SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

565 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques
1ERP EHP76.0TCMP81Header Table, Generic Comparison ToolCustomizing Tools Techniques
2ERP EHP76.0TCMP_DAT61Comparison Data, Generic Comparison ToolCustomizing Tools Techniques
3ERP EHP76.0TCMP_SUTY21Subobject Types, Generic Comparison ToolCustomizing Tools Techniques
4ERP EHP76.0TCMP_TYPE21Comparison Types, Generic Comparison ToolCustomizing Tools Techniques
5ERP EHP76.0TCTM_ATTR111Table of Attributes for Context ManagementCustomizing Tools Techniques
6ERP EHP76.0TCTM_ATTRT31Context Management Attribute NamesCustomizing Tools Techniques
7ERP EHP76.0TCTM_AT_PR31Context Object Type Attribute ProritiesCustomizing Tools Techniques
8ERP EHP76.0TCTM_AV_PR41Context Management Attribute Valuee PrioritiesCustomizing Tools Techniques
9ERP EHP76.0TCTM_COTY141Central Context Management Context Object TypesCustomizing Tools Techniques
10ERP EHP76.0TCTM_COTYT31Context Object Type NamesCustomizing Tools Techniques
11ERP EHP76.0TCTM_LCVAL91Validity Limits and Component PrioritiesCustomizing Tools Techniques
12ERP EHP76.0TCTM_LOOB21Central Context Management Logical ObjectsCustomizing Tools Techniques
13ERP EHP76.0TCTM_LPVAL81Validity Limits and Product PrioritiesCustomizing Tools Techniques
14ERP EHP76.0TCTM_PAAT41Additional Attributes for Physical ObjectsCustomizing Tools Techniques
15ERP EHP76.0TCTM_PCR51Component and Release Values for Physical ObjectsCustomizing Tools Techniques
16ERP EHP76.0TCTM_PHOB32Physical Objects in Central Context ManagementCustomizing Tools Techniques
17ERP EHP76.0TCTM_PPV41Product and Product Version Values for Physical ObjectsCustomizing Tools Techniques
18ERP EHP76.0ZC00131Conversion toolbox : list of autorizationCustomizing Tools Techniques
19ERP EHP76.0ZC00381Conversion setCustomizing Tools Techniques
20ERP EHP76.0ZC00571Backup for conversionCustomizing Tools Techniques
21ERP EHP76.0ZC00761Master data conversion : CorrespondanceCustomizing Tools Techniques
22ERP EHP76.0ZC00961Information for cityCustomizing Tools Techniques
23ERP EHP76.0ZC01031List of streets for franceCustomizing Tools Techniques
24ERP EHP76.0ZC01131Conversion toolbox : log table for mass convertCustomizing Tools Techniques
25ERP EHP76.0ZC01221Conversion toolbox : Exception tables for mass conversionCustomizing Tools Techniques
26ERP EHP76.0ZC01371Conversion toolbox : List of tablesCustomizing Tools Techniques
27ERP EHP76.0ZC014141Conversion toolbox : Fields & rulesCustomizing Tools Techniques
28ERP EHP76.0ZC01541Convertion toolbox Correspondance of account numberCustomizing Tools Techniques
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Business Configuration API SAP-internal
29ERP EHP76.0BCFG_D_CONT_LANG21contains language vector by container idBusiness Configuration API SAP-internal
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Business Configuration Sets
30ERP EHP76.0SCPRACPM143BC Sets: Activation Logs (Messages)Business Configuration Sets
31ERP EHP76.0SCPRACPP154BC Sets: Activation Logs (BC Set Names)Business Configuration Sets
32ERP EHP76.0SCPRACPR71BC Sets: Activation Logs (Activated Data Records)Business Configuration Sets
33ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTP61BC Set: Activated in local systemBusiness Configuration Sets
34ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTR112BC Set: Active records in Local SystemBusiness Configuration Sets
35ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTST81BC Sets: Activation StatusBusiness Configuration Sets
36ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTV21BC Sets: Activated in local system (old)Business Configuration Sets
37ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTW51BC Set: Active Values in Local SystemBusiness Configuration Sets
38ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTX71BC Set: Activated in local systemBusiness Configuration Sets
39ERP EHP76.0SCPRACTXL91BC Sets: Language-Dependent Activation Links for VariableBusiness Configuration Sets
40ERP EHP76.0SCPRATTR171BC Set: AttributesBusiness Configuration Sets
41ERP EHP76.0SCPRCCSV71BC Set: ValuesBusiness Configuration Sets
42ERP EHP76.0SCPRCOBJ61BC Set: Manually maintained cust. object tablesBusiness Configuration Sets
43ERP EHP76.0SCPRCSVV61BC Sets: Proposed Variable Values for Cross-System-ViewerBusiness Configuration Sets
44ERP EHP76.0SCPRDATA111BC Set: ValuesBusiness Configuration Sets
45ERP EHP76.0SCPRDATAC91BC Set: ValuesBusiness Configuration Sets
46ERP EHP76.0SCPRDOCU21BC Set: BC Set key document keysBusiness Configuration Sets
47ERP EHP76.0SCPRENTY11BC Set: Organizational unitsBusiness Configuration Sets
48ERP EHP76.0SCPREXCPT111BC Set: Control Table for ExceptionsBusiness Configuration Sets
49ERP EHP76.0SCPRFAVO41BC Sets: FavoritesBusiness Configuration Sets
50ERP EHP76.0SCPRFEAT11BC Set: Features in Exception HandlingBusiness Configuration Sets
51ERP EHP76.0SCPRFEATT31BC Set: Short Texts for Features in Exception HandlingBusiness Configuration Sets
52ERP EHP76.0SCPRFLAG21BC Sets: Specially flagged BC SetsBusiness Configuration Sets
53ERP EHP76.0SCPRFLDV61BC Set: Replace Field Text in Variable FieldsBusiness Configuration Sets
54ERP EHP76.0SCPRKEYS62BC Sets: Key at Database Table LevelBusiness Configuration Sets
55ERP EHP76.0SCPRMRPH71BC Sets in SFW: Migration Report Log HeaderBusiness Configuration Sets
56ERP EHP76.0SCPRMRPM231BC Sets in SFW: Migration Report MessagesBusiness Configuration Sets
57ERP EHP76.0SCPRPBUF21Buffer logs for outputBusiness Configuration Sets
58ERP EHP76.0SCPRPIMG21BC Set:Business Configuration Sets
59ERP EHP76.0SCPRPPRL41BC Sets: Hierarchical BC SetsBusiness Configuration Sets
60ERP EHP76.0SCPRRECA112BC Set: BC Set record attributesBusiness Configuration Sets
61ERP EHP76.0SCPRSACTBC62BC Sets: Assignment of Switch BC Sets to Activation ProcessBusiness Configuration Sets
62ERP EHP76.0SCPRSACTID71BC Sets: Activation Processes Switch BC SetsBusiness Configuration Sets
63ERP EHP76.0SCPRSALD111BC Sets: Client-Dependent Switch Activation LinksBusiness Configuration Sets
