SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

3409 tablesERP 6.0 

Logistics - General
1ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUSD_TAX31Tax code dependent on sales order type /Serbia/Logistics - General
2ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/ROLO_UOMS41Conversion Table Intrastat SAP UoM to External System UoMLogistics - General
3ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/RO_MM_REP81Customizing f. Inventory Mgmt ReportingLogistics - General
4ERP EHP76.0A16281Trading Contract: Invoice RecipientLogistics - General
5ERP EHP76.0A19081Condition Table for Pricing A190Logistics - General
6ERP EHP76.0A19191Condition Table for Pricing A191Logistics - General
7ERP EHP76.0A19291Country/Goods Rec./StCla-MatLogistics - General
8ERP EHP76.0A19391Condition Table for Pricing A193Logistics - General
9ERP EHP76.0A364111Trading Contract/Vendor/MaterialLogistics - General
10ERP EHP76.0A365111Trading Contract/Vendor/MaterialLogistics - General
11ERP EHP76.0A36651Trading Contract NumberLogistics - General
12ERP EHP76.0BEWART81Movement type texts for Swiss specificsLogistics - General
13ERP EHP76.0CHALC31Customizing table for Swiss alcohol processingLogistics - General
14ERP EHP76.0CHBSEXP21Possible entries for the Building /part ExposureLogistics - General
15ERP EHP76.0CHBSEXPT41text for entries for the Building /part ExposureLogistics - General
16ERP EHP76.0CHBSFBT21Fitlist-Relevant Building TypesLogistics - General
17ERP EHP76.0CHBSFCG21Fitlist-Relevant Char. GroupsLogistics - General
18ERP EHP76.0CHBSFMT21Fitlist relevant material groupsLogistics - General
19ERP EHP76.0CHBSHTP71Possible Sales unit typesLogistics - General
20ERP EHP76.0CHBSHTPT41Text table for home typesLogistics - General
21ERP EHP76.0CHBSINTC51RE-SCM - "sold to interal party" for canceled sales!Logistics - General
22ERP EHP76.0CHBSMWB31Web related info to modelsLogistics - General
23ERP EHP76.0CHBSNCM21Possible entries for the target incomeLogistics - General
24ERP EHP76.0CHBSNCMT41Text table for the target incomeLogistics - General
25ERP EHP76.0CHBSPRP71Reports offered at the pre-sales toolLogistics - General
26ERP EHP76.0CHBSPRPT61Text table to CHBSPRPLogistics - General
27ERP EHP76.0CHBSPSTYP31Customizing for PS<->RE-SCM link typesLogistics - General
28ERP EHP76.0CHBSPSTYPT41Text table to CHBSPRTYPLogistics - General
29ERP EHP76.0CHBSRLN21Possible relations for affected buildingsLogistics - General
30ERP EHP76.0CHBSRLNT41Text table for HBSRLNLogistics - General
31ERP EHP76.0CHBTIV0031Field status definitions for Real Estate object mgmtLogistics - General
32ERP EHP76.0CHSPIRIT21Material groups required for spirits processingLogistics - General
33ERP EHP76.0CHWEIN21Material groups required for wine processingLogistics - General
34ERP EHP76.0CMDET_S06667412Individual Records for Updating External Credit DataLogistics - General
35ERP EHP76.0CND_MAPC_FIL_UA31Filter Table for Condition Usage and ApplicationLogistics - General
36ERP EHP76.0CND_MAPC_PASS_UA51Filter Table for Condition Usage, Application and Cond. TypeLogistics - General
37ERP EHP76.0CPCRMSTOCK171Define stock values on material levelLogistics - General
38ERP EHP76.0CPCRMSTOCK281Define stock values on material group levelLogistics - General
39ERP EHP76.0CPSTOCK101Result list for stock information for MSALogistics - General
40ERP EHP76.0CPSTOCK_HISTORY51History Table for Table CPSTOCK for Delta DownloadLogistics - General
41ERP EHP76.0CPSTOCK_P_FILTER51Table for Filtering the Allocation to Specific PlantsLogistics - General
42ERP EHP76.0CRMBINREL262Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary LinksLogistics - General
43ERP EHP76.0CRMC_CO_HIER61CRM-CO Interface: Hierarchy Node TableLogistics - General
44ERP EHP76.0CRMC_CO_HIER_D41CRM-CO Interface: Description of Hierarchy NodesLogistics - General
45ERP EHP76.0CRMC_CO_HIER_ID41CRM-CO Interface: COPA-ID Hierarchy NodesLogistics - General
46ERP EHP76.0CRMC_CO_HTREE_D41Description for Hierarchy Trees CreatedLogistics - General
47ERP EHP76.0CRMC_LOG_GROUP31CRM Service: Logistics Integration - Grouping CustomizingLogistics - General
48ERP EHP76.0CRMC_LOG_TOJTB21CRM Service: Valid Object TypesLogistics - General
49ERP EHP76.0CRMC_TEXT51CRM: General Mapping Table for TextsLogistics - General
50ERP EHP76.0CRMD_CO_HEADER51CO Account Assignment of Sales TransactionsLogistics - General
51ERP EHP76.0CRMD_CO_ITEM71CO Account Assignment of Sales ItemsLogistics - General
52ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_LNGCO21IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language)Logistics - General
53ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_LNGCO_T41IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language) TextsLogistics - General
54ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_MRKCO21IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market)Logistics - General
55ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_MRKCO_T41IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market) TextsLogistics - General
56ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_TRRCO21IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory)Logistics - General
57ERP EHP76.0CRMM_IPM_TRRCO_T41IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) TextsLogistics - General
58ERP EHP76.0CRMVBREF2113SD Object Link to Item ReferencesLogistics - General
59ERP EHP76.0CRM_SRV_LOG_SC101CRM Service: Logistics ScenariosLogistics - General
60ERP EHP76.0CRM_SRV_RESERV52CRM Service ReservationsLogistics - General
61ERP EHP76.0CRM_SRV_SCENARIO61Service Logistics Scenarios for Material WithdrawalLogistics - General
62ERP EHP76.0CRS_BLOCKS31Blocks for Initial Download Customer MasterLogistics - General
63ERP EHP76.0ECP_FIELDTABLE41Data fields for communication with the contracting portalLogistics - General
64ERP EHP76.0ECP_FIELDTABTX61E&C portal: text table of the ecp_fieldtableLogistics - General
65ERP EHP76.0ECP_FTAB_NUM31List of numeric fields for collecting dataLogistics - General
66ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCTION_KEY41List of key fields for supported functionsLogistics - General
67ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCTION_LST31List of function types supported by SAPLogistics - General
68ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCTION_TXT41Text for list of functions supported by SAPLogistics - General
69ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCT_CUS31Functions for iView IDsLogistics - General
70ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCT_CUS_TX41Function for iView IDs (Text)Logistics - General
71ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCT_TYPE31List of functions supported by SAPLogistics - General
72ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_O31Relevant object types for function typesLogistics - General
73ERP EHP76.0ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_T41Text for list of functions supported by SAPLogistics - General
74ERP EHP76.0ECP_KEY_INDX81E&C portal: Index Table for E&C PortalLogistics - General
75ERP EHP76.0ECP_MLST61Status for milestonesLogistics - General
76ERP EHP76.0ECP_PO_STATUS61Status for completion of POLogistics - General
77ERP EHP76.0EPM_CODE81Key Management for KPI ValuesLogistics - General
78ERP EHP76.0EPM_DATA_COMMENT61Comments for Data Points in Trend AnalysisLogistics - General
79ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPICATEGORYT41KPI Text (Language-Dependent)Logistics - General
80ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_CATALOG223KPIs Available in Company CatalogLogistics - General
81ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_CATALOGH211History of KPIs in KPI CatalogLogistics - General
82ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_CATALOGT51KPI Text (Language-Dependent)Logistics - General
83ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_CATEGORY21Possible KPI CategoriesLogistics - General
84ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_DATA51Current KPI ValuesLogistics - General
85ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_USER31User-Dependent Settings for Individual KPIsLogistics - General
86ERP EHP76.0EPM_KPI_VIEW31Assignment of KPIs to User-Specific ViewsLogistics - General
87ERP EHP76.0EPM_TARGET_SYS21Primary System for KPIs and KPI valuesLogistics - General
88ERP EHP76.0EPM_USER_ALERTS71User-Dependent Alerts for KPIsLogistics - General
89ERP EHP76.0EPM_USER_GATES91User-Dependent Settings for Individual Threshold ValuesLogistics - General
90ERP EHP76.0EPM_USER_TEXTS51User-Dependent Settings for Individual KPIsLogistics - General
91ERP EHP76.0EPM_VIEW51User-Specific Combination of KPIsLogistics - General
92ERP EHP76.0HBSAFF61Affected building in Home Building SolutionLogistics - General
93ERP EHP76.0HBSAUT171Helper table for auto generation ...Logistics - General
94ERP EHP76.0HBSCMP111Community Plan Data within Home Building SolutionLogistics - General
95ERP EHP76.0HBSCNB51Configuration <-> condition indexingLogistics - General
96ERP EHP76.0HBSCREASON21Contingency reasonsLogistics - General
97ERP EHP76.0HBSCREASONT41Contingency reason textLogistics - General
98ERP EHP76.0HBSFLS101Fit-ListLogistics - General
99ERP EHP76.0HBSFSP161Help dummy tableLogistics - General
100ERP EHP76.0HBSPPH61Permitted Development PhasesLogistics - General
101ERP EHP76.0HBSRLC71Characteristics for RulesLogistics - General
102ERP EHP76.0HBSRLS81Affected Building ListLogistics - General
103ERP EHP76.0HBSSPH61Permitted Sales PhasesLogistics - General
104ERP EHP76.0HBS_NETWORK21List of Networks to be scheduled with next mass schedulingLogistics - General
105ERP EHP76.0IAOM_CRMSALES_SO51Table of Lower-Level Objects for Acc.Ass.Man.Impl. CRM_SALESLogistics - General
106ERP EHP76.0IVPH_MTART21Pharma IView - material type tableLogistics - General
107ERP EHP76.0KONTS31Kontenplan SpirituosenLogistics - General
108ERP EHP76.0KONTW41Kontenplan WeineLogistics - General
109ERP EHP76.0MGWPICTURE251Customizing Image DataLogistics - General
110ERP EHP76.0MGWPICTUREURL61Object URLLogistics - General
111ERP EHP76.0MGWPICTUREURLSET61Object URLLogistics - General
112ERP EHP76.0MGWUSRF4MATNR61Selection Worklist (User)Logistics - General
113ERP EHP76.0MGWUSRINDEX81Selection Worklist (User)Logistics - General
114ERP EHP76.0MILL_ATRKZ_PAR121Mill: Parameters for Order IndicatorLogistics - General
115ERP EHP76.0MNTCNT61Maintenance Control in Distributed SystemsLogistics - General
116ERP EHP76.0OIB01371Definition of Conversion GroupsLogistics - General
117ERP EHP76.0OIB0621HPM Unit of Measurement Group: DefinitionLogistics - General
118ERP EHP76.0OIFSPBL481Physical Location - Master DataLogistics - General
119ERP EHP76.0OIG_TVFTK61TD-F Determination: Valuation Class of Shipment Cost ItemsLogistics - General
120ERP EHP76.0OIH521Definition of Excise Duty Handling Type (IS-OIL-TDP)Logistics - General
121ERP EHP76.0OIJTS602Transport system (IS-Oil TSW standard/core object )Logistics - General
122ERP EHP76.0OIL_ABFAC_VALUES11Fixed values for Air Buoyancy Factor (Oil, Natural Gas,...)Logistics - General
123ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPROC251RLM Supply Process (IS-Oil Remote Logistics Management)Logistics - General
124ERP EHP76.0T6WL541Check Table - Label TypeLogistics - General
125ERP EHP76.0TB2BA51Trading Contract: Application StatusLogistics - General
126ERP EHP76.0TB2BAT41Trading Contract: Application Status DescriptionLogistics - General
127ERP EHP76.0TB2BB21Trading Contract: Status Group DefinitionLogistics - General
128ERP EHP76.0TB2BBT41Trading Contract: Status Group DescriptionLogistics - General
129ERP EHP76.0TB2BC161Trading Contract: Purchasing GroupingLogistics - General
130ERP EHP76.0TB2BCPA_DEF61Default Values for Copy ProcessesLogistics - General
131ERP EHP76.0TB2BCT41Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping DescriptionLogistics - General
132ERP EHP76.0TB2BD151Trading Contract: Sales GroupingLogistics - General
133ERP EHP76.0TB2BDT41Trading Contract: Sales Grouping DescriptionLogistics - General
134ERP EHP76.0TB2BE811Trading Contract: Trading Contract TypeLogistics - General
135ERP EHP76.0TB2BET41Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type DescriptionLogistics - General
136ERP EHP76.0TB2BF61Trading Contract: Status Group/Application Stat. LinkLogistics - General
137ERP EHP76.0TB2BF_REF31Link Status Group/Application StatusLogistics - General
138ERP EHP76.0TB2BG21Trading Contract: Incompleteness GroupLogistics - General
139ERP EHP76.0TB2BGT41Trading Contract: Text Table, Incompleteness GroupLogistics - General
140ERP EHP76.0TB2BH71Trading Contract: Incompleteness FieldsLogistics - General
141ERP EHP76.0TB2BI11Trading Contract: Communication Tables for Trading ContractLogistics - General
142ERP EHP76.0TB2BJ261Trading Contract: Item CategoriesLogistics - General
143ERP EHP76.0TB2BJT41Trading Contract: Item Category DescriptionsLogistics - General
144ERP EHP76.0TB2BK81Trading Contract: Links From Item Category And DocumentationLogistics - General
145ERP EHP76.0TB2BL31Trading Contract: Allowed Field Changes Trading ContractLogistics - General
146ERP EHP76.0TB2BM21Trading Contract: Assignment: Expense and Condition TypeLogistics - General
147ERP EHP76.0TB2BN41Trading Contract: Assignment of Expense Type CondType GrpLogistics - General
148ERP EHP76.0TB2BO21Trading Contract: Assignment of Expense Type to ApplicationLogistics - General
149ERP EHP76.0TB2BP51Trading Contract: Assignment of Contract Type to Condit.GrpLogistics - General
150ERP EHP76.0TB2BR51TC: Item Texts Types Whose Changes are to be SavedLogistics - General
151ERP EHP76.0TB2BS41TC: Header Text Types Whose Changes are to be SavedLogistics - General
152ERP EHP76.0TB2BSGR21Status Group for Process ControlLogistics - General
153ERP EHP76.0TB2BSGRT41Description of status groupLogistics - General
154ERP EHP76.0TB2BT31Text Types for Display of Changes (Header)Logistics - General
155ERP EHP76.0TB2BU31Text Types for Display of Changes (Item)Logistics - General
156ERP EHP76.0WBHD811Trading Contract: Commercial DataLogistics - General
157ERP EHP76.0WBHE181Trading Contract: Schedule LinesLogistics - General
158ERP EHP76.0WBHF212Trading Contract: Document FlowLogistics - General
159ERP EHP76.0WBHI1781Trading Contract: Item DataLogistics - General
160ERP EHP76.0WBHK1142Trading Contract: Header DataLogistics - General
161ERP EHP76.0WBHP301Trading Contract: Partner AssignmentLogistics - General
162ERP EHP76.0WYT2M71Vendor-Dependent Characteristic Value ConversionLogistics - General
Logistics - General :: Additionals Management
163ERP EHP76.0TWEA21IS-R Labeling: Check Table Material GroupsAdditionals Management
164ERP EHP76.0TWEAT41IS-R Labeling: Text Table Material GroupsAdditionals Management
165ERP EHP76.0TWEK21IS-R Labeling: Check Table Customer/Plant GroupsAdditionals Management
166ERP EHP76.0TWEKT41IS-R Labeling: Text Table Customer/Plant GroupsAdditionals Management
167ERP EHP76.0TWEP21IS-R Labeling: Check Table Label CategoriesAdditionals Management
168ERP EHP76.0TWEPT41IS-R Labeling: Text Table Label CategoriesAdditionals Management
169ERP EHP76.0TWET41IS-R Labeling: Check Table Label TypesAdditionals Management
170ERP EHP76.0TWETT41IS-R Labeling: Text Table Label TypesAdditionals Management
171ERP EHP76.0TWEZ21IS-R Labeling: Check Table Labeling PartyAdditionals Management
172ERP EHP76.0TWEZT41IS-R Labeling: Text Table Labeling PartyAdditionals Management
173ERP EHP76.0TWTCPAF41Additionals: Fields relevant to change analysisAdditionals Management
174ERP EHP76.0TWTCTRL241Control table for procedures for additionalsAdditionals Management
175ERP EHP76.0TWTFM91Procedure for additionalsAdditionals Management
176ERP EHP76.0TWTFMA181Additionals: Material group attributesAdditionals Management
177ERP EHP76.0TWTFMP31Additionals: procedure for additionals per material groupAdditionals Management
178ERP EHP76.0TWTFMT41Description (name) for procedures for additionalsAdditionals Management
179ERP EHP76.0TWTRAS41Runtime Measurement: Control Table For Runtime AnalysisAdditionals Management
180ERP EHP76.0TWT_ACTION121Additionals: Follow-Up ActionsAdditionals Management
181ERP EHP76.0TWT_ACTIONT41Additional: Texts for Follow-up ActionsAdditionals Management
182ERP EHP76.0WEST41IS-R Labeling: Master Data for ControlAdditionals Management
183ERP EHP76.0WRF_WTAD_AD_WL351Additionals: Temporary Storage of Work DataAdditionals Management
184ERP EHP76.0WTADAB654Additionals: DocumentsAdditionals Management
185ERP EHP76.0WTADABT81Additionals: Documents: Supplementary textsAdditionals Management
186ERP EHP76.0WTADDI111Additionals for a materialAdditionals Management
187ERP EHP76.0WTADFMCU61Additional: External/Internal Procedure for AdditionalsAdditionals Management
188ERP EHP76.0WTAD_SUP_FM51Additionals: Vendor-specific Procedure for AdditionalsAdditionals Management
189ERP EHP76.0WTRAD151Runtime Measurement: Log: Item DataAdditionals Management
190ERP EHP76.0WTRAH81Runtime Measurement: Log: Header DataAdditionals Management
Logistics - General :: Advanced Returns Management
191ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_ABGRU21Rejection ReasonsAdvanced Returns Management
192ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_ABGRUT41Multi-step returns - Rejection reasonAdvanced Returns Management
193ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_ARC_PR41Archiving of Supplier ReturnsAdvanced Returns Management
194ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_ARC_SR41Archiving of Customers ReturnsAdvanced Returns Management
195ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_CODE31Advanced Returns Management - Follow-Up ActivitiesAdvanced Returns Management
196ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_CODE_T41Multi-step returns - customer specific descriptionsAdvanced Returns Management
197ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_EXT_RO61Settings for external Repair OrderAdvanced Returns Management
198ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_GENERAL61Settings for Advanced Returns Management on Client LevelAdvanced Returns Management
199ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_INT_RO51Settings for In-house RepairAdvanced Returns Management
200ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_IRD_CNTRL41Refund Procedure for Intercompany Store ReturnsAdvanced Returns Management
201ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_MAP_RO71Specify Follow-Up Document Types for Customer ReturnsAdvanced Returns Management
202ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_MAP_RSTO71Follow-Up Document Types for Store ReturnsAdvanced Returns Management
203ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_PLNCHK31Approval check related plantsAdvanced Returns Management
204ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_REASON_REL31Assign Supplier Return Reasons to Customer Return ReasonsAdvanced Returns Management
205ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_REF_CTRL31Refund Control Text from CustomerAdvanced Returns Management
206ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_REF_CTRL_T41Refund Control Text from Customer - Text tableAdvanced Returns Management
207ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RET_REASON21Multi-step returns - Returns reasonAdvanced Returns Management
208ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RET_REASOT41Multi-step returns - Returns reason textAdvanced Returns Management
209ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RET_REFUND21Returns Refund CodesAdvanced Returns Management
210ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RET_REFUNT41Multi-step returns - Returns refund textAdvanced Returns Management
211ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_ROPROPOSAL71Multi-Step Returns : Proposal valuesAdvanced Returns Management
212ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RPO_REPL61Specify Settings for Replacement Materials from VendorAdvanced Returns Management
213ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RRCDEF_CRD41Multistep Returns Refund Code Proposal for CRDAdvanced Returns Management
214ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RRCDEF_CUS41Multistep Returns Refund Code Proposal for CRDAdvanced Returns Management
215ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_RRCDEF_IRD41MSR: Returns refund code proposal for IRDAdvanced Returns Management
216ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_APPROVAL121Multistep returns: ApprovalAdvanced Returns Management
217ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_EXECUTED592Advanced Returns Management # Tracking of Executed StepsAdvanced Returns Management
218ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FIN_DETAIL271Advanced Returns Management - Next Financial Steps - DetailsAdvanced Returns Management
219ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FIN_STATUS222Advanced Returns Management - Next Financial StepsAdvanced Returns Management
220ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_HEAD122Advanced Returns Management - Tracking Header DataAdvanced Returns Management
221ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_ITEM161Advanced Returns Management - Tracking Item DataAdvanced Returns Management
222ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_LOG_STATUS101Advanced Returns Management # Next Logistical StepAdvanced Returns Management
223ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_NEXTPLANTS111Multi-step returns - next plantsAdvanced Returns Management
224ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_PLANNED101Advanced Returns Management - Next SequencesAdvanced Returns Management
225ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_SPLIT_REL51Advanced Returns Management - Relationship Between SplitsAdvanced Returns Management
226ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_CHAIN61Multi-step returns - link between current state and plannedAdvanced Returns Management
227ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_CHAIN_T31Multi-step returnsAdvanced Returns Management
228ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_CODE11Multi-step returns - follow-up action from user perspectiveAdvanced Returns Management
229ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_CODE_T31Multi-step returns - associated text table to MSR_I_CODEAdvanced Returns Management
230ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_SEQ11Multi-step returns -sequence bundles stepsAdvanced Returns Management
231ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_SEQ2CHAIN41Multi-step returns - combines the current state with plannedAdvanced Returns Management
232ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_SEQ_T31Multi-step returns - associated text table to MSR_I_SEQAdvanced Returns Management
233ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_STEP51Multi-step returns - atomic unit of a returnsAdvanced Returns Management
234ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_STEP2SEQ51Multi-step returns - assign steps to sequenceAdvanced Returns Management
235ERP EHP76.0MSR_I_STEP_T31Multi-step returns - associated text table to MSR_I_STEPAdvanced Returns Management
236ERP EHP76.0MSR_RRD_PREF61MSR: Preferences for RRDAdvanced Returns Management
Logistics - General :: Agency Business Global Trade
237ERP EHP76.0MC45W_0CWBSETUP61Storage: BW Rebuild for MC45W_0CWBAgency Business Global Trade
238ERP EHP76.0SWLF_UC_EVT_CTRL31AB: Outbound Event registration for Use CasesAgency Business Global Trade
239ERP EHP76.0TAGCO101AB: Control of Agency Business ProcessingAgency Business Global Trade
240ERP EHP76.0TCWBCO21AB-CWB: Control of Complaints ProcessingAgency Business Global Trade
241ERP EHP76.0TCWBCR201AB-CWB: Reasons for ComplaintAgency Business Global Trade
242ERP EHP76.0TCWBCRBT31Reason for Complaint - Billing typesAgency Business Global Trade
243ERP EHP76.0TCWBCRCF51AB-CWB: Reasons for Complaint - Change FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
244ERP EHP76.0TCWBCRCFT61AB-CWB: Reasons for Complaint - Change FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
245ERP EHP76.0TCWBCRT41AB-CWB: Complaints Reason TextsAgency Business Global Trade
246ERP EHP76.0TCWBCS41AB-CWB: Complaints StatusAgency Business Global Trade
247ERP EHP76.0TCWBCST41AB-CWB: Complaints Status of TextsAgency Business Global Trade
248ERP EHP76.0TINTRRFC31Intrastat AB: RFC DestinationsAgency Business Global Trade
249ERP EHP76.0TMCPF191Vendor billing document: copy controlAgency Business Global Trade
250ERP EHP76.0TMCSGR21Column Sorting GroupAgency Business Global Trade
251ERP EHP76.0TMCSGRF81Fields Column Sorting GroupAgency Business Global Trade
252ERP EHP76.0TMCSGRT41Texts Column Sorting GroupAgency Business Global Trade
253ERP EHP76.0TMFK1581Agency Business: Billing Document TypesAgency Business Global Trade
254ERP EHP76.0TMFK151Price Change GroupAgency Business Global Trade
255ERP EHP76.0TMFK211Agency Business: Communication TablesAgency Business Global Trade
256ERP EHP76.0TMFK321Price Change Group: Possible FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
257ERP EHP76.0TMFK421Price Change GroupAgency Business Global Trade
258ERP EHP76.0TMFK4T41Texts of the Price Change GroupAgency Business Global Trade
259ERP EHP76.0TMFKT41Agency Business: Document Type TextsAgency Business Global Trade
260ERP EHP76.0TMFKTG41AB: Transfer Groups for Billing TypeAgency Business Global Trade
261ERP EHP76.0TMFS21Agency Business: Blocking ReasonsAgency Business Global Trade
262ERP EHP76.0TMFSG21Field status groupsAgency Business Global Trade
263ERP EHP76.0TMFSGF71Fields for Field Status GroupAgency Business Global Trade
264ERP EHP76.0TMFSGT41Fields Field Status GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
265ERP EHP76.0TMFST41Agency Business Blocking Reasons TextsAgency Business Global Trade
266ERP EHP76.0TMIDTC21AB: Identification Object Categories CustomerAgency Business Global Trade
267ERP EHP76.0TMIDTCT41AB: Texts Identification Object Categories CustomerAgency Business Global Trade
268ERP EHP76.0TMIDTV21AB: Identification Object Categories VendorAgency Business Global Trade
269ERP EHP76.0TMIDTVT41AB: Texts Identification Object Categories VendorAgency Business Global Trade
270ERP EHP76.0TMIVAG21Assignment GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
271ERP EHP76.0TMIVAGF51Assignment GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
272ERP EHP76.0TMIVAGT41Assignment GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
273ERP EHP76.0TMIVG21Texts: Invoice Check GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
274ERP EHP76.0TMIVGT41Invoice Check GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
275ERP EHP76.0TMIVRG141Assignment Invoice Check Groups for Condition Type GroupAgency Business Global Trade
276ERP EHP76.0TMIVRGT51Texts Invoice Check Groups for Condition Type GroupAgency Business Global Trade
277ERP EHP76.0TMIVTG71Tolerance GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
278ERP EHP76.0TMIVTGT41Tolerance GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
279ERP EHP76.0TMKSF81Calculation schema, vendor billing documentAgency Business Global Trade
280ERP EHP76.0TMKV21Agency Business: Calculation Schema TransactionAgency Business Global Trade
281ERP EHP76.0TMKVT41Agency Business: Calculation Schema Transaction TextsAgency Business Global Trade
282ERP EHP76.0TMLFG31Agency Business: Transaction ReasonsAgency Business Global Trade
283ERP EHP76.0TMLFGT41Agency Business: Transaction Reasons TextsAgency Business Global Trade
284ERP EHP76.0TMPA51Agency Business: Control Data Profit SimulationAgency Business Global Trade
285ERP EHP76.0TMPA1101Agency Business: Profit GroupAgency Business Global Trade
286ERP EHP76.0TMPA1T41Texts for Profit GroupAgency Business Global Trade
287ERP EHP76.0TMPA241Agency Business: Application Status of the Profit AnalysisAgency Business Global Trade
288ERP EHP76.0TMPA2T41Agency Business: Application Status DescriptionAgency Business Global Trade
289ERP EHP76.0TMPA421Agency Business: Profit Analysis Status GroupAgency Business Global Trade
290ERP EHP76.0TMPA4T41Agency Business: Status Group Description TextAgency Business Global Trade
291ERP EHP76.0TMPA531Agency Business: Profit Analysis Status Group - Appl.StatusAgency Business Global Trade
292ERP EHP76.0TMPAT41Agency Business: Texts for Profit Simulation TypeAgency Business Global Trade
293ERP EHP76.0TMPR101AB: Posting RulesAgency Business Global Trade
294ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_DEF101AB: Default Data for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
295ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_DEF_T41AB: Default Data Texts for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
296ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_DET41AB: Determination of Mapping Data for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
297ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_IDNT71AB: Define an Identification SchemeAgency Business Global Trade
298ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_IDN_T41AB: Identification Scheme Texts for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
299ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_MG51AB: Proxy Mapping Group for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
300ERP EHP76.0TMPRX_MG_T41AB: Proxy Mapping Group Texts for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
301ERP EHP76.0TMPR_T41AB: Texts - Posting RulesAgency Business Global Trade
302ERP EHP76.0TMRRL41AB-RRLE: Assign Remuneration List Groups to Billing TypeAgency Business Global Trade
303ERP EHP76.0TMRRL_FI41AB-RRLE: Assignmt of Remuneration List Groups to FI Doc TypeAgency Business Global Trade
304ERP EHP76.0TMRRL_SD31AB-RRLE: Assgnmt of Remuneratn List Grps to SD Billing TypeAgency Business Global Trade
305ERP EHP76.0TMSB21AB: Settlement BlocksAgency Business Global Trade
306ERP EHP76.0TMSBT41AB: Texts Settlement BlocksAgency Business Global Trade
307ERP EHP76.0TMTE11AB: Transfer EventsAgency Business Global Trade
308ERP EHP76.0TMTET31AB: Transfer Event TextsAgency Business Global Trade
309ERP EHP76.0TMTG31AB: Transfer GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
310ERP EHP76.0TMTGT51AB: Transfer Group TextsAgency Business Global Trade
311ERP EHP76.0TMTR151AB: Transfer RulesAgency Business Global Trade
312ERP EHP76.0TMTSS21AB: Source Structures for Data TransferAgency Business Global Trade
313ERP EHP76.0TMTTS21AB: Target Structures for Data TransferAgency Business Global Trade
314ERP EHP76.0TMVMT21AB: Article Number Type - VendorAgency Business Global Trade
315ERP EHP76.0TMVMTT41AB: Texts Category Vendor's Material NumberAgency Business Global Trade
316ERP EHP76.0TMZR761Agency Business: Payment TypesAgency Business Global Trade
317ERP EHP76.0TMZRT41Agency Business: Payment Type TextsAgency Business Global Trade
318ERP EHP76.0TMZR_PRX91AB: Payment Types for eSOA ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
319ERP EHP76.0TMZR_PRX_GRP201AB: Mapping Group for eSOA-ServicesAgency Business Global Trade
320ERP EHP76.0TMZR_PRX_GRP_T41AB: Mapping Group for eSOA-Services - DescriptionAgency Business Global Trade
321ERP EHP76.0TPORLIST42AB Portal: Fields for List OutputAgency Business Global Trade
322ERP EHP76.0TPORLIST121AB Portal: List Output Agency Documents: Possible FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
323ERP EHP76.0TPORLISTT51AB Portal: Text Tables for TPORTLISTAgency Business Global Trade
324ERP EHP76.0TPORRFC31AB Portal: RFC DestinationsAgency Business Global Trade
325ERP EHP76.0TRRLCG441AB-RRLE: Condition Type GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
326ERP EHP76.0TRRLCGF81AB: Assign Condition Type to Condition Type GroupAgency Business Global Trade
327ERP EHP76.0TRRLCGT41Agency Business: Text Table for TRRLCGAgency Business Global Trade
328ERP EHP76.0TRRLRG21Agency Business: Remuneration List GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
329ERP EHP76.0TRRLRGF31Assign Condition Type Groups to Remuneration List GroupsAgency Business Global Trade
330ERP EHP76.0TRRLRGT41Agency Business: Text Table for TRRLRGAgency Business Global Trade
331ERP EHP76.0TWLFEDIMAP41EDI: Assignment Table Between IDoc and Application FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
332ERP EHP76.0TWLFEX71Determination of Transaction Type for Intrastat DeclarationAgency Business Global Trade
333ERP EHP76.0TWLF_ARC_DOCTYPE31Archiving: Document Number --> WDTYPAgency Business Global Trade
334ERP EHP76.0TWLF_DATA_NAST331Customizing Data Procurement Message OutputAgency Business Global Trade
335ERP EHP76.0TWLF_DOCTYPE_AIS31Archiving: Assignment WDTYP --> AIS StructureAgency Business Global Trade
336ERP EHP76.0TWLF_IR21Incompleteness ReasonsAgency Business Global Trade
337ERP EHP76.0TWLF_IRT41Texts Incompleteness ReasonsAgency Business Global Trade
338ERP EHP76.0TWLF_WRART_LFART31AB: Allowed Combinations Payment Type / Billing TypeAgency Business Global Trade
339ERP EHP76.0TWUF_APPL21ApplicationAgency Business Global Trade
340ERP EHP76.0TWUF_APPLT31Text ApplicationAgency Business Global Trade
341ERP EHP76.0TWUF_CHECK81Field CheckAgency Business Global Trade
342ERP EHP76.0TWUF_CHECK_C101Client-Dependent: Field CheckAgency Business Global Trade
343ERP EHP76.0TWUF_CONTEXT21ContextAgency Business Global Trade
344ERP EHP76.0TWUF_CONTEXTT41Text: ContextAgency Business Global Trade
345ERP EHP76.0TWUF_EVENT301EventAgency Business Global Trade
346ERP EHP76.0TWUF_EVENTT41Text: EventAgency Business Global Trade
347ERP EHP76.0TWUF_MAPPING91Group of Field AssignmentsAgency Business Global Trade
348ERP EHP76.0TWUF_MAPPING_C111Client-Dependent: Group of Field AssignmentsAgency Business Global Trade
349ERP EHP76.0TWUF_PACKAGES21Packages of Package GroupAgency Business Global Trade
350ERP EHP76.0TWUF_PACKAGE_GRP11Group of PackagesAgency Business Global Trade
351ERP EHP76.0TWUF_PACKAGE_GRT31Text ApplicationAgency Business Global Trade
352ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TR91Call-Up of a TransformationAgency Business Global Trade
353ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TRCP71Parameters of a ConditionAgency Business Global Trade
354ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TRCP_C91Client-Dependent: Parameters of a ConditionAgency Business Global Trade
355ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TRP71Parameters of a TransformationAgency Business Global Trade
356ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TRP_C91Client-Dependent: Parameters of a TransformationAgency Business Global Trade
357ERP EHP76.0TWUF_TR_C111Client-Dependent: Call-Up of a TransformationAgency Business Global Trade
358ERP EHP76.0WBINTRST281Agency Business : Intrastat Relevant dataAgency Business Global Trade
359ERP EHP76.0WBPA191Agency Business: Business Partner AssignmentAgency Business Global Trade
360ERP EHP76.0WBRC154Agency Business: ComplaintsAgency Business Global Trade
361ERP EHP76.0WBRCCF61Agency Business: Complaints - Change FieldsAgency Business Global Trade
362ERP EHP76.0WBRF201Document flow vendor billing document/settlement requestAgency Business Global Trade
363ERP EHP76.0WBRFN142Document Flow of Reference Document to Agency DocumentAgency Business Global Trade
364ERP EHP76.0WBRK1727Agency business: HeaderAgency Business Global Trade
365ERP EHP76.0WBRL233Agency business: Item in document listAgency Business Global Trade
366ERP EHP76.0WBRP1651Agency business: ItemAgency Business Global Trade
367ERP EHP76.0WBRR123AB-RRLE: Extended Remuneration List Data for Agency DocumentAgency Business Global Trade
368ERP EHP76.0WBRRE133AB-RRLE: Extended Remuneration List Data for External Doc.Agency Business Global Trade
369ERP EHP76.0WLFD_IVRHDR221Agency Bus.: DB table for Invoice Request HeaderAgency Business Global Trade
370ERP EHP76.0WLFD_IVRHDRT41Agency Bus. : DB table for Invoice Request Header TextAgency Business Global Trade
371ERP EHP76.0WLFD_IVRITM131Agency Bus.: DB table for Invoice Request ItemAgency Business Global Trade
372ERP EHP76.0WZRE_CONFIRM21store UUID of confirmation to test asynchronous servicesAgency Business Global Trade
373ERP EHP76.0WZRE_C_APPL51Application That Uses the Posting EngineAgency Business Global Trade
374ERP EHP76.0WZRE_C_APPLT41Application That Uses the Posting EngineAgency Business Global Trade
375ERP EHP76.0WZRE_C_DATA141Necessary Data to Create Agency DocumentsAgency Business Global Trade
376ERP EHP76.0WZRE_C_POSTTYPET61External Posting TypesAgency Business Global Trade
377ERP EHP76.0WZRE_C_POST_TYPE41External Posting TypesAgency Business Global Trade
Logistics - General :: ANSIISA S95 Interface
378ERP EHP76.0S95_ALERT41Maintain the S95 Alert CategoriesANSIISA S95 Interface
379ERP EHP76.0S95_ALERT_TEXT51S95 Alert DescriptionANSIISA S95 Interface
380ERP EHP76.0S95_GEN_SETTINGS21Maintain S95 General SettingsANSIISA S95 Interface
381ERP EHP76.0S95_XI_DEST41Maintain S95 Control Recipe DestinationANSIISA S95 Interface
Logistics - General :: Batches
382ERP EHP76.0ALE_BATCHES_RECP81Received BatchesBatches
383ERP EHP76.0ALE_BATCHES_SENT51Sent BatchesBatches
384ERP EHP76.0ALE_DWM_EXCL_USR31USER to be excluded in connection with dec. WMBatches
385ERP EHP76.0ALE_MCHA_OBJECT61Batches to be distributed from dec. WMBatches
386ERP EHP76.0BATCH_LOC_CHAR21Distribution of Batch Data - Local CharacteristicsBatches
387ERP EHP76.0BNMAT61Assignment of Material No.-Number Range for Batch No. AssgmtBatches
388ERP EHP76.0CHVW_ARC_141Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Order NumberBatches
389ERP EHP76.0CHVW_ARC_241Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Purchasing DocumentBatches
390ERP EHP76.0CHVW_ARC_361Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Plant, Mat., BatchesBatches
391ERP EHP76.0CHVW_INC112Batch Where-Used List- N:M Assignment for OrderBatches
392ERP EHP76.0CHVW_INC_PUR114Batch Where-Used List - N:M Assignment Table - Purch. OrderBatches
393ERP EHP76.0CHVW_PRE214Preliminary Batch Where-used List According to Order/POBatches
394ERP EHP76.0CHVW_WM142Batch Where-Used List for Documentary Batches in WMBatches
395ERP EHP76.0DRVLOG_FIELDVAL121Derivation: Attributes and values (log file)Batches
396ERP EHP76.0DRVLOG_HEADER113Derivation: Header table for log fileBatches
397ERP EHP76.0DRVLOG_ITEM72Derivation: Item table for log fileBatches
398ERP EHP76.0DRVLOG_TRAIL42Derivation: Orders / purchase orders in derivation pathBatches
399ERP EHP76.0DRV_FAVORITES41Derivation: Favorites for Condition Record MaintenanceBatches
400ERP EHP76.0KONDR71Conditions: Derivation strategy - data partBatches
401ERP EHP76.0KONDRPR201Conditions: Derivation strategy - recipient item dataBatches
402ERP EHP76.0KONDRPS71Conditions: Derivation strategy - sender item dataBatches
