SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1396 tablesERP 6.0 

Production Planning and Control
1ERP EHP76.0LPO_INTMODEL_MAT121Integration model LPO: Integrated MaterialsProduction Planning and Control
2ERP EHP76.0LPO_INTMODEL_WC51Integration model LPO: Integrated Work centersProduction Planning and Control
Production Planning and Control :: Flow Manufacturing
3ERP EHP76.0LDLBC101Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balanceFlow Manufacturing
4ERP EHP76.0LDLBH191Line balance/planned rate header recordFlow Manufacturing
5ERP EHP76.0LDLBP141Line balance itemsFlow Manufacturing
6ERP EHP76.0LDLBT111Line hierarchy entry and exit taktsFlow Manufacturing
7ERP EHP76.0LDLH141Line hierarchy headerFlow Manufacturing
8ERP EHP76.0LDLP141Line hierarchy itemsFlow Manufacturing
9ERP EHP76.0LDLT151Line hierarchy takt timesFlow Manufacturing
10ERP EHP76.0LDMDR61Line Hierarchy Material-Dependent RatesFlow Manufacturing
11ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_COL_CTL51Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->WordFlow Manufacturing
12ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_CONT171Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)Flow Manufacturing
13ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_CONT1_S61Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)Flow Manufacturing
14ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LAYOUT71Process Sheet: Layout header dataFlow Manufacturing
15ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LOIO181Process Sheet: Instances of logical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
16ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LOIOT51Process Sheet: Descriptions of logical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
17ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LOPR72Process Sheet: Attribute values of logical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
18ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LORE111Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of logical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
19ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_LORI111Process Sheet:Incoming relationships of logical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
20ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHF101Process Sheet: Physical info object filesFlow Manufacturing
21ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHF_S91Process Sheet: Physical info object filesFlow Manufacturing
22ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHIO251Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
23ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHIO_S241Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
24ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHPR71Process Sheet: Attributes of physical info objectsFlow Manufacturing
25ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHRE111Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of phys. info objectsFlow Manufacturing
26ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_PHRI111Process Sheet: Incoming relationships of phys. info objectsFlow Manufacturing
27ERP EHP76.0TLDPS_TAB_CTL71Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->WordFlow Manufacturing
Production Planning and Control :: Information System
28ERP EHP76.0MCAFKOV361Versions: Order Header Data - PP OrdersInformation System
29ERP EHP76.0MCAFPOV451Versions: Order ItemInformation System
30ERP EHP76.0MCAFVGV622Versions: Order ProcedureInformation System
31ERP EHP76.0MCCOMPV261Versions: Material ComponentsInformation System
32ERP EHP76.0MCKALKV431Versions: Cost ItemizationInformation System
33ERP EHP76.0MCKALKW441Versions: Cost ItemizationInformation System
34ERP EHP76.0MCPPCUST181Performance Customizing: PPISInformation System
35ERP EHP76.0MCSFIS1481R/2 SFIS Data: OldInformation System
Production Planning and Control :: Integration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
36ERP EHP76.0AFDIST61Distribution Information on Production OrderIntegration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
37ERP EHP76.0COMES_CONF_PROG31Table for MES Confirmation ProgressIntegration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
38ERP EHP76.0TCOPODIST51Control of Distribution of Production Orders to an MESIntegration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
39ERP EHP76.0TCOSERNRCHECK61Serial Number Checks in MES Production OrdersIntegration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
Production Planning and Control :: KANBAN
40ERP EHP76.0B13061Plant/JC prof.KANBAN
41ERP EHP76.0B13171Plant/JC prof./vendorKANBAN
42ERP EHP76.0CPABPRF101JIT call profileKANBAN
43ERP EHP76.0CPABPRT41JIT call profile long textKANBAN
44ERP EHP76.0CTIMEDEF81Time definitionKANBAN
45ERP EHP76.0PABASN73Linking Summarized JIT Call - Shipping NotificationKANBAN
46ERP EHP76.0PABHD91JIT call header recordKANBAN
47ERP EHP76.0PABIT141JIT call itemsKANBAN
48ERP EHP76.0PKCH41Batches and Quantities in KANBANKANBAN
49ERP EHP76.0PKEC101Error Log for Kanban CalculationKANBAN
50ERP EHP76.0PKEK152Error Log for Kanban (Event-Driven KANBAN)KANBAN
51ERP EHP76.0PKEN41Dummy Table for Creating a Block.Object for Sec.Key Tab.PKHDKANBAN
52ERP EHP76.0PKER141Error Log of the Kanban ContainersKANBAN
53ERP EHP76.0PKHD736Control CycleKANBAN
54ERP EHP76.0PKPR441Change Proposals from Kanban CalculationKANBAN
55ERP EHP76.0PKPS358Control Cycle Item / KanbanKANBAN
56ERP EHP76.0PKPSHD41Deviating Control Cycle Data for KanbanKANBAN
57ERP EHP76.0PKSD61Control Cycle Item/Additional Data for Kanban With DeliveryKANBAN
58ERP EHP76.0PKSL61Detailed Selection of the Dependent RequirementsKANBAN
59ERP EHP76.0PKUSR161User Settings for Kanban TransactionsKANBAN
60ERP EHP76.0PVBE131Production Supply AreaKANBAN
61ERP EHP76.0PVKT61Supply Area Short TextKANBAN
62ERP EHP76.0T450N61Transaction Control MRP With ObjectKANBAN
63ERP EHP76.0TKTGLC171KANBAN Board Global SettingsKANBAN
64ERP EHP76.0TKTGLU201KANBAN Board Global SettingsKANBAN
65ERP EHP76.0TKTQIC71KANBAN Board: Quick Info for KANBAN CustomizingKANBAN
66ERP EHP76.0TKTQIU81Kanban Board: Quick Info for Kanbans User-SpecificKANBAN
67ERP EHP76.0TKTRDC121KANBAN Board Control Cycle Data CustomizingKANBAN
68ERP EHP76.0TKTRDU131Kanban Board Control Cycle Data User-SpecificKANBAN
69ERP EHP76.0TPK01281Key for Controlling the Control Cycle; In-House ProductionKANBAN
70ERP EHP76.0TPK02261Key for Controlling Control Cycle: External ReplenishmentKANBAN
71ERP EHP76.0TPK03261Key for Controlling Control Cycle; Stock TransferKANBAN
72ERP EHP76.0TPK1T51Control Cycle Profile for In-House Production - TextKANBAN
73ERP EHP76.0TPK2T51Control Cycle Profile (External Procurement) - TextKANBAN
74ERP EHP76.0TPK3T51Control Cycle Profile (Stock Transfer) - TextKANBAN
75ERP EHP76.0TPKAK71Actions in KANBAN ProcessingKANBAN
76ERP EHP76.0TPKAL41Alerts in KanbanKANBAN
77ERP EHP76.0TPKBP251Kanban calculation profileKANBAN
78ERP EHP76.0TPKBU81Adjusting a Control Cycle in Kanban CalculationKANBAN
79ERP EHP76.0TPKER51Alternative Error Handling in the Kanban ProcessKANBAN
80ERP EHP76.0TPKGP31Globale Parameter KanbanKANBAN
81ERP EHP76.0TPKLEK41Delete Event-Driven KanbansKANBAN
82ERP EHP76.0TPKPT51Kanban Authorization TextKANBAN
83ERP EHP76.0TPKRQ81Berücksichtigung weiterer Bedarfe bei der KanbanberechnungKANBAN
84ERP EHP76.0TPKRQDIS91Verteilung von Bedarfsmengen bei der KanbanberechnungKANBAN
85ERP EHP76.0TPKSA111Berechtigung für Statuswechsel KanbanKANBAN
86ERP EHP76.0TPKSB101Kanban Board StatusKANBAN
87ERP EHP76.0TPKSF91Kanban Status SequencesKANBAN
88ERP EHP76.0TPKSFTX41Statusfolgen Kanban KurztexteKANBAN
89ERP EHP76.0TPKTX41Kanban Container Status Short TextKANBAN
Production Planning and Control :: Material Requirements Planning
90ERP EHP76.0CIFMDLGVR51Versions of Table MDLGMaterial Requirements Planning
91ERP EHP76.0CIFMDLVVR71Versions of Table MDLVMaterial Requirements Planning
92ERP EHP76.0CIFMDMAVR443Versions of Table MDMAMaterial Requirements Planning
93ERP EHP76.0CIFMDVR51Version Management for MRP Area ChangesMaterial Requirements Planning
Production Planning and Control :: Plant Data Collection
94ERP EHP76.0PDERR111Error Table for Subsystem ConfirmationPlant Data Collection
95ERP EHP76.0RUECK1532Temp. storage for subsystem confirmationsPlant Data Collection
96ERP EHP76.0T705R41Assignment of work center to subsystem link groupPlant Data Collection
97ERP EHP76.0T705W221PDC Communication ParametersPlant Data Collection
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network
98ERP EHP76.0GHO_DISPOSITION31DispositionsProduction Network
99ERP EHP76.0GHO_DISP_T41Disposition TextsProduction Network
100ERP EHP76.0GHO_FREQUENCY41Frequency configurationProduction Network
101ERP EHP76.0GHO_FREQUENCY_T41Frequency descriptionsProduction Network
102ERP EHP76.0GHO_PE_TYP21Oil and Gas Entity Types CustomingsProduction Network
103ERP EHP76.0GHO_PE_TYP_T41Text Table for Oil and Gas EntitiesProduction Network
104ERP EHP76.0GHO_PRDENTY_TYPE211Table for Holding Oil and Gas EntityProduction Network
Production Planning and Control :: Production Orders
105ERP EHP76.0AFBP81CIM order: Batch print requestsProduction Orders
106ERP EHP76.0AFFL231Work order sequenceProduction Orders
107ERP EHP76.0AFKO16510Order Header Data PP OrdersProduction Orders
108ERP EHP76.0AFPO954Order itemProduction Orders
109ERP EHP76.0AFSPOPR61Split Operations in an Order SplitProduction Orders
110ERP EHP76.0AFSPREL212Relation Between Orders in an Order SplitProduction Orders
111ERP EHP76.0AFVC1835Operation within an orderProduction Orders
112ERP EHP76.0AFVU681DB structure of the user fields of the operationProduction Orders
113ERP EHP76.0AFVV1821DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operationProduction Orders
114ERP EHP76.0COCF_CONF_LINK51Documents Posted With ConfirmationProduction Orders
115ERP EHP76.0COCF_CONF_QTY82Confirmation: Table for Subdivided Quantity PostingsProduction Orders
116ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_PRCHECK121Customizing Table for Problem Check by Production SupervisorProduction Orders
117ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_PRCHECKT71Texts for Checking Production Supervisor ProblemsProduction Orders
118ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_Q_LAY21Layout of Quantity/Error CombinationProduction Orders
119ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_Q_LAYT41Description of Layout of Quantity/Error CombinationProduction Orders
120ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_Q_LAY_ID41Layout Assignment to Quantity/Error IDProduction Orders
121ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_Q_LIN101Rows of Quantity/Error CombinationProduction Orders
122ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_Q_LINT51Quantity Description for Quantity/Error CombinationProduction Orders
123ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SNTYPE301Shift Note Type - Settings for Subscreen 0130Production Orders
124ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SNTYPER51Shift Note - Possible Reference ObjectsProduction Orders
125ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SRBASIC41Shift Report Type Independent CustomizingProduction Orders
126ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SRTYPE101Shift Report Type - DefinitionProduction Orders
127ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SRTYPEC51Shift Report Type - ContentProduction Orders
128ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SRTYPET41Shift Report Type DescriptionProduction Orders
129ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SR_PDF521Definition Shift Report Type for Class CL_COCF_SR_PDFProduction Orders
130ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SR_P_EAM631Definition Shift Report Type for Class CL_COCF_SR_PDFProduction Orders
131ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SR_REP141Definition Shift Report Type for Class CL_COCF_SR_REPProduction Orders
132ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_SR_REPT51Text Table for COCF_CU_SR_REPProduction Orders
133ERP EHP76.0COCF_CU_VARIANT101Customizing for F4 Help for Variant SelectionProduction Orders
134ERP EHP76.0COCF_IS_BTN41Buttons for Information System feederProduction Orders
135ERP EHP76.0COCF_IS_BTN_PRM31Parameters for Buttons of the Information System feederProduction Orders
136ERP EHP76.0COCF_IS_BTN_TXT41Button texts for Buttons of Information System feederProduction Orders
137ERP EHP76.0COCF_IS_PTYPE21Types for Information System feederProduction Orders
138ERP EHP76.0COCF_IS_PT_BTN51Buttons for types of Information System FeederProduction Orders
139ERP EHP76.0COCF_SN_BO71Shift Note: Maintained Reference ObjectsProduction Orders
140ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR295Shift Reports in PDF FormatProduction Orders
141ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_CSTF_PDF91Shift Report: Customer's Own Fields (via BAdI)Production Orders
142ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_CSTT_PDF61Shift Report: Customer's Own Fields (via BAdI) - TextsProduction Orders
143ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_DSIGMETA161Signature Tool: Metadata for Shift ReportProduction Orders
144ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_K_IDXSTA122Shift Report: Status Table for Indexing of DocumentsProduction Orders
145ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_K_PHF101Shift Report: Files of Physical Information ObjectsProduction Orders
146ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_K_PHIO252Shift Report: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsProduction Orders
147ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_K_PHPR72Shift Report: Attributes of Physical Information ObjectsProduction Orders
148ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_K_PHRE113Shift Report: Outbound Relationships PHIO (Dummy)Production Orders
149ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SETTINGS51Shift Report: User-Dependent SettingsProduction Orders
150ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SNGRP81Shift Note GroupProduction Orders
151ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SNGRPT51Description of Shift Note GroupProduction Orders
152ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SNGRPV91Shift Note GroupProduction Orders
153ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SNGRPVT61Description of Shift Note GroupProduction Orders
154ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SUM_PDF161Sections for Interim ReportProduction Orders
155ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SUM_P_E201Sections for Interim Report EAMProduction Orders
156ERP EHP76.0COCF_SR_SUM_REP61Sections for Interim ReportProduction Orders
157ERP EHP76.0COCF_START_VARI51Start Variant for ReportsProduction Orders
158ERP EHP76.0CODB71File to save distributed orders (INDX)Production Orders
159ERP EHP76.0COMPCMP231OCM: Comparison result, individual records for componentsProduction Orders
160ERP EHP76.0COMPCONF31OCM: Comparison result, state of change numbersProduction Orders
161ERP EHP76.0COMPF71OCM: Names of compared fieldsProduction Orders
162ERP EHP76.0COMPH152OCM: Comparison result (header entry)Production Orders
163ERP EHP76.0COMPHDR281OCM: Comparison results, indiv. records for order headersProduction Orders
164ERP EHP76.0COMPITM121OCM: Comparison result, individual records for itemsProduction Orders
165ERP EHP76.0COMPMSG131Messages from checks for leveling stepsProduction Orders
166ERP EHP76.0COMPOPR221OCM: Comparison result, individual records for operationsProduction Orders
167ERP EHP76.0COMPPRT171OCM: Comparison result, individual record for PRTsProduction Orders
168ERP EHP76.0COMPSQU181OCM: Comparison results; Single records for sequencesProduction Orders
169ERP EHP76.0COWB120PAR51Parameters for Costing RequestProduction Orders
170ERP EHP76.0COWB135PAR51Generate Parameters for Preselection of Control RecipeProduction Orders
