SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

296 tablesERP 6.0 

Materials Management :: Inventory Management
1ERP EHP76.0A13391Mixed Taxes, DomesticInventory Management
2ERP EHP76.0CHVW375Table CHVW for Batch Where-Used ListInventory Management
3ERP EHP76.0CHVW_IDX31Batch Where-Used Index Table for Selection of Data ObjectsInventory Management
4ERP EHP76.0IKPF251Header: Physical Inventory DocumentInventory Management
5ERP EHP76.0IMEXT51Enhancement Fields for Goods ReceiptInventory Management
6ERP EHP76.0ISEG673Physical Inventory Document ItemsInventory Management
7ERP EHP76.0MARI192Short document: material movementInventory Management
8ERP EHP76.0MIGO_BADI_EXAMP241BADI in MIGO: Example Table (Header)Inventory Management
9ERP EHP76.0MIGO_BADI_EXAMPL61BADI in MIGO: Example TableInventory Management
10ERP EHP76.0MIGO_BADI_HOLD41MIGO BADI: Table for Held External DataInventory Management
11ERP EHP76.0MIGO_CUST_ACTION41MIGO: Control of Listbox TransactionInventory Management
12ERP EHP76.0MIGO_CUST_FIELDS41MIGO: Field Selection per Movement TypeInventory Management
13ERP EHP76.0MIGO_CUST_REFDOC71MIGO: Control of Listbox Reference DocumentInventory Management
14ERP EHP76.0MIGO_CUST_TCODE21MIGO: TransactionsInventory Management
15ERP EHP76.0MIGO_INIT51Control Table for Operation in Transaction MIGOInventory Management
16ERP EHP76.0MIGO_T15651Movement Types - Reference MIGOInventory Management
17ERP EHP76.0MKPF352Header: Material DocumentInventory Management
18ERP EHP76.0MKPF_ARIDX51Index table for single doc. access to archive MM_MATBELInventory Management
19ERP EHP76.0MMIM_CONTROL_LOG81Inventory Management: General Control TableInventory Management
20ERP EHP76.0MMIM_PREDOC_ORG112Parked Material Documents, Organizational DataInventory Management
21ERP EHP76.0MMIM_REP_CUST81Customizing f. Inventory Mgmt ReportingInventory Management
22ERP EHP76.0MMIM_REP_PRINT71Print Settings, Reporting MM-IMInventory Management
23ERP EHP76.0MMINKON111Worklist for Inconsistent MaterialsInventory Management
24ERP EHP76.0MMINKON_UP461Corrections due to Technical Problems with StockInventory Management
25ERP EHP76.0MSEG3044Document Segment: MaterialInventory Management
26ERP EHP76.0MSTB111Stock in TransitInventory Management
27ERP EHP76.0MSTBH91Stock in Transit - HistoryInventory Management
28ERP EHP76.0MSTE131Stock in Transit to Sales and Distribution DocumentInventory Management
29ERP EHP76.0MSTEH111SiT to Sales and Distribution Document - HistoryInventory Management
30ERP EHP76.0MSTQ121Stock in Transit for ProjectInventory Management
31ERP EHP76.0MSTQH101Stock in Transit for Project - HistoryInventory Management
32ERP EHP76.0MWMKPF301Header Table for the InterfaceInventory Management
33ERP EHP76.0MWSTOR21Reversal TransactionsInventory Management
34ERP EHP76.0MWXMSEG1801ZMSEG: Interface for Posting of ValueInventory Management
35ERP EHP76.0MWXVM07M2001Fields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07MInventory Management
36ERP EHP76.0MWYMBUZ81Line AssignmentInventory Management
37ERP EHP76.0MWZDM07M12351ZDM07M1Inventory Management
38ERP EHP76.0MWZDM07M22391ZDM07M2Inventory Management
39ERP EHP76.0MWZMBUZ71ZMBUZInventory Management
40ERP EHP76.0MWZMSEG1811ZMSEG:Interface for Posting of ValueInventory Management
41ERP EHP76.0MWZVM07M2001Fields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07MInventory Management
42ERP EHP76.0ORIG_PR_MBEW261Sales Price Origin of Last Total Revaluation at RetailInventory Management
43ERP EHP76.0PROFT_COST_VAL351Data of Purchase Value Change ProfileInventory Management
44ERP EHP76.0PROF_COST_VALT41Text Table: Purchase Value Change ProfileInventory Management
45ERP EHP76.0RESB1972Reservation/dependent requirementsInventory Management
46ERP EHP76.0RKPF561Document Header: ReservationInventory Management
47ERP EHP76.0RPGRI41Texts for grouping of movement typesInventory Management
48ERP EHP76.0SBSE161Stock Mngmt Levels for Inventory SamplingInventory Management
49ERP EHP76.0SKPF431Header Data: Inventory SamplingInventory Management
50ERP EHP76.0SLGH281Elements of Stock PopulationInventory Management
51ERP EHP76.0SSCH301Strata of Inventory SamplingInventory Management
52ERP EHP76.0T023W51Control Table for Value-Only Material DeterminationInventory Management
53ERP EHP76.0T023X51Exception Table for Value-Only Material DeterminationInventory Management
54ERP EHP76.0T043I51Tolerance Groups for Persons Processing Inventory Diff.Inventory Management
55ERP EHP76.0T063D41Screen Control: View in Inventory ManagementInventory Management
56ERP EHP76.0T064A11Physical Inventory Stock TypesInventory Management
57ERP EHP76.0T064B31Stock Types and Texts for Physical InventoryInventory Management
58ERP EHP76.0T134H41Organiz. Unit: Business Area Determ. - MM ViewInventory Management
59ERP EHP76.0T134M71Control of Qty/Value UpdateInventory Management
60ERP EHP76.0T156421Movement TypeInventory Management
61ERP EHP76.0T156F151Fields in Quantity StringInventory Management
62ERP EHP76.0T156HT41Main Text for Movement TypeInventory Management