64ERP EHP76.0SCPRSALI101BC Sets: Client-Independent Switch Activation LinksBusiness Configuration Sets
65ERP EHP76.0SCPRSATTR171Switch BC Set: AttributesBusiness Configuration Sets
66ERP EHP76.0SCPRSEXACT41BC Sets: Exception Handling in Switch BC Set ActivationBusiness Configuration Sets
67ERP EHP76.0SCPRSEXPANDEDKEY41Recert SBCSets: Expanded tablekeys of rows for special casesBusiness Configuration Sets
68ERP EHP76.0SCPRSKEYS72BC Sets: Key at Database Table LevelBusiness Configuration Sets
69ERP EHP76.0SCPRSMLD91BC Sets: Client-Dependent Switch Modification LinksBusiness Configuration Sets
70ERP EHP76.0SCPRSMLI81BC Sets: Client-Independent Switch Modification LinksBusiness Configuration Sets
71ERP EHP76.0SCPRSPREDREL21Predecessor relations for switched BS-Sets with conflictsBusiness Configuration Sets
72ERP EHP76.0SCPRSRECA112Switch BC Set: BC Set Data Record AttributesBusiness Configuration Sets
73ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERT41Revert SBCSets: Contents of tables before BCSet activationBusiness Configuration Sets
74ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERTD51Revert SBCSets: Contents of tables before BCSet activationBusiness Configuration Sets
75ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERTI41Revert SBCSets: Contents of tables before BCSet activationBusiness Configuration Sets
76ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERTOWNER71Revert SBCSets: Which rows were touched by which BCSetBusiness Configuration Sets
77ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERTOWNRD82Revert SBCSets: Which rows were touched by which BCSetBusiness Configuration Sets
78ERP EHP76.0SCPRSREVERTOWNRI72Revert SBCSets: Which rows were touched by which BCSetBusiness Configuration Sets
79ERP EHP76.0SCPRSTAM11BC Set: Master data exception tableBusiness Configuration Sets
80ERP EHP76.0SCPRSTAT121BC Sets: Background view activation update statusBusiness Configuration Sets
81ERP EHP76.0SCPRSTEXT41Switch BC Set: Short TextsBusiness Configuration Sets
82ERP EHP76.0SCPRSTRANSP51Switch BC Sets: Transport Recording TablesBusiness Configuration Sets
83ERP EHP76.0SCPRSTRANSPT31Switch BC Sets: Transport Recording TablesBusiness Configuration Sets
84ERP EHP76.0SCPRSVALL81Switch BC Set: Values (Language-Dependent)Business Configuration Sets
85ERP EHP76.0SCPRSVALS71Switch BC Set: ValuesBusiness Configuration Sets
86ERP EHP76.0SCPRTEMP41BC Sets: Save temporary table data in DBBusiness Configuration Sets
87ERP EHP76.0SCPRTEXT41BC Set: Short textsBusiness Configuration Sets
88ERP EHP76.0SCPRUSRC21BC Set: Last User SW Componet EnteredBusiness Configuration Sets
89ERP EHP76.0SCPRUSRV41BC Set: Last variable entered per user (activ.)Business Configuration Sets
90ERP EHP76.0SCPRVALL81BC Set: Values (language-dependent)Business Configuration Sets
91ERP EHP76.0SCPRVALS71BC Set: ValuesBusiness Configuration Sets
92ERP EHP76.0SCPRVVAR31BC Set: Assignment activity, view --> view variantBusiness Configuration Sets
93ERP EHP76.0SCPRXTAB11BC Set: Tables unsuitable for BC SetsBusiness Configuration Sets
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Business Navigator
94ERP EHP76.0BMTNODE01379Structure repository for process model objects: Node tableBusiness Navigator
95ERP EHP76.0BMTNODE01R173Structure repository for process model objects: ReferencesBusiness Navigator
96ERP EHP76.0BMTNODE01T73Structure Repository for Process Model Objects: Node NamesBusiness Navigator
97ERP EHP76.0DF03L192EventsBusiness Navigator
98ERP EHP76.0DF03T62Event descriptionsBusiness Navigator
99ERP EHP76.0DF04L394Software Modules/FunctionsBusiness Navigator
100ERP EHP76.0DF04T62Function descriptionBusiness Navigator
101ERP EHP76.0DF06L152Information flowBusiness Navigator
102ERP EHP76.0DF06T41Information Flow NamesBusiness Navigator
103ERP EHP76.0DF07L153Object TypesBusiness Navigator
104ERP EHP76.0DF07T41Object Type NamesBusiness Navigator
105ERP EHP76.0DF08L112ALE MessagesBusiness Navigator
106ERP EHP76.0DF08T41Message NamesBusiness Navigator
107ERP EHP76.0DF10L154ALE Message FlowsBusiness Navigator
108ERP EHP76.0DF10T41Message Flow NamesBusiness Navigator
109ERP EHP76.0DF11L123Scenario ProcessesBusiness Navigator
110ERP EHP76.0DF11T51Scenario NamesBusiness Navigator
111ERP EHP76.0DF12L143Organizational UnitsBusiness Navigator
112ERP EHP76.0DF12T51Organization Unit NamesBusiness Navigator
113ERP EHP76.0DF13L122Enterprise areasBusiness Navigator
114ERP EHP76.0DF13T41Enterprise Area NamesBusiness Navigator
115ERP EHP76.0DF14A32Application Components: Data for SAP ApplicationsBusiness Navigator
116ERP EHP76.0DF14L254Application ComponentsBusiness Navigator
117ERP EHP76.0DF14T52Business Application Component NamesBusiness Navigator
118ERP EHP76.0DF15L112Communication RelationshipsBusiness Navigator
119ERP EHP76.0DF15T41Communications Flow NamesBusiness Navigator
120ERP EHP76.0DF16L172GroupsBusiness Navigator
121ERP EHP76.0DF16T52Group namesBusiness Navigator
122ERP EHP76.0DF17L121Any BE object with no specific attributesBusiness Navigator
123ERP EHP76.0DF17T42Event descriptionsBusiness Navigator
124ERP EHP76.0DF18L131Collaborative Business ScenarioBusiness Navigator
125ERP EHP76.0DF18T62Collaborative Business Scenario: DescriptionBusiness Navigator
126ERP EHP76.0DF30S62Object RelationshipsBusiness Navigator
127ERP EHP76.0DF31S31Component dependenciesBusiness Navigator
128ERP EHP76.0DF32S151Assignment of IMG chapters to functionsBusiness Navigator
129ERP EHP76.0DF33S163Customizing assignment to modelingBusiness Navigator
130ERP EHP76.0DF34S61Documentation assignmentsBusiness Navigator
131ERP EHP76.0DF35S81Assignment of Customizing to modeling objectsBusiness Navigator
132ERP EHP76.0DF36S61Deselected assignments of Customizing to modeling objectsBusiness Navigator
133ERP EHP76.0DF40D283Diagam Management InformationBusiness Navigator
134ERP EHP76.0DF41S163NodesBusiness Navigator
135ERP EHP76.0DF42S151LinksBusiness Navigator
136ERP EHP76.0DF43S81Link pointsBusiness Navigator
137ERP EHP76.0DF50D165Variant diagram radio buttonBusiness Navigator