171ERP EHP76.0COWB140PAR1301Workbench Print Parameters for RequestProduction Orders
172ERP EHP76.0COWB160PAR91Workbench Print Parameters for RequestProduction Orders
173ERP EHP76.0COWB170PAR51Parameters for Request for Creation of Capacity RequirementsProduction Orders
174ERP EHP76.0COWB180PAR51Parameters for Request for Triggering WM Goods MovementsProduction Orders
175ERP EHP76.0COWB190PAR111Parameters for User Status RequestProduction Orders
176ERP EHP76.0COWB200PAR81Parameters for Request for ConfirmationsProduction Orders
177ERP EHP76.0COWB205PAR61Parameter for Flag for Planned-Order FirmingProduction Orders
178ERP EHP76.0COWB210PAR81Parameters for Request for Technical CompletionProduction Orders
179ERP EHP76.0COWB215PAR51Parameter for Flag for Deletion of Planned OrderProduction Orders
180ERP EHP76.0COWB220PAR61Parameters for Request for Technical CompletionProduction Orders
181ERP EHP76.0COWB230PAR51Parameters for Request for CloseProduction Orders
182ERP EHP76.0COWB260PAR51Parameter for Request for Deletion FlagProduction Orders
183ERP EHP76.0COWB270PAR51Parameter for Flag for Deletion IndicatorProduction Orders
184ERP EHP76.0COWBSUBOBJ91File for Saving Sub-objects COWRK (INDX)Production Orders
185ERP EHP76.0COWIPB_CHVW323WIP Batches with Where-Used ListProduction Orders
186ERP EHP76.0COWORK110PAR261Workbench scheduling parameters for prepostingProduction Orders
187ERP EHP76.0COWORK130PAR71Workbench release parameters for prepostingProduction Orders
188ERP EHP76.0DRAD_PORDER262Attributes for Links: Document to Production OrderProduction Orders
189ERP EHP76.0FAPW51Index of production-/issuing plant for production orderProduction Orders
190ERP EHP76.0FTIND81Missing parts indexProduction Orders
191ERP EHP76.0FUNOCM322Function marked for Order Change ManagementProduction Orders
192ERP EHP76.0FUNREQ121Function marked for PP/PSProduction Orders
193ERP EHP76.0NAVP_DEFAULT61Navigation Profile: Default ProfilesProduction Orders
194ERP EHP76.0NAVP_FUNC141Function of a Navigation ProfileProduction Orders
195ERP EHP76.0NAVP_FUNC_TEXT101Text for Function of a Navigation ProfileProduction Orders
196ERP EHP76.0NAVP_PROFILE151Navigation ProfileProduction Orders
197ERP EHP76.0NAVP_PROF_TEXT81Text for the Navigation ProfileProduction Orders
198ERP EHP76.0NAVP_SGP_MATCH111SET/GET Parameter Matching for the Function of a ProfileProduction Orders
199ERP EHP76.0OCMHOMO_ARCH121Backup Table of Homogeneity List in Case of ArchivingProduction Orders
200ERP EHP76.0ORDCOM131Communication control Operation downloadProduction Orders
201ERP EHP76.0ORDLY311Table of delays for production orderProduction Orders
202ERP EHP76.0T024F51Production schedulerProduction Orders
203ERP EHP76.0T399X821Parameters dependent on order typeProduction Orders
204ERP EHP76.0T441C171Profile - availability checkProduction Orders
205ERP EHP76.0T441CT51Texts for Profile "Display Availability Check"Production Orders
206ERP EHP76.0T496D1241CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/plantProduction Orders
207ERP EHP76.0T496P91Print PP documents: Determination of output deviceProduction Orders
208ERP EHP76.0T496V71PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or BackgroundProduction Orders
209ERP EHP76.0T496Z201CIM order: Table-controlled table accessProduction Orders
210ERP EHP76.0TC3261Assigning subscreen to processing locationProduction Orders
211ERP EHP76.0TCO05101CUA status depending on panel, trans. type, funct. type etc.Production Orders
212ERP EHP76.0TCO0651Exclusive functions for PP ordersProduction Orders
213ERP EHP76.0TCO1271Control table production orders - stock determinationProduction Orders
214ERP EHP76.0TCO3691PP orders: Control table for calling up pop-up windowsProduction Orders
215ERP EHP76.0TCO43371PP-SFC Order ProfileProduction Orders
216ERP EHP76.0TCO43T51Description of production scheduler profileProduction Orders
217ERP EHP76.0TCO471351Change profile for Order Change ManagementProduction Orders
218ERP EHP76.0TCO47T41Description of change profile for PP/PSProduction Orders
219ERP EHP76.0TCO4851Total change profile for order change managementProduction Orders
220ERP EHP76.0TCO48T41Description of total change profileProduction Orders
221ERP EHP76.0TCO6271Defining screen sequences for input facility and verificatn.Production Orders
222ERP EHP76.0TCOA1931Overall profile for order information systemProduction Orders
223ERP EHP76.0TCOAD211Object profile - detail list - order information systemProduction Orders
224ERP EHP76.0TCOADT61Texts for object profile - order information systemProduction Orders
225ERP EHP76.0TCOAF181Profile order progress reportProduction Orders
226ERP EHP76.0TCOAFT41Texts for order progress reportProduction Orders
227ERP EHP76.0TCOAO11Order info system: Object type table reporting structuresProduction Orders
228ERP EHP76.0TCOAOB91Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objectsProduction Orders
229ERP EHP76.0TCOAOBT61Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objs (Text)Production Orders
230ERP EHP76.0TCOAOT31Texts for Object Type Table Structures in Order Info SystemProduction Orders
231ERP EHP76.0TCOAT41Texts for Overall Profile in Order Information SystemProduction Orders
232ERP EHP76.0TCODB31Database fields development class CO per order categoryProduction Orders
233ERP EHP76.0TCOF191Profile for missing parts info systemProduction Orders
234ERP EHP76.0TCOFF91Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed FieldsProduction Orders
235ERP EHP76.0TCOFFT61Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed FieldsProduction Orders
236ERP EHP76.0TCOFG81Profile for missing parts info system: criteria for groupingProduction Orders
237ERP EHP76.0TCOFGT61Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria for GroupingProduction Orders
238ERP EHP76.0TCOFK41Texts for functions in milestones/trigger pointsProduction Orders
239ERP EHP76.0TCOFS81Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort CriteriaProduction Orders
240ERP EHP76.0TCOFST61Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort CriteriaProduction Orders
241ERP EHP76.0TCOFT51Texts for Missing Parts Info SystemProduction Orders
242ERP EHP76.0TCOIS71Structure table logical database IOCProduction Orders
243ERP EHP76.0TCOKT101Account assignment categories for orderProduction Orders
244ERP EHP76.0TCOP61Field selection profileProduction Orders
245ERP EHP76.0TCOPS81Field selection profileProduction Orders
246ERP EHP76.0TCOPSFI101Ranges for Fields in Table TCOPSProduction Orders
247ERP EHP76.0TCOPT61Description of Profile for Field SelectionProduction Orders
248ERP EHP76.0TCOTK51Order information system: Selection table fieldsProduction Orders
249ERP EHP76.0TCOTX71Order Information System: Key Texts for Data ElementsProduction Orders
250ERP EHP76.0TCO_FIELD_ATTR81Order information systemProduction Orders
251ERP EHP76.0TCO_FIELD_CHAN41Table with Structures Containing the Changeable FieldsProduction Orders
252ERP EHP76.0TCO_FIELD_TEXT111Order Information System: Field TextsProduction Orders
253ERP EHP76.0TCO_LISTTYPES71Order Information System: Type of Detail ListProduction Orders
254ERP EHP76.0TCO_LISTTYPEST51Order Information System: Texts for Detail ListsProduction Orders
255ERP EHP76.0TCO_VALFUNCT41Order Information System: Valid MB Functions for ListsProduction Orders
256ERP EHP76.0TCUWIPB51Customizing WIP BatchProduction Orders
257ERP EHP76.0TDUMMY31Dummy structure of a table for READ with VERSIONProduction Orders
258ERP EHP76.0TRUG31Reason for variances in completion confirmationsProduction Orders
259ERP EHP76.0TRUGT51Text describing the reason for a variance in a confirmationProduction Orders
260ERP EHP76.0TXPR121XPRA control - missing parts info systemProduction Orders
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning
261ERP EHP76.0TCPFS191Organization of data adjustment for external planning toolProduction Planning
262ERP EHP76.0TCPFS251Planning Tool, Physical SystemProduction Planning
263ERP EHP76.0TCPFS361External planning tool: lock tableProduction Planning
264ERP EHP76.0TCPFS421External planning toolProduction Planning
265ERP EHP76.0TCPFS4T41Planning tool descriptionProduction Planning
266ERP EHP76.0TCPFS5101External planning tool: start parameters for Windows NTProduction Planning
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries
267ERP EHP76.0DT2KAPAR31Downtime for Capacity CategoryProduction Planning for Process Industries
268ERP EHP76.0DTCTID21Downtime Category IDProduction Planning for Process Industries
269ERP EHP76.0DTCTTX41Downtime Category TextProduction Planning for Process Industries
270ERP EHP76.0DTEFW201Downtime Values EnteredProduction Planning for Process Industries
271ERP EHP76.0DTELID61Downtime Element IDProduction Planning for Process Industries
272ERP EHP76.0DTELTX51Downtime Element TextProduction Planning for Process Industries
273ERP EHP76.0DTSCHEMA71Downtime SchemaProduction Planning for Process Industries
Production Planning and Control :: Repetitive Manufacturing
274ERP EHP76.0AFWIS51Table of Reprocessing Records Already RepostedRepetitive Manufacturing
275ERP EHP76.0BLPR51Document Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush)Repetitive Manufacturing
276ERP EHP76.0COMPMOVE2501Goods Movement of ComponentsRepetitive Manufacturing
277ERP EHP76.0RESCO31Reprocessing Pointer TableRepetitive Manufacturing
278ERP EHP76.0RFCLIST151RFC Task ListRepetitive Manufacturing
279ERP EHP76.0RMIO1171Input Structure of Repetitive Manufacturing ConfirmationRepetitive Manufacturing
280ERP EHP76.0RMRP142HR Data of Repetitive Manufacturing BackflushRepetitive Manufacturing
281ERP EHP76.0RMUSER161User Settings for REM Backflush TransactionsRepetitive Manufacturing
282ERP EHP76.0RMUSER_TAV71Assigns User a Transaction Variant (for Example)Repetitive Manufacturing
283ERP EHP76.0T435C91Configuration Information for a Table ControlRepetitive Manufacturing
284ERP EHP76.0T435I41ID for Program - Table Control - TC ContextRepetitive Manufacturing
285ERP EHP76.0T435W71Pull list controlRepetitive Manufacturing
286ERP EHP76.0T437A341Table for Field Selection: Repetitive ManufacturingRepetitive Manufacturing
287ERP EHP76.0T437E41Withdrawal SequenceRepetitive Manufacturing
288ERP EHP76.0T437L61Linking Production Version and Cost Estimate VersionRepetitive Manufacturing
289ERP EHP76.0T437P61Planning IDs for Repetitive ManufacturingRepetitive Manufacturing
290ERP EHP76.0T437R41Description of the Repetitive Manufacturing ProfileRepetitive Manufacturing
291ERP EHP76.0T437S371Repetitive Manufacturing Profile TableRepetitive Manufacturing
292ERP EHP76.0T437U101Control Table for Further Processing of Goods ReceiptsRepetitive Manufacturing
293ERP EHP76.0T437X51Cost Collector StrategyRepetitive Manufacturing
294ERP EHP76.0T450C51Table for Controlling the PF Status for Repet.ManufacturingRepetitive Manufacturing
295ERP EHP76.0T460P121Procurement and Special Procurement CheckRepetitive Manufacturing
296ERP EHP76.0UMD04671Default Values for Planning Table in Repetitive MfgRepetitive Manufacturing
297ERP EHP76.0USPPT61Common User Table for Sequencing and REM Planning TableRepetitive Manufacturing
Production Planning and Control :: Basic Data :: Computer Aided Process Planning
298ERP EHP76.0PLPH294CAPP: Sub-operationsComputer Aided Process Planning
299ERP EHP76.0TCAPI21CAPP statusComputer Aided Process Planning
300ERP EHP76.0TCAPM21Date of the last mini reorgComputer Aided Process Planning
301ERP EHP76.0TCAPT51Tables used in CAPP formulas and methodsComputer Aided Process Planning
302ERP EHP76.0TCARA21Rounding categoriesComputer Aided Process Planning
303ERP EHP76.0TCART41Rounding categories (Text)Computer Aided Process Planning
304ERP EHP76.0TCEH31Characteristic origins for formulas and methodsComputer Aided Process Planning
305ERP EHP76.0TCEHT41Characteristic origins for formulas and methods (text)Computer Aided Process Planning
306ERP EHP76.0TCEIT41CAPP status (text)Computer Aided Process Planning
307ERP EHP76.0TCERS21Rounding & additional values keysComputer Aided Process Planning
308ERP EHP76.0TCERT41Keys for rounding categories & additional values (text)Computer Aided Process Planning
309ERP EHP76.0TMATT41Machine types (text)Computer Aided Process Planning
310ERP EHP76.0TMATY21Machine typesComputer Aided Process Planning
311ERP EHP76.0TSRTB21Sort stringsComputer Aided Process Planning
312ERP EHP76.0TSRTT41Sort strings (text)Computer Aided Process Planning
313ERP EHP76.0TTTAB61Tables for technical dataComputer Aided Process Planning
314ERP EHP76.0TZART31Value types for CAPPComputer Aided Process Planning
315ERP EHP76.0TZATT41Value types for CAPP (texts)Computer Aided Process Planning
316ERP EHP76.0VERFK122Process header dataComputer Aided Process Planning
317ERP EHP76.0VERFT61Process textsComputer Aided Process Planning
318ERP EHP76.0VERME51Assignment of CAPP methods to CAPP processesComputer Aided Process Planning
319ERP EHP76.0VERTE61Assignment of CAPP processes to work centersComputer Aided Process Planning
320ERP EHP76.0VFORK102Formula header dataComputer Aided Process Planning
321ERP EHP76.0VFORP82Characteristics for formulasComputer Aided Process Planning
322ERP EHP76.0VFORS41Formula stringsComputer Aided Process Planning
323ERP EHP76.0VFORT41Formula textsComputer Aided Process Planning
324ERP EHP76.0VMETK162Method header dataComputer Aided Process Planning
325ERP EHP76.0VMETP122Characteristics for methodsComputer Aided Process Planning
326ERP EHP76.0VMETT51Method textsComputer Aided Process Planning
327ERP EHP76.0VMETV141Rules for characteristicsComputer Aided Process Planning
328ERP EHP76.0VMETVOR161Data base for CAPP rulesComputer Aided Process Planning
329ERP EHP76.0VMETW51Default values for characteristicsComputer Aided Process Planning
Production Planning and Control :: Basic Data :: Production ResourcesTools
330ERP EHP76.0AFFH672PRT assignment data for the work orderProduction ResourcesTools
331ERP EHP76.0CRFH602CIM production resource/tool master dataProduction ResourcesTools
332ERP EHP76.0CRVD_A71Link of PRT to DocumentProduction ResourcesTools
333ERP EHP76.0CRVD_B71Link of Document to PRTProduction ResourcesTools
334ERP EHP76.0CRVE_A41Assignment PRT data - equipmentProduction ResourcesTools
335ERP EHP76.0CRVE_B41Assignment equipment - PRT dataProduction ResourcesTools
336ERP EHP76.0CRVM_A51Link of PRT data to a materialProduction ResourcesTools
337ERP EHP76.0CRVM_B51Link of material to a production resource/toolProduction ResourcesTools
338ERP EHP76.0CRVP_A41Linkage of PRT Data - Measuring PointProduction ResourcesTools
339ERP EHP76.0CRVP_B41Linkage of Measuring Point - PRT DataProduction ResourcesTools
340ERP EHP76.0CRVS_A41Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external numberProduction ResourcesTools
341ERP EHP76.0CRVS_B41Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal numberProduction ResourcesTools
342ERP EHP76.0TCF0211PRT categoriesProduction ResourcesTools
343ERP EHP76.0TCF0341Texts for the production resources/tools categoryProduction ResourcesTools
344ERP EHP76.0TCF0441Status of the PRT masterProduction ResourcesTools
345ERP EHP76.0TCF0541Language-dependent text table for PRT statusProduction ResourcesTools
346ERP EHP76.0TCF1071PRT control keyProduction ResourcesTools
347ERP EHP76.0TCF1141Language-dependent text table for PRT control keysProduction ResourcesTools
348ERP EHP76.0TCF1221Key for grouping production resources/toolsProduction ResourcesTools
349ERP EHP76.0TCF1341Language-dependent text table for PRT group keysProduction ResourcesTools
Production Planning and Control :: Basic Data :: Routing
350ERP EHP76.0CWB_OPTIONS_DEF401User-specific options for the Engineering WorkbenchRouting
351ERP EHP76.0CWB_SEL_VARIANTS141EWB: User-Specific Initial VariantsRouting
352ERP EHP76.0CWB_SEL_VAR_DEF41EWB: User-defined settings for selection variantsRouting
353ERP EHP76.0CWB_SEL_VAR_ROOT51EWB: All selection variantsRouting
354ERP EHP76.0CWB_SEL_VAR_TXT61EWB: Descriptions (meanings) of selection variants in EWBRouting
