SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

4604 tablesERP 6.0 

1ERP EHP76.0HRP1670402Tabulka DB k infotypu 1670Payroll
2ERP EHP76.0HRP1671192Tabulka DB k infotypu 1671Payroll
3ERP EHP76.0HRSM_PMP121Payroll Message Pool: Message Table for PayrollPayroll
4ERP EHP76.0P18_0691Tabulka pre prenos vypocet koeficientov PPD v r.2001Payroll
5ERP EHP76.0PA0163972Személyzeti törzsrekord 0164 infotípus tábla (TB - Magyaro.)Payroll
6ERP EHP76.0PA0518301HR Master Record: Infotype 0518Payroll
7ERP EHP76.0PA0519581HR Master Record: Infotype 0519Payroll
8ERP EHP76.0PA0635421Személyügyi törzsrekord 0635 infótípusPayroll
9ERP EHP76.0PA0636491Személyügyi törzsrekord 0636 infótípusPayroll
10ERP EHP76.0PA0637421Személyügyi törzsrekord 0637 infótípusPayroll
11ERP EHP76.0PA0638341Személyügyi törzsrekord 0638 infótípusPayroll
12ERP EHP76.0PA0639661Személyügyi törzsrekord 0639 infótípusPayroll
13ERP EHP76.0PA06401421Személyügyi törzsrekord 0640 infótípusPayroll
14ERP EHP76.0PA0641351Személyügyi törzsrekord 0641 infótípusPayroll
15ERP EHP76.0PA0642281Személyügyi törzsrekord 0642 infótípusPayroll
16ERP EHP76.0PA0643371Személyügyi törzsrekord 0643 infótípusPayroll
17ERP EHP76.0PA0644461Személyügyi törzsrekord 0644 infótípusPayroll
18ERP EHP76.0PA0729931Personál.kmen.záznam Infotyp 0729Payroll
19ERP EHP76.0PA0730421Personál.kmen.záznam Infotyp 0730Payroll
20ERP EHP76.0PA0731411Personál.kmen.záznam Infotyp 0731Payroll
21ERP EHP76.0PA0750351Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0750Payroll
22ERP EHP76.0PA0769421Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0769Payroll
23ERP EHP76.0PA0770481Personnel master data: Info type 0770Payroll
24ERP EHP76.0PA0771671Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0771Payroll
25ERP EHP76.0PA0772631Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0772Payroll
26ERP EHP76.0PA0773361Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0773Payroll
27ERP EHP76.0PA0774281Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0774Payroll
28ERP EHP76.0PA0775291Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0775Payroll
29ERP EHP76.0PA0776391Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0776Payroll
30ERP EHP76.0PA0777281Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0777Payroll
31ERP EHP76.0PA0778551Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0778Payroll
32ERP EHP76.0PA0885451Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0885Payroll
33ERP EHP76.0PA0935661HR Master Record: Infotype 0935Payroll
34ERP EHP76.0PA0936331HR Master Record: Infotype 0936Payroll
35ERP EHP76.0PA0937421HR Master Record: Infotype 0937Payroll
36ERP EHP76.0PA0938911HR Master Record: Infotype 0938Payroll
37ERP EHP76.0PA0939331HR Master Record: Infotype 0939Payroll
38ERP EHP76.0PA0940921HR Master Record: Infotype 0940Payroll
39ERP EHP76.0PA3234441HR master record, infotype 3234Payroll
40ERP EHP76.0PA3260721HR master data, infotype 3260 (leave quota H)Payroll
41ERP EHP76.0PA3261402Commission contracts HPayroll
42ERP EHP76.0PA3262462Payments for persons with commission HPayroll
43ERP EHP76.0PA3263341HR master record, infotype 3263Payroll
44ERP EHP76.0PA3264441HR master record, infotype 3264Payroll
45ERP EHP76.0PA32651441HR master record, infotype 3265Payroll
46ERP EHP76.0PB0635421Pályázói törzsrekord: IT0635Payroll
47ERP EHP76.0PB0638341Pályázói törzsrekord: IT0638Payroll
48ERP EHP76.0PB0729931Personál.kmen.záznam Infotyp 0729Payroll
49ERP EHP76.0PB0730421Personál.kmen.záznam Infotyp 0730Payroll
50ERP EHP76.0PB0731411Data uchazece infotyp 0731 (predloha)Payroll
51ERP EHP76.0PB0750351Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0750Payroll
52ERP EHP76.0PB0769421Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0769Payroll
53ERP EHP76.0PB0770481Personnel master data: Info type 0770Payroll
54ERP EHP76.0PB0771671Personel ana verileri: Bilgi tipi 0771Payroll
55ERP EHP76.0PB0885451Basvuru verileri bilgi tipi 0885 (örnek)Payroll
56ERP EHP76.0PB0935661Applicant data infotype 0935 (model)Payroll
57ERP EHP76.0PB0936331Applicant data infotype 0936 (model)Payroll
58ERP EHP76.0PB0937421Applicant data infotype 0937 (model)Payroll
59ERP EHP76.0PB0938911Applicant data infotype 0938 (model)Payroll
60ERP EHP76.0PB0939331Applicant data infotype 0939 (model)Payroll
61ERP EHP76.0PB0940921Applicant data infotype 0940 (model)Payroll
62ERP EHP76.0T5H1191Minimális járulékalap - jelentett munkavállalókPayroll
63ERP EHP76.0T5H1H21SI paying officesPayroll
64ERP EHP76.0T5H1J111SI cumulation report control table from 1997Payroll
65ERP EHP76.0T5H1K61T5H1J textsPayroll
66ERP EHP76.0T5H1M11Private pension fund title codesPayroll
67ERP EHP76.0T5H1N31Title text table to private pension fundsPayroll
68ERP EHP76.0T5H1O71Control table to private pension fund monthly reportPayroll
69ERP EHP76.0T5H1P21Korkedvezményre jogosító munkakör kódokPayroll
70ERP EHP76.0T5H1Q41Korkedvezményre jogosító munkakör kódok megnevezéseiPayroll
71ERP EHP76.0T5H1S11K32 urlap: levonás elmaradásának okaPayroll
72ERP EHP76.0T5H1ST31K32 urlap: levonás elmaradásának oka szövegeiPayroll
73ERP EHP76.0T5H1V61Bérszámfejtési konstansok vállalatonkéntPayroll
74ERP EHP76.0T5H1VT51Bérszámfejtési állandók megnevezése vállalatonkéntPayroll
75ERP EHP76.0T5H1W161Korrekciós adatok a K32 urlaphozPayroll
76ERP EHP76.0T5H1X11Blokksorszámok K32 urlaponPayroll
77ERP EHP76.0T5H1XT31K32 urlap: blokkok szövegeiPayroll
78ERP EHP76.0T5H1Y11Évek (K32 urlaphoz)Payroll
79ERP EHP76.0T5H1Z11K32 urlap: magánnyugdíjpénztári tagság lehetséges értékeiPayroll
80ERP EHP76.0T5H1ZT31K32 urlap: magánpénztári tagság értékeinek szövegeiPayroll
81ERP EHP76.0T5H2A61Tax table (tax brackets and percentages)Payroll
82ERP EHP76.0T5H2B111Year-end (tax) certificates elementsPayroll
83ERP EHP76.0T5H2D51Wage types to be transf.: secondary pers. number-> main p.n.Payroll
84ERP EHP76.0T5H2E51Family allowancePayroll
85ERP EHP76.0T5H2F41Wage types of schooling benefits and vacation checksPayroll
86ERP EHP76.0T5H2H41Text table for T5H2GPayroll
87ERP EHP76.0T5H2I71Institutions data for infotype 307Payroll
88ERP EHP76.0T5H2M61Adóvégelsz. - APEH-nek elküldött dolg. rekordokról info.Payroll
89ERP EHP76.0T5H2N41Regisztráció az APEH-nek beküldött nyomtatványokrólPayroll
90ERP EHP76.0T5H2W71Járulék-fajták különadóhozPayroll
91ERP EHP76.0T5H2Y111Különadó bérelemeiPayroll
92ERP EHP76.0T5H2Z81Display wage types and their validity in infotypesPayroll
93ERP EHP76.0T5H3A121Payroll journal parameter tablePayroll
94ERP EHP76.0T5H3B61Text table of payroll journal parameter tablePayroll
95ERP EHP76.0T5H41121Irregular incomes - in terms of accident sick payPayroll
96ERP EHP76.0T5H42301Jelentett GYED sorszámokPayroll
97ERP EHP76.0T5H43241Jelentett TGYS sorszámokPayroll
98ERP EHP76.0T5H4G31NYENYI SI names of absencesPayroll
99ERP EHP76.0T5H4H31Text table of process code/variant of SI servicesPayroll
100ERP EHP76.0T5H4L41Text table of first two characters of 5-char. absence codePayroll
101ERP EHP76.0T5H4N171Irregular incomesPayroll
102ERP EHP76.0T5H4O341Reported "closed incapacities to work"Payroll
103ERP EHP76.0T5H4P71Generate new wage types on the basis of ones with SI splitPayroll
104ERP EHP76.0T5H4Q51Auxiliary table to health insurance statistical reportPayroll
105ERP EHP76.0T5H4T51Auxiliary table to fill in the health insurance stat. reportPayroll
106ERP EHP76.0T5H4V121SI name to NYENYIPayroll
107ERP EHP76.0T5H4W31NYENYI text table for T5H4VPayroll
108ERP EHP76.0T5H4Y61Company data to contribution computationPayroll
109ERP EHP76.0T5H4Z191Data of SI paying officesPayroll
110ERP EHP76.0T5H5A51Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime bracketsPayroll
111ERP EHP76.0T5H5B41Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime bracketsPayroll
112ERP EHP76.0T5H5E21Help table to infotype p0441Payroll
113ERP EHP76.0T5H5F71Help table to infotype p0441Payroll
114ERP EHP76.0T5H5G41Help table to infotype p0441Payroll
115ERP EHP76.0T5H6A11Garnishment typePayroll
116ERP EHP76.0T5H6B31Garnishment type namePayroll
117ERP EHP76.0T5H6C21Garnishment priorityPayroll
118ERP EHP76.0T5H6E31Garnishment subtypePayroll
119ERP EHP76.0T5H6F41Garnishment subtype namePayroll
120ERP EHP76.0T5H7O1591Monthly statistical reportsPayroll
121ERP EHP76.0T5H7R101Settlement codesPayroll
122ERP EHP76.0T5H8081Vállalat jogelodjei a biztosítottak bejelentéséhezPayroll
123ERP EHP76.0T5H81211Registered employment relationshipsPayroll
124ERP EHP76.0T5H81M201Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPayroll
125ERP EHP76.0T5H82211Registered employment relationships - sent statusesPayroll
126ERP EHP76.0T5H82I51Bejelentett munkaviszonyok - futásazonosítókPayroll
127ERP EHP76.0T5H82M201Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPayroll
128ERP EHP76.0T5H83231Data of other legal relationshipsPayroll
129ERP EHP76.0T5H84201Payroll logPayroll
130ERP EHP76.0T5H8M51MNYP-kódok megfeleltetéseiPayroll
131ERP EHP76.0T5H8N61Codes of nationalityPayroll
132ERP EHP76.0T5H8U61Table of transfer feesPayroll
133ERP EHP76.0T5H8X81Changes reported to MEPPayroll
134ERP EHP76.0T5H8Y111Transfer download formates of banksPayroll
135ERP EHP76.0T5H8Z111Bank transfer download logPayroll
136ERP EHP76.0T5H98381Solidarity taxPayroll
137ERP EHP76.0T5H9C71Control table of payroll cost center diversionPayroll
138ERP EHP76.0T5H9D71Payroll accounting data tablePayroll
139ERP EHP76.0T5H9E51Control table 2 to T5H9DPayroll
140ERP EHP76.0T5H9K61Salary compensation at budgetary institutionsPayroll
141ERP EHP76.0T5HAA131Cumulation interrelationsPayroll
142ERP EHP76.0T5HB1141EMMA Munkaadó cím (és kieg.) adatokPayroll
143ERP EHP76.0T5HB231EMMA Szakképzettség kódokPayroll
144ERP EHP76.0T5HB331EMMA Titulus kódokPayroll
145ERP EHP76.0T5HB441EMMA Végzettség kódokPayroll
146ERP EHP76.0T5HNR161HU_NREN payroll table data of the "current month"Payroll
147ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS01101SzorzószámokPayroll
148ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS01X101SzorzószámokPayroll
149ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0241Besorolási fokozatokPayroll
150ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS02T51Besorolási fokozatok szövegeiPayroll
151ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS02X41Besorolási fokozatokPayroll
152ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0351Manager gradesPayroll
153ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS03T31Vezetoi fokozatok szövegeiPayroll
154ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0431Key numbersPayroll
155ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS04T31Kulcsszámok szövegeiPayroll
156ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0531Technikai azonosító (1) - személyügyi területhezPayroll
157ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0681Technikai azonosító (1) - Közigazgatási szervPayroll
158ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0761Szervezeti egységek címePayroll
159ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0841Manager gradesPayroll
160ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS08T41Texts of manager grades for public servantsPayroll
161ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS0941Conferrable titlesPayroll
162ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS09T31Texts of conferrable titles to public servantsPayroll
163ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1171IlletménytípusokPayroll
164ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS11T41Illetménytípusok - szövegmezokPayroll
165ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1241School leaving certificate level codePayroll
166ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS12T31Iskolai végzettség szintje megnevezésPayroll
167ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1321Szakképesítés szakiránya kódPayroll
168ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS13T41Szakképesítés szakiránya megnevezésPayroll
169ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1411Szakképesítés szintje kódPayroll
170ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS14T31Szakképesítés szintje megnevezésPayroll
171ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1511Szakképesítés jellege kódPayroll
172ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS15T31Szakképesítés jellege megnevezésPayroll
173ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1611Tudományos fokozat szintjének kódjaPayroll
174ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS16T31Tudományos fokozat szintjének megnevezésePayroll
175ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1711Idegen nyelv kódjaPayroll
176ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS17T31Idegen nyelv megnevezésePayroll
177ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1811Állami nyelvvizsga fokozat kódjaPayroll
178ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS18T31Állami nyelvvizsga fokozat megnevezésePayroll
179ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS1911Állami nyelvvizsga típus kódjaPayroll
180ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS19T31Állami nyelvvizsga típus megnevezésePayroll
181ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2011Közigazgatási vizsga típusa kódPayroll
182ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS20T31Közigazgatási vizsga típusa megnevezésPayroll
183ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2111Közigazgatási vizsgaidoszak kódPayroll
184ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS21T31Közigazgatási vizsgaidoszak megnevezésPayroll
185ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2211Közigazgatási vizsgáztatásra jogosult szerv kódPayroll
186ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS22T31Közigazgatási vizsgáztatásra jogosult szerv megnevezésPayroll
187ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2321Közszolgálati jogviszonyokPayroll
188ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS23T41Közszolgálati jogviszonyok megnevezésePayroll
189ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2521Besorolási fokozatba kerülés alapja kódPayroll
190ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS25T41Besorolási fokozatba kerülés alapja megnevezésPayroll
191ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2611Továbbképzés jellege, kódjaPayroll
192ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS26T31Továbbképzés jellege, kódja (megnevezések)Payroll
193ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2711Továbbképzést szervezo intézmény kódjaPayroll
194ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS27T31Továbbképzést szervezo intézmény megnevezésePayroll
195ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS2811Továbbképzés típusa, megnevezésePayroll
196ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS28T31Továbbképzés típusa, megnevezésePayroll
197ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3011Továbbképzés tartalma kódja (2)Payroll
198ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS30T31Továbbképzés tartalma megnevezése (2)Payroll
199ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3111Költségtérítés forrásaPayroll
200ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS31T31Költségtérítés forrásaPayroll
201ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3221Vezetoi kinevezés kódjaPayroll
202ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS32T31Vezetoi kinevezés megnevezésePayroll
203ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3311Vezetoi kinevezés megszunésének módja kódPayroll
204ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS33T31Vezetoi kinevezés megszunésének módja, megnevezésPayroll
205ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3411Vezetoi megbizatásokPayroll
206ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS34T31Vezetoi megbizatások megnevezésePayroll
207ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3511Vezetoi megbizatással kapcsolatos változásokPayroll
208ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS35T31Vezetoi megbizatással kapcsolatos változások megnevezésePayroll
209ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3761Long-term absencesPayroll
210ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS37T31Tartós távollétek megnevezéseiPayroll
211ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3821Jogviszony megszunésével kapcsolatos kódokPayroll
212ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS38T41Jogviszony megszunésével kapcsolatos kódok megnevezésePayroll
213ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS3921Jogviszony megszunése - fogadó szerv kódjaPayroll
214ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS39T41Jogviszony megszunése - fogadó szerv megnevezésePayroll
215ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS4011Távollét eloírt kódja megnevezésePayroll
216ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS40T31Távollét eloírt kódja megnevezésePayroll
217ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS4131Besorolási fokozat kódjaPayroll
218ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS41T51Besorolási fokozat megnevezésePayroll
219ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS4211Illetménytípus eloírt kódja megnevezésePayroll
220ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS42T31Illetménytípus eloírt kódja megnevezésePayroll
221ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS516102 urlap háttértábla (megnevezések soronként)Payroll
222ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5210102 urlap bérelemenkénti gyujto táblaPayroll
223ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5351Összegsorok megadása 02 urlaphozPayroll
224ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5471Paramétertábla a 34 urlaphozPayroll
225ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS55111Összegsorok leírása 34-s urlaponPayroll
226ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5681Paramétertábla a 35 urlaphozPayroll
227ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5751Összegsorok megadása 35 urlaphozPayroll
228ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5851Fejlécek a 02, 34 és 35 urlapokhozPayroll
229ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS5971Anniversary bonus settingsPayroll
230ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS6051Távollétkódok besorolása 13. havi illetmény szempontjábólPayroll
231ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS6181Köztisztviseloi pótszabadság megképzését vezérlo táblaPayroll
232ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS62111Közalkalmazotti pótszabadság megképzését vezérlo táblaPayroll
233ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS6391Generating leave quotasPayroll
234ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS64151Controlling leave quotasPayroll
235ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS65121Rules for leave quota reductionPayroll
236ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS6681Rules for leave quota conflictsPayroll
237ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS6761Long texts for leave quota categoryPayroll
238ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7021HR-H: Szabadságkeretek a 2006-os IT-onPayroll
239ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7171HR-H: 35-ös tényurlap soraiPayroll
240ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7261HR-H: 35-ös tényurlap - fokönyvi számlaszámokPayroll
241ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7351HR-H: 35-ös tényurlap - összegsorokPayroll
242ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS74101HR-H: 34-es tényurlap soraiPayroll
243ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7571HR-H: 34-es tényurlap - fokönyvi számlaszámokPayroll
244ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7651HR-H: 34-es tényurlap - összegsorokPayroll
245ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7771Kulcsszám konverzió a 34-es tényurlaphozPayroll
246ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS7831Konvertáló tábla szervezeti egység és részterület közöttPayroll
247ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS79131Grouping of employee subgroupsPayroll
248ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS80121Rank settingsPayroll
249ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS80R71RanksPayroll
250ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS80T61Rank namesPayroll
251ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS81121Years in service settings for public sectorPayroll
252ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8251Administrative exam exemption reasonsPayroll
253ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8351Preferential multipliers for calculating years in servicePayroll
254ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS83T41Preferential multipliers for calc. years in service (text)Payroll
255ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8451Form of entering into a rankPayroll
256ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8551Reason for closing a rankPayroll
257ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8671Reading PD dataPayroll
258ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS86F61Reading PD data - field assignmentsPayroll
259ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS86O81Reading PD data - object sequencePayroll
260ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8751Property declaration titlePayroll
261ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8851Property declaration event (IT3264)Payroll
262ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS8951Financial growth examination title (IT3264)Payroll
263ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9051Financial growth examination result name (IT3264)Payroll
264ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9151Expatriations for infotype Field service (3265)Payroll
265ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9261Field service workplaces table (for IT3265)Payroll
266ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS92T51Expatriation country - workplace tablePayroll
267ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9361Field service basic dues (for IT3265)Payroll
268ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9451Security conditions (for IT3265)Payroll
269ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9551Climate conditions (for IT3265)Payroll
270ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS96101Foreign exchange multipliers (for IT3265)Payroll
271ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9751Basic foreign exchange dues monthly rate (for IT3265)Payroll
272ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9891FX multipliers for long-term studies abroadPayroll
273ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS9961FX multipliers for job key numbersPayroll
274ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJF71Havi jelentések - fejadatokPayroll
275ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJK41Havi jelentések - kezdo lapszámokPayroll
276ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJL82Havi jelentések - lapadatokPayroll
277ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJL_GENT82Havi jelentések - lapadatokPayroll
278ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJL_SENT82Havi jelentések - lapadatokPayroll
279ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJM81Havi jelentések - tételadatokPayroll
280ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJM_GENT82Havi jelentések - tételadatokPayroll
281ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJM_SENT82Havi jelentések - tételadatokPayroll
282ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSJSZE71Szervezeti egységhez tartozó fájlsorszámPayroll
283ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM031Document groups (RPCLAPH0)Payroll
284ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM0T41Document group texts (RPCLAPH0)Payroll
285ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM131Documents for document groupPayroll
286ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM221Documents (RPCLAPH0)Payroll
287ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM2T41Document names (RPCLAPH0)Payroll
288ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM351Smartform for documentPayroll
289ERP EHP76.0T5HPBSOKM971Cumulative wage types for forms (RPCLAPH0)Payroll
290ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_HAVIBONT362Comm. - payments monthly breakdown by personsPayroll
291ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_KIFDAT21Comm. - payment default datePayroll
292ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_LGART_PAR81Comm. - parameter table for specifying techn. wage typePayroll
293ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_NAPI_CL91Comm. - daily breakdown cluster tablePayroll
294ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIP41Comm. - contract typePayroll
295ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIT51Comm. - contract type text tablePayroll
296ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_T538C_DAY31Comm. - number of days for IT3261 time unitsPayroll
297ERP EHP76.0T5HPBS_TRANS_RUN42Comm. - running transferPayroll
298ERP EHP76.0T5HS031Nyomtatványokmezok "egységes azonosítói"Payroll
299ERP EHP76.0T5HS191HR-H: Havi bevallás - bevallási adatokPayroll
300ERP EHP76.0T5HS281HR-H: Havi bevallás - változók paraméterei (M lap)Payroll
301ERP EHP76.0T5HS331HR-H: Havi bevallás - APEH lapok megfeleltetése urlapoknakPayroll
302ERP EHP76.0T5HS451HR-H: Havi bevallás - Élesben futtatott hónapok (bárkód)Payroll
303ERP EHP76.0T5HS561HR-H: Havi bevallás - összesítés változók paramétereiPayroll
304ERP EHP76.0T5HS681HR-H: Havi bevallás - változók paraméterei (A lap)Payroll
305ERP EHP76.0T5HS781HR-H: Havi bevallás - bevallási adatok - adózónkéntPayroll
306ERP EHP76.0T5HS861HR-H: Havi bevallás - adózót terhelo egyéb kötelezettségekPayroll
307ERP EHP76.0T5HS931bérelemek hozzárendelése 0608-02 mezoihezPayroll
308ERP EHP76.0T5HSE89112. lap ÖnellenorzésPayroll
309ERP EHP76.0T5HSH51HR-H: Havi bevallás - Kijelölés helyesbítésrePayroll
310ERP EHP76.0T5HSJ91Havi bevallás - bevallási adatok - munkavállalónkéntPayroll
311ERP EHP76.0T5HSK81Havi bevallás - külso bevallási adatok - adózónkéntPayroll
312ERP EHP76.0T5HSM91Havi bevallás - külso bevallási adatok magánszemély (I.né)Payroll
313ERP EHP76.0T5HSN81Havi bevallás - külso bevallási adatok - adózó (I.né)Payroll
314ERP EHP76.0T5HSQ21Havi bevallás - 0608M -> 06081KM mezomegfeleltetésPayroll
315ERP EHP76.0T5HSR61HR-H: Havi bevallás - nemnegatív járulékbérelemekPayroll
316ERP EHP76.0T5HSS81Havi bevallás - külso-belso adatok összesítve - adózóPayroll
317ERP EHP76.0T5HST91Havi bevallás- külso-belso adatok összesítve - személyPayroll
318ERP EHP76.0T5HSV91HR-H: Havi bevallás - bevallási adatok (negyedéves)Payroll
319ERP EHP76.0T5HSW81HR-H: Havi bevallás - bevallási adatok - adózó (n.éves)Payroll
320ERP EHP76.0T5HSX81Havi bevallás - külso-belso adatok összesítve adózó I. néPayroll
321ERP EHP76.0T5HSY91Havi bevallás- külso-belso adatok összesítve személy I.néPayroll
322ERP EHP76.0T5HV071HR Cluster 2Payroll
323ERP EHP76.0T5HV0I72Havi adóbevallás adatainak (T5HV0) index táblájaPayroll
324ERP EHP76.0T5HV0I_BCK112Havi adóbevallás adatainak (T5HV0) index táblája backupPayroll
325ERP EHP76.0T5HV451Élesben futtatott hónapok (BAR-kód) (havi adóbevallás)Payroll
326ERP EHP76.0T5HV5102Vállalati összesíto képzése (havi adóbevallás)Payroll
327ERP EHP76.0T5HV791Bevallási adatok adózónként (havi adóbevallás)Payroll
328ERP EHP76.0T5HV871Vállalati összesíto egyéb adatok (havi bevallás)Payroll
329ERP EHP76.0T5HV971Bérelemek váll.összesíto ellenorzéshez (havi adóbevallás)Payroll
330ERP EHP76.0T5HVA61Nyomtatvány és SAP urlap összerendelése (havi bevallás)Payroll
331ERP EHP76.0T5HVB101Havi adó EAZON és mezokódok összerendelésePayroll
332ERP EHP76.0T5HVC71Érvényes nyomtatványkódok (havi bevallás)Payroll
333ERP EHP76.0T5HVD91Nyomtatványok mezoinek összerendelése (havi adóbevallás)Payroll
334ERP EHP76.0T5HVF71Vállalati összesíto - tábla szelekciós képernyohözPayroll
335ERP EHP76.0T5HVG41Urlapmezok vállalati összesíto ellenorzéséhezPayroll
336ERP EHP76.0T5HVH51Kijelölés helyesbítésre (havi bevallás)Payroll
337ERP EHP76.0T5HVI81Összegmezok képzése - vállalati összesíto (havi bev. v2)Payroll
338ERP EHP76.0T5HVJ91Jogviszonyok sorszámai (Havi adóbevallás 2.)Payroll
339ERP EHP76.0T5HVK91Külso bevallási adatok adózónként (havi bevallás)Payroll
340ERP EHP76.0T5HVM81Magánnyugdíjpénztár adónem kódokPayroll
341ERP EHP76.0T5HVN131Magánnyugdíjpénztári tagdíjak képzése 2006-raPayroll
342ERP EHP76.0T5HVR61Nemnegatív járulékbérelemek (havi bevallás)Payroll
343ERP EHP76.0T5HVV51Vállalatkódok összevonása bevalláshoz (havi adó)Payroll
344ERP EHP76.0T5HVX51Havi bevallás 2 - XML felépítés blokkokkalPayroll
345ERP EHP76.0T5HVXB21Havi bevallás 2 - XML blokk azonosítókPayroll
346ERP EHP76.0T5HVXS71Havi bevallás 2 - XML blokk sorrendPayroll
347ERP EHP76.0T5T0371Personal groups/subgroups - extensionPayroll
348ERP EHP76.0T5T04171Absences for reportsPayroll
349ERP EHP76.0T5T05141Personal events for reportsPayroll
350ERP EHP76.0T5T0C121Partitioning of absencesPayroll
351ERP EHP76.0T5T10111Tarif groups - ext.surveyPayroll
352ERP EHP76.0T5T1351Jobs x KZAMPayroll
353ERP EHP76.0T5T1J211Health insurance institutionsPayroll
354ERP EHP76.0T5T1K251Health insurance institutionsPayroll
355ERP EHP76.0T5T1L272Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)Payroll
356ERP EHP76.0T5T1M71Zdravotni pojištovny - rozširující informacePayroll
357ERP EHP76.0T5T1X131Last foreign Health insurance - namePayroll
358ERP EHP76.0T5T1Y51Authority for health insurancePayroll
359ERP EHP76.0T5T2G131Configuration of tax calculation CZPayroll
360ERP EHP76.0T5T2H71Configuration of tax calculation CZPayroll
361ERP EHP76.0T5T2Z61Number and numbers like wordsPayroll
362ERP EHP76.0T5T3A101SI insurance calculationPayroll
363ERP EHP76.0T5T3B91Forms for changes of eval.base of SIPayroll
364ERP EHP76.0T5T3C71Calculation of SIPayroll
365ERP EHP76.0T5T4045101Výsledky RZD pro prevzetí do výpoctu - MD /404 a /405Payroll
366ERP EHP76.0T5T4781Contract types - extension of T547VPayroll
367ERP EHP76.0T5T4A91Lines of formsPayroll
368ERP EHP76.0T5T4B91Text of lines of formsPayroll
369ERP EHP76.0T5T4D201Configuration of parameters of reportsPayroll
370ERP EHP76.0T5T4E81Text of report parametersPayroll
371ERP EHP76.0T5T4F51Reports - user-exitsPayroll
372ERP EHP76.0T5T4G111Parameter configuration personal reportts for output by ALVPayroll
373ERP EHP76.0T5T5051KZAM - ext.surveysPayroll
374ERP EHP76.0T5T5161ZIP codes CZPayroll
375ERP EHP76.0T5T52101Postal checks feesPayroll
376ERP EHP76.0T5T5461Codebook of cities in ÈRPayroll
377ERP EHP76.0T5T5551Configuration table for IT0620, ...Payroll
378ERP EHP76.0T5T558_AB371HRCZ - Tabulka pro prenos neprítomností pri upgrade na SAPPayroll
379ERP EHP76.0T5T558_ABAUS121HRCZ - Tabulka pro prenos dat pro ABAUS pri upgrade na SAPPayroll
380ERP EHP76.0T5T5681Configuration for HRCZ infotypesPayroll
381ERP EHP76.0T5T5751ZIP codes CZPayroll
382ERP EHP76.0T5T5841Codebook of states for ELDPPayroll
383ERP EHP76.0T5T5941Configuration for field sending into Insured RegisterPayroll
384ERP EHP76.0T5T6061Warning and error messages from operation CZMSGPayroll
385ERP EHP76.0T5T62331HR master record Infotype 0620Payroll
386ERP EHP76.0T5TA1643External transfersPayroll
387ERP EHP76.0T5TA2212Medium for health insurancePayroll
388ERP EHP76.0T5TA391Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALCPayroll
389ERP EHP76.0T5TCL61Table fields for delete (protect of personal datas)Payroll
390ERP EHP76.0T5TCO81Compensation for work accidents and work illnessesPayroll
391ERP EHP76.0T5TELDP264HR Cluster 2Payroll
392ERP EHP76.0T5TELDP2004TRANS832Records ELDP for transfer from external system to SAPPayroll
393ERP EHP76.0T5TL191Algorithmes for leaves in IT2006Payroll
394ERP EHP76.0T5TL271Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmesPayroll
395ERP EHP76.0T5TL3121Days for vacation in IT2006Payroll
396ERP EHP76.0T5TL441Urcení trídy den.plánu pr.doby pro neprítomnostiPayroll
397ERP EHP76.0T5TL581Krácení kontingentu pro dovolenou v IT2006Payroll
398ERP EHP76.0T5TNEMPRI202HRCZ - sick pay application attachmentPayroll
399ERP EHP76.0T5TPF161Configuration table for medium of pension fundsPayroll
400ERP EHP76.0T5TPS0729SUBTY31SUBTYP pro IT0729Payroll
401ERP EHP76.0T5TPS0730251Doplnková data infotypu 0730Payroll
402ERP EHP76.0T5TPS0731221Doplnková data infotypu 0731Payroll
403ERP EHP76.0T5TPS1L271Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)Payroll
404ERP EHP76.0T5TPS77S061System TablePayroll
405ERP EHP76.0T5TPS77S0T51System TablesPayroll
406ERP EHP76.0T5TPSAA012631Kód fyzické osoby pro identifikátor AA0126Payroll
407ERP EHP76.0T5TPSC1SPLIT601Rozdelení nákladuPayroll
408ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCD00161Císelník správních úraduPayroll
409ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCD00261Císelník organizacních úrovníPayroll
410ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCD00361Císelník skupin útvaruPayroll
411ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCHODN161Tabulka hodnostíPayroll
412ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCKK151Klasifikace kmenových oboru vzdelání (KKOV) 1.cástPayroll
413ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCKK271Klasifikace kmenových oboru vzdelání (KKOV) 2.cástPayroll
414ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCKK371Kategorie dosaženého vzdelání podle KKOVPayroll
415ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCKK481Studijní a ucební obory regionálního školství (KKOV)Payroll
416ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCMTAB111HRCZ Public sector multitablePayroll
417ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCODP71Odpocet let podle kategorie dosaženého vzdeláníPayroll
418ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCROZ91HR-PS-CZ WERKS+KDO pro císla rozhodnutíPayroll
419ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCROZ161HR-PS-CZ WERKS+CC pro císla rozhodnutíPayroll
420ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCROZ221HR-PS-CZ domé pro císla rozhodnutíPayroll
421ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCVYJ71Definice vyjímek a odpocet dle kateg. dosaženého vzdeláníPayroll
422ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCVYJT71Definice vyjímek - textyPayroll
423ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCZEM41Císelník zemí CSÚ - CZEMPayroll
424ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCZLORG51HRCZ - Public sector prirazení k zamestnavateli a zarízeníPayroll
425ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCZLZAR141HRCZ - Public sector definice zamestnavatele a zarízeníPayroll
426ERP EHP76.0T5TPSCZLZARKONST71HRCZ - Public sector ZLZAR a konstantyPayroll
427ERP EHP76.0T5TPSDPPRO211Prirazení datových prvku st.stát.inf.syst. k výstupumPayroll
428ERP EHP76.0T5TPSDPRES131HR Cluster 1Payroll
429ERP EHP76.0T5TPSDPSIS291Prevodní tabulka datových prvku stand. státního inf.syst.Payroll
430ERP EHP76.0T5TPSMKIND131Identifikace druhu zamestnaneckého pomeru & resortuPayroll
431ERP EHP76.0T5TPSTXT01171Formuláre infotypu 0729 - doplnku opatreníPayroll
432ERP EHP76.0T5TPSTXT02111Texty pro formuláre v doplncích opatrení .Payroll
433ERP EHP76.0T5TPSTXT03101Dynamické texty na formulári T5TPSTXT01 - pro infotyp 0729Payroll
434ERP EHP76.0T5TPSTXT05201Názvy prímých doplnkových textu formuláru infotypu 0729Payroll
435ERP EHP76.0T5TPVSPAR81Paramets for communication with PVSPayroll
436ERP EHP76.0T5TPVSTEMPLATE41Masters for communication with PVSPayroll
437ERP EHP76.0T5TREG182HR Cluster 2Payroll
438ERP EHP76.0T5TREGSI181HRCZ - insured registerPayroll
439ERP EHP76.0T5TREGTRANS804HRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAPPayroll
440ERP EHP76.0T5TSELDP141HR Cluster 2Payroll
442ERP EHP76.0T5TSPO121Table for convert bank accounts (Ceska Sporitelna)Payroll
443ERP EHP76.0T5TSREGP131HR Cluster 2Payroll
444ERP EHP76.0T5TST91Tax table CZPayroll
445ERP EHP76.0T5TVS71HRCS - ONZ - Tabulka mapovani pro zmenu VSPayroll
446ERP EHP76.0T5TZP211Konfiguracní tabulka pro médium zivotního pojisteníPayroll
447ERP EHP76.0T7BG01P121Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings for BulgariaPayroll
448ERP EHP76.0T7BG0361EE Group/subgroup Groupings for BulgariaPayroll
449ERP EHP76.0T7BG04211Classification of absences for legal purposesPayroll
450ERP EHP76.0T7BG0C121Partitioning of absencesPayroll
451ERP EHP76.0T7BG1061Insurance Bank transferPayroll
452ERP EHP76.0T7BG11101Insurance Type of paymentPayroll
453ERP EHP76.0T7BG1A91Insurance calculationPayroll
454ERP EHP76.0T7BG1B51Definition of Insurance Calc/NoCalc for InsTyp & Contr.TypesPayroll
455ERP EHP76.0T7BG1C51Insurance Calculation - Professions and GroupsPayroll
456ERP EHP76.0T7BG1D61Insurance Calculation - Minimum Base per Act. Type and GroupPayroll
457ERP EHP76.0T7BG1E81Insurance calculation - ratesPayroll
458ERP EHP76.0T7BG2091Tax Bank transferPayroll
459ERP EHP76.0T7BG4A71Forms - field contentPayroll
460ERP EHP76.0T7BG4B81Forms - field propertiesPayroll
461ERP EHP76.0T7BG4C51Recap - GroupsPayroll
462ERP EHP76.0T7BG4D61Recap - SubgroupsPayroll
463ERP EHP76.0T7BG4E91Recap - Field contentPayroll
464ERP EHP76.0T7BG5A111Seniority bonusPayroll
465ERP EHP76.0T7BGA1411Bank transfer - interface tablePayroll
466ERP EHP76.0T7BGA2111Changes of external transfers (IT11)Payroll
467ERP EHP76.0T7BGB121MunicipalitiesPayroll
468ERP EHP76.0T7BGB1T41Municipalities - textPayroll
469ERP EHP76.0T7BGB251ZIP codesPayroll
470ERP EHP76.0T7BGB2T51ZIP codes - cityPayroll
471ERP EHP76.0T7BGB321Income code for civil contractPayroll
472ERP EHP76.0T7BGB3T41Income code for civil contract - TextsPayroll
473ERP EHP76.0T7BGB421Numbering subobjects for civil contract reportPayroll
474ERP EHP76.0T7BGC121Contract typesPayroll
475ERP EHP76.0T7BGC1T31Contract types - textPayroll
476ERP EHP76.0T7BGC241Contract types NAPPayroll
477ERP EHP76.0T7BGC2T41Contract types NAP -textsPayroll
478ERP EHP76.0T7BGC351Activity typePayroll
479ERP EHP76.0T7BGC3T41Activity type - textsPayroll
480ERP EHP76.0T7BGC421Insurred personPayroll
481ERP EHP76.0T7BGC4T41Insured person - TextsPayroll
482ERP EHP76.0T7BGC521Education levelPayroll
483ERP EHP76.0T7BGC5T41Education level - textsPayroll
484ERP EHP76.0T7BGC621Certificate typePayroll
485ERP EHP76.0T7BGC6T41Certificate type - textsPayroll
486ERP EHP76.0T7BGC741Normative costs - obsolete (from 8/2011)Payroll
487ERP EHP76.0T7BGC7N61Normative costsPayroll
488ERP EHP76.0T7BGC821Numbering subobjectsPayroll
489ERP EHP76.0T7BGC921Numbering subobjects for OrdersPayroll
490ERP EHP76.0T7BGE1121Configuration of external deductionsPayroll
491ERP EHP76.0T7BGE281Limits for External deductionsPayroll
492ERP EHP76.0T7BGE381Base for required amountPayroll
493ERP EHP76.0T7BGF1121Meals AllowancePayroll
494ERP EHP76.0T7BGMS51Warning and error messages from operation BGMSGPayroll
495ERP EHP76.0T7BGND31Exceptions of normative daysPayroll
496ERP EHP76.0T7BGQ181Quota algorithmPayroll
497ERP EHP76.0T7BGQ2101Quota rangePayroll