63ERP EHP76.0T156M491Posting String: QuantityInventory Management
64ERP EHP76.0T156S311Movement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B)Inventory Management
65ERP EHP76.0T156SC191Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6AInventory Management
66ERP EHP76.0T156SY171Mvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6AInventory Management
67ERP EHP76.0T156T81Movement Type TextInventory Management
68ERP EHP76.0T156W201Posting string valuesInventory Management
69ERP EHP76.0T156X121Trans./Event Key ModificationInventory Management
70ERP EHP76.0T158G21MMIM: Possible Codes for BAPI Goods MovementInventory Management
71ERP EHP76.0T159A261Test Data for Batch Input in Inventory ManagementInventory Management
72ERP EHP76.0T159C71Value table for counting cycles in cycle countingInventory Management
73ERP EHP76.0T159F21MMIM: Error Messages Resulting From Blocked ObjectsInventory Management
74ERP EHP76.0T159I231Test Data for Batch Input in Inventory Management (Phys.Inv)Inventory Management
75ERP EHP76.0T159L361Default values for inventory management and physical invent.Inventory Management
76ERP EHP76.0T159X51Inventory Management: XAB numer range determinationInventory Management
77ERP EHP76.0T159Z41Inventory Management: XAB number rangeInventory Management
78ERP EHP76.0T6WP321Check Table for Labelling TypeInventory Management
79ERP EHP76.0T6WP421Check Table for Label ShapeInventory Management
80ERP EHP76.0TASSIGN_MM_T001W61Aux. Table for Status Info SD Maintenance View: Key VKORGInventory Management
81ERP EHP76.0TNAD9171Output Determination: Printer per SLoc. and User GroupInventory Management
82ERP EHP76.0TUPROF31Assgmnt of SV Revaluation Profile to PV Revaluation ProfileInventory Management
83ERP EHP76.0TWBN21Reason for Price ChangeInventory Management
84ERP EHP76.0TWBNT41Text Table: Reason for Price ChangeInventory Management
85ERP EHP76.0TWDR31Transactions with Automatic Revaluation at RetailInventory Management
86ERP EHP76.0TWDRT41Text Table: Default Reason for Changing Retail PriceInventory Management
87ERP EHP76.0TWPR71Profile for Value-Based Inventory ManagementInventory Management
88ERP EHP76.0TWPRT41Text Table: Profiles for Value-Based Inventory ManagementInventory Management
89ERP EHP76.0TWUP61Profiles for Revaluation at RetailInventory Management
90ERP EHP76.0TWUPT41Text Table: Retail Revaluation ProfilesInventory Management
91ERP EHP76.0UKPF112Retail Revaluation Document: Revaluation HeaderInventory Management
92ERP EHP76.0USEG502Retail Revaluation Document: Revaluation SegmentInventory Management
93ERP EHP76.0WRF_PRICE_CHECK31Seas. Proc. Consigm.: Customizing: Price Test ConfigurationInventory Management
94ERP EHP76.0WRF_STOCK_SITUAT81Stock Situation TableInventory Management
95ERP EHP76.0WRMA_ACC_PR31Assignment of Accounting PrincipleInventory Management
96ERP EHP76.0WRMA_BI_CD21Condition Types from BIInventory Management
97ERP EHP76.0WRMA_BI_CDT41Text Table: Condition Types from BIInventory Management
98ERP EHP76.0WRMA_CLIENT21RMA ActivationInventory Management
99ERP EHP76.0WRMA_COND51Assign Meaning to Condition TypesInventory Management
100ERP EHP76.0WRMA_DIAG_R321Diagnosis support with RMAInventory Management
101ERP EHP76.0WRMA_EVALIDOC101Document flow for RMA revaluationsInventory Management
102ERP EHP76.0WRMA_EVALPER111Completed RMA PeriodsInventory Management
103ERP EHP76.0WRMA_FI_CD51Define FI Update Condition TypeInventory Management
104ERP EHP76.0WRMA_LINK61Linking of BI and ERP Condition TypeInventory Management
105ERP EHP76.0WRMA_LINVDAT31Last Inventory Date per Material Group (for RMA Evaluation)Inventory Management
106ERP EHP76.0WRMA_MANDT61Single Client Settings for RMAInventory Management
107ERP EHP76.0WRMA_NO_DOC122Index of Cancelled Posting Run Without Agency DocumentInventory Management
108ERP EHP76.0WRMA_PROFILE91RMA ProfileInventory Management
109ERP EHP76.0WRMA_PROFILET41Text Table: RMA ProfileInventory Management
110ERP EHP76.0WRMA_T001W51Define plant-dependent parameter for RMAInventory Management
111ERP EHP76.0WRMA_T02341RMA Value-Only Article Assignment for Merchandise CategoryInventory Management
112ERP EHP76.0WRMA_TRANS173Header Data for Posting RunInventory Management
113ERP EHP76.0WRMA_TRANS_CD71Condition Data for Posting RunInventory Management
114ERP EHP76.0WRMA_TRANS_DOC131Document Data for Posting RunInventory Management
115ERP EHP76.0WRMA_VALUES152RMA Value TableInventory Management
Materials Management :: Inventory Management :: Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
116ERP EHP76.0MYABK61Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried OutBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
117ERP EHP76.0MYCOM71Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried OutBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
118ERP EHP76.0MYLAUFCUST91Customizing for Balance Sheet Valuation Delta Run by AccountBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
119ERP EHP76.0MYLAUFHD91Run for Balance Sheet Values by AccountBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