355ERP EHP76.0CWB_WORKAREA_DEF41EWB: User-Dependent Initial VariantsRouting
356ERP EHP76.0MAPL253Assignment of Task Lists to MaterialsRouting
357ERP EHP76.0PLAS162Task list - selection of operations/activitiesRouting
358ERP EHP76.0PLFH403Task list - production resources/toolsRouting
359ERP EHP76.0PLFL272Task list - sequencesRouting
360ERP EHP76.0PLKO788Task list - headerRouting
361ERP EHP76.0PLKZ131Task list: main headerRouting
362ERP EHP76.0PLMZ544Allocation of bill of material items to operationsRouting
363ERP EHP76.0PLPO2257Task list - operation/activityRouting
364ERP EHP76.0PLPR51Log collector for task listsRouting
365ERP EHP76.0PLSR161Scheduling resultsRouting
366ERP EHP76.0PLZU131Routing data for groupRouting
367ERP EHP76.0STPF102Structure tree of the exploded BOMRouting
368ERP EHP76.0T024A41Planner groupRouting
369ERP EHP76.0T410361Engineering Workbench: Working areaRouting
370ERP EHP76.0T410T51Engineering Workbench: Working environment (text)Routing
371ERP EHP76.0T41131Task list usageRouting
372ERP EHP76.0T411T41Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usagesRouting
373ERP EHP76.0T41251Task list statusRouting
374ERP EHP76.0T412T41Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list statusRouting
375ERP EHP76.0T42541Setup group keysRouting
376ERP EHP76.0T425T61Language-dependent texts for T425: Setup group keysRouting
377ERP EHP76.0T42631Setup group categoriesRouting
378ERP EHP76.0T426T51Language-dependent texts for T426: Setup group categoriesRouting
379ERP EHP76.0T42931Standard Times Calculation TypeRouting
380ERP EHP76.0T429T51Lang.-depend. texts for Tab. T429: Types of std. val. determRouting
381ERP EHP76.0T48831Assignment of Table Fields to GroupsRouting
382ERP EHP76.0T488A51Language-dependent texts for Table T488Routing
383ERP EHP76.0T488B11Value table for T488: "Option types for routing history"Routing
384ERP EHP76.0T488C31Texts for Table T488BRouting
385ERP EHP76.0TC01111CUA status tableRouting
386ERP EHP76.0TC01A51Set type of functionRouting
387ERP EHP76.0TC0261Check whether an FCode is permittedRouting
388ERP EHP76.0TC3371Allocation of function code to the operation to be checkedRouting
389ERP EHP76.0TCA0711Sequence categoriesRouting
390ERP EHP76.0TCA0841Language-dependent texts for sequence categoriesRouting
391ERP EHP76.0TCA16101Layout of lines in object overview versionsRouting
392ERP EHP76.0TCA2041Grouping categories for object overview versionsRouting
393ERP EHP76.0TCA2341Permissible tables and structures for grouping categoriesRouting
394ERP EHP76.0TCA36121Task lists: for callng. popups from functn.modulesRouting
395ERP EHP76.0TCA5011Relationship key for ref. operations of parallel sequencesRouting
396ERP EHP76.0TCA5141Lang-dependent texts for TCA50: Relationship keys for schd.Routing
397ERP EHP76.0TCA5211Alignment key used for scheduling parallel sequencesRouting
398ERP EHP76.0TCA5341Language-dependent texts for TCA52: Alignment keysRouting
399ERP EHP76.0TCA5411Key for reference dates used in offset schedulingRouting
400ERP EHP76.0TCA5531Language-dependent texts for reference dates in offset schd.Routing
401ERP EHP76.0TCA6271Defining screen sequences for entry toolRouting
402ERP EHP76.0TCA6671Screen sequence definitionRouting
403ERP EHP76.0TCA7131Task lists: Verification of function modulesRouting
404ERP EHP76.0TCA7251Task lists: Verification level of the function modulesRouting
405ERP EHP76.0TTXCP21Objects and IDs for client copyRouting
Production Planning and Control :: Basic Data :: Work Center
406ERP EHP76.0CRCA273Work Center Capacity AllocationWork Center
407ERP EHP76.0CRCIFOBJ51Object IDs of changed capacitiesWork Center
408ERP EHP76.0CRCO202Assignment of Work Center to Cost CenterWork Center
409ERP EHP76.0CRHD1286Work Center HeaderWork Center
410ERP EHP76.0CRHH112Hierarchy Header DataWork Center
411ERP EHP76.0CRHS122Hierarchy StructureWork Center
412ERP EHP76.0CRID31CIM Resource - EntitiesWork Center
413ERP EHP76.0CRTX81Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/ToolWork Center
414ERP EHP76.0KAKO765Capacity Header SegmentWork Center
415ERP EHP76.0KAKT42Capacity DescriptionWork Center
416ERP EHP76.0KAPA181Shift Parameters for Available CapacityWork Center
417ERP EHP76.0KAPE81Capacity unit of measure allocationWork Center
418ERP EHP76.0KAZY131Interval of Available CapacityWork Center
419ERP EHP76.0T024C31Planner Group for CAPPWork Center
420ERP EHP76.0T42131Wage groupsWork Center
421ERP EHP76.0T421T51Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groupsWork Center
422ERP EHP76.0T42331Wage group qualificationWork Center
423ERP EHP76.0T423T51Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp.Work Center
424ERP EHP76.0T42831Setup Type KeyWork Center
425ERP EHP76.0T428T51Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type keyWork Center
426ERP EHP76.0T430221Operation/Activity control keyWork Center
427ERP EHP76.0T430T51Language-dependent text table for the control key T430Work Center
428ERP EHP76.0T43521Standard texts for routing/ref. op set itemsWork Center
429ERP EHP76.0T435T41Language-dependent texts for T435: Standard text keyWork Center
430ERP EHP76.0T499S51LocationWork Center
431ERP EHP76.0TC10111Initial values for CIM screen sequenceWork Center
432ERP EHP76.0TC20131"Formula Parameters"Work Center
433ERP EHP76.0TC20T51Text for parameter IDWork Center
434ERP EHP76.0TC21421Standard value keyWork Center
435ERP EHP76.0TC21T41Language-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value keyWork Center
436ERP EHP76.0TC2231Field Name of Value from Transport StructureWork Center
437ERP EHP76.0TC22T51Field Name of Value from Transport StructureWork Center
438ERP EHP76.0TC2321Key for use of the work center in the task listsWork Center
439ERP EHP76.0TC23A41Valid types for the work centerWork Center
440ERP EHP76.0TC23T41Language-dependent texts for TC23: Usage keyWork Center
441ERP EHP76.0TC2441Person responsible for the work centerWork Center
442ERP EHP76.0TC25101Work center formulasWork Center
443ERP EHP76.0TC25T41Short text for the formulaWork Center
444ERP EHP76.0TC2651Capacity categoryWork Center
445ERP EHP76.0TC26D41Default values for capacityWork Center
446ERP EHP76.0TC26T41Description of the capacity categoryWork Center
447ERP EHP76.0TC2721Capacity planner groupsWork Center
448ERP EHP76.0TC27T41Text for the capacity planner groupWork Center
449ERP EHP76.0TC2831Location groupsWork Center
450ERP EHP76.0TC28T51Description of the location groupWork Center
451ERP EHP76.0TC3081Work center categoryWork Center
452ERP EHP76.0TC30A31Work center categoriesWork Center
453ERP EHP76.0TC30D41Defaults for the work centerWork Center
454ERP EHP76.0TC30T41Text for the work center categoryWork Center
455ERP EHP76.0TC3121Performance Efficiency Rate KeyWork Center
456ERP EHP76.0TC31A51Key for performance efficiency rateWork Center
457ERP EHP76.0TC31T41Text for the performance efficiency rate keyWork Center
458ERP EHP76.0TC3521Period pattern keyWork Center
459ERP EHP76.0TC35T41Text for period pattern keyWork Center
460ERP EHP76.0TC3641Available capacity versionWork Center
461ERP EHP76.0TC36T41Text for this version of available capacityWork Center
462ERP EHP76.0TC37A141Shift definitionWork Center
463ERP EHP76.0TC37P81Break scheduleWork Center
464ERP EHP76.0TC37S51Texts for break plansWork Center
465ERP EHP76.0TC37T51Texts for shift definitionsWork Center
466ERP EHP76.0TC38A111Shift sequenceWork Center
467ERP EHP76.0TC38T51Texts for shift groupingsWork Center
468ERP EHP76.0TC39A21Grouping shift definitions and shift sequencesWork Center
469ERP EHP76.0TC39T41Texts for grouping shift definition and shift sequenceWork Center
470ERP EHP76.0TCR0091Installation constants for work centerWork Center
471ERP EHP76.0TCRCOT41Alternative Texts for Describing an ActivityWork Center
Production Planning and Control :: Capacity Requirements Planning :: Capacity Evaluations
472ERP EHP76.0CYOPR_MOVE51Order-/operation dataCapacity Evaluations
473ERP EHP76.0CYTSTR_TAB131Time stream keysCapacity Evaluations
474ERP EHP76.0TCY0341Kombinations of sel. sets - assignment of sets to combin.Capacity Evaluations
475ERP EHP76.0TCY07171Sel. profiles (Sets for sel. screens & interv. for display)Capacity Evaluations
476ERP EHP76.0TCY08321Option profilesCapacity Evaluations
477ERP EHP76.0TCYD171Profile for detailed capacity listCapacity Evaluations
478ERP EHP76.0TCYDT51Texts for overall profile detailed listCapacity Evaluations
479ERP EHP76.0TCYET31Capacity planning: Object table for detail listCapacity Evaluations
480ERP EHP76.0TCYF91Profile detailed list: Displayed fieldsCapacity Evaluations
481ERP EHP76.0TCYFT61Texts for displayed fields profileCapacity Evaluations
482ERP EHP76.0TCYP91Profile detailed list: Criteria groupingCapacity Evaluations
483ERP EHP76.0TCYPT61Texts for criteria groupingCapacity Evaluations
484ERP EHP76.0TCYS91Profile detailed list: Sort criteriaCapacity Evaluations
485ERP EHP76.0TCYST61Texts for sort criteria profileCapacity Evaluations
Production Planning and Control :: Capacity Requirements Planning :: Capacity Leveling
486ERP EHP76.0ISTBED283Actual requirements recordsCapacity Leveling
487ERP EHP76.0PIBA161Process planning interface: Production requirementsCapacity Leveling
488ERP EHP76.0PIBZ171Process planning interface: Production commitmentsCapacity Leveling
489ERP EHP76.0R2AUFNR21Order number for transfer from R/2 to PP-PICapacity Leveling
490ERP EHP76.0TCY30111Overall profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
491ERP EHP76.0TCY30T41Texts for the overall profiles for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
492ERP EHP76.0TCY3121Standard requirements groupings for resource planningCapacity Leveling
493ERP EHP76.0TCY31CT51Text table for definitions of chartsCapacity Leveling
494ERP EHP76.0TCY31DT61Text table for groupings per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
495ERP EHP76.0TCY31FT61Text table for sorts per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
496ERP EHP76.0TCY31GT41Text table for layout table TCY31_GCapacity Leveling
497ERP EHP76.0TCY31T41Text table for TCY31 (standard requirements groupings)Capacity Leveling
498ERP EHP76.0TCY31_C51Definition of charts for layoutCapacity Leveling
499ERP EHP76.0TCY31_D41Description of a grouping per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
500ERP EHP76.0TCY31_E71Definition of a grouping per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
501ERP EHP76.0TCY31_F41Description of a sort per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
502ERP EHP76.0TCY31_G21Definition of layoutsCapacity Leveling
503ERP EHP76.0TCY31_H71Definition of a sort per layout and chartCapacity Leveling
504ERP EHP76.0TCY31_S121Definition of the groups in a requirements groupingCapacity Leveling
505ERP EHP76.0TCY31_T61Description of a group within a requirements groupingCapacity Leveling
506ERP EHP76.0TCY32171Selection profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
507ERP EHP76.0TCY32T41Texts for selection profiles for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
508ERP EHP76.0TCY33141Time profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
509ERP EHP76.0TCY33T41Text table for time profiles for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
510ERP EHP76.0TCY34171Evaluation profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
511ERP EHP76.0TCY34T41Texts for TCY34 (Evaluation profiles for capacity leveling)Capacity Leveling
512ERP EHP76.0TCY35121Period profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
513ERP EHP76.0TCY35T41Texts for period profiles for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
514ERP EHP76.0TCY37291Strategy profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
515ERP EHP76.0TCY37T41Texts for TCY37 (strategy profiles for capacity leveling)Capacity Leveling
516ERP EHP76.0TCY3841Layout key for requirements groupingsCapacity Leveling
517ERP EHP76.0TCY38MT51Sort key for the planning tableCapacity Leveling
518ERP EHP76.0TCY38T41Layout key for requirements groupingsCapacity Leveling
519ERP EHP76.0TCY38_D31Structures, fields and details for a format keyCapacity Leveling
520ERP EHP76.0TCY38_M51Sort key for the planning tableCapacity Leveling
521ERP EHP76.0TCY39ST71Selected fields for a layout key /TEXTS)Capacity Leveling
522ERP EHP76.0TCY39_S91Selected fields for a layout keyCapacity Leveling
523ERP EHP76.0TCY4471Graphical object type: FieldsCapacity Leveling
524ERP EHP76.0TCY4541Graphical element categoryCapacity Leveling
525ERP EHP76.0TCY45K31Object representation - headerCapacity Leveling
526ERP EHP76.0TCY45T51Object representation - textCapacity Leveling
527ERP EHP76.0TCY46121Graphical object type selection: Decision stepsCapacity Leveling
528ERP EHP76.0TCY46K31Graphic object type selection: HeaderCapacity Leveling
529ERP EHP76.0TCY46T41Selection of graphic object type: TextsCapacity Leveling
530ERP EHP76.0TCY47131Object display selectionCapacity Leveling
531ERP EHP76.0TCY47K31Selection of object representation: HeaderCapacity Leveling
532ERP EHP76.0TCY47T51Selection of object representation: TextsCapacity Leveling
533ERP EHP76.0TCY48231Profile for the planning tableCapacity Leveling
534ERP EHP76.0TCY48T41Text table for TCY48 (planning table profile)Capacity Leveling
535ERP EHP76.0TCY49131Control profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
536ERP EHP76.0TCY49T41Texts for the control profiles for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
537ERP EHP76.0TCY50181Chart sequence in planning tableCapacity Leveling
538ERP EHP76.0TCY50K21Chart sequence: HeaderCapacity Leveling
539ERP EHP76.0TCY50KT41Chart sequence - textCapacity Leveling
540ERP EHP76.0TCY50T51Chart sequence: TitleCapacity Leveling
541ERP EHP76.0TCY5251Line representation in table sectionCapacity Leveling
542ERP EHP76.0TCY52T41Text for line representation in section of tableCapacity Leveling
543ERP EHP76.0TCY5351Drag and drop in planning tableCapacity Leveling
544ERP EHP76.0TCY54D111Measure - planning tableCapacity Leveling
545ERP EHP76.0TCY54T41Measure texts - planning tableCapacity Leveling
546ERP EHP76.0TCY5541Graphic object type: HeaderCapacity Leveling
547ERP EHP76.0TCY55T41Graphic object type: TextsCapacity Leveling
548ERP EHP76.0TCY5671Profile for planning table (tabular form) in cap. levelingCapacity Leveling
549ERP EHP76.0TCY56T41Texts for profiles for pln. tab.(tab. form) in cap. levelingCapacity Leveling
550ERP EHP76.0TCY5741Active/inactive dispatching function per strategy profileCapacity Leveling
551ERP EHP76.0TCY58621Time scale profile in planning tableCapacity Leveling
552ERP EHP76.0TCY58T41Time scale - textsCapacity Leveling
553ERP EHP76.0TCY6091List profile for capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
554ERP EHP76.0TCY60T41Texts for list profiles in capacity levelingCapacity Leveling
555ERP EHP76.0TCY61121Line representation selection in table sectionCapacity Leveling
556ERP EHP76.0TCY61K21Selection of line representation - headerCapacity Leveling
557ERP EHP76.0TCY61T41Selection of line representation - textsCapacity Leveling
558ERP EHP76.0TCY6251Representation profile for selection of graphic object typeCapacity Leveling
559ERP EHP76.0TCY62K31Representation profile - headerCapacity Leveling
560ERP EHP76.0TCY62T51Representation profile - textsCapacity Leveling
561ERP EHP76.0TCY63121Axis representation selectionCapacity Leveling
562ERP EHP76.0TCY63K21Axis representation selection - headerCapacity Leveling
563ERP EHP76.0TCY63T41Axis representation selection - textsCapacity Leveling
564ERP EHP76.0TCY6471Axis representationCapacity Leveling
565ERP EHP76.0TCY64T41Axis representation - textsCapacity Leveling
566ERP EHP76.0TCY65121Curve representation selectionCapacity Leveling
567ERP EHP76.0TCY65K21Curve representation selection - headerCapacity Leveling
568ERP EHP76.0TCY65T41Curve representation selection - textsCapacity Leveling
569ERP EHP76.0TCY6661Curve representationCapacity Leveling
570ERP EHP76.0TCY66T41Curve representation - textsCapacity Leveling