138ERP EHP76.0DF50L181VariantsBusiness Navigator
139ERP EHP76.0DF50O51Variant objectsBusiness Navigator
140ERP EHP76.0DF50T41Variant descriptionsBusiness Navigator
141ERP EHP76.0DF52A41Filter Action LogBusiness Navigator
142ERP EHP76.0DF52L161FilterBusiness Navigator
143ERP EHP76.0DF52T51Filter namesBusiness Navigator
144ERP EHP76.0DF53S93Active variant on variant nodeBusiness Navigator
145ERP EHP76.0DF54S101Active nodes for a variantBusiness Navigator
146ERP EHP76.0DF55L335VariantsBusiness Navigator
147ERP EHP76.0DF55T83Variant nameBusiness Navigator
148ERP EHP76.0DF62S51ID mapping table LM/BEBusiness Navigator
149ERP EHP76.0DF63S41Business Browser Web ServerBusiness Navigator
150ERP EHP76.0DFBNT41Business Navigator WEB TextpoolBusiness Navigator
151ERP EHP76.0DFDOC51Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folderBusiness Navigator
152ERP EHP76.0DFMLH61Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folderBusiness Navigator
153ERP EHP76.0DFMLO71Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folderBusiness Navigator
154ERP EHP76.0DFPRX51Number prefixesBusiness Navigator
155ERP EHP76.0DFTNODE01378Structure repository for process model objects: Node tableBusiness Navigator
156ERP EHP76.0DFTNODE01R173Structure repository for process model objects: ReferencesBusiness Navigator
157ERP EHP76.0DFTNODE01T73Structure Repository for Process Model Objects: Node NamesBusiness Navigator
158ERP EHP76.0TFM04131Function Long NameBusiness Navigator
159ERP EHP76.0TFM1471Hierarchy - Short and Long NameBusiness Navigator
160ERP EHP76.0TFM1841Assignment of functions to IMG chaptersBusiness Navigator
161ERP EHP76.0TFM18X31Assignment of IMG chapters to functionsBusiness Navigator
162ERP EHP76.0TSTATF41Customizing project related data for FunctionBusiness Navigator
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Cross-System Tools
163ERP EHP76.0CMPOBJ201Customizing Comparison: Object DescriptionCross-System Tools
164ERP EHP76.0CMPPARAM61Customizing Comparison: Parameter SettingsCross-System Tools
165ERP EHP76.0CMPWL351Customizing Comparison: Worklist ItemsCross-System Tools
166ERP EHP76.0CMPWLE91Customizing Comparison: Exception List (SAP)Cross-System Tools
167ERP EHP76.0CMPWLEC91Customizing Comparison: Exception List (Customer)Cross-System Tools
168ERP EHP76.0CMPWLH411Customizing Comparison: Worklist HeaderCross-System Tools
169ERP EHP76.0CMPWLIMP51Customizing Comparison: Worklist ImportsCross-System Tools
170ERP EHP76.0CMPWLK81Customizing Comparison: Keys of Worklist ItemsCross-System Tools
171ERP EHP76.0CMP_EXCEPT61Comparison Tools Exception Table (will be deleted)Cross-System Tools
172ERP EHP76.0CMP_RUNS261Comparisons (will be deleted)Cross-System Tools
173ERP EHP76.0MCOBJECTS151Multiple Client Analysis: Object ListCross-System Tools
174ERP EHP76.0MCSTATLIST211Multiple Client Analysis: Status ListCross-System Tools
175ERP EHP76.0SCDTCMPDEF21Technical Deschription of the Logical ComponentsCross-System Tools
176ERP EHP76.0SCDTCOMP11Supported ComponentsCross-System Tools
177ERP EHP76.0SCDTCOMPRL51Components, Releases and RFC Destinations SupportedCross-System Tools
178ERP EHP76.0SCDTINSTAN11InstancesCross-System Tools
179ERP EHP76.0SCDTLKEY141Locked Objects - KeyCross-System Tools
180ERP EHP76.0SCDTLOCK111Locked ObjectsCross-System Tools
181ERP EHP76.0SCDTLOGCMP51Logical ComponentsCross-System Tools
182ERP EHP76.0SCDTLOGCMT41Logical ComponentsCross-System Tools
183ERP EHP76.0SCDTMAPFLD131Cross-System Customizing Object: Table/Field MappingCross-System Tools
184ERP EHP76.0SCDTMAPMOD151Obsolete. Replaced by SCDTMAPFLDCross-System Tools
185ERP EHP76.0SCDTOBJECT141Cross-System Customizing ObjectCross-System Tools
186ERP EHP76.0SCDTOBJMAP141Cross-System Customizing Object: Mapping TypeCross-System Tools
187ERP EHP76.0SCDTOBJOIN101Table JoinsCross-System Tools
188ERP EHP76.0SCDTOBJSEL101Cross-System Customizing ObjectCross-System Tools
189ERP EHP76.0SCDTSOURCE81Cross-System Customizing Object: Source TablesCross-System Tools
190ERP EHP76.0SCDTSYNC71Synchronization SettingsCross-System Tools
191ERP EHP76.0SCDTSYSCMP31SystemsCross-System Tools
192ERP EHP76.0SCDTSYSRFC_BIZ41Generierte RFC-DestinationenCross-System Tools
193ERP EHP76.0SCDTSYSRFC_HTTP51Generierte HTTP-DestinationenCross-System Tools
194ERP EHP76.0SCDTTARGET81Cross-System Customizing Object: Target TablesCross-System Tools
195ERP EHP76.0SCDT_E071K_TRIGG101Distribution Polling Trigger BufferCross-System Tools
196ERP EHP76.0SCDT_E071_TRIGG91Distribution Polling Trigger BufferCross-System Tools
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Customizing Project Management IMG
197ERP EHP76.0CUSDEFAULT21User Default Settings in CustomizingCustomizing Project Management IMG
198ERP EHP76.0SPROCHKF41Project documentation: File name of last checkoutCustomizing Project Management IMG
199ERP EHP76.0SPROCHKO91Project documentation: Physical info object checkout dataCustomizing Project Management IMG
200ERP EHP76.0SPROCONT161SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)Customizing Project Management IMG
201ERP EHP76.0SPROIDXSTA112Project documentation: Document index status tableCustomizing Project Management IMG
202ERP EHP76.0SPROLOIO173Project documentation: Logical information object instancesCustomizing Project Management IMG
203ERP EHP76.0SPROLOIOT41Project documentation: Logical info object descriptionsCustomizing Project Management IMG
204ERP EHP76.0SPROLOPR62Project documentation: Logical info object attribute valuesCustomizing Project Management IMG
205ERP EHP76.0SPROLORE103Project doc: Logical info object outgoing relationshipsCustomizing Project Management IMG
206ERP EHP76.0SPROLORI103Project doc: Physical info object incoming relationshipsCustomizing Project Management IMG
207ERP EHP76.0SPROPHF91Project documentation: Physical info object filesCustomizing Project Management IMG
208ERP EHP76.0SPROPHHR113Project doc: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical info objectsCustomizing Project Management IMG
209ERP EHP76.0SPROPHIO243Project documentation: Physical info object instancesCustomizing Project Management IMG
