Definition of Sort Field in Storage BinWarehouse Management
121ERP EHP76.0T343J131Definition of Sequence Field in Storage BinWarehouse Management
122ERP EHP76.0T34431Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WMWarehouse Management
123ERP EHP76.0T34571Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP StagingWarehouse Management
124ERP EHP76.0T34661RF Queue DefinitionWarehouse Management
125ERP EHP76.0T346L101Assignment Sections and Activities to QueueWarehouse Management
126ERP EHP76.0T346T51RF Queue DescriptionsWarehouse Management
127ERP EHP76.0T346X41Exceptions: Queue ForwardingWarehouse Management
128ERP EHP76.0T646A21Aggregate StatesWarehouse Management
129ERP EHP76.0T646B41Texts for Aggregate StatesWarehouse Management
130ERP EHP76.0T646G21Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
131ERP EHP76.0T646H41Texts for Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
132ERP EHP76.0T646L21Storage ClassesWarehouse Management
133ERP EHP76.0T646M41Texts for Storage ClassesWarehouse Management
134ERP EHP76.0T646R21Region CodesWarehouse Management
135ERP EHP76.0T646S41Texts for Region CodesWarehouse Management
136ERP EHP76.0T646V21Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
137ERP EHP76.0T646W41Texts for Hazardous Material WarningsWarehouse Management
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Cross-Docking
138ERP EHP76.0LEXUS21Extension 2.0 usageCross-Docking
139ERP EHP76.0LXDCN294Cross Dock decisionCross-Docking
140ERP EHP76.0LXDTO94Decision TO cancel linkCross-Docking
141ERP EHP76.0LXWHS131Cross Docking warehouse level customizationCross-Docking
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Dynamic Cycle Counting
142ERP EHP76.0LCDCC71Customization for Dynamic Cycle CountDynamic Cycle Counting
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Other Functions
143ERP EHP76.0T331C81Control of storage type for putaway strategy KOther Functions
144ERP EHP76.0TCMCONTROL21Control of change management in decentralized WMSOther Functions
145ERP EHP76.0TWAP1121Appointments: Appointments ProfileOther Functions
146ERP EHP76.0TWAP1T41Appointments: Appointments Profile - DescriptionOther Functions
147ERP EHP76.0TWAP231Appointments: Deviation ReasonsOther Functions
148ERP EHP76.0TWAP2T41Appointments: Description for Deviation ReasonsOther Functions
149ERP EHP76.0WAPPT242AppointmentsOther Functions
150ERP EHP76.0WAPPTV91Appointments: WorklistOther Functions
151ERP EHP76.0LDK00213Status Record for WM Communication RecordsR2-R3 Link
152ERP EHP76.0LDK01381Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
153ERP EHP76.0LDK02431Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
154ERP EHP76.0LDK03291Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
155ERP EHP76.0LDK04181Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERPR2-R3 Link
156ERP EHP76.0LDK05271Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Mat. MasterR2-R3 Link
157ERP EHP76.0LDK06151Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status ChangeR2-R3 Link
158ERP EHP76.0T321D111Assignment Movement Type RM-WMS Dec. ERP -> HOST Act. (R/2)R2-R3 Link
159ERP EHP76.0T321K61Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)R2-R3 Link
160ERP EHP76.0T323M61Log. Error Handling Host R/2 - Decentr. WMS ERP (Mail Def.)R2-R3 Link
161ERP EHP76.0T323P91Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->ERP)R2-R3 Link
162ERP EHP76.0TQCOM21Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ)R2-R3 Link
Logistics Execution :: Warehouse Management :: Value-Added Services
163ERP EHP76.0LVVGC141Value-Added Services (VAS) general customizationValue-Added Services
164ERP EHP76.0LVVOR182VAS ordersValue-Added Services
165ERP EHP76.0LVVRO83VAS request orderValue-Added Services
166ERP EHP76.0LVVWC73VAS work center determinationValue-Added Services