571ERP EHP76.0TCYE11Capacity planning: Object type table for detailed cap. listCapacity Leveling
572ERP EHP76.0TCYMI31Matrix identificationsCapacity Leveling
573ERP EHP76.0TCYMIT51Definition of transition matrixCapacity Leveling
574ERP EHP76.0TCYTM221Transition matrixCapacity Leveling
575ERP EHP76.0TOKOM161Technical Parameters for Communications ModuleCapacity Leveling
Production Planning and Control :: Capacity Requirements Planning :: Scheduling
576ERP EHP76.0KBED703Capacity Requirements RecordsScheduling
577ERP EHP76.0KBEZ871Add. data for table KBED (for indiv. capacities/splits)Scheduling
578ERP EHP76.0KBKO211Header Record for Capacity RequirementsScheduling
579ERP EHP76.0NET_LEVEL61Level Definition for NetworksScheduling
580ERP EHP76.0T48271Table of scheduling typesScheduling
581ERP EHP76.0T482T41Texts for scheduling typesScheduling
582ERP EHP76.0T499P51Reduction strategies - textsScheduling
583ERP EHP76.0T499Q41Reduction strategiesScheduling
584ERP EHP76.0T499R111Reduction levels for reduction strategiesScheduling
585ERP EHP76.0TCX00471Scheduling: Planning Levels and Control ParametersScheduling
586ERP EHP76.0TCX0L241Scheduling long term planning: Levels and control parametersScheduling
Production Planning and Control :: Flow Manufacturing :: Sequencing
587ERP EHP76.0OPIT72Schedule record for planned orderSequencing
588ERP EHP76.0TSPG091Display profile for sequencingSequencing
589ERP EHP76.0TSPG0T41Text table - display profileSequencing
590ERP EHP76.0TSPG141Display profile for ordersSequencing
591ERP EHP76.0TSPG241Order characteristicSequencing
592ERP EHP76.0TSPG331Relationship between order profile and characteristicsSequencing
593ERP EHP76.0TSPG461Relationship between charact. values, colors and profileSequencing
594ERP EHP76.0TSPG531Default Visualization Profile (Sequencing) of PlantSequencing
595ERP EHP76.0TSPI0151Initial profile for sequencingSequencing
596ERP EHP76.0TSPP0111Planning profile for sequencingSequencing
597ERP EHP76.0TSPP0T51Text table - planning profile sequencingSequencing
598ERP EHP76.0TSPP171Processing profile for sequencingSequencing
599ERP EHP76.0TSPP1T41Text Table - Processing Profiles for SequencingSequencing
600ERP EHP76.0TSPP231Default Planning Profile (Sequencing) of PlantSequencing
Production Planning and Control :: Material Requirements Planning :: Master Data
601ERP EHP76.0BLPK333Document log headerMaster Data
602ERP EHP76.0BLPP101Document log itemMaster Data
603ERP EHP76.0DBPR82Material Index MRP Area for ForecastMaster Data
604ERP EHP76.0DBVL151Planning File Entry, MRP Area, Long-Term PlanningMaster Data
605ERP EHP76.0DBVM141Planning File Entry, MRP AreaMaster Data
606ERP EHP76.0DVER581Material Consumption for MRP AreaMaster Data
607ERP EHP76.0EMRP_RUN51Blocking argument for MRPMaster Data
608ERP EHP76.0KBVL101Individual Customer Plng File Entry, MRP Area Long-Term PlngMaster Data
609ERP EHP76.0KBVM91Individual Customer Planning File Entry, MRP AreaMaster Data
610ERP EHP76.0KDPL51Index customer order -> planned orderMaster Data
611ERP EHP76.0KDVL81Individual Customer Planning File Entry, Long-Term PlanningMaster Data
612ERP EHP76.0KDVM71Individual Customer Planning File EntryMaster Data
613ERP EHP76.0M61GFW_USER81User Settings for Graphic in MRPMaster Data
614ERP EHP76.0MDCOV581Table with Range of Coverage InformationMaster Data
615ERP EHP76.0MDDMAP381Mapping Table for External User for MRP EvaluationsMaster Data
616ERP EHP76.0MDDMAPT51Mapping Table for External User/Vendor with Default SettingMaster Data
617ERP EHP76.0MDFD81MRP firming dateMaster Data
618ERP EHP76.0MDFDDB81Firming Data of MRP - MRP AreaMaster Data
619ERP EHP76.0MDHS61Cluster Table BOMs Explosion (Shared Buffer)Master Data
620ERP EHP76.0MDKP982Header Data for MRP DocumentMaster Data
621ERP EHP76.0MDKPDB992Header Data for MRP DocumentMaster Data
622ERP EHP76.0MDLG41Customizing: MRP Area Storage LocationMaster Data
623ERP EHP76.0MDLL41Customizing: MRP Area SubcontractorMaster Data
624ERP EHP76.0MDLV71Customizing MRP AreaMaster Data
625ERP EHP76.0MDLW31Customizing: MRP Area PlantsMaster Data
626ERP EHP76.0MDMA453MRP Area for MaterialMaster Data
627ERP EHP76.0MDMULTLEVDELAY251Multilevel Delay Calculated via Order ReportMaster Data
628ERP EHP76.0MDPARMAT41Intra-Material Parallelization: Affected Materials MODMaster Data
629ERP EHP76.0MDPUW31Customizing: Scope of Planning MRP UnitMaster Data
630ERP EHP76.0MDSEQ51Customizing: Sequence of MRP in Scope of PlanningMaster Data
631ERP EHP76.0MDSM1032Simulative dependent requirementsMaster Data
632ERP EHP76.0MDTAB61Cluster Table Initial Screen SRList/MRP List (Shared Buffer)Master Data
633ERP EHP76.0MDTB601MRP TableMaster Data
634ERP EHP76.0MDTC81Aggregated MRP table itemsMaster Data
635ERP EHP76.0MDVL132Planning file entry for long-term planningMaster Data
636ERP EHP76.0MDVM121Entry in MRP FileMaster Data
637ERP EHP76.0PARUSER51Key User Table for Parallel Import in MD07Master Data
638ERP EHP76.0PBVPV51Material index for consumption of planningMaster Data
639ERP EHP76.0PKTMP207Conversion table for PKPS / please do not useMaster Data
640ERP EHP76.0PLAF1233Planned OrderMaster Data
641ERP EHP76.0PLPB61Long-term planning: Independent requirements versionsMaster Data
642ERP EHP76.0PLPT42Long-term planning: Plants of planning scenarioMaster Data
643ERP EHP76.0PLPW41Index of the production/delivery plant in the planned orderMaster Data
644ERP EHP76.0PLSC261Planning scenarios in long-term planningMaster Data
645ERP EHP76.0PSPL91Index project -> planned orderMaster Data
646ERP EHP76.0PUMS61Project number new key assignment (structure)Master Data
647ERP EHP76.0REUL61Material stock transfer reservation indexMaster Data
648ERP EHP76.0RQHD62Header record for requirements total records in MRPMaster Data
649ERP EHP76.0RQIT142Item record for requirements total records in MRPMaster Data
650ERP EHP76.0RSDB152Index of the RESB for the Direct Procurement ElementMaster Data
651ERP EHP76.0SAFK474Run Schedule Master DataMaster Data
652ERP EHP76.0SNUC21Changed revision levels (for creating MRP records RM61SR00)Master Data
653ERP EHP76.0SNUM101BOM explosion numberMaster Data
654ERP EHP76.0SUMS51New key assignment: BOM explosion no.->New BOM explosion no.Master Data
655ERP EHP76.0T000MD31MRP at MRP Area LevelMaster Data
656ERP EHP76.0T024D111MRP controllersMaster Data
657ERP EHP76.0T399D791Control Parameters for MRPMaster Data
658ERP EHP76.0T436A71Floats for schedulingMaster Data
659ERP EHP76.0T438A221MRP TypeMaster Data
660ERP EHP76.0T438M411Control Parameter for MRP -Material Level-Master Data
661ERP EHP76.0T438R181Range of coverage profileMaster Data
662ERP EHP76.0T438S51Text describing the range of coverage profileMaster Data
663ERP EHP76.0T438T41MRP descriptionMaster Data
664ERP EHP76.0T438U81Absolute Intervals for Range of Coverage ProfileMaster Data
665ERP EHP76.0T438V31Period Profile for Safety TimeMaster Data
666ERP EHP76.0T438W51Text on Period Profile for Safety TimeMaster Data
667ERP EHP76.0T438X51MRP group textMaster Data
668ERP EHP76.0T438Y71Absolute Periods for Period Profile for Safety TimeMaster Data
669ERP EHP76.0T439A251MRP Lot SizesMaster Data
670ERP EHP76.0T439B31Scope of Planning MRP Unit: HeaderMaster Data
671ERP EHP76.0T439C51Scope of Planning MRP Unit: SequenceMaster Data
672ERP EHP76.0T439G91PPplanning periods: header tableMaster Data
673ERP EHP76.0T439H51PP planning periods: long textsMaster Data
674ERP EHP76.0T439L41Warehouse costs for MRP lot sizeMaster Data
675ERP EHP76.0T439T41Texts for lot-sizing proceduresMaster Data
676ERP EHP76.0T440A101Change fields for MRPMaster Data
677ERP EHP76.0T440C51Planning file entries for goods movementsMaster Data
678ERP EHP76.0T441G21Checking Group ValuesMaster Data
679ERP EHP76.0T441R21Values Table for Checking RuleMaster Data
680ERP EHP76.0T441V261Availability Check ControlMaster Data
681ERP EHP76.0T441W41Checking Rule TextsMaster Data
682ERP EHP76.0T442B41Start times for MRP background programsMaster Data
683ERP EHP76.0T442C121Control: activity reqmts transfer MRP/SOP -> COMaster Data
684ERP EHP76.0T444A31Navigation Profile for Flexible Transaction CallsMaster Data
685ERP EHP76.0T444B211Settings for Flexible Transaction CallsMaster Data
686ERP EHP76.0T444C181Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls for each MRP ElementMaster Data
687ERP EHP76.0T444S51Text Table for T444AMaster Data
688ERP EHP76.0T444T81Text Table for T444BMaster Data
689ERP EHP76.0T444V91Text Table for T444CMaster Data
690ERP EHP76.0T449A51Period splitMaster Data
691ERP EHP76.0T449B41Period split: language-dependent descriptionMaster Data
692ERP EHP76.0T449F41Control of sequence of the extended header in the MRP listMaster Data
693ERP EHP76.0T449S101User Settings: Sort for TableMaster Data
694ERP EHP76.0T449T81User-Setting For Field Sequence To Display A TableMaster Data
695ERP EHP76.0T449V211User Parameters for Traffic Lights Settings in MD04/MD05Master Data
696ERP EHP76.0T450U31User exit material selection - MRPMaster Data
697ERP EHP76.0T457C191Transaction calls controlMaster Data
698ERP EHP76.0T457P51Text Table for Order Types in the Planned OrderMaster Data
699ERP EHP76.0T458A71Exception Messages in Material Requirements PlanningMaster Data
700ERP EHP76.0T458B41Description of exception messagesMaster Data
701ERP EHP76.0T458C21Selection Group for Exception MessagesMaster Data
702ERP EHP76.0T458D41Texts for Selection GroupMaster Data
703ERP EHP76.0T460A141Special procurement keyMaster Data
704ERP EHP76.0T460C71Order/Purchase order types for planned orderMaster Data
705ERP EHP76.0T460T51Texts for special procurement keysMaster Data
706ERP EHP76.0T461P101Planning strategy groupMaster Data
707ERP EHP76.0T461S41Planning strategiesMaster Data
708ERP EHP76.0T461T41Planning strategy textMaster Data
709ERP EHP76.0T461X41Planning strategy group textMaster Data
710ERP EHP76.0T462371Customizing Table Selection Rule / Display FilterMaster Data
711ERP EHP76.0T462A31Logical Destination for Parallel ProcessingMaster Data
712ERP EHP76.0T462T41Text Table for T462: Customizing Selection RuleMaster Data
713ERP EHP76.0T463471Customizing Table Display Filter - Settings -Master Data
714ERP EHP76.0T463T41Text_table for T463 : Customizing Display FilterMaster Data
715ERP EHP76.0T464321Customizing: Order Report ProfilesMaster Data
716ERP EHP76.0T464T41Customizing: Order Report Profile TextsMaster Data
717ERP EHP76.0T465201Evaluation Profile Ranges of CoverageMaster Data
718ERP EHP76.0T465T51Texts for Minimum Range of Coverage ProfileMaster Data
719ERP EHP76.0T46661Customizing: Extraction Mode for Planning SituationMaster Data
720ERP EHP76.0T466T41Text Table for Extraction ModeMaster Data
721ERP EHP76.0T46741Stock/Requirements List: Material GroupingsMaster Data
722ERP EHP76.0T46AC41Action controlMaster Data
723ERP EHP76.0T46AS21Action code textMaster Data
724ERP EHP76.0T46AT41Action code descriptionMaster Data
725ERP EHP76.0T46PR111List layout and print parametersMaster Data
726ERP EHP76.0TMW0041MRP Default Values per Material TypeMaster Data
727ERP EHP76.0U444B241User Settings for Flexible Transaction CallsMaster Data
728ERP EHP76.0U444C211User Settings For Flexible Transaction Calls Per MRP ElementMaster Data
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Geographical Information System
729ERP EHP76.0GEO_CONTEXT_APPL31Application Specific Geo ContextGeographical Information System
730ERP EHP76.0GHO_ATTRNOSTRUC32Test Table for Object Type Structure Mapping in GISGeographical Information System
731ERP EHP76.0GHO_EXT_OBJATTR61Table for External Object AttributesGeographical Information System
732ERP EHP76.0GHO_EXT_OBJATTRT72Text Table for GHO_EXT_OBJATTRGeographical Information System
733ERP EHP76.0GHO_EXT_PER_ATR71Personalization Data for External AttributesGeographical Information System
734ERP EHP76.0GHO_GEN_OBJ_TYP21Generic Object TypesGeographical Information System
735ERP EHP76.0GHO_GEN_OBJ_TYPT41Text Table for Generic Object TypesGeographical Information System
736ERP EHP76.0GHO_GEN_TYP_MAP41Table for Internal Object AttributesGeographical Information System
737ERP EHP76.0GHO_GISCMCONFID61Customizing Table for Context Menu ConfigurationsGeographical Information System
738ERP EHP76.0GHO_GISCMOBJTYPE41Customizing Table for Configuration Object TypesGeographical Information System
739ERP EHP76.0GHO_INT_OBJATTR51Table for Internal Object AttributesGeographical Information System
740ERP EHP76.0GHO_INT_OBJATTRT72Text Table for GHO_INT_OBJATTRGeographical Information System
741ERP EHP76.0GHO_INT_PER_ATR71Internal Attributes Personalization TableGeographical Information System
742ERP EHP76.0GHO_PER_PIE_SIZE41Pie chart customizingGeographical Information System
743ERP EHP76.0GHO_PER_SCRNSIZE71Personalization table for Screen SizingGeographical Information System
744ERP EHP76.0GHO_TEMP_TPLNR11Stores temp tplnr tableGeographical Information System
745ERP EHP76.0USER_SETTINGS41ABSOLUTE :NOT REQUIRED User Settings TableGeographical Information System
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Measurement System
746ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMPTT_EXT103Data Capture HeaderMeasurement System
747ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMPTT_ITEM131Data Capture ItemsMeasurement System
748ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMRG_EXT92Extension Table for IMRG (Measurement Document)Measurement System
749ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMRG_ITEM91Measurement Document Item DetailsMeasurement System
750ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMRG_STD41Standardized Measurement DocumentMeasurement System
751ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMRG_STD_H213Header for Standardized QCI VolumesMeasurement System
752ERP EHP76.0GHO_IMRG_STD_I41Item Table : QCI Standardized Volumes - UOM / ValueMeasurement System
753ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEASDT61Measurement DetailsMeasurement System
754ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_GRPCR51Measurement Group MeasurementMeasurement System
755ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_GRPDT101Measurement Group DetailsMeasurement System
756ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_GRP_T101Measurement Group Text TableMeasurement System
757ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_LOGOBJ41Measurement error log object mapping to MII system ext IDMeasurement System
758ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_MODE21Measurement ModeMeasurement System
759ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_MODE_T41Measurement ModeMeasurement System
760ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_PARAMS31Measurements - QCI ParamsMeasurement System
761ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_T61Measurement Text TableMeasurement System
762ERP EHP76.0GHO_MEAS_TANK51Measurement - Tank ParametersMeasurement System
763ERP EHP76.0IMPTT_ITEM41Measuring Point (Table) ExtensionMeasurement System
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Network Modeler
764ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETWORK21Production NetworkNetwork Modeler
765ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETWORK_T41Production Network Language Dependent TextsNetwork Modeler
766ERP EHP76.0GHO_OBJ_ATTR51Network Object AttributesNetwork Modeler
767ERP EHP76.0GHO_OBJ_ATTR_L81Network Object Attributes Link LevelNetwork Modeler
768ERP EHP76.0GHO_OBJ_GR_ATTR71Network Object Graphical AttributesNetwork Modeler
769ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIM_INET282Object Links for Network SimulationNetwork Modeler
770ERP EHP76.0GHO_VARIANT_H51Variant HeaderNetwork Modeler
771ERP EHP76.0GHO_VARIANT_O51Variant OptionNetwork Modeler
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Network Objects
772ERP EHP76.0GHO_ADRC_EXT71Addresses extn table (Obselete)Network Objects
773ERP EHP76.0GHO_COMP_TYP21Compressor TypeNetwork Objects
774ERP EHP76.0GHO_COMP_TYP_T41Compressor TypeNetwork Objects