403ERP EHP76.0KOTR00171Material NumberBatches
404ERP EHP76.0KOTR00271Material TypeBatches
405ERP EHP76.0KOTR01071Sender Material NumberBatches
406ERP EHP76.0KOTR01171Sender Material TypeBatches
407ERP EHP76.0KOTR01281Receiving Material + Sending MaterialBatches
408ERP EHP76.0KOTR01381Receiving Material Type + Sending Material TypeBatches
409ERP EHP76.0MCHCL182Batch Class ConversionBatches
410ERP EHP76.0MCHCL_MAT113Materials for Batch Class ConversionBatches
411ERP EHP76.0MCHUWL61User-Specific Batch WorklistBatches
412ERP EHP76.0MCHUWT31Assignment of User to Batch Worklist TypeBatches
413ERP EHP76.0MCHWT31Batch Worklist TypesBatches
414ERP EHP76.0MCHWTT41Batch Worklist Type TextsBatches
415ERP EHP76.0MCH_PUR_TEMP51Assignment of Temporary Batch and Vendor BatchBatches
416ERP EHP76.0PRDKZ31SLED Period IndicatorBatches
417ERP EHP76.0PRDKZT51Language-dependent texts for SLED period indicatorBatches
418ERP EHP76.0PROOB92Original Batch for Production OrderBatches
419ERP EHP76.0PUROB92Original Batch for Purchase OrderBatches
420ERP EHP76.0R00071Condition table for derivation strategy RBatches
421ERP EHP76.0T148Z21Value table for domain ZUSCH (deactivated)Batches
422ERP EHP76.0T148ZT41Text table for value table T148Z (deactivated)Batches
423ERP EHP76.0T160MVAL31Message category restriction for T160MBatches
424ERP EHP76.0T685H181Conditions: Batches => Default ValuesBatches
425ERP EHP76.0T685R31Conditions: Derivation => default valuesBatches
426ERP EHP76.0TBICACT21Follow-On Actions in the Batch Information CockpitBatches
427ERP EHP76.0TBICACTT41Follow-Up Actions in Batch Information Cockpit: TextsBatches
428ERP EHP76.0TBICACTU31Assign User Group to Follow-Up Actions: BICBatches
429ERP EHP76.0TBICBRO11BIC - Tables: Batch-Related ObjectsBatches
430ERP EHP76.0TBICBROF41BIC - Display Fields: Batch-Related ObjectsBatches
431ERP EHP76.0TBICBROU31BIC - Assignment Tables/User Group: Batch-Related ObjectsBatches
432ERP EHP76.0TBICCF31Selection Fields in BIC - Conversion for AggregationBatches
433ERP EHP76.0TBICF51Selection Fields for Batch Information Cockpit - Standard -Batches
434ERP EHP76.0TBICFM11Cross-Table Selection Fields from BICBatches
435ERP EHP76.0TBICFT41Texts Selection Fields Batch Information CockpitBatches
436ERP EHP76.0TBICFU81Selection Fields for Batch Information CockpitBatches
437ERP EHP76.0TBICS41Selection Tab Titles for Batch Info. Cockpit - Standard -Batches
438ERP EHP76.0TBICSEL41Selection Enhancement in the Batch Information CockpitBatches
439ERP EHP76.0TBICSELT41Enhanced Selections in Batch Information Cockpit TextsBatches
440ERP EHP76.0TBICSELU31Assign User Group to Enhanced Selection: BICBatches
441ERP EHP76.0TBICST31Texts for BIC Selection Tab Titles - Standard -Batches
442ERP EHP76.0TBICSU61Selection Tab Titles for Batch Information CockpitBatches
443ERP EHP76.0TBICSUT61Texts for Batch Information Cockpit Selection Tab TitlesBatches
444ERP EHP76.0TBICUG61Batch Information Cockpit User GroupsBatches
445ERP EHP76.0TBICUGT41Texts for Batch Information Cockpit User GroupsBatches
446ERP EHP76.0TBIC_SC62BIC - Selection Variants: Header DataBatches
447ERP EHP76.0TBIC_SCT41Batch Information Cockpit - Selection Criteria TextsBatches
448ERP EHP76.0TBIC_SC_PA41BIC - Selection Variants: ParametersBatches
449ERP EHP76.0TBIC_SC_ROW111BIC - Selection Variants: Free SelectionBatches
450ERP EHP76.0TBIC_SC_SO81BIC - Selection Variants: Select OptionsBatches
451ERP EHP76.0TCB03_BM31Internal Characteristic Numbers for PP-PI CharacteristicsBatches
452ERP EHP76.0TCHW131Batch-Specific Units of Measure (Proportion/Product Un)Batches
453ERP EHP76.0TCHW2101Units of Measurement for Batch-Specific Units of MeasureBatches
454ERP EHP76.0TCUBN51Customizing: Automatic Batch Number AssignmentBatches
455ERP EHP76.0TCUCD51Customizing for Batch Documents for Rel. 4.6CBatches
456ERP EHP76.0TCUCH131Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0Batches
457ERP EHP76.0TCUDB51Customizing Documentary BatchBatches
458ERP EHP76.0TCUDB_APPL_PROC21Documentary Batch - Application: Supported ProcessedBatches
459ERP EHP76.0TCUDB_PROCESS61Documentary Batch Settings - Manaual Process StepsBatches
460ERP EHP76.0TCUDB_PRODUCT31Documentary Batch - Product (Material Type)Batches
461ERP EHP76.0TCUDRV71Customizing: Batch DerivationBatches
462ERP EHP76.0TCUWS51Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0Batches
463ERP EHP76.0TDRVEV61Search Procedures per Derivation Time PointBatches
464ERP EHP76.0TFSBD71Sequence of Procedure for Batch DeterminationBatches
465ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_ATTRIB71Attributes for BRO TypeBatches
466ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_EVENT31Events for BRO TypeBatches
467ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_EVENTT51Events for Object Type : TextsBatches
468ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_TYPE81Batch History: Batch-Related Object TypesBatches
469ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_TYPET41Object Types for Batch History Selection Tab : TextsBatches
470ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_C_TYPEU31Assign User Group to BRO TypesBatches
471ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_D_HIST41Storing last update: Date and Time for each Object TypeBatches
472ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_D_INDEX153Index Table - Batch-Related Object TypesBatches
473ERP EHP76.0TOBJ_D_UPLOAD71Table to store Plant and Material relevant to Batch HistoryBatches
474ERP EHP76.0TVBX_CBATP81Tax Table of Materials for Characteristic-Based ATPBatches
475ERP EHP76.0TVBX_MAT_CBATP91Tax Table of Materials for Characteristic-Based ATPBatches
476ERP EHP76.0WBEW371Active Ingredient ValuationBatches
Logistics - General :: Configuration management
477ERP EHP76.0CMTIB_CLFINT2EXT62Classification conversion: internal ID to external keyConfiguration management
478ERP EHP76.0CMTIB_FLBINT2EXT52Classification conversion: internal ID to external keyConfiguration management
479ERP EHP76.0GCM_ACT_OBJECT11Directory of the object, to be actively protected with TACTConfiguration management
480ERP EHP76.0IBINCM294IB: Config.Mang.: Component/InstanceConfiguration management
481ERP EHP76.0IBSPCM224IB: Config.Mang.: SpecializationConfiguration management
482ERP EHP76.0IBSTCM165IB: Conf.Mang.:StructureConfiguration management
483ERP EHP76.0T371D_CMEXT21IB: Object Type Additional Attributes for CMConfiguration management
484ERP EHP76.0TCMFOLDERS61Table for sending CM foldersConfiguration management
485ERP EHP76.0TCMRECEIVERS31Receiver of the CM folderConfiguration management
486ERP EHP76.0TCM_BASELINE335Baseline data (Configuration Management)Configuration management
487ERP EHP76.0TCM_BASELINET71Text table for Baseline descriptionConfiguration management
488ERP EHP76.0TCM_CTIME291List of Alternative Dates (Config. Management)Configuration management
489ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_APPL41Customizing parameter CM applicationConfiguration management
490ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_CBAS41Customizing parameter BaselineConfiguration management
491ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_CDEF31Customizing parameter configuration definitionConfiguration management
492ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_CFOL31Customizing parameter configuration folderConfiguration management
493ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXPL131Profile for the explosionConfiguration management
494ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXPL_LNK51Edge-specific exclusion of objectsConfiguration management
495ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXPL_OBJ31Objects Not to Be Taken into AccountConfiguration management
496ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXPL_TXT41Profile text for the explosionConfiguration management
497ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXPL_WRK31Plants to Be ExplodedConfiguration management
498ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_EXP_CTYP31Class types not consideredConfiguration management
499ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_LNK_MAP41Mapping global to local edgesConfiguration management
500ERP EHP76.0TCM_CUS_MEM51Customizing parameter CM applicationConfiguration management
501ERP EHP76.0TCM_DYNPPARTS71CM: For each activity - Cumulation of current screenConfiguration management
502ERP EHP76.0TCM_EXPL121Profile for the explosionConfiguration management
503ERP EHP76.0TCM_EXPL_LNK51Edge-specific exclusion of objectsConfiguration management
504ERP EHP76.0TCM_EXPL_OBJ31Objects Not to Be Taken into AccountConfiguration management
505ERP EHP76.0TCM_EXPL_WRK31Plants to Be ExplodedConfiguration management
506ERP EHP76.0TCM_EXP_CTYP31Class types not consideredConfiguration management
507ERP EHP76.0TCM_LC_PHASE31CM: Life cycle phaseConfiguration management
508ERP EHP76.0TCM_LC_PHASET41CM: multi-lingual text for the life cycle phases of a cycleConfiguration management
509ERP EHP76.0TCM_LC_PH_TRANS61CM: Link between the phases of a life cycleConfiguration management
510ERP EHP76.0TCM_LC_PH_USAGE31CM: LC-Phase: Selected usageConfiguration management
511ERP EHP76.0TCM_LIFECYCLE21Life cycle for product under Configuration ManagementConfiguration management
512ERP EHP76.0TCM_LIFECYCLET41CM: multi-lingual text for the life cycleConfiguration management
513ERP EHP76.0TCM_PFOLDER154Configuration Folder (Configuration Management)Configuration management
514ERP EHP76.0TCM_PFREL63Data storage for generic object linksConfiguration management
515ERP EHP76.0TCM_PF_CONT203Table for data container for product folder (Conf. Mgmt)Configuration management
516ERP EHP76.0TCM_PF_CONTT71Text table for description for configuration foldersConfiguration management
517ERP EHP76.0TCM_PMASTER143CM: Header data for productConfiguration management
518ERP EHP76.0TCM_PMASTERT41Text table for language dependent descriptionConfiguration management
519ERP EHP76.0TCM_TB_PROFILE101CM: Control of the selection of tabstrip index in WorkbenchConfiguration management
520ERP EHP76.0TCM_USER_PROFILE101CM: Definition of the user layoutsConfiguration management
521ERP EHP76.0TCM_WORKLIST81Worklist for the CM userConfiguration management
Logistics - General :: Electronic Data Records
522ERP EHP76.0AUTDELTTXID51Long Text Objects Not To Be Logged on DBTABLOGElectronic Data Records
523ERP EHP76.0AUTDTELLOG31Customizing for Change Document CreationElectronic Data Records
524ERP EHP76.0AUTDTELLOGT31Text Table for Customizing of Change Document CreationElectronic Data Records
525ERP EHP76.0AUTTABLOG31Customizing for Table LoggingElectronic Data Records
526ERP EHP76.0AUTTABLOGT31Text Table for Customizing of Table LoggingElectronic Data Records
527ERP EHP76.0AUTTRANSLOG31Customizing, Assignment of Transaction/Objects via AUT02Electronic Data Records
528ERP EHP76.0AUT_ARCH_HIST101History for Archiving of Long Text LogsElectronic Data Records
529ERP EHP76.0AUT_STXH_ARCH121Buffer and Conversion Table for ArchivingElectronic Data Records
530ERP EHP76.0AUT_STXL91SAPscript Text File Lines: Dummy Table for Audit TrailsElectronic Data Records
531ERP EHP76.0AUT_STXL_ARCH121Buffer and Conversion Table for ArchivingElectronic Data Records
532ERP EHP76.0AUT_TEST_0101Audit Trail Test Table 0Electronic Data Records
533ERP EHP76.0AUT_TEST_1101Audit Trail Test Table 1Electronic Data Records
534ERP EHP76.0AUT_TEST_2101Audit Trail Test Table 2Electronic Data Records
Logistics - General :: Engineering Change Management
535ERP EHP76.0CCSEQ72Change Sequence GraphEngineering Change Management
536ERP EHP76.0CCSEQ_ACTIVE61(De)activate Change Sequence GraphEngineering Change Management
537ERP EHP76.0CCSEQ_CYCLE85Cycles (Change Sequence Graph)Engineering Change Management
538ERP EHP76.0CCSEQ_NODES94Historical Statuses of Objects (Change Sequence Graph)Engineering Change Management
539ERP EHP76.0EDGE111Relation Between Change NumbersEngineering Change Management
540ERP EHP76.0ENODE91Nodes ECHEngineering Change Management
Logistics - General :: Forecast
541ERP EHP76.0PROF101Forecast ErrorsForecast
542ERP EHP76.0PROW91Forecast ValuesForecast
543ERP EHP76.0T439P71Split-up for forecast requirementsForecast
544ERP EHP76.0T446F21Assignment of Data Elements to HierarchiesForecast
545ERP EHP76.0T446H31Hierarchies for LIS Statistics and PlanningForecast
Logistics - General :: Global Trade
546ERP EHP76.0EAGLT_CONFIRM21store UUID of confirmation to test asynchronous servicesGlobal Trade
547ERP EHP76.0TCOM21Definition of CommoditiesGlobal Trade
548ERP EHP76.0TCOMA31Assignment of Material Number to CommodityGlobal Trade
549ERP EHP76.0TCOMT41Commodity DescriptionGlobal Trade
550ERP EHP76.0TEAGLT_PURPOSE_M71Assign Condition Type to Condition PurposeGlobal Trade
551ERP EHP76.0TWCBPROXYDEFAULT61Default Data for Proxy CallGlobal Trade
552ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_CAT2COM41assignment of commodity item category to TC item categoryGlobal Trade
553ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_CAT2PR41assignment of pricing categories to comm. item cat.Global Trade
554ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COMSUB51commodity item categoryGlobal Trade
555ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COMSUBT51commodity item categoryGlobal Trade
556ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COND_CALL71Assignment of a class per condition typeGlobal Trade
557ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COND_TR61Condition TransformationGlobal Trade
558ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COND_TRT51Condition TransformationGlobal Trade
559ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PO2TC71Copy Control Purchase Order to Trading ContractGlobal Trade
560ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PO2TC_I51Item Copy Control Purchase Order to Trading ContractGlobal Trade
561ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PR151pricing aspectGlobal Trade
562ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PRT51text table for pricing aspectsGlobal Trade
563ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_SO2TC51Copy Control Sales Order to Trading ContractGlobal Trade
564ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_SO2TC_I41Item Copy Control Sales Order to Trading ContractGlobal Trade
565ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_TC_CON121Condition consolidation: Control tableGlobal Trade
566ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_ASGT_DIST141Assignment distributionsGlobal Trade
567ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_ASSGMT252AssignmentsGlobal Trade
568ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_COMSUB311Trading Contract: commodity sub itemsGlobal Trade
569ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_PRASP461Trading Contract: pricing aspectsGlobal Trade
570ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_SHD_ITEM442Shadow ItemsGlobal Trade
571ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_SHD_PRASP221Pricing aspects of shadow itemsGlobal Trade
572ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_TESTDATA21Testdata informationGlobal Trade
Logistics - General :: Handling Unit Management
573ERP EHP76.0TERVH31Allowed Packaging Materials for each Mat.Group f. Pckg.MatlsHandling Unit Management
574ERP EHP76.0THUINVBWART41BWART for Posting Inventory Differeneces with HUsHandling Unit Management
575ERP EHP76.0THUWBBWART41Movement Type per HU Goods Movement EventHandling Unit Management
576ERP EHP76.0THUWBEVENT151Definition of Possible Events for HU Goods MovementsHandling Unit Management
577ERP EHP76.0TVEGR21Material Group: Packaging MaterialsHandling Unit Management
578ERP EHP76.0TVEGRT41Material Group: Packaging Materials: DesignationsHandling Unit Management
579ERP EHP76.0TVTY161Packaging Material TypesHandling Unit Management
580ERP EHP76.0TVTYT41Packaging Material Types: DescriptionsHandling Unit Management
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data
581ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT1131CategoryLogistics Basic Data
582ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT1T41Master Data Texts CategoryLogistics Basic Data
583ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT2121Master Data SubcategoryLogistics Basic Data
584ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT2T41Master Data Texts SubcategoryLogistics Basic Data
585ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT3121Master Data SegmentLogistics Basic Data
586ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT3T41Master Data Text SegmentLogistics Basic Data
587ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT4121Master Data SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
588ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT4T41Master Data Texts SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
589ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT5121Master Data Sub-SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
590ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT5T41Master Data Texts Sub-SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
591ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT6121Master Data Product GroupLogistics Basic Data
592ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT6T41Master Data Texts Product GroupLogistics Basic Data
593ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT7121Master Data BrandLogistics Basic Data
594ERP EHP76.0CMMD_CDT7T41Master Data Texts BrandLogistics Basic Data
595ERP EHP76.0CMMD_SKU181CDT-SKU Assignment TableLogistics Basic Data
596ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_ART102Transfer Status of ArticlesLogistics Basic Data
597ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_ART_SITE177Transfer Status of Article/Site CombinationsLogistics Basic Data
598ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_CUST301DMF CustomizingLogistics Basic Data
599ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_LOG112application log table for DMF RFC contentLogistics Basic Data
600ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_MATKL51Relevant Merchandise CategoriesLogistics Basic Data
601ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_MTART51Relevant Article TypesLogistics Basic Data
602ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_SITE92Transfer Status of SitesLogistics Basic Data
603ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_T001W571Transferred SitesLogistics Basic Data
604ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_VENDOR72Transfer Status of VendorsLogistics Basic Data
605ERP EHP76.0FRE_ARTHIER_SKU71Article Hierarchy Article assignmentsLogistics Basic Data
606ERP EHP76.0FRE_ARTHIER_STRU71Article Hierarchy StructureLogistics Basic Data
607ERP EHP76.0MASS_JOB_ERROR141Mass Maintenance Cluster for Error RecoverLogistics Basic Data
608ERP EHP76.0MASS_PARAMETERS91Parameters for retail mass maintenanceLogistics Basic Data
609ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_CUST41Control Parameters for the Article HierarchyLogistics Basic Data
610ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_CUST_VK61Control Parameters for Distribution Chain Article HierarchyLogistics Basic Data
611ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_HIER131Article Hierarchy PropertiesLogistics Basic Data
612ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_HIERT41Article Hierarchy DescriptionLogistics Basic Data
613ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_ROLE21Category RoleLogistics Basic Data
614ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_ROLET41Name of roleLogistics Basic Data
615ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_SKU51Article Assignments TableLogistics Basic Data
616ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_STRATEGY21Category StrategyLogistics Basic Data
617ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_STRATEGYT41Strategy NameLogistics Basic Data
618ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_STRUC72Category StructureLogistics Basic Data
619ERP EHP76.0MATGRP_STRUCT51Language-Dependent Name of a Hierarchy NodeLogistics Basic Data
620ERP EHP76.0MDMXTCHK21obsoleteLogistics Basic Data
621ERP EHP76.0MDMXTCHT41obsoleteLogistics Basic Data
622ERP EHP76.0MDMXTYPE31dummyLogistics Basic Data
623ERP EHP76.0MMSITEREF61Plant grouping for purchasingLogistics Basic Data
624ERP EHP76.0T434G31Stock determination groupLogistics Basic Data
625ERP EHP76.0T434H51Texts for stock determination rule (T434G)Logistics Basic Data
626ERP EHP76.0T434K161Stock determination: Header tableLogistics Basic Data
627ERP EHP76.0T434L61Texts for stock determination - header tableLogistics Basic Data
628ERP EHP76.0T434P101Stock determination: FS item tableLogistics Basic Data
629ERP EHP76.0T434R41Stock determination ruleLogistics Basic Data
630ERP EHP76.0T434S41Texts for stock determination rule (T434R)Logistics Basic Data
631ERP EHP76.0TWCMR31Category Management: rolesLogistics Basic Data
632ERP EHP76.0TWCMRT41Category Management: Roles: NamesLogistics Basic Data
633ERP EHP76.0TWCMURL31Assignment of BW Analyses to Internet AddressesLogistics Basic Data
634ERP EHP76.0WCMP81Category Management: ProjectLogistics Basic Data
635ERP EHP76.0WCMPS71TWCMPSLogistics Basic Data
636ERP EHP76.0WCMPSD101Details for Category Management StepLogistics Basic Data
637ERP EHP76.0WCMPT41Category Management Project Maintenance: DescriptionLogistics Basic Data
638ERP EHP76.0WCMPUSER41Category Management: Assignment User to roleLogistics Basic Data
639ERP EHP76.0WEWU174EMU: Planning of currency conversionsLogistics Basic Data
640ERP EHP76.0WLOSITEREF41Plant grouping for logistic dataLogistics Basic Data
641ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT1202CategoryLogistics Basic Data
642ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT1T51Category TextsLogistics Basic Data
643ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT2202SubcategoryLogistics Basic Data
644ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT2T51Subcategory TextsLogistics Basic Data
645ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT3202SegmentLogistics Basic Data
646ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT3T51Segment TextsLogistics Basic Data
647ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT4202SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
648ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT4T51Subsegment TextsLogistics Basic Data
649ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT5202Sub-SubsegmentLogistics Basic Data
650ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT5T51Sub-Subsegment TextsLogistics Basic Data
651ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT6202Product GroupLogistics Basic Data
652ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT6T51Product Group TextsLogistics Basic Data
653ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT7202BrandLogistics Basic Data
654ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_CDT7T51Brand TextsLogistics Basic Data
655ERP EHP76.0WRF_CMMD_SKU202CDT-SKU Assignment TableLogistics Basic Data
656ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_COL31Article Hierarchy: Table of Tree ColumnsLogistics Basic Data
657ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_COLT41Table of Tree Column TextsLogistics Basic Data
658ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_HIER141Article Hierarchy PropertiesLogistics Basic Data
659ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_HIERT41Article Hierarchy DescriptionLogistics Basic Data
660ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD1243Hierarchy Level 1 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
661ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD10333Hierarchy Level 10 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
662ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD10T61Hierarchy Level 10 TextsLogistics Basic Data
663ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD1T61Hierarchy Level 1 TextsLogistics Basic Data
664ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD2253Hierarchy Level 2 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
665ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD2T61Hierarchy Level 2 TextsLogistics Basic Data
666ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD3263Hierarchy Level 3 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
667ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD3T61Hierarchy Level 3 TextsLogistics Basic Data
668ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD4273Hierarchy Level 4 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
669ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD4T61Hierarchy Level 4 TextsLogistics Basic Data
670ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD5283Hierarchy Level 5 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
671ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD5T61Hierarchy Level 5 TextsLogistics Basic Data
672ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD6293Hierarchy Level 6 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
673ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD6T61Hierarchy Level 6 TextsLogistics Basic Data
674ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD7303Hierarchy Level 7 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
675ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD7T61Hierarchy Level 7 TextsLogistics Basic Data
676ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD8313Hierarchy Level 8 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
677ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD8T61Hierarchy Level 8 TextsLogistics Basic Data
678ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD9323Hierarchy Level 9 - Time-DependentLogistics Basic Data
679ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_MD9T61Texts - Hierarchy Level 9Logistics Basic Data
680ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_PARAM71Article Hierarchy: Table of Control ParametersLogistics Basic Data
681ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_PROD272Hierarchy-Product Assignment TableLogistics Basic Data
682ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_RESP21ResponsibilityLogistics Basic Data
683ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_ROLE21Category RoleLogistics Basic Data
684ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_ROLET41Name of roleLogistics Basic Data
685ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_SKU83Article Assignments TableLogistics Basic Data
686ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_STRA21Category StrategyLogistics Basic Data
687ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_STRAT41Strategy NameLogistics Basic Data
688ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_STRCT71Language-Dependent Name of a Hierarchy NodeLogistics Basic Data
689ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_STRUC142Category StructureLogistics Basic Data
690ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_TREE41Table of Hierarchy LevelsLogistics Basic Data
691ERP EHP76.0WRF_MATGRP_TREET51Table of Hierarchy Level TextsLogistics Basic Data
692ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_ATTRIBUT61Material Attributes for Reference Determination SchemaLogistics Basic Data
693ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_CNTRL141General Settings for Multiple ReferencesLogistics Basic Data
694ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_HEAD113Assignment of a Reference Module to Material/PlantLogistics Basic Data
695ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_ITEM82ReferenceLogistics Basic Data
696ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_MATCH41Matching and Match Rate Relevance of Attribute ValuesLogistics Basic Data
697ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_MODULE232Header Data for a Reference ModuleLogistics Basic Data
698ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_RFS131Reference Determination SchemaLogistics Basic Data
699ERP EHP76.0WRF_REF_RFST41Description of the Reference Determination SchemaLogistics Basic Data
Logistics - General :: Logistics Information System LIS
700ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0ACCSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC02M_0ACCLogistics Information System LIS
701ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0CGRSETUP61BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0CGR StorageLogistics Information System LIS
702ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0HDRSETUP61Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OHDRLogistics Information System LIS
703ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0ITMSETUP61Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OITMLogistics Information System LIS
704ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0SCLSETUP61Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OSCLLogistics Information System LIS
705ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0SCNSETUP61BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SCN StorageLogistics Information System LIS
706ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0SGRSETUP61BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SGR StorageLogistics Information System LIS
707ERP EHP76.0MC02M_0SRVSETUP61Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OSRVLogistics Information System LIS
708ERP EHP76.0MC03BF0SETUP61Save BW Reorganization for MC03BF0Logistics Information System LIS
709ERP EHP76.0MC03BX0SETUP61BW Stock Initialization Storage for MC03BF0Logistics Information System LIS
710ERP EHP76.0MC03UM0SETUP61Save BW Reorganization for MC03UM0Logistics Information System LIS
711ERP EHP76.0MC04PE0ARBSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARBLogistics Information System LIS
712ERP EHP76.0MC04PE0COMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0COMLogistics Information System LIS
713ERP EHP76.0MC04PE0MATSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0MATLogistics Information System LIS
714ERP EHP76.0MC04PK0KANSETUP61Kanban Setup table for MC04PK0MATLogistics Information System LIS
715ERP EHP76.0MC04P_0ARBSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0ARBLogistics Information System LIS
716ERP EHP76.0MC04P_0COMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0COMLogistics Information System LIS
717ERP EHP76.0MC04P_0MATSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0MATLogistics Information System LIS
718ERP EHP76.0MC05Q1_INSPSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q1_0INSP (Check Results)Logistics Information System LIS
719ERP EHP76.0MC05Q2_INSPSETUP61BW Reorganization for MC05Q2_0INSP (Inspection Results)Logistics Information System LIS
720ERP EHP76.0MC06M_0ITMSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC06M_0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
721ERP EHP76.0MC08TR0FKPSETUP61Storage BW Reorganization for MC08TR0FKPLogistics Information System LIS
722ERP EHP76.0MC08TR0FKZSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0FKZLogistics Information System LIS
723ERP EHP76.0MC08TR0TKSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TKLogistics Information System LIS
724ERP EHP76.0MC08TR0TLPSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TLPLogistics Information System LIS
725ERP EHP76.0MC08TR0TSSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TSLogistics Information System LIS
726ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0HDRSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0HDRLogistics Information System LIS
727ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0ITMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
728ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0KONSETUP61Storage BW Reconstruction for MC11VA0KONLogistics Information System LIS
729ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0SCLSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0SCLLogistics Information System LIS
730ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0STHSETUP61BW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STHLogistics Information System LIS
731ERP EHP76.0MC11VA0STISETUP61BW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STLogistics Information System LIS
732ERP EHP76.0MC11V_0ITMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
733ERP EHP76.0MC11V_0SCLSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCLLogistics Information System LIS
734ERP EHP76.0MC11V_0SSLSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCLLogistics Information System LIS
735ERP EHP76.0MC12VC0HDRSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0HDRLogistics Information System LIS
736ERP EHP76.0MC12VC0ITMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
737ERP EHP76.0MC12VC0SCLSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0SCLLogistics Information System LIS
738ERP EHP76.0MC12_PUFFER61Interim Buffering for MC12 Deltas?Logistics Information System LIS
739ERP EHP76.0MC13VD0HDRSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0HDRLogistics Information System LIS
740ERP EHP76.0MC13VD0ITMSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
741ERP EHP76.0MC13VD0KONSETUP61Storage BW Reconstruction for MC13VD0KONLogistics Information System LIS
742ERP EHP76.0MC40RP0REVSETUP61BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARBLogistics Information System LIS
743ERP EHP76.0MC43RK0CASSETUP61BW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS CashierLogistics Information System LIS
744ERP EHP76.0MC44RB0RECSETUP61BW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Sales Receipt DataLogistics Information System LIS
745ERP EHP76.0MC45CD0LSTSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45CDLSTLogistics Information System LIS
746ERP EHP76.0MC45PD0LSTSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45PD0LST (Posting List)Logistics Information System LIS
747ERP EHP76.0MC45VD0LSTSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)Logistics Information System LIS
748ERP EHP76.0MC45VS0LSTSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)Logistics Information System LIS
749ERP EHP76.0MC45W_0HDRSETUP61Folder: BW setup for MC45W_0HDRLogistics Information System LIS
750ERP EHP76.0MC45W_0ITMSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0ITMLogistics Information System LIS
751ERP EHP76.0MC45W_0LSTSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0LSTLogistics Information System LIS
752ERP EHP76.0MC47M_0BVSETUP61Folder: BW Setup for MC47M_0BVLogistics Information System LIS
753ERP EHP76.0MCEXHASH131LO Extraction - Memory Tabele for Hash ValuesLogistics Information System LIS
754ERP EHP76.0MCEXLOG121File for saving logsLogistics Information System LIS
755ERP EHP76.0MCEX_COLLR_INDEX41Index for Executed Logistics Extraction Collective RunsLogistics Information System LIS
756ERP EHP76.0MCEX_DELTA_BACK131Backup Table for Logistics Extraction Queues (MCEX*)Logistics Information System LIS
757ERP EHP76.0MCEX_DELTA_DOC51Delta Update Logistics ExtractionLogistics Information System LIS
758ERP EHP76.0MCEX_DELTA_UPD91Delta Update Logistics ExtractionLogistics Information System LIS
759ERP EHP76.0S280841Order header and item, BWLogistics Information System LIS
760ERP EHP76.0S280BIW1841S280BIW1 * Order header and item, BWLogistics Information System LIS
761ERP EHP76.0S280BIW2841S280BIW2 * Order Header and Item, BWLogistics Information System LIS
762ERP EHP76.0S281751Order Operation, BWLogistics Information System LIS
763ERP EHP76.0S281BIW1751S281BIW1 * Order Process, BWLogistics Information System LIS
764ERP EHP76.0S281BIW2751S281BIW2 * Order Process, BWLogistics Information System LIS
765ERP EHP76.0S282211Order Component, BWLogistics Information System LIS
766ERP EHP76.0S282BIW1211S282BIW1 * Order Components, BWLogistics Information System LIS
767ERP EHP76.0S282BIW2211S282BIW2 * Order Components, BWLogistics Information System LIS
768ERP EHP76.0S284151Goods Receipts Repet. Man., BWLogistics Information System LIS
769ERP EHP76.0S284BIW1151S284BIW1 * Goods Receipt Rep. Manufct., BWLogistics Information System LIS
770ERP EHP76.0S284BIW2151S284BIW2 * Goods Receipt Rep. Manufct., BWLogistics Information System LIS
771ERP EHP76.0S285181Material Cons. Repet. Manu. BWLogistics Information System LIS
772ERP EHP76.0S285BIW1181S285BIW1 * Material Consumpt.Repet.Manuf., BWLogistics Information System LIS
773ERP EHP76.0S285BIW2181S285BIW2 * Material Consumpt.Repet.Manuf., BWLogistics Information System LIS
774ERP EHP76.0TMCBIWC41LIS: BW-Customizing - Version copierLogistics Information System LIS
775ERP EHP76.0TMCEXACT71LO Data Extraction: Activate Data Sources/UpdateLogistics Information System LIS
776ERP EHP76.0TMCEXCFS53LO Data Extraction: Field Status of Communication StructuresLogistics Information System LIS
777ERP EHP76.0TMCEXCFZ31LO Data Extraction: Field Status Comm. Structures (Customer)Logistics Information System LIS
778ERP EHP76.0TMCEXEVE41LO Data Extraction: Events/Extract StructuresLogistics Information System LIS
779ERP EHP76.0TMCEXLOG61LO Data Extraction: Logfile Control of ApplicationsLogistics Information System LIS
780ERP EHP76.0TMCEXMP21Multiprocess Modes Logistic ExtractionLogistics Information System LIS
781ERP EHP76.0TMCEXMPT41Multiprocess Modes Logistic Extraction TextsLogistics Information System LIS
782ERP EHP76.0TMCEXPRA51Control Table for LO Extraction-XPRA RMCSBWXP_COMLogistics Information System LIS
783ERP EHP76.0TMCEXUPD91LO Data Extraction: Update Control of ApplicationsLogistics Information System LIS
Logistics - General :: Merchandise and Assortment Planning
784ERP EHP76.0S202801MAP: Merchandise Planning StructureMerchandise and Assortment Planning
785ERP EHP76.0S202E192S202 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
786ERP EHP76.0S203231MAP: Merchandise Planning StockMerchandise and Assortment Planning
787ERP EHP76.0S203E192S203 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
788ERP EHP76.0S204761MAP: Merchandise Planning MovementsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
789ERP EHP76.0S204E192S204 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
790ERP EHP76.0S206191MAP: Store Planning StocksMerchandise and Assortment Planning
791ERP EHP76.0S206E142S206 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
792ERP EHP76.0S207601MAP: Store Planning StructureMerchandise and Assortment Planning
793ERP EHP76.0S207E142S207 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
794ERP EHP76.0S208252MAP: Assortment PlanningMerchandise and Assortment Planning
795ERP EHP76.0S208E183S208 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