210ERP EHP76.0SPROPHNM113Project doc: Use of target anchors in physical info objectsCustomizing Project Management IMG
211ERP EHP76.0SPROPHPR62Project documentation: Physiscal info object attributesCustomizing Project Management IMG
212ERP EHP76.0SPROPHRE103Project doc: Outgoing relationships of physical info objectsCustomizing Project Management IMG
213ERP EHP76.0SPROPHRI103Project doc: Physical info object incoming relationshipsCustomizing Project Management IMG
214ERP EHP76.0TPR_INDEX62List of nodes sorted by projectCustomizing Project Management IMG
215ERP EHP76.0TPR_VINDX31List of IMG Activities in a Project ViewCustomizing Project Management IMG
216ERP EHP76.0TPR_XREF_D82Index for Where-Used ListCustomizing Project Management IMG
217ERP EHP76.0TPR_XREF_P53Projects: Constraint on Where-Used ListCustomizing Project Management IMG
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Hierarchy Storage
218ERP EHP76.0COMP_TYPES31Hierarchy Tool: Comparison Type Check TableHierarchy Storage
219ERP EHP76.0INDX_HIER51INDX-type table for buffering structuresHierarchy Storage
220ERP EHP76.0INDX_HSRCH51Text buffering table for searching in structuresHierarchy Storage
221ERP EHP76.0SHIE_PROP11SHIE_PROPN domain value tableHierarchy Storage
222ERP EHP76.0SHIE_PROPT31Text table for table SHIE_PROPHierarchy Storage
223ERP EHP76.0TARCH01373Node Table for General Structure StorageHierarchy Storage
224ERP EHP76.0TARCH01R171General Structure Storage ReferencesHierarchy Storage
225ERP EHP76.0TARCH01T71General Structure Storage Node NamesHierarchy Storage
226ERP EHP76.0TNODE01376Node Table for General Structure StorageHierarchy Storage
227ERP EHP76.0TNODE01R172General Structure Storage ReferencesHierarchy Storage
228ERP EHP76.0TNODE01T72General Structure Storage Node NamesHierarchy Storage
229ERP EHP76.0TNODEE872Definition of attributes of a node typeHierarchy Storage
230ERP EHP76.0TNODEH101List of valid node typesHierarchy Storage
231ERP EHP76.0TNODERTYPE21Node type: Assignable link typesHierarchy Storage
232ERP EHP76.0TNODES21Node type: Valid sub-node typesHierarchy Storage
233ERP EHP76.0TNODET32Name of valid node typesHierarchy Storage
234ERP EHP76.0TRTYPEH171List of valid link typesHierarchy Storage
235ERP EHP76.0TRTYPET31Name of valid link typesHierarchy Storage
236ERP EHP76.0TTREE213Definition table for structuresHierarchy Storage
237ERP EHP76.0TTREED61Hierarchy Tool: Double NodesHierarchy Storage
238ERP EHP76.0TTREEF112User-specific list of favorites of structure maintenanceHierarchy Storage
239ERP EHP76.0TTREEI32List of Active Nodes for a StructureHierarchy Storage
240ERP EHP76.0TTREELOADS41Generation data for structure buffering (nodes/links)Hierarchy Storage
241ERP EHP76.0TTREELOADT52Generation data for structure buffering (texts)Hierarchy Storage
242ERP EHP76.0TTREEN21List of node types to be displayed for a structureHierarchy Storage
243ERP EHP76.0TTREEP62Parameter for view: Maintenance by application onlyHierarchy Storage
244ERP EHP76.0TTREES41Read sequence for namespace identifierHierarchy Storage
245ERP EHP76.0TTREESRCH41Generation data for structure buffering (nodes/links)Hierarchy Storage
246ERP EHP76.0TTREET43Name of a structureHierarchy Storage
247ERP EHP76.0TTREETYPE161List of valid structure typesHierarchy Storage
248ERP EHP76.0TTREETYPEN21List of valid node types per structure typeHierarchy Storage
249ERP EHP76.0TTREETYPET31Name of valid structure typesHierarchy Storage
250ERP EHP76.0TTREE_APPL52Application-defined additional structure dataHierarchy Storage
251ERP EHP76.0TTREE_EXT11Structure enhancement IDHierarchy Storage
252ERP EHP76.0TTREE_EXTT31Table TTREE_EXT text tableHierarchy Storage
253ERP EHP76.0TTREE_FLNK41Link between old and new nodes in filterHierarchy Storage
254ERP EHP76.0TTREE_FLP31Hierarchy tool: Link between filter, log. and phys. str.Hierarchy Storage
255ERP EHP76.0TTREE_GEN52Application-defined additional structure dataHierarchy Storage
256ERP EHP76.0TTREE_JOB31Hierarchy Tool: Background JobsHierarchy Storage
257ERP EHP76.0TTREE_SFW_NODES53Assignment of SFW Switches to Hierarchy Tool NodesHierarchy Storage
258ERP EHP76.0TTREV212Versions: Header DataHierarchy Storage
259ERP EHP76.0TTREVBRAEX82Versions: Copy of TTREEBRAEXHierarchy Storage
260ERP EHP76.0TTREVBRAIN82Versions: Copy of TTREEBRAINHierarchy Storage
261ERP EHP76.0TTREVCOUEX82Versions: Copy of TTREECOUEXHierarchy Storage
262ERP EHP76.0TTREVCOUIN82Versions: Copy of TTREECOUINHierarchy Storage
263ERP EHP76.0TTREVI42List of Active Nodes for a StructureHierarchy Storage
264ERP EHP76.0TTREVN21Versions: Copy of TTREENHierarchy Storage
265ERP EHP76.0TTREVP62Versions: Copy of TTREEPHierarchy Storage
266ERP EHP76.0TTREVROAEX82Versions: Copy of TTREEROAEXHierarchy Storage
267ERP EHP76.0TTREVROAIN82Versions: Copy of TTREEROAINHierarchy Storage
268ERP EHP76.0TTREVROLEX82Versions: Copy of TTREEROLEXHierarchy Storage
269ERP EHP76.0TTREVROLIN82Versions: Copy of TTREEROLINHierarchy Storage
270ERP EHP76.0TTREVS41Versions: Copy of TTREESHierarchy Storage
271ERP EHP76.0TTREVSUBEX82Versions: Copy of TTREESUBEXHierarchy Storage
272ERP EHP76.0TTREVSUBIN82Versions: Copy of TTREESUBINHierarchy Storage
273ERP EHP76.0TTREVT52Versions: Copy of TTREETHierarchy Storage
274ERP EHP76.0TTREVTHEAD42Versions: Header Data TextsHierarchy Storage
275ERP EHP76.0TTREVTROLE51Version Management: Comparison Result TextsHierarchy Storage
276ERP EHP76.0TTREVT_COM72Comparison: Header Table TTREV_COMP TextsHierarchy Storage
277ERP EHP76.0TTREV_APPL62Versions: Copy of TTREE_APPLHierarchy Storage
278ERP EHP76.0TTREV_COMP202Versions: Structure/Hierarchy ComparisonsHierarchy Storage
279ERP EHP76.0TTREV_DNUM31Version Management: Number of Deleted Header Data RecordsHierarchy Storage
280ERP EHP76.0TTREV_FLNK51Versions: Copy of TTREE_FLNKHierarchy Storage
281ERP EHP76.0TTREV_HCHI111Header table for structure versionsHierarchy Storage
282ERP EHP76.0TTREV_HEAD123Header table for structure versionsHierarchy Storage
283ERP EHP76.0TTREV_NODE543Hierarchy Tool: Structure Versioning Node TableHierarchy Storage