775ERP EHP76.0GHO_DEH_TYP21Dehydrator TypeNetwork Objects
776ERP EHP76.0GHO_DEH_TYP_T41Text Table for Dehydrator TypeNetwork Objects
777ERP EHP76.0GHO_ELE_REF21Elevation ReferenceNetwork Objects
778ERP EHP76.0GHO_ELE_REF_T41Elevation Reference Text TableNetwork Objects
779ERP EHP76.0GHO_FLARE_OFS21Orientation of Flare StackNetwork Objects
780ERP EHP76.0GHO_FLARE_OFS_T41Orientation of Flare StackNetwork Objects
781ERP EHP76.0GHO_FLOBJ_TYPE31Maintenance- Network object with functional locationNetwork Objects
782ERP EHP76.0GHO_GEOLOC_EXT161Geo location (lon/lat/alt/...) extension tableNetwork Objects
783ERP EHP76.0GHO_GLBL_SET21Global SettingsNetwork Objects
784ERP EHP76.0GHO_HT_CONF21Heater Treater ConfigurationNetwork Objects
785ERP EHP76.0GHO_HT_CONF_T41Heater Treater Configuration Text TableNetwork Objects
786ERP EHP76.0GHO_HT_TMEC21Heater Treater- Treater MechanismNetwork Objects
787ERP EHP76.0GHO_HT_TMEC_T41Heater Treater - Treater Mechanism Text tableNetwork Objects
788ERP EHP76.0GHO_IFLOT_EXT1626Function location extension tableNetwork Objects
789ERP EHP76.0GHO_IFLOT_PLAN121Function location extension tableNetwork Objects
791ERP EHP76.0GHO_MII_SYSTEM31MII System IDNetwork Objects
792ERP EHP76.0GHO_MII_SYSTEM_T41MII System ID text tableNetwork Objects
793ERP EHP76.0GHO_MTR_OM21Operating ModeNetwork Objects
794ERP EHP76.0GHO_MTR_OM_T41Text Table for Operating ModeNetwork Objects
795ERP EHP76.0GHO_MTR_TYP21Meter TypeNetwork Objects
796ERP EHP76.0GHO_MTR_TYP_T41Text Table for Meter TypeNetwork Objects
797ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_GC31Netobj Commom TypesNetwork Objects
798ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_ST21Network Object StatusNetwork Objects
799ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_STA41Network Object StatusNetwork Objects
800ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_STAT31Maintenance Network object StatusNetwork Objects
801ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_ST_T41Network Object Status Text TableNetwork Objects
802ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_TD121Well Time DependencyNetwork Objects
803ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_TYP41Network Object MaintainenceNetwork Objects
804ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_TYP_T41text table for Network Object TypeNetwork Objects
805ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOBJ_UID21obsolete : Unique External IDNetwork Objects
806ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOB_GC_T51Text Table For Netobj StatusNetwork Objects
807ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETOB_ST_T51Text table for Network StatusNetwork Objects
808ERP EHP76.0GHO_OBJECT_TYPE21Network Object Maintainence (obselete)Network Objects
809ERP EHP76.0GHO_OBJECT_TYP_T41text table for Network Object Type(obselete)Network Objects
810ERP EHP76.0GHO_PIPEMATNRT21Table for Pipeline MaterialNetwork Objects
811ERP EHP76.0GHO_PIPEMATNR_T41Text Table for Pipeline MaterialNetwork Objects
812ERP EHP76.0GHO_PIPE_TYP21Pipeline TypeNetwork Objects
813ERP EHP76.0GHO_PIPE_TYP_T41Pipeline TypeNetwork Objects
814ERP EHP76.0GHO_PROD_NW_FREQ41Frequencies for Production NetworkNetwork Objects
815ERP EHP76.0GHO_PROD_NW_MED31Mediums for Production networkNetwork Objects
816ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_APL21ApplicationNetwork Objects
817ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_APL_T41Text Table for Pump ApplicationNetwork Objects
818ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_DGN21Pump DesignNetwork Objects
819ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_DGN_T41Text Table for Pump DesignNetwork Objects
820ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_DR21Type of DriverNetwork Objects
821ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_DR_T41Text Table for Pump Type of DriverNetwork Objects
822ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_FLD21Fluid HandledNetwork Objects
823ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_FLD_T41Text Table for Pump Fluid HandledNetwork Objects
824ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_TYP21Pump TypeNetwork Objects
825ERP EHP76.0GHO_PUMP_TYP_T41Text Table for Pump TypeNetwork Objects
826ERP EHP76.0GHO_SEP_UOSEP21Table for Use of SeparatorNetwork Objects
827ERP EHP76.0GHO_SEP_UOSEP_T41Text Table for Use of SeparatorNetwork Objects
828ERP EHP76.0GHO_STAT21Network Object StatusNetwork Objects
829ERP EHP76.0GHO_STAT_T41Text Table for Netobj StatusNetwork Objects
830ERP EHP76.0GHO_TB_FLTYP_T41Text Table for Turbine Fuel TypeNetwork Objects
831ERP EHP76.0GHO_TB_FL_TYP21Turbine Fuel TypeNetwork Objects
832ERP EHP76.0GHO_TB_TYP21Turbine Type of Driven UnitNetwork Objects
833ERP EHP76.0GHO_TB_TYP_T41Text Table for Turbine Type of Driven UnitNetwork Objects
834ERP EHP76.0GHO_WCSTATUS21Well Completion StatusNetwork Objects
835ERP EHP76.0GHO_WCSTATUS_T41Text Table for Well Completion StatusNetwork Objects
836ERP EHP76.0GHO_WC_TYP21Well Completion TypeNetwork Objects
837ERP EHP76.0GHO_WC_TYP_T41Text Table for Well Completion TypeNetwork Objects
838ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELLSTATUS21Well Status MaintenanceNetwork Objects
839ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELLSTATUS_T41Well Status Text TableNetwork Objects
840ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELLST_DERIV62Customizing table for Well Lifecycle Status DerivationNetwork Objects
841ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELLUSAGE21Well Usage MaintainenceNetwork Objects
842ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELLUSAGE_T41Text Table for Well Usage MaintenanceNetwork Objects
843ERP EHP76.0GHO_WELL_TD71Well Time DependencyNetwork Objects
844ERP EHP76.0GHO_WTTYPE21Well test typeNetwork Objects
845ERP EHP76.0GHO_WTTYPE_T41Well test type textNetwork Objects
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Network Operations
846ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETVER_H221Header Data of a Production Network VersionNetwork Operations
847ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETVER_ITM151Items of a Production Network VersionNetwork Operations
848ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETVER_OBJL61Object Links assigned to a Production Network VersionNetwork Operations
849ERP EHP76.0GHO_NETVER_TX51Template Set: Language Dependent DescriptionsNetwork Operations
850ERP EHP76.0GHO_OTS171GHO Order Template StructuresNetwork Operations
851ERP EHP76.0GHO_OTS_MAT131GHO Order Template Structure MaterialsNetwork Operations
852ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PTABLE_HD52Header Table for Results of GHO Planning TableNetwork Operations
853ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PTABLE_IT212Item Table for Results of GHO Planning TableNetwork Operations
854ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PTABLE_IV51Item-Validity Table for GHO Planning TableNetwork Operations
855ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PTABLE_LN71Schedule Lines Table for Results of GHO Planning TableNetwork Operations
856ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PTABLE_TX41Text Table for OPM Planning Table HeaderNetwork Operations
857ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_CLENUP41Default Parameters for Planning Data CleanupNetwork Operations
858ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_CLEN_T41Text Table for Cleanup ProfileNetwork Operations
859ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_FILTAB61Filter Settings Table for Planning TableNetwork Operations
860ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_FILTXT41Texttable for Filter Planning TableNetwork Operations
861ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_PRF_T41Customizing: Text Table for GHO Planning Table ProfileNetwork Operations
862ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_PROFIL501Customizing: Table for GHO Planning Table ProfileNetwork Operations
863ERP EHP76.0GHO_PP_PT_UDATA71User specific Data for the Planning TableNetwork Operations
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Ownership
864ERP EHP76.0GHO_CUVD_OWN_MD61Customer/Vendor Ownership Master Data of Business partnerOwnership
865ERP EHP76.0GHO_CUVD_OWN_TYP91Customer/Vendor Ownership RolesOwnership
866ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNDOI_HDRCK101DOI Header Details work tabelOwnership
867ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNDOI_ITMCK163Ownership : Division of Interest details in item work tableOwnership
868ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNRES_H61Ownership results HeaderOwnership
869ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNRES_I151Ownership results itemsOwnership
870ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNRES_I_BG151Ownership results items Bearer Group detailsOwnership
871ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWNRES_I_DOI141Ownership results items DOI detailsOwnership
872ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_BG_HDR92Ownership Bearer Group Header tableOwnership
873ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_BG_HDRCK91Ownership Bearer Group Header - Work TableOwnership
874ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_BG_ITMCK112Bearer Group Items table - work tableOwnership
875ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_BG_ITMS114Bearer Group Items tableOwnership
876ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_DOI_HDR141DOI Header DetailsOwnership
877ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_DOI_ITMS163Ownership : Division of Interest detailsOwnership
878ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_DOI_SSM111Ownership Sliding Scale MaintenanceOwnership
879ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_INTTY31Ownership Interest TypeOwnership
880ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_INTTY_TX41Ownership Interest Type Text TableOwnership
881ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_NET_ASG91Ownership (DOI) assignment to Network ObjectsOwnership
882ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_SM_HDR91Ownership Sliding Scale MaintenanceOwnership
883ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_SM_ITMS102Ownership Scale Method ItemsOwnership
884ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_SM_TYP21Ownership Scale Method TypeOwnership
885ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_SM_TYP_T41Text Table for Ownership Scale Method TypeOwnership
886ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_TRO_DOI82DOI for Ownership transfer requestOwnership
887ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_TRO_HDR132Transfer of Ownership Header TableOwnership
888ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_TRO_ITM83Transfer of Ownership Item TableOwnership
889ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_TYPE41Ownership RoleOwnership
890ERP EHP76.0GHO_OWN_TYPE_TX41Ownership Type text tableOwnership
891ERP EHP76.0GHO_TRO_BG_HDR131Bearer group header details created from Transfer RequestOwnership
892ERP EHP76.0GHO_TRO_BG_ITMS152Temporary storage for Bearer group from transfer requestOwnership
Production Planning and Control :: Production Network :: Production Allocation
893ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOCRES_H222Allocation Results HeaderProduction Allocation
894ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOCRES_I111Allocation results ItemProduction Allocation
895ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOCRES_IF111Allocation results Item with Final IndicatorProduction Allocation
896ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_FACTOR41Allocation Factor valuesProduction Allocation
897ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_FIN_I111OBSOLETE - Table to store final itemized allocation resultsProduction Allocation
898ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_FIN_PP151Table to hold PP related final allocation resultsProduction Allocation
899ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_GLG31Assign formation TCM to Gas Lift Gas TCMProduction Allocation
900ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_GLG_T41Gas Lift Gas TCM text tableProduction Allocation
901ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_MV31Metered Volume TCM configurationProduction Allocation
902ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_OVR171OBSOLETE - GHO Allocation Theoratical OverrideProduction Allocation
903ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_RES_H181OBSOLETE - Table for storing allocation results (Header)Production Allocation
904ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_RES_I111OBSOLETE - Table to store the itemized allocation resultsProduction Allocation
905ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_RES_PP151Table to hold PP related allocation resultsProduction Allocation
906ERP EHP76.0GHO_ALLOC_UOM_I41OBSOLETE - Table UOM rules ItemProduction Allocation
907ERP EHP76.0GHO_CHM_ANA_LEVL21Types of Chemical Analysis LevelProduction Allocation
908ERP EHP76.0GHO_CHM_ANL_H173Chemical analysis header dataProduction Allocation
909ERP EHP76.0GHO_CHM_ANL_LVL51Obsolete: Table for Chemical Analysis Level & QM MappingProduction Allocation
910ERP EHP76.0GHO_CHM_A_LEVEL61Customizing Table for Chemical AnalysisProduction Allocation
911ERP EHP76.0GHO_COM_WC_H142Commingled Well Completion HeaderProduction Allocation
912ERP EHP76.0GHO_COM_WC_I51Commingled Well Completion ItemProduction Allocation
913ERP EHP76.0GHO_INET_LOG301Change log table for INET - productive networksProduction Allocation
914ERP EHP76.0GHO_MRH_RULE_H72Measurement Retrieval Hierarchy Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
915ERP EHP76.0GHO_MRH_RULE_I61Measurement Retrieval Hierarchy Rules ItemProduction Allocation
916ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODERULE_H143Node Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
917ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODERULE_I81Node Allocation Rules ItemProduction Allocation
918ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODE_DS_SP51Node Down Stream Split (Obsolete)Production Allocation
919ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODE_DS_SP_H122Node Down Stream Split header tableProduction Allocation
920ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODE_DS_SP_I41Node Down Stream SplitProduction Allocation
921ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODE_RULE_H141OBSOLETE - Node Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
922ERP EHP76.0GHO_NODE_RULE_I51OBSOLETE - Node Rules ItemProduction Allocation
923ERP EHP76.0GHO_NWRULE_H192Network Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
924ERP EHP76.0GHO_NWRULE_I101Network Allocation Rules ItemProduction Allocation
925ERP EHP76.0GHO_NW_RULE_H171OBSOLETE - Production Flow Network Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
926ERP EHP76.0GHO_NW_RULE_I101OBSOLETE - Production Flow Network Allocation Rule ItemProduction Allocation
927ERP EHP76.0GHO_NW_UOM_RULE131OBSOLETE - UoM Rule for NetworkProduction Allocation
928ERP EHP76.0GHO_PQCURVE_H92PQ Curve Details HeaderProduction Allocation
929ERP EHP76.0GHO_PQCURVE_I81PQ Curve Details ItemProduction Allocation
930ERP EHP76.0GHO_REP_MAT121Reproduced Material details tableProduction Allocation
931ERP EHP76.0GHO_RULE_LOG_H301Allocation Rule Log HeaderProduction Allocation
932ERP EHP76.0GHO_RULE_LOG_I211Allocation Rule Log ItemProduction Allocation
933ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_CAP111Simulation: Modified network object capacitiesProduction Allocation
934ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_DOWNTIM111Simulation: Predicted downtimesProduction Allocation
935ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_DS_SP_H132Simulation: Node Down Stream Split rules headerProduction Allocation
936ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_DS_SP_I41Simulation: Node Down Stream Split rules ItemProduction Allocation
937ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_FLRT_H102Simulation: Flow Rate HeaderProduction Allocation
938ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_FLRT_I51Simulation: Flow Rate ItemProduction Allocation
939ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_H111Simulation HeaderProduction Allocation
940ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_H_T61Simulation Header Language Dependent TextsProduction Allocation
941ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_INETLOG311Log table for simulation changes in production networkProduction Allocation
942ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_INETX81Language-dependent texts for Links in Simulated NetworksProduction Allocation
943ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_NDRH152Simulation: Node Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
944ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_NDRI51Simulation: Node Allocation Rules ItemProduction Allocation
945ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_NWRH182Simulation: Network Allocation Rules HeaderProduction Allocation
946ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_NWRI101Simulation: Network Allocation Rules ItemProduction Allocation
947ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_REP_MAT131Simulation: Reproduced Material details tableProduction Allocation
948ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_TOR_H172Simulation: Theoretical Override HeaderProduction Allocation
949ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_TOR_I41Simulation: Theoretical Override ItemProduction Allocation
950ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_UOMRH142Simulation: Network UoM Rule HeaderProduction Allocation
951ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_UOMRI51Simulation: Network UoM Rule ItemProduction Allocation
952ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_WCOM_H121Simulation: Commingled Well Completion HeaderProduction Allocation
953ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_WCOM_I51Simulation: Commingled Well Completion ItemProduction Allocation
954ERP EHP76.0GHO_SIMU_WC_OVR191Simulation: Well Completion Override Details TableProduction Allocation
955ERP EHP76.0GHO_THEO_OVR_H193Allocation Theoretical Override HeaderProduction Allocation
956ERP EHP76.0GHO_THEO_OVR_I41Allocation Theoretical Override ItemProduction Allocation
957ERP EHP76.0GHO_UOM_RULE_H132Network UoM Rule HeaderProduction Allocation
958ERP EHP76.0GHO_UOM_RULE_I71Network UoM Rule ItemProduction Allocation
959ERP EHP76.0GHO_WC_OVR181Well Completion Override Details TableProduction Allocation
960ERP EHP76.0GHO_WC_RULE_LOG231Log table for Well Completion Override, Reproduce materialProduction Allocation
Production Planning and Control :: Production Orders :: Information System
961ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_ADM_MULD71Table for Multidimensional analysis for manufacturing dash bInformation System
962ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_ADM_SYST51Mandash System Status Customization tableInformation System
963ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_APL_TEXT41Maintain Application ID for Manufacturing DashBoard Text tabInformation System
964ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_APPL_TXT31Maintain Application ID for Manufacturing Dash BoardInformation System
965ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_GV_TEXT41text table for group variantInformation System
966ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_GV_TXT31Group variant descriptionInformation System
967ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_REF_TIME41Table for minimum refresh timeInformation System
968ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_TIM_BUKT61Time bucket customizationInformation System
969ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_TMBUKTXT51time bucket descInformation System
970ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_VRNT_GRP41COCF MANDASH Overall/Group Variant TableInformation System
971ERP EHP76.0COCF_MD_VRNT_TAB61COCF MANDASH Tab specific Variants TableInformation System
Production Planning and Control :: Production Orders :: Order Planning
972ERP EHP76.0TCORUSHVAL21Check Table for Header Screen Customizing SingleScreen EntryOrder Planning
973ERP EHP76.0TCORUSSVAL21Check Table for Detail Screen Customizing SingleScreen EntryOrder Planning
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning :: Demand Management
974ERP EHP76.0LPDX61Planning runtime table: INDX tableDemand Management
975ERP EHP76.0M60I42Object dependencies tree structure for chars planningDemand Management
976ERP EHP76.0PBED251Independent Requirements DataDemand Management
977ERP EHP76.0PBHI111Independent Requirements HistoryDemand Management
978ERP EHP76.0PBIC132Ind. reqmts index for customer requirements (without RV)Demand Management
979ERP EHP76.0PBID373Planned independent requirements index: MRP areaDemand Management
980ERP EHP76.0PBIM353Independent Requirements for MaterialDemand Management
981ERP EHP76.0PBIV61Ind. reqmts index for consump. of exter. non-variable partsDemand Management
982ERP EHP76.0T399Q81Default values for maintaining independent requirementsDemand Management
983ERP EHP76.0T459A41External requirements typesDemand Management
984ERP EHP76.0T459K411Control table for customer requirementsDemand Management
985ERP EHP76.0T459S71Period splittingDemand Management
986ERP EHP76.0T459U241Settings for Maintaining Planned Independent RequirementsDemand Management
987ERP EHP76.0T459V41Version tableDemand Management
988ERP EHP76.0T459W41Texts for requirements typesDemand Management
989ERP EHP76.0T459X41Text table for ind. reqmts reference tableDemand Management
990ERP EHP76.0T459Y41Reqmts types for sales and distribution: textsDemand Management
991ERP EHP76.0TPHVP121Header: Planning ProfileDemand Management
992ERP EHP76.0TPLVP81Planning ProfileDemand Management
993ERP EHP76.0TPSVP112Planning profile linesDemand Management
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Basic Data
994ERP EHP76.0MKAL425Production Versions of MaterialBasic Data
995ERP EHP76.0MKAL_AEND131Change History of Production Version (Recipes Only)Basic Data
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Consumer Products for Food Beverage
996ERP EHP76.0CFB_BACKFLUSH161Backflush of BatchesConsumer Products for Food Beverage
997ERP EHP76.0CFB_KALM_TMP71TMP Save / CK40N Selected MaterialsConsumer Products for Food Beverage
998ERP EHP76.0CFB_RB_CUST61Customizing: Clearing Remaining Batch QuantitiesConsumer Products for Food Beverage
999ERP EHP76.0CFB_SCALE161Define Scale ControlConsumer Products for Food Beverage
1000ERP EHP76.0CFB_SCALE_ASSIGN31Assign Scale GroupsConsumer Products for Food Beverage
1001ERP EHP76.0CFB_SCALE_GROUP31Define Scale GroupConsumer Products for Food Beverage
1002ERP EHP76.0CFB_VERID_MRP251Release/Lock Production Version for Mat. Req. PlanningConsumer Products for Food Beverage
1003ERP EHP76.0CFB_WEIGH_LIST271Database of Weigh ListConsumer Products for Food Beverage
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Material Identification and Reconciliation
1004ERP EHP76.0BEREIT232Material identification: staging dataMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1005ERP EHP76.0HUM_KOMMI161HUM Picking with Partial GI PostingMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1006ERP EHP76.0MISTATUS91Status Table for Material Identification on Mat./Batch LevelMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1007ERP EHP76.0RCDEF191Reconciliation: definition of movement type groupsMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1008ERP EHP76.0RCDEFT51Reconciliation: definition of movement type groupsMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1009ERP EHP76.0TCUBASP41Batch Split Customizing in Production EnvironmentMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1010ERP EHP76.0TCUHUWA61Customizing HU in Production EnvironmentMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
1011ERP EHP76.0TCUMI31Customizing for material identificationMaterial Identification and Reconciliation
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Data Documentation
1012ERP EHP76.0MCHP133Batch Record for a BatchProcess Data Documentation
1013ERP EHP76.0MCHPV41Batch Record: VersionsProcess Data Documentation
1014ERP EHP76.0MCHPVS232Batch Record: Shadow Table for Link to ArchiveProcess Data Documentation
1015ERP EHP76.0MCHPVT101Batch Record: Long Text for VersionProcess Data Documentation
1016ERP EHP76.0REBR111Batch Record: Overall ProfileProcess Data Documentation
1017ERP EHP76.0REBR1111Batch Record: Layout ProfileProcess Data Documentation
1018ERP EHP76.0REBR1T41Batch Record: Layout ProfileProcess Data Documentation
1019ERP EHP76.0REBR271Batch Record: Layout ProfileProcess Data Documentation
1020ERP EHP76.0REBR3141Batch Record: Profile for Deviation AnalysisProcess Data Documentation
1021ERP EHP76.0REBR3T41Batch Record: Profile for Deviation Analysis TextProcess Data Documentation
1022ERP EHP76.0REBR4131EBR: Inspection Scope of Insp. Lot in Deviation AnalysisProcess Data Documentation
1023ERP EHP76.0REBR561Batch Record: Cover PageProcess Data Documentation
1024ERP EHP76.0REBR5T41Batch Record: Cover Page DescriptionProcess Data Documentation
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Management
1025ERP EHP76.0BDSCHKF2551BDS: File Name for Last Check-OutProcess Management
1026ERP EHP76.0BDSCHKO25101BDS: Check Out Data for Physical Information ObjectProcess Management
1027ERP EHP76.0BDSCONT2571BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)Process Management
1028ERP EHP76.0BDSLOIO25181BDS: Instances of Logical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1029ERP EHP76.0BDSLOIOT2551BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1030ERP EHP76.0BDSLOPR2571BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1031ERP EHP76.0BDSLORE25111BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1032ERP EHP76.0BDSLORI25111BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1033ERP EHP76.0BDSPHF25101BDS: Files of Physical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1034ERP EHP76.0BDSPHHR25121BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsProcess Management
1035ERP EHP76.0BDSPHIO25251BDS: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1036ERP EHP76.0BDSPHNM25121BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical ObjectsProcess Management
1037ERP EHP76.0BDSPHPR2571BDS: Attributes of Physical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1038ERP EHP76.0BDSPHRE25111BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1039ERP EHP76.0BDSPHRI25111BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information ObjectsProcess Management
1040ERP EHP76.0BDSRE25111BDS: Relationship InstancesProcess Management
1041ERP EHP76.0BDSREPR2571BDS: Relationship AttributesProcess Management
1042ERP EHP76.0BDS_CONN2573BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined ClassProcess Management
1043ERP EHP76.0CMX_DA_REG83Manufacturing Data Access: Registration EntriesProcess Management
1044ERP EHP76.0CMX_ISE_EVTQUEUE81Intersession Events:Event Queue (Cluster,Shared Memory Only)Process Management
1045ERP EHP76.0CMX_ISE_REG131Intersession Events: Registration TableProcess Management
1046ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSE_DB_PERS31XSEditor: Personalization DataProcess Management
1047ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSE_DB_WIZ21XSEditor: WizardsProcess Management
1048ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSE_DB_WIZT41XSEditor: Descriptions for WizardsProcess Management
1049ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSE_DB_XPG21XSEditor: External Plug-InsProcess Management
1050ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSE_DB_XPGT41XSEditor: Descriptions of External Plug-InsProcess Management
1051ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_CT_SETS111SXS Repository: Customizing SettingsProcess Management
1052ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_AUTH21Standard Execution Step Repository: Authorization GroupProcess Management
1053ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_AUTXT41SXS Repository: Texts for Authorization GroupProcess Management
1054ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_CLOG94XSteps: Change LogProcess Management
1055ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_FOLD122Standard Execution Step Repository: FolderProcess Management
1056ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_FOLDT51Standard Execution Step Repository: Texts for FolderProcess Management
1057ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_ITEM132Standard Execution Step Repository: ItemsProcess Management
1058ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_ITEMT51Standard Execution Step Repository: Texts for ItemsProcess Management
1059ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DB_VERS103Standard Execution Step Repository: VersionsProcess Management
1060ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_DS_META81Metadata Table for Digital Signature for SXS VersionsProcess Management
1061ERP EHP76.0CMX_XSR_VER_SIGN81Metadata Table for Digital Signatures for SXS VersionsProcess Management
1062ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_CT_SETS21SXS Repository: Cross-Plant CustomizingProcess Management
1063ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_C_TL_PIC21XSteps: Translatable Process Instruction CharacteristicsProcess Management
1064ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_APP41XSteps: ApplicationProcess Management
1065ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_APPC31XSteps: DB Table for Context Key of the ApplicationProcess Management
1066ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_APPT31XSteps: Decriptions of the ApplicationProcess Management
1067ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_ARI41XSteps: Property Index of the ApplicationsProcess Management
1068ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_ARIT41XSteps: Descriptions for Property Index of the ApplicationsProcess Management
1069ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_ARP61XSteps: Fields for Property Index of the ApplicationsProcess Management
1070ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_HDEL31XSteps: Historical Nodes with Deletion States (if Reorg.)Process Management
1071ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_HIST41XSteps: Historical Objects (Change Status)Process Management
1072ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_HOBJ102XSteps: Historical Objects (Status Table)Process Management
1073ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_HREL42XSteps: Links to Historical Objects (Relationships)Process Management
1074ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_INSTR61XSteps: Process Instructions TableProcess Management
1075ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_INSTRT41XSteps: Texts for Process Instruction TableProcess Management
1076ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_META71XSteps: MetadataProcess Management
1077ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_METAT51XSteps: Texts for MetadataProcess Management
1078ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_NOBJ51XSteps: Non-Historic Objects (Table of States)Process Management
1079ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_NREL42XSteps: Links to Non-Historic Objects (Relationships)Process Management
1080ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PRED41XSteps: PredecessorProcess Management
1081ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PREX41XSteps: Predecessor before the GenerationProcess Management