796ERP EHP76.0S209351MAP: OTB MovementsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
797ERP EHP76.0S209E162S209 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
798ERP EHP76.0S210181MAP: OTB StockMerchandise and Assortment Planning
799ERP EHP76.0S210E162S210 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
800ERP EHP76.0S211361MAP: OTB Evaluation StructureMerchandise and Assortment Planning
801ERP EHP76.0S211E162S211 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
802ERP EHP76.0S212481CatMan: Hohe EbeneMerchandise and Assortment Planning
803ERP EHP76.0S212BIW1481S212BIW1 * CatMan: High LevelMerchandise and Assortment Planning
804ERP EHP76.0S212BIW2481S212BIW2 * CatMan: High LevelMerchandise and Assortment Planning
805ERP EHP76.0S212E192S212 - StrukturinformationenMerchandise and Assortment Planning
806ERP EHP76.0S214342CatMan: Indizees für ROPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
807ERP EHP76.0S214BIW1342S214BIW1 * CatMan: Indexes for Space Management ProgramMerchandise and Assortment Planning
808ERP EHP76.0S214BIW2342S214BIW2 * CatMan: Indexes for Space Management ProgramMerchandise and Assortment Planning
809ERP EHP76.0S214E183S214 - StrukturinformationenMerchandise and Assortment Planning
810ERP EHP76.0S216362MAP: Average Retail WOCMerchandise and Assortment Planning
811ERP EHP76.0S216E193S216 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
812ERP EHP76.0S217362MAP: AvgRetail MONMerchandise and Assortment Planning
813ERP EHP76.0S217E193S217 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
814ERP EHP76.0S218362MAP: AvgRetail BUPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
815ERP EHP76.0S218E193S218 - Structural InformationMerchandise and Assortment Planning
816ERP EHP76.0S219322CatMan: Feine EbeneMerchandise and Assortment Planning
817ERP EHP76.0S219BIW1322S219BIW1 * CatMan: Fine LevelMerchandise and Assortment Planning
818ERP EHP76.0S219BIW2322S219BIW2 * CatMan: Detailed LevelMerchandise and Assortment Planning
819ERP EHP76.0S219E193S219 - StrukturinformationenMerchandise and Assortment Planning
820ERP EHP76.0TWISPA_AVERAGERT171Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Average RetailMerchandise and Assortment Planning
821ERP EHP76.0TWISPA_AVGRET131Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Average RetailMerchandise and Assortment Planning
822ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ANREI31Parameter for Updating Fields in Info StructuresMerchandise and Assortment Planning
823ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ASORTZ71Assignment of Store Groups to AssortmentsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
824ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_AVGRET31Average Retail Update ParametersMerchandise and Assortment Planning
825ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_BREAKD81Grouping Break-DownsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
826ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_BREAKDT41Text Table for Grouping Break-DownsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
827ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_BW_TIME51Assignment of Infocubes to Time Field in Planning ScenarioMerchandise and Assortment Planning
828ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_CUA71Retail Planning: Customer-specific CUA Status and TitleMerchandise and Assortment Planning
829ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_DPLVA91Retail Planning: Manual Planning VariantsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
830ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_DPLVAT71Retail Planning: Texts for Manual Planning VariantsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
831ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_DPLVV111Retail Planning: Default Parameters for Manual Plng VariantsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
832ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FBATTRB61Retail Planning: Function Module for Reading AttributesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
833ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FBMDHIE51Function Module for Creating Master Data HierarchyMerchandise and Assortment Planning
834ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FCODES81Retail Planning: Customer-specific CUA FunctionsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
835ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FILGRP21Store GroupsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
836ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FILGRPT41Store GroupsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
837ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_FILGRPZ71Assignment of Stores to Store GroupsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
838ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_GENERAL51MAP: Cross-Scenario SettingsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
839ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_INT_ALLOC151Interface Parameters for "Allocation Table" Interface Cat.Merchandise and Assortment Planning
840ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_INT_LISTG81Interface Parameter for Interface Type "Listing"Merchandise and Assortment Planning
841ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_INT_PROMO121MAP: Planning Interface Category "Promotions"Merchandise and Assortment Planning
842ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNF111Retail Planning: Key Figure Formula for Planning StepsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
843ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNFG41Retail Planning: Formula Groups for Planning StepsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
844ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNFGT61Retail Planning: Formula Groups for Planning Step TextsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
845ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNFZ81Retail Planning: Formula Lines for Arithmetic FormulasMerchandise and Assortment Planning
846ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNPAR71Retail Planning: Control Parameters for Key FiguresMerchandise and Assortment Planning
847ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_KENNZ71Retail Planning: Additional Key FiguresMerchandise and Assortment Planning
848ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_LEVELS51Retail Planning: Meaning of Individual Planning LevelsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
849ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MARA261Retail Planning: Materials for Provisional PlanningMerchandise and Assortment Planning
850ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MARAT41Retail Planning: Texts for Articles for Provisional PlanningMerchandise and Assortment Planning
851ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MASCHPL81Retail Planning: Automatic PlanningMerchandise and Assortment Planning
852ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MASCHPLT61Text Tables for Automatic PlanningMerchandise and Assortment Planning
853ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MDATTR151Master Data AttributesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
854ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MDC21Retail Planning: Fields with Complex Master Data ChecksMerchandise and Assortment Planning
855ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MPLSCH81Reports/Tcodes for Planning Step Method Program/TransactionMerchandise and Assortment Planning
856ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_MTEXT51Retail Planning: Customer-spec. Text Tables for Character.Merchandise and Assortment Planning
857ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLHVS31Retail Planning: Version of Planning HierarchyMerchandise and Assortment Planning
858ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLHVST41Retail Planning: Texts for Planning Hierarchy VersionsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
859ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLINT71MAP: Planning Interfaces - General DefinitionsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
860ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLINTT61Text Tables for Planning InterfacesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
861ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSCH171Retail Planning: Planning StepMerchandise and Assortment Planning
862ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSCHT51Retail Planning: Texts for Planning StepMerchandise and Assortment Planning
863ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSCH_BW41BW Enhancements at Planning Step LevelMerchandise and Assortment Planning
864ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSCH_W51Retail Planning: Plng Step for Add. Table for Retail Applic.Merchandise and Assortment Planning
865ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSZN121Retail Planning: Planning ScenarioMerchandise and Assortment Planning
866ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSZNT41Retail Planning: Texts for Planning ScenarioMerchandise and Assortment Planning
867ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLSZN_BW41Retail Planning: Planning Scenario, BW Data EnhancementMerchandise and Assortment Planning
868ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLVER161Retail Planning: Planning Step LinksMerchandise and Assortment Planning
869ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_PLVERT71Text Table for Planning Step LinksMerchandise and Assortment Planning
870ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_REQHEAD91MAP: Customizing for External ApplicationsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
871ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_REQID21MAP: Customizing for External Applications: IDMerchandise and Assortment Planning
872ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_REQIDT41MAP: Customizing for External Applications: ID TextMerchandise and Assortment Planning
873ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_REQKENNZ81MAP: Customizing for External Applications: Key FiguresMerchandise and Assortment Planning
874ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_REQMERK81MAP: Customizing for External Applications: CharacteristicsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
875ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_SAISO71Retail Planning: Assign. Posting Periods to Season Cat./YearMerchandise and Assortment Planning
876ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_TKES1L41Retail Planning: Additional Information for Planning LayoutsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
877ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_USER0101User Settings for NetworkMerchandise and Assortment Planning
878ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_VRSIO81Retail Planning: Add-Ons to the LIS Plan VersionMerchandise and Assortment Planning
879ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_VRSIOT51Retail Planning: Texts for Add-Ons to LIS Plan VersionsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
880ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZBRINT71Assignment of Break-Downs to InterfacesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
881ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZCUBE71Assignment of Cube Fields to MAPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
882ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZINTPL61Assignment of Interfaces to Planning LayoutsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
883ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZKENN51Retail Planning: Assignment of Key Figs to the Planning StepMerchandise and Assortment Planning
884ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZKENN_W71Retail Planning: Assign. KeyFig/PlStep (Add. Retail Table)Merchandise and Assortment Planning
885ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZKNZINT71Assignment of Key Figures to InterfacesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
886ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZMERINT71Assignment of Characteristics to InterfacesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
887ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZMERK71Retail Planning: Assignment of Characteristics to Plng StepMerchandise and Assortment Planning
888ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZMERK_W71Retail Planning: Assign. Character/PlStep (Add.Retail Table)Merchandise and Assortment Planning
889ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZPSPL91Retail Planning: Assign. Planning Layouts to Plan StepsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
890ERP EHP76.0TWISPC_ZUSKZ41Retail Planning: Additional Key FiguresMerchandise and Assortment Planning
891ERP EHP76.0TWISPH_TEMPLATE21MAC: Planning Hierarchy TablesMerchandise and Assortment Planning
892ERP EHP76.0TWISPS0131Retail Planning: Assignment Info Structure/LibraryMerchandise and Assortment Planning
893ERP EHP76.0TWISPS_LEADCOL51User-Specific Settings for Lead ColumnsMerchandise and Assortment Planning
894ERP EHP76.0TWISPS_NOALLOC1131Parameters for Allocation Tables Generated in MAPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
895ERP EHP76.0TWISPS_NOLISTG1131Parameters for Allocation Tables Generated in MAPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
896ERP EHP76.0TWISPS_NOPROMO1211Parameters for Promotions Created in MAPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
897ERP EHP76.0TWISPS_TXT_TEMP51Retail Planning: Customer Characteristics Ref. Text TableMerchandise and Assortment Planning
Logistics - General :: Merchandise Distribution
898ERP EHP76.0FRET462Assignment of Procurement to Issue Docs in Mdse DistributionMerchandise Distribution
899ERP EHP76.0FRETB112Reference Table for Multiple ProcurementMerchandise Distribution
900ERP EHP76.0MDS_TMP72Merchandise Distribution: Cluster Table for Temporary DataMerchandise Distribution
901ERP EHP76.0TFMA91Adjustment Profiles per Processing MethodMerchandise Distribution
902ERP EHP76.0TFMAT41Adjustment Profiles per Processing MethodMerchandise Distribution
903ERP EHP76.0TMFPF71Distribution Profile of Material in DCMerchandise Distribution
904ERP EHP76.0TMFPFT41Distribution Profile of Material Master - TextsMerchandise Distribution
905ERP EHP76.0TWFPF91Plant Profiles for Merchandise DistributionMerchandise Distribution
906ERP EHP76.0TWFPFG131Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Bus. ProcessesMerchandise Distribution
907ERP EHP76.0TWFPFT41Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - TextsMerchandise Distribution
908ERP EHP76.0WMD_ADJ_EXEC_PRO81Adjust and Execute Distribution: ProfilesMerchandise Distribution
909ERP EHP76.0WMD_ADJ_EXEC_PRT41Text Table for WMD_ADJ_EXEC_PROMerchandise Distribution
910ERP EHP76.0WMD_ADJ_EXEC_WM31Adjust and Execute Distribution at WM LevelMerchandise Distribution
Logistics - General :: Product Data Management
911ERP EHP76.0CEPDBL41B2E [Base] PDoc <-> Master PDoc MappingProduct Data Management
912ERP EHP76.0CEPDOC41B2E [PDoc] PDoc -> DMS MappingProduct Data Management
913ERP EHP76.0CEPDOCBOMTYPES51Allowed Assignments for Document StructuresProduct Data Management
914ERP EHP76.0CEPDOCDOCTYPES51Allowed Assignments for Document LinkagesProduct Data Management
915ERP EHP76.0CEPFOLDERS101Table of CM folder for CEP scenarioProduct Data Management
916ERP EHP76.0CEPMAILBODY41Table fgor saving the mail body of folders in CEPProduct Data Management
917ERP EHP76.0CEPMONITOR61Monitoring Table for CEP scenario (status changes)Product Data Management
918ERP EHP76.0CEPNOACTIVEFLAG21Document types cannot be selected for transfer/rejectProduct Data Management
919ERP EHP76.0CEPRECEIVERS61Recipients of the distributed CM folder in CEP scenarioProduct Data Management
920ERP EHP76.0CEPRESENDDOCS81Documents to be sent againProduct Data Management
921ERP EHP76.0CEP_REVFOL_STAT21Status Administration for Review FolderProduct Data Management
922ERP EHP76.0CERCLN31B2E [PDM] Reconciliation TaskProduct Data Management
923ERP EHP76.0CONVERTER111Information about access to installed converterProduct Data Management
924ERP EHP76.0CONVERT_LOC61Location-Dependent ConversionProduct Data Management
925ERP EHP76.0CONVERT_SPEC262Detailed information about special conversionsProduct Data Management
926ERP EHP76.0CONV_FILE271Clipboard for Objects to ConvertProduct Data Management
927ERP EHP76.0CONV_MATRICES231Matrixes that must be checked into BOMsProduct Data Management
928ERP EHP76.0CONV_PARAMETERS31Parameter that is sent directly to the converterProduct Data Management
929ERP EHP76.0DMUPOB62DMU item object (head for DMU transformation matrices)Product Data Management
930ERP EHP76.0DMUTMX151Transformation matrix parameter in STEP format(ISO 10303-42)Product Data Management
931ERP EHP76.0EXPO_DATE_DB91Storage Date ElementsProduct Data Management
932ERP EHP76.0EXPO_ECN_DB71List of Change Numbers (Configuration Management)Product Data Management
933ERP EHP76.0EXPO_LTYPE11Link Types in EXPO Layer (FOX Explosion)Product Data Management
934ERP EHP76.0EXPO_LTYPE_TX31Text Table for Link Types in EXPO LayerProduct Data Management
935ERP EHP76.0EXPO_OBJ_TYPE11Object Types in EXPO Layer (FOX Explosion)Product Data Management
936ERP EHP76.0EXPO_OBJ_TYPE_TX31Text Table for Object Types in EXPO LayerProduct Data Management
937ERP EHP76.0FOX_INST_DB73Data Storage for FOX InstancesProduct Data Management
938ERP EHP76.0FOX_STRUCT_DB62Data Storage for FOX StructureProduct Data Management
939ERP EHP76.0KLFB91Assignment: Class to templateProduct Data Management
940ERP EHP76.0PDN_MAP_HEADER101Product Designer: Mapping Table for HeadersProduct Data Management
941ERP EHP76.0PDN_MAP_ITEM81Product Designer: Mapping Table for ItemsProduct Data Management
942ERP EHP76.0PLM_FIELDTABLE61Data Fields for Communicating with the WEB FrontendProduct Data Management
943ERP EHP76.0PLM_GROUPTEXT41Description of Field Groups in PLM PortalProduct Data Management
944ERP EHP76.0PLM_USERGROUPS51Data Fields for User GroupsProduct Data Management
945ERP EHP76.0TCEPCL61Default Classes for Saudia AramcoProduct Data Management
946ERP EHP76.0TCEPDOCICON41Document Type Icon AssignmentProduct Data Management
947ERP EHP76.0TCH0151Specification system: control dataProduct Data Management
948ERP EHP76.0TCH0271Specification system: Profile for unit of measure conversionProduct Data Management
949ERP EHP76.0TCH02T41Specification system: Text for conversion profilesProduct Data Management
950ERP EHP76.0TCHUS21Specification system: user-specific valuesProduct Data Management
951ERP EHP76.0TFPROFT_CEP41CEP Customizing Table: Profile for Field SelectionProduct Data Management
952ERP EHP76.0TFPROF_CEP21CEP Customizing Table: Profile for Field SelectionProduct Data Management
953ERP EHP76.0TFSEL_CEP61CEP Customizing table: Fields for display in CEP controlProduct Data Management
954ERP EHP76.0TGLOBALCUST_CEP61CEP Customizing Table: Gloabal FieldsProduct Data Management
955ERP EHP76.0TPRBO21Business Objects with ALE Change AuthorizationsProduct Data Management
956ERP EHP76.0TPRFL61Field Groups per Change Authorization ProfileProduct Data Management
957ERP EHP76.0TPRO31Profile Names for ALE Change AuthorizationsProduct Data Management
958ERP EHP76.0TPROFT_CEP41Text Table for CEP ProfileProduct Data Management
959ERP EHP76.0TPROF_CEP111Profile for CEPProduct Data Management
960ERP EHP76.0TPROO51Sequence of Change Authorization ProfilesProduct Data Management
961ERP EHP76.0TPROX51Profile Names for ALE Change AuthorizationsProduct Data Management
Logistics - General :: Retail Information System RIS
962ERP EHP76.0MCWPS181File for storing results of function group MCWPSRetail Information System RIS
963ERP EHP76.0MCWSVF71Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Field Line DataRetail Information System RIS
964ERP EHP76.0MCWSVK71Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Header DataRetail Information System RIS
965ERP EHP76.0TMCW251RIS EnhancementRetail Information System RIS
966ERP EHP76.0TMCWB51Do not use!Retail Information System RIS
967ERP EHP76.0TMCWBT61Do not use!Retail Information System RIS
968ERP EHP76.0TMCWW21Check table: Time of day classRetail Information System RIS
969ERP EHP76.0TMCWWT41Texts for descriptions of time of day classesRetail Information System RIS
970ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_APP21MCCW_AA: Analytical ApplicationsRetail Information System RIS
971ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_APP_TXT41MCCW_AA: Name of Analytical ApplicationRetail Information System RIS
972ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_METH31MCCW_AA: Methods for Analytical ApplicationsRetail Information System RIS
973ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_METH_DAT61MCCW_AA: Methods for Analytical ApplicationsRetail Information System RIS
974ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_METH_TXT51MCCW_AA: Name of MethodsRetail Information System RIS
975ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_QRY31MCCW_AA: Queries for Analytical ApplicationsRetail Information System RIS
976ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_QRY_DAT121MCCW_AA: Queries in Analytical Applications - Field Definit.Retail Information System RIS
977ERP EHP76.0TMCW_AA_QRY_TXT51MCCW_AA: Name of QueryRetail Information System RIS
978ERP EHP76.0ZSTARFMERK31Enhancement for Article Characteristics in RISRetail Information System RIS
Logistics - General :: SAP Retail Store
979ERP EHP76.0IVIEW_CO_GR121Customer order good receipt IView - Sales ordersSAP Retail Store
980ERP EHP76.0IVIEW_CO_GR_DATE31Customer order IView - Last run dateSAP Retail Store
981ERP EHP76.0IVIEW_CO_GR_DT41Last run date of applicationSAP Retail Store
982ERP EHP76.0TREC_FORC_COMPL91Temporary data for the receiving forecastSAP Retail Store
983ERP EHP76.0TWIC0100451General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods ReceiptSAP Retail Store
984ERP EHP76.0TWIC010181Grouping of Reference Document Categs and Business ProcessesSAP Retail Store
985ERP EHP76.0TWIC0110271Retail Store GR: Basic Settings for Goods ReceiptSAP Retail Store
986ERP EHP76.0TWIC0200111General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods MovementsSAP Retail Store
987ERP EHP76.0TWIC021041SAP Retail Store GM: Basic SettingsSAP Retail Store
988ERP EHP76.0TWIC022051SAP Retail Store GM: Basic SettingsSAP Retail Store
989ERP EHP76.0TWIC0250181General Business Transactions for SAP Retail Store GRSAP Retail Store
990ERP EHP76.0TWIC025131Retail Store GM: Key for Business Transaction GroupSAP Retail Store
991ERP EHP76.0TWIC0251T51Retail Store GM: Text for Business Transaction GroupSAP Retail Store
992ERP EHP76.0TWIC025251Retail Store GM: Assignment of Business Transaction GroupSAP Retail Store
993ERP EHP76.0TWIC0300151SAP Retail Store PO: Basic SettingsSAP Retail Store
994ERP EHP76.0TWIC030161SAP Retail Store PO: Allowed Document TypesSAP Retail Store
995ERP EHP76.0TWIC030251SAP Retail Store PO: Allowed Reasons for OrderingSAP Retail Store
996ERP EHP76.0TWIC0400261SAP Retail Store II: Incoming Invoice Basic SettingsSAP Retail Store
997ERP EHP76.0TWIC040151SAP Retail Store II: Permitted Reference Document CategoriesSAP Retail Store
998ERP EHP76.0TWIC0403A41SAP Retail Store II: Accounts for Cash PaymentSAP Retail Store
999ERP EHP76.0TWIC0403B71SAP Retail Store II: Accounts for Cash PaymentSAP Retail Store
1000ERP EHP76.0TWIC0403BT61SAP Retail Store II: Accounts for Cash PaymentSAP Retail Store
1001ERP EHP76.0TWIC040441SAP Retail Store II: Permitted Reversal ReasonsSAP Retail Store
1002ERP EHP76.0TWIC0500281Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Basic DataSAP Retail Store
1003ERP EHP76.0TWIC050151Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Allowed Order TypesSAP Retail Store
1004ERP EHP76.0TWIC050461Delivery Lock with DownpaymentsSAP Retail Store
1005ERP EHP76.0TWIC051051In-Store MIM: Sales Order Basic DataSAP Retail Store
1006ERP EHP76.0TWIC0511121In-Store MIM: Basic Data for Lean OrderSAP Retail Store
1007ERP EHP76.0TWIC051571In-Store MIM: Customizing for SO condition typesSAP Retail Store
1008ERP EHP76.0TWIC051861Retail Store: Customer Maint. - Customizing Baisic DataSAP Retail Store
1009ERP EHP76.0TWIC0600231SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory Basic DataSAP Retail Store
1010ERP EHP76.0TWIC0600CLNT161General Settings for Physical Inventory During Opening HoursSAP Retail Store
1011ERP EHP76.0TWIC061041SRS:Physical Inventory for handheld-basic dataSAP Retail Store
1012ERP EHP76.0TWIC062341SRS Inventory Lookup basic settingsSAP Retail Store
1013ERP EHP76.0TWIC0700241Global Control of Store Order Function in Retail StoreSAP Retail Store
1014ERP EHP76.0TWIC075051Global Control for Assortment Lists in Retail StoreSAP Retail Store
1015ERP EHP76.0TWIC080081SAP Retail Store: Basic Data for Sales Prices ScreenSAP Retail Store
1016ERP EHP76.0TWIC090061SAP Retail Store: Promotion Basic DataSAP Retail Store
1017ERP EHP76.0TWIC1000FM71SAP Retail Store: Master for Fields on TabstripsSAP Retail Store
1018ERP EHP76.0TWIC1000TSK21SAP Retail Store: Tasks for Field Attribute ControlSAP Retail Store
1019ERP EHP76.0TWIC1000TSKT41SAP Retail Store: Texts for Tasks for Field Attribute CntrlSAP Retail Store
1020ERP EHP76.0TWIC100181SRS: Definition of TabstripsSAP Retail Store
1021ERP EHP76.0TWIC1001F81SRS Stammdaten: Fields on TabstripSAP Retail Store
1022ERP EHP76.0TWIC1001T71SRS Master Data: Tab Title TextsSAP Retail Store
1023ERP EHP76.0TWIC100271SAP Retail Store Master Data: Buttons on Initial ScreenSAP Retail Store
1024ERP EHP76.0TWIC1002T61SAP Retail Store Master Data: Buttons on Initial ScreenSAP Retail Store
1025ERP EHP76.0TWIC1010A41SRSII: Define Grouping Schema and Assign Chart of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1026ERP EHP76.0TWIC1010B61SAP Retail Store II: Assignn Permitted G/L AccountsSAP Retail Store
1027ERP EHP76.0TWIC1010BT61SAP Retail Store II: Costs- Texts f. G/L Accounts per SchemaSAP Retail Store
1028ERP EHP76.0TWIC102041SAP Retail Store: Permitted Units of MeasureSAP Retail Store
1029ERP EHP76.0TWIC110061SRS Vendor Master: Basic SettingsSAP Retail Store
1030ERP EHP76.0TWIC1100CLNT21Cross-Plant Settings for Vendor Master MaintenanceSAP Retail Store
1031ERP EHP76.0TWIC1200121Basic Settings for SAP Retail Store Article Master Maint.SAP Retail Store
1032ERP EHP76.0TWIC1200CLNT21Cross-Plant Settings for Material Master MaintenanceSAP Retail Store
1033ERP EHP76.0TWIC1290141SAP Retail Store Material Search: Basic settingsSAP Retail Store
1034ERP EHP76.0TWIC129161SAP Retail Store Material Search: Plant range groupingSAP Retail Store
1035ERP EHP76.0TWIC1291PLR21SAP Retail Store Material Search: Related PlantsSAP Retail Store
1036ERP EHP76.0TWIC1291PLRT41SAP Retail Store Material Search: Related Plants TextSAP Retail Store
1037ERP EHP76.0TWIC1301A41Retail Store HH: Handheld Device Type DefinitionSAP Retail Store
1038ERP EHP76.0TWIC1301B51Retail Store HH: Assign Handheld TasksSAP Retail Store
1039ERP EHP76.0TWIC1301C81Retail Store HH: Assign Handheld Function KeysSAP Retail Store
1040ERP EHP76.0TWIC131051Retail Store HH: Assign Handheld ApplicationsSAP Retail Store
1041ERP EHP76.0TWIC1310A41Retail Store HH: Assign Handheld ApplicationsSAP Retail Store
1042ERP EHP76.0TWIC1310B61Retail Store HH: Assign Handheld ApplicationsSAP Retail Store
1043ERP EHP76.0TWIC132071Assignment of menu itemsSAP Retail Store
1044ERP EHP76.0TWIC1320T81Assignment of menu item textsSAP Retail Store
1045ERP EHP76.0TWIC1321A31Assigment of buttons to device type: Device assignmentSAP Retail Store
1046ERP EHP76.0TWIC1321B41Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task assignmentSAP Retail Store
1047ERP EHP76.0TWIC1321C81Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttonsSAP Retail Store
1048ERP EHP76.0TWIC1321CT81Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttonsSAP Retail Store
1049ERP EHP76.0TWICAPPL21SAP Retail Store ApplicationSAP Retail Store
1050ERP EHP76.0TWICAPPLT31SAP Retail Store: Texts for ApplicationSAP Retail Store
1051ERP EHP76.0TWICAPPL_HI21In-Store MIM Mobile Applications: Technical DataSAP Retail Store
1052ERP EHP76.0TWICAPPL_WDJ41SAP Retail Store: Technical Data on Web Dynpro for JavaSAP Retail Store
1053ERP EHP76.0TWICHHDEV31Retail Store HH: Handheld Devices DefinitionSAP Retail Store
1054ERP EHP76.0TWICHHDEVKEY41Retail Store HH: Define Function KeysSAP Retail Store
1055ERP EHP76.0TWICHHDEVKEYT61Retail Store HH: Define Function KeysSAP Retail Store
1056ERP EHP76.0TWICHHDEVT41Retail Store HH: Unit Type Definition - TextsSAP Retail Store
1057ERP EHP76.0TWICHIDEVKEY41Retail Store HH: Define Function KeysSAP Retail Store
1058ERP EHP76.0TWICMESSAGE61SAP Retail Store: Define Characteristics of System MessagesSAP Retail Store
1059ERP EHP76.0TWICOBJ41IACs Retail: Customizing objectsSAP Retail Store
1060ERP EHP76.0TWICOBJT41IACs Retail: Customizing objects, textsSAP Retail Store
1061ERP EHP76.0TWICSCM41IACs Retail: Customizing schemasSAP Retail Store
1062ERP EHP76.0TWICSCMF42SAP Retail Store: Assignment of Customizing Schemas to SiteSAP Retail Store
1063ERP EHP76.0TWICSCMT51IACs Retail: Customizing Schema TextsSAP Retail Store
1064ERP EHP76.0TWICSKEY31SAP Retail Store: Key for Selection in Selection BoxesSAP Retail Store
1065ERP EHP76.0TWICSKEYT51SAP Retail Store: Selection Box Key TextsSAP Retail Store
1066ERP EHP76.0WGMH_SRS211Head for SRS PDC GoodsmovementSAP Retail Store
1067ERP EHP76.0WGMP_SRS271Items for SRS PDC GoodsmovementSAP Retail Store
1068ERP EHP76.0WOSA141SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Entities TableSAP Retail Store
1069ERP EHP76.0WOSAV92SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Document LinksSAP Retail Store
1070ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_CBL_COCODE61Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Company CodeSAP Retail Store
1071ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_CBL_VAL11Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in 'Cash Balancing'SAP Retail Store
1072ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_CBL_VALT31Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in 'Cash Balancing'SAP Retail Store
1073ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_00171SRS Conv. Retailing - Groups for Expense Invoice AccountsSAP Retail Store
1074ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_001T41Text Table - Groups for Expense Invoice AccountsSAP Retail Store
1075ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_00261G/L Accounts for Expense InvoiceSAP Retail Store
1076ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_002T51Text Table - G/L Accounts for Expense InvoiceSAP Retail Store
1077ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_00341Tax Code Lines for Expense InvoiceSAP Retail Store
1078ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_003T61Text Table - Tax Code Lines for Expense InvoiceSAP Retail Store
1079ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_COCODE31Vendor Invoice - Assignment for Each Company CodeSAP Retail Store
1080ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_CURR41Currencies for Expense InvoiceSAP Retail Store
1081ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_SITE31Expense Invoice - General Store SettingsSAP Retail Store
1082ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_ST_0261Vendor Invoice - Store Settings (FI/CO)SAP Retail Store
1083ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_VAL11Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice PostingsSAP Retail Store
1084ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_EXI_VALT31Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice PostingsSAP Retail Store
1085ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_00181SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1086ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_001T81SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts/TextsSAP Retail Store
1087ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_00261SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1088ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_002T51SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1089ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_003161SRS Convenience Retailing - Account LinesSAP Retail Store
1090ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_003T61SRS Convenience Retailing - Account LinesSAP Retail Store
1091ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_00481SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1092ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_GRP_004T71SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1093ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_RSN31Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing)SAP Retail Store
1094ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_RSNT51Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing)SAP Retail Store
1095ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_RSN_GRP21Group for Reasons for DeviationsSAP Retail Store
1096ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_RSN_GRPT41Group for Reasons for DeviationsSAP Retail Store
1097ERP EHP76.0WOSCR_SITE_GRP91Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Group of AccountsSAP Retail Store
1098ERP EHP76.0WSAM_DB_PRICAT72SRS Article Master: Entering SiteSAP Retail Store
1099ERP EHP76.0WSAO_T43961SRS STO: Order Times in Planning CalendarSAP Retail Store
1100ERP EHP76.0WSAO_WORK_CTRL292Retail Store Store Order: Worklist ControlSAP Retail Store
1101ERP EHP76.0WSGM_HEAD_DB_TMP152SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Header DataSAP Retail Store
1102ERP EHP76.0WSGM_ITEM_DB_TMP181SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Item DataSAP Retail Store
1103ERP EHP76.0WSGR_HEAD_DB_TMP172SRS GM: Temporary Persistence for Header DataSAP Retail Store
1104ERP EHP76.0WSGR_ITEM_DB_TMP201SRS GR: Temporary Persistence for Item DataSAP Retail Store
1105ERP EHP76.0WSMAN_PT_BUFFER161Store Manager Portal: Buffer for Availability DisplaySAP Retail Store
1106ERP EHP76.0WSRS_DB_PLNT_CC41SAP Retail Store: Assignment of Cost Centers to PlantsSAP Retail Store
1107ERP EHP76.0WSTI_ART_REL102Physical Inventory During Open Time: Material AssignmentSAP Retail Store
1108ERP EHP76.0WSTI_DB_TMP_HEAD202SAP Retail Store temporay persistence header tableSAP Retail Store
1109ERP EHP76.0WSTI_DB_TMP_ITEM191SAP Retail Store temporary persistence item tableSAP Retail Store
1110ERP EHP76.0WSTI_MKPF_INDEX162Phys. Inventory During Open Time: Material Doc. IndexSAP Retail Store
1111ERP EHP76.0WSTI_PDC_EVENT112Retail Store Physical Inventory: PDC TransactionsSAP Retail Store
1112ERP EHP76.0WSTI_POS_EVENT312Physical Inventory in an Opened Store: POS Trans by ReceiptSAP Retail Store
1113ERP EHP76.0WSVD_DB_VNDR_PLT51SRS Vendor Master: Maint. Authorization for Store-VendorSAP Retail Store
Logistics - General :: Variant Configuration
1114ERP EHP76.0BCST451User-specific settings in configuratorVariant Configuration
1115ERP EHP76.0CABN_EXCL61Characteristics That Are Excluded for Type MatchingVariant Configuration
1116ERP EHP76.0CDCND51Configuration: Direct Conditions Data Type:CHARVariant Configuration
1117ERP EHP76.0CECUFM141Configuration editor: design: formatVariant Configuration
1118ERP EHP76.0CECUSD242Configuration editor: design: basic dataVariant Configuration
1119ERP EHP76.0CECUSDT91Configuration editor: design: descriptionsVariant Configuration
1120ERP EHP76.0CECUSF111Configuration editor: design: bordersVariant Configuration
1121ERP EHP76.0CECUSFT91Configuration editor: design: Border descriptionsVariant Configuration
1122ERP EHP76.0CLRK92Recursiveness Info on Objects in Classes for BOMVariant Configuration
1123ERP EHP76.0CUCO1176Additional Data for Configurable ObjectsVariant Configuration
1124ERP EHP76.0CUPE111Extension to BOM Item for VariantsVariant Configuration
1125ERP EHP76.0CUSEPRES81Material Variant Matching Preselection + SettingsVariant Configuration
1126ERP EHP76.0IBVALUEC161CBASE: Redundant Object Doc. on Value Changes for InstanceVariant Configuration
1127ERP EHP76.0KRIF121Richie RiffleVariant Configuration
1128ERP EHP76.0MACOND71Configuration: Manually Assigned ConditionsVariant Configuration
1129ERP EHP76.0PMEVC_AFFIX_TMPL61Template with affix (i.e. prefix and postfix) rulesVariant Configuration
1130ERP EHP76.0TCOB91Configuration: Configurable ObjectsVariant Configuration
1131ERP EHP76.0TCOBT31Configuration: Configurable Objects -Texts-Variant Configuration
1132ERP EHP76.0TCUA71Configuration: Find Layout for Configuration ResultVariant Configuration
1133ERP EHP76.0TCUL91Configuration: Configuration Result LayoutVariant Configuration
1134ERP EHP76.0TCUQ101Configuration: Configurable ObjectsVariant Configuration
1135ERP EHP76.0TCUQT31Text Table for TCUQVariant Configuration
1136ERP EHP76.0TCUZ41Configuration: Configuration Result Layout -Line-Variant Configuration
Logistics - General :: Warranty Claim Processing
1137ERP EHP76.0A38391Category/Partner/MaterialWarranty Claim Processing
1138ERP EHP76.0A38481Category/MaterialWarranty Claim Processing
1139ERP EHP76.0A38881Country/Tax Class.-CustomerWarranty Claim Processing
1140ERP EHP76.0A38991Country/Partner/Tax Class.-CustomerWarranty Claim Processing
1141ERP EHP76.0B36051RolleWarranty Claim Processing
1142ERP EHP76.0B36161Rel.Vers./Partner TypeWarranty Claim Processing
1143ERP EHP76.0B36351PartnerartWarranty Claim Processing
1144ERP EHP76.0B36461Partnerart/VersFreig.Warranty Claim Processing
1145ERP EHP76.0CGIPROFIL_WTY151Profile Definitions Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1146ERP EHP76.0CGIPRTYPE_WTY111Object Customizing for iPPE - RelationshipsWarranty Claim Processing
1147ERP EHP76.0CWTY000321General Settings for Warranty ProcessingWarranty Claim Processing
1148ERP EHP76.0CWTY001341Claim Types Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1149ERP EHP76.0CWTY001T41Description Warranty Claim TypeWarranty Claim Processing
1150ERP EHP76.0CWTY00251Version Copy Control Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1151ERP EHP76.0CWTY00331Decision Codes Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1152ERP EHP76.0CWTY003M31Assignment Table Reimbursing Party - Claimant DecisionWarranty Claim Processing
1153ERP EHP76.0CWTY003T41Decision Codes Warranty Claim: TextsWarranty Claim Processing
1154ERP EHP76.0CWTY00461Status for Parts that Have to Be ReturnedWarranty Claim Processing
1155ERP EHP76.0CWTY004T51Texts for Parts StatusesWarranty Claim Processing
1156ERP EHP76.0CWTY00521Reference typeWarranty Claim Processing
1157ERP EHP76.0CWTY005T41Reference Type TextWarranty Claim Processing