498ERP EHP76.0T7BGQ3101Vacation debtPayroll
499ERP EHP76.0T7PL09ALL51BenefitsPayroll
500ERP EHP76.0T7PL09BAS61Definicja podstawy wymiaru zasilkówPayroll
501ERP EHP76.0T7PL1161Configuration of data sources for ZUS reportingPayroll
502ERP EHP76.0T7PLUTK151Wnioski o wyrównanie swiadczen po wyroku TK z 24.06.2008Payroll
503ERP EHP76.0T7PLUTK2131Wyrównania swiadczen po wyroku TK z 24.06.2008Payroll
504ERP EHP76.0T7RO00551RO Nationality Names for EE RegisterPayroll
505ERP EHP76.0T7RO01P291Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings for RomaniaPayroll
506ERP EHP76.0T7RO0391Employee group/subgrou Groupings RomaniaPayroll
507ERP EHP76.0T7RO04271Classification of absences for legal purposesPayroll
508ERP EHP76.0T7RO0C121Partitioning of absencesPayroll
509ERP EHP76.0T7RO1071Insurance institutionsPayroll
510ERP EHP76.0T7RO1141Insurance Contract Type 1Payroll
511ERP EHP76.0T7RO11T51Insurance Contract Type 1 - textPayroll
512ERP EHP76.0T7RO1251Insurance Contract Type 2Payroll
513ERP EHP76.0T7RO12T61Insurance Contract Type 2 - textPayroll
514ERP EHP76.0T7RO1331Insurance Contract Type 3Payroll
515ERP EHP76.0T7RO13T41Insurance Contract Type 3 - textPayroll
516ERP EHP76.0T7RO1451Insurance Reduction / DeductionPayroll
517ERP EHP76.0T7RO14T51Insurance Reduction / Deduction - textPayroll
518ERP EHP76.0T7RO1541Insurance Work ConditionPayroll
519ERP EHP76.0T7RO15T41Insurance Work Condition - textPayroll
520ERP EHP76.0T7RO1641Health housePayroll
521ERP EHP76.0T7RO16T41Health house - textPayroll
522ERP EHP76.0T7RO1731Legal base for special conditionsPayroll
523ERP EHP76.0T7RO17T41Legal base for special conditions - textPayroll
524ERP EHP76.0T7RO1A111Insurance calculationPayroll
525ERP EHP76.0T7RO1B51RO Insurances - Reasons for Court OrderPayroll
526ERP EHP76.0T7RO1C61ER Contributions - Cost Centers for postingPayroll
527ERP EHP76.0T7RO1I61Personal area/subarea grouping time dependentPayroll
528ERP EHP76.0T7RO1P711Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPayroll
529ERP EHP76.0T7RO2081Tax institutionsPayroll
530ERP EHP76.0T7RO2681EE Tax payment officePayroll
531ERP EHP76.0T7RO26T41Tax office text - obsoletePayroll
532ERP EHP76.0T7RO2741Type of income for Fiscal statementPayroll
533ERP EHP76.0T7RO27T41Texts for type of income for Fiscal statementPayroll
534ERP EHP76.0T7RO2A101Tax calculationPayroll
535ERP EHP76.0T7RO3061ZIP CodesPayroll
536ERP EHP76.0T7RO3131SIRUTA CodesPayroll
537ERP EHP76.0T7RO31T41SIRUTA Code - TextPayroll
538ERP EHP76.0T7RO3261COR CodesPayroll
539ERP EHP76.0T7RO47V31Contract Types - Addition informationPayroll
540ERP EHP76.0T7RO4A71Forms - field contentPayroll
541ERP EHP76.0T7RO4B121Forms - field propertiesPayroll
542ERP EHP76.0T7RO4D91Reporting engine - ParametersPayroll
543ERP EHP76.0T7RO4E81Reporting engine - Parameter textsPayroll
544ERP EHP76.0T7RO4F51Reporting engine - Customer exitsPayroll
545ERP EHP76.0T7RO4G91Reporting engine - optional field namesPayroll
546ERP EHP76.0T7RO4R101Wage type information for external subjectsPayroll
547ERP EHP76.0T7RO4RT51Text table Wage type information for external subjectsPayroll
548ERP EHP76.0T7RO4S61Salary range for statistical report S3Payroll
549ERP EHP76.0T7RO53071RO Legal Reasons for Actions for ER RegisterPayroll
550ERP EHP76.0T7RO536A61Company informationPayroll
551ERP EHP76.0T7RO558_AB101Transfer absences (supplement to T558D)Payroll
552ERP EHP76.0T7RO558_V061Transfer family members (supplement to T558D)Payroll
553ERP EHP76.0T7ROA1321Bank transfer - interface tablePayroll
554ERP EHP76.0T7ROA2981Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPayroll
555ERP EHP76.0T7ROA3101Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPayroll
556ERP EHP76.0T7ROA4111Sick leaves - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPayroll
557ERP EHP76.0T7ROA5121Changes of external transfers (IT11)Payroll
558ERP EHP76.0T7ROA691Contr. H - received/deducted amount from the authoritiesPayroll
559ERP EHP76.0T7ROA7151Master data events for HR-RO reportingPayroll
560ERP EHP76.0T7ROBE41Education levels (IT0002)Payroll
561ERP EHP76.0T7ROBM41Military st. (IT0002)Payroll
562ERP EHP76.0T7ROBS81Seniority bonus calculationPayroll
563ERP EHP76.0T7ROCF61Configuration Table for RO PayrollPayroll
564ERP EHP76.0T7ROE1161Configuration of external deductionsPayroll
565ERP EHP76.0T7ROE271Limits for External deductionsPayroll
566ERP EHP76.0T7ROE381Base for required amountPayroll
567ERP EHP76.0T7ROE481Postal feesPayroll
568ERP EHP76.0T7ROE571Limits for External deductions - Total LimitPayroll
569ERP EHP76.0T7ROER171HR Cluster 2 - ER InsurancesPayroll
570ERP EHP76.0T7ROG1321EE register - ER historyPayroll
571ERP EHP76.0T7ROG2201EE register - EE historyPayroll
572ERP EHP76.0T7ROG3271EE register - EE historyPayroll
573ERP EHP76.0T7ROG481EE register - Run IDPayroll
574ERP EHP76.0T7ROG5262EE register - ER historyPayroll
575ERP EHP76.0T7ROG6252EE register - EE historyPayroll
576ERP EHP76.0T7ROG7562EE register - Contract HistoryPayroll
577ERP EHP76.0T7ROG8112EE register - Bonus HistoryPayroll
578ERP EHP76.0T7ROMS51Warning and error messages from operation SIMSGPayroll
579ERP EHP76.0T7SI0C121Partitioning of absencesPayroll
580ERP EHP76.0T7SI18A21Vocation Check TablePayroll
581ERP EHP76.0T7SI18B41Vocation DescriptionsPayroll
582ERP EHP76.0T7SI1L131Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)Payroll
583ERP EHP76.0T7SI1Q61Time funds for M4Payroll
584ERP EHP76.0T7SI2G131Configuration of tax calculation SIPayroll
585ERP EHP76.0T7SI2H61Configuration of tax calculation SIPayroll
586ERP EHP76.0T7SI2I81Prispevki: Razlika do MP, Neplacane odostnostiPayroll
587ERP EHP76.0T7SI4D91Configuration of parameters of reportsPayroll
588ERP EHP76.0T7SI4E81Text of report parametersPayroll
589ERP EHP76.0T7SI4F51Reports - user-exitsPayroll
590ERP EHP76.0T7SI5141ZIP codes SKPayroll
591ERP EHP76.0T7SI6051Warning and error messages from operation SIMSGPayroll
592ERP EHP76.0T7SI71A41Education typePayroll
593ERP EHP76.0T7SI71AT41Education type descriptionPayroll
594ERP EHP76.0T7SI71B41Education areaPayroll
595ERP EHP76.0T7SI71BT41Opis podrocja izobrazbePayroll
596ERP EHP76.0T7SIA051Annual tax - Paydays x Days of paymentsPayroll
597ERP EHP76.0T7SIA1171Annual tax - Master dataPayroll
598ERP EHP76.0T7SIA3291M4 - Temporary dataPayroll
599ERP EHP76.0T7SIA4131DPZ temporary dataPayroll
600ERP EHP76.0T7SIA5111History of repaymentsPayroll
601ERP EHP76.0T7SIA6341Bank transfer - interface tablePayroll
602ERP EHP76.0T7SIA7151Master data events for HR-SI reportingPayroll
603ERP EHP76.0T7SIA8141Data for VIRVDCPayroll
604ERP EHP76.0T7SIAP81Tranfer code for APPPayroll
605ERP EHP76.0T7SIBK61Reduced service retirement benefit categoryPayroll
606ERP EHP76.0T7SIBKI91Reduced service retirement benefit categoryPayroll
607ERP EHP76.0T7SIBP61Standardna klasifikacija dejavnostiPayroll
608ERP EHP76.0T7SIBT251Virman configuration (WT->Accounts)Payroll
609ERP EHP76.0T7SIBU171Bank Units SloveniaPayroll
610ERP EHP76.0T7SIBUX51Conversion to TRR 2003Payroll
611ERP EHP76.0T7SIDV61Distribution of SI and Tax results according to Wage TypesPayroll
612ERP EHP76.0T7SIDW71Distribution of SI and Tax results according to WTGroupsPayroll
613ERP EHP76.0T7SIL131AlgoritmiPayroll
614ERP EHP76.0T7SIL2101Kvote in algoritmiPayroll
615ERP EHP76.0T7SIL3121Razponi za algoritmePayroll
616ERP EHP76.0T7SIREK11A71State for REK field 011aPayroll
617ERP EHP76.0T7SIRI31Index valorizacijePayroll
618ERP EHP76.0T7SIRI841Index valorizacije od 2008Payroll
619ERP EHP76.0T7SIST91Tax table and table of rounding SIPayroll
620ERP EHP76.0T7SIV181Voluntary healt insurance contributionsPayroll
621ERP EHP76.0T7SIV261Voluntary healt insurance contributionsPayroll
622ERP EHP76.0T7SK0361Person group/person areas - enhancementPayroll
623ERP EHP76.0T7SK04141Grouping of absences for reportsPayroll
624ERP EHP76.0T7SK0C121Partitioning of absencesPayroll
625ERP EHP76.0T7SK10111Tarif groups - ext.surveyPayroll
626ERP EHP76.0T7SK1351Jobs x KZAMPayroll
627ERP EHP76.0T7SK1K241Health insurance institutionsPayroll
628ERP EHP76.0T7SK1L291Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)Payroll
629ERP EHP76.0T7SK2G121Configuration of tax calculation SKPayroll
630ERP EHP76.0T7SK2H61Configuration of tax calculation SKPayroll
631ERP EHP76.0T7SK3A121Insurance calculation configurationPayroll
632ERP EHP76.0T7SK3B91Changes of evaluated insurance basesPayroll
633ERP EHP76.0T7SK3C71Routines for calculation of HI&SI paymentPayroll
634ERP EHP76.0T7SK4A71Items of payroll formPayroll
635ERP EHP76.0T7SK4B81Texts of summary groups of payroll formPayroll
636ERP EHP76.0T7SK4D91Configuration of parameters of reportsPayroll
637ERP EHP76.0T7SK4E81Text of report parametersPayroll
638ERP EHP76.0T7SK4F51Reports - user-exitsPayroll
639ERP EHP76.0T7SK4G111Konfigurace parametru personálních sestav pro výpis v ALVPayroll
640ERP EHP76.0T7SK5051Job codes - ext.surveyPayroll
641ERP EHP76.0T7SK5141ZIP codes SKPayroll
642ERP EHP76.0T7SK52101Postal checks feesPayroll
643ERP EHP76.0T7SK558_AB391Transfer absences (supplement to T558D) - SKPayroll
644ERP EHP76.0T7SK6061Warning and error messages form operation SKMSGPayroll
645ERP EHP76.0T7SKA1641External transfersPayroll
646ERP EHP76.0T7SKA3101Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALCPayroll
647ERP EHP76.0T7SKA4151Pomocná tabulka HRSKPayroll
648ERP EHP76.0T7SKDNP151HR Cluster with simulated bases for DNP calc. in 1/2010Payroll
649ERP EHP76.0T7SKEC0009621Logovacia tabulka pre EURO konverziu - IT 0009Payroll
650ERP EHP76.0T7SKEC0011621Logovacia tabulka pre EURO konverziu - IT 0011Payroll
651ERP EHP76.0T7SKHOIK51Interný kód hromadného oznámenia ZPPayroll
652ERP EHP76.0T7SKHOIKT41Text interného kódu hromadného oznámenia ZPPayroll
653ERP EHP76.0T7SKHOZP101Kódy pre hromadné oznámenie ZPPayroll
654ERP EHP76.0T7SKKLBEW151Partitioning of absencesPayroll
655ERP EHP76.0T7SKL191Algoritmy pre dovolenky v IT2006Payroll
656ERP EHP76.0T7SKL271Kvóty dovolené v IT2006 pre algoritmyPayroll
657ERP EHP76.0T7SKL3121Dni dovolenky pre IT2006Payroll
658ERP EHP76.0T7SKL441Urcenie triedy den.plánu pr.doby pre neprítomnostiPayroll
659ERP EHP76.0T7SKL591Quota reduction for leave in IT2006Payroll
660ERP EHP76.0T7SKL6101Quota reduction for leave in IT2006Payroll
661ERP EHP76.0T7SKMTAB111HRCZ Public sector multitablePayroll
662ERP EHP76.0T7SKPVN51Tabulka pre zadaní neprítomností do oddielov rep. HSKCPVN0Payroll
663ERP EHP76.0T7SKRL151HR Cluster 2Payroll
664ERP EHP76.0T7SKRZOR171Císelník platitelov poistného ZPPayroll
665ERP EHP76.0T7SKRZZP181HR Cluster 2Payroll
666ERP EHP76.0T7SKST91Tax table and table of rounding SKPayroll
667ERP EHP76.0T7SKVDP621Aux table for HSKLVDP0Payroll
668ERP EHP76.0T7SKVZP71Výkaz zdravotného poisteniaPayroll
669ERP EHP76.0T7TRC0141HR Türkiye - CT - Yeni ve Eski Tablo - EslestirmePayroll
670ERP EHP76.0T7TRC02161HR Türkiye - CT - Yeni ve Eski Tablo - Detayli eslestirmePayroll
671ERP EHP76.0T7TRC03161HR Türkiye - CT - Yeni ve Eski Tablo - Detayli eslestirmePayroll
672ERP EHP76.0T7TRG01511General information about company.Payroll
673ERP EHP76.0T7TRG0251Nema OraniPayroll
674ERP EHP76.0T7TRG0341Personel alani ve -altalani bazinda kidem grubuPayroll
675ERP EHP76.0T7TRG04121Personnel Area - Personnel Subarea groupingPayroll
676ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0241Yurtdisinda çalisma parametreleriPayroll
677ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0331BT 0771 için müsteri alanlariPayroll
678ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0441BT 0771 için müsteri alanlariPayroll
679ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0531Doküman TakibiPayroll
680ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0631Occupation dictionaryPayroll
681ERP EHP76.0T7TRI06T41Texts of occupation dictionaryPayroll
682ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0751Occupation dictionaryPayroll
683ERP EHP76.0T7TRI0831Occupation DictionaryPayroll
684ERP EHP76.0T7TRI08T41Occupation Dictionary TextsPayroll
685ERP EHP76.0T7TRIC0161Ücret Türü Tanim TablosuPayroll
686ERP EHP76.0T7TRIC0251Ücret türlerine standart ücret türlerinin baglanmasiPayroll
687ERP EHP76.0T7TRIC0351Ücret türlerinin raporda görünme sirasi ve sekliPayroll
688ERP EHP76.0T7TRIC0431Rapor adi-Rapor numarasi baglantisini tutarPayroll
689ERP EHP76.0T7TRIC04T41Rapor MetinleriPayroll
690ERP EHP76.0T7TRK01101Compensation factors - notice periodsPayroll
691ERP EHP76.0T7TRK02121Wage types for higher duty allowancePayroll
692ERP EHP76.0T7TRK0391Wage and pay increase for higher dutyPayroll
693ERP EHP76.0T7TRL0161Customizing - Wage TypePayroll
694ERP EHP76.0T7TRP01111Tax Reduction DataPayroll
695ERP EHP76.0T7TRP0261Stamp Tax RatesPayroll
696ERP EHP76.0T7TRP0341Bordroda kullanilacak yabanci kurun gün belirleme tablosuPayroll
697ERP EHP76.0T7TRP0481Toplu sözlesme farklarin tanimiPayroll
698ERP EHP76.0T7TRP0551Kanun No'ya iliskin Bordro ParametreleriPayroll
699ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0141Sosyal Güvenlik VerileriPayroll
700ERP EHP76.0T7TRS02211Yasal yüzdeler tablosuPayroll
701ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0371Sosyal Sigortalar Gününden düsülen devamsizlik türleriPayroll
702ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0441Issizlik Sigortasi eksik prim nedenleriPayroll
703ERP EHP76.0T7TRS05111SSK Muafiyetleri Tablosu (Asgari Ücret için)Payroll
704ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0661Isten Ayrilma SebepleriPayroll
705ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0731Belge Türü IsimleriPayroll
706ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0841Egitim Türlerinin Yasal Gruplamalar ile eslestirilmesiPayroll
707ERP EHP76.0T7TRS0931Istihdam durumunun Yasal Olanlar ile eslestirilmesiPayroll
708ERP EHP76.0T7TRS1071Itibari Hizmet Süresi Ek SSK MatrahiPayroll
709ERP EHP76.0T7TRS1151SGK Uygulamalarý Ýçin OranlarPayroll
710ERP EHP76.0T7TRS1281SGK Uygulamalarý Ýstihtam Tesvik OranlarýPayroll
711ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0191Vergi DilimleriPayroll
712ERP EHP76.0T7TRT02111Vergi IndirimleriPayroll
713ERP EHP76.0T7TRT03111Sakatlik ParametreleriPayroll
714ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0441Yurtdisi hizmetinde anlasmali gün bilgileriPayroll
715ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0581Yillik Vergi Denklestirmesi.Payroll
716ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0651Private Insurance ProcentsPayroll
717ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0771BEM ücret tipleri öncelik tablosuPayroll
718ERP EHP76.0T7TRT0881ÖGI (KDV Iadesi) Miktar ve YüzdeleriPayroll
721ERP EHP76.0T7TRT1191Minimum living wage ratesPayroll
722ERP EHP76.0T7UA081191Customizing for 0811 ITPayroll
723ERP EHP76.0T7UA0811T61Customizing for 0811 IT Text TablePayroll
724ERP EHP76.0T7UA10PI_BRANCH81HRPayroll
725ERP EHP76.0T7UA1656581Infotype 1656 Fields: Legal properties (Ukraine)Payroll
726ERP EHP76.0T7UA1656_GRP61sAssignment groups to IT1656: Legal properties (Ukraine)Payroll
727ERP EHP76.0T7UA1DF51Additional data for Form 1DFPayroll
728ERP EHP76.0T7UA508A91Normative Work Schedule Rules for Personal Work SchedulePayroll
729ERP EHP76.0T7UA51AV_A81Calculation Rules for Averages - Ukrainian fieldsPayroll
730ERP EHP76.0T7UA51AV_B71Cumulation Rules for Averages -Ukrainian fieldsPayroll
731ERP EHP76.0T7UA51AV_C51Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPayroll
732ERP EHP76.0T7UA9GP31Assignment of parameters to the groupPayroll
733ERP EHP76.0T7UA9GRP31Definition of the groupsPayroll
734ERP EHP76.0T7UA9GRP_T41Text of Group of parametersPayroll
735ERP EHP76.0T7UA9PAR41Definition of the parametersPayroll
736ERP EHP76.0T7UA9PAR_T41Text for Parameters of group of parametersPayroll
737ERP EHP76.0T7UA9PAR_VAL71Value of the parameterPayroll
738ERP EHP76.0T7UAADP171Payroll
739ERP EHP76.0T7UAAG031Attendance or Absence GroupsPayroll
740ERP EHP76.0T7UAAG0T51AA Group TextsPayroll
741ERP EHP76.0T7UAAG161Asign Attendance and Absence Types to GroupsPayroll
742ERP EHP76.0T7UAAMTV21The way operation AMT+(-)V worksPayroll
743ERP EHP76.0T7UAAV71UAAVE additional customizingPayroll
744ERP EHP76.0T7UACL1111HR Cluster 2Payroll
745ERP EHP76.0T7UACONTACTT_CE41Contact person - TextPayroll
746ERP EHP76.0T7UACONTACT_CE21Contact personPayroll
747ERP EHP76.0T7UACPI61Customer Price IndexPayroll
748ERP EHP76.0T7UAD061Group of deductionsPayroll
749ERP EHP76.0T7UAD141Payroll
750ERP EHP76.0T7UAD251Wage Types of deductions for limitingPayroll
751ERP EHP76.0T7UAD391Limit RulesPayroll
752ERP EHP76.0T7UADATAFORMAT111Data Output Format for ReportsPayroll
753ERP EHP76.0T7UADATAFORMATC111Data Output Format for ReportsPayroll
754ERP EHP76.0T7UAE031Event GroupingPayroll
755ERP EHP76.0T7UAE0T51Event Grouping TextPayroll
756ERP EHP76.0T7UAE171Asign Personnel Action Type and Reason for Action to GroupsPayroll
757ERP EHP76.0T7UAEXP61Selection criteria for Expats Income Tax evaluationPayroll
758ERP EHP76.0T7UAF23071Form 23 rowsPayroll
759ERP EHP76.0T7UAF230T71Form 23 rows textsPayroll
760ERP EHP76.0T7UAF23151Form 23 rowsPayroll
761ERP EHP76.0T7UAF23271Form 23 rowsPayroll
762ERP EHP76.0T7UAF23P31Form 23 partsPayroll
763ERP EHP76.0T7UAF23PT61Form 23 parts textsPayroll
764ERP EHP76.0T7UAFORMCONST41Initial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine)Payroll
765ERP EHP76.0T7UAFORMCONST_T61Initial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine)Payroll
766ERP EHP76.0T7UAG061HR-UA: Garnishment orders addition tablePayroll
767ERP EHP76.0T7UAH081Time codesPayroll
768ERP EHP76.0T7UAHT51Text table for time codesPayroll
769ERP EHP76.0T7UAIDX71Customer Price IndexPayroll
770ERP EHP76.0T7UAIND91Wage types that should be indexedPayroll
771ERP EHP76.0T7UALBC31Labour conditions for IT1640Payroll
772ERP EHP76.0T7UALBCT51Labour conditions for IT1640Payroll
773ERP EHP76.0T7UAN031Legal FormsPayroll
774ERP EHP76.0T7UAN0_T51Legal FormsPayroll
775ERP EHP76.0T7UAN141Reference table of wage codesPayroll
776ERP EHP76.0T7UAN1T51Reference table of wage codesPayroll
777ERP EHP76.0T7UAN1_WTR51Define fields to display at Wage Type Reporter(HUACFP49)Payroll
778ERP EHP76.0T7UAN281Assigment wage type to wage codePayroll
779ERP EHP76.0T7UAN531Wage typesPayroll
780ERP EHP76.0T7UAN5T51Wage typesPayroll
781ERP EHP76.0T7UAN641Grouping of wage codesPayroll
782ERP EHP76.0T7UAN871Assignment wage's groups & codes to ApplicationPayroll
783ERP EHP76.0T7UAOC1151Content of Employee Selection ProcessPayroll
784ERP EHP76.0T7UAOC231Process of Employee SelectionPayroll
785ERP EHP76.0T7UAOC2T51Texts of Process of Employee SelectionPayroll
786ERP EHP76.0T7UAQ061Quarter ReportsPayroll
787ERP EHP76.0T7UAQ0T51Quarter ReportsPayroll
788ERP EHP76.0T7UAQ181Quarterly Reports CumulationsPayroll
789ERP EHP76.0T7UAR61Customizing for forms HRPayroll
790ERP EHP76.0T7UAR021Reports GroupingPayroll
791ERP EHP76.0T7UAR0T41Text for Reports GroupingPayroll
792ERP EHP76.0T7UAR181Details About Reasons for ActionsPayroll
793ERP EHP76.0T7UARPTCST0061HR-UA Report's customizing dataPayroll
794ERP EHP76.0T7UARPTCST0131Paramters for T7UARPTCST00Payroll
795ERP EHP76.0T7UAT1_ADD121ObsoletePayroll
796ERP EHP76.0T7UAT1_PRIO71Priority of Wage Type processing in Tax ClassPayroll
797ERP EHP76.0T7UAT3C71Connected taxes (same privileges)Payroll
798ERP EHP76.0T7UAT5131Sick-list paymentsPayroll
799ERP EHP76.0T7UAT9371Tax scale according to feature 36TXUPayroll
800ERP EHP76.0T7UATAR61Tax Administration PropertiesPayroll
801ERP EHP76.0T7UATC37A81Downtime definitionPayroll
802ERP EHP76.0T7UA_512T51Wage Type Long TextsPayroll
803ERP EHP76.0T7UA_521B91Payee Keys (Ukranian extension for table T521B)Payroll
804ERP EHP76.0T7UA_99F061Forms - Ukranian AttributesPayroll