1082ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PS151XSteps: Parameter, Definition in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1083ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PSL133XSteps: Parameter, LIVE Data in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1084ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PSLT71XSteps: Texts for Parameters, LIVE Data in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1085ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_PST71XSteps: Texts for Parameters in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1086ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_REF202XSteps: Step References TableProcess Management
1087ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_REFT41XSteps: Texts for Step Reference TableProcess Management
1088ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_ROOT141XSteps: Step RootProcess Management
1089ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_ROOTT41XSteps: Texts for Step RootProcess Management
1090ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_STEP141XSteps: Step TableProcess Management
1091ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_STEPT41XSteps: Text for Step TableProcess Management
1092ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_TREE82XSteps: Tree CharacteristicsProcess Management
1093ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VL41XSteps: Values in DB Format LARGEProcess Management
1094ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VLT41XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format LARGEProcess Management
1095ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VM41XSteps: Values in DB Format MEDIUMProcess Management
1096ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VMT41XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format MEDIUMProcess Management
1097ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VS71XSteps: Values in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1098ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_VST72XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format SMALLProcess Management
1099ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XAV21XSteps: BAdI Exits, Variants for BAdI ImplementationsProcess Management
1100ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XAVD31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Standard BAdI VariantsProcess Management
1101ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XAVT41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for VariantsProcess Management
1102ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XCC41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Categories for Custom Node TypesProcess Management
1103ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XCCT41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Custom Node CategoriesProcess Management
1104ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XCT31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Custom Node TypesProcess Management
1105ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XCTT51XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Custom Node TypesProcess Management
1106ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XDC31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Data CategoriesProcess Management
1107ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XDCT41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions of Data CatagoriesProcess Management
1108ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XDTY21XSteps: BAdI Exits, Destination TypesProcess Management
1109ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XDTYT41XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions of Destination TypesProcess Management
1110ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XGN31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Scopes of GenerationProcess Management
1111ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XGNT41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Scopes of GenerationProcess Management
1112ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XGR41XSteps: BADI Exits, Use of Scopes of GenerationProcess Management
1113ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XGS31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Source Fields for Scopes of GenerationProcess Management
1114ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XNS11XSteps: BAdI Exits, NamespacesProcess Management
1115ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XNSC21XSteps: BAdI Exits, Release of Namespaces in ClientProcess Management
1116ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XNST31XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions for NamespacesProcess Management
1117ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XRP21XSteps: BAdI Exits, RepositoriesProcess Management
1118ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XRPT41XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions for RepositoriesProcess Management
1119ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XSY31XSteps: BAdI Exits, Valuation SymbolsProcess Management
1120ERP EHP76.0CMX_XS_DB_XSYT41XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Valuation SymbolsProcess Management
1121ERP EHP76.0COCC161PP-PI: Attributes for CharacteristicsProcess Management
1122ERP EHP76.0COCC271PP-PI: Customer-Specific Attributes for CharacteristicsProcess Management
1123ERP EHP76.0COCH275Process Management: Control Recipe HeaderProcess Management
1124ERP EHP76.0COCOA41Process Management: Operation Assignment TableProcess Management
1125ERP EHP76.0COCQ131PPPI/QM Integration: Buffer Table for Reporting ResultsProcess Management
1126ERP EHP76.0COFT71Process Management: Process Instructions in Control RecipeProcess Management
1127ERP EHP76.0COFV141Process Management: Process Instr. Charact. in Ctrl RecipeProcess Management
1128ERP EHP76.0COMD51Process Management: Error Log for Message DestinationProcess Management
1129ERP EHP76.0COME102Process Management: Message CharacteristicsProcess Management
1130ERP EHP76.0COMER102Process Message Record: Message CharacteristicsProcess Management
1131ERP EHP76.0COMH154PP-PI: Header Data for Process MessagesProcess Management
1132ERP EHP76.0COMHR83Process Message Record: Message Header DataProcess Management
1133ERP EHP76.0COMQ81Temporary Storage for Material Production Messages for QMProcess Management
1134ERP EHP76.0CORE82Process Mgmt.: Display Characteristics of the Eval. VersionProcess Management
1135ERP EHP76.0CORP41Process Management: Evaluation VersionsProcess Management
1136ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_APPL_STEP31Domain Model: Application StepsProcess Management
1137ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_COMMAND62Domain Model: Table for Step CommandsProcess Management
1138ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_CONF_REQ112Domain Model: Table for Signature RequestsProcess Management
1139ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_COMMAND42Domain Model: Command CollectionProcess Management
1140ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_COMMENT82Domain Model: Comment CollectionProcess Management
1141ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_DEVIAT122Domain Model: Deviation CollectionProcess Management
1142ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_DEVVAR62Domain model: Collection for variable setting (deviation)Process Management
1143ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_METADAT82Domain Model: Local Value CollectionProcess Management
1144ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_OPER102Domain Model: Operation CollectionProcess Management
1145ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_PARTIT52Domain Model: Partition Element CollectionProcess Management
1146ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_PREDEC52Domain Model: Predecessor TableProcess Management
1147ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_SERVICE62Domain Model: Service Operation CollectionProcess Management
1148ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_STEP62Domain Model: Step CollectionProcess Management
1149ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_SYTABLE132Domain Model: Variable Collection (Symbol Table)Process Management
1150ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_VALUE62Domain Model: Value Container CollectionProcess Management
1151ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_DATA_REQ122Domain Model: Table for Data RequestsProcess Management
1152ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_DOMAIN42Domain Model: Database Table for DomainsProcess Management
1153ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_EXEC_REQ72Domain Model: Table for Execution RequestProcess Management
1154ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_EXEC_STRA52Domain Model: Table for Execution StrategiesProcess Management
1155ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_MESS_REQ72Domain Model: Table for Message RequestsProcess Management
1156ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_OPERATION82Domain Model: Table for OperationsProcess Management
1157ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_PARTITION62Domain Model: PartitionProcess Management
1158ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_PROC_STEP92Domain Model: Table for Process StepsProcess Management
1159ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_SIGNATURE52Domain Model: SignatureProcess Management
1160ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_SIG_HANDL92Domain Model: Signature HandlerProcess Management
1161ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_STEP242Domain Model: Table for Step Basic DataProcess Management
1162ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_VALUE142Domain Model: DB Table for Value ContainerProcess Management
1163ERP EHP76.0TC5071PP-PI: Proc.Message Categories/ Proc.Instruction CategoriesProcess Management
1164ERP EHP76.0TC50A81Assignment of Message Charact. to Dest.-Spec. Target FieldsProcess Management
1165ERP EHP76.0TC50C162Characteristics for Process Messages / Process InstructionsProcess Management
1166ERP EHP76.0TC50D51Process Management: Message DestinationsProcess Management
1167ERP EHP76.0TC50E161Process Management: Process CharacteristicsProcess Management
1168ERP EHP76.0TC50P81Message Characteristics for Dest.-Specific Target FieldsProcess Management
1169ERP EHP76.0TC50T61Process Message/Instr. Categories: Lang.-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1170ERP EHP76.0TC5161Process Management: DestinationsProcess Management
1171ERP EHP76.0TC51T51Message Destinatiosn: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1172ERP EHP76.0TC52211Control Recipe DestinationsProcess Management
1173ERP EHP76.0TC52A81Customizing of Process Instruction Positions in PI SheetProcess Management
1174ERP EHP76.0TC5341Characteristics Groups for Process Messages and InstructionsProcess Management
1175ERP EHP76.0TC5541Destination-Specific Target Fields for Message DestinationsProcess Management
1176ERP EHP76.0TC55T61Destination-Specific Target Fields: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1177ERP EHP76.0TC5641Process Instruction GroupsProcess Management
1178ERP EHP76.0TC56T61Process Instruction Groups: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1179ERP EHP76.0TC5751Assignment of Process Instructions to Ctrl Recipe DestinatnsProcess Management
1180ERP EHP76.0TC5841PP-PI: Definition of Operator CockpitsProcess Management
1181ERP EHP76.0TC58T61PP-PI: Language-Dependent Short Texts for Operator CockpitsProcess Management
1182ERP EHP76.0TC5981PP-PI: Assignment of Proc. Instructions to Operator CockpitProcess Management
1183ERP EHP76.0TC59T71PP-PI: Process Instruction Short Texts for Operator CockpitProcess Management
1184ERP EHP76.0TC60112PP-PI: Assignment of PI Characteristics to Operator CockpitProcess Management
1185ERP EHP76.0TCB0121Process Instruction TypesProcess Management
1186ERP EHP76.0TCB01T41Process Instruction Types: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1187ERP EHP76.0TCB0221Types of Message DestinationProcess Management
1188ERP EHP76.0TCB02T41Types of Message Destination: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1189ERP EHP76.0TCB0341Internal Characteristic Numbers for PP-PI CharacteristicsProcess Management
1190ERP EHP76.0TCB0421Status for Control RecipesProcess Management
1191ERP EHP76.0TCB04T41Control Recipe Status: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1192ERP EHP76.0TCB0641Dummy Table for External Key Assignment Betw. ATNAM & ATINNProcess Management
1193ERP EHP76.0TCB0731Int.Table: Conversion Report RCOCBX02 was ExecutedProcess Management
1194ERP EHP76.0TCB1061Predefined Proc. Message Categories/Proc. Instr. CategoriesProcess Management
1195ERP EHP76.0TCB10T51Predefined Message Categories: Language-Dependent textsProcess Management
1196ERP EHP76.0TCB11161Assignment of Characteristics to Predefined MessagesProcess Management
1197ERP EHP76.0TCB1271Predefined DestinationsProcess Management
1198ERP EHP76.0TCB12T41Predefined Message Destinations: Language-Dependent TextsProcess Management
1199ERP EHP76.0TCB1341Target Fields for Predefined Message DestinationsProcess Management
1200ERP EHP76.0TCB13T51Target Fields for Predef. Message Destin.: Lang-Dep. TextsProcess Management
1201ERP EHP76.0TCB1451Predefined Assignments of Destinations to Message CategoriesProcess Management
1202ERP EHP76.0TCB1581Predefined Assignmts of Charact. to Dest-Spec. Target FieldsProcess Management
1203ERP EHP76.0TCB1641Predefined Charact. Groups for Message and Instruction Cat.Process Management
1204ERP EHP76.0TCB1721Addresses of Mess.Destinations with Individual ProcessingProcess Management
1205ERP EHP76.0TCB1821PP-PI-PMA: System Settings for Process Message ProcessingProcess Management
1206ERP EHP76.0TCB2011Manufacturing Data Access: ServicesProcess Management
1207ERP EHP76.0TCB20T31Manufacturing Data Access: Services - TextProcess Management
1208ERP EHP76.0TCB_PIE171PI Assistant: Assigning Screen ID to Calling Function ModuleProcess Management
1209ERP EHP76.0TCB_PIE251PI Assitant: Screen ControlProcess Management
1210ERP EHP76.0TCM0121Display Type of Preview List in Process Data EvaluationProcess Management
1211ERP EHP76.0TCOINF51Displaying Info. in Message Monitor / Ctrl Recipe MonitorProcess Management
1212ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_APPL_ID11OPC: Control Table for Application IDsProcess Management
1213ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_APPL_IDT31OPC: Text Table for Application IDsProcess Management
1214ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_CBUSER71OPC: Callback UserProcess Management
1215ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_EVTSD171OPC: Event Subscription DefinitionProcess Management
1216ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_EVTSDA51OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Areas)Process Management
1217ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_EVTSDC61OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Category)Process Management
1218ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_EVTSDS51OPC: Event Subscription Definition (Event Sources)Process Management
1219ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_EVTSDT51OPC: Language-Dependent Texts for Event SubscriptionsProcess Management
1220ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_ITEM91OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item DefinitionProcess Management
1221ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_ITEMT51OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Item DefinitionProcess Management
1222ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_SERVER121OPC: Plant-Specific Custom. Table for OPC Server DefinitionProcess Management