1158ERP EHP76.0CWTY00621Warranty Claim GroupsWarranty Claim Processing
1159ERP EHP76.0CWTY006T41Texts for Warranty Claim GroupsWarranty Claim Processing
1160ERP EHP76.0CWTY00861Characteristics for WarrantyWarranty Claim Processing
1161ERP EHP76.0CWTY00941Reference ObjectsWarranty Claim Processing
1162ERP EHP76.0CWTY01031SubObjectType for Recall CampaignsWarranty Claim Processing
1163ERP EHP76.0CWTY010T51Subobject Types for Recall Campaigns - TextsWarranty Claim Processing
1164ERP EHP76.0CWTY01141Item TypesWarranty Claim Processing
1165ERP EHP76.0CWTY011T41Descriptions Item TypeWarranty Claim Processing
1166ERP EHP76.0CWTY01221Item Types GroupWarranty Claim Processing
1167ERP EHP76.0CWTY012T41Description Item Types GroupWarranty Claim Processing
1168ERP EHP76.0CWTY012Z31Assignment Item Type - Item Types GroupWarranty Claim Processing
1169ERP EHP76.0CWTY01431Condition Types for Auxiliary Account AssignmentWarranty Claim Processing
1170ERP EHP76.0CWTY02031Control Parameters for Master Warranty CheckWarranty Claim Processing
1171ERP EHP76.0CWTY07MS131Definition of Message GroupingWarranty Claim Processing
1172ERP EHP76.0CWTY07MS1T41Text for Message GroupsWarranty Claim Processing
1173ERP EHP76.0CWTY07MS251Determination of Popup MessagesWarranty Claim Processing
1174ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0151Definition of the Actions of the Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1175ERP EHP76.0CWTYA01T41Description of the Actions of the Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1176ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0251Definition of Action CallsWarranty Claim Processing
1177ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0321Definition of Action ControlWarranty Claim Processing
1178ERP EHP76.0CWTYA03T41Description of Action ProfilesWarranty Claim Processing
1179ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0461Action MatrixWarranty Claim Processing
1180ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0521Definition of Processing Status of Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1181ERP EHP76.0CWTYA05T41Description of Processing Status of Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1182ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0631Manual Assignement of Function Code to Action CodeWarranty Claim Processing
1183ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0831Warranty: Button ProfileWarranty Claim Processing
1184ERP EHP76.0CWTYA08T41Warranty: Button Profile Text TableWarranty Claim Processing
1185ERP EHP76.0CWTYA0941Link Table Button Profile - Action ProfileWarranty Claim Processing
1186ERP EHP76.0CWTYA1141Warranty Claim: Keyboard CombinationsWarranty Claim Processing
1187ERP EHP76.0CWTYA1241Link Internal Functions with ProfileWarranty Claim Processing
1188ERP EHP76.0CWTYA12T51Texts for Pushbutton Profile FunctionsWarranty Claim Processing
1189ERP EHP76.0CWTYC01101Version Copy Control Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1190ERP EHP76.0CWTYC0251Copy Profile for Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1191ERP EHP76.0CWTYC02T41Description of Copy Profile for Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1192ERP EHP76.0CWTYC0361Copy Profile for Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1193ERP EHP76.0CWTYR0661Connection Message - Decision - Processing ModeWarranty Claim Processing
1194ERP EHP76.0CWTYVS101Activation Table for Validation/SubstitutionWarranty Claim Processing
1195ERP EHP76.0DPCOMMONC_BUPAUI51DP Common: Determine BUPA User InterfaceWarranty Claim Processing
1196ERP EHP76.0DPCOMMON_MAP_P_S31Partner to System MappingWarranty Claim Processing
1197ERP EHP76.0DPCOMMON_MAP_S_R41Logical system to RFC dest mappingWarranty Claim Processing
1198ERP EHP76.0DPCOMMON_MAP_U_P41User to Partner MappingWarranty Claim Processing
1199ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_ACTION31Dealer Portal ActionWarranty Claim Processing
1200ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_ACTION_TX41Description Dealer Portal ActionWarranty Claim Processing
1201ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_CLAIM_LAY31Layout Configuration Claim TypeWarranty Claim Processing
1202ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_CLMTY41Dealer Portal Claim TypesWarranty Claim Processing
1203ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_CLMTY_TX41Dealer Portal Claim TypesWarranty Claim Processing
1204ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_MESSAGE_M71Message assignmentWarranty Claim Processing
1205ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_NAVTAB61Dealer Portal Screen NavigationWarranty Claim Processing
1206ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_PRINT_FOR31Print Forms for Dealer Portal Warranty PrinitingsWarranty Claim Processing
1207ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_REJCD21Dealer Portal Decision CodeWarranty Claim Processing
1208ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_REJCD_MAP31Decision Code assignmentWarranty Claim Processing
1209ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_REJCD_TX41Dealer Portal Decision CodeWarranty Claim Processing
1210ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_RETPA21Status Return parts for DealerWarranty Claim Processing
1211ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_RETPA_TX41Status Return Parts for Dealer DescriptionWarranty Claim Processing
1212ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_SIMULATE41Dealer Portal Simulation/Contract to backend actionWarranty Claim Processing
1213ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_STATUS51Dealer Portal Claim StatusWarranty Claim Processing
1214ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_STATUS_MA41Status assignmentWarranty Claim Processing
1215ERP EHP76.0DPWTYC_STATUS_TX41Dealer Portal Claim StatusWarranty Claim Processing
1216ERP EHP76.0PAWTY41Warranty Claim Category (PVS Alternative)Warranty Claim Processing
1217ERP EHP76.0PNWTYH494Warranty Claim Header (PVS Node)Warranty Claim Processing
1218ERP EHP76.0PNWTYV452Warranty Claim Version (PVS Node)Warranty Claim Processing
1219ERP EHP76.0PRWTY184iPPE Relationship: Time-Ind. Ident./Attributes WarrantyWarranty Claim Processing
1220ERP EHP76.0PVWTY532Warranty Claim Item (PPE Variant)Warranty Claim Processing
1221ERP EHP76.0USRGIPROFIL_WTY31Assign User ProfileWarranty Claim Processing
1222ERP EHP76.0WTYBWC31Times of Last BW ExtractionWarranty Claim Processing
1223ERP EHP76.0WTYBWH21Processed ObjectsWarranty Claim Processing
1224ERP EHP76.0WTYMPG31Claims that Have Been Successfully SavedWarranty Claim Processing
1225ERP EHP76.0WTYV_IMRG41Measurement Documents for Version of Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1226ERP EHP76.0WTY_ARCH_IDX63Index Table for Archiving Warranty ClaimsWarranty Claim Processing
1227ERP EHP76.0WTY_ARCH_IDX_231Index Table for Archiving Warranty ClaimsWarranty Claim Processing
1228ERP EHP76.0WTY_COND_ACCOUNT81Auxiliary Account Assignment of ConditionsWarranty Claim Processing
1229ERP EHP76.0WTY_FIELD_ATTR1141Setting Fields for ALV Warranty CheckWarranty Claim Processing
1230ERP EHP76.0WTY_OBJNR_INDEX51Object Number Index for Warranty ObjectsWarranty Claim Processing
1231ERP EHP76.0WTY_PARTNER_TAB142Partner for Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1232ERP EHP76.0WTY_RCLHST93Recall ActionsWarranty Claim Processing
1233ERP EHP76.0WTY_RCLOBJ91Objects for RecallsWarranty Claim Processing
1234ERP EHP76.0WTY_RELOB_TAB11Possible Object Types for the Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1235ERP EHP76.0WTY_RELOB_TAB_TX31Descriptions Object Types Warranty ClaimWarranty Claim Processing
1236ERP EHP76.0WTY_TABLE_ALV11Allowed Table WTY for Generic Field AttributesWarranty Claim Processing
Logistics - General :: Advanced Returns Management :: Inspection
1237ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_INSPCAT31Catalog and Code Group for Material InspectionInspection
1238ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_INSPCATCUS31Catalog and Code Group for Material Inspection by CustomerInspection
1239ERP EHP76.0MSR_C_INSP_PRINT61Configure Adobe Form for Inspection WorklistInspection
1240ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FOLLOW_UP41Assignment of Follow-Up Activities to ProfilesInspection
1241ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FUCO_ASS31Assignment of Follow-Up Activities to ProfilesInspection
1242ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FUCO_SET21Definition of Profiles for Follow-Up ActivitiesInspection
1243ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FUCO_SETT41Text Table: Definition of Profiles for Follow-Up ActivitiesInspection
1244ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FUP_BLOCK21Follow-Up Activity BlocksInspection
1245ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_FU_BLOCK_T41Inspection: Text Table for MSR_D_FUP_BLOCKInspection
1246ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_PROFILE41Inspection ProfilesInspection
1247ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_PROFILE_T41Description of Inspection ProfilesInspection
1248ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_UGROUP31Inspection: User GroupsInspection
1249ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_UGROUP_T41Inspection: User Group DescriptionInspection
1250ERP EHP76.0MSR_D_USER_GROUP31Assignment of Users to User GroupsInspection
1251ERP EHP76.0MSR_INSP_PREF51MSR: Preferences for inspectionInspection
Logistics - General :: Agency Business Global Trade :: Distribution
1252ERP EHP76.0WCAT_CONDGRP31Condition group for cost allocationDistribution
1253ERP EHP76.0WCAT_CONDGRPT41Condition group for cost allocation (texts)Distribution
1254ERP EHP76.0WCAT_C_PAYTYPE41Planned Reb. Var.: Payment Types for Customer Billing TypesDistribution
1255ERP EHP76.0WCAT_PROFILE201Cost allocation profileDistribution
1256ERP EHP76.0WCAT_PROFILET41Cost allocation profile (texts)Distribution
1257ERP EHP76.0WCAT_V_PAYTYPE41Planned Reb. Var.: Payment Types for Vendor Billing TypesDistribution
Logistics - General :: Agency Business Global Trade :: Invoice Forecasting
1258ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_BILL_TYPE31Billing document type for provisional invoiceInvoice Forecasting
1259ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_COND_TYPE41Condition type for invoice forecasting worklistInvoice Forecasting
1260ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_DATE_RULE41IFW: Maintainance of Determination Rule for Date TypesInvoice Forecasting
1261ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_CONTR61IFW customizing: Status controlInvoice Forecasting
1262ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_DEF41IFW customizing: status definitionInvoice Forecasting
1263ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_DEFT51IFW customizing: status definition textInvoice Forecasting
1264ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_ICON51IFW customizing: status icon quick infoInvoice Forecasting
1265ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_OFF61IFW customizing: status offsetInvoice Forecasting
1266ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_STAT_PRIO31Priorities for IFW status iconsInvoice Forecasting
1267ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_UI_CUST41IFW UI: Customizing Classes for IFW ReportInvoice Forecasting
1268ERP EHP76.0IFW_HEADER161Invoice forecasting headerInvoice Forecasting
1269ERP EHP76.0IFW_ITEM451Invoice forecasting itemInvoice Forecasting
1270ERP EHP76.0IFW_WORKLIST171Invoice forecasting worklistInvoice Forecasting
Logistics - General :: Agency Business Global Trade :: Trading Contract
1271ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_EVENTS31Pricing and Payment EventsTrading Contract
1272ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_EVENTST41Pricing and Payment Events DescriptionTrading Contract
1273ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_EVENTS_A31Acronyms for Pricing and Payment EventsTrading Contract
1274ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_GROUP21Pricing and Payment Event GroupsTrading Contract
1275ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_GROUPT41Pricing and Payment Event Group DescriptionTrading Contract
1276ERP EHP76.0PPE_C_GROUP_ASGN51Assign Events to Pricing and Payment Events GroupTrading Contract
1277ERP EHP76.0PPE_D_ITEM_LIST272EventsTrading Contract
1278ERP EHP76.0TB2BMAPSTATUS41Trading Contract - Mapping of Appl. to Web status valuesTrading Contract
1279ERP EHP76.0TB2BWEBPROFILE231Trading Contract Web Profile TableTrading Contract
1280ERP EHP76.0TB2BWEBST21Trading Contract Web StatusTrading Contract
1281ERP EHP76.0TB2BWEBSTT51Trading Contract Web Status Text TableTrading Contract
1282ERP EHP76.0WB2B_REPORTS51"Reports @ Web"Trading Contract
Logistics - General :: Batches :: Active Ingredient Management
1283ERP EHP76.0TCUWS_APO51Batch Management Proportion/Product Units & APOActive Ingredient Management
1284ERP EHP76.0TCUWS_MAT_APO101Materials Batch-Specific Unit of Measure Planning & APOActive Ingredient Management
Logistics - General :: ERP Logistik Integration :: Transportation Management Integration
1285ERP EHP76.0TMS_C_CONTROL91Ext. Transport Management: Transfer ControlTransportation Management Integration
1286ERP EHP76.0TMS_C_CONTROL_T41Ext. Transport Management: Transfer Control Key Text TableTransportation Management Integration
1287ERP EHP76.0TMS_C_PUR61Ext. Transport Manag.: Determination of Transfer Relev. PURTransportation Management Integration
1288ERP EHP76.0TMS_C_SHP61Ext. Transport Manag.: Determination of Transfer Relev. SHPTransportation Management Integration
1289ERP EHP76.0TMS_C_SLS81Ext.Transport Manag.: Determination of Transfer Relevance SDTransportation Management Integration
Logistics - General :: ERP Logistik Integration :: Treasury and Risk Management Integration
1290ERP EHP76.0L2TC_CONDICOMM81Condition type - Commodity ID MappingTreasury and Risk Management Integration
Logistics - General :: Forecast :: Forecast Procedures
1291ERP EHP76.0EREF191Assignment Table: Object/EventForecast Procedures
1292ERP EHP76.0EREN151Predefined Event Numbers (Forecast)Forecast Procedures
1293ERP EHP76.0ERET41Forecast/Event TextsForecast Procedures
1294ERP EHP76.0OBGD171Assignment of Object Group to Event (Forecast)Forecast Procedures
1295ERP EHP76.0OBGV51Forecast Object GroupsForecast Procedures
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Chargeback
1296ERP EHP76.0A163101Number/MaterialChargeback
1297ERP EHP76.0T6B2F_WCB81Condition Contract: Allowed Condition Types/Tables per GroupChargeback
1298ERP EHP76.0T6B2_CB41WCB: Assignment of Chargeback Relevance to Cond. Type GroupChargeback
1299ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAIN21Field ChainChargeback
1300ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINCHKE61Assignment of Check Classes for Customer Checks on ChainsChargeback
1301ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINCHKI41Assignment of Check Classes for Standard Chain ChecksChargeback
1302ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINCHKI_A21Assign check category to reuse keyChargeback
1303ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINCHKI_R41Reuse: Standard Chain Checks Check ClassesChargeback
1304ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINCOCKE91Assgnmt o. Chck Classes f. Cust. Chcks on Cust. Flds in ChnsChargeback
1305ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINFIELDS22Fields in a Field ChainChargeback
1306ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINREUSE11Define reuse key for chain checksChargeback
1307ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINREUSET31Define reuse key for chain checksChargeback
1308ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHAINT31Field Chain TextsChargeback
1309ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHKGRP21Checking GroupChargeback
1310ERP EHP76.0TWCBCHKGRPT41Checking Group TextsChargeback
1311ERP EHP76.0TWCBCONTRTYPE931Condition Contract TypeChargeback
1312ERP EHP76.0TWCBCONTRTYPET41Condition Contract Type TextsChargeback
1313ERP EHP76.0TWCBCONTRTYPE_L31Condition Contract Type - local customizingChargeback
1314ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPCTYPE131WCB: Copy Control for Condition TypesChargeback
1315ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPGRP141WCB: Copy Control GroupChargeback
1316ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPGRPASSIGN31WCB: Assignment of Billing Type to Copy GroupChargeback
1317ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPGRPT41WCB: Copy Control Group - TextsChargeback
1318ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPPRSCH91WCB: Copy Control Pricing ProcedureChargeback
1319ERP EHP76.0TWCBCPRULE_M81WCB: Purchasing-Side Copy ControlChargeback
1320ERP EHP76.0TWCBFEATURES141Condition Contract: Control TableChargeback
1321ERP EHP76.0TWCBFIELDREUSE11Define reuse key for field checksChargeback
1322ERP EHP76.0TWCBFIELDREUSET31Define reuse key for field checksChargeback
1323ERP EHP76.0TWCBFSGROUP21Field Status GroupChargeback
1324ERP EHP76.0TWCBFSGROUPF61Fields for Field Status GroupChargeback
1325ERP EHP76.0TWCBFSGROUPT41Text Field Status GroupChargeback
1326ERP EHP76.0TWCBGENCHKE81Assgnmnt of Check Classes f. Customer Checks on Table FieldsChargeback
1327ERP EHP76.0TWCBGENCHKI71Assignmnt of Check Classes f. Standard Check on Table FieldsChargeback
1328ERP EHP76.0TWCBGENCHKI_R51Reuse: Table Field Check ClassesChargeback
1329ERP EHP76.0TWCBGENCOCHKE111Assignmnt of Check Classes f. Customer Check on Cndtn FieldsChargeback
1330ERP EHP76.0TWCBPRICING21Pricing SettingsChargeback
1331ERP EHP76.0TWCBRESTRICTCAT31Classes That Determine Restrictions (with Category)Chargeback
1332ERP EHP76.0TWCBRESTRICTION21Classes That Determine RestrictionsChargeback
1333ERP EHP76.0TWCBTXTGRP31Text Determination ProcedureChargeback
1334ERP EHP76.0TWCBTXTGRPID41Text Types in Determination ProcedureChargeback
1335ERP EHP76.0TWCBTXTGRPT51Text Determination ProcedureChargeback
1336ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_ACCR_GROUP21Rebates: Accruals GroupChargeback
1337ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_ACCR_GROUT41Rebates: Accruals Group - TextsChargeback
1338ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_ACCR_KSCHL61Rebates: Accruals : Settlement conditon typesChargeback
1339ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVBTYPE_FC41Rebates: Assignment Fieldcombinations to BusVolBase TypeChargeback
1340ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVB_FC21Rebates: Business Volume Base - Field CombinationChargeback
1341ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVB_FCF51Rebates: Business Volume Base - Field Combination - FieldsChargeback
1342ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVB_FCT41Rebates: Business Volume Base - Field Combination - TextsChargeback
1343ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVB_TYPE21Rebates: Business Volume Base TypeChargeback
1344ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVB_TYPET41Rebates: Business Volume Base Type - TextChargeback
1345ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVTAB301Rebates: Business Volume TablesChargeback
1346ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVTABT41Rebates: Business Volume Tables - TextChargeback
1347ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVTAB_AF91Rebates: Business Volume Amount FieldsChargeback
1348ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BVTAB_SC61Rebates: Business Volume - Split Critera for SettlementChargeback
1349ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_BUSVOL111Rebates: Business VolumeChargeback
1350ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_BUSVOLBASE104Rebates: Business Volume Base for Condition ContractChargeback
1351ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_BVB_SETTL81CCS: Snapshot Business Volume Base Data used for settlementChargeback
1352ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_SETTL_CAL81Rebates: Settlement CalendarChargeback
1353ERP EHP76.0WCB_GUID2VBELN32Mapping from GUID to Billing Document NumberChargeback
1354ERP EHP76.0WCOCOF253Condition Contract: Document Flow DataChargeback
1355ERP EHP76.0WCOCOH576Condition Contract: HeaderChargeback
1356ERP EHP76.0WCOCOI165Condition Contract: Eligible PartnerChargeback
1357ERP EHP76.0WCOCOP182Condition Contract: Partner AssignmentChargeback
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Expenses
1358ERP EHP76.0TWBACCTYPE61Trading Expense: Accounting TypeExpenses
1359ERP EHP76.0TWBACCTYPET41Trading Expense: Accounting TypeExpenses
1360ERP EHP76.0TWBCLASSASSIGN41Trading Expenses: Assignments to Expense ClassesExpenses
1361ERP EHP76.0TWBEXCLASS51Trading Expenses: ClassificationExpenses
1362ERP EHP76.0TWBEXCLASSGROUP21Grouping of Expense ClassExpenses
1363ERP EHP76.0TWBEXCLASSGROUPT41Grouping of Expense ClassExpenses
1364ERP EHP76.0TWBEXCLASST41Trading Expenses: ClassificationExpenses
1365ERP EHP76.0TWBEXP131Trading Expenses: Expense TypeExpenses
1366ERP EHP76.0TWBEXSTEP41Assignment of TEW Step to Expense Document TypeExpenses
1367ERP EHP76.0TWBPOSTTYPE41Trading Expenses: Posting TypeExpenses
1368ERP EHP76.0TWBPOSTTYPET41Trading Expenses: Posting TypeExpenses
1369ERP EHP76.0TWBPOSTYPASSIGN31Assignment Of Posting Type To Posting Type GroupExpenses
1370ERP EHP76.0TWBPOSTYPGROUP21Trading Expenses: Posting Type GroupExpenses
1371ERP EHP76.0TWBPOSTYPGROUPT41Trading Expenses: Posting Type GroupExpenses
1372ERP EHP76.0TWBVBDDETMET31Trading Expense:Vendor Billing Document Determination MethodExpenses
1373ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_EXP_DOC91Customizing Header Table for ExpenseExpenses
1374ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_EXP_MAP81Expense Document Mapping tableExpenses
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Position Management
1375ERP EHP76.0KONHM232Portfolio Determination - Data PartPosition Management
1376ERP EHP76.0KOTM00181Responsiblities for Material GroupsPosition Management
1377ERP EHP76.0KOTM00271MaterialPosition Management
1378ERP EHP76.0KOTM00351Material: Position Relevance determinationPosition Management
1379ERP EHP76.0M00071Master Table for Portfolio DeterminationPosition Management
1380ERP EHP76.0T685M91Portfolio Processing: Portfolio TypesPosition Management
1381ERP EHP76.0TASSGROUP91Global Trade: Association GroupPosition Management
1382ERP EHP76.0TASSGROUPT41Global Trade: Association Group DescriptionPosition Management
1383ERP EHP76.0TASSLOCKA31Global Trade Association Management: Define Lock ReasonPosition Management
1384ERP EHP76.0TASSLOCKAT41Global Trade Association Management: Lock Reason DescriptionPosition Management
1385ERP EHP76.0TASSLOCKB21Global Trade Association Management: Lock GroupPosition Management
1386ERP EHP76.0TASSLOCKBT41Global Trade Association Management: Lock Group DescriptionPosition Management
1387ERP EHP76.0TASSLOCKC31Association Management: Lock Group - Defined Lock ReasonsPosition Management
1388ERP EHP76.0TASSTYPE41Global Trade: Association Types N:M ProcessingPosition Management
1389ERP EHP76.0TASSTYPET41Global Trade: Association Type DescriptionPosition Management
1390ERP EHP76.0TASS_ALLOC_STEP71Association Mngt: Special Treatment at Business Process LvlPosition Management
1391ERP EHP76.0TASS_LINK71Association Management: Associated Process Step AssignmentPosition Management
1392ERP EHP76.0TLOG_ASSOC_UNIT31Association Management: Logical Association UnitsPosition Management
1393ERP EHP76.0TLOG_ASSOC_UNITT51Association Management: Name Of Logical Association UnitsPosition Management
1394ERP EHP76.0TPOFOA21Portfolio: Define ResponsibilityPosition Management
1395ERP EHP76.0TPOFOAT41Portfolio: Responsibility DescriptionPosition Management
1396ERP EHP76.0TPOFOB21Responsibility GroupPosition Management
1397ERP EHP76.0TPOFOBT41Responsibility GroupPosition Management
1398ERP EHP76.0TPOFOC31Responsibilitiy Group, Responsibility DefinitionPosition Management
1399ERP EHP76.0TPOST111Portfolio Determination: Control TablePosition Management
1400ERP EHP76.0TPOSTT51Portfolio Determination: Control TablePosition Management
1401ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BOMP51Profile for BOM ItemsPosition Management
1402ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_BOMPT41Profile description for Risk ItemsPosition Management
1403ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_HEDGE41Portfolio Determin. for Position Relevance: Control TablePosition Management
1404ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_HEDGET51Portfolio Determin. for Position Relevance: Control TablePosition Management
1405ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_RMG21Trading Contract: Changeable Field GroupPosition Management
1406ERP EHP76.0WBASSOC424Global Trade: Association TablePosition Management
1407ERP EHP76.0WBCUMUL161Global Trade: Aggregation TablePosition Management
1408ERP EHP76.0WBIT403Association Item at Step LevelPosition Management
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Trading Contract
1409ERP Contract
1410ERP no.Trading Contract
1411ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_RELEVANCY51Item Relevancy Determination based on Portfolio ManagementTrading Contract
1412ERP EHP76.0IFW_C_RELVANCY_T51Text: Item Relevancy Determination based on PMTrading Contract
1413ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0ASOSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GtasoTrading Contract
1414ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0BITSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GTBITSETUPTrading Contract
1415ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0CFMSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GTCFMTrading Contract
1416ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0GTMSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GtasoTrading Contract
1417ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0HDRSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GT0HDRTrading Contract
1418ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0HEDSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46Gt0HEDTrading Contract
1419ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0ITMSETUP61Storage: BW Setup for MC46GT0ITMTrading Contract
1420ERP EHP76.0MC46GT0SCLSETUP61Storage: BW Setup or MC46GT0SCLTrading Contract
1421ERP EHP76.0TB2BADD101Global Trade: Define Additional Data for Object CategoriesTrading Contract
1422ERP EHP76.0TB2BCH71Batch Search Procedure: Determination in Trading contractsTrading Contract
1423ERP EHP76.0TB2BCPA251Trading Contract: Copy ControlTrading Contract
1424ERP EHP76.0TB2BCPA_MATCHING61Trading Contract: Matching Group assignment for CopyTrading Contract
1425ERP EHP76.0TB2BEC31GT: purchase organization company code assignmentTrading Contract
1426ERP EHP76.0TB2BE_CS71Trading Contract: Contract Settlement controlTrading Contract
1427ERP EHP76.0TB2BE_MATCH31Trading Contract: Matching Group assignment to Contract typeTrading Contract
1428ERP EHP76.0TB2BP141Price change groupTrading Contract
1429ERP EHP76.0TB2BP211Price Change Group: Permitted StructuresTrading Contract
1430ERP EHP76.0TB2BP321Price Change Group: Possible FieldsTrading Contract
1431ERP EHP76.0TB2BP441Price change groupTrading Contract
1432ERP EHP76.0TB2BP4T41Price Change Group DescriptionTrading Contract
1433ERP EHP76.0TB2BS141Trading Contract: Replication Fields (Not Ready for Input)Trading Contract
1434ERP EHP76.0TB2BS221Trading Contract: Replication GroupTrading Contract
1435ERP EHP76.0TB2BS2T41Trading Contract: Text Table, Incompleteness GroupTrading Contract
1436ERP EHP76.0TB2BV51Trading Contract: Schema for Fields to be CheckedTrading Contract
1437ERP EHP76.0TB2BVT41Trading Contract: Text Table for TB2BVTrading Contract
1438ERP EHP76.0TB2BW61Trading Contract: Schema for Fields to be CheckedTrading Contract
1439ERP EHP76.0TEWBUSSTAT31TEW: STEP Business StatusTrading Contract
1440ERP EHP76.0TEWBUSSTATT41TEW: STEP Business Status DescriptionTrading Contract
1441ERP EHP76.0TEWVTCODE_TMP41Variant Transactions of an Action ClassTrading Contract
1442ERP EHP76.0TGTMCOND51Condition Types with Special Properties in GTMTrading Contract
1443ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT2_CALC91Trading Contract:Trading Contract
1444ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT2_CALC_T71Trading Contract:Trading Contract
1445ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT2_CUST91Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1446ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT2_CUST_T91Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1447ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT_POPUP21Define Simulated Exchange Rate Index (Profit Simulation)Trading Contract
1448ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT_POPUP261Define Index Simulation in Profit SimulationTrading Contract
1449ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT_POPUP2_T41Text Table For TPROFIT_POPUP2TTrading Contract
1450ERP EHP76.0TPROFIT_POPUP_T41Text Table For TPROFIT_POPUP (Profit Simulation)Trading Contract
1451ERP EHP76.0TPROF_SIM_GROUP21Trading Contract:Trading Contract
1452ERP EHP76.0TPROF_SIM_GROUPT41Text Table for Profit Simulation GroupTrading Contract
1453ERP EHP76.0TPROF_SIM_TYPE61Profit Simulation TypeTrading Contract
1454ERP EHP76.0TPROF_SIM_TYPE221Profit Simulation Type 2 DefinitionTrading Contract
1455ERP EHP76.0TPROF_SIM_TYPE2T41Profit Simulation Type 2 Definition TextTrading Contract
1456ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCALC41Trading Contract: Text Table Status InformationTrading Contract
1457ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCALC_T41Trading Contract: Text Table Status InformationTrading Contract
1458ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCALC_TEW71Trading Contract: Text Table Status InformationTrading Contract
1459ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCUST71Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1460ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCUST_POP61Assignment Table for Profit Simulation in Trading ContractTrading Contract
1461ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCUST_PROF91Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1462ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCUST_PR_T61Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1463ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSCUST_T61Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1464ERP EHP76.0TSTATUSFIELDS21Trading Contract: Table of Status FieldsTrading Contract
1465ERP EHP76.0TSTATUS_SCENARIO31Define The Scenario To Calculate Open Order/DeliveryTrading Contract
1466ERP EHP76.0TSTATUS_SCENA_TX41Text Table For TSTATUS_SCENARIOTrading Contract
1467ERP EHP76.0TTCTYP2HEDGE31WB2C: Assignment of Trading Contract Type - Hedging TypeTrading Contract
1468ERP EHP76.0TTXZI_WB281Text copy control: from Trading Contract to Purchase orderTrading Contract
1469ERP EHP76.0TWB2BCM11GT: Copying methods on business data levelTrading Contract
1470ERP EHP76.0TWB2BCMT31GT: Copying methods on business data levelTrading Contract
1471ERP EHP76.0TWB2DICC31GT: Copy Control for Difference Calculation CorrectionsTrading Contract
1472ERP EHP76.0TWB2DIGRP121GT: Copy Group for Creation of Diff. Calculation CorrectionTrading Contract
1473ERP EHP76.0TWB2DIGRPT41GT: Copy Group for Creation of Diff. Calculation CorrectionTrading Contract
1474ERP EHP76.0TWB2HCM11GT: Copying methods on header levelTrading Contract
1475ERP EHP76.0TWB2HCMT31GT: Copying methods on header level (Text)Trading Contract
1476ERP EHP76.0TWB2HCR11GT: Copy Requirements on header levelTrading Contract
1477ERP EHP76.0TWB2HCRT31GT: Copy Requirements on header level (Text)Trading Contract
1478ERP EHP76.0TWB2HEDGE141WB2C: Hedging TypesTrading Contract
1479ERP EHP76.0TWB2HEDGECURR71Hedge for Each CurrencyTrading Contract
1480ERP EHP76.0TWB2HEDGEPART41Business Partner for Each Company CodeTrading Contract
1481ERP EHP76.0TWB2HEDGET41WB2C: Description of Hedging TypesTrading Contract
1482ERP EHP76.0TWB2ICM11GT: Copying methods on item levelTrading Contract
1483ERP EHP76.0TWB2ICMT31GT: Copying methods on item level (Text)Trading Contract
1484ERP EHP76.0TWB2ICR11GT: Copy Requirements on item levelTrading Contract
1485ERP EHP76.0TWB2ICRT31GT: Copy Requirements on item level (Text)Trading Contract
1486ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGFLD91Trading Contract: Matching Field DefinitionTrading Contract
1487ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGGRP21Trading Contract: Matching Group DefinitionTrading Contract
1488ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGGRPT41Trading Contract: Matching Group DefinitionTrading Contract
1489ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGSTR11Trading Contract: Matching key structure name definitionTrading Contract
1490ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGTBL11Trading Contract: Matching Source table definitionTrading Contract
1491ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGTYP21Trading Contract: Matching Type DefinitionTrading Contract
1492ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGTYPG31Trading Contract: Matching Type assignment to Matching GroupTrading Contract
1493ERP EHP76.0TWB2MATCHINGTYPT41Trading Contract: Matching Type Definition textTrading Contract
1494ERP EHP76.0TWB2PCM11GT: Copying methods on header levelTrading Contract
1495ERP EHP76.0TWB2PCMT31GT: Copying methods on header levelTrading Contract
1496ERP EHP76.0TWGTA251Global Trade Management: Control TableTrading Contract
1497ERP EHP76.0TXZUFT_WB241GT: Text GroupTrading Contract
1498ERP EHP76.0TXZUF_WB221GT: Text GroupTrading Contract
1499ERP EHP76.0WB2CLINK243Hedging IndexTrading Contract
1500ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_CALC_QLTY41Announcement of ProcedureTrading Contract
1501ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_COND_QLTY51Announcement of Condition TypesTrading Contract
1502ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_FREEZE51Group of frozen fieldsTrading Contract
1503ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_FREEZET51Group of frozen fieldsTrading Contract
1504ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_FREEZE_F71frozen fieldsTrading Contract
1505ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_FREEZE_H31Header: Group of frozen fieldsTrading Contract
1506ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_ACTION31Action code definition for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1507ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_ACTIONT61Action code description for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1508ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CHKG21Pre-Check group definition for ProcessingTrading Contract
1509ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CHKGT41Pre-Check group description for ProcessingTrading Contract
1510ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CHKG_CH41Pre-Check order in CheckGrp for Processing of Follow-on doc.Trading Contract
1511ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CL_CH21Pre-Check class definition for ProcessingTrading Contract
1512ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CL_CHT41Pre-Check class description for ProcessingTrading Contract
1513ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CL_EX21Execution and Check class definition for ProcessingTrading Contract
1514ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_CL_EXT41Execution and Check class description for ProcessingTrading Contract
1515ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_MTHD21Method definition for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1516ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_MTHDT41Method description for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1517ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_MTHD_EX41Execution order in Method for Processing of Follow-on doc.Trading Contract
1518ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_MTHD_PM61Execution Paramter in Method for Processing of Follow-on docTrading Contract
1519ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_TB2BE31Processing of Follow-on document type assignment to TC typeTrading Contract
1520ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_TYPACT111Type & Action definition for Processing of Follow-on doc.Trading Contract
1521ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_TYPE21Type definition for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1522ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_PF_TYPET41Type description for Processing of Follow-on documentTrading Contract
1523ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_RMGF41Trading Contract: Risk Group Fields (Ready for Input)Trading Contract
1524ERP EHP76.0WB2_C_RMGT41Adjustment Group descriptionTrading Contract
1525ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_STRING231Logistical string,circle and washoutTrading Contract
1526ERP EHP76.0WB2_D_STRING_H121Header: Logistical string,circle and washoutTrading Contract
1527ERP EHP76.0WB2_MAP_CONTROL41GT: Generation Status for Field MappingTrading Contract
1528ERP EHP76.0WB2_MAP_FIELDS41Trading Contract: Mapping of Fields to Follow-On DocumentsTrading Contract
1529ERP EHP76.0WBGT665Global Trade: Generic Document InformationTrading Contract
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Trading Execution Workbench
1530ERP EHP76.0TEWACTION91Classes That Perform Subsequent ActionTrading Execution Workbench
1531ERP EHP76.0TEWACTIONT51Classes That Perform Subsequent ActionTrading Execution Workbench
1532ERP EHP76.0TEWAPPLICATION141ApplicationTrading Execution Workbench
1533ERP EHP76.0TEWAPPLICATIONT41Application: TextTrading Execution Workbench
1534ERP EHP76.0TEWASSOCHECK51Classes That Perform Checks By AssociationTrading Execution Workbench
1535ERP EHP76.0TEWASSOCHECKT51Texts: Classes that Perform Checks by AssociationTrading Execution Workbench
1536ERP EHP76.0TEWCHECK51Classes that Perform ChecksTrading Execution Workbench
1537ERP EHP76.0TEWCHECKT51Texts: Classes that Perform ChecksTrading Execution Workbench
1538ERP EHP76.0TEWDEFAULTSTEP51Default Business Process StepTrading Execution Workbench
1539ERP EHP76.0TEWDOC2DATATYPE21Mapping from Document Category to Data TypeTrading Execution Workbench
1540ERP EHP76.0TEWENHANCE41Classes for Data EnhancementTrading Execution Workbench
1541ERP EHP76.0TEWENHANCET51Classes for Data EnhancementTrading Execution Workbench