805ERP EHP76.0T7UA_99FF101Ukranian addition to DAQ Field definitionPayroll
806ERP EHP76.0T7UA_99FFC101Ukranian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)Payroll
807ERP EHP76.0T7UA_GPRSN_VER41Assignment Version to Grouping Reason and ValuePayroll
808ERP EHP76.0T7UA_STAT_VAR71Variant Name of Statistical ReportPayroll
809ERP EHP76.0T7UA_STAT_VAR_T61Name of Variant of Statistical ReportPayroll
810ERP EHP76.0T7UA_STAT_VFLD91View Variant FieldsPayroll
811ERP EHP76.0T7UA_STAT_VFLD_T101Names of View Variant FieldsPayroll
812ERP EHP76.0T7UA_VERSN21Version NumberPayroll
813ERP EHP76.0T7UA_VERSN_T41Version NumberPayroll
Payroll :: Australia
814ERP EHP76.0T5QGO131Group Certificate OverridesAustralia
815ERP EHP76.0T5QGP_CE41AU CE : Define Grouping Value for Australian Business NumberAustralia
816ERP EHP76.0T5QIA131PS Specific Characteristic for absence typeAustralia
817ERP EHP76.0T5QIG71Leave Quota GroupingAustralia
818ERP EHP76.0T5QIT221Calculation rule for transfer frequencyAustralia
819ERP EHP76.0T5QLK81Leave Liability ConstantsAustralia
820ERP EHP76.0T5QLL111Australian Leave Loading - international leaveAustralia
821ERP EHP76.0T5QPR91Aust. Leave Provision for international leaveAustralia
822ERP EHP76.0T5QSC261Table for Superannuation SuperChoicesAustralia
823ERP EHP76.0T5QTR241Term. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading AustraliaAustralia
Payroll :: Austria
824ERP EHP76.0HRPAYAT_PAYRSRES251Saves Wage Types from Simulated Payroll ResultsAustria
825ERP EHP76.0P03_KSJ_ADM121Administration of Municipal Tax Returns to FinanzOnlineAustria
826ERP EHP76.0PA0797241HR Master Record for Infotype 0797Austria
827ERP EHP76.0PA0976431HR Master Record: Infotype 0976Austria
828ERP EHP76.0PA0978271HR Master Record for Infotype 0978Austria
829ERP EHP76.0PA0979591HR Master Record for Infotype 0979Austria
830ERP EHP76.0PC03_SE16N_CD_DA71Table Display: Change Documents - DataAustria
831ERP EHP76.0PC03_SE16N_CD_KE71Table Display: Change Documents - HeaderAustria
832ERP EHP76.0PC03_TSKEY31Table Search: Entity Table of Individual SearchAustria
833ERP EHP76.0T5A1K61ELDA: Record VersionsAustria
834ERP EHP76.0T5A1L91ELDA: Record StructuresAustria
835ERP EHP76.0T5A1M81ELDA: Field ConversionAustria
836ERP EHP76.0T5A1N61ELDA: Value ConversionAustria
837ERP EHP76.0T5A1O151ELDA: Data Records CreatedAustria
838ERP EHP76.0T5A1O_REF71ELDA: Reference NumberAustria
839ERP EHP76.0T5A1P81ELDA: Data Medium AdministrationAustria
840ERP EHP76.0T5A1Q151ELDA: Confirmed Data RecordsAustria
841ERP EHP76.0T5A1R31ELDA: SAP-Internal FieldsAustria
842ERP EHP76.0T5A1U51Company Employee Pension FundAustria
843ERP EHP76.0T5A2A81Proportionate Calculations of General Deduction AmountAustria
844ERP EHP76.0T5A2G_AD61Assignment of Addresses to MunicipalitiesAustria
845ERP EHP76.0T5A2H101Transfer Wage Types to Small or Large Relation Wage TypeAustria
846ERP EHP76.0T5A2I71Relation-Forming Wage TypesAustria
847ERP EHP76.0T5A2J81Income Tax According to Effective Pay ScaleAustria
848ERP EHP76.0T5A711313L16 Consolidation FileAustria
849ERP EHP76.0T5A72483BGN(GKK) Consolidation FileAustria
850ERP EHP76.0T5A73523BGN(BVA) Consolidation FileAustria
851ERP EHP76.0T5A74703E18 Consolidation FileAustria
852ERP EHP76.0T5A7A81Field Properties of Payslip FieldsAustria
853ERP EHP76.0T5A7B61Table of Period-Specific Statuses for Payslip CreationAustria
854ERP EHP76.0T5A7C51Table of Person-Specific Statuses for Payslip CreationAustria
855ERP EHP76.0T5A7D141Payslip Checking RulesAustria
856ERP EHP76.0T5A7E81Payslip Validation RulesAustria
857ERP EHP76.0T5A7F91Define Comparison ConditionAustria
858ERP EHP76.0T5A7G61Payslip AT Assignment Evaluation View Period TimeAustria
859ERP EHP76.0T5A7I91Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16)Austria
860ERP EHP76.0T5A7J91Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) (Customer Table)Austria
861ERP EHP76.0T5A7L101Payslip: Actions/Action Reasons for Payslip CreationAustria
862ERP EHP76.0T5A7V71Payslip: Variants for RPUELDA0Austria
863ERP EHP76.0T5A7W81Payslip: Employer Assignment to CompanyAustria
864ERP EHP76.0T5A8A21Civil Servant GroupAustria
865ERP EHP76.0T5A8B41Civil Servant Group - TextsAustria
866ERP EHP76.0T5A8D71Revaluation Factor/NumberAustria
867ERP EHP76.0T5A8E21Retirement CauseAustria
868ERP EHP76.0T5A8F41Retirement Cause - TextsAustria
869ERP EHP76.0T5A8G61Deduction for Early RetirementAustria
870ERP EHP76.0T5A8H61PRAT Customizing ConstantAustria
871ERP EHP76.0T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FT41HRAT: Cust. Text Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter)Austria
872ERP EHP76.0T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FV51HRAT: Cust. Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter)Austria
873ERP EHP76.0T5A8I61Key Date for Total Pensionable Employment PeriodsAustria
874ERP EHP76.0T5A8J51Name of PRAT ConstantsAustria
875ERP EHP76.0T5A9C121Export Wage Types for SubapplicationsAustria
876ERP EHP76.0T5A9D71Definition of Validity of Age Group RulesAustria
877ERP EHP76.0T5A9E131Definition of Event Intervals for Age Group RulesAustria
878ERP EHP76.0T5A9F51Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Leaving ReasonsAustria
879ERP EHP76.0T5A9G41Company Number of UnionAustria
880ERP EHP76.0T5A9M71Multiple Assignment for Municipal TaxAustria
881ERP EHP76.0T5A9N31Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax (Name)Austria
882ERP EHP76.0T5AB0212Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Opening and Closing RecordAustria
883ERP EHP76.0T5AB1331Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Record KBAustria
884ERP EHP76.0T5AK071Wage GroupsAustria
885ERP EHP76.0T5AK151Standard Working HoursAustria
886ERP EHP76.0T5AK1T41Text for Standard Working TimeAustria
887ERP EHP76.0T5AK2121Flat Rates for Hours LostAustria
888ERP EHP76.0T5AKB61RHC Reference NumberAustria
889ERP EHP76.0T5AKBT41Text Table for T5AKBAustria
890ERP EHP76.0T5APBS2071Properties for Absence Types for FRSCAustria
891ERP EHP76.0T5APBS2151Name of Law Used for CalculationAustria
892ERP EHP76.0T5APBS2281Properties for Absence Types for FRSC (New)Austria
893ERP EHP76.0T5APF61Implementation for Dynamic Instance GenerationAustria
894ERP EHP76.0T5ARL71Assignment of Organizations to Base Wage TypesAustria
895ERP EHP76.0T5AS031Usage Groups (Income Statistics)Austria
896ERP EHP76.0T5AS0T41Description of Usage Groups (Income Statistics)Austria
897ERP EHP76.0T5AS121Function Groups (Income Statistics)Austria
898ERP EHP76.0T5AS1T41Description of Function Groups (Income Statistics)Austria
899ERP EHP76.0T5AS221Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics)Austria
900ERP EHP76.0T5AS2T31Description of Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics)Austria
901ERP EHP76.0T5AU021Usage Types of Simulation ResultsAustria
902ERP EHP76.0T5AU0T41Usage Types of Simulation Results (Text Table)Austria
Payroll :: Belgium
903ERP EHP76.0T5B0J71Usage for SI Category EmployeeBelgium
904ERP EHP76.0T5B9431HR legal documents variationsBelgium
905ERP EHP76.0T5B9531HR legal documentBelgium
906ERP EHP76.0T5B9691Form for legal documentBelgium
907ERP EHP76.0T5B9D51Texttable legal document variationBelgium
908ERP EHP76.0T5B9E41Texttable legal documentBelgium
909ERP EHP76.0T5BAL71Activation allowances associated with SI deductionsBelgium
910ERP EHP76.0T5BC0191Rail Tariff for Commuting Expenses (B)Belgium
911ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1041Complementary Indemnity: Debtor Type Code ListBelgium
912ERP EHP76.0T5BCI10T51Complementary Indemnity: Debtor Type Code List Text.Belgium
913ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1141Complementary Indemnity: Agreement Type Code ListBelgium
914ERP EHP76.0T5BCI11T51Complementary Indemnity: Agreement Type Code List Text.Belgium
915ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1241Complementary Indemnity: CI amount adjustmentBelgium
916ERP EHP76.0T5BCI12T51Complementary Indemnity: Payment adjustment type code list tBelgium
917ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1341Complementary Indemnity: Reason for Incomplete monthBelgium
918ERP EHP76.0T5BCI13T51Complementary Indemnity: Justification for Incomplete monthBelgium
919ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1441Complementary Indemnity: Capitalization code listBelgium
920ERP EHP76.0T5BCI14T51Complementary Indemnity: Payment Type code list text.Belgium
921ERP EHP76.0T5BCI1541Complementary Indemnity: Allowance Subgroup Code ListBelgium
922ERP EHP76.0T5BCI15T51Complementary Indemnity: Allowance Subgroup Code List Text.Belgium
923ERP EHP76.0T5BCISIC151Complementary Indemnity: Social Insurance ContributionsBelgium
924ERP EHP76.0T5BD821DMFA Service CodesBelgium
925ERP EHP76.0T5BD8T41DMFA Service Codes textsBelgium
926ERP EHP76.0T5BD921DMFA Remuneration CodesBelgium
927ERP EHP76.0T5BD9T41DMFA Remuneration Codes TextsBelgium
928ERP EHP76.0T5BDA121Additional Social Insurance ContributionsBelgium
929ERP EHP76.0T5BDI0291HR-BE: Dimona Central TableBelgium
930ERP EHP76.0T5BE191Levels of garnishmentBelgium
931ERP EHP76.0T5BFA61Assignment pollution categorie to fuel typeBelgium
932ERP EHP76.0T5BFB91CO2 coefficient per pollution categoryBelgium
933ERP EHP76.0T5BFC61Assignment of Car Models to Fiscal HP (Extension of T5C3)Belgium
934ERP EHP76.0T5BFD101CO2 percentages and limits per pollution categoryBelgium
935ERP EHP76.0T5BFP21Values for Fiscal Horsepower of Company CarBelgium
936ERP EHP76.0T5BFPT41Values for fiscal power of a carBelgium
937ERP EHP76.0T5BFT61Fiscal Horsepower Rate per KilometerBelgium
938ERP EHP76.0T5BO161Mapping Table Event Type - Reason of EventBelgium
939ERP EHP76.0T5BR021Sectors of social risk declarationBelgium
940ERP EHP76.0T5BR0T41Texts for sector of the social risk declarationBelgium
941ERP EHP76.0T5BR181Scenarios of social risk declarationBelgium
942ERP EHP76.0T5BR1T51Texts for scenario of the social risk declarationBelgium
943ERP EHP76.0T5BR271Risk identifiers for social risk declarationBelgium
944ERP EHP76.0T5BR2T61Texts for risk identifier of the social risk declarationBelgium
945ERP EHP76.0T5BR371Social Risk CommentsBelgium
946ERP EHP76.0T5BR421Text modifier for Social Risk DeclarationBelgium
947ERP EHP76.0T5BR4T41Text modifier for Social Risk DeclarationBelgium
948ERP EHP76.0T5BR521Text identification for Social Risk DeclarationBelgium
949ERP EHP76.0T5BR5T41Texts for Social Risk CommentsBelgium
950ERP EHP76.0T5BR641Form typesBelgium
951ERP EHP76.0T5BRCD41SRD - Conditions to assign Nature Day CodeBelgium
952ERP EHP76.0T5BS3601Employee information except reductions ( level 3 )Belgium
953ERP EHP76.0T5BS4211Employee remuneration and absence information ( level 4)Belgium
954ERP EHP76.0T5BSB0131HR-BE: Social Balance Historical and External DataBelgium
955ERP EHP76.0T5BSB1121HR-Belgium: Social Balance SAP Code AttributesBelgium
956ERP EHP76.0T5BSB1021HR-Belgium: Social Balance SAP Code ListBelgium
957ERP EHP76.0T5BSB10T41HR-Belgium: Social Balance SAP Code TextsBelgium
958ERP EHP76.0T5BSB1121HR-Belgium: Social Balance LEGAL Code ListBelgium
959ERP EHP76.0T5BSB11T41HR-Belgium: Social Balance LEGAL Code TextsBelgium
960ERP EHP76.0T5BSB1221HR-Belgium: Social Balance Employer Modifier Code ListBelgium
961ERP EHP76.0T5BSB12T41HR-Belgium: Social Balance Employer Modifier Code List TextsBelgium
962ERP EHP76.0T5BSB1321HR-Belgium: Social Balance Employee Groupoing Code ListBelgium
963ERP EHP76.0T5BSB13T41HR-Belgium: Social Balance Employee Modifier Code List TextsBelgium
964ERP EHP76.0T5BSD181SI Declaration: directory tableBelgium
965ERP EHP76.0T5BSR131Reductions for an employee reported on level 3Belgium
966ERP EHP76.0T5BT181Exceptional Tax ScalesBelgium
967ERP EHP76.0T5BT261Exemption for dependent childrenBelgium
968ERP EHP76.0T5BT371Reduction for dependent childrenBelgium
969ERP EHP76.0T5BT791Rules for the BELCOTAX fileBelgium
970ERP EHP76.0T5BT831Sheet labels for the BELCOTAX fieldsBelgium
971ERP EHP76.0T5BTH51Texttable sheet labels for the BELCOTAX fieldsBelgium
972ERP EHP76.0T5BTM91Monthly salaries - deduction in advanceBelgium
973ERP EHP76.0T5BTS61Advance deductions for non-resident peopleBelgium
974ERP EHP76.0T5BTX51Reduction for childrenBelgium
975ERP EHP76.0T5BTY91Regular salaries pay scalesBelgium
976ERP EHP76.0T5BTZ101Reduction on taxable base (normal)Belgium
977ERP EHP76.0T5BV181SI rate by contribution partBelgium
978ERP EHP76.0T5BV281Percentages SI-part per category employer/employeeBelgium
979ERP EHP76.0T5BV3101Total SI per employer/employee categoryBelgium
980ERP EHP76.0T5BV481Factory shutdown fundraising (FFE/FSO)Belgium
981ERP EHP76.0T5BV5121Rate for existance insurance fundBelgium
982ERP EHP76.0T5BV621Parts in social insurance contributionBelgium
983ERP EHP76.0T5BV771Rates for wage moderationBelgium
984ERP EHP76.0T5BV851Actives for factory shutdown fund (FFE/FSO)Belgium
985ERP EHP76.0T5BV971Contribution for financing groups with risksBelgium
986ERP EHP76.0T5BVA41Texttable parts in social insurance contributionBelgium
987ERP EHP76.0T5BVC91Special contributions SIBelgium
988ERP EHP76.0T5BVE81SI reductions for low wagesBelgium
989ERP EHP76.0T5BVF71Reduction for minimum wages (CA 50)Belgium
990ERP EHP76.0T5BVG71Employers SI reduction for the hiring of young workersBelgium
991ERP EHP76.0T5BVH61Social Balance DataBelgium
992ERP EHP76.0T5BVI101Sequence of SI-tape structureBelgium
993ERP EHP76.0T5BVJ121Levels and legal amounts for SI reductionsBelgium
994ERP EHP76.0T5BVK61Social Balance dataBelgium
995ERP EHP76.0T5BVL91Additional reductions on employer's SI contributionsBelgium
996ERP EHP76.0T5BVM121SI special contributions 1996Belgium
997ERP EHP76.0T5BVN61Social Balance: Matching RSZWG (reduction) - SBCOD (code)Belgium
998ERP EHP76.0T5BVO41Quarterly control ticket SI declarationBelgium
999ERP EHP76.0T5BVP61Definition of SI periodsBelgium
1000ERP EHP76.0T5BVQ71Maribel reductionBelgium
1001ERP EHP76.0T5BVR91Additional reductions on employer's SI contributionsBelgium
1002ERP EHP76.0T5BVS41Social insurance tape formatBelgium
1003ERP EHP76.0T5BVT121Logic of the social security paymentsBelgium
1004ERP EHP76.0T5BVU121Logic of the social security reductionsBelgium
1005ERP EHP76.0T5BVV141Level/block sequence of the social insurance declarationBelgium
1006ERP EHP76.0T5BVW31Internal keys for SI contribution partsBelgium
1007ERP EHP76.0T5BVZ81Contribution to factory shutdown fundBelgium
1008ERP EHP76.0T5BX1071HR-Belgium: Belcotax Qualification AttributesBelgium
1009ERP EHP76.0T5BX1141HR-Belgium: Belcotax Fiche Code ListBelgium
1010ERP EHP76.0T5BX1241HR-Belgium: Belcotax Qualification Code ListBelgium
1011ERP EHP76.0T5BX12T51HR-Belgium: Belcotax Qualification Code List TEXTBelgium
1012ERP EHP76.0T5BX2121Assign Description text to BELCOTAX form, BOW (Obsolete)Belgium
1013ERP EHP76.0T5BX381Assign printout form to fiche/ voucher, BOWBelgium
1014ERP EHP76.0T5BX4141Belgium tax declaration, assign wages to zoneBelgium
1015ERP EHP76.0T5BX551Define sections to BELCOTAX forms (Obsolete)Belgium
1016ERP EHP76.0T5BX5TXT51Description of BELCOTAX form section (Obsolete)Belgium
1017ERP EHP76.0T5BX6142Assign Description texts to BELCOTAX forms, BOWBelgium
1018ERP EHP76.0T5BX721Unit for BELCOTAX forms, BOWBelgium
1019ERP EHP76.0T5BX7T41Unit for BELCOTAX forms, BOWBelgium
1020ERP EHP76.0T5BX861Define sections to BELCOTAX formsBelgium
1021ERP EHP76.0T5BX8T51Description of BELCOTAX form sectionBelgium
1022ERP EHP76.0T5BX981Belcotax: Fiche 281.25 mapping Belco Zones to QualificationBelgium
Payroll :: Brazil
1023ERP EHP76.0T7BR8131Reserve area definitionBrazil
1024ERP EHP76.0T7BR81T41Text for reserve areaBrazil
1025ERP EHP76.0T7BR8221Definition of contribution codesBrazil
1026ERP EHP76.0T7BR82T41Text for contribution codesBrazil
1027ERP EHP76.0T7BR8331Definition of reserve codeBrazil
1028ERP EHP76.0T7BR83T41Text for reserve codesBrazil
1029ERP EHP76.0T7BR84131Wage types for reservesBrazil
1030ERP EHP76.0T7BR8551Relationship between function and contributionBrazil
1031ERP EHP76.0T7BR9171Percentage of SIB contribution for third-party paymentBrazil
1032ERP EHP76.0T7BR9261Combination of EntitiesBrazil
1033ERP EHP76.0T7BR9371Entities belonging to Third-party CodeBrazil
1034ERP EHP76.0T7BR9461Discount percentage on third-party paymentBrazil
1035ERP EHP76.0T7BRG0101Calculation rule characteristicsBrazil
1036ERP EHP76.0T7BRG181Alimony: calculation modelsBrazil
1037ERP EHP76.0T7BRG221Calculation model descriptionsBrazil
1038ERP EHP76.0T7BRG2T41Calculation models textsBrazil
1039ERP EHP76.0T7BRG331Default valuesBrazil
Payroll :: Canada
1040ERP EHP76.0PA0066521HR Master data infotype 0066 - Canadian garnishment: orderCanada
1041ERP EHP76.0PA0067521HR master data infotype 0067 - Canadian garnishment: debtCanada
1042ERP EHP76.0PA0068301HR master data infotype 0068 - Canadian garnishment: adjustCanada
1043ERP EHP76.0PA02211771HR Master Record: Infotype 0221 (Manual Checks)Canada
1044ERP EHP76.0PCERE101Activities per Payroll ResultCanada
1045ERP EHP76.0PCERH111History of Payroll Posting RunsCanada
1046ERP EHP76.0PCERT71Payroll Posting RunsCanada
1047ERP EHP76.0PCERV81Attributes for Posting RunsCanada
1048ERP EHP76.0T5K0C131Absence BreakdownCanada
1049ERP EHP76.0T5K0S51Sickness grouping for absence typesCanada
1050ERP EHP76.0T5K6I81Year-end amendment wage-type selectionCanada
1051ERP EHP76.0T5K8C111Transfer ext. payroll results into Canadian specific tablesCanada
1052ERP EHP76.0T5K8D51Tax key data for transfer of old payroll resultsCanada
1053ERP EHP76.0T5K8E131HR-CA: Transfer additional external payroll resultsCanada
1054ERP EHP76.0T5KB061Definition of Registration Number, CanadaCanada
1055ERP EHP76.0T5KB171Definition of Business Number, CanadaCanada
1056ERP EHP76.0T5KB281Canadian tax reporting unitsCanada
1057ERP EHP76.0T5KB371Registration Number Organizational assignment, CanadaCanada
1058ERP EHP76.0T5KB481Account Number Organizational assignment, CanadaCanada
1059ERP EHP76.0T5KB531Definition of Registration/Account Grouping, CanadaCanada
1060ERP EHP76.0T5KB651Registration/Account Grouping texts, CanadaCanada
1061ERP EHP76.0T5KBN51Business mapping for CPP & EI computationCanada
1062ERP EHP76.0T5KG061Gross/net model characteristicsCanada
1063ERP EHP76.0T5KG1101Special ruleCanada
1064ERP EHP76.0T5KG241Description of special ruleCanada
1065ERP EHP76.0T5KG391Special rule calculation schemeCanada
1066ERP EHP76.0T5KG4131Non-exempt amount model characteristicsCanada
1067ERP EHP76.0T5KG561Relationship to other debts model characteristicsCanada
1068ERP EHP76.0T5KG631Default valuesCanada
1069ERP EHP76.0T5KG9101Garnishee feeCanada
1070ERP EHP76.0T5KLUP61Fields for tax information on magnetic mediaCanada
1071ERP EHP76.0T5KQT31Tax claim codes QC - textsCanada
1072ERP EHP76.0T5KR0172Record of Employment (ROE) HistoryCanada
1073ERP EHP76.0T5KR121ROE serial number reference tableCanada
1074ERP EHP76.0T5KR221ROE other money codesCanada
1075ERP EHP76.0T5KR341ROE other money textsCanada
1076ERP EHP76.0T5KRC71Link HR tax payees to wage types via tax attributesCanada
1077ERP EHP76.0T5KSP141Short/long term disability planCanada
1078ERP EHP76.0T5KT3111Fields of a tax formCanada
1079ERP EHP76.0T5KTC91Wage Type Tax Classifications (Canada)Canada
1080ERP EHP76.0T5KTE11Tax types for employeeCanada
1081ERP EHP76.0T5KTR11Tax types EmployerCanada
1082ERP EHP76.0T5KTS31Tax types descriptionCanada
1083ERP EHP76.0T5KTT11Tax types CanadaCanada
1084ERP EHP76.0T5KV1221Vacation pay: Accrual and PayoutCanada
1085ERP EHP76.0T5KV271Vacation pay: Wage Types for Special EventsCanada
1086ERP EHP76.0T5KV351Vacation pay: Accrual YearsCanada