120ERP EHP76.0MYLAUFIT161Object Table for Delta Run Using MRN9Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
121ERP EHP76.0MYMFT151FIFO Results TableBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
122ERP EHP76.0MYML131LIFO Material Layer (Annual)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
123ERP EHP76.0MYML1171LIFO: Transaction-Related Material LayerBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
124ERP EHP76.0MYML1Q151LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer (Quantity)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
125ERP EHP76.0MYML1V111LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer (Values)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
126ERP EHP76.0MYMLM141LIFO Material Layer (Monthly)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
127ERP EHP76.0MYMP91LIFO Period Stocks, Individual MaterialBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
128ERP EHP76.0MYMP1211Receipt Data LFIO/FIFO ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
129ERP EHP76.0MYMP1R171Storage for Invoice Differences (LIFO/FIFO)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
130ERP EHP76.0MYPL141LIFO Pool Layer (Annual)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
131ERP EHP76.0MYPLM151LIFO Pool Layer (Monthly)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
132ERP EHP76.0MYPS141Rules for Pool Splitting Method for LIFO ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
133ERP EHP76.0MYPS241Rules for Pool Splitting Method for LIFO ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
134ERP EHP76.0MYPS351Rule Type for Reassignment of Material LayersBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
135ERP EHP76.0MYSEG_EXTRACT391Document Segment: MaterialBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
136ERP EHP76.0MYSTA231Balance Sheet Valuation: Procedure Statistics TableBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
137ERP EHP76.0T001Y41Valuation Levels for LIFO Inventory ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
138ERP EHP76.0TCKMLPR_EB61Customizing for Bal. Sheet Valuation: Define Valuation AreasBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
139ERP EHP76.0TCKMLPR_EBT51Customizing Bal. Sheet Valuation Procedures (Descriptions)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
140ERP EHP76.0TMY0151Procedure Model for Balance Sheet Valuation (LIFO/FIFO)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
141ERP EHP76.0TMY0271Balance Sheet Valuation Method (LIFO/FIFO)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
142ERP EHP76.0TMY0341Valuation Levels for FIFO Material ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
143ERP EHP76.0TMY04111Company Code Parameters for LIFO/FIFO ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
144ERP EHP76.0TMY05101Directory for Versions for LIFO ValuationBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
145ERP EHP76.0TMY0641Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB CommitBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
146ERP EHP76.0TNIW5N71Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage (w. Version)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
147ERP EHP76.0TNIW5W51Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. AreaBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
148ERP EHP76.0TNIW6N71Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-Movement (w. Version)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
149ERP EHP76.0TNIW6W51Lowest Value: Devaluation for Slow/Non-movement by Val.AreaBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
150ERP EHP76.0TNIW751Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Deter.Lowest Val.)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
151ERP EHP76.0TNIW8H41Weighting of Stock Quantities per Period (Lowest Value)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
152ERP EHP76.0TNIW951Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value)Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures
153ERP EHP76.0TPOOL91Master Record, LIFO PoolsBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
154ERP EHP76.0TSVER51Text Descriptions for LIFO Layer VersionsBalance Sheet Valuation Procedures
Materials Management :: Inventory Management :: Basic Functions
155ERP EHP76.0T159V31Text table for T159wBasic Functions
156ERP EHP76.0T159W51Foundation transactions and corresponding posting keysBasic Functions
Materials Management :: Inventory Management :: Excise Duty
157ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CSWEMPF_CE71Certificates for Temporarily Registered ConsigneesExcise Duty
158ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_BP161EMCS Process: PartnersExcise Duty
159ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_BP_H161EMCS Process: Partners - HistoryExcise Duty
160ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_CCODE21Product Category CodesExcise Duty
161ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_CCODT41Text Table for Product Category CodesExcise Duty
162ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_DEL31Delivery Types for EMCS ControlExcise Duty
163ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_EMCS31Activation of ED EMCSExcise Duty
164ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_MMTYP31EMCS-Relevant Movement Types and Process UsageExcise Duty
165ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_ORDER31Order Types for EMCS ControlExcise Duty
166ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_PCODE81Product CodesExcise Duty
167ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_PCODT41Text Table - Product CodesExcise Duty
168ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_C_PLANT41EMCS Data for PlantsExcise Duty
169ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_DEV71EMCS Process: Information About DeviationExcise Duty
170ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_DEV_H71EMCS Process: Information About Deviation - HistoryExcise Duty
171ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_DOCS91EMCS Process: DocumentsExcise Duty
172ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_DOCS_H91EMCS Process: Documents - HistoryExcise Duty
173ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_HD362EMCS Process: Header DataExcise Duty
174ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_HDT71EMCS Process: Texts for Header DataExcise Duty
175ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_HDT_H71EMCS Process: Texts for Header Data - HistoryExcise Duty
176ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_HD_H361EMCS Process: Header Data - HistoryExcise Duty
177ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_IT321EMCS Process: ItemsExcise Duty
178ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_ITT81EMCS Process: Texts for ItemsExcise Duty
179ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_ITT_H81EMCS Process: Texts for Items - HistoryExcise Duty
180ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_IT_H321EMCS Process: Items - HistoryExcise Duty
181ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_MB_HOLD31MIGO BADI: Table for Held External DataExcise Duty
182ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_MEMORY91EMCS Process: Table for Shared BufferExcise Duty
183ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_MSEGARC93EMCS Process: ARC in Material Document ItemsExcise Duty
184ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_MSEGA_H92EMCS Process: ARC in Material Document Items - HistoryExcise Duty
185ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_MSG81EMCS Process: MessagesExcise Duty
186ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_PACK111EMCS Process: Packaging InformationExcise Duty
187ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_PACK_H111EMCS Process: Packaging Information - HistoryExcise Duty
188ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_TRANS121EMCS Process: Shipment DetailsExcise Duty
189ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/CS_TRANS_H121EMCS Process: Shipment Details - HistoryExcise Duty
190ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED901521Excise Duty Types/FunctionsExcise Duty
191ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED901T41Tax Types/Excise Duty Functions TextsExcise Duty
192ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED902221Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
193ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED902ADR51Enhancement Tab: Addresses for Tax Whse Tab. /BEV2/ED902Excise Duty
194ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED902T51Tax Warehouses (Texts)Excise Duty
195ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED90381Assignment of SAP Warehouse to Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
196ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED90541Excise Duty Movement CategoriesExcise Duty
197ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED90671Grouping of SAP Movement Types for ED Movement CategoriesExcise Duty
198ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED907111Excise Duty Stock Ledger GroupsExcise Duty
199ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED907K21Excise Duty Stock Ledger GroupsExcise Duty
200ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED907KT41Excise Duty Stock Ledger Groups (Texts)Excise Duty
201ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED907T61Stock Ledger Groups TextsExcise Duty
202ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED90831Excise Duty Print FormatsExcise Duty
203ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED908T41Excise Duty Print Formats (Texts)Excise Duty
204ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED90991Period Closings, Processing FlagExcise Duty
205ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91041Returns: Order Reasons/Tax DeferralExcise Duty
206ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91171Excise Duty Customer GroupsExcise Duty
207ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91291Customer Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
208ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91381Vendor Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
209ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91431Excise Duty Movement CategoriesExcise Duty
210ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED914T41Excise Duty Movement Categories (Foreign Languages)Excise Duty
211ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91561Units for Excise Duty Stock Ledger EntriesExcise Duty
212ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91681Determine Movement Category Using Cost CenterExcise Duty
213ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED917291Table for Print ControlExcise Duty
214ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED917ARC91Parameters for ArchivingExcise Duty
215ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91881Excise Duty Tax RatesExcise Duty
216ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED91951Stock Ledger Entries to Be Posted After Period CloseExcise Duty
217ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92041Item Categories Relevant for Excise Duty - ReturnsExcise Duty
218ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED921211Excise Duty ControlExcise Duty
219ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92241Header Lines for Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
220ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED922T61Header Lines for Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
221ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92331Storage Types for Stock Shrinkage RateExcise Duty
222ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED923T41Storage Types for Stock Shrinkage Rate (Texts)Excise Duty
223ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92461Inventory Shrinkage Rates per Storage Type and Tax WarehouseExcise Duty
224ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92571Inventory Shrinkage Rates per Storage LocationExcise Duty
225ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92691Define Theoretical ShrinkageExcise Duty
226ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92791Define Actual ShrinkageExcise Duty
227ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92891Year-End Closings, Processing FlagExcise Duty
228ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED92921EU Customers Outside the Tax TerritoryExcise Duty
229ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED93021EU Vendors Outside the Tax TerritoryExcise Duty
230ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED937B81Fill Cond. for Add. Fields in Stock Ledger List (ALV Grid)Excise Duty
231ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED937BT101Fill Cond. for Add. Fields in Stock Ledger List (ALV Grid)Excise Duty
232ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED937K31Additional Fields for Stock Ledger List (ALV Grid)Excise Duty
233ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED937KT41Additional Fields for Stock Ledger List (ALV Grid)Excise Duty
234ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED938111Print Format Items Excise DutyExcise Duty
235ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED938T51Print Format Items Excise Duty TextsExcise Duty
236ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED94091Definition of Shrinkage TypesExcise Duty
237ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED947181Overwrite Standard Stock Ledger GroupsExcise Duty
238ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95121Procurement Types SchemaExcise Duty
239ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED951T41Procurement Types Schema TextsExcise Duty
240ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95241Assignment of Procurement Types to Procurement Type SchemaExcise Duty
241ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED952T51Assignment of Procurement Types to Procurement Type SchemaExcise Duty
242ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95321Procurement Types Block SchemaExcise Duty
243ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED953T41Procurement Types Block Schema TextsExcise Duty
244ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95441Assign Procurement Types to Block SchemaExcise Duty
245ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95521Tax Type Independent Material Groups Excise DutyExcise Duty
246ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED955T41Tax Type Independent Material Groups Excise DutyExcise Duty
247ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED95631Tax Type Dependent Material Groups Excise DutyExcise Duty
248ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED956T51Tax Type Dependent Material Groups Excise DutyExcise Duty
249ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED96021Define Excise Duty Special Partner TypesExcise Duty
250ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED960T41Define Excise Duty Special Partner TypesExcise Duty
251ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED96151ED Special Partner Types for Ship-to PartiesExcise Duty
252ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED96241ED Special Partner Types for VendorsExcise Duty
253ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED96361Assignment Customer Groups to Special Partner TypesExcise Duty
254ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED96671EU: Affiliated Non-EU CountriesExcise Duty
255ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED97021List TypesExcise Duty
256ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED970T41List TypesExcise Duty
257ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED99441ED DB Optimization: Access IdentificationsExcise Duty
258ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED994O61ED DB Adjustment: Access OptimizationExcise Duty
259ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED994T31ED DB Optimization: Access IdentificationsExcise Duty
260ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED99551Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard FormsExcise Duty
261ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED995SF71Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard FormsExcise Duty
262ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED995SFT71Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard FormsExcise Duty
263ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED995T61Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard FormsExcise Duty
264ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED996111Text Modules of Excise Duty Header DataExcise Duty
265ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED996TLINE71Text Modules of Excise Duty TextsExcise Duty
266ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED99751Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard RoutinesExcise Duty
267ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED997T61Customer-Specific Substitution of Standard RoutinesExcise Duty
268ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED99861Table for Report ThresholdsExcise Duty
269ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED998T41Texts for Report Thresholds in Table /BEV2/ED998Excise Duty
270ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED99921Error Description Excise DutyExcise Duty
271ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED999T41Error Description Excise DutyExcise Duty
272ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDARCDOCID123Index Table for Archive DocumentsExcise Duty
273ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDARCMDID51Excise Duty: IDs for Objects to Be ArchivedExcise Duty
274ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDARCMDNAM61Excise Duty: IDs for Objects to Be ArchivedExcise Duty
275ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDFIXSTADM81ExD: Administration Table of the Fixed StocksExcise Duty
276ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDFIXSTOCK141ExD: Fixed StocksExcise Duty
277ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDLIEFT211ED Vendor Master: GeneralExcise Duty
278ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDLIEFT_EU101EU Special Cses VendorsExcise Duty
279ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMAA321Material Master Data Excise Duty (A Segment)Excise Duty
280ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMAB211Material Master Data Excise Duty (B Segment)Excise Duty
281ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMAC291Material Master Data Excise Duty (C Segment)Excise Duty
282ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMSE852Excise Duty Document TableExcise Duty
283ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMSS41Material Documents Whose Processing Flags Have to Be ResetExcise Duty
284ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDMST71Document Texts for Manual CorrectionsExcise Duty
285ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDPROTOK61Excise Duties: Internal Log TableExcise Duty
286ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDWEMPF211ED Consignee Master: GeneralExcise Duty
287ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDWEMPF_EU101EU Special Cases Ship-To PartyExcise Duty
288ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDZUS131Customer-Specific Add. Duties 1 ExD Material Master (Client)Excise Duty
289ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/EDZUS1T41Customer-Specific Add. Duties 1 ExD Material Master TextExcise Duty
290ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED_LDS_HDR41AAD: France: AAD HeaderExcise Duty
291ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED_LDS_MNT151LDS: AAD Management TableExcise Duty
292ERP EHP76.0/BEV2/ED_LDS_POS41AAD: France: AAD HeaderExcise Duty
293ERP EHP76.0S465192IS Bev ED - Daily UpdateExcise Duty
294ERP EHP76.0S465E123S465 - Structure InformationExcise Duty
295ERP EHP76.0S466192IS Bev ED - Monthly UpdateExcise Duty
296ERP EHP76.0S466E123S466 - Structure InformationExcise Duty