1542ERP EHP76.0TEWFILTER41Classes That Filter Out Documents Before DisplayTrading Execution Workbench
1543ERP EHP76.0TEWFILTERT51Classes That Filter Documents Out Of Display: TextsTrading Execution Workbench
1544ERP EHP76.0TEWGROUP31Grouping of Business Process StepsTrading Execution Workbench
1545ERP EHP76.0TEWGROUPT51Grouping of Business Process StepsTrading Execution Workbench
1546ERP EHP76.0TEWMODE41Mode of the Step of a Business ProcessTrading Execution Workbench
1547ERP EHP76.0TEWMODET51Mode of the Step of a Business Process: TextsTrading Execution Workbench
1548ERP EHP76.0TEWSCEN2ACK81Assignment of Association Check ClassesTrading Execution Workbench
1549ERP EHP76.0TEWSCEN2CHK81Assignment of Check ClassesTrading Execution Workbench
1550ERP EHP76.0TEWSCEN2ENH91Assignment to Classes that Perform EnhancementTrading Execution Workbench
1551ERP EHP76.0TEWSCEN2FLT91Assignment of Classes that Perform FilteringTrading Execution Workbench
1552ERP EHP76.0TEWSCENARIO31Business ScenarioTrading Execution Workbench
1553ERP EHP76.0TEWSCENARIOT51Business Scenario: TextTrading Execution Workbench
1554ERP EHP76.0TEWSELECT71Initial Step in Data SelectionTrading Execution Workbench
1555ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP161Business Process StepTrading Execution Workbench
1556ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2CL121Assignment to Classes that Perform ActionTrading Execution Workbench
1557ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2ENH61Enhancement Class for StepTrading Execution Workbench
1558ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2FLT61Filter Class for StepTrading Execution Workbench
1559ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2OP121Classification of an OperationTrading Execution Workbench
1560ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2OPT101Classification of an OperationTrading Execution Workbench
1561ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEP2PARA81Parameters for ActionTrading Execution Workbench
1562ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEPGROUP41Grouping of Business Process StepsTrading Execution Workbench
1563ERP EHP76.0TEWSTEPT51Step of the Business Process: TextsTrading Execution Workbench
1564ERP EHP76.0TEWTARGETSEL71Initial Step of Data Selection for Target DocumentsTrading Execution Workbench
1565ERP EHP76.0TEWTCGROUP71Trading Contract GroupsTrading Execution Workbench
1566ERP EHP76.0TEWTCGROUPT51Trading Contract GroupsTrading Execution Workbench
1567ERP EHP76.0TEWTYPE31Trading Execution Workbench TypeTrading Execution Workbench
1568ERP EHP76.0TEWTYPET41Trading Exection Workbench Type: TextsTrading Execution Workbench
1569ERP EHP76.0TEWVTCODE41Variant Transactions of an Action ClassTrading Execution Workbench
1570ERP EHP76.0WB2TRANSFER61Data Transfer Global TradeTrading Execution Workbench
Logistics - General :: Handling Unit Management :: Basic functions
1571ERP EHP76.0HUEXIDV21Table with key 'external ID'Basic functions
1572ERP EHP76.0HUINV_HDR163Handling Unit: Phys. Inv. Document HeaderBasic functions
1573ERP EHP76.0HUINV_ITEM351Handling Unit: Physical Inventory Document ItemBasic functions
1574ERP EHP76.0HUINV_SERNR41Handling Unit Phys. Inv. Doc. - Serial Numbers for ItemBasic functions
1575ERP EHP76.0HUMSEG122Reference-HU-Item for Material Doc.Item that was Posted LastBasic functions
1576ERP EHP76.0HUMSEG_SER41Serial Numbers for the HUMSEG TableBasic functions
1577ERP EHP76.0HUPAST_T221Packing Station ProfileBasic functions
1578ERP EHP76.0HURES82Tentative Reservation of HU ItemsBasic functions
1579ERP EHP76.0HUSSTAT52Individual Status for Each Handling UnitBasic functions
1580ERP EHP76.0HUSTOBJ61Information about HU Status ObjectBasic functions
1581ERP EHP76.0HUWM_LOAD_PROT772Log Table of Initial Data Transfer for Subsequent PostingBasic functions
1582ERP EHP76.0THUBEW241HU: Movement Types for Stock Category Posting ChangeBasic functions
1583ERP EHP76.0THUBEW331HU Movement Types for Packing and Unpacking with Posting ChgBasic functions
1584ERP EHP76.0VEKP1414Handling Unit - Header TableBasic functions
1585ERP EHP76.0VEPO332Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)Basic functions
1586ERP EHP76.0VEVW62Where-Used List for Handling UnitsBasic functions
Logistics - General :: Handling Unit Management :: Master data
1587ERP EHP76.0CHUCHKPROF141HU Check Profile: Assign Error Code HU Item to Error Stat.HUMaster data
1588ERP EHP76.0CHUCHKPROFT41Language Table HU Check ProfileMaster data
1589ERP EHP76.0CHUPDPARA131Parameters in a Packing Transaction ProfileMaster data
1590ERP EHP76.0CHUPDPARAT41Packing Transaction Customizing: Application NameMaster data
1591ERP EHP76.0CHUWMPUT61Picking Parameter for HUs from WM for Picking ProfileMaster data
1592ERP EHP76.0KONDP71Conditions: Packing Object Data SectionMaster data
1593ERP EHP76.0KOTP00172MaterialMaster data
1594ERP EHP76.0KOTP00272MaterialMaster data
1595ERP EHP76.0KOTP00392Material/Ship-To Party/Unloading PointMaster data
1596ERP EHP76.0KOTP00492Material/Ship-To Party/Shipping TypeMaster data
1597ERP EHP76.0KOTP10082Material/ship-to partyMaster data
1598ERP EHP76.0KOTP10182Vendor/MaterialMaster data
1599ERP EHP76.0KOTP11092Material/Ship-To Party/UseMaster data
1600ERP EHP76.0KOTP20082Material/PlantMaster data
1601ERP EHP76.0KOTP21092Material/plant/storage locationMaster data
1602ERP EHP76.0KOTP40082Material/VendorMaster data
1603ERP EHP76.0KOTP41092Material/Plant/VendorMaster data
1604ERP EHP76.0KOTP49972Referenzmaterial für gleich verpackbare MaterialienMaster data
1605ERP EHP76.0P00072Conditions for Packing ObjectMaster data
1606ERP EHP76.0PACKKP702Packing Object HeaderMaster data
1607ERP EHP76.0PACKKPS61Texts for Packing Object Header (PACKPO)Master data
1608ERP EHP76.0PACKPO244Packing Object ItemMaster data
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Assignment of Markdown Profiles
1609ERP EHP76.0WRFT_MPA71General Customizing: Markdown Profile AssignmentAssignment of Markdown Profiles
1610ERP EHP76.0WRFT_MPA_SWITCH21Indicator: Activate SAP Markdown Profile AssignmentAssignment of Markdown Profiles
1611ERP EHP76.0WRF_MPA_REORG21Reorganization of Markdown Profile Assignments in SAPAssignment of Markdown Profiles
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Assortment
1612ERP EHP76.0BAPIFASGMT81Assignment of Fixture to Layout Module VersionAssortment
1613ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_AKF61Operational APC: Active Key FiguresAssortment
1614ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_CDT41Operational APC: Relevant Article Hierarchy LevelAssortment
1615ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_CDTX51Planning Node / Hierarchy Level ExceptionsAssortment
1616ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_CHAR81Operational APC: Characteristics Position on ScreenAssortment
1617ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_GEN261Operational APC: General CustomizingAssortment
1618ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_KFIG61Operational APC: Key FiguresAssortment
1619ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_KFIGT51Operational APC: Key Figure DescriptionsAssortment
1620ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_LAYOUT91Operational APC: Screen Structure DefinitionAssortment
1621ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_MSG41Operational APC: Settings for System MessagesAssortment
1622ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_PSCD41Item Date Settings in Purchasing ListsAssortment
1623ERP EHP76.0WRFT_APC_TABSTRP61Operational APC: Active Tab Pages on ScreenAssortment
1624ERP EHP76.0WRFT_ROASGN41Assignment of Rollouts to Rollout GroupsAssortment
1625ERP EHP76.0WRFT_ROGRP21Rollout GroupsAssortment
1626ERP EHP76.0WRFT_ROGRPT41Rollout Group DescriptionsAssortment
1627ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_IBID191Purchasing List Inbound Interface Detailed TotalsAssortment
1628ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_IBIT171Purchasing List Inbound Interface TotalsAssortment
1629ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_MPA182Markdown Profile AssignmentAssortment
1630ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PABD262Planned Article Basic DataAssortment
1631ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PACDT51Planned Article Assignment into CDTAssortment
1632ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PACHR71Planned Article Characteristics and Characteristic ValuesAssortment
1633ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PADA61Planned Article Dynamic AttributesAssortment
1634ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PADSC41Planned Article DescriptionsAssortment
1635ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PALT51Planned Article Long TextsAssortment
1636ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PAPUR131Planned Article Purchasing Data and PricesAssortment
1637ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PASD141Planned Article Sales DataAssortment
1638ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PAUOM71Planned Article Units of MeasureAssortment
1639ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PAVAR102Planned Article VariantsAssortment
1640ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLAS133Purchasing List Assigned QuantitiesAssortment
1641ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLDC71Purchasing List Supplying DCsAssortment
1642ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLH202Purchasing List Header DataAssortment
1643ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLHT41Purchasing List DescriptionAssortment
1644ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLI364Purchasing List ItemsAssortment
1645ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLIP101OAPC: Purchasing List Item Prepack InformationAssortment
1646ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLPL192Purchasing List Planned DataAssortment
1647ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PLPOQ332Purchasing List Purchase Order QuantitiesAssortment
1648ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_PPCMP61Planned Article Prepack ComponentsAssortment
1649ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_SELQS71Operational APC: Select Quota Scales per Hierarchy NodeAssortment
1650ERP EHP76.0WRF_APC_WLPL61Worklist of Purchasing List Items for Follow-Up ProcessesAssortment
1651ERP EHP76.0WRF_ASGMT_DEL52Deletion Table for Fixture AssignmentsAssortment
1652ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF101Definition of FixturesAssortment
1653ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVFT41Table for Language-Dependent Description of FixturesAssortment
1654ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF_ASGMT81Assignment of Fixture to Layout Module VersionAssortment
1655ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF_DEL31Deletion Table for FixturesAssortment
1656ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF_TYPE31Table of Fixture CategoriesAssortment
1657ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF_TYPET41Language-Dependent Table for Fixture Category DescriptionsAssortment
1658ERP EHP76.0WRF_LMVF_USE11System Table for Use of FixturesAssortment
1659ERP EHP76.0WRF_MALG_DEL112Deletion Table for Material AssignmentsAssortment
1660ERP EHP76.0WRF_ROCAT51Assignment of Rollout Groups to CategoriesAssortment
1661ERP EHP76.0WRF_WLMV_DEL42Deletion Table for LayMod. VersionsAssortment
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Bills of Material
1662ERP EHP76.0CLST91Link class - BOMBills of Material
1663ERP EHP76.0CSORDER_MAT151Administration of generated materials per sales orderBills of Material
1664ERP EHP76.0CSPRJ_MAT141Management of generated materials to projectBills of Material
1665ERP EHP76.0CSUSR_DATA251User-defined data for order browserBills of Material
1666ERP EHP76.0DOST112Document to BOM LinkBills of Material
1667ERP EHP76.0EQST102Equipment to BOM LinkBills of Material
1668ERP EHP76.0KDST123Sales Order to BOM LinkBills of Material
1669ERP EHP76.0MAST132Material to BOM LinkBills of Material
1670ERP EHP76.0PRST113Project - BOM linkBills of Material
1671ERP EHP76.0PSGR71Master item groupBills of Material
1672ERP EHP76.0PSVR61Master alternative itemsBills of Material
1673ERP EHP76.0STAS215BOMs - Item SelectionBills of Material
1674ERP EHP76.0STKO323BOM HeaderBills of Material
1675ERP EHP76.0STPN72BOM Follow-Up ControlBills of Material
1676ERP EHP76.0STPO12810BOM itemBills of Material
1677ERP EHP76.0STPU91BOM SubitemBills of Material
1678ERP EHP76.0STST102Standard BOM LinkBills of Material
1679ERP EHP76.0STVB31Bills of Material - Serialization of PostingBills of Material
1680ERP EHP76.0STZU244Permanent BOM dataBills of Material
1681ERP EHP76.0T41341Spare Part IndicatorsBills of Material
1682ERP EHP76.0T413T42Spare part indicator descriptionBills of Material
1683ERP EHP76.0T41471Explosion TypesBills of Material
1684ERP EHP76.0T414T41Explosion type descriptionBills of Material
1685ERP EHP76.0T415A71Alternative BOM DeterminationBills of Material
1686ERP EHP76.0T415B51Alternative Determination by Unit of MeasureBills of Material
1687ERP EHP76.0T415M51Material Types Allowed in BOMBills of Material
1688ERP EHP76.0T415S121BOM statusBills of Material
1689ERP EHP76.0T415T42BOM Status TextsBills of Material
1690ERP EHP76.0T41691BOM Usage - Item StatusesBills of Material
1691ERP EHP76.0T416K101Copying Defaults For Item StatusBills of Material
1692ERP EHP76.0T416T41BOM Usage TextsBills of Material
1693ERP EHP76.0T416V91Copy defaults for BOM usage - item statusesBills of Material
1694ERP EHP76.0T41761Material Provision IndicatorsBills of Material
1695ERP EHP76.0T417T42Materials Provided Indicator TextsBills of Material
1696ERP EHP76.0T418131Item CategoriesBills of Material
1697ERP EHP76.0T418D51Definition of Variables for T418FBills of Material
1698ERP EHP76.0T418F41Variable-Size Item FormulasBills of Material
1699ERP EHP76.0T418G42Formula TextsBills of Material
1700ERP EHP76.0T418T42Item Category TextsBills of Material
1701ERP EHP76.0TC04131Applic-Specific Criteria for Alternative DeterminationBills of Material
1702ERP EHP76.0TC04T42Application TextsBills of Material
1703ERP EHP76.0TCS03251Modification Parameters/Defaults for BOMsBills of Material
1704ERP EHP76.0TCS0961BOM Control Depending on Category and UsageBills of Material
1705ERP EHP76.0TCS1541BOMs with History RequirementBills of Material
1706ERP EHP76.0TCS1752BOMs with History RequirementBills of Material
1707ERP EHP76.0TCS2042Texts for BOM Item Object TypesBills of Material
1708ERP EHP76.0TCS2142BOM Item Object Types: internal --> externalBills of Material
1709ERP EHP76.0TCS4141Automatic alternative BOM determinationBills of Material
1710ERP EHP76.0TCSFG31Field group definition - BOMsBills of Material
1711ERP EHP76.0TCSFGF41Allocation of fields to field groups - BOMsBills of Material
1712ERP EHP76.0TCSFGT51Field group texts for BOMsBills of Material
1713ERP EHP76.0TCSPR301User Profile for BOMsBills of Material
1714ERP EHP76.0TCSVL51User defaults list display (variable lists)Bills of Material
1715ERP EHP76.0TPST102Link Between Functional Location and BOMBills of Material
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Business Partners
1716ERP EHP76.0MDMCHP82MDM: Change events by incoming IDocsBusiness Partners
1717ERP EHP76.0MDMCLASSIF31Account groups for vendor coming from MDSBusiness Partners
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Instore Production
1718ERP EHP76.0WESC_MCH_LEVEL31Level for Transfer of Matl Group Hierarchy per ApplicationInstore Production
1719ERP EHP76.0WSE_CONSPROFILE31Profile DefinitionInstore Production
1720ERP EHP76.0WSE_CONSPROFILET41Text Table for WSE_CONSPROFILEInstore Production
1721ERP EHP76.0WSE_CONSPROF_SER31Profile Assignment to ServicesInstore Production
1722ERP EHP76.0WSE_CONSPROF_ST71Assignment of Plants to Consumer ProfilesInstore Production
1723ERP EHP76.0WSE_MVTYPE41Assignment of Movement Types to ProfileInstore Production
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Integrated Product and Process Engineering
1724ERP EHP76.0CMIG_CUST51Customizing - iPPE MigrationIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1725ERP EHP76.0CMIG_MAPPING183Mapping Table (Classic PP and iPPE Objekt Key)Integrated Product and Process Engineering
1726ERP EHP76.0CMIG_OTYPES121Customizing - iPPE Migration: Object TypesIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1727ERP EHP76.0CMIG_OTYPES_ACT91Customizing for iPPE Migration: Routing Object TypesIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1728ERP EHP76.0CMIG_STATUS83Status Table (iPPE Migration)Integrated Product and Process Engineering
1729ERP EHP76.0CMIG_USAGE31Customizing - iPPE Migration: BOM UsageIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1730ERP EHP76.0CPPE_CULLINDX131System Table INDXIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1731ERP EHP76.0CPRODOKAR41iPPE PS Interface: Customizing Document TypeIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1732ERP EHP76.0CSIM_TB_STFA61Control Table for Field Selection: Configuration SimulationIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1733ERP EHP76.0PNDALT101Alternativensegment zum PositionsknotenIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1734ERP EHP76.0PNDALTT71Texttabelle zum Alternativensegment des PositionsknotensIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1735ERP EHP76.0PNDREL111Positionsknotenbeziehung in der PVSIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1736ERP EHP76.0PNODE121Positionsknoten in der PVSIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1737ERP EHP76.0PNODET61Texttabelle zum Positionsknoten in der PVSIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1738ERP EHP76.0PPECIF_LOG83iPPE/CIF: Basic Data of Comparison ResultIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1739ERP EHP76.0PPECIF_LOGMSG171iPPE/CIF: Comparison Result of an iPPE ObjectIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1740ERP EHP76.0PPECIF_LOGOBJ141iPPE/CIF: Different ObjectsIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1741ERP EHP76.0PROFILCUST01371iPPE: Profile for PS iPPE InterfaceIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
1742ERP EHP76.0PROJID173iPPE Assignment Table: PS ObjectsIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Material Groups
1743ERP EHP76.0LDGM51Assignment Table Country Groups to CharacteristicsMaterial Groups
1744ERP EHP76.0T023151Material GroupsMaterial Groups
1745ERP EHP76.0T023S43Base Material Group/Hierarchy Material AssignmentMaterial Groups
1746ERP EHP76.0T023T51Material Group DescriptionsMaterial Groups
1747ERP EHP76.0TLDG21Country GroupMaterial Groups
1748ERP EHP76.0TLDGT41Country Groups, TextsMaterial Groups
1749ERP EHP76.0TLGL31Assignment Table of Countries to Country GroupsMaterial Groups
1750ERP EHP76.0TWMWQ51Value Scale: Valid quota scale per plant/material groupMaterial Groups
1751ERP EHP76.0TWORD31Characteristic SequenceMaterial Groups
1752ERP EHP76.0WMQK41Quota Scale: Header DataMaterial Groups
1753ERP EHP76.0WMQKT51Quota Scale: Header TextsMaterial Groups
1754ERP EHP76.0WMQP51Quota Scale: Item DataMaterial Groups
1755ERP EHP76.0WMWK31Value Scale: Header DataMaterial Groups
1756ERP EHP76.0WMWKT41Value Scale: Header TextsMaterial Groups
1757ERP EHP76.0WMWP41Value Scale: Item DataMaterial Groups
1758ERP EHP76.0WTREE1292Version Management for Reclassification TreesMaterial Groups
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Material Master
1759ERP EHP76.0EANC_GLN_MAPP71GLN - R/3 Mapping TableMaterial Master
1760ERP EHP76.0EANC_GLN_META21GLN - R/3 Mapping TableMaterial Master
1761ERP EHP76.0EANC_GLN_META_DS31Descriptions of the SAP Objects in the EANC_ILN_META TableMaterial Master
1762ERP EHP76.0EANC_IOPROCESS31Table in Which the Processes to be Mapped are DefinedMaterial Master
1763ERP EHP76.0EANC_MEINHGRP41Units of Measure Groups For EAN ConsistecyMaterial Master
1764ERP EHP76.0EANQ21Table for Setting Up Lock Objects for EANsMaterial Master
1765ERP EHP76.0EBEW743Sales Order Stock ValuationMaterial Master
1766ERP EHP76.0EBEWH181Valuation of Sales Order Stock: HistoryMaterial Master
1767ERP EHP76.0LAMA2ERP_FLAG41Do NEVER set these Flags; they are for SAP internal use onlyMaterial Master
1768ERP EHP76.0LTX1_TMP121File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1769ERP EHP76.0MABW112Management of Differently Maintained Material Data in RetailMaterial Master
1770ERP EHP76.0MAEX83Material Master: Legal ControlMaterial Master
1771ERP EHP76.0MAKT52Material DescriptionsMaterial Master
1772ERP EHP76.0MAKT_TMP81File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1773ERP EHP76.0MALG202Assignment of Layout Modules to MaterialsMaterial Master
1774ERP EHP76.0MAMT71Material Master Texts per Unit of Measure and Text IDMaterial Master
1775ERP EHP76.0MAPE131Material Master: Export Control FileMaterial Master
1776ERP EHP76.0MARA2346General Material DataMaterial Master
1777ERP EHP76.0MARA_TMP2351File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1778ERP EHP76.0MARC2387Plant Data for MaterialMaterial Master
1779ERP EHP76.0MARCH121Material Master C Segment: HistoryMaterial Master
1780ERP EHP76.0MARC_NFMAT31Lock Table for Plant Data for Maintaining Follow-Up MaterialMaterial Master
1781ERP EHP76.0MARC_TMP2361File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1782ERP EHP76.0MARC_VRBMT31Lock Table for Plant Data on Reference Material MaintenanceMaterial Master
1783ERP EHP76.0MARD501Storage Location Data for MaterialMaterial Master
1784ERP EHP76.0MARDH141Material Master Storage Location Segment: HistoryMaterial Master
1785ERP EHP76.0MARD_TMP531File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1786ERP EHP76.0MARM292Units of Measure for MaterialMaterial Master
1787ERP EHP76.0MARM_TMP321File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1788ERP EHP76.0MARV221Material Control RecordMaterial Master
1789ERP EHP76.0MARVCD101Change Document: Period Initialization when System in Op.Material Master
1790ERP EHP76.0MATERIALIDDI_TMP121File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1791ERP EHP76.0MAW1341Material Master: Default Fields and Special Retail FieldsMaterial Master
1792ERP EHP76.0MBEW1092Material ValuationMaterial Master
1793ERP EHP76.0MBEWH151Material Valuation: HistoryMaterial Master
1794ERP EHP76.0MBEW_TMP1121File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1795ERP EHP76.0MBPR181Stock at Production Storage BinMaterial Master
1796ERP EHP76.0MCH1352Batches (if Batch Management Cross-Plant)Material Master
1797ERP EHP76.0MCHA372BatchesMaterial Master
1798ERP EHP76.0MCHB381Batch StocksMaterial Master
1799ERP EHP76.0MCHBH131Batch Stocks: HistoryMaterial Master
1800ERP EHP76.0MDIP631Material: MRP Profiles (Field Contents)Material Master
1801ERP EHP76.0MEA1_TMP91File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1802ERP EHP76.0MEAN72International Article Numbers (EANs) for MaterialMaterial Master
1803ERP EHP76.0MEIK191Make-to-Order Stock for Customer OrderMaterial Master
1804ERP EHP76.0MERRDAT_TMP121File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1805ERP EHP76.0MFHM_TMP511File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1806ERP EHP76.0MFRES_TMP51File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1807ERP EHP76.0MGIR_SSTN291Material / Info Record Sustainability tableMaterial Master
1808ERP EHP76.0MGIR_SSTN_ECOLBL51Material / Vendor Sustainability Eco-Label tableMaterial Master
1809ERP EHP76.0MGVBUNDLE41Table of field packagesMaterial Master
1810ERP EHP76.0MGVBUNDLET41Short text for fild packagesMaterial Master
1811ERP EHP76.0MGVDYNPRODB41Assignment table different NameScreenField - DatabaseFieldMaterial Master
1812ERP EHP76.0MGVEXTOBJECTS91External objects that are copied/referenced by versionsMaterial Master
1813ERP EHP76.0MGVEXTOBJECTSCU61External objects that are copied/referenced by versionsMaterial Master
1814ERP EHP76.0MGVEXTOBJECTST41Texts for extern. objects that are copied/referenced by ver.Material Master
1815ERP EHP76.0MGVFIELDBUNDLE41Table of field packagesMaterial Master
1816ERP EHP76.0MGVFIELDGROUP21Table of the field groups for material versioningMaterial Master
1817ERP EHP76.0MGVFIELDGROUPFLD71Fields/field packages that cannot be versionnedMaterial Master
1818ERP EHP76.0MGVFIELDGROUPT41Description of the field group in MGVFIELDGROUPMaterial Master
1819ERP EHP76.0MGVFIELDSALLOWED41Versions of allowed fields/field packagesMaterial Master
1820ERP EHP76.0MGVMAPMATNRALE111Display internal to external numbers in ALEMaterial Master
1821ERP EHP76.0MGVNOSTATUS31Material dependent status of the number rangeMaterial Master
1822ERP EHP76.0MGVSPECTYPE51Specialization types material masterMaterial Master
1823ERP EHP76.0MGVSPECTYPET41Specialization types material masterMaterial Master
1824ERP EHP76.0MGVSPECTYPETEXTS91Text for specialization typesMaterial Master
1825ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPE91Table of version categoriesMaterial Master
1826ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPEFIELD51Table of field without a versionMaterial Master
1827ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPEFIELDWORK51Table of field without a versionMaterial Master
1828ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPEFIELD_WRK51Table of field without a versionMaterial Master
1829ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPETEXT41Description of version typesMaterial Master
1830ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPETEXT_WRK41Description of version typesMaterial Master
1831ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPEWORK41Table of version categoriesMaterial Master
1832ERP EHP76.0MGVTYPE_WRK91Table of version categoriesMaterial Master
1833ERP EHP76.0MGV_TKMNR21Time when Short Material Numbers were Switched onMaterial Master
1834ERP EHP76.0MGV_TLMNR21MGV_TLMNRMaterial Master
1835ERP EHP76.0MKLK171Consignment Stocks and Returnable Packaging with CustomerMaterial Master
1836ERP EHP76.0MKOL361Special Stocks from VendorMaterial Master
1837ERP EHP76.0MKOLH131Special Stocks from Vendor: HistoryMaterial Master
1838ERP EHP76.0MKOP131Consignment Price SegmentMaterial Master
1839ERP EHP76.0MKUB181Material Provided by CustomerMaterial Master
1840ERP EHP76.0MLAN131Tax Classification for MaterialMaterial Master
1841ERP EHP76.0MLEA91Vendor-Specific EANsMaterial Master
1842ERP EHP76.0MLGN261Material Data for Each Warehouse NumberMaterial Master
1843ERP EHP76.0MLGN_TMP291File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1844ERP EHP76.0MLGT122Material Data for Each Storage TypeMaterial Master
1845ERP EHP76.0MLGT_TMP151File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1846ERP EHP76.0MLIB161Material Provided to VendorMaterial Master
1847ERP EHP76.0MOFF142Outstanding Material Master RecordsMaterial Master
1848ERP EHP76.0MPGD_TMP91File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1849ERP EHP76.0MPOI51Mgmt Diff. Maint. Retail Material Data (Prior to Rel. 1.2B)Material Master
1850ERP EHP76.0MPOP_TMP441File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1851ERP EHP76.0MPRP191Forecast ProfilesMaterial Master
1852ERP EHP76.0MPRW_TMP131File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1853ERP EHP76.0MSCA281Sales Orders on Hand with VendorMaterial Master
1854ERP EHP76.0MSCAH131Sales Order Stock at Vendor: HistoryMaterial Master
1855ERP EHP76.0MSKA332Sales Order StockMaterial Master
1856ERP EHP76.0MSKAH141Sales Order Stock: HistoryMaterial Master
1857ERP EHP76.0MSKU271Special Stocks with CustomerMaterial Master
1858ERP EHP76.0MSKUH121Special Stocks at Customer: HistoryMaterial Master
1859ERP EHP76.0MSLB261Special Stocks with VendorMaterial Master
1860ERP EHP76.0MSLBH121Special Stocks at Vendor: HistoryMaterial Master
1861ERP EHP76.0MSOA121Total Sales Orders on Hand with VendorMaterial Master
1862ERP EHP76.0MSPR312Project StockMaterial Master
1863ERP EHP76.0MSPRH131Project Stock: HistoryMaterial Master
1864ERP EHP76.0MSSA171Total Customer Orders on HandMaterial Master
1865ERP EHP76.0MSSAH101Total Sales Order Stocks: HistoryMaterial Master
1866ERP EHP76.0MSSL131Total Special Stocks with VendorMaterial Master
1867ERP EHP76.0MSSQ162Project Stock TotalMaterial Master
1868ERP EHP76.0MSSQH91Total Project Stocks: HistoryMaterial Master
1869ERP EHP76.0MSTA161Material Master StatusMaterial Master
1870ERP EHP76.0MVAN131Tax Classification for MaterialMaterial Master
1871ERP EHP76.0MVD_CUST81SAP Customizing Data: Material Versions Overview ScreenMaterial Master
1872ERP EHP76.0MVD_CUST_SAP81SAP Customizing Data: Material Versions Overview ScreenMaterial Master
1873ERP EHP76.0MVEG_TMP111File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1874ERP EHP76.0MVER581Material ConsumptionMaterial Master
1875ERP EHP76.0MVEU_TMP111File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1876ERP EHP76.0MVEW1091Material ValuationMaterial Master
1877ERP EHP76.0MVEWH151Material Valuation: HistoryMaterial Master
1878ERP EHP76.0MVGD61Material master/product group material versionMaterial Master
1879ERP EHP76.0MVGN261Material Data for Each Warehouse NumberMaterial Master
1880ERP EHP76.0MVGT122Material Data for Each Storage TypeMaterial Master
1881ERP EHP76.0MVHM481MRP material versionMaterial Master
1882ERP EHP76.0MVKE682Sales Data for MaterialMaterial Master
1883ERP EHP76.0MVKE_TMP711File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1884ERP EHP76.0MVKT52Material descriptionsMaterial Master
1885ERP EHP76.0MVMS42LIFO relevant materials material versionsMaterial Master
1886ERP EHP76.0MVOP451Material data material versionsMaterial Master
1887ERP EHP76.0MVRA2281Cross-version fields for MARAMaterial Master
1888ERP EHP76.0MVRC2331Cross-version fields for MARCMaterial Master
1889ERP EHP76.0MVRD501Storage Location Data for MaterialMaterial Master
1890ERP EHP76.0MVRM292Units of Measure for MaterialMaterial Master
1891ERP EHP76.0MVVE682Sales Data for MaterialMaterial Master
1892ERP EHP76.0MYMS42LIFO-relevant materialsMaterial Master
1893ERP EHP76.0OBEW732Valuated Stock with SubcontractorMaterial Master
1894ERP EHP76.0OBEWH171Valuated Stock with Subcontractor: HistoryMaterial Master
1895ERP EHP76.0QBEW733Project Stock ValuationMaterial Master
1896ERP EHP76.0QBEWH171Valuation of Project Stock: HistoryMaterial Master
1897ERP EHP76.0RMMKOP01_VFER61Used Color SupplementsMaterial Master
1898ERP EHP76.0RMMKOP01_VFES71Used Color SupplementsMaterial Master
1899ERP EHP76.0SSTN_CERT21CertificatesMaterial Master
1900ERP EHP76.0SSTN_CERT_RATING31Certificates RatingMaterial Master
1901ERP EHP76.0SSTN_CERT_RAT_T51Certificates TextMaterial Master
1902ERP EHP76.0SSTN_CERT_T41Certificates TextMaterial Master
1903ERP EHP76.0SSTN_ECOLABEL21Ecolabel TypeMaterial Master
1904ERP EHP76.0SSTN_ECOLABEL_T41Ecolabel Name TextsMaterial Master
1905ERP EHP76.0SSTN_ECORATING31Eco Label RatingMaterial Master
1906ERP EHP76.0SSTN_ECORATING_T51Ecolabel Rating TextMaterial Master
1907ERP EHP76.0STEUMM_TMP101File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1908ERP EHP76.0STEU_TMP121File for Incorrect Data in Direct InputMaterial Master
1909ERP EHP76.0T001L221Storage LocationsMaterial Master
1910ERP EHP76.0T006M51Units of Measure GroupsMaterial Master
1911ERP EHP76.0T024L21Laboratory/office for materialMaterial Master
1912ERP EHP76.0T024X41Laboratory/Office TextsMaterial Master
1913ERP EHP76.0T02531Valuation ClassesMaterial Master
1914ERP EHP76.0T025K21Account Category ReferenceMaterial Master
1915ERP EHP76.0T025L41Account Category Reference DescriptionMaterial Master
1916ERP EHP76.0T025T41Valuation Class DescriptionsMaterial Master
1917ERP EHP76.0T130A31Material master field selectionMaterial Master
1918ERP EHP76.0T130F141Field attributesMaterial Master
1919ERP EHP76.0T130FT41Texts for ALE Field GroupsMaterial Master
1920ERP EHP76.0T130Q31Reduced status and its tablesMaterial Master
1921ERP EHP76.0T130R61Table and key fieldMaterial Master
1922ERP EHP76.0T130W41Plant parameters for master data maintenanceMaterial Master
1923ERP EHP76.0T13231Status definitionMaterial Master
1924ERP EHP76.0T132T41Definition of Valid StatusesMaterial Master
1925ERP EHP76.0T133A121Logical Screens: AttributesMaterial Master
1926ERP EHP76.0T133B61Descriptions of Logical ScreensMaterial Master
1927ERP EHP76.0T133C61Assignment of Screen Modules to Logical ScreensMaterial Master
1928ERP EHP76.0T133D151Sequence Control for Logical ScreensMaterial Master
1929ERP EHP76.0T133E41Function-Oriented Masking for Table T133DMaterial Master
1930ERP EHP76.0T133F31Field Selection: Material Master (Part 2)Material Master
1931ERP EHP76.0T133K61Influencing Factors: Screen Sequence No.Material Master
1932ERP EHP76.0T133P41Retail: Status and TableMaterial Master
1933ERP EHP76.0T133Q41Retail: Status and Relevant RMMW1 FieldsMaterial Master
1934ERP EHP76.0T133R61Retail: Table and Key FieldMaterial Master
1935ERP EHP76.0T133S31Screen SequencesMaterial Master
1936ERP EHP76.0T133T41Screen Sequence DescriptionsMaterial Master
1937ERP EHP76.0T134361Material TypesMaterial Master
1938ERP EHP76.0T134K31Configurable Material TypesMaterial Master
1939ERP EHP76.0T134T41Material Type DescriptionsMaterial Master
1940ERP EHP76.0T136A21Display Version: Stock OverviewMaterial Master
1941ERP EHP76.0T136E21Fields for stock display: individual listMaterial Master
1942ERP EHP76.0T136F21Fields for stock display: basic list/detail listMaterial Master
1943ERP EHP76.0T136T41Descriptions of Stock Overview Display VersionsMaterial Master
1944ERP EHP76.0T13751Industries for materialsMaterial Master
1945ERP EHP76.0T137T41Industry DescriptionsMaterial Master
1946ERP EHP76.0T141251Material Status from Materials Management/PPC ViewMaterial Master
1947ERP EHP76.0T141T41Descriptions of Material Status from MM/PP ViewMaterial Master
1948ERP EHP76.0T14221Storage Conditions for MaterialsMaterial Master
1949ERP EHP76.0T142T41Storage Condition TextsMaterial Master
1950ERP EHP76.0T14321Temperature Conditions for Storing MaterialsMaterial Master
1951ERP EHP76.0T143T41Temperature Condition TextsMaterial Master
1952ERP EHP76.0T14421Container Requirements for Storing MaterialsMaterial Master
1953ERP EHP76.0T144T41Container Requirement TextsMaterial Master
1954ERP EHP76.0T14851Special Stock IndicatorMaterial Master
1955ERP EHP76.0T148F41Fields for special stock maintenanceMaterial Master
1956ERP EHP76.0T148K61Lower stock balance indicator for individual segmentsMaterial Master
1957ERP EHP76.0T148T41Special Stock DescriptionsMaterial Master
1958ERP EHP76.0T148W31Plant parameters for special stock maintenanceMaterial Master
1959ERP EHP76.0T149101Valuation type/valuation classMaterial Master
1960ERP EHP76.0T149A61Valuation types for valuation areaMaterial Master
1961ERP EHP76.0T149B41Valuation Category/Valuation typeMaterial Master
1962ERP EHP76.0T401A41Material: MRP profiles (definition)Material Master
1963ERP EHP76.0T401I21Fields in MRP profile that can be initialMaterial Master
1964ERP EHP76.0T401T41MRP Profile DescriptionsMaterial Master
1965ERP EHP76.0T405121Purchasing Value KeyMaterial Master
1966ERP EHP76.0T441A41Forecast profilesMaterial Master
1967ERP EHP76.0T441I21Fields in forecast profile that can be initial fieldsMaterial Master
1968ERP EHP76.0T441T41Texts for Material Forecasting ProfilesMaterial Master
1969ERP EHP76.0TCLSVERS41Default Values Logistics Switch for ALE and Material Maint.Material Master
1970ERP EHP76.0TLOG21Logistics Handling Group for Workload CalculationMaterial Master
1971ERP EHP76.0TLOGT41Descriptions for Logistics Handling GroupsMaterial Master
1972ERP EHP76.0TMABC21Values Table for the ABC Indicator for MaterialsMaterial Master
1973ERP EHP76.0TMABCT41Texts for ABC Indicator for MaterialsMaterial Master
1974ERP EHP76.0TMBG21Material Master: Authorization GroupsMaterial Master
1975ERP EHP76.0TMBGT41Material Master: Descriptions for Authorization GroupsMaterial Master
1976ERP EHP76.0TMGW241Control for Maintaining Structured MaterialsMaterial Master
1977ERP EHP76.0TMGW3101Change Restrictions for structured MaterialsMaterial Master
1978ERP EHP76.0TMGW461Default Settings and Flags for Prepack Allocation PlanningMaterial Master
1979ERP EHP76.0TMGW531Fields from reference prepack, not from generic materialMaterial Master
1980ERP EHP76.0TMVLOSC21Check Logistic Relevance / Transaction DependentMaterial Master
1981ERP EHP76.0TNTP101International Article Number (EAN) CategoriesMaterial Master
1982ERP EHP76.0TNTPB41Descriptions of EAN CategoriesMaterial Master
1983ERP EHP76.0TORG_PR_RSN21Reason for Original Price ChangeMaterial Master
1984ERP EHP76.0TORG_PR_RSNT41Text Table: Reason for Original Price ChangeMaterial Master
1985ERP EHP76.0TPRF21International Article Number (EAN) PrefixesMaterial Master
1986ERP EHP76.0TPRFT41EAN Prefix DescriptionsMaterial Master
1987ERP EHP76.0TSAN21Standard Article Numbers (SANs)Material Master
1988ERP EHP76.0TSANT41Descriptions of Standard Article NumbersMaterial Master
1989ERP EHP76.0TSKM31Material TaxesMaterial Master
1990ERP EHP76.0TSKMT51Taxes: Materials: TextsMaterial Master
1991ERP EHP76.0TWEW21External Material GroupsMaterial Master
1992ERP EHP76.0TWEWT41Descriptions for External Material GroupsMaterial Master
1993ERP EHP76.0TWSPR21Check Table for Basic Material FieldMaterial Master
1994ERP EHP76.0TWZLA132Splitting types for structured materialsMaterial Master
1995ERP EHP76.0TWZLA221Control Access to TWZLAMaterial Master
1996ERP EHP76.0USRM051Material Master User Settings: Screen Reference "User"Material Master
1997ERP EHP76.0USRM1291Material Master User Settings: Organizational LevelsMaterial Master
1998ERP EHP76.0USRM251User Settings for the Material Master: Logical ScreensMaterial Master
1999ERP EHP76.0USRM3121Material Master User Settings: Retail Organizational LevelsMaterial Master
2000ERP EHP76.0WDSD_WB_PREF101Direct Store Delivery Workbench: PreferencesMaterial Master
2001ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_C71Customizing action typesMaterial Master
2002ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_DBE_A71Action database enrichment (Customers)Material Master
2003ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_DBE_S61Action database enrichmentMaterial Master
2004ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_GLOBAL_A41Global action data (Customers)Material Master
2005ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_GLOBAL_S31Global action dataMaterial Master
2006ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_MC_A61Action method call class and method (Customers)Material Master
2007ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_MC_S51Action method call class and methodMaterial Master
2008ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_PARAM_A91Action method call parameters (Customers)Material Master
2009ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_PARAM_S81Action method call parametersMaterial Master