1087ERP EHP76.0T5KV451Vacation pay: Absence types without corresp. entitlementsCanada
1088ERP EHP76.0T5KV551Vacation pay: Automatic PayoutsCanada
1089ERP EHP76.0T5KVE201Include/exclude indicator for wage type processingCanada
1090ERP EHP76.0T5KWA91Workers' Compensation accounts tableCanada
1091ERP EHP76.0T5KWB71Classification groups assignment for WCBCanada
1092ERP EHP76.0T5KWC21Classification groups for WCBCanada
1093ERP EHP76.0T5KWR61Employee Grouping for workers compensationCanada
1094ERP EHP76.0T5KWT41Classification groups for WCB - Text tableCanada
1095ERP EHP76.0T5KYA61Year end reporting history tableCanada
1096ERP EHP76.0T5KYH161Year end reporting History tableCanada
1097ERP EHP76.0T5KYS141No longer usedCanada
1098ERP EHP76.0T5U8C111Transfer external payroll results (USA)Canada
1099ERP EHP76.0T5UBX_GTL_AWART81Processing group for absence typesCanada
1100ERP EHP76.0T5UBX_GTL_SUBTY71Processing group definition for BeneficiariesCanada
1101ERP EHP76.0T5UNC31North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) CodesCanada
1102ERP EHP76.0T5UNT51North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) TextsCanada
1103ERP EHP76.0T5URA71HR payee derived from wage types via ZIP codeCanada
1104ERP EHP76.0T5URB81HR payee derived from wage types via org. assignmentCanada
1105ERP EHP76.0T5URC71HR payee for taxes derived from wage types via tax attr.Canada
1106ERP EHP76.0T5UTL81Tax CompanyCanada
Payroll :: Chile
1107ERP EHP76.0T7CL3141Payment GroupsChile
1108ERP EHP76.0T7CL31T41Payment Group DescriptionsChile
1109ERP EHP76.0T7CL3291Bonus Payments Group AttributesChile
1110ERP EHP76.0T7CL3381Advanced Bonus PaymentsChile
1111ERP EHP76.0T7CL34111Frequency Dependent Payment Group AttributesChile
1112ERP EHP76.0T7CL3551Inflation index maintenanceChile
1113ERP EHP76.0T7CL3661Pension plan beneficiary informationChile
1114ERP EHP76.0T7CLIM61Pension Plan Institutions MappingChile
Payroll :: China
1115ERP EHP76.0HRPAYCN_GA51Wage Type Assignment (Golden Audit)China
Payroll :: Denmark
1116ERP EHP76.0PA0200521HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)Denmark
1117ERP EHP76.0PA02041081HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)Denmark
1118ERP EHP76.0PA0578291HR Master Record: Infotype 0578Denmark
1119ERP EHP76.0T5M49111Date Identifiers for Special PayrollDenmark
1120ERP EHP76.0T5M49W31Feriekonto: Transfer ModelsDenmark
1121ERP EHP76.0T5M58141SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer Payroll Account (DK)Denmark
1122ERP EHP76.0T5M58_OLD111!!Do Not Use (Copy of T5M58)Denmark
1123ERP EHP76.0T5M5B371SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DKDenmark
1124ERP EHP76.0T5M5C61SAP-PBS Interface: Wage Type Interval Names DKDenmark
1125ERP EHP76.0T5M5D31SAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK)Denmark
1126ERP EHP76.0T5M5E41SAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)Denmark
1127ERP EHP76.0T5M5F111SAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)Denmark
1128ERP EHP76.0T5M5G71SAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)Denmark
1129ERP EHP76.0T5M5H41SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)Denmark
1130ERP EHP76.0T5M5I41SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)Denmark
1131ERP EHP76.0T5M5J71SAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE (DK)Denmark
1132ERP EHP76.0T5M5K61SAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK)Denmark
1133ERP EHP76.0T5M5N81SAP-PBS Interface: SE# (DK)Denmark
1134ERP EHP76.0T5M5O41SAP-PBS Interface: SE# Designations (DK)Denmark
1135ERP EHP76.0T5M5P41HR_DK: Companies Defined in the PBS SystemDenmark
1136ERP EHP76.0T5M5Q41HR_DK: Names of Companies Defined in the PBS SystemDenmark
1137ERP EHP76.0T5M5R61HR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import ProgramsDenmark
1138ERP EHP76.0T5M5S91Information to PBS for Remuneration StatementDenmark
1139ERP EHP76.0T5M5T11Field Conversions for Fields to PBSDenmark
1140ERP EHP76.0T5M5U31Description of Field ConversionsDenmark
1141ERP EHP76.0T5M5Y91Assignment of Year and PBS Track to an Original PayrollDenmark
1142ERP EHP76.0T5M5Z71Wage Types for Processing Retroactive DifferenceDenmark
1143ERP EHP76.0T5M6A71Assignment of Leave Types to Wage TypesDenmark
1144ERP EHP76.0T5M7151FilesDenmark
1145ERP EHP76.0T5M7A21Processing Possibilities in Danish Payroll StepsDenmark
1146ERP EHP76.0T5M7B51Company Variant Sets for Payroll VariantsDenmark
1147ERP EHP76.0T5M7C82Danish Payroll - Step as of Person Listed in mc WDenmark
1148ERP EHP76.0T5M7D363Status Line for Payroll RunDenmark
1149ERP EHP76.0T5M7E51User Variant Sets for Payroll Report VariantsDenmark
1150ERP EHP76.0T5M7F41Text Table for 'Single Step' Execution Type in PayrollDenmark
1151ERP EHP76.0T5M7G81Tax Table ProcessingDenmark
1152ERP EHP76.0T5M7H41Text Table for Single Steps in ProcessingDenmark
1153ERP EHP76.0T5M7I21Tax Table for Single Steps in PayrollDenmark
1154ERP EHP76.0T5M7J31Danish Payroll: Error Code Table for PBSDenmark
1155ERP EHP76.0T5M7K81Person Selection for Payroll Run from T5M7DDenmark
1156ERP EHP76.0T5M7L81Payroll acct. area selections for payroll run from T5M7DDenmark
1157ERP EHP76.0T5M7M81Single Step Control in User Variant SetDenmark
1158ERP EHP76.0T5M7N281Special Wage Type Definition Elements for Pensions (DK)Denmark
1159ERP EHP76.0T5M7O31AMP Institutions (Danish Pension Institutions)Denmark
1160ERP EHP76.0T5M7P101Garnishment Types in Danish Payroll (IT 200)Denmark
1161ERP EHP76.0T5M7Q41Text Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P)Denmark
1162ERP EHP76.0T5M7S71Results of a Step in the Payroll Run (HR DK)Denmark
1163ERP EHP76.0T5M7T61PBS File Entries (HR DK Payroll)Denmark
1164ERP EHP76.0T5M7V51Form Entries for PBS FileDenmark
1165ERP EHP76.0T5M7W191File Entries Assignment from T5M7VDenmark
1166ERP EHP76.0T5M7X61Entries for Form X1 - Special Payment DaysDenmark
1167ERP EHP76.0T5M7Y31User Codes for User Variant SetsDenmark
1168ERP EHP76.0T5M7Z71Field Values from Last PayrollDenmark
1169ERP EHP76.0T5M8A21Entry Fields for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)Denmark
1170ERP EHP76.0T5M8B41Input Field Names for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)Denmark
1171ERP EHP76.0T5M8C31Input values for own statistics IT0204 (DK)Denmark
1172ERP EHP76.0T5M8D51Designate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)Denmark
1173ERP EHP76.0T5M8E51Verify Changes to Wage Type TextsDenmark
1174ERP EHP76.0T5M8F71SAP-PBS interface: Assign SAP PBS wage types (DK)Denmark
1175ERP EHP76.0T5M8G142Matchcode W Specifically for Payroll Step (DK)Denmark
1176ERP EHP76.0T5M8H131PBS error table for importing error fileDenmark
1177ERP EHP76.0T5M8I41PBS error codesDenmark
1178ERP EHP76.0T5M8J111File entries for PBS fileDenmark
1179ERP EHP76.0T5M8K61Log of report calls for Danish payroll accountingDenmark
1180ERP EHP76.0T5M8L51Text table for company variant setsDenmark
1181ERP EHP76.0T5M8M51Text table for user variant setsDenmark
1182ERP EHP76.0T5M8N51Company-specific RFC destinations for PBS linksDenmark
1183ERP EHP76.0T5M8O31Pension institutionsDenmark
1184ERP EHP76.0T5M8P121SAP-PBS interface: Transfer year-end valuesDenmark
1185ERP EHP76.0T5M8Q101Assign PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deductionDenmark
1186ERP EHP76.0T5M8R51Name assignment of PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deductionDenmark
1187ERP EHP76.0T5M8S121Employer assignment in original periodDenmark
1188ERP EHP76.0T5M8T61Danish Postal CodesDenmark
1189ERP EHP76.0T5M8U41Hierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job KeyDenmark
1190ERP EHP76.0T5M8V31Hierarchy Structure Texts for DA Statistics Job KeyDenmark
1191ERP EHP76.0T5M8W71Year End Corrections for PBS Accumulators (HR-DK)Denmark
1192ERP EHP76.0T5M8X71Interface: PBS Constants as T511K ConstantsDenmark
1193ERP EHP76.0T5M8Z151Employer Assignment in Original PeriodDenmark
1194ERP EHP76.0T5M9A121SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer of New Year ValuesDenmark
1195ERP EHP76.0T5M9B131SAP-PBS: Year End Values (Revision)Denmark
1196ERP EHP76.0T5M9C131SAP-PBS Interface: New Year Values (Revision)Denmark
1197ERP EHP76.0T5M9D41PBS wage types that need activating.Denmark
1198ERP EHP76.0T5M9E81Standard Account Assignment for PBS Wage TypesDenmark
1199ERP EHP76.0T5M9F51PBS AccumulatorDenmark
1200ERP EHP76.0T5M9G41PBS AccumulatorDenmark
1201ERP EHP76.0T5M9H191Split Indicators for Wage Types Sent to PBSDenmark
1202ERP EHP76.0T5M9I41Texts for End of Year Runs (Payroll)Denmark
1203ERP EHP76.0T5M9J41Texts for New Year Runs (Payroll)Denmark
1204ERP EHP76.0T5MAH51File Access PathDenmark
1205ERP EHP76.0T5MCC61Cluster Memory TableDenmark
1206ERP EHP76.0T5MFB41FA Statistics: Values for ValidationDenmark
1207ERP EHP76.0T5MFI51FA Statistics: Bonus TypesDenmark
1208ERP EHP76.0T5MFJ111Correct FA Absence StatisticsDenmark
1209ERP EHP76.0T5MP1101General Messages for the PBS Remuneration StatementDenmark
1210ERP EHP76.0T5MY071HR-DK: Year-End Activities for PBSDenmark
1211ERP EHP76.0T5M_ABSCD61Absence Codes for PBSDenmark
1212ERP EHP76.0T5M_ABSTY_ABSCD71Link: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence CodesDenmark
1213ERP EHP76.0T5M_ABS_TREATMNT101Absence ProcessingDenmark
1214ERP EHP76.0T5M_LO_INTERFACE51Loans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WTDenmark
1215ERP EHP76.0T5M_VASTA41Leave Accumulation Status (Entity)Denmark
1216ERP EHP76.0T5M_VASTA_TXT41Names of Leave Accumulation StatusesDenmark
Payroll :: Finland
1217ERP EHP76.0P44_ERR_REPTAB41Assignement of employee representatives to unionsFinland
1218ERP EHP76.0T7FI43B81Zuordnung von Ausnahmen zu StatistikenFinland
1219ERP EHP76.0T7FI43D71Exception texts (Finland)Finland
1220ERP EHP76.0T7FI43F81Assignment of IT0033 to Statistical Exceptions (Finland)Finland
1221ERP EHP76.0T7FI50341HR-FI: Grouping for vacation factorFinland
1222ERP EHP76.0T7FI549Q231Finnish pay periods to average calculation relevanceFinland
1223ERP EHP76.0T7FIA051Record Identifiers (ATS)Finland
1224ERP EHP76.0T7FIA0T41Record Identifier Texts (ATS)Finland
1225ERP EHP76.0T7FIA171Tax Codes (ATS)Finland
1226ERP EHP76.0T7FIA1T41Tax Code Texts (ATS)Finland
1227ERP EHP76.0T7FIA271Tax Code Assignments to ATS Data RecordsFinland
1228ERP EHP76.0T7FIA361Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS)Finland
1229ERP EHP76.0T7FIA4101Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS)Finland
1230ERP EHP76.0T7FIA541ATS CategoriesFinland
1231ERP EHP76.0T7FIA5T41Category Texts (ATS)Finland
1232ERP EHP76.0T7FIA681Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS)Finland
1233ERP EHP76.0T7FIAG61Finnish absence classificationFinland
1234ERP EHP76.0T7FIAG_MULTI61Finnish absence classification (multiple)Finland
1235ERP EHP76.0T7FIAWT131Subgroups for annual working time reportingFinland
1236ERP EHP76.0T7FIAWT241Mapping of time wage types in annual working time reportFinland
1237ERP EHP76.0T7FIAWTM21Maingroups for annual working time reportingFinland
1238ERP EHP76.0T7FIAWT_T41Subgroups for annual working time reportFinland
1239ERP EHP76.0T7FIAWT_TM41Main groups for annual working time reportFinland
1240ERP EHP76.0T7FIB071Wage type assignment to Payment Types (ATS)Finland
1241ERP EHP76.0T7FIB151Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)Finland
1242ERP EHP76.0T7FIB241Payment Types (ATS)Finland
1243ERP EHP76.0T7FIB2T41Payment Type Texts (ATS)Finland
1244ERP EHP76.0T7FIB341Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)Finland
1245ERP EHP76.0T7FID061TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS)Finland
1246ERP EHP76.0T7FID141Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS)Finland
1247ERP EHP76.0T7FID1T41Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS)Finland
1248ERP EHP76.0T7FIDC81Downtime Compensation Days (Finland F&P)Finland
1249ERP EHP76.0T7FIE041Customer ID's for eLettersFinland
1250ERP EHP76.0T7FIE151Name for Customer ID's for eLettersFinland
1251ERP EHP76.0T7FIE241Fonts to be used for eLetters of a countryFinland
1252ERP EHP76.0T7FIE381eLetter TemplateFinland
1253ERP EHP76.0T7FIE461Name of eLetter TemplateFinland
1254ERP EHP76.0T7FIE551eLetter FormatFinland
1255ERP EHP76.0T7FIE661Name of eLetter FormatFinland
1256ERP EHP76.0T7FIE751Images for eLettersFinland
1257ERP EHP76.0T7FIE861Name for Image for eLettersFinland
1258ERP EHP76.0T7FIE981Images used in a eLetter formFinland
1259ERP EHP76.0T7FIEA131Channel for eLetter TemplateFinland
1260ERP EHP76.0T7FIEB81Line of channel for eLetter TemplateFinland
1261ERP EHP76.0T7FIEC101Field definitions for channel for eLetter TemplateFinland
1262ERP EHP76.0T7FIETYPE21Employee Type for HPAFinland
1263ERP EHP76.0T7FIETYPET41Employee Type for HPAFinland
1264ERP EHP76.0T7FIHPA1111Customizing Table for Holiday Pay Accrual ReportFinland
1265ERP EHP76.0T7FILIS141Table for Low Income Support StatementFinland
1266ERP EHP76.0T7FIOIX181Idx Vacation Accr + ER SCR contrib.->Posting item, A-setsFinland
1267ERP EHP76.0T7FIOIX_DIR71Directory of productive posting runs for HPA/SCR (Finland)Finland
1268ERP EHP76.0T7FIOPX71Reversal Posting items (P-sets)Finland
1269ERP EHP76.0T7FIPF141Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland)Finland
1270ERP EHP76.0T7FIPR21Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland)Finland
1271ERP EHP76.0T7FIPRT41Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland)Finland
1272ERP EHP76.0T7FIS111Seniority Allowance Attributes (Finland)Finland
1273ERP EHP76.0T7FISL81Lenth of sickpay periods (XNAB)Finland
1274ERP EHP76.0T7FIT091Trade Unions FinlandFinland
1275ERP EHP76.0T7FIT0T41Trade Unions Finland TextsFinland
1276ERP EHP76.0T7FITU101Trade Unions / Locals FinlandFinland
1277ERP EHP76.0T7FITUP61Assignment of Payee to Trade Union / Local FinlandFinland
1278ERP EHP76.0T7FITUT51Trade Unions / Locals FinlandFinland
1279ERP EHP76.0T7FIV0111Holiday Bonus Handling TypesFinland
1280ERP EHP76.0T7FIV0T41Holiday Bonus Handling Type TextsFinland
1281ERP EHP76.0T7FIV181Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage TypesFinland
1282ERP EHP76.0T7FIV261Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage TypesFinland
1283ERP EHP76.0T7FIV321Holiday Bonus Handling TypesFinland
1284ERP EHP76.0T7FIVF61Finnish vacation payment factorsFinland
1285ERP EHP76.0T7FIWT81Worktime equalisation /free shift matrix)Finland
1286ERP EHP76.0T7FIWTEM161WTE Model (Finland)Finland
Payroll :: France
1287ERP EHP76.0HRP1680193DB Table for Infotype 1680France
1288ERP EHP76.0HRP1681253DB Table for Infotype 1681France
1289ERP EHP76.0HRP1682262DB Table for Infotype 1682France
1290ERP EHP76.0HRP1683233DB Table for Infotype 1683France
1291ERP EHP76.0HRP1684193DB Table for Infotype 1684France
1292ERP EHP76.0HRP1685232BD table for infotype 1685France
1293ERP EHP76.0HRP1686203DB Table for Infotype 1686France
1294ERP EHP76.0HRP1687182DB Table for Infotype 1687France
1295ERP EHP76.0HRP1690252DB Table for Infotype 1690France
1296ERP EHP76.0HRPAD940111Additional data PAD940France
1297ERP EHP76.0HRPAD94151Additional data PAD941France
1298ERP EHP76.0HRT168071Table Part Infotype 1680France
1299ERP EHP76.0HRT168181Table Part Infotype 1681France
1300ERP EHP76.0HRT168361Table Part Infotype 1683France
1301ERP EHP76.0HRT1684191Table Part Infotype 1684France
1302ERP EHP76.0HRT1686121Table Part Infotype 1686France
1303ERP EHP76.0PA0435321HR Master Record for Infotype 0435France
1304ERP EHP76.0PA0436531HR Master Record for Infotype 0436France
1305ERP EHP76.0T5F1AF21Official organization codesFrance
1306ERP EHP76.0T5F1AFT41Text for organizationsFrance
1307ERP EHP76.0T5F1BA91Contribution attributes for insurance companiesFrance
1308ERP EHP76.0T5F1BAP101Attributes of pension contracts with pension companiesFrance
1309ERP EHP76.0T5F1BAR101Attributes of the contribution assessment basesFrance
1310ERP EHP76.0T5F1BAS81Attributes of policies with insurance companiesFrance
1311ERP EHP76.0T5F1BAT41Commercial designation of insurance contractFrance
1312ERP EHP76.0T5F1BC51Contribution base nature type code mappingFrance
1313ERP EHP76.0T5F1BD41Contribution basis type code by applicationFrance
1314ERP EHP76.0T5F1BDT61Wage type text contribution basis type codeFrance
1315ERP EHP76.0T5F1BM41Contribution basis type code mappingFrance
1316ERP EHP76.0T5F1BN21Contribution basis type codeFrance
1317ERP EHP76.0T5F1BNT41Contribution basis type codeFrance
1318ERP EHP76.0T5F1BS31Contribution basis type code by applicationFrance
1319ERP EHP76.0T5F1BST51Wage type text contribution basis type codeFrance
1320ERP EHP76.0T5F1O21Contribution attribute modifiersFrance
1321ERP EHP76.0T5F1OT41Wage type texts for contribution attribute modifiersFrance
1322ERP EHP76.0T5F3I21Approval no. for statementsFrance
1323ERP EHP76.0T5F3IT41Text of approval no. for statementsFrance
1324ERP EHP76.0T5F4E1111DDTEPP addressFrance
1325ERP EHP76.0T5F4L61PCS supplementFrance
1326ERP EHP76.0T5F4LI21PCS supplementFrance
1327ERP EHP76.0T5F4LT41PCS supplementFrance
1328ERP EHP76.0T5F5R71DADS-U check: Hierarchy and attributes of ALV nodesFrance
1329ERP EHP76.0T5F5R161DADS-U check: Additional fields (nodes)France
1330ERP EHP76.0T5F5R251DADS-U check: Origin of ALV data nodesFrance
1331ERP EHP76.0T5F5RA31DADS-U check: Attributes of time-independent ALV nodesFrance
1332ERP EHP76.0T5F5RT31DADS-U check: ALV text nodesFrance
1333ERP EHP76.0T5F60131Dynamic Mapping for Interface: InfotypesFrance
1334ERP EHP76.0T5F61121Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Clusters.France
1335ERP EHP76.0T5F62101Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Wage Types as Master DataFrance
1336ERP EHP76.0T5F63121Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Interfaced Wage TypesFrance
1337ERP EHP76.0T5F6491Coding Table InterfaceFrance
1338ERP EHP76.0T5F6731Interface: Link PAC Payroll AreaFrance
1339ERP EHP76.0T5F68101TEDC TDTFrance
1340ERP EHP76.0T5F69101TEDC DDTFrance
1341ERP EHP76.0T5F6A81TEDC VRFrance
1342ERP EHP76.0T5F6B101Dynamic Mapping for Interface: DDIC ADP (309FF)France
1343ERP EHP76.0T5F6C31ITF TEDC Funds CodeFrance
1344ERP EHP76.0T5F6E31Free Format 409 Incident CodesFrance
1345ERP EHP76.0T5F6F51M-1 management of presence incidents (SAP/ADP interface)France
1346ERP EHP76.0T5F6G131Batch header recordingFrance
1347ERP EHP76.0T5F6H141List of Employer BanksFrance
1348ERP EHP76.0T5F6J241List of Individual TransfersFrance
1349ERP EHP76.0T5F6K131Send Table (TDE)France
1350ERP EHP76.0T5F6L161Send Details (DDE)France
1351ERP EHP76.0T5F6M231Returns Table (TDR)France
1352ERP EHP76.0T5F6N41Global Error MessagesFrance
1353ERP EHP76.0T5F6NN51Communication of Error Messages (ADP Interface)?France
1354ERP EHP76.0T5F6P21Table for Communication and Language of ServicesFrance
1355ERP EHP76.0T5F6R61Interface Table for Reporting PurposesFrance
1356ERP EHP76.0T5F6T31ADP Interface Text Table for PACFrance
1357ERP EHP76.0T5F6U21Interface: Link PAC Processing TypeFrance
1358ERP EHP76.0T5F7A21Personnel grouping for insurance policiesFrance
1359ERP EHP76.0T5F7AT41Wage type texts for personnel groupings insurance policiesFrance
1360ERP EHP76.0T5F7B21Insurance contribution modifierFrance
1361ERP EHP76.0T5F7BT41Wage type text insurance contribution modifierFrance
1362ERP EHP76.0T5F8A21Personnel grouping for pension contractsFrance
1363ERP EHP76.0T5F8AT41Wage type texts for personnel groupings insurance policiesFrance
1364ERP EHP76.0T5F9A21Reference of the pension fund contractFrance
1365ERP EHP76.0T5F9AT41Wage type texts for personnel groupings insurance policiesFrance
1366ERP EHP76.0T5FDA1111Absence categories for DADS-U structuresFrance
1367ERP EHP76.0T5FDA231DADSU codes groupsFrance
1368ERP EHP76.0T5FDA2T51Text for DADS-U codesFrance