284ERP EHP76.0TTREV_REF142Hierarchy tool: Versioning of LinksHierarchy Storage
285ERP EHP76.0TTREV_ROLE141Version Management: Comparison ResultsHierarchy Storage
286ERP EHP76.0TTREV_TEXT71Hierarchy Tool: Node Text VersioningHierarchy Storage
287ERP EHP76.0TTREV_VLNK61Hierarchy Tool: Link Original/VersionHierarchy Storage
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Implementation Guide
288ERP EHP76.0BCSETT31BC Set Error Case Description Text TableImplementation Guide
289ERP EHP76.0CHGRP41SAPfind: character groupsImplementation Guide
290ERP EHP76.0CTIMPEXC81Logical import: exception tableImplementation Guide
291ERP EHP76.0CTIMPORT81Logical customizing transports: Imports performedImplementation Guide
292ERP EHP76.0CTIMPTAB31Logical customizing transports: imported tablesImplementation Guide
293ERP EHP76.0CUSAB32IMG attribute table: Industry sector settingsImplementation Guide
294ERP EHP76.0CUSAC51IMG attribute table: Customer dataImplementation Guide
295ERP EHP76.0CUSAC111Customer attribute 1Implementation Guide
296ERP EHP76.0CUSAC1T31Check table for customer attribute 1Implementation Guide
297ERP EHP76.0CUSAC211Customer attribute 2Implementation Guide
298ERP EHP76.0CUSAC2T31Check table for customer attribute 2Implementation Guide
299ERP EHP76.0CUSAC311Customer attribute 3Implementation Guide
300ERP EHP76.0CUSAC3T31Check table for customer attribute 3Implementation Guide
301ERP EHP76.0CUSADP101Default project and other standard settings in CustomizingImplementation Guide
302ERP EHP76.0CUSADP4081Default project and other standard settings in CustomizingImplementation Guide
303ERP EHP76.0CUSAH126IMG attribute table: SAP dataImplementation Guide
304ERP EHP76.0CUSAL32IMG attribute table: Country settingsImplementation Guide
305ERP EHP76.0CUSAMEN52Assignment of activity to menuImplementation Guide
306ERP EHP76.0CUSAMENT52Texts: Assignment of activity to menuImplementation Guide
307ERP EHP76.0CUS_ACTEXT41Customizing Activity - Assigned Enhancement ObjectImplementation Guide
308ERP EHP76.0CUS_ACTH71Customizing Activity - Header DataImplementation Guide
309ERP EHP76.0CUS_ACTOBJ92Customizing Activity - Object ListImplementation Guide
310ERP EHP76.0CUS_ACTOBT72Customizing Activity - Object ListImplementation Guide
311ERP EHP76.0CUS_ACTT32Customizing Activity Text TableImplementation Guide
312ERP EHP76.0CUS_ATRCOU21Country Assignment for ActivitiesImplementation Guide
313ERP EHP76.0CUS_ATRH115Customizing Attributes - Header DataImplementation Guide
314ERP EHP76.0CUS_ATRT32Text Table for Customizing AttributesImplementation Guide
315ERP EHP76.0CUS_ATRVCO41Customizing Attributes: Variants for ACH AssignmentImplementation Guide
316ERP EHP76.0CUS_ATRVSE71Attribute Variant SequenceImplementation Guide
317ERP EHP76.0CUS_IMGACH114IMG ActivitiesImplementation Guide
318ERP EHP76.0CUS_IMGACT32Text Table for IMG ActivityImplementation Guide
319ERP EHP76.0DELM31SAPfind: delimiter & special characterImplementation Guide
320ERP EHP76.0DOKCR92List of links between documentation objectsImplementation Guide
321ERP EHP76.0DSYAA41No longer used from 3.0 onwardsImplementation Guide
322ERP EHP76.0DSYAD93Structures: Display Structure Without TextImplementation Guide
323ERP EHP76.0DSYADEF61Last position in structure displayImplementation Guide
324ERP EHP76.0DSYAH131Structures: Header DataImplementation Guide
325ERP EHP76.0DSYAI52Structures: Structure Short TextImplementation Guide
326ERP EHP76.0DSYAM51Structures: Modifications CatalogImplementation Guide
327ERP EHP76.0DSYAMRK61SO70 bookmarks tableImplementation Guide
328ERP EHP76.0DSYAS82Structures: Maintenance Structure Without TextImplementation Guide
329ERP EHP76.0DSYAT83Structures: Texts for Maintenance StructureImplementation Guide
330ERP EHP76.0DSYAV103Structures: Directory of Views on BooksImplementation Guide
331ERP EHP76.0DSYAW42Structures: Short text for views on a bookImplementation Guide
332ERP EHP76.0DSYAX62Structures: Parameters for Views on a BookImplementation Guide
333ERP EHP76.0DSYBA21Project Document Type DirectoryImplementation Guide
334ERP EHP76.0DSYBB31Project Document TypesImplementation Guide
335ERP EHP76.0DSYCR162List of Links Between Documentation ModulesImplementation Guide
336ERP EHP76.0DSYDL41Title of display version of the outlineImplementation Guide
337ERP EHP76.0DSYDS91Display version of the outline (w/o module title)Implementation Guide
338ERP EHP76.0DSYLI11List of available link typesImplementation Guide
339ERP EHP76.0DSYLT31List of link type namesImplementation Guide
340ERP EHP76.0DSYOH141Hypertext: Version Management StructureImplementation Guide
341ERP EHP76.0DSYOI131DSYS Grouping - Aspect, Status, Version, Processed byImplementation Guide
342ERP EHP76.0DSYSH161DSYS: Header EntriesImplementation Guide
343ERP EHP76.0DSYSI61DSYS Modules: Master Language/VersionImplementation Guide
344ERP EHP76.0DSYSL81DSYS: Text LinesImplementation Guide
345ERP EHP76.0DSYST61DSYS: Title EntriesImplementation Guide
346ERP EHP76.0DSYSX51Where-used listImplementation Guide
347ERP EHP76.0EXCEPT1211IMG Activity-Specific BC Set Error Exception TableImplementation Guide
348ERP EHP76.0EXCEPT1T81Exception Justification TextImplementation Guide
349ERP EHP76.0EXCEPT2181Object-Specific BC Set Error Case Exception TableImplementation Guide
350ERP EHP76.0EXCEPT2T51Exception Justification TextImplementation Guide
351ERP EHP76.0FINI51Index Table for SAPfindImplementation Guide
352ERP EHP76.0FINS31SAPfind: Assignment of Texts - Keywords For Search InterfaceImplementation Guide
353ERP EHP76.0FINV51SAPfind: Pointer, Text Key and Title AdministrationImplementation Guide
354ERP EHP76.0INDXBCSET81INDX-Type Table to Save Check ResultsImplementation Guide
355ERP EHP76.0SCUS_HIER41Replacements table for hierarchiesImplementation Guide
356ERP EHP76.0SCUS_HIERT41Text table for table SCUS_HIERImplementation Guide
357ERP EHP76.0SFDG91DSYS: Postscript File LinesImplementation Guide
358ERP EHP76.0SFHH151SAPfind: Header DataImplementation Guide
359ERP EHP76.0SFHI81SAPfind: Administration, Source Language, VersionsImplementation Guide
360ERP EHP76.0SFHIM51SAPfind: Master Lang. and VersionImplementation Guide