2010ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_S61Standard action typesMaterial Master
2011ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_SM_A51Action simple mappingMaterial Master
2012ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_SM_FLD_A121Action simple mapping target structure fieldsMaterial Master
2013ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_SM_FLD_S111Action simple mapping target structure fieldsMaterial Master
2014ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_SM_S41Action simple mappingMaterial Master
2015ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_T_C51Customizing action types (Text Table)Material Master
2016ERP EHP76.0WER_ACT_T_S41Standard action types (Text Table)Material Master
2017ERP EHP76.0WER_APPL_A21FDT applications created in Rule Engine (Customers)Material Master
2018ERP EHP76.0WER_APPL_REQ_A31Workbench Request Associated to each applicationMaterial Master
2019ERP EHP76.0WER_APPL_S11FDT applications created in Rule EngineMaterial Master
2020ERP EHP76.0WER_CTX_MAP_A51Mapping information between object data and item fieldsMaterial Master
2021ERP EHP76.0WER_CTX_MAP_S41Mapping information between object data and item fieldsMaterial Master
2022ERP EHP76.0WER_DBE_FIELD_A81Action database enrichment field assignment (Customers)Material Master
2023ERP EHP76.0WER_DBE_FIELD_S71Action database enrichment field assignmentMaterial Master
2024ERP EHP76.0WER_EVENT_A81Rule Engine eventMaterial Master
2025ERP EHP76.0WER_EVENT_S71Rule Engine eventMaterial Master
2026ERP EHP76.0WER_EVENT_T_A51Rule Engine eventMaterial Master
2027ERP EHP76.0WER_EVENT_T_S41Rule Engine eventMaterial Master
2028ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_BOOL_A71Table of boolean expressions - OBSOLETEMaterial Master
2029ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_BOOL_S61Table of boolean expressions - OBSOLETEMaterial Master
2030ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_C72Customizing expression typesMaterial Master
2031ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_COMP_A61Table of comparison expressionsMaterial Master
2032ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_COMP_S51Table of comparison expressionsMaterial Master
2033ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_MC_A61Expression method call class and method (Customers)Material Master
2034ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_MC_S51Expression method call class and methodMaterial Master
2035ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_PARAM_A91Expression method call parameters (Customers)Material Master
2036ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_PARAM_S81Expression method call parametersMaterial Master
2037ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_S61Standard expression typesMaterial Master
2038ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_T_C51Customizing expression types (Text Table)Material Master
2039ERP EHP76.0WER_EXP_T_S41Standard expression types (Text Table)Material Master
2040ERP EHP76.0WER_INT_TYPE_C51Customizing table for type compatibilityMaterial Master
2041ERP EHP76.0WER_ITEM_A41Work itemMaterial Master
2042ERP EHP76.0WER_ITEM_FIELD_A121Information about the fields of an itemMaterial Master
2043ERP EHP76.0WER_ITEM_FIELD_S111Information about the fields of an itemMaterial Master
2044ERP EHP76.0WER_ITEM_FIELD_T111Item fields used for testingMaterial Master
2045ERP EHP76.0WER_ITEM_S31Work itemMaterial Master
2046ERP EHP76.0WER_RE_MAP_A61Mapping btw data object and assigned rule element (Customer)Material Master
2047ERP EHP76.0WER_RE_MAP_S51Mapping between data object and assigned rule elementMaterial Master
2048ERP EHP76.0WER_RULE_A41Rule (Customers)Material Master
2049ERP EHP76.0WER_RULE_S31RuleMaterial Master
2050ERP EHP76.0WER_RULE_SET_A51Ruke set assignement to eventsMaterial Master
2051ERP EHP76.0WER_RULE_SET_S41Function set assignement to eventsMaterial Master
2052ERP EHP76.0WER_SAPRELEASE_S21Sap ReleaseMaterial Master
2053ERP EHP76.0WER_TEMPLATE_A31List of template element of an application (Customers)Material Master
2054ERP EHP76.0WER_TEMPLATE_S21List of template element of an applicationMaterial Master
2055ERP EHP76.0WER_TEST_ARTICLE91Subset of articles used for testingMaterial Master
2056ERP EHP76.0WER_TEST_MARA101Subset of mara fields for testingMaterial Master
2057ERP EHP76.0WER_TEST_PREDEF91Test table for predefined typesMaterial Master
2058ERP EHP76.0WER_TEST_RESULT101Subset of mara fields containing the result for testingMaterial Master
2059ERP EHP76.0WER_TMPL_REF_A41References to template elements: where-used list (Customers)Material Master
2060ERP EHP76.0WER_TMPL_REF_S31References to template elements: where-used listMaterial Master
2061ERP EHP76.0WER_WI_USE_A41Usage of workitems within applicationsMaterial Master
2062ERP EHP76.0WER_WI_USE_S31Usage of workitems within applicationsMaterial Master
2063ERP EHP76.0WGDS_ATTRIBUTES51GDS storage: Attributes assignementMaterial Master
2064ERP EHP76.0WGDS_ATTR_VALUES51Store user-defined selection-option valueMaterial Master
2065ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CLASSIF_C51ClassificationMaterial Master
2066ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CLASSIF_T41Classification Text TableMaterial Master
2067ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CLASS_SYS31Classification SystemMaterial Master
2068ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CONFIRM151WGDS ConfirmationMaterial Master
2069ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CONF_MSG91Data pool item confirmation messageMaterial Master
2070ERP EHP76.0WGDS_CONF_STATE121Datapool item confirmation stateMaterial Master
2071ERP EHP76.0WGDS_DATA_POOLS31Data Pools lookup tableMaterial Master
2072ERP EHP76.0WGDS_DIRECTORY123Directory where information about storage entries ar stored.Material Master
2073ERP EHP76.0WGDS_FIELDS_LIST81GDS storage: structures' fields infoMaterial Master
2074ERP EHP76.0WGDS_ITEM_SUBSCR42Table that link confirmation, subscription and pricat itemMaterial Master
2075ERP EHP76.0WGDS_LOG_SUBC181WGDS Log SubscriptionMaterial Master
2076ERP EHP76.0WGDS_LVL_TYP41Classification Level TypeMaterial Master
2077ERP EHP76.0WGDS_LVL_TYP_T41WGDS_LVL_TYP text tableMaterial Master
2078ERP EHP76.0WGDS_ORDER_LOG_A31Links between order and log entryMaterial Master
2079ERP EHP76.0WGDS_PROCESS_C21General Customizing TableMaterial Master
2080ERP EHP76.0WGDS_PROCESS_T_C31Standard processes that use Rule Engine - Text tableMaterial Master
2081ERP EHP76.0WGDS_PROC_APP_C81Application used in a processMaterial Master
2082ERP EHP76.0WGDS_PROC_C21Standard processes that use Rule EngineMaterial Master
2083ERP EHP76.0WGDS_PROC_EVT_C81Rule engine's Events called during a processMaterial Master
2084ERP EHP76.0WGDS_STRUCTURES21GDS Storage : registered structureMaterial Master
2085ERP EHP76.0WGDS_STR_VERSION61Structure versionMaterial Master
2086ERP EHP76.0WGDS_SUBC_CUST31Subscriptions Customizing TableMaterial Master
2087ERP EHP76.0WGDS_SUBC_DFLTS101Subscriptions DefaultsMaterial Master
2088ERP EHP76.0WGDS_SUBSCRIPS242WGDS SubscriptionsMaterial Master
2089ERP EHP76.0WGDS_SUBSCR_MSG61Subscriptions messagesMaterial Master
2090ERP EHP76.0WLK2153Article Master Data SAP Retail / Part POS Control DataMaterial Master
2091ERP EHP76.0WRFMATBSTAT21Creation Status - Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2092ERP EHP76.0WRFMATBSTATT41Creation Status - Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2093ERP EHP76.0WRFMATFGROUP21Field Groups - Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2094ERP EHP76.0WRFMATFGROUPT41Field Group Names - Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2095ERP EHP76.0WRFMATFIELD51Permitted Fields - Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2096ERP EHP76.0WRFMATTEMPLATE61Reference Values: Core Material Master Data MaintenanceMaterial Master
2097ERP EHP76.0WRFT_CONS_PROCG21Seasonal Procurement: Consignment ControlMaterial Master
2098ERP EHP76.0WRFT_CONS_PROCGT41Seasonal Procurement: Name of Consignment ControlMaterial Master
2099ERP EHP76.0WRFT_CUSTFLD131Headers of the 10 Customer FieldsMaterial Master
2100ERP EHP76.0WRF_AL_ARTICLE61Material UpdateMaterial Master
2101ERP EHP76.0WRF_AL_SELECT81Update Selection CriterionMaterial Master
2102ERP EHP76.0WRF_APPL_SET151Hierarchy Control TableMaterial Master
2103ERP EHP76.0WRF_APPL_SET_T41Text Table for WRF_APPL_SETMaterial Master
2104ERP EHP76.0WRF_BRANDS31MarkersMaterial Master
2105ERP EHP76.0WRF_BRANDS_T41Brand NamesMaterial Master
2106ERP EHP76.0WRF_CARE_CODES51Convert Internal Care Codes to Regional Care CodesMaterial Master
2107ERP EHP76.0WRF_CARE_TYPES31Textile Care TypesMaterial Master
2108ERP EHP76.0WRF_CARE_TYPES_T41Names for Textile Care TypesMaterial Master
2109ERP EHP76.0WRF_CCODES_REG31Regional, Standardized Textile Care CodesMaterial Master
2110ERP EHP76.0WRF_CCODES_REG_T51Texts for Regional, Standardized Textile Care CodesMaterial Master
2111ERP EHP76.0WRF_CHARVAL181Characteristic Values with Customer FieldsMaterial Master
2112ERP EHP76.0WRF_CHARVALT51Foreign-Language Texts for Characteristic ValuesMaterial Master
2113ERP EHP76.0WRF_CHARVAL_HEAD71Header Table for Controlling CharacteristicsMaterial Master
2114ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISCONT_ERR251Error Log and Valuation Levels - Seas. Proc. DiscontinuationMaterial Master
2115ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISCONT_HDR121Worklist for Discontinuation for Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2116ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISCONT_POS251Worklist Items: Discontinuation for Seasonal ProcurementMaterial Master
2117ERP EHP76.0WRF_FIBER_CODES81Fiber Codes for Textiles (e.g. Wool, Silk, Etc.)Material Master
2118ERP EHP76.0WRF_FIBER_CODEST41Names for Fiber Codes (e.g. Wool, Silk, Etc.)Material Master
2119ERP EHP76.0WRF_FOLUP_TYP81Follow-Up CategoriesMaterial Master
2120ERP EHP76.0WRF_FOLUP_TYPT41Texts of Follow-Up CategoriesMaterial Master
2121ERP EHP76.0WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A151Follow-Up Relationships to Original MaterialMaterial Master
2122ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_ID181Hierarchy TableMaterial Master
2123ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_ID_T51Hierarchy TextMaterial Master
2124ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_NODEBOX71Node ContainerMaterial Master
2125ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_NODES172Hierarchy NodeMaterial Master
2126ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_NODES_T61Node TextsMaterial Master
2127ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_OBJ142Objects of a HierarchyMaterial Master
2128ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_OBJBOX81Object ContainerMaterial Master
2129ERP EHP76.0WRF_HIER_OBJ_T71Object DescriptionsMaterial Master
2130ERP EHP76.0WRF_ORGPRICE161Original PriceMaterial Master
2131ERP EHP76.0WRF_ORGPR_HIST192History: Original Price ChangeMaterial Master
2132ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRP91Price Level GroupsMaterial Master
2133ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRPCAT71Price Level Group CategoriesMaterial Master
2134ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRPCATT51Descriptions Price Level Group CategoriesMaterial Master
2135ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRPLEVELS81Price Levels of a Price PatternMaterial Master
2136ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRPSCHEMA71Price PatternMaterial Master
2137ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRGRPT51Names of Price GroupsMaterial Master
2138ERP EHP76.0WRF_USER_CUSTOM111Personal settingsMaterial Master
2139ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_ALLOC111Prepack allocation planning linesMaterial Master
2140ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_AULW121Prepack allocation planning delivery phasesMaterial Master
2141ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_AUVW81Prepack DC put away planning delivery phasesMaterial Master
2142ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_DFTLW81Prepack allocation planning default delivery phasesMaterial Master
2143ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_FILGRP61Prepack allocation planning site group assignationMaterial Master
2144ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_LINK121Relation between alloc table created and generic articleMaterial Master
2145ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_MSG121Prepack allocation table posting messagesMaterial Master
2146ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_POSI61Prepack allocation table item referenceMaterial Master
2147ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_PTWAY81Prepack DC put away planning linesMaterial Master
2148ERP EHP76.0WSTN_AL_SGROUP61Prepack allocation planning site group definitionMaterial Master
2149ERP EHP76.0WSTN_BW_EXTRACT61Sample DB Table that contains pre-extracted data from B.W.Material Master
2150ERP EHP76.0WSTN_CTL_POST71Prepack creation and allocation - posting controlMaterial Master
2151ERP EHP76.0WSTN_PP_DESC41Prepack definition - Description tableMaterial Master
2152ERP EHP76.0WSTN_PP_HEADER101Prepack definition - Header tableMaterial Master
2153ERP EHP76.0WSTN_PP_PURCH101Prepack definition - Purchasing price tableMaterial Master
2154ERP EHP76.0WSTN_PP_STRUC91Prepack definition - Components tableMaterial Master
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Plant Master
2155ERP EHP76.0T001K231Valuation areaPlant Master
2156ERP EHP76.0T001W621Plants/BranchesPlant Master
2157ERP EHP76.0TWLOF71Storage location determinationPlant Master
2158ERP EHP76.0TWRF131Allowed tables per copy rulePlant Master
2159ERP EHP76.0TWRF11111Plant blocking reasonsPlant Master
2160ERP EHP76.0TWRF11T41Plant blocking reason descriptionPlant Master
2161ERP EHP76.0TWRF1631Group ApplicationsPlant Master
2162ERP EHP76.0TWRF16T51Description: group applicationPlant Master
2163ERP EHP76.0TWRF2231Plant ProfilesPlant Master
2164ERP EHP76.0TWRF2T41Descriptions for plant profilesPlant Master
2165ERP EHP76.0TWRF321Copy rules plantPlant Master
2166ERP EHP76.0TWRF3T41Descriptions for copy rulesPlant Master
2167ERP EHP76.0TWSIT21Storage Locations for MaterialsPlant Master
2168ERP EHP76.0TWSITT41Situations textsPlant Master
2169ERP EHP76.0WRF1703Plant dataPlant Master
2170ERP EHP76.0WRF1251Plant / receiving pointsPlant Master
2171ERP EHP76.0WRF382Delivering plant, time-dependentPlant Master
2172ERP EHP76.0WRF481Plant/ DepartmentsPlant Master
2173ERP EHP76.0WRF551Plant / Merchant ID of Credit Card CompanyPlant Master
2174ERP EHP76.0WRF6172Plant / material groupPlant Master
2175ERP EHP76.0WRFT191Transport of objects Object definitionPlant Master
2176ERP EHP76.0WRFT2131Tables for an ObjectPlant Master
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Price Planning Workbench
2177ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPWCUS391General Settings for Price PlanningPrice Planning Workbench
2178ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_BUDGCUS61PPW: Assignment: Budget Type to Process IDPrice Planning Workbench
2179ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_LAYDEF51Definition of Default Layouts for ALV GridsPrice Planning Workbench
2180ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_PPDCUS181Price Planning TypePrice Planning Workbench
2181ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_PPDCUST41PPD Type: NamePrice Planning Workbench
2182ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_TSHP41TreeProfl.Price Planning Workbench
2183ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_TSHP_C121Tree Profile Column AttributesPrice Planning Workbench
2184ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_TSHP_CD111Default for Tree Profile Column AttributesPrice Planning Workbench
2185ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_TSHP_H121Tree Profile HierarchyPrice Planning Workbench
2186ERP EHP76.0WRFT_PPW_TSHP_HD111Default for Hierarchy Tree ProfilePrice Planning Workbench
2187ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_LAYUSGP31Layout ModulePrice Planning Workbench
2188ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_LAYUSGPT41Layout Group Text TablePrice Planning Workbench
2189ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDART384PPD Material ItemPrice Planning Workbench
2190ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDBG136PPD BudgetsPrice Planning Workbench
2191ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDBGPA112PPD Budget SetPrice Planning Workbench
2192ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDCALC295PPD Calculation SetPrice Planning Workbench
2193ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDHEAD165PPD HeaderPrice Planning Workbench
2194ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDMDP113PPD Markdown SetPrice Planning Workbench
2195ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDOS113PPD Organization Set - HeaderPrice Planning Workbench
2196ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDOSIT82PPD Organization Set - ItemPrice Planning Workbench
2197ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDPA72PPD Price Activation LevelPrice Planning Workbench
2198ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDSTOCK92PPD Stock SetPrice Planning Workbench
2199ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDTEXT52PPD NamePrice Planning Workbench
2200ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_PPDVERS126Version-Dependent Header DataPrice Planning Workbench
2201ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_USLAYUSG31Assign Parameters to Layout User GroupPrice Planning Workbench
2202ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_USRGRP53Price Planner GroupsPrice Planning Workbench
2203ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_USRGRPT51Price Planner Group Text TablePrice Planning Workbench
2204ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_US_USGP42Assign Processors to Processor GroupPrice Planning Workbench
2205ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_WORKLERR386PPW Worklist Error TablePrice Planning Workbench
2206ERP EHP76.0WRF_PPW_WORKLIST397PPW WorklistPrice Planning Workbench
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Product Catalog
2207ERP EHP76.0ISTCRST31Customer-Specific Characteristic ValuationProduct Catalog
2208ERP EHP76.0TW3W31Parameter for promotion ad. media HTML generatorProduct Catalog
2209ERP EHP76.0TWGA71Layout typeProduct Catalog
2210ERP EHP76.0TWGAT41Layout type descriptionProduct Catalog
2211ERP EHP76.0TWGLV83Layout AreaProduct Catalog
2212ERP EHP76.0TWGLVT51Layout area descriptionProduct Catalog
2213ERP EHP76.0TWGV41LayoutProduct Catalog
2214ERP EHP76.0TWGVALE31Product Catalog: Layout Number Ranges for ALE InboundProduct Catalog
2215ERP EHP76.0TWGVT41Description for layoutProduct Catalog
2216ERP EHP76.0TWIC8000311Online store: Profile for product presentationProduct Catalog
2217ERP EHP76.0TWIC8001111Online store: Profile for customer managementProduct Catalog
2218ERP EHP76.0TWIC8002141Online store: Profile for quotation and order controlProduct Catalog
2219ERP EHP76.0TWIC800361IACs Retail: Selection of countries for customer addressProduct Catalog
2220ERP EHP76.0TWICOSTORE141Online StoresProduct Catalog
2221ERP EHP76.0TWICOSTORET41Descriptions for online storesProduct Catalog
2222ERP EHP76.0TWIK51Customizing Internet application component product catalogProduct Catalog
2223ERP EHP76.0TWPCDCOPY71Product Catalog: Transfer of Document Links During CreationProduct Catalog
2224ERP EHP76.0TWPCTYPE131Product Catalog TypeProduct Catalog
2225ERP EHP76.0TWPCTYPET41Product Catalog Type DescriptionProduct Catalog
2226ERP EHP76.0WLBM133Layout area itemProduct Catalog
2227ERP EHP76.0WLMT82Texts for layout area itemProduct Catalog
2228ERP EHP76.0WPAB21Material Order Number (Dummy Table for Blocked Objects)Product Catalog
2229ERP EHP76.0WWMI214Product catalogProduct Catalog
2230ERP EHP76.0WWMIT41Prod. catalog textsProduct Catalog
2231ERP EHP76.0WWMV81Product catalog variantProduct Catalog
2232ERP EHP76.0WWVT51Product catalog variant textProduct Catalog
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Promotion
2233ERP EHP76.0RDMT_CUST_TYPE21Customer TypesPromotion
2234ERP EHP76.0RDMT_CUST_TYPET41Customer Types TextsPromotion
2235ERP EHP76.0RDMT_MEDIUM31Promotion MediaPromotion
2236ERP EHP76.0RDMT_MEDIUMT51Promotion Media TextsPromotion
2237ERP EHP76.0RDMT_MED_TYPE21Media TypesPromotion
2238ERP EHP76.0RDMT_MED_TYPET41Media Types TextsPromotion
2239ERP EHP76.0RDMT_TACTIC31Promotion TacticPromotion
2240ERP EHP76.0RDMT_TACTICT51Promotion Tactic TextsPromotion
2241ERP EHP76.0TMFA121Markdown Planning - Markdown typePromotion
2242ERP EHP76.0TMFAT41Markdown Planning - markdown plan, short textPromotion
2243ERP EHP76.0TWAA521Promotion Type, IS-RPromotion
2244ERP EHP76.0TWAAT41Promotion type short text, IS-RPromotion
2245ERP EHP76.0TWAT21Promotion themes, IS-RPromotion
2246ERP EHP76.0TWATT41Promotion theme descriptionPromotion
2247ERP EHP76.0TWCP141Coupons: Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS InboundPromotion
2248ERP EHP76.0TWCPT41Coupon Distribution Profile: Short TextPromotion
2249ERP EHP76.0TWREB51Promotion Discount: Condition Creation ControlPromotion
2250ERP EHP76.0TWTY21Promotion category, IS-RPromotion
2251ERP EHP76.0TWTYT41Promotion cat. short text, IS-RPromotion
2252ERP EHP76.0WAAL241Material-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.)Promotion
2253ERP EHP76.0WAEL171Delivery Phases in Retail PromotionPromotion
2254ERP EHP76.0WAGU281Validity of plant groups - IS-RPromotion
2255ERP EHP76.0WAKC31Assignment of Coupons to PromotionPromotion
2256ERP EHP76.0WAKH983Promotion Header Data, IS-RPromotion
2257ERP EHP76.0WAKHIND41Promotion header data IS-R: index table for conditionsPromotion
2258ERP EHP76.0WAKP832Promotion Item DataPromotion
2259ERP EHP76.0WAKR191Promotion DiscountsPromotion
2260ERP EHP76.0WAKRW71Promotion discounts by plantPromotion
2261ERP EHP76.0WAKT41Promotion description short text, IS-RPromotion
2262ERP EHP76.0WALE844Material to store assignment to promotionPromotion
2263ERP EHP76.0WARNG81Saving of RANGESPromotion
2264ERP EHP76.0WAZB131Module plant-group assignmentPromotion
2265ERP EHP76.0WAZT101Promotion/themes assignmentPromotion
2266ERP EHP76.0WAZW91Promotion/advertising media assignmentPromotion
2267ERP EHP76.0WMATSITEQTYTIME112Material Quantities in Sites for Promotion PeriodsPromotion
2268ERP EHP76.0WMFF141Markdown Planning - StoresPromotion
2269ERP EHP76.0WMFH201Markdown Planning - header dataPromotion
2270ERP EHP76.0WMFHT41Description of a markdown planPromotion
2271ERP EHP76.0WMFL91Markdown Planning - Price ListsPromotion
2272ERP EHP76.0WMFP421Markdown Planning - item data (materials)Promotion
2273ERP EHP76.0WMFU411Markdown planning - price phases per material/unPromotion
2274ERP EHP76.0WMPK61Markdown rule headerPromotion
2275ERP EHP76.0WMPR111Markdown rule itemPromotion
2276ERP EHP76.0WMPRT41Text table for markdown rulesPromotion
2277ERP EHP76.0WPMD_RE_IN31General Setttings for Retail Event Inbound ProcessingPromotion
2278ERP EHP76.0WPMD_RE_OFFER_IN91Parameters for Retail Event Offer Activation or DeactivationPromotion
2279ERP EHP76.0WPM_MAP_CERR2ACT31Map error message against action codePromotion
2280ERP EHP76.0WPM_MAP_ERR2ACT31Map error message against action codePromotion
2281ERP EHP76.0WPM_OTMPPO_MAP121Mapping of offer id and ppo idPromotion
2282ERP EHP76.0WPM_PRM_GRP_ID32Promotion to offer transfer group assignmentPromotion
2283ERP EHP76.0WPM_TERM_OFR_MAP43Mapping of split offer term to offerPromotion
2284ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_CUST71Customizing for All Levels for Time-Dep. Data for PromotionsPromotion
2285ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_DF_Q41Worklist for Assignm of TD Promo Data after Changes to PromoPromotion
2286ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_IND41Level-Based Customizing for Time-Dep. Data for PromotionsPromotion
2287ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_QUEUE41Worklist After Changes to PromotionsPromotion
2288ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_TD322Time-Dependent Data for PromotionsPromotion
2289ERP EHP76.0WRF_DISPRO_TD_DF161Default Values for Time-Dependent Promotion DataPromotion
2290ERP EHP76.0WRF_RPR_WAPG41Assignment of Plant Grouping to Local Plant Group No.Promotion
2291ERP EHP76.0WRF_RPR_WAPGT51Plant Group Descr. Short TextPromotion
2292ERP EHP76.0WRF_RPR_WAPL42Assignment of Plants to Local Plant GroupsPromotion
2293ERP EHP76.0WSAH191Worklist Season wind-up - headerPromotion
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Quantity optimizing
2294ERP EHP76.0RCPR121Control Table for Quantity OptimizingQuantity optimizing
2295ERP EHP76.0RCPRTX41Rounding Profile DescriptionQuantity optimizing
2296ERP EHP76.0RCTR41Assign Control ProfilesQuantity optimizing
2297ERP EHP76.0RDPR101Rounding profileQuantity optimizing
2298ERP EHP76.0RDTX51Short text describing the rounding profileQuantity optimizing
2299ERP EHP76.0TW06S51Unit of measure rounding ruleQuantity optimizing
2300ERP EHP76.0TWMEG41Unit of measure groupQuantity optimizing
2301ERP EHP76.0WLC_OPTIONS191Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: OptionsQuantity optimizing
2302ERP EHP76.0WLC_PRESEL_CRIT111Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection CriteriaQuantity optimizing
2303ERP EHP76.0WLC_PRESEL_CRITT51Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection CriteriaQuantity optimizing
2304ERP EHP76.0WLC_SELOPT_ENTRY21Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: Entries in SelectOpt.Quantity optimizing
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Retail Demand Management
2305ERP EHP76.0DMF_D_ARTHIER101Transfer Status of Material HierarchyRetail Demand Management
2306ERP EHP76.0RDMC_BBY_UI21Bonus Buy: Bonus Buy ApplicationRetail Demand Management
2307ERP EHP76.0RDMT_BBY_CTAB61Bonus Buy: Condition Tables per Discount TypeRetail Demand Management
2308ERP EHP76.0RDMT_BBY_PROF111Bonus Buy: Bonus Buy ProfilesRetail Demand Management
2309ERP EHP76.0RDMT_BBY_PROFT41Bonus Buy: Maintenance Group (Texts)Retail Demand Management
2310ERP EHP76.0RDMT_COMMON41Price Optimization: General SettingsRetail Demand Management
2311ERP EHP76.0RDMT_DCHAIN_SET121Price Optimization: Distribution Chain SettingsRetail Demand Management
2312ERP EHP76.0RDMT_EX_MDTYPE51Default Values Allocation Table for External Markdown TypeRetail Demand Management
2313ERP EHP76.0RDMT_EX_MDTYPET41Texts External Markdown TypesRetail Demand Management
2314ERP EHP76.0RDMT_PACK_SIZE31Price Optimization: Package Size for Data TransferRetail Demand Management
2315ERP EHP76.0RDMT_PROC_MESS31Price Optimization: Assignment: DM Messages for ProcessesRetail Demand Management
2316ERP EHP76.0RDMT_PROMO_IN121Default Values for Promotions via XI InterfaceRetail Demand Management
2317ERP EHP76.0RDMT_PU_COND_TY31Relevant Condition Types for Purchase Price AnalysisRetail Demand Management
2318ERP EHP76.0RDM_BBY_MQTY_DIS51Quantity Distribution for BBY Materials in a promotionRetail Demand Management
2319ERP EHP76.0RDM_OUTB_STATUS81Price Optimization: Status Table for DM Message TypesRetail Demand Management
2320ERP EHP76.0RDM_SEL_RES101Restricting Selection Conditions for Distribution ChainRetail Demand Management
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Retail Enterprise Services
2321ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL41Application in A2A ScenarioRetail Enterprise Services
2322ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPLT41Description of Application in A2A ScenarioRetail Enterprise Services
2323ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_FILT71Configuration: Filters Used in an ApplicationRetail Enterprise Services
2324ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_FOBJ31Configuration: Filter Objects Used in an ApplicationRetail Enterprise Services
2325ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_IMPL51Configuration: Filters Used in a Service ImplementationRetail Enterprise Services
2326ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_LG31Language Assignments in Service ImplementationsRetail Enterprise Services
2327ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_NODE41Inactive Nodes in Application Service ImplementationRetail Enterprise Services
2328ERP EHP76.0WESC_APPL_SERV71Application Service ImplementationRetail Enterprise Services
2329ERP EHP76.0WESC_BO41Available Business Objects (ESR)Retail Enterprise Services
2330ERP EHP76.0WESC_FILT61Available Filters on Filter ObjectsRetail Enterprise Services
2331ERP EHP76.0WESC_FILTT51Description of Available Filters on EntitiesRetail Enterprise Services
2332ERP EHP76.0WESC_FOBJ41Filter ObjectRetail Enterprise Services
2333ERP EHP76.0WESC_FOBJT41Filter Object DescriptionRetail Enterprise Services
2334ERP EHP76.0WESC_FOBJ_IMPL31Available Filter Objects in Service ImplementationsRetail Enterprise Services
2335ERP EHP76.0WESC_MERCH_APPL61Settings for Material Outbound ServiceRetail Enterprise Services
2336ERP EHP76.0WESC_RE_RPL91Parameter Service RetailEventERPStoreReplicationRequest_OutRetail Enterprise Services
2337ERP EHP76.0WESC_RI_RPL51RetailIncentiveERPStoreOfferReplicationBulkRequest_OutRetail Enterprise Services
2338ERP EHP76.0WESC_SERV_IMPL71Available Service ImplementationsRetail Enterprise Services
2339ERP EHP76.0WESC_SERV_IMPLT41Description - Service ImplementationRetail Enterprise Services
2340ERP EHP76.0WESC_SERV_NODE41Available Optional Nodes in Service ImplementationRetail Enterprise Services
2341ERP EHP76.0WESC_SERV_OPER51Available Service OperationRetail Enterprise Services
2342ERP EHP76.0WESD_APPL_FILT141Definition of Explicit FiltersRetail Enterprise Services
2343ERP EHP76.0WESD_BBY_SENT101Bonus Buy: Stores Supplied via ServiceRetail Enterprise Services
2344ERP EHP76.0WESD_OUTB_STATUS71Status Table for Outbound ServicesRetail Enterprise Services
2345ERP EHP76.0WESD_PROMO_SENT81Retail Promotion: Stores Supplied via ServiceRetail Enterprise Services
2346ERP EHP76.0WESD_REFSTORES71Assignment - Reference Plants to PlantsRetail Enterprise Services
2347ERP EHP76.0WESD_SERVOUT_LOG151Information for a RWES_SERVICES_OUT RunRetail Enterprise Services
2348ERP EHP76.0WESD_WINDS63Addtional Status for Table WINDRetail Enterprise Services
2349ERP EHP76.0WESD_XIMSG_LOG112Index for XI Message GUID to Outbound Service LogRetail Enterprise Services
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Retail Pricing
2350ERP EHP76.0A152121Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Plant/Material/Sales Unit/CustomerRetail Pricing
2351ERP EHP76.0A153111Sales Org./Distribution Channel/Plant/Sales Unit/CustomerRetail Pricing
2352ERP EHP76.0A154121SalesOrg./Dist.Channel/PriceList/Material/SalesUnit/CustomerRetail Pricing
2353ERP EHP76.0A155111Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Price List/Material/Sales UnitRetail Pricing
2354ERP EHP76.0TWBA31Pricing document typeRetail Pricing
2355ERP EHP76.0TWEGO81Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of price point groupRetail Pricing
2356ERP EHP76.0TWEV31Pricing: Determination procedureRetail Pricing
2357ERP EHP76.0TWEVT51Net/net purchase price determination procedure (texts)Retail Pricing
2358ERP EHP76.0TWEVZ131Pricing: Determination procedure (steps)Retail Pricing
2359ERP EHP76.0TWKAO71Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of pricing typeRetail Pricing
2360ERP EHP76.0TWKG101Sales Price Calculation: Pricing TypeRetail Pricing
2361ERP EHP76.0TWKGT41Sales price calculation: Pricing types (texts)Retail Pricing
2362ERP EHP76.0TWLF61Sales Price Calculation: List FieldsRetail Pricing
2363ERP EHP76.0TWLFE131Sales price calculation: schema/list fieldRetail Pricing
2364ERP EHP76.0TWLFT51Sales Price Calculation: List Fields (Texts)Retail Pricing
2365ERP EHP76.0TWMB41Competitor: Price Entry TypesRetail Pricing
2366ERP EHP76.0TWMBT41Competitor: Price Entry Type (Texts)Retail Pricing
2367ERP EHP76.0TWPG61Sales pr.: price point rangesRetail Pricing
2368ERP EHP76.0TWPK41Sales price calculation: price point groupsRetail Pricing
2369ERP EHP76.0TWPKO61Sales price calculation: data on SOrg/distr.chnn/matcl levelRetail Pricing
2370ERP EHP76.0TWPKT41Sales price calculation: price point groups (text)Retail Pricing
2371ERP EHP76.0TWPS81Sales Price Calculations: Pricing StrategiesRetail Pricing
2372ERP EHP76.0TWPST41Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies (Texts)Retail Pricing
2373ERP EHP76.0TWRPGP151General Parameters for PricingRetail Pricing
2374ERP EHP76.0TWRP_RRMP131Pricing: Profile for Data Export in RRM InterfaceRetail Pricing
2375ERP EHP76.0TWRP_RRMPT41RRM Interface: Description for RRM ProfileRetail Pricing
2376ERP EHP76.0TWRP_RRM_FLTVAL11Filter Values for Filter Typ from BAdI RRM_OUTBOUNDRetail Pricing
2377ERP EHP76.0TWRP_RRM_FLTVALT31Description of Filter Values for BAdI RRM_OUTBOUNDRetail Pricing
2378ERP EHP76.0TWST81Sales Price Calculation: List VariantsRetail Pricing
2379ERP EHP76.0TWSTP41Sales Price Calculation: Items in List VariantRetail Pricing
2380ERP EHP76.0TWSTT41Sales price calculation: list variants (text)Retail Pricing
2381ERP EHP76.0TWVK71Sales Price Calculation: Allowed pricing levelsRetail Pricing
2382ERP EHP76.0TWWKA141Market-Basket Pricing TypeRetail Pricing
2383ERP EHP76.0TWWKAT41Market-Basket Price Calculation Type: Short TextRetail Pricing
2384ERP EHP76.0WELK71Competitor: Price Entry Document (Header)Retail Pricing
2385ERP EHP76.0WELP261Competitor: Price Entry Document (Item)Retail Pricing
2386ERP EHP76.0WKBK131Pricing document: headerRetail Pricing
2387ERP EHP76.0WKBP974Pricing document: itemRetail Pricing
2388ERP EHP76.0WPFAM92Family Pricing: Definition of FamiliesRetail Pricing
2389ERP EHP76.0WPFAMT41Family Pricing: Definition of Families (Texts)Retail Pricing
2390ERP EHP76.0WPFDO101Family Pricing: Diff. Dist. Chain-Depnd. Price RelationshipsRetail Pricing
2391ERP EHP76.0WPFGA52Family Pricing: Assignment of Articles to Family GroupsRetail Pricing
2392ERP EHP76.0WPFGR111Family Pricing: Defintion of Family GroupsRetail Pricing
2393ERP EHP76.0WPFGRT51Family Pricing: Definition of Family Groups (Texts)Retail Pricing
2394ERP EHP76.0WRF_RKTYP221Ranking Type for Material HierarchyRetail Pricing
2395ERP EHP76.0WRF_RKTYP2T41Sales price calculation: price point groups (text)Retail Pricing
2396ERP EHP76.0WRF_WPPGRHIER72Assignment of Price Point Group to Mat. Hierarchy NodeRetail Pricing
2397ERP EHP76.0WWKK131Market-Basket Pricing Document: HeaderRetail Pricing
2398ERP EHP76.0WWKP151Market-Basket Pricing Document: ItemRetail Pricing
2399ERP EHP76.0WWKT41Market-Basket Pricing Document: Short TextsRetail Pricing
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Serial Numbers
2400ERP EHP76.0ARC_PM_OBJLIST31Customizing for Archiving of Serial Number Object ListsSerial Numbers
2401ERP EHP76.0ARC_PM_OBJLIST_T41Customizing Texts for Archiving of Serial Number HistorySerial Numbers
2402ERP EHP76.0EQBS131Serial Number Stock SegmentSerial Numbers
2403ERP EHP76.0EQSE224Serial Number RecordsSerial Numbers
2404ERP EHP76.0MASE31Last Serial Number for MaterialSerial Numbers
2405ERP EHP76.0OBJK169Plant Maintenance Object ListSerial Numbers
2406ERP EHP76.0SER0031General Header Table for Serial Number ManagementSerial Numbers
2407ERP EHP76.0SER01162Document Header for Serial Numbers for DeliverySerial Numbers
2408ERP EHP76.0SER02162Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract (SD Order)Serial Numbers
2409ERP EHP76.0SER03184Document Header for Serial Numbers for Goods MovementsSerial Numbers
2410ERP EHP76.0SER0472Document Header for Serial Numbers for Inspection LotSerial Numbers
2411ERP EHP76.0SER05122Document Header for Serial Numbers for PP OrderSerial Numbers
2412ERP EHP76.0SER0692Document Header for Serial Numbers for Handling Unit-ContentSerial Numbers
2413ERP EHP76.0SER07122Document Header for Serial Numbers in Physical InventorySerial Numbers
2414ERP EHP76.0SER08142Document Header for Purchase Order Item Serial NumbersSerial Numbers
2415ERP EHP76.0SER09132Doc. Header for Serial Numbers for Purchase Requisition ItemSerial Numbers
2416ERP EHP76.0SERBL81Plant Maintenance Object ListSerial Numbers
2417ERP EHP76.0SERI161Serial NumbersSerial Numbers
2418ERP EHP76.0T37771Criteria for Material Serial Number ManagementSerial Numbers
2419ERP EHP76.0T377G61Criteria for Serial Number Management (Group)Serial Numbers
2420ERP EHP76.0T377P81Serial Number Management ProfilesSerial Numbers
2421ERP EHP76.0T377P_T41Texts for Serial Number Management ProfilesSerial Numbers
2422ERP EHP76.0T377X551Documents Allowed for Serial Number ManagementSerial Numbers
2423ERP EHP76.0T377X_T41Texts for Serial Number Management DocumentsSerial Numbers
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Unique Identification
2424ERP EHP76.0IUID_MAN_DATA521Manually Maintained Values for IUID MessagesUnique Identification
2425ERP EHP76.0IUID_PEDIGREE522UII IDoc Message Data for Supporting Supplier CollaborationUnique Identification
2426ERP EHP76.0TIAC11Issuing Agency CodeUnique Identification
2427ERP EHP76.0TIAC_T31Issuing Agency Code DescriptionUnique Identification
2428ERP EHP76.0TIUID_MAN_MSG71IUID Manual Creation of Communication MessagesUnique Identification
2429ERP EHP76.0TIUID_MAN_MSG_T31IUID Communication Messages TypesUnique Identification
2430ERP EHP76.0TIUID_MAN_MSG_TT51Text Table for IUID Communication Messages TypesUnique Identification
2431ERP EHP76.0TIUID_MAN_VALUES21Man ValuesUnique Identification
2432ERP EHP76.0TIUID_MAN_VALUET41Man ValuesUnique Identification
2433ERP EHP76.0TIUID_REG_COM41IUID Registry CommunicationUnique Identification
2434ERP EHP76.0TIUID_TYPE11Item Unique Identifier TypeUnique Identification
2435ERP EHP76.0TIUID_TYPE_T31Item Unique Identifier Type DescriptionUnique Identification
2436ERP EHP76.0TUID101UID HandlingUnique Identification
2437ERP EHP76.0TUID_EID41Item Unique Identification Enterprise IdentifierUnique Identification
2438ERP EHP76.0TUID_WC41UID Handling and Work Center ConnectionUnique Identification
2439ERP EHP76.0UII_IUID112Unique Item IdentifierUnique Identification
Logistics - General :: Logistics Information System LIS :: Data Collection
2440ERP EHP76.0MCCMDE51Tax table, Copy ManagementData Collection
2441ERP EHP76.0MCCMFO71Tax table, Copy Management formulasData Collection
2442ERP EHP76.0MCDYNTYPEN31Screen Types for LIS GenerationData Collection
2443ERP EHP76.0MCPRVER21Generation Version of LIS ProgramsData Collection
2444ERP EHP76.0MCS0112Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2445ERP EHP76.0MCS1111Model Structure for Info Structures with Initial VAKEYData Collection