1369ERP EHP76.0T5FDATSTR71Snapshot of Table PB2ADATSTRFrance
1370ERP EHP76.0T5FN4DS61N4DS SAP implementing classesFrance
1371ERP EHP76.0T5FN4DSC71N4DS implementing classesFrance
1372ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_CA71Cost items attributesFrance
1373ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_FC51TNM/France: mapping table form. type/legal typeFrance
1374ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_FS71Forms: SectionsFrance
1375ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_LR51TNM: 2483, legal typologies mapping tableFrance
1376ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_PC51TNM/France : table de mappingcateg. plan /categ. légalFrance
1377ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_TE51TNM: 2483, mapping table "Tr. Emp. Grp" to category 2483France
1378ERP EHP76.0T77TNMFR_TY51TNM/France : table de mapping type form./type légalFrance
1379ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_AB91TNM: absence records tableFrance
1380ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_C011Valid parameter namesFrance
1381ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_C0T31Parameter descriptionFrance
1382ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CA71Cost AttributesFrance
1383ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CC71Cost CategoryFrance
1384ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CCL81TNM: class reference - table type CFrance
1385ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CCT51Cost Category TextFrance
1386ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CG61Cost Category GroupFrance
1387ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CGT51Cost Category Group TextFrance
1388ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_CL61TNM: class reference - table type SFrance
1389ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_DC61TNM Decoupling ClassFrance
1390ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_DE131TNM: deduction customizing tableFrance
1391ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_FA21TNM: factory classFrance
1392ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_FC31Training Fund CategoryFrance
1393ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_FCT51Training Fund Category: text tableFrance
1394ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_IV131Compensation Indirect ValuationFrance
1395ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_LR31Training Legal ReferenceFrance
1396ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_LRT51Training Legal Reference (text table)France
1397ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_OB71Table Training ObjectiveFrance
1398ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_OBT61Table Training Objective TextFrance
1399ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_OG51Table Training Objective GroupFrance
1400ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_OGT51Table Training Objective Group TextFrance
1401ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_PC31Training Plan CategoryFrance
1402ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_PCT51Training Plan category: Text TableFrance
1403ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_QU121TNM: quota customizing tableFrance
1404ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_RE41Table Training Needs Status ReasonFrance
1405ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_RET61Table Training Needs Status Reason TextFrance
1406ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_RS31Absence ReasonFrance
1407ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_RST51Absence ReasonFrance
1408ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_S031TNM settings tableFrance
1409ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_ST61Table Training Needs StatusFrance
1410ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_STT51Table Training Needs Status TextFrance
1411ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TAC71TNM: table to handle tabstrip naming (custo)France
1412ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TAS61TNM: table to handle tabstrip namingFrance
1413ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TE31Training Employee GroupFrance
1414ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TET51Training Employee Group TextFrance
1415ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TY31Training typeFrance
1416ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TYFCM61Training type / Training Fund Category: mapping tableFrance
1417ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_TYT51Training type textFrance
1418ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_VA141TNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (syst. table)France
1419ERP EHP76.0T77TNM_VAC151TNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (custo table)France
Payroll :: Germany
1420ERP EHP76.0P01T_AGS41Assignment of Postal Code to Municipality KeyGermany
1421ERP EHP76.0P01Y15571PAISY: Management Table Subrecord Type 15Germany
1422ERP EHP76.0PA0597251Personnel Master Record Infotype 0597Germany
1423ERP EHP76.0PA0628831HR Master Record for Infotype 0628Germany
1424ERP EHP76.0PA0629471HR Master Record for Infotype 0629Germany
1425ERP EHP76.0PA0630261HR Master Record for Infotype 0630Germany
1426ERP EHP76.0PA0631561HR Master Record for Infotype 0631Germany
1427ERP EHP76.0PA06991381Personnel Master Record Infotype 0699Germany
1428ERP EHP76.0PD3DBAN101HR-DDU: Address Data ModuleGermany
1429ERP EHP76.0PD3DBEU61HR-DDU: Data Module - European Insurance NumberGermany
1430ERP EHP76.0PD3DBGB101HR-DDU: Data Module - Birth DetailsGermany
1431ERP EHP76.0PD3DBKS101HR-DDU: Data Module - Miners'/Sailors' InsuranceGermany
1432ERP EHP76.0PD3DBME151HR-DDU: Reporting Facts Data ModuleGermany
1433ERP EHP76.0PD3DBNA101HR-DDU: Name Data ModuleGermany
1434ERP EHP76.0PD3DBSO81HR-DDU: Immediate Notification Data ModuleGermany
1435ERP EHP76.0PD3DBSV51HR-DDU: Social Insurance Card Data ModuleGermany
1436ERP EHP76.0PD3DBUV71DEUEV: Data Module DBUV - Accident InsuranceGermany
1437ERP EHP76.0PD3DBUV_DAT121DEUEV AI Data for Module DBUV - Accident InsuranceGermany
1438ERP EHP76.0PD3DSAP291HR-DDU: Administration Record for NotificationsGermany
1439ERP EHP76.0PD3DSME341HR-DDU: Data Record NotficationGermany
1440ERP EHP76.0PD3FLAG121HR-DDU: Notifications IndicatorGermany
1441ERP EHP76.0T515A31Fund CategoriesGermany
1442ERP EHP76.0T5D0A191Absence AttributesGermany
1443ERP EHP76.0T5D0D141Part Time Work During ParentalLeaveGermany
1444ERP EHP76.0T5D0F31Fictitious Run ControlsGermany
1445ERP EHP76.0T5D0FT51Fictitious Run Contol TextsGermany
1446ERP EHP76.0T5D0G31Fictitious RunsGermany
1447ERP EHP76.0T5D0GT51Fictitious Run TextsGermany
1448ERP EHP76.0T5D0H51Assign Fictitious Run Control to Fictitious RunGermany
1449ERP EHP76.0T5D0I211Fictitious Run Control: Wage Type AssignmentGermany
1450ERP EHP76.0T5D0L81HR: Derivation of Wage Types Dependent on ProcessingGermany
1451ERP EHP76.0T5D0M41HR: Processing Routines for the Derivation of Wage TypesGermany
1452ERP EHP76.0T5D0N61HR: Texts for Processing Routines for T5D0MGermany
1453ERP EHP76.0T5D0O31Processing Category for AbsencesGermany
1454ERP EHP76.0T5D0S121Grouping of AbsencesGermany
1455ERP EHP76.0T5D0T51Pay Scale Area GroupingsGermany
1456ERP EHP76.0T5D1051Procedure for Expected Due ContributionsGermany
1457ERP EHP76.0T5D1231Reason for Exemption from Insurance LiabilityGermany
1458ERP EHP76.0T5D15221EDI FundsGermany
1459ERP EHP76.0T5D16161Advanced Payment - Statement of Contributions PaidGermany
1460ERP EHP76.0T5D19101Assignment of Individual SI Contribution FundsGermany
1461ERP EHP76.0T5D1J441Health Insurance Contribution RatesGermany
1462ERP EHP76.0T5D1S121Gross SIGermany
1463ERP EHP76.0T5D1Y31Social Insurance Divisions w/ Valid SAP Contribution GroupsGermany
1464ERP EHP76.0T5D2U81Derived Tax Wage Types with Additional Key FieldGermany
1465ERP EHP76.0T5D30421Attributes for Reimbursing Employer ExpensesGermany
1466ERP EHP76.0T5D3741Applications for ClassificationGermany
1467ERP EHP76.0T5D3871Wage Type ClassificationGermany
1468ERP EHP76.0T5D3941Classification of SpecificationsGermany
1469ERP EHP76.0T5D3R111HR-DEH: Entry of External DataGermany
1470ERP EHP76.0T5D3S_EHVS241Additional Data Report Company for Earnings Structure SurveyGermany
1471ERP EHP76.0T5D4791Correction of Contributions on Basis of Previous MonthGermany
1472ERP EHP76.0T5D4971Assignment SI Contribution Rates U1Germany
1473ERP EHP76.0T5D4O31DEUEV Permissible Name ExtensionsGermany
1474ERP EHP76.0T5D4P31Person Group Key SIGermany
1475ERP EHP76.0T5D4Q41Texts for Person Group KeyGermany
1476ERP EHP76.0T5D4R81DEUEV: Assignment to Recipient FundsGermany
1477ERP EHP76.0T5D4S81DEUEV: File CounterGermany
1478ERP EHP76.0T5D4T131HIF Receiving Office for the E-Mail ProcedureGermany
1479ERP EHP76.0T5D4U122File Numbers for E-Mail Procedure with Health Ins. FundsGermany
1480ERP EHP76.0T5D4V111E-Mail Procedure Contribution Statement: Admin. of Seq. NosGermany
1481ERP EHP76.0T5D4W71HIF Receiving Office for E-Mail Procedure (Forwarding)Germany
1482ERP EHP76.0T5D4X61Administration CoNo Certificates E-Mail ProcedureGermany
1483ERP EHP76.0T5D4X_STAT91Status - Admin. Contrib. Statmt Certificates E-Mail Proc.Germany
1484ERP EHP76.0T5D4X_ZERTR501Certificate Request - Admin. Contrib. Statmt CertificatesGermany
1485ERP EHP76.0T5D4Y71List of HI FundsGermany
1486ERP EHP76.0T5D4Z331Health Insurance Fund List per Contribution StatementGermany
1487ERP EHP76.0T5DA6111Semiretirement: Value Credit According to Labor LegislationGermany
1488ERP EHP76.0T5DP1211PAISY InterfaceGermany
1489ERP EHP76.0T5DP2111Conversion of Infotype Fields -> PAISYGermany
1490ERP EHP76.0T5DP381Conversion of Wage Type Infotypes 0008/0011/0014 -> PAISYGermany
1491ERP EHP76.0T5DP451Assignment PAISY Company - Superordinate CompanyGermany
1492ERP EHP76.0T5DP581Conversion of Wage Type Infotype 0010 -> PAISYGermany
1493ERP EHP76.0T5DP681Conversion of Infotype 0013 -> PAISYGermany
1494ERP EHP76.0T5DP7111Conversion of Infotype 0079 -> PAISYGermany
1495ERP EHP76.0T5DP8151Conversion of Infotype 0026 -> PAISYGermany
1496ERP EHP76.0T5DP981Conversion of HI Fund Infotypes 0013/0079 -> PAISYGermany
1497ERP EHP76.0T5DPS91PAISY Sequential Record Numbers for Subrecord Type 15Germany
1498ERP EHP76.0T5DR121AVmG: Investment TypesGermany
1499ERP EHP76.0T5DR231AVmG: ModulesGermany
1500ERP EHP76.0T5DR351AVmG: Contract ModelsGermany
1501ERP EHP76.0T5DR4291AVmG: Specifications of ModulesGermany
1502ERP EHP76.0T5DR571AVmG: Instances of Contract ModelsGermany
1503ERP EHP76.0T5DR631AVmG: Processing RoutinesGermany
1504ERP EHP76.0T5DR721AVmG: Processing RulesGermany
1505ERP EHP76.0T5DR851AVmG: Processing TypesGermany
1506ERP EHP76.0T5DR951AVmG: Conversion Wage Type GroupsGermany
1507ERP EHP76.0T5DRA91AVmG: Assignment of Wage Types to Conversion GroupsGermany
1508ERP EHP76.0T5DRB101AVmG: Investment InstituteGermany
1509ERP EHP76.0T5DRD61AVmG: Permitted Modules for Contract ModelsGermany
1510ERP EHP76.0T5DRU51AVmG: Texts for Conversion Wage Type GroupsGermany
1511ERP EHP76.0T5DRV41AVmG: Texts for Processing RulesGermany
1512ERP EHP76.0T5DRW51AVmG: Texts for Processing RoutinesGermany
1513ERP EHP76.0T5DRX51AVmG: Texts for Contract ModelsGermany
1514ERP EHP76.0T5DRY51AVmG: Texts for ModulesGermany
1515ERP EHP76.0T5DRZ41AVmG: Texts for Investment TypesGermany
1516ERP EHP76.0T704E31Entity Table for StatementsGermany
1517ERP EHP76.0T704N51Statements Text TableGermany
1518ERP EHP76.0T77PAY00_APPL31Subapplications with BAdIGermany
1519ERP EHP76.0T77PAY00_GPA41Assignment of Subapplication SPA/GPA ParametersGermany
Payroll :: Ireland
1520ERP EHP76.0PA3294241HR Master Record: Infotype 3294Ireland
1521ERP EHP76.0PA3359791HR Master Record: Infotype 3359Ireland
1522ERP EHP76.0T5IE131HR-IE: Personal Public Service Number suffix table.Ireland
1523ERP EHP76.0T7IEE1561EHECS: Return DataIreland
1524ERP EHP76.0T7IEPRD101PY-IE: PRD RatesIreland
1525ERP EHP76.0T7IEPS_ALL71ALL Constants & Texts (as required)Ireland
1526ERP EHP76.0T7IEPS_ALLT81ALL Text TableIreland
Payroll :: Italy
1527ERP EHP76.0PA3206341HR Master Record: Infotype 3206Italy
1528ERP EHP76.0PA32143291HR Master Record: Infotype 3214Italy
1529ERP EHP76.0T5IT3051Events and reasonsItaly
1530ERP EHP76.0T5IT3151Text table for events and reasonsItaly
1531ERP EHP76.0T5IT3241Entity table for event/reason codeItaly
1532ERP EHP76.0T5IT3391Events and reasonsItaly
1533ERP EHP76.0T5IT3491Events and reasonsItaly
1534ERP EHP76.0T5IT35121Sender and CoCoCo Sections (Emens Declaration)Italy
1535ERP EHP76.0T5IT3641CoCoCo - Activity codesItaly
1536ERP EHP76.0T5IT36T41CoCoCo - Activity codes - DescriptionsItaly
1537ERP EHP76.0T5ITAI131Cumulation wage types of recalculated differencesItaly
1538ERP EHP76.0T5ITAN91Annotazioni per CUDItaly
1539ERP EHP76.0T5ITAO71Wage types to be recalculatedItaly
1540ERP EHP76.0T5ITAS31Definition of retro accounting stepsItaly
1541ERP EHP76.0T5ITBS191Bonus StraordinarioItaly
1542ERP EHP76.0T5ITCO1121Italy: Transferring wage types - ConditionsItaly
1543ERP EHP76.0T5ITCO2171Italy: Transferring wage types - ProcessingItaly
1544ERP EHP76.0T5ITDMA_1101Fixed values for DMA DAQ fieldsItaly
1545ERP EHP76.0T5ITDMA_2121Fund values for DAQ fieldsItaly
1546ERP EHP76.0T5ITDMA_C51CUD and DMA: Temse filesItaly
1547ERP EHP76.0T5ITDMA_C291Mapping between CUD and DMA fieldsItaly
1548ERP EHP76.0T5ITFC91TFR Choices Entity TableItaly
1549ERP EHP76.0T5ITFS61Choices TFR Text TableItaly
1550ERP EHP76.0T5ITIN0171INAIL table to update group dataItaly
1551ERP EHP76.0T5ITIN1141Contribution INAIL tableItaly
1552ERP EHP76.0T5ITIQ111Evalution rules for reimbursements and integrationsItaly
1553ERP EHP76.0T5ITIR171Maximum number of days for integration and reimbursementItaly
1554ERP EHP76.0T5ITJ11821Juridical periodical payments (Italy)Italy
1555ERP EHP76.0T5ITJ21821Juridical periodical payments (Italy)Italy
1556ERP EHP76.0T5ITMD91Definizione dati anagrafici per Libro UnicoItaly
1557ERP EHP76.0T5ITME81Current Yr Mun Surch Payment Exc Table (Fin Law 2007)Italy
1558ERP EHP76.0T5ITO151Association Employee type / Supplementary Fund CodeItaly
1559ERP EHP76.0T5ITO2101Association CDFON/TPIFO to MOPTFItaly
1560ERP EHP76.0T5ITOC51Association Payment Type / Supplementary Fund CodeItaly
1561ERP EHP76.0T5ITOF61Association Additional Fund Code / Taxation TypeItaly
1562ERP EHP76.0T5ITOIE41Supplementary Social Security Fund Enrollment TypeItaly
1563ERP EHP76.0T5ITOIT41Supplementary Social Security Fund Enrollment Type DescrptnItaly
1564ERP EHP76.0T5ITPM111Check Table for Higher Duties : infotype (3214) subtype 0002Italy
1565ERP EHP76.0T5ITPOS_A131Header table for traceabilityItaly
1566ERP EHP76.0T5ITPOS_B911Data (traceability)Italy
1567ERP EHP76.0T5ITPOS_C361Customozing Table for PostingItaly
1568ERP EHP76.0T5ITPR21Legal actsItaly
1569ERP EHP76.0T5ITPRT41Legal act (descriptions)Italy
1570ERP EHP76.0T5ITQ391Processing conditionsItaly
1571ERP EHP76.0T5ITQ941Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. servicesItaly
1572ERP EHP76.0T5ITQH41Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. services Text TableItaly
1573ERP EHP76.0T5ITU1101Collective Labour Agreement coefficientsItaly
1574ERP EHP76.0T5ITUA201User Data Table of the Company for Report/ Legal FormItaly
1575ERP EHP76.0T5ITUB81Report: report field mapping - output boxesItaly
1576ERP EHP76.0T5ITUD161Report: report and attribution fieldsItaly
1577ERP EHP76.0T5ITUDT61Report: field textsItaly
1578ERP EHP76.0T5ITUDT_C61Report: field textsItaly
1579ERP EHP76.0T5ITUD_C171Report: report and attribution fieldsItaly
1580ERP EHP76.0T5ITUE61Reporting factory configurationItaly
1581ERP EHP76.0T5ITUE_C71Reporting factory configurationItaly
1582ERP EHP76.0T5ITUF41Report: definitionItaly
1583ERP EHP76.0T5ITUFT41Report: definition textsItaly
1584ERP EHP76.0T5ITUG81Unified reporting: output generationItaly
1585ERP EHP76.0T5ITUGE21Unified reporting: content types for output generationItaly
1586ERP EHP76.0T5ITUGET41Unified reporting: Text table for content typeItaly
1587ERP EHP76.0T5ITUG_C91Unified reporting: output generationItaly
1588ERP EHP76.0T5ITUI201User Data Table for Report / Legal FormItaly
1589ERP EHP76.0T5ITUP101Report: post-processing field stepItaly
1590ERP EHP76.0T5ITUP_C111Report: post-processing field stepItaly
1591ERP EHP76.0T5ITUS51Report: sectionItaly
1592ERP EHP76.0T5ITUST51Report: section textItaly
1593ERP EHP76.0T5ITUS_C61Report: sectionItaly
1594ERP EHP76.0T5ITVR101definizione di variabili di UR per condizioniItaly
1595ERP EHP76.0T5ITW121Table to create modules for formsItaly
1596ERP EHP76.0T5ITW241Text table to create module for formsItaly
1597ERP EHP76.0T5ITW331Table to create sections for the modules of the formsItaly
1598ERP EHP76.0T5ITW451Description of the SectionsItaly
1599ERP EHP76.0T5ITW5151Characteristics of the sectionsItaly
1600ERP EHP76.0T5ITW671Rounding Characteristics of the modulesItaly
1601ERP EHP76.0T5ITW9_PS91Table to change the codes from RPF24I0_2008 (PS)Italy
1602ERP EHP76.0T5ITX081Texts for notesItaly
1603ERP EHP76.0T5ITX1121Legal form boxesItaly
1604ERP EHP76.0T5ITX281Description of legal form boxesItaly
Payroll :: Japan
1605ERP EHP76.0PA0888461HR Master Record: Infotype 0888Japan
1606ERP EHP76.0PA08891161HR Master Record: Infotype 0889Japan
1607ERP EHP76.0PA0890311HR Master Record: Infotype 0890Japan
1608ERP EHP76.0PA0903781HR Master Record: Infotype 0903Japan
1609ERP EHP76.0T5J1941HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPNJapan
1610ERP EHP76.0T5J1A61HR-J: Overseas pay payment rateJapan
1611ERP EHP76.0T5J2071HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPNJapan
1612ERP EHP76.0T5J3511HR Indicator of Taxation JPNJapan
1613ERP EHP76.0T5J3631HR Tax Indicator Text JPNJapan
1614ERP EHP76.0T5J3711HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPNJapan
1615ERP EHP76.0T5J3831HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPNJapan
1616ERP EHP76.0T5J3971HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPNJapan
1617ERP EHP76.0T5J4071HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPNJapan
1618ERP EHP76.0T5J4161HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPNJapan
1619ERP EHP76.0T5J4291HR Payroll Income Tax - Monthly Chart JPNJapan
1620ERP EHP76.0T5J43161HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily KOU JPNJapan
1621ERP EHP76.0T5J4491HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily OTSU JPNJapan
1622ERP EHP76.0T5J5021HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPNJapan
1623ERP EHP76.0T5J5131HR Text for Residence Tax Change Reason JPNJapan
1624ERP EHP76.0T5J5211HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPNJapan
1625ERP EHP76.0T5J5331HR Text for Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPNJapan
1626ERP EHP76.0T5J5421HR Insurance Product Type JPNJapan
1627ERP EHP76.0T5J5541HR Text for Insurance Product Type JPNJapan
1628ERP EHP76.0T5J5791HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPNJapan
1629ERP EHP76.0T5J5841HR Combination Insurance Company Type/Product JPNJapan
1630ERP EHP76.0T5J6451HR Commuting Allowance - Non-taxable Amounts JPNJapan
1631ERP EHP76.0T5J69121HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JPJapan
1632ERP EHP76.0T5J8651HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPNJapan
1633ERP EHP76.0T5J8741HR-J: Taxation type textJapan
1634ERP EHP76.0T5J8821HR-J: Payment classJapan
1635ERP EHP76.0T5J8941HR-J: Payment class textJapan
1636ERP EHP76.0T5J9941Wagetype correspond Table.Japan
1637ERP EHP76.0T5JFT51Multiple payment model in a monthJapan
