| Column | Field | Description | SQL Type | Length | Decimals | SAP Type | Default Value | Null Allowed | CheckTable | Rollname | SQL Create Statement |
| 1 | DATE_ANA | Date of the last check | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | DATS | (N'00000000') | No | | DB2BCKDATE | Allow NULL? |
| 2 | TIME_ANA | Time of the last check | nvarchar | 6 | 0 | TIMS | (N'000000') | No | | DB2BCKTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 3 | DBNAM | Database name | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | | DB2DBNAME | Allow NULL? |
| 4 | TSNAM | Name of the tablespace | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | | DB2TSNAME | Allow NULL? |
| 5 | TSPART | Partition number | smallint | 5 | 0 | INT2 | ((0)) | No | | DB2PARTNRS | |
| 6 | CREATOR | DB2 creator name | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | | DB2CREATOR | Allow NULL? |
| 7 | IXNAME | Name of a DB2 for OS/390 index | nvarchar | 18 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2IDXNAME | Allow NULL? |
| 8 | DBNAME | Database name | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2DBNAME | Allow NULL? |
| 9 | TSNAME | Name of the tablespace | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2TSNAME | Allow NULL? |
| 10 | PARTI | Data set number or partition number | smallint | 5 | 0 | INT2 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCPART | |
| 11 | OBJTYPE | DB2 object type: TS for tablespace, IX for indexspace | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCOBJT | Allow NULL? |
| 12 | OBJSTATUS | DB2 object status: NULL, restricted states or orphaned | nvarchar | 36 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCOBJS | Allow NULL? |
| 13 | COPYREC | COPY recommendation: FUL(TS), INC(TS), YES(IX) or NO(Both) | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCCPYR | Allow NULL? |
| 14 | RUNSTREC | RUNSTATS Recommendation: YES or NO | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCSREC | Allow NULL? |
| 15 | EXTENTS | Extentlimit was exceeded: YES or NO | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCEXTL | Allow NULL? |
| 16 | REORGREC | REORG Recommendation: YES or NO | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCOREC | Allow NULL? |
| 17 | EXCTABLE | Defined in exceptiontable: YES, NO, QUERY or NULL(no exctab) | nvarchar | 40 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCEXCL | Allow NULL? |
| 18 | ASSOCTS | Associated tablespace for indexspace | nvarchar | 8 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCASSTS | Allow NULL? |
| 19 | COPYTIME | Timestamp of last full image COPY | nvarchar | 26 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCCTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 20 | LOADREPLTI | Timestamp of last LOAD REPLACE | nvarchar | 26 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCLTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 21 | REBUILDTIM | Timestamp of last REBUILD INDEX | nvarchar | 26 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCRTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 22 | FCUPDPGS | Full/Inc. Copy: Updated pages in percent of preformatted pag | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCUPDPG | Allow NULL? |
| 23 | FCCHGPCT | Full/Inc. Copy: Changed rows in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCCCHGS | Allow NULL? |
| 24 | FCDAYSCOPY | Full Copy: Number of days since last COPY | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCCDAYS | Allow NULL? |
| 25 | FCINDEXSIZ | Full Copy: Minimum size of index in pages (NACTIVE) | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCISIZE | Allow NULL? |
| 26 | REORGTIME | Timestamp of last REORG | nvarchar | 26 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCOTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 27 | RTINSDELUP | REORG TS/IX: Changed rows in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRCHGS | Allow NULL? |
| 28 | RTUNCLUST | REORG TS: Unclustered inserts in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCUNCLU | Allow NULL? |
| 29 | RTLOBPCT | REORG TS: Disorganized LOBs in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCLOB | Allow NULL? |
| 30 | RTMASSDEL | REORG:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRMASS | Allow NULL? |
| 31 | RTINDREF | REORG TS: Indirect references (overflow records) in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCIND | Allow NULL? |
| 32 | RIINSDEL | REORG TS/IX: Changed rows in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRCHGS | Allow NULL? |
| 33 | RIAPPINS | REORG Index: Appended rows (with greater key) in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCAPP | Allow NULL? |
| 34 | RIPSEUDODE | REORG Index: Pseudo deletes in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCPSEUD | Allow NULL? |
| 35 | RIMASSDEL | REORG:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRMASS | Allow NULL? |
| 36 | RILEAFLIM | REORG Indx: Pages phys. far away (INDEXPART.LEAFFAR) percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCLEAF | Allow NULL? |
| 37 | RINUMLEVEL | REORG Index: Change to number of index tree levels absolute | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCLEVEL | Allow NULL? |
| 38 | RUNSTATSTI | Timestamp of last RUNSTATS | nvarchar | 26 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | DB2CCSTIME | Allow NULL? |
| 39 | STINSDELP | RUNSTATS TS/IX: Changed rows in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCSCHGS | Allow NULL? |
| 40 | STINSDELA | RUN.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number | float | 15 | 16 | FLTP | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCCHGA | |
| 41 | STMASSDEL | RUNST:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCSMASS | Allow NULL? |
| 42 | SIINSDELP | RUNSTATS TS/IX: Changed rows in percent | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCSCHGS | Allow NULL? |
| 43 | SIINSDELA | RUN.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number | float | 15 | 16 | FLTP | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCCHGA | |
| 44 | SIMASSDEL | RUNST:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCSMASS | Allow NULL? |
| 45 | EXTENT_NO | Number of physical extents in TS, IS or partition | smallint | 5 | 0 | INT2 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCEXTNO | |
| 46 | RTINSDELUPABS | REO.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRCHGA | Allow NULL? |
| 47 | RTACTIVEPAGES | REORG TS/IX: Number of active pages | int | 10 | 0 | INT4 | ((0)) | Yes | | DB2CCRROWS | Allow NULL? |