2446ERP EHP76.0MCS293Sample Structure for Structural Information - Info StructureData Collection
2447ERP EHP76.0MCSCMFIELDS31Definition of field processing category in LIS Copy MgmtData Collection
2448ERP EHP76.0MCSCMVAR111LIS Copy Management: Control Table for Variant MaintenanceData Collection
2449ERP EHP76.0MCSLISEF91LIS Inbound Interface: Control Information (Fields)Data Collection
2450ERP EHP76.0MCSLISEH91LIS Inbound Interface: Control Information (Headers)Data Collection
2451ERP EHP76.0MCSLISEHT51LIS Inbound Interface: Control Information (H): TextsData Collection
2452ERP EHP76.0MCSLOG91File for saving logsData Collection
2453ERP EHP76.0MCSMET61Methods for Reassignment of Statistical DataData Collection
2454ERP EHP76.0MCSMETT41Texts for Methods to Transform LIS Statistical DataData Collection
2455ERP EHP76.0MCSSZEN41LIS Data management scenariosData Collection
2456ERP EHP76.0MCSSZENT31Texts for MCSSZENData Collection
2457ERP EHP76.0MCSSZENV41Method references to LIS Data Management scenariosData Collection
2458ERP EHP76.0MCSSZENVT41Text table to MCSSZENVData Collection
2459ERP EHP76.0S001562SIS: Customer StatisticsData Collection
2460ERP EHP76.0S001BIW1562S001BIW1 * SIS: Customer StatisticsData Collection
2461ERP EHP76.0S001BIW2562S001BIW2 * SIS: Customer statisticsData Collection
2462ERP EHP76.0S001E164S001 - Structural InformationData Collection
2463ERP EHP76.0S002501SIS: Sales Office StatisticsData Collection
2464ERP EHP76.0S002BIW1501S002BIW1 * SIS: Sales office statisticsData Collection
2465ERP EHP76.0S002BIW2501S002BIW2 * SIS: Sales office statisticsData Collection
2466ERP EHP76.0S002E142S002 - Structural InformationData Collection
2467ERP EHP76.0S003551SIS: SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/District/Customer/ProductData Collection
2468ERP EHP76.0S003BIW1551S003BIW1 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/ProData Collection
2469ERP EHP76.0S003BIW2551S003BIW2 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/ProData Collection
2470ERP EHP76.0S003E172S003 - Structural InformationData Collection
2471ERP EHP76.0S004541SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution ChannelData Collection
2472ERP EHP76.0S004BIW1541SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution ChannelData Collection
2473ERP EHP76.0S004BIW2541SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution ChannelData Collection
2474ERP EHP76.0S004E142S004 - Structural InformationData Collection
2475ERP EHP76.0S005231SIS: Shipping Point/Route/Forwarding Agent/Receiving CountryData Collection
2476ERP EHP76.0S005BIW1231S005BIW1 * SIS: Ship.Pnt/Route/Forw.Agent/Recipient CountryData Collection
2477ERP EHP76.0S005BIW2231S005BIW2 * SIS: Ship.Pnt/Route/Forw.Agent/Recipient CountryData Collection
2478ERP EHP76.0S005E152S005 - Structural InformationData Collection
2479ERP EHP76.0S006551SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/ProductData Collection
2480ERP EHP76.0S006BIW1551S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/Data Collection
2481ERP EHP76.0S006BIW2551S006BIW2 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/Data Collection
2482ERP EHP76.0S006E172S006 - Structural InformationData Collection
2483ERP EHP76.0S0081041Communications Table SD -> CO/ProjectsData Collection
2484ERP EHP76.0S009341CAS: Last DocumentsData Collection
2485ERP EHP76.0S011271PURCHIS: Purchasing Group StatisticsData Collection
2486ERP EHP76.0S011BIW1271S011BIW1 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group StatisticsData Collection
2487ERP EHP76.0S011BIW2271S011BIW2 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group StatisticsData Collection
2488ERP EHP76.0S011E122S011 - Structural InformationData Collection
2489ERP EHP76.0S012582PurchasingData Collection
2490ERP EHP76.0S012BIW1582S012BIW1 * PurchasingData Collection
2491ERP EHP76.0S012BIW2582S012BIW2 * PurchasingData Collection
2492ERP EHP76.0S012E192S012 - Structural InformationData Collection
2493ERP EHP76.0S013311PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor EvaluationData Collection
2494ERP EHP76.0S013BIW1311PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor EvaluationData Collection
2495ERP EHP76.0S013BIW2311S013BIW2 * PURCHIS: Statistics for vendor evaluationData Collection
2496ERP EHP76.0S013E132S013 - Structural InformationData Collection
2497ERP EHP76.0S014241CAS Document InformationData Collection
2498ERP EHP76.0S015352Subsequent Settlement: EvaluationData Collection
2499ERP EHP76.0S015E282S015 - Structural InformationData Collection
2500ERP EHP76.0S016191SIS: Sales activitiesData Collection
2501ERP EHP76.0S016E162S016 - Structural InformationData Collection
2502ERP EHP76.0S017131SIS: Sales promotionsData Collection
2503ERP EHP76.0S017E102S017 - Structural InformationData Collection
2504ERP EHP76.0S018191SIS: Address list for sales promotionData Collection
2505ERP EHP76.0S018E162S018 - Structural InformationData Collection
2506ERP EHP76.0S019181SIS: Address counterData Collection
2507ERP EHP76.0S019E92S019 - Structural InformationData Collection
2508ERP EHP76.0S021352SFIS: Order Item Data for MaterialData Collection
2509ERP EHP76.0S021E172S021 - Structure informationData Collection
2510ERP EHP76.0S022692SFIS: Order Operation Data for Work CenterData Collection
2511ERP EHP76.0S022E302S022 - Structural informationData Collection
2512ERP EHP76.0S023461SFIS: Totals Records for MaterialData Collection
2513ERP EHP76.0S023E142S023 - Structure informationData Collection
2514ERP EHP76.0S024371Totals Records for Work CenterData Collection
2515ERP EHP76.0S024E142S024 - Structural informationData Collection
2516ERP EHP76.0S025212SFIS: Run ScheduleData Collection
2517ERP EHP76.0S026181Material UsageData Collection
2518ERP EHP76.0S026E152S026 - Structural InformationData Collection
2519ERP EHP76.0S027211Product CostsData Collection
2520ERP EHP76.0S027E142S027 - Structural InformationData Collection
2521ERP EHP76.0S028221Reporting Point StatisticsData Collection
2522ERP EHP76.0S028E172S028 - Structural InformationData Collection
2523ERP EHP76.0S029351KANBANData Collection
2524ERP EHP76.0S031371Statistics: Movements for current stocksData Collection
2525ERP EHP76.0S032242Statistics: Current Stock and Grouping TermsData Collection
2526ERP EHP76.0S032E162S032 - Structural informationData Collection
2527ERP EHP76.0S033363Statistics: Movements for Current Stock (Individual Records)Data Collection
2528ERP EHP76.0S033E152S033 - Structural informationData Collection
2529ERP EHP76.0S034332INVCO: Movements (Batches)Data Collection
2530ERP EHP76.0S034E153S034 - Structure InformationData Collection
2531ERP EHP76.0S035131Statistics: Batch StocksData Collection
2532ERP EHP76.0S038361All Key Figures for Batch AnalysisData Collection
2533ERP EHP76.0S038E152S038 - Structural informationData Collection
2534ERP EHP76.0S039921Statistics: Inventory ControllingData Collection
2535ERP EHP76.0S039E222S039 - Structural InformationData Collection
2536ERP EHP76.0S050651ShipmentData Collection
2537ERP EHP76.0S050E202S050 - Structural InformationData Collection
2538ERP EHP76.0S051631Shipment routesData Collection
2539ERP EHP76.0S051E182S051 - Structural InformationData Collection
2540ERP EHP76.0S052471Means of transportationData Collection
2541ERP EHP76.0S052E172S052 - Structural InformationData Collection
2542ERP EHP76.0S053191Shipment: shipping dataData Collection
2543ERP EHP76.0S053E142S053 - Structural InformationData Collection
2544ERP EHP76.0S054441Stages of shipmentData Collection
2545ERP EHP76.0S054E202S054 - Structural InformationData Collection
2546ERP EHP76.0S055222Shipment: materialsData Collection
2547ERP EHP76.0S055E193S055 - Structural InformationData Collection
2548ERP EHP76.0S060271Model Structure for Info Structures with Initial VAKEYData Collection
2549ERP EHP76.0S064E152S064 - Structural informationData Collection
2550ERP EHP76.0S066141Open orders: credit managementData Collection
2551ERP EHP76.0S067161Open deliveries/billing documents (KM)Data Collection
2552ERP EHP76.0S068E173S068 - Structural InformationData Collection
2553ERP EHP76.0S069512Material StatisticsData Collection
2554ERP EHP76.0S069E163S069 - Structural InformationData Collection
2555ERP EHP76.0S072441Individual Records for Inspection LotData Collection
2556ERP EHP76.0S073151Cumulative Delivered QuantitiesData Collection
2557ERP EHP76.0S074352Subsequent Settlement: OperativeData Collection
2558ERP EHP76.0S074E282S074 - Structural InformationData Collection
2559ERP EHP76.0S076192Sales & Operations PlanningData Collection
2560ERP EHP76.0S076E122S076 - Structural InformationData Collection
2561ERP EHP76.0S0771161STRPS: MovementsData Collection
2562ERP EHP76.0S077E202S077 - Structural InformationData Collection
2563ERP EHP76.0S078241STRPS: StockData Collection
2564ERP EHP76.0S078E202S078 - Structural InformatonData Collection
2565ERP EHP76.0S0791381STRPS: Movements + StockData Collection
2566ERP EHP76.0S079E202S079 - Structural InformationData Collection
2567ERP EHP76.0S080651Purchasing: MovementsData Collection
2568ERP EHP76.0S080E202S080 - Structural InformationData Collection
2569ERP EHP76.0S081241Purchasing: StockData Collection
2570ERP EHP76.0S081E202S081 - Structural InformationData Collection
2571ERP EHP76.0S082871Purchasing: Movements + StockData Collection
2572ERP EHP76.0S082E202S082 - Structural InformationData Collection
2573ERP EHP76.0S083622Material: MovementsData Collection
2574ERP EHP76.0S083E203S083 - Structural InformationData Collection
2575ERP EHP76.0S084243Material: StockData Collection
2576ERP EHP76.0S084E203S084 - Structural InformationData Collection
2577ERP EHP76.0S085812Material: Movements + StockData Collection
2578ERP EHP76.0S085E203S085 - Structural InformationData Collection
2579ERP EHP76.0S086512PromotionData Collection
2580ERP EHP76.0S086E203S086 - Structural InformationData Collection
2581ERP EHP76.0S087672Material/add-onData Collection
2582ERP EHP76.0S087E163S087 - Structural InformationData Collection
2583ERP EHP76.0S090361WM: Stock placements/removalsData Collection
2584ERP EHP76.0S090E202S090 - Structural InformationData Collection
2585ERP EHP76.0S091411WM: Quantity flowsData Collection
2586ERP EHP76.0S091BIW1411S091BIW1 * WM: Quantity flowsData Collection
2587ERP EHP76.0S091BIW2411S091BIW2 * WM: Quantity FlowsData Collection
2588ERP EHP76.0S091E212S091 - Structural InformationData Collection
2589ERP EHP76.0S092161Resource Requirements: MaterialData Collection
2590ERP EHP76.0S092E132S092 - Structural InformationData Collection
2591ERP EHP76.0S093192Resource Requirements: MaterialData Collection
2592ERP EHP76.0S093E142S093 - Structural InformationData Collection
2593ERP EHP76.0S094E152S094 - Structural InformationData Collection
2594ERP EHP76.0S096171Distribution ScenarioData Collection
2595ERP EHP76.0S096E142S096 - Structural InformationData Collection
2596ERP EHP76.0S097262QM notifications: material analysisData Collection
2597ERP EHP76.0S097E122S097 - Structural InformationData Collection
2598ERP EHP76.0S098272QM notifications: vendor analysisData Collection
2599ERP EHP76.0S098E132S098 - Structural InformationData Collection
2600ERP EHP76.0S099272QM notifications: customer analysisData Collection
2601ERP EHP76.0S099E132S099 - Structural InformationData Collection
2602ERP EHP76.0S100191Problems: Material AnalysisData Collection
2603ERP EHP76.0S100E152S100 - Structural InformationData Collection
2604ERP EHP76.0S102201Problems: Vendor AnalysisData Collection
2605ERP EHP76.0S102E162S102 - Structural InformationData Collection
2606ERP EHP76.0S103201Problems: Customer AnalysisData Collection
2607ERP EHP76.0S103E162S103 - Structural InformationData Collection
2608ERP EHP76.0S104463Customer StatisticsData Collection
2609ERP EHP76.0S104E174S104 - Structural InformationData Collection
2610ERP EHP76.0S105762Season: MovementsData Collection
2611ERP EHP76.0S105E203S105 - Structural InformationData Collection
2612ERP EHP76.0S106382Season: StockData Collection
2613ERP EHP76.0S106E203S106 - Structural InformationData Collection
2614ERP EHP76.0S1071112Season: Movements + StockData Collection
2615ERP EHP76.0S107E203S107 - Structural InformationData Collection
2616ERP EHP76.0S108292AdditionalsData Collection
2617ERP EHP76.0S108E193S108 - Structural InformationData Collection
2618ERP EHP76.0S110901OTBData Collection
2619ERP EHP76.0S110E202S110 - Structural InformationData Collection
2620ERP EHP76.0S111192Index: Subsequent SettlementData Collection
2621ERP EHP76.0S111E152S111 - Structure InformationData Collection
2622ERP EHP76.0S116271Customer AnalysisData Collection
2623ERP EHP76.0S116E182S116 - Structural informationData Collection
2624ERP EHP76.0S117452Receipt/articleData Collection
2625ERP EHP76.0S117E223S117 - Structural InformationData Collection
2626ERP EHP76.0S119381Transaction Number (Till Receipt)Data Collection
2627ERP EHP76.0S119E202S119 - Structural InformationData Collection
2628ERP EHP76.0S120642Sales as per receiptsData Collection
2629ERP EHP76.0S120BIW1642S120BIW1 * Sales as Per ReceiptsData Collection
2630ERP EHP76.0S120BIW2642S120BIW2 * Sales as Per ReceiptsData Collection
2631ERP EHP76.0S120E223S120 - Structural InformationData Collection
2632ERP EHP76.0S121232Material aggregation - POSData Collection
2633ERP EHP76.0S121E163S121 - Structural InformationData Collection
2634ERP EHP76.0S122621CashierData Collection
2635ERP EHP76.0S122BIW1621S122BIW1 * CashierData Collection
2636ERP EHP76.0S122BIW2621S122BIW2 * CashierData Collection
2637ERP EHP76.0S122E152S122 - Structural InformationData Collection
2638ERP EHP76.0S123701Customer / material groupData Collection
2639ERP EHP76.0S123E202S123 - Structural InformationData Collection
2640ERP EHP76.0S124712Customer / materialData Collection
2641ERP EHP76.0S124E192S124 - Structural InformationData Collection
2642ERP EHP76.0S125203Forecast history for ex. systemData Collection
2643ERP EHP76.0S125E174S125 - Structural informationData Collection
2644ERP EHP76.0S126512Open Variants - Basis 1Data Collection
2645ERP EHP76.0S126E122S126 - Structural informationData Collection
2646ERP EHP76.0S127431Open Variants - Basis 2Data Collection
2647ERP EHP76.0S127E142S127 - Structural informationData Collection
2648ERP EHP76.0S128403Open Variants - SISData Collection
2649ERP EHP76.0S128E204S128 - Structural informationData Collection
2650ERP EHP76.0S129312Open Variants - PlanningData Collection
2651ERP EHP76.0S129E163S129 - Structural informationData Collection
2652ERP EHP76.0S130182ReplenishmentData Collection
2653ERP EHP76.0S130E123S130 - Structural InformationData Collection
2654ERP EHP76.0S136151Index: conditions in documentData Collection
2655ERP EHP76.0S136E122S136 - Structural InformationData Collection
2656ERP EHP76.0S137371Variants: Basis 2Data Collection
2657ERP EHP76.0S137E162S137 -Structural InformationData Collection
2658ERP EHP76.0S138343Variants: SIS & planningData Collection
2659ERP EHP76.0S138E194S138 - Structural InformationData Collection
2660ERP EHP76.0S140222Product AllocationsData Collection
2661ERP EHP76.0S140E143S140 - Structural InformationData Collection
2662ERP EHP76.0S150381W&S: Rough Workload EstimateData Collection
2663ERP EHP76.0S150E182S150 - Structural InformationData Collection
2664ERP EHP76.0S152411W&S: Rough Workload Estimate - Goods IssueData Collection
2665ERP EHP76.0S152E202S152 - Structural InformationData Collection
2666ERP EHP76.0S159472W&S: Picking WavesData Collection
2667ERP EHP76.0S159E172S159 - Structural InformationData Collection
2668ERP EHP76.0S160752PerishablesData Collection
2669ERP EHP76.0S160E183S160 - Structural InformationData Collection
2670ERP EHP76.0S161292Inspection Results: GeneralData Collection
2671ERP EHP76.0S162442Quantitative Inspection ResultsData Collection
2672ERP EHP76.0S163302Quantitative Inspection Result: VendorData Collection
2673ERP EHP76.0S164452Quantitative Inspection Result: VendorData Collection
2674ERP EHP76.0S165303Inspection Results (General): CustomersData Collection
2675ERP EHP76.0S166453Quantitative Inspection Results: CustomerData Collection
2676ERP EHP76.0S170381Payment document dataData Collection
2677ERP EHP76.0S170E182S170 - Structural InformationData Collection
2678ERP EHP76.0S171301Payment item dataData Collection
2679ERP EHP76.0S171E182S171 - Structural InformationData Collection
2680ERP EHP76.0S172421Vendor billing document dataData Collection
2681ERP EHP76.0S172E202S172 - Structural InformationData Collection
2682ERP EHP76.0S173392Vendor billing document itemData Collection
2683ERP EHP76.0S173E263S173 - Structural InformationData Collection
2684ERP EHP76.0S174261ServicesData Collection
2685ERP EHP76.0S174BIW1261S174BIW1 * ActivitiesData Collection
2686ERP EHP76.0S174BIW2261S174BIW2 * ActivitiesData Collection
2687ERP EHP76.0S174E192S174 - Structural InformationData Collection
2688ERP EHP76.0S181132Free Goods ValuesData Collection
2689ERP EHP76.0S181E112S181 - Structural informationData Collection
2690ERP EHP76.0S194391MRP: Business Info WarehouseData Collection
2691ERP EHP76.0S194BIW1391S194BIW1 * MRP: Business Info WarehouseData Collection
2692ERP EHP76.0S195BIW1272S195BIW1 * Goods Movement: Storage LocationData Collection
2693ERP EHP76.0S195BIW2272S195BIW2 * Goods Movement: Storage LocationData Collection
2694ERP EHP76.0S196BIW1312S196BIW1 * Material Movements: PlantData Collection
2695ERP EHP76.0S196BIW2312S196BIW2 * Goods Movement: PlantData Collection
2696ERP EHP76.0S197BIW1151Periodic storage location stockData Collection
2697ERP EHP76.0S197BIW2152S197BIW2 * Periodic Storage Location StockData Collection
2698ERP EHP76.0S198BIW1162S198BIW1 * Periodic Plant StocksData Collection
2699ERP EHP76.0S198BIW2162S198BIW2 * Periodic Plant StockData Collection
2700ERP EHP76.0S200422Inventory Controlling StoresData Collection
2701ERP EHP76.0S200E203S200 - Structural InformationData Collection
2702ERP EHP76.0S225242Goods receipts: repetitive manufacturingData Collection
2703ERP EHP76.0S225E203S225 - Structural InformationData Collection
2704ERP EHP76.0S226212Material usage: repetitive manufacturingData Collection
2705ERP EHP76.0S226E183S226 - Structural InformationData Collection
2706ERP EHP76.0S227212Product costs: repetitive manufacturingData Collection
2707ERP EHP76.0S227E173S227 - Structural InformationData Collection
2708ERP EHP76.0S2601211SD - Sales orderData Collection
2709ERP EHP76.0S260BIW11211SD - Sales orderData Collection
2710ERP EHP76.0S260BIW21211SD - Sales orderData Collection
2711ERP EHP76.0S2611001SD - Delivery noteData Collection
2712ERP EHP76.0S261BIW11001SD - Delivery noteData Collection
2713ERP EHP76.0S261BIW21001SD - Delivery noteData Collection
2714ERP EHP76.0S262971SD - Billing documentData Collection
2715ERP EHP76.0S262BIW1971SD - Billing documentData Collection
2716ERP EHP76.0S262BIW2971SD - Billing documentData Collection
2717ERP EHP76.0S263811SD - Sales order/delivery noteData Collection
2718ERP EHP76.0S263BIW1811SD - Sales order/delivery noteData Collection
2719ERP EHP76.0S263BIW2811SD - Sales order/delivery noteData Collection
2720ERP EHP76.0S270492Do not use!Data Collection
2721ERP EHP76.0S270BIW1492Do not use!Data Collection
2722ERP EHP76.0S270BIW2492Do not use!Data Collection
2723ERP EHP76.0S270E212S270 - Structural InformationData Collection
2724ERP EHP76.0S271332Do not use!Data Collection
2725ERP EHP76.0S271BIW1332Do not use!Data Collection
2726ERP EHP76.0S271BIW2332Do not use!Data Collection
2727ERP EHP76.0S271E162S271 - Structural InformationData Collection
2728ERP EHP76.0S272572Do not use!Data Collection
2729ERP EHP76.0S272BIW1572Do not use!Data Collection
2730ERP EHP76.0S272BIW2572Do not use!Data Collection
2731ERP EHP76.0S272E212S272 - Structural InformationData Collection
2732ERP EHP76.0S273292Do not use!Data Collection
2733ERP EHP76.0S273BIW1292Do not use!Data Collection
2734ERP EHP76.0S273BIW2292Do not use!Data Collection
2735ERP EHP76.0S273E172S273 - Structure informationData Collection
2736ERP EHP76.0S274242Do not use!Data Collection
2737ERP EHP76.0S274BIW1242Do not use!Data Collection
2738ERP EHP76.0S274BIW2242Do not use!Data Collection
2739ERP EHP76.0S274E203S274 - structure informationData Collection
2740ERP EHP76.0S275521Transfer BW: EinkaufsdatenData Collection
2741ERP EHP76.0S275BIW1521S275BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing DataData Collection
2742ERP EHP76.0S275BIW2521S275BIW2 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing DataData Collection
2743ERP EHP76.0S276581Transfer BW: VertriebsdatenData Collection
2744ERP EHP76.0S276BIW1581S276BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Sales and Distribution DataData Collection
2745ERP EHP76.0S276BIW2581S276BIW2 * BW Transfer: Sales and Distribution DataData Collection
2746ERP EHP76.0S277301Transfer BW: VP-UmbewertungData Collection
2747ERP EHP76.0S277BIW1301S277BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Revaluation at RetailData Collection
2748ERP EHP76.0S277BIW2301S277BIW2 * Transfer to BW: Revaluation at RetailData Collection
2749ERP EHP76.0S278252Transfer BW: BestandData Collection
2750ERP EHP76.0S278BIW1252S278BIW1 * Transfer to BW: StockData Collection
2751ERP EHP76.0S278BIW2252S278BIW2 * Transfer to BW: StockData Collection
2752ERP EHP76.0S279391Transfer BW: BestandsführungData Collection
2753ERP EHP76.0S279BIW1391S279BIW1 * BW Transfer: Inventory ManagementData Collection
2754ERP EHP76.0S279BIW2391S279BIW2 * BW Transfer: Inventory ManagementData Collection
2755ERP EHP76.0S300261WIS: Organization viewData Collection
2756ERP EHP76.0S300E132S300 - Structural InformationData Collection
2757ERP EHP76.0S301281WIS: Process viewData Collection
2758ERP EHP76.0S301E142S301 - Structural InformationData Collection
2759ERP EHP76.0S302271WIS: Object viewData Collection
2760ERP EHP76.0S302E142S302 - Structural InformationData Collection
2761ERP EHP76.0S303271WIS: Group viewData Collection
2762ERP EHP76.0S303E142S303 - Structural InformationData Collection
2763ERP EHP76.0S304161WIS: Sample scenarioData Collection
2764ERP EHP76.0S304E132S304 - Structural InformationData Collection
2765ERP EHP76.0S305221WIS: Applicatons PM/QM/SMData Collection
2766ERP EHP76.0S305E152S305 - Structure InformationData Collection
2767ERP EHP76.0S409363Contract & BillingData Collection
2768ERP EHP76.0S409E184S409 - Structure InformationData Collection
2769ERP EHP76.0S501203ABC Kostentreiber ProduktebeneData Collection
2770ERP EHP76.0S515203testData Collection
2771ERP EHP76.0S520222TestData Collection
2772ERP EHP76.0S521322TestData Collection
2773ERP EHP76.0S530223LO630 Unit 02 SolutionData Collection
2774ERP EHP76.0S531273LO630 Solution Unit06Data Collection
2775ERP EHP76.0S532202LO630 Solution Unit 08Data Collection
2776ERP EHP76.0S540171Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2777ERP EHP76.0S550182Info Structure 06Data Collection
2778ERP EHP76.0S555181Info structure Wolgang BackesData Collection
2779ERP EHP76.0S610151BC610 Example info structureData Collection
2780ERP EHP76.0S620212IDES Data GenerationData Collection
2781ERP EHP76.0S621273Sales and ProductionData Collection
2782ERP EHP76.0S622273SOP Level-by-LevelData Collection
2783ERP EHP76.0S623273SOP Variable Time FramesData Collection
2784ERP EHP76.0S624273SOP InstructorData Collection
2785ERP EHP76.0S625273SOP InstructorData Collection
2786ERP EHP76.0S626263LO935: SOP without plantData Collection
2787ERP EHP76.0S628213APO DemandData Collection
2788ERP EHP76.0S630273LO935 Group 00Data Collection
2789ERP EHP76.0S631273LO935 Group 01Data Collection
2790ERP EHP76.0S632273LO935 Group 02Data Collection
2791ERP EHP76.0S633273LO935 Group 03Data Collection
2792ERP EHP76.0S634273LO935 Group 04Data Collection
2793ERP EHP76.0S635273LO935 Group 05Data Collection
2794ERP EHP76.0S636273LO935 Group 06Data Collection
2795ERP EHP76.0S637273LO935 Group 07Data Collection
2796ERP EHP76.0S638273LO935 Group 08Data Collection
2797ERP EHP76.0S639273LO935 Group 09Data Collection
2798ERP EHP76.0S640273LO935 Group 10Data Collection
2799ERP EHP76.0S641273LO935 Group 11Data Collection
2800ERP EHP76.0S642273LO935 Group 12Data Collection
2801ERP EHP76.0S643273LO935 Group 13Data Collection
2802ERP EHP76.0S644273LO935 Group 14Data Collection
2803ERP EHP76.0S645273LO935 Group 15Data Collection
2804ERP EHP76.0S646273LO935 Group 16Data Collection
2805ERP EHP76.0S647273LO935 Group 17Data Collection
2806ERP EHP76.0S648273LO935 Group 18Data Collection
2807ERP EHP76.0S649273LO935 Group 19Data Collection
2808ERP EHP76.0S685182MAP IRT350Data Collection
2809ERP EHP76.0S700201TestData Collection
2810ERP EHP76.0S730142copy of S130 Repl.m 4 VMI XIData Collection
2811ERP EHP76.0S806232LO555 Charac. as Key FigureData Collection
2812ERP EHP76.0S807202LO555 Solution OneData Collection
2813ERP EHP76.0S808202LO555 Solution TwoData Collection
2814ERP EHP76.0S809182LO555 Solution ThreeData Collection
2815ERP EHP76.0S810162LO555 Solution FourData Collection
2816ERP EHP76.0S811202LO555 Solution FiveData Collection
2817ERP EHP76.0S821222IRT230: Vorlage Übung 1Data Collection
2818ERP EHP76.0S841161RIS/ABC BeschaffungsprozeßData Collection
2819ERP EHP76.0S842191RIS/ABC: LagerprozeßData Collection
2820ERP EHP76.0S843151RIS/ABC Lagerprozeß VerrechngData Collection
2821ERP EHP76.0S844131RIS/ABC: VerrAnteile BeschaffgData Collection
2822ERP EHP76.0S850232BW220: Connecting LIS-IS to BWData Collection
2823ERP EHP76.0S851232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2824ERP EHP76.0S852232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2825ERP EHP76.0S853232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2826ERP EHP76.0S854232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2827ERP EHP76.0S855232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2828ERP EHP76.0S856232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2829ERP EHP76.0S857232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2830ERP EHP76.0S858232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2831ERP EHP76.0S859232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2832ERP EHP76.0S860232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2833ERP EHP76.0S861232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2834ERP EHP76.0S862232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2835ERP EHP76.0S863232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2836ERP EHP76.0S864232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2837ERP EHP76.0S865232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2838ERP EHP76.0S866232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2839ERP EHP76.0S867232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2840ERP EHP76.0S868232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2841ERP EHP76.0S869232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2842ERP EHP76.0S870232Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2843ERP EHP76.0S880252LO930 examplesData Collection
2844ERP EHP76.0S901271GarantieauswertungData Collection
2845ERP EHP76.0S905162AbsatzplanungData Collection
2846ERP EHP76.0S913242LIS: Purchasing (cons. Planng)Data Collection
2847ERP EHP76.0S913E153S913 - Structural informationData Collection
2848ERP EHP76.0S921162Market Analysis Raw DataData Collection
2849ERP EHP76.0S921E143S921 - Structural informationData Collection
2850ERP EHP76.0S922172Market AnalysisData Collection
2851ERP EHP76.0S922E133S922 - Structural informationData Collection
2852ERP EHP76.0S923151Market Analysis AggregatedData Collection
2853ERP EHP76.0S923E112S923 - Structural informationData Collection
2854ERP EHP76.0S930232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2855ERP EHP76.0S931232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2856ERP EHP76.0S932232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2857ERP EHP76.0S933232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2858ERP EHP76.0S934232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2859ERP EHP76.0S935232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2860ERP EHP76.0S936232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2861ERP EHP76.0S937232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2862ERP EHP76.0S938232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2863ERP EHP76.0S939232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2864ERP EHP76.0S940232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2865ERP EHP76.0S941232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2866ERP EHP76.0S942232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2867ERP EHP76.0S943232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2868ERP EHP76.0S944232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2869ERP EHP76.0S945232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2870ERP EHP76.0S946232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2871ERP EHP76.0S947232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2872ERP EHP76.0S948232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2873ERP EHP76.0S949232BW220: Connect LIS-IS to BW(2)Data Collection
2874ERP EHP76.0S950332TRANSPORTSData Collection
2875ERP EHP76.0S951291TRANSPORTS2Data Collection
2876ERP EHP76.0S952801Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2877ERP EHP76.0S953452BW Vorl.für BON/Artikel S117Data Collection
2878ERP EHP76.0S954381BW Vorl.für BON S119Data Collection
2879ERP EHP76.0S955832Istdatenspeicher MAP - BWData Collection
2880ERP EHP76.0S957601Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2881ERP EHP76.0S958362Reference Structure for Generating Info StructuresData Collection
2882ERP EHP76.0S991272Hiérarchie client / ProduitData Collection
2883ERP EHP76.0S998262SMOBYData Collection
2884ERP EHP76.0TFCA31Permitted Field Catalogs for Each ApplicationData Collection
2885ERP EHP76.0TFCF71Fields in Field CatalogsData Collection
2886ERP EHP76.0TFCG31Fields Catalogs for Statistics FieldsData Collection
2887ERP EHP76.0TFCT41Field Catalog DescriptionData Collection
2888ERP EHP76.0TMC171Generated DDIC Structures for LIS, Conditions, OutputData Collection
2889ERP EHP76.0TMC1D111Data Elements of Generated DDIC StructuresData Collection
2890ERP EHP76.0TMC1DS141Save Versions for Table TMC1DData Collection
2891ERP EHP76.0TMC1K81Key Elements in Generated DDIC StructuresData Collection
2892ERP EHP76.0TMC1KS81Save Versions for Table TMC1KData Collection
2893ERP EHP76.0TMC1T31Short Texts on Generated DDIC StructuresData Collection
2894ERP EHP76.0TMC241LIS: Status Management - UpdatingData Collection
2895ERP EHP76.0TMC2091Parameters for Generating Updating (Internal Use)Data Collection
2896ERP EHP76.0TMC2161Application-Specific Parameters for Generating UpdatesData Collection
2897ERP EHP76.0TMC2371Necessary USING Parameters for Unit ConversionData Collection
2898ERP EHP76.0TMC23A101Spec. USING Parameter for Unit Conversion Per Source FieldData Collection
2899ERP EHP76.0TMC2451Source Fields for Units Fields per EventData Collection
2900ERP EHP76.0TMC24A61Spec. Source Fields for Unit Fields Per EventData Collection
2901ERP EHP76.0TMC2521Valid Hierarchies for Formulas/ConditionsData Collection
2902ERP EHP76.0TMC2641Texts for Valid Hierarchies for Formulas/RequirementsData Collection
2903ERP EHP76.0TMC2D201Key Figures (Updating)Data Collection
2904ERP EHP76.0TMC2DS201Key Figures (Updating)Data Collection
2905ERP EHP76.0TMC2F71Relevant Update Routines for Info StructuresData Collection
2906ERP EHP76.0TMC2K161Objects (Updating)Data Collection
2907ERP EHP76.0TMC2KS161Objects (Updating)Data Collection
2908ERP EHP76.0TMC2P41Table for Number Assignment of Update ReportsData Collection
2909ERP EHP76.0TMC2Q41Reference as to Which Update Uses Which ProgramData Collection
2910ERP EHP76.0TMC2S61Info Structures to be Updated per Business EventData Collection
2911ERP EHP76.0TMC2W141Additional Information and Warnings for Source FieldsData Collection
2912ERP EHP76.0TMC2_EXT_CHECK61Enhanced Check for Update RulesData Collection
2913ERP EHP76.0TMC2_EXT_CHECK_D61Enhanced Check for Update Rules - Date FieldsData Collection
2914ERP EHP76.0TMC4141Global Control Elements: LIS Info StructureData Collection
2915ERP EHP76.0TMC4C51Connections of Info StructuresData Collection
2916ERP EHP76.0TMC4T41Descriptions of LIS Information StructuresData Collection
2917ERP EHP76.0TMC4U71Transport Table for Info Structure DataData Collection
2918ERP EHP76.0TMC4UC41TRansport Table for Info Structure Data ConnectionsData Collection
2919ERP EHP76.0TMC4UT31Transport Table for Info Structure TextsData Collection
2920ERP EHP76.0TMC5131Business Events for Statistics UpdatingData Collection
2921ERP EHP76.0TMC5T31Description of Events for Statistics UpdatingData Collection
2922ERP EHP76.0TMC651Units for Statistics UpdatingData Collection
2923ERP EHP76.0TMC6P31Necessary Characteristics for UnitsData Collection
2924ERP EHP76.0TMC6T31Description of Units for Statistics UpdatingData Collection
2925ERP EHP76.0TMC6U51Valid Unit Conversion: Source Field/Statistics FieldData Collection
2926ERP EHP76.0TMC7K_CHECK41Definition of the Char. Chain f. Checking the Info StructureData Collection
2927ERP EHP76.0TMCAE31Features of ApplicationData Collection
2928ERP EHP76.0TMCAP31Applications: Logistics Information SystemData Collection
2929ERP EHP76.0TMCAT41Application Text: Logistics Information SystemData Collection
2930ERP EHP76.0TMCBIW41LIS: BIW CustomizingData Collection
2931ERP EHP76.0TMCBIWU61LIS: BIW CustomizingData Collection
2932ERP EHP76.0TMCBT41Update Groups (LIS): TextsData Collection
2933ERP EHP76.0TMCE61LIS - Environment generation sample reports and referencesData Collection
2934ERP EHP76.0TMCLBW201Logistics Control Table for Enhancement in SAP BWData Collection
2935ERP EHP76.0TMCLVBW61Transaction Key for SAP BWData Collection
2936ERP EHP76.0TMCLVBWT61Texts for Transaction Key for SAP BWData Collection
2937ERP EHP76.0TMCTC51LIS Transaction Code ControlData Collection
2938ERP EHP76.0TMCUS181Parameters for Standard Analyses in LISData Collection
2939ERP EHP76.0TMCW161Table for Counter Readings of Info Structures Re-SetupData Collection
2940ERP EHP76.0TMCW371Table for Counter Readings of Info Structures Re-SetupData Collection
2941ERP EHP76.0TMCZ121Special Categories of Info StructuresData Collection
2942ERP EHP76.0TWRMAEXT41BW Extraction: Enhancements for RMAData Collection
2943ERP EHP76.0TWRSLEXT31BW Extraction: Enhancements for Structured ArticlesData Collection
2944ERP EHP76.0VKMI133Log for Updating Open Credit Values (S066, S067)Data Collection
2945ERP EHP76.0WRF_EXTRAKT_CUST31Customizing ExtractionData Collection
2946ERP EHP76.0WRMA_TRANSFER_C81Define Stock Transfer Sales PriceData Collection
Logistics - General :: Logistics Information System LIS :: Early Warning System
2947ERP EHP76.0MCY191Objects: Early WarningEarly Warning System
2948ERP EHP76.0MCYA431Early Warning: ExceptionsEarly Warning System
2949ERP EHP76.0MCYAT41Early Warning: Exception TextsEarly Warning System
2950ERP EHP76.0MCYB81Objects: Early WarningEarly Warning System
2951ERP EHP76.0MCYC171Key Figures: Early WarningEarly Warning System
2952ERP EHP76.0MCYD41Early Warning: Groups of ExceptionsEarly Warning System
2953ERP EHP76.0MCYE51Early Warning: Trend Analysis RequirementsEarly Warning System
2954ERP EHP76.0MCYF41Early Warning: Exception TextsEarly Warning System
2955ERP EHP76.0MCYM81Objects: Early WarningEarly Warning System
2956ERP EHP76.0MCYT51Early Warning: Exception TextsEarly Warning System
Logistics - General :: Logistics Information System LIS :: Logistics Information Library
2957ERP EHP76.0MCLI251Key Figures in Information LibraryLogistics Information Library
2958ERP EHP76.0MCLIN131Info Sets in LILLogistics Information Library
2959ERP EHP76.0MCLIO41Info Set Text in LILLogistics Information Library
2960ERP EHP76.0MCLIP61Info Set Assignment in LILLogistics Information Library
2961ERP EHP76.0MCLIT41Key Figure TextsLogistics Information Library
2962ERP EHP76.0MCLIV51Default Values in LILLogistics Information Library
Logistics - General :: Logistics Information System LIS :: Reporting
2963ERP EHP76.0MCKZS51Key figure views in Logistics ControllingReporting
2964ERP EHP76.0MCKZSF81Key figures for key figure viewReporting
2965ERP EHP76.0MCKZST51Texts for key figures of the key figure viewReporting
2966ERP EHP76.0MCRMK61LIS selection versions: CharacteristicsReporting
2967ERP EHP76.0MCRSV252Selection versions: Header dataReporting
2968ERP EHP76.0MCRSVT41Logistics Controlling: Texts for selection versionsReporting
2969ERP EHP76.0MCRSV_USR51Selection version: Assigned distribution lists or usersReporting
2970ERP EHP76.0MCSA71File for saving selection versions (AUSTAB)Reporting
2971ERP EHP76.0MCSHIERB151Tree for general hierarchyReporting
2972ERP EHP76.0MCSHIERBT61Texts for general hierarchy treeReporting
2973ERP EHP76.0MCSHIERK151Header of general hierarchyReporting
2974ERP EHP76.0MCSI122File for Storage of Selection Versions (INDX)Reporting
2975ERP EHP76.0MCSIDIR71Directory of MCSI EntriesReporting
2976ERP EHP76.0MCSLOGDIR61Directory of MCSLOG EntriesReporting
2977ERP EHP76.0TMC7121Standard Analyses in Logistics ControllingReporting
2978ERP EHP76.0TMC7381Key Figure Information for the Standard AnalysesReporting
2979ERP EHP76.0TMC7481Control Back Calculation of StockReporting
2980ERP EHP76.0TMC7K31Definition of Characteristic Chain for Standard AnalysesReporting
2981ERP EHP76.0TMC7T51Analysis DescriptionsReporting
2982ERP EHP76.0TMC8101Predefined Key Figures per AnalysisReporting
2983ERP EHP76.0TMC961Standard Drill-Down in Standard AnalysesReporting
2984ERP EHP76.0TMCEX71Non-Displayable Key Figures per Standard AnalysisReporting
2985ERP EHP76.0TMCRT31Texts for RMCS0F00 (LIS Standard Analyses)Reporting
2986ERP EHP76.0TMCSA51LIS EvaluationsReporting
2987ERP EHP76.0TMCSC31LIS LibrariesReporting
2988ERP EHP76.0TMCSD101LIS Readings for Internal Number Assignment: AlphanumericReporting
2989ERP EHP76.0TMCSE51LIS Default Sets and Format ClassesReporting
2990ERP EHP76.0TMCSF21LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for EvaluationsReporting
2991ERP EHP76.0TMCSG41LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for Evaluations: TextsReporting
2992ERP EHP76.0TMCTX61LIS: Characteristic Texts (external data and R/2)Reporting
2993ERP EHP76.0VTSFF51Updating Sequence: Statistics ShipmentReporting
2994ERP EHP76.0VTSGD21Shipment: Statistic Groups, Transportation Service AgentReporting
2995ERP EHP76.0VTSGDT41Shipment: Stat. Groups, Transportation Service Agent: TextsReporting
2996ERP EHP76.0VTSGT21Shipment: Statistic Groups, Shipment TypesReporting
2997ERP EHP76.0VTSGTT41Shipment: Statistics Groups, Shipment Types: TextsReporting
Logistics - General :: Merchandise Distribution :: Allocation
2998ERP EHP76.0AUBF231Document Flow SAP Retail (Allocation Table, Promotions...)Allocation
2999ERP EHP76.0AUBSI442Worklist for PO (Follow-on Document Generation)Allocation