1638ERP EHP76.0T5JKG71Kijungai period setting per payroll areaJapan
1639ERP EHP76.0T5JMA71Multiple payment model in a monthJapan
1640ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ALLOCS41Allocation Course for Benefit PointsJapan
1641ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ALLOCSA91Assign Allocation Course to Retirement Benefit PlanJapan
1642ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ALLOCST61Text Table for Allocation Course for Benefit PointsJapan
1643ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ASNPARA31Assign Assignment Period ParametersJapan
1644ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ASNPERD81Benefit Point Assginement PeriodJapan
1645ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ASNPERP31Assignment Period ParametersJapan
1646ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_ASNPERPT41Text Table for Assignment Period ParametersJapan
1647ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_BPCOMA31Assign Retirement Benefit Point System for Each Company CodeJapan
1648ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CALCGRP31Allocation Calculation GroupJapan
1649ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CALCGRPT51Text Table for Allocation Calculation GroupJapan
1650ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CALDEC61Decision FactorJapan
1651ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CALDECT41Text Table for Decision Factor of Benefit PointJapan
1652ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CALGRPA41Assign Allocation Calculation Group to SI ModifierJapan
1653ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CLFCPAR91Calculation Factor ParametersJapan
1654ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CLFCPART51Text Table for Calculation Factor ParameterJapan
1655ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_CLFCTBL91Calc. Factor Parameter Value TableJapan
1656ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_EMPGRP21Retirement Benefit Point Target Employee GroupJapan
1657ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_EMPGRPT41Text Table for Target Employee GroupJapan
1658ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_FORMULA101Calculation FormulaJapan
1659ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNT51Retirement Benefit PointJapan
1660ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTDEC91Assign Decision Point Types to Retirement Benefit PointJapan
1661ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTGRPA31Assign Target Employee Group to Retirement Benefit PointJapan
1662ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTT41Text Table for Retirement Benefit PointJapan
1663ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTTBL81Retirement Benefit Point Value TableJapan
1664ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTTYP61Retirement Benefit Point TypeJapan
1665ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_PNTTYPT41Text Table for Retirement Benefit Point TypeJapan
1666ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_REDRULE61Reduction Rule for Point Value of Current PeriodJapan
1667ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_UPDEC51Point Unit Price Decision FactorJapan
1668ERP EHP76.0T7JPBP_UPTBL71Point Unit Price Value TableJapan
1669ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_AGERQ71Age RequisitesJapan
1670ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_APPOFFI51Define Applied Office DataJapan
1671ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_ASNPERD91Assignment Period for Retirement Benefit ResourceJapan
1672ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENATTR71Define Benefit AttributesJapan
1673ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENMODA51Assign Benefit Modifier to Pension PlanJapan
1674ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENPNTY61Define Retirement Benefit Plan TypeJapan
1675ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENPNTYT41Text table for retirement benefit plan typeJapan
1676ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENTYPE41Define Benefit TypeJapan
1677ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_BENTYPET51Text Table for Benefit TypeJapan
1678ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CALCGRP41Define Contribution Amount Calculation GroupsJapan
1679ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CALCGRPT61Contribution Amount Calculation Group DescriptionJapan
1680ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CALGRPA51Contribution Amount Calculation Group AssignmentJapan
1681ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CALPERP41Define Calculation Period ParameterJapan
1682ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CALPERPT51Text Table for Calculation Period ParametersJapan
1683ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CBACPAR51Virtual Individual Account Balance ParametersJapan
1684ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CBDEC71Decision Factors for Re-assessment RateJapan
1685ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CBDECT41Text Table for Decision Factors of Re-assessment RateJapan
1686ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CBFCPAR91Re-assessment Rate Decision Factor ParametersJapan
1687ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CBFCTBL91Reassessment Rate Factor Parameter Value TableJapan
1688ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CHGRSN31Reason of ChangeJapan
1689ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLBSDAS71Calculation Basis Parameter Basic Pay Data SourceJapan
1690ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLBSPAR101Calculation Basis ParameterJapan
1691ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLDECFC61Decision FactorJapan
1692ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLDECFCT41Decision Factor TextJapan
1693ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLFCPAR121Calculation Factor ParameterJapan
1694ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLFCPART71Calculation Factor Parameter TextJapan
1695ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CLFCTBL131Calculation Factor Parameter Value TableJapan
1696ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CONSRSN21Define Premium Contribution Suspension ReasonJapan
1697ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CONSRSNT41Define Premium Contribution Suspension Reason TextJapan
1698ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CPPLNTYP21Define Corporate Pension Plan TypeJapan
1699ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CPPLNTYPT31Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan TypeJapan
1700ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CPPNSTY21Define Corporate Pension Plan SubtypeJapan
1701ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CPPNSTYT31Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan SubtypeJapan
1702ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_CTRC61Maintain Contract DataJapan
1703ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_DBBERQ131Pension Benefit Eligibility RequisitesJapan
1704ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_DCDTRMD91Distribution Method of Amount Exceeding Maximum ContributionJapan
1705ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_DTFLSTR171Define Data File StructureJapan
1706ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_DTRUL61Define Contribution Determination and Reference Date RuleJapan
1707ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_ELGRQ101Participation Eligibility RequisitesJapan
1708ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_EXTINST81Define External InstitutionJapan
1709ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_EXTINSTT41Text Table for External InstitutionJapan
1710ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMCAT21Define Form CategoryJapan
1711ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMCATT41Define Form Category TextJapan
1712ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMRCD81Define Form RecordJapan
1713ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMRCDT71Define Form Record DescriptionJapan
1714ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMSPC81Define Form SpecificationJapan
1715ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_FORMULA121Calculation FormulasJapan
1716ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_IMPLCO51Define Corporate-type DC plan Implementing CompaniesJapan
1717ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_INELGRQ101Participation Ineligibility RequisitesJapan
1718ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_JOBGRD21Define Job GradeJapan
1719ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_JOBGRDT41Text Table for Job GradeJapan
1720ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_JOBTYPE21Define Job TypeJapan
1721ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_JOBTYPET41Text Table for Job TypeJapan
1722ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_JOBTYRQ31Job Type RequisitesJapan
1723ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PARTGRP21Paticipant Group DefinitionJapan
1724ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PARTGRPT41Paticipant Group Definition Text TableJapan
1725ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PARTSTA61Participant StatusJapan
1726ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PARTSTAT51Participant Status Text TableJapan
1727ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PAYCOUR21Benefit Payment Period CourseJapan
1728ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PAYCOURT41Text Table for Benefit Payment Period CourseJapan
1729ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PAYMTHD51Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Contribution MethodJapan
1730ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PAYPER61Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Calculatuion periodJapan
1731ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PAYTPER31Define Benefit Payment Period InformationJapan
1732ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PENSION231Corporate Pension PlanJapan
1733ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PENSIONT41Corporate Pension Plan Text TableJapan
1734ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PGPLNAS41Assign Participant Group to Pension PlanJapan
1735ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PRDECFC61Decision Factors for Premium Rate/AmountJapan
1736ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PRDECFCT41Premium Rate/Amount Parameter Decision Factor TextJapan
1737ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PREMFML121Premium Calculation FormulaJapan
1738ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PREMPAR111Premium Rate/Amount ParameterJapan
1739ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PREMPART91Premium Rate/Amount Parameter TextJapan
1740ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PREMTY31Pension Premium TypeJapan
1741ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PREMTYT51Text Table for Premium TypeJapan
1742ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PRFCTBL131Premium Amount/Rate Parameters Value TableJapan
1743ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PSCHRSN41Reason of Participant Status ChangeJapan
1744ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_PSCHRSNT61Reason of Participant Status Change Text TableJapan
1745ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_REDRULE81Reduction Rule of Current Assignment Period Basis PaymentJapan
1746ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_REPCO61Define Corporate-type DC plan Representitive CompanyJapan
1747ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_REVPERA61Assign Period ParameterJapan
1748ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_REVPERD81Revision PeriodJapan
1749ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_RNDRULE41Rounding RuleJapan
1750ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_RNDRULET41Rouding Rules TextJapan
1751ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_SENRQ101Seniority RequisitesJapan
1752ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_STDKDT61Key Date for Standard Premium ParameterJapan
1753ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_SUBPLN61DB Plan Sub PlanJapan
1754ERP EHP76.0T7JPCP_SUBPLNT51DB Plan Sub Plan Text TableJapan
Payroll :: Korea
1755ERP EHP76.0T7KR3161Allowance cumulation for MCA per medical insurance assoc.Korea
1756ERP EHP76.0T7KR32101Standardized monthly compensationKorea
1757ERP EHP76.0T7KRF081Family allowanceKorea
1758ERP EHP76.0T7KRP021Previous Company / Taxpayer AssociationKorea
1759ERP EHP76.0T7KRP141Previous Company / Taxpayer Association TextKorea
1760ERP EHP76.0T7KRR081Seniority allowanceKorea
1761ERP EHP76.0T7KRR151Seniory year calculation methodKorea
1762ERP EHP76.0T7KRS171Weighted value for service periodKorea
1763ERP EHP76.0T7KRS2141Separation payment average calculation periodKorea
1764ERP EHP76.0T7KRS321Wage type groupKorea
1765ERP EHP76.0T7KRS441Wage Type Group TextsKorea
1766ERP EHP76.0T7KRS531Assign Wage Types to Wage Type GroupsKorea
1767ERP EHP76.0T7KRS651Cumulation methodKorea
1768ERP EHP76.0T7KRS751Income deduction based on service periodKorea
1769ERP EHP76.0T7KRS881Service period calculation methodKorea
1770ERP EHP76.0T7KRSA21Payroll groupingKorea
1771ERP EHP76.0T7KRSB41Payroll grouping textKorea
1772ERP EHP76.0T7KRT111Tax deduction itemsKorea
1773ERP EHP76.0T7KRT231Text of tax deduction itemsKorea
1774ERP EHP76.0T7KRTD31Validity period for Version of Tax rateKorea
1775ERP EHP76.0T7KRTR41Tax rate tableKorea
1776ERP EHP76.0T7KRTS81Selection of deduction items for witholding tax calculationKorea
1777ERP EHP76.0T7KRTT31Version number of Tax rate table - TextKorea
1778ERP EHP76.0T7KRTV11Version number of Tax rate tableKorea
Payroll :: Malaysia
1779ERP EHP76.0T5LBA21BIK code tableMalaysia
1780ERP EHP76.0T5LBT41BIK (EA form) text table MalaysiaMalaysia
1781ERP EHP76.0T5LRN141Tax Reporting Receipt no tableMalaysia
1782ERP EHP76.0T5LSQ111Serial no Table for EA form - MalaysiaMalaysia
1783ERP EHP76.0T5LTC161Table for Tax Receipt EntryMalaysia
Payroll :: Mexico
1784ERP EHP76.0PA0372341Master data: Infotype 0372 (Integrated daily wage)Mexico
1785ERP EHP76.0PA0426501GarnishmentMexico
1786ERP EHP76.0PA0427301Debts by garnishmentMexico
1787ERP EHP76.0PA0561581Data for taxMexico
1788ERP EHP76.0PA0654241Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination)Mexico
1789ERP EHP76.0T7MX01131Additional Company InformatonMexico
1790ERP EHP76.0T7MX0261Mexican reasons for personnel actionsMexico
1791ERP EHP76.0T7MX0381Assignment tax table to employee group/subgroupMexico
1792ERP EHP76.0T7MX0P141Personnel area/subarea additional informationMexico
1793ERP EHP76.0T7MX1131Tax table typesMexico
1794ERP EHP76.0T7MX1291Tax tablesMexico
1795ERP EHP76.0T7MX1391Tax allowance tableMexico
1796ERP EHP76.0T7MX1481Wage credit tableMexico
1797ERP EHP76.0T7MX1551State taxMexico
1798ERP EHP76.0T7MX1661Company tax allowanceMexico
1799ERP EHP76.0T7MX1721Breakdown groupers for the state tax basisMexico
1800ERP EHP76.0T7MX17T41Texts for breakdown groupers for the state tax basisMexico
1801ERP EHP76.0T7MX1871Wage types for forming the state tax basisMexico
1802ERP EHP76.0T7MX1921State tax supplementary tax ratesMexico
1803ERP EHP76.0T7MX19T41Texts for state tax supplementary tax ratesMexico
1804ERP EHP76.0T7MX1T41Tax table textsMexico
1805ERP EHP76.0T7MX20121IMSS occupational hazardMexico
1806ERP EHP76.0T7MX2181Employer and Employee contributionsMexico
1807ERP EHP76.0T7MX2261Wage integration exemptionsMexico
1808ERP EHP76.0T7MX2311Employer and Employee contribution typesMexico
1809ERP EHP76.0T7MX24131IMSS Employer Regis. nos.Mexico
1810ERP EHP76.0T7MX2571State tax supplementary taxesMexico
1811ERP EHP76.0T7MX2T31Employer and Employee contribution textsMexico
1812ERP EHP76.0T7MX3061Annual bonus modifiersMexico
1813ERP EHP76.0T7MX40101Additional information for absencesMexico
1814ERP EHP76.0T7MX50111Administration of investment period for savings fundMexico
1815ERP EHP76.0T7MX6251Minimum wages of economic zonesMexico
1816ERP EHP76.0T7MX6331MunicipalitiesMexico
1817ERP EHP76.0T7MX6451Economic zones for municipalitiesMexico
1818ERP EHP76.0T7MX7061Exemptions for tax calculationMexico
1819ERP EHP76.0T7MX8021Work termination reasonMexico
1820ERP EHP76.0T7MX8141Texts for work termination reasonsMexico
1821ERP EHP76.0T7MX8221Payments to be made in the work termination processMexico
1822ERP EHP76.0T7MX8341Texts for payment types for work terminationMexico
1823ERP EHP76.0T7MX8461Payments corresponding to work termination reasonsMexico
1824ERP EHP76.0T7MX8551Time quota settlement types for work terminationMexico
1825ERP EHP76.0T7MXCONV21Pay scales - check tableMexico
1826ERP EHP76.0T7MXCONVT41Pay scalesMexico
1827ERP EHP76.0T7MXG051Maintenance payment debt MexicoMexico
1828ERP EHP76.0T7MXG171Model gross/netMexico
1829ERP EHP76.0T7MXG231Default valuesMexico
Payroll :: New Zealand
1830ERP EHP76.0HNZLVPAY201Table for modified LVPAY cluster table recordsNew Zealand
1831ERP EHP76.0HNZ_PTQ71Deduction of Time QuotasNew Zealand
1832ERP EHP76.0PT0416353Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database TableNew Zealand
1833ERP EHP76.0PT2001851HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)New Zealand
1834ERP EHP76.0PT2006361HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)New Zealand
1835ERP EHP76.0T7NZGM51Payroll Highlight Messages NZNew Zealand
1836ERP EHP76.0T7NZIR171Inland Revenue Certificates NZNew Zealand
1837ERP EHP76.0T7NZLA51Leave Accrual Id Table - NZNew Zealand
1838ERP EHP76.0T7NZLB71Leave Accrual Id Description - NZNew Zealand
1839ERP EHP76.0T7NZLC151Leave Payment Calculation Table - NZNew Zealand
1840ERP EHP76.0T7NZLE41Related Leave Type - NZNew Zealand
1841ERP EHP76.0T7NZLF61Related Leave Types Description - NZNew Zealand
1842ERP EHP76.0T7NZLG41Leave Type Grouping - NZNew Zealand
1843ERP EHP76.0T7NZLH61Leave Type Grouping Description - NZNew Zealand
1844ERP EHP76.0T7NZLL281Leave Payment Calculation Table - NZNew Zealand
1845ERP EHP76.0T7NZLP81Leave Payment Rule Table - NZNew Zealand
1846ERP EHP76.0T7NZLR271Leave Rule Table - NZNew Zealand
1847ERP EHP76.0T7NZLS71Country Specific Attendance and Absence TypesNew Zealand
1848ERP EHP76.0T7NZLT131Termination Wage Types for Leave NZNew Zealand
1849ERP EHP76.0T7NZLU81Leave Unpaid Absence Rules - NZNew Zealand
1850ERP EHP76.0T7NZLV111Leave accrual payout rules on terminationNew Zealand
1851ERP EHP76.0T7NZPL81A/A types with absence quotas affected by parental leaveNew Zealand
1852ERP EHP76.0T7NZSF191Superannuation Fund Code Designation NZNew Zealand
1853ERP EHP76.0T7NZSM41Superannuation Highlight Messages NZNew Zealand
1854ERP EHP76.0T7NZSS31Convert Salary Sacrifice per on screen to actual percentageNew Zealand
1855ERP EHP76.0T7NZST101Superannuation Inflow and Outflow Wage TypesNew Zealand
1856ERP EHP76.0T7NZSW41Superannuation Wage Type AssignmentNew Zealand
1857ERP EHP76.0T7NZTC41Tax Code Check table NZNew Zealand
1858ERP EHP76.0T7NZTD61Tax Code Designation NZNew Zealand
1859ERP EHP76.0T7NZTE81Taxation Earner Premium NZNew Zealand
1860ERP EHP76.0T7NZTI91Independent Earner Tax Credit NZNew Zealand
1861ERP EHP76.0T7NZTL81Taxation Student Loan Deduction NZNew Zealand
1862ERP EHP76.0T7NZTM41National Superannuiant Surcharge Designation NZNew Zealand
1863ERP EHP76.0T7NZTN21National Superannuiant Surcharge Check Table NZNew Zealand
1864ERP EHP76.0T7NZTP51Taxation Extra Pay ThresholdNew Zealand