361ERP EHP76.0SFHX51Hypertext: Do not use this tableImplementation Guide
362ERP EHP76.0SFIWN31Negative Word Table (Transparent)Implementation Guide
363ERP EHP76.0SFIWP21Positive Word List (Transparent)Implementation Guide
364ERP EHP76.0SFLAW41Release Notes: Statutory ChangesImplementation Guide
365ERP EHP76.0SFLAWT31Release notes: Texts for law changesImplementation Guide
366ERP EHP76.0SFREAC31Assign Release notes to application componentsImplementation Guide
367ERP EHP76.0SFRECOU31Country assignment for release notesImplementation Guide
368ERP EHP76.0SFREIM41Links: Release Notes - IMGImplementation Guide
369ERP EHP76.0SFRELN222SAPfind: Attributes of the Release NotesImplementation Guide
370ERP EHP76.0SFRETREE21Structure ID for complete release information listImplementation Guide
371ERP EHP76.0SFSYSP71SAPfind: system profile parameter attributesImplementation Guide
372ERP EHP76.0SMENF11Activity in Company: Entity TableImplementation Guide
373ERP EHP76.0SMENFT31Activity in Company: Text TableImplementation Guide
374ERP EHP76.0SPRELEASE31Possible Project Management ReleaseImplementation Guide
375ERP EHP76.0SPRELEASET31Possible Project Management Release Text TableImplementation Guide
376ERP EHP76.0SPROUPGRADE_T71Logical Components and Product Versions in Upgrade ProjectImplementation Guide
377ERP EHP76.0SPR_ADM11Project Management Authorization FunctionsImplementation Guide
378ERP EHP76.0SPR_ADMT31Project Management Authorization Function TextsImplementation Guide
379ERP EHP76.0TCUSGENINF21General information display: Assignment of structuresImplementation Guide
380ERP EHP76.0TCUSGLOB4031Global settings for Rel. 4.0 CustomizingImplementation Guide
381ERP EHP76.0TCUSGLOBAL11Global Switches for CustomizingImplementation Guide
382ERP EHP76.0TCUSINF21Customizing hot news listImplementation Guide
383ERP EHP76.0TCUSINFT31Customizing hot news titleImplementation Guide
384ERP EHP76.0TCUSINFU21List of hot news already read by userImplementation Guide
385ERP EHP76.0TCUSNOTES61Old activity -> new activity assignmentImplementation Guide
386ERP EHP76.0TCUSP201Customizing: Implementation project profileImplementation Guide
387ERP EHP76.0TCUSP40201Customizing: Implementation project profileImplementation Guide
388ERP EHP76.0TCUSP40T31Customizing: Implementation project profileImplementation Guide
389ERP EHP76.0TCUSPT31Customizing: Implementation project profileImplementation Guide
390ERP EHP76.0TCUSPXREF21Relevant projects for where-used listImplementation Guide
391ERP EHP76.0TCUSPXREF421Relevant projects for where-used listImplementation Guide
392ERP EHP76.0TCUSQ21Customizing: Assignment of note type to projectImplementation Guide
393ERP EHP76.0TCUSR21Assignment of view to projectImplementation Guide
394ERP EHP76.0TCUSR4041Assignment of view to projectImplementation Guide
395ERP EHP76.0TCUSS31Customizing: Implementation project - nameImplementation Guide
396ERP EHP76.0TCUSU21User-specific customizing nameImplementation Guide
397ERP EHP76.0TCUS_XREF63Cross reference for objects in IMG projectsImplementation Guide
398ERP EHP76.0TCUS_XREF463Cross reference for objects in IMG projectsImplementation Guide
399ERP EHP76.0TDEVOBJCL21Assignment of Development Objects to a Project ClassImplementation Guide
400ERP EHP76.0TDEVOBJP31Object List of Program Objects in a ProjectImplementation Guide
401ERP EHP76.0TDOKUIMG373Node Table for General Structure StorageImplementation Guide
402ERP EHP76.0TDOKUIMGR172General Structure Storage ReferencesImplementation Guide
403ERP EHP76.0TDOKUIMGT71General Structure Storage Node NamesImplementation Guide
404ERP EHP76.0TENABP21Assignment of Projects to Enablement Map NodesImplementation Guide
405ERP EHP76.0TIMG1211Status Fields for Customizing TransactionImplementation Guide
406ERP EHP76.0TIMG221Resource Allocation for IMG TransactionImplementation Guide
407ERP EHP76.0TIMGIR41IMG and activity text IR link tableImplementation Guide
408ERP EHP76.0TIMGLOIO61LOIO buffer for HTML generationImplementation Guide
409ERP EHP76.0TKEYCL21Project Class Keyword AssignmentImplementation Guide
410ERP EHP76.0TKEYEPR21Project Management KeywordsImplementation Guide
411ERP EHP76.0TKEYP51Project KeywordsImplementation Guide
412ERP EHP76.0TKEYTP41Project KeywordsImplementation Guide
413ERP EHP76.0TKEYTPR31Project Management: Keyword textsImplementation Guide
414ERP EHP76.0TMPOBJRES1771Temporary BC Set Check Report DataImplementation Guide
415ERP EHP76.0TNODEIMG376Node table for the new IMGImplementation Guide
416ERP EHP76.0TNODEIMGR172References for the new IMGImplementation Guide
417ERP EHP76.0TNODEIMGT73General Structure Storage Node NamesImplementation Guide
418ERP EHP76.0TNODEPR376Node Table for General Structure StorageImplementation Guide
419ERP EHP76.0TNODEPRR172General Structure Storage ReferencesImplementation Guide
420ERP EHP76.0TNODEPRT72General Structure Storage Node NamesImplementation Guide
421ERP EHP76.0TNODERELN376Node Table for General Structure StorageImplementation Guide
422ERP EHP76.0TNODERELNR172General Structure Storage ReferencesImplementation Guide
423ERP EHP76.0TNODERELNT72General Structure Storage Node NamesImplementation Guide
424ERP EHP76.0TNONOCL51Project class node type note type assignmentImplementation Guide
425ERP EHP76.0TNOTATW42Note: Attribute tableImplementation Guide
426ERP EHP76.0TNOTECL21Project class note type assignmentImplementation Guide
427ERP EHP76.0TNOTEED11Valid editors for creating notesImplementation Guide
428ERP EHP76.0TNOTEEPR81Project management note typesImplementation Guide
429ERP EHP76.0TNOTEFPR21Assignment of file extensions to doc. typesImplementation Guide
430ERP EHP76.0TNOTEP21Project note typeImplementation Guide
431ERP EHP76.0TNOTESAV91Note document temporary saveImplementation Guide
432ERP EHP76.0TNOTETEM31Templates for notesImplementation Guide
433ERP EHP76.0TNOTETPR31Project management: Note type textImplementation Guide
434ERP EHP76.0TNOTFPR85Notes: Project linkImplementation Guide
435ERP EHP76.0TNOTFTW32Test Workbench status: Connection to test packageImplementation Guide
