SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

159 tablesERP 6.0 

Plant Maintenance :: Maintenance Processing :: Capacity and Resource Planning
1ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/CF999111Broadcast TargetsCapacity and Resource Planning
2ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_CDOPP_T41CD Opportunity DescriptionCapacity and Resource Planning
3ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_CD_OPPOR21Opportunity TypeCapacity and Resource Planning
4ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_FAV_LINK31Favorite Links in the Left FrameCapacity and Resource Planning
5ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_FV_LNK_T41Text Table for /MRSS/C_FAV_LINKCapacity and Resource Planning
6ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_HIER_EVA41Evaluation PathsCapacity and Resource Planning
7ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPASTXT41Status texts for assignmentsCapacity and Resource Planning
8ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPNPOS91Code Groups for Notification ItemsCapacity and Resource Planning
9ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPROLE61Mapping of R/3 partner rolesCapacity and Resource Planning
10ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPSTAT81Mapping of R/3 statusCapacity and Resource Planning
11ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPTASK81Mapping of R/3 taskCapacity and Resource Planning
12ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MAPWC31Mapping of R/3 work center typesCapacity and Resource Planning
13ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_MOB_STAT61Assignment of Abstract Status to Plants (Mobile Integration)Capacity and Resource Planning
14ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_OPPR_TYP21Opportunity TypeCapacity and Resource Planning
15ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_PRO_PHAS21Table for Project PhaseCapacity and Resource Planning
16ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_PRO_SERV21Table for Project ServiceCapacity and Resource Planning
17ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_PRSERV_T41Description for Project ServiceCapacity and Resource Planning
18ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RCT_MRSD21Define RFC location for MRS systemCapacity and Resource Planning
19ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RCT_NPRV121Determination of MRS relevanceCapacity and Resource Planning
20ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RCT_PRRV31MRS relevence for ProjectsCapacity and Resource Planning
21ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AB_CA31RM Abstract Statuses at the Candidate LevelCapacity and Resource Planning
22ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AB_RO31RM Abstract Statuses at the Role LevelCapacity and Resource Planning
23ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AB_RQ31RM Abstract Statuses at the Request LevelCapacity and Resource Planning
24ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ACSU51Customizing table for Automatic Candidate Status UpdateCapacity and Resource Planning
25ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ADDNL81Broadcast targets - Additional (Marked as default)Capacity and Resource Planning
26ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ASG_S31Map Booking Types to MRS Assignment StatusCapacity and Resource Planning
27ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ASSFL61Customizing table for Assignment FilterCapacity and Resource Planning
28ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ASSFT41Text table for Assignment FilterCapacity and Resource Planning
29ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ASSGC51Maintain Colors for Assignments displayCapacity and Resource Planning
30ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AT51Assignment TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
31ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AT_MP31Mapping table to map RM assignment Types to MRS Settlm typesCapacity and Resource Planning
32ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_AT_T41Texts for Assignment TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
33ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_A_CA141RM Abstract Statuses at the Candidate LevelCapacity and Resource Planning
34ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCCON41Broadcast regions- country detailsCapacity and Resource Planning
35ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCOAC41Broadcast Regions- OthersCapacity and Resource Planning
36ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCOT261Broadcast Regions- OthersCapacity and Resource Planning
37ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCOTH41Broadcast Regions- OthersCapacity and Resource Planning
38ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCPRT31Portal BroadcastsCapacity and Resource Planning
39ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCRMC41Countries assignment for RM groupsCapacity and Resource Planning
40ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCRMO41Others assignment for RM groupsCapacity and Resource Planning
41ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCRMV41Vendors assignment for RM groupsCapacity and Resource Planning
42ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCVEN31Vendors assignment to vendor groupsCapacity and Resource Planning
43ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BCVGP51Vendors group for tree hierarchyCapacity and Resource Planning
44ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BOOK41Map Booking Type to Candidate StatusesCapacity and Resource Planning
45ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BT51Broadcast TargetsCapacity and Resource Planning
46ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BTN21Table for buttonsCapacity and Resource Planning
47ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BTNV91UI settingsCapacity and Resource Planning
48ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BTN_T41Table for buttonsCapacity and Resource Planning
49ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_BT_T41Texts for Broadcast TargetsCapacity and Resource Planning
50ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CAND31Candidate Status ProfilesCapacity and Resource Planning
51ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CAT41Request CategoryCapacity and Resource Planning
52ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CAT_T41Request Category DescriptionsCapacity and Resource Planning
53ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CC41Corporate CompanyCapacity and Resource Planning
54ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CC_T41Texts for Corporate CompanyCapacity and Resource Planning
55ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CDOPR41Opportunity TypeCapacity and Resource Planning
56ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CDOPT41CD Opportunity DescriptionCapacity and Resource Planning
57ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CDRF41Activate Refinement E-MailCapacity and Resource Planning
58ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CO41Corporate OrganizationCapacity and Resource Planning
59ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_COLS31Maintain Column Display for WDA ALVCapacity and Resource Planning
60ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CO_T41Texts for Corporate OrganizationCapacity and Resource Planning
61ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CRMOP41CRM Order ProbablityCapacity and Resource Planning
62ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CRMOT41Texts for Order ProbablityCapacity and Resource Planning
63ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CT41Contract TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
64ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CT_T41Texts for Contract TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
65ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_CUST41Config Table for Custom Fields in RM screenCapacity and Resource Planning
66ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_DT61Default settings for worklist date rangeCapacity and Resource Planning
67ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_DT_T41Text table for /MRSS/C_RM_DTCapacity and Resource Planning
68ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ET41Escalation TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
69ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ET_T41Texts for Escalation TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
70ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_FD41Flow Down TermsCapacity and Resource Planning
71ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_FD_T41Texts for Flow Down TermsCapacity and Resource Planning
72ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_HTF41Call FiltersCapacity and Resource Planning
73ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_HTF_T41Description for the Hard to Fill FLagCapacity and Resource Planning
74ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ICONS31RM: Icons for assignmentsCapacity and Resource Planning
75ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_INTP41Consulting gorup assignment for RM groupsCapacity and Resource Planning
76ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_JT51Job TextsCapacity and Resource Planning
77ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_JT_T71Description for Job TextsCapacity and Resource Planning
78ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_LBL_T41Text Table for Custom FieldsCapacity and Resource Planning
79ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_LOB41Line of BusinessCapacity and Resource Planning
80ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_LOB_T41Texts for Line of businessCapacity and Resource Planning
81ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_OP41Order ProbablityCapacity and Resource Planning
82ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_OP_T41Texts for Order ProbablityCapacity and Resource Planning
83ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_OR41Request OriginsCapacity and Resource Planning
84ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ORG42Responsible RM GroupCapacity and Resource Planning
85ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ORG_T41Text table for Responsible RM GroupCapacity and Resource Planning
86ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_OR_T41Texts for OriginsCapacity and Resource Planning
87ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PA41Project Activity typesCapacity and Resource Planning
88ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PACE41Customizing for PACE ProfilesCapacity and Resource Planning
89ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PA_T41Texts for Project Activity typesCapacity and Resource Planning
90ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PRC41Partner Rejection CodesCapacity and Resource Planning
91ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PRC_T51Texts for Partner Rejection codesCapacity and Resource Planning
92ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PRRQ41Proposed to Requester Email Flag by Region / RM GroupCapacity and Resource Planning
93ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PRSRV41Table for Project ServiceCapacity and Resource Planning
94ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PRSVT41Description for Project ServiceCapacity and Resource Planning
95ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PSTA2171Partner StatusesCapacity and Resource Planning
96ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PSTA491Partner StatusesCapacity and Resource Planning
97ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PSTAT91Partner StatusesCapacity and Resource Planning
98ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PST_T91Text Table for Partner StatusesCapacity and Resource Planning
99ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PS_441Texts for Partner statusCapacity and Resource Planning
100ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_PS_T41Texts for Partner statusCapacity and Resource Planning
101ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_QK_C71Customizing table for Quick Close / BookCapacity and Resource Planning
102ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RC51Reason for CloseCapacity and Resource Planning
103ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RC_T41Texts for Reason CloseCapacity and Resource Planning
104ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ROUTE21Routing TableCapacity and Resource Planning
105ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RT41Request TypeCapacity and Resource Planning
106ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RTY41Role TypeCapacity and Resource Planning
107ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RTY_T41Text for Role TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
108ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RT_T41Texts for Request TypesCapacity and Resource Planning
109ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_RWL51Regional Defaults for worklistsCapacity and Resource Planning
110ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SCEN21PS integration Scenario with RMCapacity and Resource Planning
111ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SLA21Exclude From SLA TrackingCapacity and Resource Planning
112ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SLA_T41Text Table for SLA Exclude Reason codesCapacity and Resource Planning
113ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SPH_T41Resource Management Service Phase Text TableCapacity and Resource Planning
114ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SR31Sub-regionsCapacity and Resource Planning
115ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SRCHC81Colors for Search ResultsCapacity and Resource Planning
116ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SRVPH31Resource Management Service PhaseCapacity and Resource Planning
117ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SR_T51Texts for Sub-regionsCapacity and Resource Planning
118ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_STAT51RM Request/Role Status managementCapacity and Resource Planning
119ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_ST_OB21Customizing for Maintaining Status obj type for CandidatatesCapacity and Resource Planning
120ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_SUBM41Role Submit Email Flag by Region / RM GroupCapacity and Resource Planning
121ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_UNIT41Units for durationCapacity and Resource Planning
122ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_USR21RM: unstructured qual for concatenated display on search resCapacity and Resource Planning
123ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_USRT41Types of unstructured qualifications for RM@FS scenarioCapacity and Resource Planning
124ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_VALI41Activate Validation E-MailCapacity and Resource Planning
125ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_WEEK31Week Number and DateCapacity and Resource Planning
126ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_WF_IC31Alert Icon ConfigurationCapacity and Resource Planning
127ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_WL61Custom table for WorklistsCapacity and Resource Planning
128ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_RM_WL_T41Text Table for Worklist Custom tableCapacity and Resource Planning
129ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_STAT_CTR101Status Control for Assignment OperationsCapacity and Resource Planning
130ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_SUPERVSR51Site Supervisor IndicatorCapacity and Resource Planning
131ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_TRV_TIME101Customizing for travel timesCapacity and Resource Planning
132ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_WF_ACKN31Automatic Alerts Acknowledgement Flag by RegionCapacity and Resource Planning
133ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/C_WKND_DET81Maintain the Days which will be set as weekend.Capacity and Resource Planning
134ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_EBL_LINK41Enable Links in the Left FrameCapacity and Resource Planning
135ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_ASG_I31Additional assignment infoCapacity and Resource Planning
136ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_BCDAT231Broadcast Worklist DataCapacity and Resource Planning
137ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_BCHIS151Broadcast History TableCapacity and Resource Planning
138ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_CAND294Candidates for DemandsCapacity and Resource Planning
139ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_CUST51Additional Informational fields for the RM RequestCapacity and Resource Planning
140ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_DEM72Additional Informational fields for the DemandCapacity and Resource Planning
141ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_FWUP82Table to Store Follow Up DataCapacity and Resource Planning
142ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_HEADR622Request DetailsCapacity and Resource Planning
143ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_IOL61Link time allocations and web requests with internal ordersCapacity and Resource Planning
144ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_MBODY371Smart Forms for E-Mail Message BodyCapacity and Resource Planning
145ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_MDATA371Maintain Master Data settings for Resource ManagementCapacity and Resource Planning
146ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_MDISC81Smart Forms for E-Mail Message DisclaimerCapacity and Resource Planning
147ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_MSUBJ71Smart Forms for E-Mail Message SubjectCapacity and Resource Planning
148ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_MTRIG31E-Mail TriggersCapacity and Resource Planning
149ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_PRTF51Portal Additional Data for ResourceCapacity and Resource Planning
150ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_RM_ROLE604Role DetailsCapacity and Resource Planning
151ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_SB_EXP41History of softbooking expiry dateCapacity and Resource Planning
152ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/D_VARIANTS61Variants for RM ApplicationCapacity and Resource Planning
153ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/RM_PN_CONF41Automatic Routing for Demand ConfidentialityCapacity and Resource Planning
154ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/SADRPX101IS-Zusatzstruktur zu den SADR*-StrukturenCapacity and Resource Planning
155ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/SETHEADERT61Short description of SetsCapacity and Resource Planning
156ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/SETNODE91Lower-level sets in setsCapacity and Resource Planning
157ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/T_RM_TCOTK51Order information system: Selection table fieldsCapacity and Resource Planning
158ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/T_RM_TCOTX71Order Information System: Key Texts for Data ElementsCapacity and Resource Planning
159ERP EHP76.0/MRSS/T_SETNAME61Cluster table for SetnameCapacity and Resource Planning