1223ERP EHP76.0TCOOPC_SERVERT51OPC: Language-Dependent OPC Server Short TextProcess Management
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Order
1224ERP EHP76.0AFFT181Order - Process InstructionsProcess Order
1225ERP EHP76.0AFFV262Order - Process Instruction ValuesProcess Order
1226ERP EHP76.0COCR_CMX_DB_CO4371Assignment Production Scheduling Profile and Standard XStepProcess Order
1227ERP EHP76.0COCR_CMX_DB_CR42Context Data for Root NodeProcess Order
1228ERP EHP76.0COCR_CMX_DB_CS62Context Data for XStepsProcess Order
1229ERP EHP76.0MAKG61Material Cost Distribution GroupsProcess Order
1230ERP EHP76.0MAKV71Material Cost DistributionProcess Order
1231ERP EHP76.0MAKZ111Material cost distribution equivalence numbersProcess Order
1232ERP EHP76.0OPDEV181Order Operation - Schedule DeviationsProcess Order
1233ERP EHP76.0TOPDEVV41Process Order - Selection VariantsProcess Order
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Production Campaign
1234ERP EHP76.0PCMH181Production campaign headerProduction Campaign
1235ERP EHP76.0PCMO1121Pegged production campaign: materialProduction Campaign
1236ERP EHP76.0PCMO2123Pegged production campaign: requirementsProduction Campaign
1237ERP EHP76.0PCMO3122Pegged production campaign: recipeProduction Campaign
1238ERP EHP76.0PCMO4123Production campaign pegged reqmt resource networkProduction Campaign
1239ERP EHP76.0PCMP123Production campaign itemProduction Campaign
Production Planning and Control :: Sales and Operations Planning :: Basic Data
1240ERP EHP76.0P444V91Planning Versions: Info StructuresBasic Data
1241ERP EHP76.0P44V181Planning VersionsBasic Data
1242ERP EHP76.0T444P41LIS Planning: Key Matrix Selection Control TableBasic Data
Production Planning and Control :: Sales and Operations Planning :: Distribution Requirements Planning
1243ERP EHP76.0MDRP_CONTR31Control Table: DRPDistribution Requirements Planning
1244ERP EHP76.0MDRP_DARC91Branches of the Distribution NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1245ERP EHP76.0MDRP_DRUN161Deployment runDistribution Requirements Planning
1246ERP EHP76.0MDRP_DRUNV101Planning File: Deployment RunDistribution Requirements Planning
1247ERP EHP76.0MDRP_MAP41Background for Graphical DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1248ERP EHP76.0MDRP_MENU41Menu for DRP networkDistribution Requirements Planning
1249ERP EHP76.0MDRP_MENUT51Menu text for DRP networkDistribution Requirements Planning
1250ERP EHP76.0MDRP_NODE81Nodes for DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1251ERP EHP76.0MDRP_NODEP51Positions of the nodes in a DRP networkDistribution Requirements Planning
1252ERP EHP76.0MDRP_NODT81Node Type for DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1253ERP EHP76.0MDRP_NODTT31Node Type for DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1254ERP EHP76.0MDRP_NSEQ51Sequence of Node ProcessingDistribution Requirements Planning
1255ERP EHP76.0MDRP_POCO241Event Table: Deployment RunDistribution Requirements Planning
1256ERP EHP76.0MDRP_VIEW21View of DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1257ERP EHP76.0MDRP_VIEWT41View of DRP NetworkDistribution Requirements Planning
1258ERP EHP76.0PLPLAN_PARAM431BOM-dependent planning parameterDistribution Requirements Planning
1259ERP EHP76.0S075302DRP node informationDistribution Requirements Planning
1260ERP EHP76.0S075E143S075 - Structural InformationDistribution Requirements Planning
1261ERP EHP76.0TCSCP_COMP_LVL31Material completion levels (including their sequence)Distribution Requirements Planning
1262ERP EHP76.0TCSCP_COMP_LVLT41Material completion level (Description)Distribution Requirements Planning
1263ERP EHP76.0TCSCP_CONV_TYPE21Conversion types for production figuresDistribution Requirements Planning
1264ERP EHP76.0TCSCP_CONV_TYPET51Conversion type for production figuresDistribution Requirements Planning
1265ERP EHP76.0TCSCP_TDSV41Activate period dependent operation parametersDistribution Requirements Planning
Production Planning and Control :: Sales and Operations Planning :: Sales Plan
1266ERP EHP76.0ERKO101Event HeaderSales Plan
1267ERP EHP76.0ERKOT51Event Header - TextsSales Plan
1268ERP EHP76.0ERPO101Event ItemSales Plan
1269ERP EHP76.0ERZU195Event AssignmentSales Plan
1270ERP EHP76.0ERZUT111Event AssignmentSales Plan
1271ERP EHP76.0KZAZU71Key Figure Assignment for Aggregate Version CopySales Plan
1272ERP EHP76.0LISAKT151Background Planning ActivitiesSales Plan
1273ERP EHP76.0LISAKTTXT41Text table for LISAKTSales Plan
1274ERP EHP76.0LISCO91Copy Profile: LIS PlanningSales Plan
1275ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAK81Key Figures Allocation Flexible Planning - CO-PASales Plan
1276ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAKT41Short Text for Key Figures Allocation LIS - CO-PASales Plan
1277ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAM71Characteristics Allocation: Flexible Planning - CO-PASales Plan
1278ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAMT41Short Text for Characteristics Allocation LIS - CO-PASales Plan
1279ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAZ101Assignment of info structure to operating concernSales Plan
1280ERP EHP76.0LISCOPAZT41Short Text for AllocationSales Plan
1281ERP EHP76.0LISPL171Background Job for LIS PlanningSales Plan
1282ERP EHP76.0LISPLF161Planning Entries Table for Background Planning in LISSales Plan
1283ERP EHP76.0LISPLT51Texts for job number (LIS) - background planningSales Plan
1284ERP EHP76.0LISR111Planning Object Index for ForecastSales Plan
1285ERP EHP76.0LISUP111Transfer Profile: LIS Planning to Demand ManagementSales Plan
1286ERP EHP76.0MCAKVER31Current Generation VersionsSales Plan
1287ERP EHP76.0MCDYNUM61Screen Numbers for LIS GenerationSales Plan
1288ERP EHP76.0OTBPARAM71Parameters for OTB ControlSales Plan
1289ERP EHP76.0OTBPARAM251Parameters for OTB Purchase Order WarningSales Plan
1290ERP EHP76.0P445E81Planning Object Index for Rough-Cut Planning ProfilesSales Plan
1291ERP EHP76.0P445G71Parameters for PLOB Version_Key FigureSales Plan
1292ERP EHP76.0P445H41Verification: Hier.Ctg./Hier.Form/Plan.Object/GSTRU (SOP)Sales Plan
1293ERP EHP76.0P445S31Possible Version StatusesSales Plan
1294ERP EHP76.0P445T41Version Status TextSales Plan
1295ERP EHP76.0P445V171Sales and Operations Planning: VersionsSales Plan
1296ERP EHP76.0P445X151LIS Planning Versions TableSales Plan
1297ERP EHP76.0PGAN102Proportional Factors per Planning Object Relation (SOP/LIS)Sales Plan
1298ERP EHP76.0PGMI122Product Group/Member AllocationSales Plan
1299ERP EHP76.0PGPL192Sales & Operations Planning (SOP)Sales Plan
1300ERP EHP76.0PGPLE101SOP Characteristic ValuesSales Plan
1301ERP EHP76.0PGZU82Product Group/Member Quantity ConversionsSales Plan
1302ERP EHP76.0PROH71Basic Values (for Forecast): Consumption or Actual NumberSales Plan
1303ERP EHP76.0RMCP851Archive MaterialsSales Plan
1304ERP EHP76.0SAUF254SOP OrdersSales Plan
1305ERP EHP76.0T440P341Profiles for Function Module PROGNOSE_DIALOGSales Plan
1306ERP EHP76.0T445A341Planning Configuration for Info StructureSales Plan
1307ERP EHP76.0T445B341User Parameters for Planning TypeSales Plan
1308ERP EHP76.0T445C31Assign Time Bar - Technical PeriodSales Plan
1309ERP EHP76.0T445C141Allocation of Permitted Periods for PlanningSales Plan
1310ERP EHP76.0T445C221Planning Period Units of Info StructureSales Plan
1311ERP EHP76.0T445E31Units for LIS PlanningSales Plan
1312ERP EHP76.0T445F41Texts for Line Definitions (SOP)Sales Plan
1313ERP EHP76.0T445G41Texts of LIS Planning MacrosSales Plan
1314ERP EHP76.0T445I91Planning Attributes: Information StructureSales Plan
1315ERP EHP76.0T445L291SOP Planning Table DefinitionsSales Plan
1316ERP EHP76.0T445M281Macro Definitions: LIS PlanningSales Plan
1317ERP EHP76.0T445N41Executable MacrosSales Plan
1318ERP EHP76.0T445NK61Storage of decimal pointsSales Plan
1319ERP EHP76.0T445O31Operations for LIS Planning FunctionsSales Plan
1320ERP EHP76.0T445OT51Short Description of LIS OperationsSales Plan
1321ERP EHP76.0T445P241Planning Types: LIS/SOPSales Plan
1322ERP EHP76.0T445Q191Prices for Price Band CategoriesSales Plan
1323ERP EHP76.0T445QK71Prices for Price Band Categories (Key)Sales Plan
1324ERP EHP76.0T445R31Characteristic Fields per Info Structure for Table T445QSales Plan
1325ERP EHP76.0T445T31Texts: Definitions for Planning Table (SOP)Sales Plan
1326ERP EHP76.0T445U141Sales and Operations Planning/Initial Settings per UserSales Plan
1327ERP EHP76.0T445V71Plant DistributionSales Plan
1328ERP EHP76.0T445Y81Profile for SOP Transfer to Demand ManagementSales Plan
1329ERP EHP76.0T445Z51Period Split for Display of Time AxisSales Plan
1330ERP EHP76.0T445Z181Period Split for PlanningSales Plan
1331ERP EHP76.0T445ZT41Text for Period SplitSales Plan
Production Planning and Control :: Production Orders :: Order Processing :: Confirmations
1332ERP EHP76.0AFFW793Goods Movements with Errors from ConfirmationsConfirmations
1333ERP EHP76.0AFFWPRO211Log of deleted AFFW entriesConfirmations
1334ERP EHP76.0AFRC91Incorrect cost calculations from confirmationsConfirmations
1335ERP EHP76.0AFRD1091Default values for collective confirmationConfirmations
1336ERP EHP76.0AFRH111Header information for confirmation poolConfirmations
1337ERP EHP76.0AFRH_DEL111Backup Copy of Header Information for Confirmation PoolConfirmations
1338ERP EHP76.0AFRP01002Table of planned changes for confirmation (PDC)Confirmations
1339ERP EHP76.0AFRP141Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic goods receiptConfirmations
1340ERP EHP76.0AFRP251Table of planned changes for confirmation: BackflushingConfirmations
1341ERP EHP76.0AFRP341Table of planned changes for confirmation: Calc.actual costsConfirmations
1342ERP EHP76.0AFRP441Table of planned changes to confirmatn: Data transfer to HRConfirmations
1343ERP EHP76.0AFRU1441Order ConfirmationsConfirmations
1344ERP EHP76.0AFRV1871Confirmation poolConfirmations
1345ERP EHP76.0AFRV_DEL1871Backup Copy for Confirmation PoolConfirmations
1346ERP EHP76.0AFWD81Deliveries for Confirmation Goods Movements in EWMConfirmations
1347ERP EHP76.0AFWI71Subsequently posted goods movements for confirmationsConfirmations
1348ERP EHP76.0CORUUSR141User Settings for ConfirmationConfirmations
1349ERP EHP76.0TAFWD31CORU: Messages that are not interpreted as errorsConfirmations
1350ERP EHP76.0TCORD51Table for field-dependent check routinesConfirmations
1351ERP EHP76.0TCORU581Parameters for Order ConfirmationConfirmations
1352ERP EHP76.0TCORUPBTXT311Customizing Single Screen Entry Confirmat.: Status InterfaceConfirmations
1353ERP EHP76.0TCORUSSDEF641Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a ConfirmationConfirmations
1354ERP EHP76.0TPARU71Control parallelized confirmation processesConfirmations
1355ERP EHP76.0TPRRU91Control table for process chain for confirmationConfirmations
1356ERP EHP76.0TPRRUT51Text table for process control of confirmationConfirmations
1357ERP EHP76.0TRUGS51User status caused by deviationConfirmations
1358ERP EHP76.0TRUS111Control table for collective confirmationConfirmations
1359ERP EHP76.0TSUBSCRAREA121Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a ConfirmationConfirmations
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Basic Data :: Master Recipe
1360ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_COR51Master Recipe: Context Table for Recipe HeaderMaster Recipe
1361ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_COS51Master Recipe: Context Table for Recipe Operations/PhasesMaster Recipe
1362ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_LOG94XSteps: Change LogMaster Recipe
1363ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_R_COR51Routing: Context Table for Plan HeaderMaster Recipe
1364ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_R_COS51Routing: Context Table for OperationsMaster Recipe
1365ERP EHP76.0CPC_CMX_DB_R_LOG94XSteps (Routing): Change LogMaster Recipe
1366ERP EHP76.0CPS_PRES11Process Management - Values for Flag in CustomizingMaster Recipe
1367ERP EHP76.0CPS_PREST31Text Table zu CPS_PRESMaster Recipe
1368ERP EHP76.0KALC171Material Quantity Calculation - FormulasMaster Recipe
1369ERP EHP76.0KALT51Material Quantity Calculation: HeaderMaster Recipe
1370ERP EHP76.0PLFT203Process InstructionsMaster Recipe
1371ERP EHP76.0PLFV293PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter ValuesMaster Recipe
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Management :: ABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1372ERP EHP76.0COCHP212PI sheet: Control Recipe HeaderABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1373ERP EHP76.0COFIV111PI Sheet: Signature for DeviationABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1374ERP EHP76.0COFMA61PI Sheet: Message Assignment to Process InstructionABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1375ERP EHP76.0COFTP91PI Sheet: Process InstructionsABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1376ERP EHP76.0COFVP142PI Sheet: Process Instruction CharacteristicsABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1377ERP EHP76.0COMEP102PI Sheet: Message CharacteristicsABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1378ERP EHP76.0COMHP101PI Sheet: Message HeaderABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1379ERP EHP76.0COTRP101PI Sheet: Process Parameter Texts (Versions)ABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1380ERP EHP76.0COVLP141PI Sheet: Current Variable ValuesABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1381ERP EHP76.0TCB1911Control Table for PI Sheet HeaderABAP List-Based PI Sheet
1382ERP EHP76.0TCOPC41Application-Specific PasswordsABAP List-Based PI Sheet
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Management :: Browser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1383ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_ARC_CONN261Optical Archiving: Link Data (ArchiveLink)Browser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1384ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_CU_ADDON31PI Sheet: Settings for Enhancement ObjectsBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1385ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_C_TRIGGER132Domain Model: Trigger CollectionBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1386ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_DEV_SIGN122Signature Key: Metadata Signature Process StepBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1387ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_EVT_SIGN122Signature Keys: Metadata for Event LogBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1388ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_OBJECTS11Table of Enhancement ObjectsBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1389ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_OBJECTS_T31Text Table for POC_DB_OBJECTSBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1390ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_PDF_FORM31Customizing Table for PDF Form AssignmentBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1391ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_PROTOCOL161Domain Model: Event Log for Process StepsBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1392ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_STEP_SIGN102Signature Key: Metadata Signature Process StepBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
1393ERP EHP76.0POC_DB_TRIG_PROT41Logging: Trigger for Event in Domain ModelBrowser-Based PI Sheet Cockpit
Production Planning and Control :: Production Planning for Process Industries :: Process Management :: Campaign Weighing and Dispensing
1394ERP EHP76.0CWD_CRD_SCALE51Campaign Weighing Control Recipe Dest. to Scale mappingCampaign Weighing and Dispensing
1395ERP EHP76.0CWD_EQUI_CLASS51Campaign Weighing Equipment Class and CharacteristicsCampaign Weighing and Dispensing
1396ERP EHP76.0CWD_MATERIAL41Campaign Weighing Component MaterialsCampaign Weighing and Dispensing