436ERP EHP76.0TOBJECTP31Objects assigned to a projectImplementation Guide
437ERP EHP76.0TPHASEP31Project phasesImplementation Guide
438ERP EHP76.0TPHASETP31Project phases text tableImplementation Guide
439ERP EHP76.0TPRCLASS141Project Management Project ClassesImplementation Guide
440ERP EHP76.0TPRCLASST31Project Class Table Text TableImplementation Guide
441ERP EHP76.0TPRIOCL21Project Class Priority AssignmentImplementation Guide
442ERP EHP76.0TPRIOEPR11Project Management PrioritiesImplementation Guide
443ERP EHP76.0TPRIOP21Project PrioritiesImplementation Guide
444ERP EHP76.0TPRIOTPR31Project Management: Priorities TextImplementation Guide
445ERP EHP76.0TPROJDIST31Assigned SubprojectsImplementation Guide
446ERP EHP76.0TPROJECT271SPROJECT: Project TableImplementation Guide
447ERP EHP76.0TPROJECTF21Project Management Favorites ListImplementation Guide
448ERP EHP76.0TPROJECTT31Project Table Text TableImplementation Guide
449ERP EHP76.0TPROJMILESTONE31Project MilestonesImplementation Guide
450ERP EHP76.0TPROJMILESTONET31Milestone TextImplementation Guide
451ERP EHP76.0TPROJ_GEN32Project Additional Data TableImplementation Guide
452ERP EHP76.0TPRORGUNITS81Organizational Units Affected in a ProjectImplementation Guide
453ERP EHP76.0TREEROAD21Roadmap definition tableImplementation Guide
454ERP EHP76.0TRESEPR11Project Management ResourcesImplementation Guide
455ERP EHP76.0TRESSCL21Project Class Resource AssignmentImplementation Guide
456ERP EHP76.0TRESSP73Project ResourcesImplementation Guide
457ERP EHP76.0TRESTP41Project Resources TextImplementation Guide
458ERP EHP76.0TRESTPR31Project Management: Resources TextImplementation Guide
459ERP EHP76.0TROADMAP31Entity table for Roadmap nodesImplementation Guide
460ERP EHP76.0TROADMAPIR21Assignment of Info Repository objects to the R/3 RoadmapImplementation Guide
461ERP EHP76.0TROADMAPT31Text table for Roadmap nodesImplementation Guide
462ERP EHP76.0TROADMAPVM21Assignment of R/3 Roadmap nodes to R/3 ProcModel packagesImplementation Guide
463ERP EHP76.0TSTAACTW11TWB Status Management: Possible Actions of a StatusImplementation Guide
464ERP EHP76.0TSTAFPR33Test Workbench status: Connection to test packageImplementation Guide
465ERP EHP76.0TSTAFTW33Test Workbench Status Mgt: Connection to Test PackageImplementation Guide
466ERP EHP76.0TSTAHPR231Status: Project Status InformationImplementation Guide
467ERP EHP76.0TSTAHTPR72Project Management: Status CommentsImplementation Guide
468ERP EHP76.0TSTAHTTW31TWB Status Management: Comment RowsImplementation Guide
469ERP EHP76.0TSTAHTW271TWB Status Management: Status InformationImplementation Guide
470ERP EHP76.0TSTAKEPR21Status: Status KeywordsImplementation Guide
471ERP EHP76.0TSTAPRTW71TWB Status Management: Link Status to Problem MessageImplementation Guide
472ERP EHP76.0TSTAREPR31Status: Employee Assignment to a StatusImplementation Guide
473ERP EHP76.0TSTASETW51TWB Status Management: Status ValuesImplementation Guide
474ERP EHP76.0TSTASTTW31TWB Status Management: Status Value TextsImplementation Guide
475ERP EHP76.0TSTATACT11IMG status activitiesImplementation Guide
476ERP EHP76.0TSTATC21Selection specifications for a projectImplementation Guide
477ERP EHP76.0TSTATCE11Selection specificationsImplementation Guide
478ERP EHP76.0TSTATCL21Status Assignment to a Project ClassImplementation Guide
479ERP EHP76.0TSTATCP62Assignment of selection to project and activityImplementation Guide
480ERP EHP76.0TSTATCS21Selection assignment for status objectImplementation Guide
481ERP EHP76.0TSTATCT31Selection field textImplementation Guide
482ERP EHP76.0TSTATEPR41Project Management Status ValuesImplementation Guide
483ERP EHP76.0TSTATH274Status fields for an activity in a projectImplementation Guide
484ERP EHP76.0TSTATH4131Status information for Test WorkbenchImplementation Guide
485ERP EHP76.0TSTATHT112Texts for an activity in a projectImplementation Guide
486ERP EHP76.0TSTATHT471Texts for an activity in a projectImplementation Guide
487ERP EHP76.0TSTATIMG31Assignment of activity data for project, activity, viewImplementation Guide
488ERP EHP76.0TSTATP21Status Assignment to a ProjectImplementation Guide
489ERP EHP76.0TSTATPP71Problem numbers for project and activityImplementation Guide
490ERP EHP76.0TSTATR31Project ResourcesImplementation Guide
491ERP EHP76.0TSTATRE31Resource specificationsImplementation Guide
492ERP EHP76.0TSTATRP62Resource assignment to project and activityImplementation Guide
493ERP EHP76.0TSTATRS21Resource assignment for a status objectImplementation Guide
494ERP EHP76.0TSTATRT31Resources textImplementation Guide
495ERP EHP76.0TSTATS21Status specifications for a projectImplementation Guide
496ERP EHP76.0TSTATSE21Status specificationsImplementation Guide
497ERP EHP76.0TSTATST32Status specification textImplementation Guide
498ERP EHP76.0TSTATTPR31Project Management: Status TextImplementation Guide
499ERP EHP76.0TTABP71Tabs Used in ProjectImplementation Guide
500ERP EHP76.0TTABSTRIPCL71Tabs in Solution ManagerImplementation Guide
501ERP EHP76.0TTXFORMAT31Customizing Table for Text Format (RTF, DOC....)Implementation Guide
502ERP EHP76.0TVARH81Header entries for screen variantsImplementation Guide
503ERP EHP76.0TVARIND121Save screen variantsImplementation Guide
504ERP EHP76.0VORINDX121Procedure model data bufferImplementation Guide
505ERP EHP76.0VORMT31Texts for Assignment to the Procedure ModelImplementation Guide
506ERP EHP76.0VORMZ51Assignment to the Procedure ModelImplementation Guide
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Table History
507ERP EHP76.0PRV_LOG_CP31Table Logging: Codepages and Migration TimesTable History
508ERP EHP76.0TLOGTEST121Test Table LoggingTable History
509ERP EHP76.0TLOGTESTT51Test Table Logging and MaintenanceTable History
Basis Components :: Customizing :: Customizing Tools Techniques :: Table Maintenance Tool
510ERP EHP76.0ATCKONTEXT21Table Control Context Hash CodesTable Maintenance Tool
511ERP EHP76.0FIELDDIFTB331Memory table Field_difTable Maintenance Tool
512ERP EHP76.0ORGCRACT31Organizational criteria activationTable Maintenance Tool