3000ERP EHP76.0AUFG191Allocation Table Sub-Item, Store GroupAllocation
3001ERP EHP76.0AUFI662Allocation Table, Document Sub-item, StoresAllocation
3002ERP EHP76.0AUKAI281Worklist for Sales Orders (FBG)Allocation
3003ERP EHP76.0AUKO271Allocation Table Document HeaderAllocation
3004ERP EHP76.0AULW361Delivery PhasesAllocation
3005ERP EHP76.0AUPO732Allocation Table Document ItemAllocation
3006ERP EHP76.0AUSB131Plant Status TableAllocation
3007ERP EHP76.0AUUMI402Worklist for Stock Transport Orders (Follow-on Doc. Gen.)Allocation
3008ERP EHP76.0AUVDI512Worklist for Deliveries (Follow-on Doc. Generation)Allocation
3009ERP EHP76.0AUVT181Shipping-Specific Data of Plants for Delivery GenerationAllocation
3010ERP EHP76.0AUVW273Delivery Phase for Distribution CenterAllocation
3011ERP EHP76.0AUVZ421Distribution CenterAllocation
3012ERP EHP76.0AUWEI173Index, Adjust Alloc Tbl After Entering Doc.Allocation
3013ERP EHP76.0B01961Messages: Sales Organization/Distribution ChannelAllocation
3014ERP EHP76.0EMFIN31Recipient determin.Allocation
3015ERP EHP76.0EMFINP41Parameters for Recipient DeterminationAllocation
3016ERP EHP76.0EMFINT41Texts for Recipient DeterminationAllocation
3017ERP EHP76.0SVKO262Allocation Rule / IS-R AllocationAllocation
3018ERP EHP76.0SVPOS161Allocation Rule Items / SAP IS-R AllocationAllocation
3019ERP EHP76.0SVUP121Allocation Rule Sub-Item (Stores)Allocation
3020ERP EHP76.0T160AT51Message Control Allocation TableAllocation
3021ERP EHP76.0T620331Allocation Table Document TypesAllocation
3022ERP EHP76.0T620T41Texts for Alloc. Tbl Doc. TypesAllocation
3023ERP EHP76.0T621261Item Categories for Allocation TablesAllocation
3024ERP EHP76.0T621T41Texts for Alloc. Tbl Item categoriesAllocation
3025ERP EHP76.0T62291Allocation Rule Document TypesAllocation
3026ERP EHP76.0T622T41Texts for Allocation Rule Document TypesAllocation
3027ERP EHP76.0T62341Transaction Control, Standard DistributionAllocation
3028ERP EHP76.0T62461Control Table, Allocation Rule DeterminationAllocation
3029ERP EHP76.0T62541Field Relationship for Info StructureAllocation
3030ERP EHP76.0T625S31Key Figure CategoryAllocation
3031ERP EHP76.0T625T41Texts for Field Rel. for Info StructureAllocation
3032ERP EHP76.0T626191Allocation Table Notification CategoriesAllocation
3033ERP EHP76.0T626T41Texts for Allocation Table Notification CategoriesAllocation
3034ERP EHP76.0T62741Allocation Strategy: Allocation TableAllocation
3035ERP EHP76.0T627T41Texts for Allocation StrategiesAllocation
3036ERP EHP76.0T62871Split Criteria for Alloc Tbl Follow-on Document GenerationAllocation
3037ERP EHP76.0T628T51Texts for Split Criteria IndicatorsAllocation
3038ERP EHP76.0T62951Allocation Table Rejection ReasonsAllocation
3039ERP EHP76.0T629T41Alloc Tbl: Blocking Reasons: TextsAllocation
3040ERP EHP76.0T63071Distribution of Over/Underdeliveries in Allocation TablesAllocation
3041ERP EHP76.0T630T51Texts for Table T630 (Allocation of Over/Underdelivery)Allocation
3042ERP EHP76.0WRFT_62A81General Settings for Allocation Table ApplicationAllocation
3043ERP EHP76.0WRFT_AT62041Enhancement: Allocation Table Document Types w/Master DataAllocation
3044ERP EHP76.0WRF_AT_GEN_REFER71Allocation Table: References to Generated Allocation TablesAllocation
Logistics - General :: Merchandise Distribution :: Collective Purchase Order
3045ERP EHP76.0TPARA_VARIANTS71Parallel Processing Variants RetailCollective Purchase Order
3046ERP EHP76.0TPARA_VARIANTS_T41Parallel Processing Variants Retail - TextsCollective Purchase Order
Logistics - General :: Product Data Management :: General Functions
3047ERP EHP76.0CMAP_ATMP101Attribute MappingGeneral Functions
3048ERP EHP76.0CMAP_ATRB91Attribute DefinitionGeneral Functions
3049ERP EHP76.0CMAP_ATTP81Attribute Type DefinitionGeneral Functions
3050ERP EHP76.0CMAP_DFVL41Standard Attribute ValuesGeneral Functions
3051ERP EHP76.0CMAP_MATM41Multiattribute MappingGeneral Functions
3052ERP EHP76.0CMAP_MCXT31Mapping ContextGeneral Functions
3053ERP EHP76.0CMAP_MVMP101Multiattribute Value MappingGeneral Functions
3054ERP EHP76.0CMAP_VLMP71Attribute Value MappingGeneral Functions
3055ERP EHP76.0CSTPPARM151Exchange Parameter Definition for STEP InterfaceGeneral Functions
3056ERP EHP76.0CSTPPROF451Exchange Profile for STEP InterfaceGeneral Functions
3057ERP EHP76.0CSTPSRV41Customizing Table with STEP RFC ServersGeneral Functions
Logistics - General :: Service Parts Management :: Complaints and Returns
3058ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CANC_ASN_BF141Returns: Buffer Table holding canceled ASNs of a deliveryComplaints and Returns
3059ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CONS_T_STKT41Movement types for different Stock typesComplaints and Returns
3060ERP EHP76.0/SPE/INSPECRESC131Inspection Outcome: Item CodesComplaints and Returns
3061ERP EHP76.0/SPE/INSPECRESH263Inspection Outcome: HeaderComplaints and Returns
3062ERP EHP76.0/SPE/INSPECRESP292Inspection Outcome: ItemComplaints and Returns
3063ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RETPACKPROP51Table for storing Packaging Proposal InformationComplaints and Returns
3064ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_CARRSEL41Table of allowed carriers for a returns delivery itemComplaints and Returns
3065ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_CATPROF21Inspection Outcome: Default catalog profileComplaints and Returns
3066ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_DLV_BWA41Delivery movement type determination for SPE returnsComplaints and Returns
3067ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_EXC_COD31Default Exception Code for SPM Returns DeliveriesComplaints and Returns
3068ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_FOLLOW51Inspection Outcome: Follow-up activity 'Put away'Complaints and Returns
3069ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_LOC_SEQ51Properties of location sequenceComplaints and Returns
3070ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_SD_RMA61RMA GenerationComplaints and Returns
3071ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_SHP_PNT41Default shipping point determination for returns deliveriesComplaints and Returns
3072ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RET_SPLIPRO41SPE: Determination of split profile for message processingComplaints and Returns
3073ERP EHP76.0/SPE/SHP_IDX_QI111SPL Returns Deliveries: Relevant for Quality InspectionComplaints and Returns
3074ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_RETMSGTY11Definition of message for split profileComplaints and Returns
3075ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_RETMSGTYT31Text table Definition of message for split profileComplaints and Returns
Logistics - General :: Service Parts Management :: Cross-Application Topics
3076ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CD_DOCFLOW142Document Flow for Transportation Cross-DockingCross-Application Topics
3077ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CD_PROC_ITM141Cross-Docking Process: Item InformationCross-Application Topics
3078ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CD_SOURCE41Source Plants for Contract PackagersCross-Application Topics
3079ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CD_STKEEP51Relationship Between CD Plants and Storage LocationsCross-Application Topics
3080ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CTRL_FUNCM41Switch matrix for the SPE control functionsCross-Application Topics
3081ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CTRL_FUNCMT51text table for the SPE control functions matrixCross-Application Topics
3082ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CTRL_FUNCS11SPE control functionsCross-Application Topics
3083ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CTRL_FUNCST31Text table for the SPE control functionsCross-Application Topics
3084ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CTRL_SW61Enable SAP SolutionCross-Application Topics
3085ERP EHP76.0/SPE/DELTA_DELV141Delta Tool: Results of delivery comparisonCross-Application Topics
3086ERP EHP76.0/SPE/EWM_COMM_Q51Default settings for the queue communication to EWMCross-Application Topics
3087ERP EHP76.0/SPE/RFC_IF_LOC31Local counterparts for RFC function modulesCross-Application Topics
3088ERP EHP76.0/SPE/SRFC_IF_LOC21Local Counterparts for RFC Function Modules (System Table)Cross-Application Topics
3089ERP EHP76.0/SPE/TPOP_EMAIL51Storing server settings for sending E-Mail via SMTP protocolCross-Application Topics
3090ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_QUEUE_LOG31Configure logging of queues messagesCross-Application Topics
3091ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_WME_QUEUE61Configuration of Q-RFC communication to EWMCross-Application Topics
Logistics - General :: Service Parts Management :: Goods Issue Process
3092ERP EHP76.0/SPE/COMM_DATA61Logged Communication Data between ERP and EWMGoods Issue Process
3093ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CRMD_PO_MAP72Correlation Table Third Party PO <-> CRM Sales OrderGoods Issue Process
3094ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CRMD_PR_MAP72Mapping Table Purchase Requisition <-> CRM Sales OrderGoods Issue Process
3095ERP EHP76.0/SPE/DLVRY_REC31Delivery Numbers Available for RecyclingGoods Issue Process
3096ERP EHP76.0/SPE/GI_RVRS_INV41Configure Goods Issue Cancellation BehaviorGoods Issue Process
3097ERP EHP76.0/SPE/HU_HEAD_EPC31Handling unit EPC dataGoods Issue Process
3098ERP EHP76.0/SPE/HU_ITEM_EPC52Handling unit EPC dataGoods Issue Process
3099ERP EHP76.0/SPE/HU_UPDATE61SPE Handling Unit Update from WME to ERPGoods Issue Process
3100ERP EHP76.0/SPE/IBGI_IND41Customizing for Invoice Before Goods Issue relevanceGoods Issue Process
3101ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_0151Handling Unit Lock Structure - with VENUMGoods Issue Process
3102ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_0231Handling Unit Lock Structure - w/o venumGoods Issue Process
3103ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_0331Handling Unit Item Lock StructureGoods Issue Process
3104ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_0441Handling Unit Item Lock Structure - with VENUM_SUBGoods Issue Process
3105ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_0531Handling Unit Item Lock Structure - with VENUM_SUBGoods Issue Process
3106ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_1131Handling Unit Lock Structure - with Handle of Inbound HUGoods Issue Process
3107ERP EHP76.0/SPE/XHU_LOCK_1221Handling Unit Lock Structure - w/o Handle of Inbound HUGoods Issue Process
Logistics - General :: Service Parts Management :: Goods Receipt Process
3108ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CLS_FCTR41Replaceable classes in the class factory for the customersGoods Receipt Process
3109ERP EHP76.0/SPE/CLS_FCTR_C41Replaceable classes in the class factory for the customersGoods Receipt Process
3110ERP EHP76.0/SPE/INB_ID_LINK42Link Table for Inbound DeliveriesGoods Receipt Process
3111ERP EHP76.0/SPE/INB_OFFSET41Purge Offset in Days for WarehouseGoods Receipt Process
3112ERP EHP76.0/SPE/MSG_RULES91Message Filter RulesGoods Receipt Process
3113ERP EHP76.0/SPE/MSG_RULEST71Text Table for Message Filter RulesGoods Receipt Process
3114ERP EHP76.0/SPE/SYSTYPE_S11Table for Combination of SysType, Release and Com.TypeGoods Receipt Process
3115ERP EHP76.0/SPE/VAL_CNTLSYS61Validation ControlGoods Receipt Process
3116ERP EHP76.0/SPE/VAL_CONTROL71Validation ControlGoods Receipt Process
3117ERP EHP76.0/SPE/VAL_PROFL21Validation ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3118ERP EHP76.0/SPE/VAL_PROFL_T41Validation Profile: TextsGoods Receipt Process
3119ERP EHP76.0/SPE/VAL_ROUTINE61Assign Validation and Error Routines to ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3120ERP EHP76.0BORGR_DIALOG_CFG241User-Specific Configuration: Multi-Level Goods ReceiptGoods Receipt Process
3121ERP EHP76.0BORGR_DIALOG_PRO111Configuration of Multi-Level Goods Receipt per ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3122ERP EHP76.0BORGR_DIALOG_T41Profile Texts: Configuration of Multi-Level Goods ReceiptGoods Receipt Process
3123ERP EHP76.0BORGR_EVENTS41Table for Dialog Sychronization Two-Step GR AutomotiveGoods Receipt Process
3124ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FCODE31Inb. Del. Tracking: Internal Error Codes for Dialog ControlGoods Receipt Process
3125ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FCODE_FUNC41Inbound Delivery Tracking: Assignment ECode to User FunctionGoods Receipt Process
3126ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FCODE_KEY41Inb. Del. Tracking: Assignment ECode Status to ECode Intern.Goods Receipt Process
3127ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FCODE_KEYT61BOR: Text Table for Assignment Status-Ecodes - int. ECodeGoods Receipt Process
3128ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FILTER_PRO131Bordero: Filter ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3129ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FILTER_T41Bordero Filter Profiles: TextsGoods Receipt Process
3130ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FUNC61Inbound Delivery Tracking: User FunctionsGoods Receipt Process
3131ERP EHP76.0BORGR_FUNCT42Inbound Delivery Tracking: Texts for User FunctionsGoods Receipt Process
3132ERP EHP76.0BORGR_GROUP_PROF41Goods Receipt Automotive: Profiles for User GroupGoods Receipt Process
3133ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFCODE101Inbound Delivery Tracking: Functions of a ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3134ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFCODE_H21Bordero: Functions of Profile Header TableGoods Receipt Process
3135ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFCODE_T41Bordero Functions of Profile Header Table: TextsGoods Receipt Process
3136ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFILE471Goods Receipt Automotive: ProfilesGoods Receipt Process
3137ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFILET41Goods Receipt Automotive: Descriptions for ProfilesGoods Receipt Process
3138ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFOBJ511Inbound Delivery Tracking: Subscreens of ObjectsGoods Receipt Process
3139ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFOBJ_H21Border Subscreens of Objects Header TableGoods Receipt Process
3140ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROFOBJ_T41Bordero Subscreens of Objects Header Table: TextsGoods Receipt Process
3141ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROF_SEL91Goods Receipt Automotive: Selection Conditions in ProfileGoods Receipt Process
3142ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROF_SEL_H31Bordero: Header Table for Selection ConditionsGoods Receipt Process
3143ERP EHP76.0BORGR_PROF_SEL_T41Bordero: Header Table for Selection Conditions: TextsGoods Receipt Process
3144ERP EHP76.0BORGR_TREE_COL31Bordero: Profiles for Columns in TreeGoods Receipt Process
3145ERP EHP76.0BORGR_TREE_COLFD81Bordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - FieldsGoods Receipt Process
3146ERP EHP76.0BORGR_TREE_COLT51Bordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - TextsGoods Receipt Process
3147ERP EHP76.0BORGR_TREE_COL_H21Bordero Profiles for Columns in Tree Header TableGoods Receipt Process
3148ERP EHP76.0BORGR_TREE_COL_T41Bordero Profiles for Columns in Tree Header Table: TEXTSGoods Receipt Process
3149ERP EHP76.0BORGR_UGROUP21User Groups Goods Receipt Dialog AutomotiveGoods Receipt Process
3150ERP EHP76.0BORGR_UGROUPT41User Groups Goods Receipt Dialog AutomotiveGoods Receipt Process
3151ERP EHP76.0BORGR_USR_GROUP51Goods Receipt Automotive: Groups for UserGoods Receipt Process
3152ERP EHP76.0BORGR_VTTP_NOEX82New inbound deliveries with referencesGoods Receipt Process
3153ERP EHP76.0LIPS_REFERENCE62References for Delivery ItemGoods Receipt Process
3154ERP EHP76.0T163Q81Profile: Quantity Differences Shipping Notif./Inb. DeliveryGoods Receipt Process
Logistics - General :: Service Parts Management :: Stock Transfers
3155ERP EHP76.0/SPE/EXCP_REAS51Mapping Table (Reason Code ERP to Exception Code EWM)Stock Transfers
3156ERP EHP76.0/SPE/POD_STL31Special Storage Location Used for Stock Tr. Discr. HandlingStock Transfers
3157ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_DELV_AUTO41SPE: Automatic Creation of Replenishment DeliveriesStock Transfers
3158ERP EHP76.0/SPE/T_SRCSTKTYP51Display of source stock typeStock Transfers
Logistics - General :: Supply Chain Planning Interfaces SCPI :: Auto-ID Backend Integration
3159ERP EHP76.0AIDARCH241Obsolete: Auto-ID Infrastructure ArchivingAuto-ID Backend Integration
3160ERP EHP76.0AIDARCI161Obsolete: Auto-ID Infrastructure Archiving ItemsAuto-ID Backend Integration
3161ERP EHP76.0AIDEPCDTL85Obsolite: EPC DetailsAuto-ID Backend Integration
3162ERP EHP76.0AIDEPCREF118Obsolite: EPC ReferenceAuto-ID Backend Integration
3163ERP EHP76.0AIDIDDATA51AII: ID Detailed StructureAuto-ID Backend Integration
3164ERP EHP76.0AIDLOG233Auto-ID Infrastructure Log TableAuto-ID Backend Integration
3165ERP EHP76.0AIDNRNG61EPC Number Range CustomizingAuto-ID Backend Integration
3166ERP EHP76.0AIDOTTY71Auto-ID Output TypesAuto-ID Backend Integration
3167ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_ACTVER21EPC Tag Data Standards Active Version TableAuto-ID Backend Integration
3168ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_PREFIX41Company Prefix and PartitionAuto-ID Backend Integration
3169ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_PRTTN81PartitionsAuto-ID Backend Integration
3170ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_TYPE61Header and URI FormatAuto-ID Backend Integration
3171ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_VER21EPC Tag Data Standards Version TableAuto-ID Backend Integration
3172ERP EHP76.0AIN_TEPC_VERT41Text: EPC Tag Data Standards Version TableAuto-ID Backend Integration
3173ERP EHP76.0AIN_TID_CONV21Conversion Table: ASCII <-> Binary for Cage CodeAuto-ID Backend Integration
Logistics - General :: Supply Chain Planning Interfaces SCPI :: Production Optimization Interface POI
3174ERP EHP76.0CLOIDOWNLPROT101POI: Times/Dates of the last download to a log. SystemProduction Optimization Interface POI
3175ERP EHP76.0CLOI_MODEL_MAT61Material of planned model, sent by POIProduction Optimization Interface POI
3176ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MLG81General logical model dataProduction Optimization Interface POI
3177ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MLS41General model data for SOPProduction Optimization Interface POI
3178ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MOD91Contains all supply chain planning modelsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3179ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MODT51Texts for modelsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3180ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MRPFLAGS41Flags that control CBMRP planningProduction Optimization Interface POI
3181ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MSV31SOP versionsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3182ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MTG51General technical model dataProduction Optimization Interface POI
3183ERP EHP76.0TCBP_MTV81Version specific dataProduction Optimization Interface POI
3184ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PARDEF61Planning ParametersProduction Optimization Interface POI
3185ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PLACT21Contains the definition of planning actionsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3186ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PLACTT41Texts for planning actionsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3187ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PLCONF71Planning configuration definition tableProduction Optimization Interface POI
3188ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PLIST41CBP Planning ListProduction Optimization Interface POI
3189ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PLSTEPS41Contains the definition of planning action stepsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3190ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PROBCAT21Problem CategoriesProduction Optimization Interface POI
3191ERP EHP76.0TCBP_PROBCATT41Texts for problem categoriesProduction Optimization Interface POI
3192ERP EHP76.0TCBP_SOPROF91Supply Chain Planning Interface Profile TableProduction Optimization Interface POI
3193ERP EHP76.0TCBP_SOPROFT41Texts for SCPI Planning ProfileProduction Optimization Interface POI
3194ERP EHP76.0TCBP_SYS31List of active systemsProduction Optimization Interface POI
3195ERP EHP76.0TCLOI131Usage Filter for Task List SelectionProduction Optimization Interface POI
3196ERP EHP76.0TCLOI1041Control key definition for POI DownloadProduction Optimization Interface POI
3197ERP EHP76.0TCLOI231Status Filter for Task List SelectionProduction Optimization Interface POI
3198ERP EHP76.0TCLOI331Usage Filter for BOM SelectionProduction Optimization Interface POI
3199ERP EHP76.0TCLOI431Status Filter for BOM SelectionProduction Optimization Interface POI
3200ERP EHP76.0TCLOI531Method for Planned Order Selection by Work CentersProduction Optimization Interface POI
3201ERP EHP76.0TCLOI641Target System with Destination and Function for Data UploadProduction Optimization Interface POI
3202ERP EHP76.0TCLOI6T41Text table for TCLOI6Production Optimization Interface POI
3203ERP EHP76.0TCLOI7101Define general parameters for data transferProduction Optimization Interface POI
3204ERP EHP76.0TCLOI831Capacity version for download of available capacityProduction Optimization Interface POI
3205ERP EHP76.0TCLOI941Selection profile for orders / operationsProduction Optimization Interface POI
Logistics - General :: Variant Configuration :: Configuration Profile
3206ERP EHP76.0CUVCPR_ID_INT62Conversion: internal ID for configuration profileConfiguration Profile
Logistics - General :: Variant Configuration :: Engineering Configuration Order BOM
3207ERP EHP76.0CUOBOM_CHANGE122Manually Changed Items in the Order BOMEngineering Configuration Order BOM
Logistics - General :: Variant Configuration :: IPC Adapter
3208ERP EHP76.0CUCFGSW61Configurable Objects with IPC as configuration engineIPC Adapter
3209ERP EHP76.0TCUUISCEN41XCM scenarios for calling IPC UIIPC Adapter
Logistics - General :: Variant Configuration :: LO Integration
3210ERP EHP76.0CURTO_FOCUS_CHG173Change Pointer for Order/WBS BOM for PDS TransferLO Integration
3211ERP EHP76.0CURTO_PDS_CHG193Change Pointer for Production Data StructureLO Integration
Logistics - General :: Global Trade :: Trading Contract :: Variant Configuration
3212ERP EHP76.0TB2B_VC_A61Configurability of Item Categories in Trading ContractVariant Configuration
3213ERP EHP76.0TB2B_VC_B41Configuration in TC: Fields That Can Be Changed ManuallyVariant Configuration
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Assortment :: Assortment List
3214ERP EHP76.0TWBB61Assortment list typeAssortment List
3215ERP EHP76.0TWBBM61Assort.list, logistic qty controlAssortment List
3216ERP EHP76.0TWBBP281Assortment list profile dataAssortment List
3217ERP EHP76.0TWBBT41Texts for table TWBBAssortment List
3218ERP EHP76.0TWBP21Assortment list profileAssortment List
3219ERP EHP76.0TWBPT41Assortment list profile descriptionAssortment List
3220ERP EHP76.0WBBCUSO111Assortment List Parameters for Specific OptimizationAssortment List
3221ERP EHP76.0WBBH291Assortment list headerAssortment List
3222ERP EHP76.0WBBL171Assort. list control breakAssortment List
3223ERP EHP76.0WBBP151Assortment list itemAssortment List
3224ERP EHP76.0WBBSTORE61Assortment List Job PlanningAssortment List
3225ERP EHP76.0WBB_MIDOC71Assortment List: Header For Merged IDocsAssortment List
3226ERP EHP76.0WBB_MIG21Assortment List MigrationAssortment List
3227ERP EHP76.0WBB_SAVE1101Save Changed Assortment List Objects TemporarilyAssortment List
3228ERP EHP76.0WBB_SAVE2361Temporary Assortment List Objects: Store-SpecificAssortment List
3229ERP EHP76.0WBB_SAVE3141Temporary Assortment List Objects: AL Type and CheckAssortment List
3230ERP EHP76.0WBB_SAVE451Packet Number for Cancelled Packets (Assortment List)Assortment List
3231ERP EHP76.0WBB_SAVE_ID51Assortment List ID for Saving Changed ObjectsAssortment List
3232ERP EHP76.0WDLS182POS outbound log: Status of data preparationAssortment List
3233ERP EHP76.0WDLSO51POS outbound log: object with errorsAssortment List
3234ERP EHP76.0WDLSP181POS outbound log: IDoc (items)Assortment List
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Assortment :: Assortment Maintenance
3235ERP EHP76.0T6WP181Check table, supply source entryAssortment Maintenance
3236ERP EHP76.0T6WP1T41Check table, supply source entryAssortment Maintenance
3237ERP EHP76.0T6WP251Check table, supply source keys (no longer used)Assortment Maintenance
3238ERP EHP76.0T6WP2T41Check table, supply source keysAssortment Maintenance
3239ERP EHP76.0T6WSA21Categories of seasonal materialsAssortment Maintenance
3240ERP EHP76.0T6WSAT41Texts for seasonal material categoriesAssortment Maintenance
3241ERP EHP76.0T6WSP91Check Table for Season IndicatorAssortment Maintenance
3242ERP EHP76.0T6WST41Texts to describe season indicatorsAssortment Maintenance
3243ERP EHP76.0TMET21Unit of measure categoriesAssortment Maintenance
3244ERP EHP76.0TMETT41Description for unit of measure categoriesAssortment Maintenance
3245ERP EHP76.0TWGF21Area schemaAssortment Maintenance
3246ERP EHP76.0TWGFT41Descriptions for area shareAssortment Maintenance
3247ERP EHP76.0TWGR71Size interval to calculation factor assignmentAssortment Maintenance
3248ERP EHP76.0TWLAG21Listing algorithmAssortment Maintenance
3249ERP EHP76.0TWLAT41Texts for listing algorithmsAssortment Maintenance
3250ERP EHP76.0TWLV341Listing procedure, assortmentsAssortment Maintenance
3251ERP EHP76.0TWLVT41Listing procedure IS-R / textsAssortment Maintenance
3252ERP EHP76.0TWLWR231Assortment grade rulesAssortment Maintenance
3253ERP EHP76.0TWML71Layout moduleAssortment Maintenance
3254ERP EHP76.0TWMLT41Layout module descriptionsAssortment Maintenance
3255ERP EHP76.0TWPA551General Parameters for Retail ControlAssortment Maintenance
3256ERP EHP76.0TWPDO51Assignment of retail message to PD org. objectAssortment Maintenance
3257ERP EHP76.0TWPT21Price band categoriesAssortment Maintenance
3258ERP EHP76.0TWPTT41Text: price band categoryAssortment Maintenance
3259ERP EHP76.0TWRV21Return agreements IS-RAssortment Maintenance
3260ERP EHP76.0TWRVT41Texts: return agreementAssortment Maintenance
3261ERP EHP76.0TWSAI161(Annual) SeasonsAssortment Maintenance
3262ERP EHP76.0TWSAJ171Annual seasons (distribution chain-specific)Assortment Maintenance
3263ERP EHP76.0TWSF31Subsequent processing procedure for material discontinuationAssortment Maintenance
3264ERP EHP76.0TWSFT41Subs. processing procedure (material discontinuation)/textsAssortment Maintenance
3265ERP EHP76.0TWSG21Service level IS-R (Info for assortment list)Assortment Maintenance
3266ERP EHP76.0TWSGT41Text: service level IS-RAssortment Maintenance
3267ERP EHP76.0TWSP31Assortment priorities IS-RAssortment Maintenance
3268ERP EHP76.0TWSPT41Assortment priorities IS-R / textsAssortment Maintenance
3269ERP EHP76.0TWSS21Assortment grade IS-RAssortment Maintenance
3270ERP EHP76.0TWSSO231Space management profileAssortment Maintenance
3271ERP EHP76.0TWSSOT41Space management profile descriptionAssortment Maintenance
3272ERP EHP76.0TWSST41Assortment grade IS-R / textsAssortment Maintenance
3273ERP EHP76.0TWSV21Service agreement IS-RAssortment Maintenance
3274ERP EHP76.0TWSVT41Text: service agreement in retailAssortment Maintenance
3275ERP EHP76.0TWSZ41Subsequent processing for errors in material discontinuationAssortment Maintenance
3276ERP EHP76.0TWWV51Layout area / area shareAssortment Maintenance
3277ERP EHP76.0WLISTPROT51Logging of listing activitiesAssortment Maintenance
3278ERP EHP76.0WLK1194Listing Conditions SAP Retail AssortmentsAssortment Maintenance
3279ERP EHP76.0WLK11183Listing Conditions SAP Retail / Folder per Distrib. ChainAssortment Maintenance
3280ERP EHP76.0WLMV71Validity and Status of Layout Module VersionsAssortment Maintenance
3281ERP EHP76.0WLVA51Assignment Table for Layout Module Variants for StoresAssortment Maintenance
3282ERP EHP76.0WREFA41Assigning Plants to Reference PlantsAssortment Maintenance
3283ERP EHP76.0WRFST_DIM21Assortment DimensionsAssortment Maintenance
3284ERP EHP76.0WRFST_DIMT41Texts for Assortment DimensionsAssortment Maintenance
3285ERP EHP76.0WRFST_DIMVAL31Permitted Values for Assortment DimensionsAssortment Maintenance
3286ERP EHP76.0WRFST_DIMVALT51Texts for Values of Assortment DimensionsAssortment Maintenance
3287ERP EHP76.0WRFST_TYP81Assortment TypesAssortment Maintenance
3288ERP EHP76.0WRFST_TYPT41Texts for Assortment TypesAssortment Maintenance
3289ERP EHP76.0WRF_ASORT_CREA31Assign Attachment Mode to Number Range AssortmentsAssortment Maintenance
3290ERP EHP76.0WRF_ASORT_CREA_T51Text Table Assignment Creation Mode for No. Range AssortmentAssortment Maintenance
3291ERP EHP76.0WRF_WRS1_DEL31Deletion Table for AssortmentsAssortment Maintenance
3292ERP EHP76.0WRF_WRSZ_DEL51Deletion Table for Assortment AssignmentsAssortment Maintenance
3293ERP EHP76.0WRS1255AssortmentAssortment Maintenance
3294ERP EHP76.0WRS1_LAYCONV51Assortments Where Layout Listing Conditions Checked and ConvAssortment Maintenance
3295ERP EHP76.0WRS652Material groups in the assortmentAssortment Maintenance
3296ERP EHP76.0WRST41Assortment descriptionAssortment Maintenance
3297ERP EHP76.0WRSZ184Assignment of assortment user to assortmentAssortment Maintenance
3298ERP EHP76.0WSOF113Module Assignment (SAP Retail) to PlantsAssortment Maintenance
3299ERP EHP76.0WSOH267Assortment Modules SAP RetailAssortment Maintenance
3300ERP EHP76.0WSOJOB91Definition of Jobs for Assigning a Plant to an AssortmentAssortment Maintenance
3301ERP EHP76.0WSOJOBMAP131MAP: Temporary Listing Table from PlanningAssortment Maintenance
3302ERP EHP76.0WSOJOBP61Item Data for Updating a JobAssortment Maintenance
3303ERP EHP76.0WSOK51Assortment objectsAssortment Maintenance
3304ERP EHP76.0WSOP173Modules SAP Retail / Item DataAssortment Maintenance
3305ERP EHP76.0WSORP71Control Parameters for Assortments and ListingAssortment Maintenance
3306ERP EHP76.0WSOT41SAP Retail Modules - DescriptionsAssortment Maintenance
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Business Partners :: Customer Master
3307ERP EHP76.0CRMCLASSIF31Account Groups in Replication into R/3Customer Master
3308ERP EHP76.0CRMKNVVFIL21Indicator: Completely Filter Customer Data Relating to KNVVCustomer Master
3309ERP EHP76.0CRMKTOKD51Assign Classification and Grouping R/3 Account GroupsCustomer Master
3310ERP EHP76.0CRMKUNNR32Mapping Table Business Partner - CustomerCustomer Master
3311ERP EHP76.0CRMPARNR43Mapping Table Business Partner Relationship - Contact PersonCustomer Master
3312ERP EHP76.0CRMTEXTID52Mapping of Text IDs Between R/3 and CRMCustomer Master
3313ERP EHP76.0DUEFL_TAB21Fixing of Source Status or DUEFL at Pre Step TimeCustomer Master
3314ERP EHP76.0KNA11949General Data in Customer MasterCustomer Master
3315ERP EHP76.0KNVA391Customer Master Unloading PointsCustomer Master
3316ERP EHP76.0KNVK753Customer Master Contact PartnerCustomer Master
3317ERP EHP76.0KNVV882Customer Master Sales DataCustomer Master
3318ERP EHP76.0T686D41Contact Person: Responsibilities in SD: TextsCustomer Master
3319ERP EHP76.0TB070T_CM51Tax Classification: Tax Types per Country, NamesCustomer Master
3320ERP EHP76.0TB070_CM51Tax Classification: Tax Types per CountryCustomer Master
3321ERP EHP76.0TB071_CM61Tax Classification: Assignment of Tax Groups to Tax TypesCustomer Master
3322ERP EHP76.0TB072_CM71Tax Classification: Mapping R/3 <-> CRMCustomer Master
3323ERP EHP76.0TB077_CM42Assignment of R/3 Field to CRM Tax TypeCustomer Master
3324ERP EHP76.0TB078_CM51Assignment of R/3 Field Value to CRM Tax GroupCustomer Master
3325ERP EHP76.0TBRC21Industry Code (Customer Master)Customer Master
3326ERP EHP76.0TBRCT41Industry code text (customer master)Customer Master
3327ERP EHP76.0TCONV_ADR111Conversion of Old Address Fields to CAM Address FieldsCustomer Master
3328ERP EHP76.0TKUNDEBUKRS31Reference Customer per Company Code (Consumer Master)Customer Master
3329ERP EHP76.0TKUNDEVTBER51Reference Customer per Sales Area (Consumer Master)Customer Master
3330ERP EHP76.0TSAVX21Assignment of Key to Tables TSAV and TSADVCustomer Master
3331ERP EHP76.0TVBO21Sales Rebate GroupsCustomer Master
3332ERP EHP76.0TVBOT41Sales Rebate Groups: TextsCustomer Master
3333ERP EHP76.0TVGF21Legal Status (Customer Master)Customer Master
3334ERP EHP76.0TVGFT41Legal status text (customer master)Customer Master
3335ERP EHP76.0TVIP31Contact Person: VIP IndicatorCustomer Master
3336ERP EHP76.0TVIPT41Contact Person: Texts for the VIP codeCustomer Master
3337ERP EHP76.0TVK021Attribute 10 (customer master)Customer Master
3338ERP EHP76.0TVK0T41Attribute 10 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3339ERP EHP76.0TVK121Attribute 1 (customer master)Customer Master
3340ERP EHP76.0TVK1T41Attribute 1 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3341ERP EHP76.0TVK221Attribute 2 (customer master)Customer Master
3342ERP EHP76.0TVK2T41Atribute 2 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3343ERP EHP76.0TVK321Attribute 3 (customer master)Customer Master
3344ERP EHP76.0TVK3T41Attribute 3 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3345ERP EHP76.0TVK421Attribute 4 (customer master)Customer Master
3346ERP EHP76.0TVK4T41Attribute 4 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3347ERP EHP76.0TVK521Attribute 5 (customer master)Customer Master
3348ERP EHP76.0TVK5T41Attribute 5 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3349ERP EHP76.0TVK621Attribute 6 (customer master)Customer Master
3350ERP EHP76.0TVK6T41Attribute 6 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3351ERP EHP76.0TVK721Attribute 7 (customer master)Customer Master
3352ERP EHP76.0TVK7T41Attribute 7 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3353ERP EHP76.0TVK821Attribute 8 (customer master)Customer Master
3354ERP EHP76.0TVK8T41Attribute 8 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3355ERP EHP76.0TVK921Attribute 9 (customer master)Customer Master
3356ERP EHP76.0TVK9T41Attribute 9 texts (customer master)Customer Master
3357ERP EHP76.0TVKGG21Customer Condition Groups (Customer Master)Customer Master
3358ERP EHP76.0TVKGGT41Texts for Customer Condition Groups (Customer Master)Customer Master
3359ERP EHP76.0TVKP51Reference Customer Determination for Consumer(s)Customer Master
3360ERP EHP76.0TVMS221Materials: Status in Sales and DistributionCustomer Master
3361ERP EHP76.0TVMST41Materials: SD Status: TextsCustomer Master
3362ERP EHP76.0TVPH21Contact Person: HobbiesCustomer Master
3363ERP EHP76.0TVPHT41Contact Person Hobbies: TextsCustomer Master
3364ERP EHP76.0TVPR21Commission GroupsCustomer Master
3365ERP EHP76.0TVPRT41Commission Group TextsCustomer Master
3366ERP EHP76.0TVPV31Contact Person: Decision AuthorityCustomer Master
3367ERP EHP76.0TVPVT41Contact Person Decision Authority: TextsCustomer Master
3368ERP EHP76.0TVRL31Relevance of Bill of Material Items for SDCustomer Master
3369ERP EHP76.0TVRLT41Relevance of Bill of Material Items for SDCustomer Master
3370ERP EHP76.0TVSB21Shipping ConditionsCustomer Master
3371ERP EHP76.0TVSBT41Shipping Conditions: TextsCustomer Master
3372ERP EHP76.0TVWA301Customers: Goods receiving hours (default values)Customer Master
3373ERP EHP76.0TVWAT41Customers: Goods Receiving Hours: TextsCustomer Master
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Business Partners :: Vendor Master
3374ERP EHP76.0CDATA104Change DataVendor Master
3375ERP EHP76.0CRMKTOKK51Role Cat. and Grouping of R/3 Acct Group Assgmnt (for Later)Vendor Master
3376ERP EHP76.0CRMLIFNR32Mapping Table: Business Partner - VendorVendor Master
3377ERP EHP76.0CRMROLECAT41Account Groups in Replication into R/3Vendor Master
3378ERP EHP76.0ERP_VEND_APPLOG31Vendor API Application Log configurationVendor Master
3379ERP EHP76.0LFLR41Vendor Master Record: Supply RegionsVendor Master
3380ERP EHP76.0LFM1551Vendor master record purchasing organization dataVendor Master
3381ERP EHP76.0LFM2471Vendor Master Record: Purchasing DataVendor Master
3382ERP EHP76.0LFMH121Vendor hierarchyVendor Master
3383ERP EHP76.0PDTC_T_EBELN21Table for Storing Data TemporarilyVendor Master
3384ERP EHP76.0PDTC_T_MBLNR21Material Document NumberVendor Master
3385ERP EHP76.0PDTC_T_WE_MA31Table for Storing Data TemporarilyVendor Master
3386ERP EHP76.0TLHIOZ41Vendor hierarchy: allowed assignmentsVendor Master
3387ERP EHP76.0TLHIT31Vendor Hierarchy CategoryVendor Master
3388ERP EHP76.0TLHITT41Vendor hierarchy category (description)Vendor Master
3389ERP EHP76.0TLHIZU41Vendor hierarchy: allowed account groupsVendor Master
3390ERP EHP76.0TPAKL31Assignment of Partner Function to Account Group VendorVendor Master
3391ERP EHP76.0TWYAZ21Price Marking AgreementVendor Master
3392ERP EHP76.0TWYAZT41Price Marking AgreementVendor Master
3393ERP EHP76.0WYT151Vendor SubrangeVendor Master
3394ERP EHP76.0WYT1T51Vendor Sub-Range DescriptionVendor Master
3395ERP EHP76.0WYT261Vendor-dependent char. value conversionVendor Master
3396ERP EHP76.0WYT3131Partner FunctionsVendor Master
3397ERP EHP76.0WYT4101Operative ControlVendor Master
3398ERP EHP76.0WYT5251Changes to Vendor Master RecordVendor Master
3399ERP EHP76.0WYT631Characteristics for characteristic value conversionVendor Master
Logistics - General :: Logistics Basic Data :: Season :: Season Processing
3400ERP EHP76.0T6WFG21Degree of FashionSeason Processing
3401ERP EHP76.0T6WFGT41Degree of FashionSeason Processing
Logistics - General :: Product Data Management :: General Functions :: Product Structure Browser
3402ERP EHP76.0FILTER51General and Private FiltersProduct Structure Browser
3403ERP EHP76.0FILTERDEF191Operative Filter Entries for Product Structure BrowserProduct Structure Browser
3404ERP EHP76.0FILTERTEXT41Description of filter for Product Structure BrowserProduct Structure Browser
3405ERP EHP76.0TCPDM0151Function Enhancement in the Browser ToolbarProduct Structure Browser
3406ERP EHP76.0TCPDM01T31Function Enhancement in the Browser Toolbar - TextsProduct Structure Browser
3407ERP EHP76.0USRLISTPROFILE101Variable List Definition in PDM EnvironmentProduct Structure Browser
3408ERP EHP76.0USROBJECTS251Table of Previous Initial Object in Structure OverviewProduct Structure Browser
3409ERP EHP76.0USRPDM52User-Specific Data in the PDM EnvironmentProduct Structure Browser