513ERP EHP76.0ORGCRATT51Organization criteria attributeTable Maintenance Tool
514ERP EHP76.0ORGCRATT_T41Organization criteriaTable Maintenance Tool
515ERP EHP76.0ORGCRFLD81Organization criteria attributeTable Maintenance Tool
516ERP EHP76.0ORGCRIT21Organization criteriaTable Maintenance Tool
517ERP EHP76.0ORGCRIT_T31Organization criteriaTable Maintenance Tool
518ERP EHP76.0SDMECLS121DME: Class Definition of a Maintenance ObjectTable Maintenance Tool
519ERP EHP76.0SDMECLSAGH61DME: Attribute Group Definition Header InfoTable Maintenance Tool
520ERP EHP76.0SDMECLSAGI61DME: Attribute Group Definition Object ListTable Maintenance Tool
521ERP EHP76.0SDMECLSATR141DME: Maintenance Object AttributeTable Maintenance Tool
522ERP EHP76.0SDMECLSMTD81DME: CO MethodsTable Maintenance Tool
523ERP EHP76.0SDMECLSREL51DME: Relationships Between Maintenance ObjectsTable Maintenance Tool
524ERP EHP76.0SDMECOMTD11DME: CO MethodsTable Maintenance Tool
525ERP EHP76.0SDMECOMTDT31DME: CO Method Type Short DescriptionsTable Maintenance Tool
526ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPCH81DME: Dialog Pool Component HeaderTable Maintenance Tool
527ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPCHT51DME: Text Table for Dialog Pool Component HeaderTable Maintenance Tool
528ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDA151DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Area)Table Maintenance Tool
529ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDC121DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Components)Table Maintenance Tool
530ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDCT71DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Component Texts)Table Maintenance Tool
531ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDF101DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Frames)Table Maintenance Tool
532ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDH41DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Header)Table Maintenance Tool
533ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDJ91DME: OBSOLETE Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Join)Table Maintenance Tool
534ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDTC61DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Dialog' (Tree Node Columns)Table Maintenance Tool
535ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDTN51DME: OBSOLETE Tree NavigationTable Maintenance Tool
536ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPDTT51DME:OBSOLETE Dlg.Pool Component 'Dialog' (Tree Node Titles)Table Maintenance Tool
537ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPFF141DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Form' (Fields)Table Maintenance Tool
538ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPFFT61DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Form' (Field Texts)Table Maintenance Tool
539ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPFGT61DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Form' (Group Texts)Table Maintenance Tool
540ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPFH51DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Form' (Header)Table Maintenance Tool
541ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPHDR31DME: Dialog Pool Header DataTable Maintenance Tool
542ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPHDRT31DME: Dialog Pool Header Data Text TableTable Maintenance Tool
543ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPMF121DME: Dialog Pool Metadefinition 'Frame Layouts'Table Maintenance Tool
544ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPMF1T31DME: Dialog Pool Metadefinition Texts for 'Frame Layouts'Table Maintenance Tool
545ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPMF221DME: Dialog Pool Metadefinition 'Position Frame Layouts'Table Maintenance Tool
546ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPMF2T41DME: Dialog Pool Metadef. Texts for 'Pos. Frame Layouts'Table Maintenance Tool
547ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPSC101DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Selection' (Conditions)Table Maintenance Tool
548ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPSH41DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Selection' (Header)Table Maintenance Tool
549ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPTF111DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Table Control' (Fields)Table Maintenance Tool
550ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPTFT61DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Table Control' (Field Texts)Table Maintenance Tool
551ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPTH41DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Table Control' (Header)Table Maintenance Tool
552ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPVF71DME: OBSOLETE Dialog Pool Component 'View' (Fields)Table Maintenance Tool
553ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPVH31DME: Dialog Pool Component 'View' (Header)Table Maintenance Tool
554ERP EHP76.0SDMEDPVO81DME: Dialog Pool Component 'View' (Objects)Table Maintenance Tool
555ERP EHP76.0TVDIR132View DirectoryTable Maintenance Tool
556ERP EHP76.0TVDIR_TC113Supplement for TVDIR for conversion to table control 3.0BTable Maintenance Tool
557ERP EHP76.0TVIMF31User routines called from view maintenanceTable Maintenance Tool
558ERP EHP76.0TVIMV111extended table maintenance: Selection variantsTable Maintenance Tool
559ERP EHP76.0TVIMVT41extended table maintenance: Selection variant textsTable Maintenance Tool
560ERP EHP76.0VCLDIR71Viewcluster directoryTable Maintenance Tool
561ERP EHP76.0VCLDIRT31Viewcluster directory text tableTable Maintenance Tool
562ERP EHP76.0VCLMF31User routines called from view maintenanceTable Maintenance Tool
563ERP EHP76.0VCLSTRUC102Viewcluster: Structure tableTable Maintenance Tool
564ERP EHP76.0VCLSTRUCT41Viewcluster structure text tableTable Maintenance Tool
565ERP EHP76.0VCLSTRUDEP61Viewcluster: Dependencies between object fieldsTable Maintenance Tool