1865ERP EHP76.0T7NZTR91Taxation Rebates NZNew Zealand
1866ERP EHP76.0T7NZTS91National Superannuitant Surcharge Codes NZNew Zealand
1867ERP EHP76.0T7NZTX91Tax Codes NZNew Zealand
1868ERP EHP76.0T7NZXL91Termination Wage Types for Leave NZNew Zealand
Payroll :: Non Profit Organizations
1869ERP EHP76.0HRP1080222DB Table for Infotype 1080Non Profit Organizations
1870ERP EHP76.0HRP1081222DB Table for Infotype 1081Non Profit Organizations
1871ERP EHP76.0HRP1082182DB Table for Infotype 1082Non Profit Organizations
1872ERP EHP76.0PA0958301HR Master Record: Infotype 0958Non Profit Organizations
1873ERP EHP76.0PA0959421HR Master Record: Infotype 0959Non Profit Organizations
1874ERP EHP76.0PA0960291HR Master Record: Infotype 0960Non Profit Organizations
1875ERP EHP76.0PA0961321HR Master Record: Infotype 0961Non Profit Organizations
1876ERP EHP76.0PA0962581HR Master Record: Infotype 0962Non Profit Organizations
1877ERP EHP76.0PA0963251HR Master Record: Infotype 0963Non Profit Organizations
1878ERP EHP76.0PA0964251HR Master Record: Infotype 0964Non Profit Organizations
1879ERP EHP76.0PA0965711HR Master Record: Infotype 0965Non Profit Organizations
1880ERP EHP76.0PA3244271HR Master Record: Infotype 3244Non Profit Organizations
1881ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_ADDTAB51PAAP additional tablesNon Profit Organizations
1882ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_ATTRIBS31PAAP General AttributesNon Profit Organizations
1883ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_CLUST161Paap ClusterNon Profit Organizations
1884ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_CO_PERNR31PAAP copied PersonsNon Profit Organizations
1885ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_INFO31AAP Table for not relevant Infotype(s)Non Profit Organizations
1886ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_T529A31PAAP ActiontypeNon Profit Organizations
1887ERP EHP76.0T7UNAAP_TSTC31PAAP relevant Transaction(s)Non Profit Organizations
1888ERP EHP76.0T7UNBEN_T5UBA61NPO Benefit Plan Cost Rule VariantNon Profit Organizations
1889ERP EHP76.0T7UNBEN_T5UBH41NPO Benefit Cost RuleNon Profit Organizations
1890ERP EHP76.0T7UNBEN_T5UBI101NPO Benefit Cost Rule SettingsNon Profit Organizations
1891ERP EHP76.0T7UNBEN_T5UCH61NPO Benefit Cost Rule TextNon Profit Organizations
1892ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_CITY131CMT Interface: CountryNon Profit Organizations
1893ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_CNTY341CMT Interface: CountryNon Profit Organizations
1894ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_CONFT51Configuration of Valid Types for CMT ImportNon Profit Organizations
1895ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_CURR201CMT Interface: CountryNon Profit Organizations
1896ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DEPA311CMT Interface: Dependency AllowedNon Profit Organizations
1897ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DS301United Nations CMT Duty StationNon Profit Organizations
1898ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DSHL121CMT Interface: Duty Station HolidayNon Profit Organizations
1899ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DSSG241CMT Interface: Staff Assessment Grade RangeNon Profit Organizations
1900ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DUTX131CMT Interface: Duty StationNon Profit Organizations
1901ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_DUTY391CMT Interface: Duty StationNon Profit Organizations
1902ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_EGEN341CMT Interface: Education Grant EntitlementNon Profit Organizations
1903ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_EXCH151CMT Interface: Exchange RateNon Profit Organizations
1904ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_HDSC131CMT Hardship ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1905ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_HDSP161CMT Hardship ElementNon Profit Organizations
1906ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_HRDC131CMT Hardship ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1907ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_LNGA191CMT Interface: Language AllowanceNon Profit Organizations
1908ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_LOADS91CMT Deliveries Loads ExecutedNon Profit Organizations
1909ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_LOG81Log TableNon Profit Organizations
1910ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_MAP41Mapping of XML NamesNon Profit Organizations
1911ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_MBLT181CMT Interface: Mobility ElementNon Profit Organizations
1912ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_NNRM161CMT Interface: Non-Removal ElementNon Profit Organizations
1913ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_PADJ201CMT Interface: Post AdjustmentNon Profit Organizations
1914ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_PENR221CMT Interface: Pensionable RenumerationNon Profit Organizations
1915ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RETRO41Triggers for RetrocalculationNon Profit Organizations
1916ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RET_PER31Pernr that needs RetrocalculationNon Profit Organizations
1917ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RGNT181CMT Interface: Repatriation GrantNon Profit Organizations
1918ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RMBR181CMT Interface: Reimbursible PercentageNon Profit Organizations
1919ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RMXR191CMT Interface: Rental Subsidy Maximum RentNon Profit Organizations
1920ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RNGR191CMT Interface: Rental Subsidy Global ReferenceNon Profit Organizations
1921ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RNSE221CMT Interface: Subsidy/Deduction EntitlementNon Profit Organizations
1922ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_RNTE221CMT Interface: Subsidy/Deduction EntitlementNon Profit Organizations
1923ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_STFA261CMT Interface: Salary and Staff AssessmentNon Profit Organizations
1924ERP EHP76.0T7UNCMT_XREF41Dutystation CrossreferenceNon Profit Organizations
1925ERP EHP76.0T7UNEVE_INFTY81EVE: Master data IntegrationNon Profit Organizations
1926ERP EHP76.0T7UNEVE_LGART81EVE: Entitlement WagetypesNon Profit Organizations
1927ERP EHP76.0T7UNOBJAS141Object of assistance (local copy of NPO table)Non Profit Organizations
1928ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_CCOCCG41Relationship Between CCOG and OCCGNon Profit Organizations
1929ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_CCOG21ICSC CCOG Functional CodeNon Profit Organizations
1930ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_CCOG_T41ICSC CCOG Functional CodeNon Profit Organizations
1931ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_FUNDT41Funding TypeNon Profit Organizations
1932ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_FUNDT_T41Funding TypeNon Profit Organizations
1933ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_FUND_FLG41Map Funding Type to Position TypeNon Profit Organizations
1934ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_FUND_POS31Map Funding Type to Position TypeNon Profit Organizations
1935ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_OCCG41NPO internal OCCG Functional CodeNon Profit Organizations
1936ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_OCCGT51NPO internal OCCG Functional Code TextNon Profit Organizations
1937ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_OUTYPE21Organisational Unit TypeNon Profit Organizations
1938ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_OUTYPE_T41Organisational Unit TypeNon Profit Organizations
1939ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_POSIT21NPO Position TypeNon Profit Organizations
1940ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_POSIT_T41NPO Position TypeNon Profit Organizations
1941ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_P_TITLE71Position TitleNon Profit Organizations
1942ERP EHP76.0T7UNOM_P_TITLE_T41Text table for T7UNOM_P_TITLENon Profit Organizations
1943ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD0351Employee Group/SubgroupNon Profit Organizations
1944ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ACTIONS41Customizing: Additional Functions for ActionsNon Profit Organizations
1945ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_AGENCYS21AgenciesNon Profit Organizations
1946ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_AGENCY_T41Text for AgencyNon Profit Organizations
1947ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_AREA41Duty Station Area/ZoneNon Profit Organizations
1948ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_AREA_T71Text for Duty Station Area/ZoneNon Profit Organizations
1949ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ATTR101EVE: Attribute PropertiesNon Profit Organizations
1950ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ATTR_T51EVE: Attribute TextsNon Profit Organizations
1951ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_AWART61NPO Aspects for Attendance/Absence TypesNon Profit Organizations
1952ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CASES71EVE: Decision CasesNon Profit Organizations
1953ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CEBCNT61EG CEB Country tableNon Profit Organizations
1954ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CEBCNT_T51PY-NPO: EG CEB Country table nameNon Profit Organizations
1955ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CEBDS51PY-NPO: EG CEB Duty Station tableNon Profit Organizations
1956ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CEBDS_T51EG CEB Duty Station Text TableNon Profit Organizations
1957ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CEBGRD71EG CCAQ Staff Grade Mapping tableNon Profit Organizations
1958ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_CONFIG71EVE: General Customizing SettingsNon Profit Organizations
1959ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DDSA111Duty Station DSA Rates (Daily Subsistence Allowance)Non Profit Organizations
1960ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DEGR61Death GrantNon Profit Organizations
1961ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DMSA91Duty Station MSA Rates (Mission Subsistence Allowance)Non Profit Organizations
1962ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DPAC61Counries for dependency allowance amount calculationNon Profit Organizations
1963ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DPDS111Dependency Allowance: Lowest Entry Level DeterminatioNon Profit Organizations
1964ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS51Duty StationNon Profit Organizations
1965ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS0G71Duty Station Relation to SAP Entities Payscale AreaNon Profit Organizations
1966ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS0P41Duty Station Relation to SAP Entities Personel Area/SubareaNon Profit Organizations
1967ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS0_PF61Duty Station Relation to Pension Fund UNJSPF Duty StationsNon Profit Organizations
1968ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS1P251Duty Station Main Time-Dependent InformationNon Profit Organizations
1969ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSCA51Duty Station Hardship ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1970ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSCA_T51Text for Duty Station Hardship ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1971ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSDA121Duty Station Dependency AllowanceNon Profit Organizations
1972ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSHE71Duty Station Hardship ElementNon Profit Organizations
1973ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSLC41Duty Station Home Leave CycleNon Profit Organizations
1974ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSLC_T51Text for Duty Station Home Leave CycleNon Profit Organizations
1975ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSME81Duty Station Mobility ElementNon Profit Organizations
1976ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSPA91Duty Station Post AdjustmentNon Profit Organizations
1977ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSPF41Duty Station Annex UNJSPFNon Profit Organizations
1978ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSPFT51Duty Station Text TableNon Profit Organizations
1979ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSPT91Duty Station PTA Personnel Transition AllowanceNon Profit Organizations
1980ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSRE71Duty Station Removal/Non-Removal ElementNon Profit Organizations
1981ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSSC41Duty Station Security ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1982ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DSSC_T51Text for Duty Station Security ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1983ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_DS_T91Duty Station Text TableNon Profit Organizations
1984ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EG0341NPO: Employee Group/Subgroup EligibilityNon Profit Organizations
1985ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EG0561NPO: EG Settings for CountryNon Profit Organizations
1986ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EG3041NPO: Reasons for ChangesNon Profit Organizations
1987ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGAMT91NPO: EG EntitlementsNon Profit Organizations
1988ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCA41NPO: EG Category ClassificationNon Profit Organizations
1989ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCAQ31PY-NPO: EG Expense Type Classes for CCAQNon Profit Organizations
1990ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCAQ_T51PY-NPO: Text for EG CCAQ Category ClassNon Profit Organizations
1991ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCA_T61NPO: Text for EG Category ClassNon Profit Organizations
1992ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCEB41Duty Station CEB Relation to SAP Entity Duty StationNon Profit Organizations
1993ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCL31NPO: EG Category ClassesNon Profit Organizations
1994ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCL_T51NPO: Text for EG Category ClassNon Profit Organizations
1995ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCOS131NPO: Education Grant Cost TypesNon Profit Organizations
1996ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCOS_T81NPO: Education Grant Cost Types textNon Profit Organizations
1997ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCTR41NPO: EG Entitlement countriesNon Profit Organizations
1998ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGCTR_T51NPO: EG Entitlement countries textNon Profit Organizations
1999ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGEXPAPL31NPO: Expense Management ApplicationNon Profit Organizations
2000ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGEXPMGT461NPO: Expense Management TableNon Profit Organizations
2001ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGPSH101NPO: Education Grant Cost Flat ratesNon Profit Organizations
2002ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGRS31NPO: EG Boarding reasonsNon Profit Organizations
2003ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGRS_T51NPO: EG Reasontext for BoardingNon Profit Organizations
2004ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGSG31NPO: EG School GradeNon Profit Organizations
2005ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGSG_T51NPO: EG School Grade TextNon Profit Organizations
2006ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGSN141NPO: Education Grant Schools / CollegesNon Profit Organizations
2007ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGST61EG School TypesNon Profit Organizations
2008ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGST_T51NPO: EG School Types TextNon Profit Organizations
2009ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EGTCUR31PY-NPO: EG Settings for CurrencyNon Profit Organizations
2010ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ENTL71EVE: EntitlementsNon Profit Organizations
2011ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ENTLATTR61EVE: Assignment of Attributes to EntitlementsNon Profit Organizations
2012ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ENTL_T51EVE: Entitlements TextNon Profit Organizations
2013ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_EVE_GA141Grade Adjustment for Allowances in EVENon Profit Organizations
2014ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_GA131Grade Adjustment for Mobility AllowancesNon Profit Organizations
2015ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_HSFA101Hardship flat amountsNon Profit Organizations
2016ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_IDNRPOOL21Number Pool for NPO Index NumbersNon Profit Organizations
2017ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_MBFA111Mobility Flat amountsNon Profit Organizations
2018ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_NRFA101Removal/Non Removal Flat amountsNon Profit Organizations
2019ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ORGA71UN Organizations / ProgrammeNon Profit Organizations
2020ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_ORGA_T71UN Organizations / Programme TextNon Profit Organizations
2021ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PA2001EX101Extract of PA2001 fields; for use by sick leave combinedNon Profit Organizations
2022ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PFST41Pension Fund StatusNon Profit Organizations
2023ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PFST_T51Text for Pension Fund StatusNon Profit Organizations
2024ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PFSV91Pension Fund Schema ValuesNon Profit Organizations
2025ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PFUN31Pension Fund SchemeNon Profit Organizations
2026ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PFUN_T51Text for Pension Fund SchemeNon Profit Organizations
2027ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PSGR21PY-NPO: Pay Grade GroupingsNon Profit Organizations
2028ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_PSGRT41Pay Grade Grouping Texttable(NPO)Non Profit Organizations
2029ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_QT_KTART61NPO Quota Types AttributesNon Profit Organizations
2030ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RANGES251EVE: Range for decision validationNon Profit Organizations
2031ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RGST81Repatriation Grant Number TranslationNon Profit Organizations
2032ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RS50221Rental Subsidy Marital Status KeyNon Profit Organizations
2033ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RS502_T41Rental Subsidy Marital Status Key TextNon Profit Organizations
2034ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSACR81Rental Subsidy Average Commercial Rent AmountsNon Profit Organizations
2035ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSCH21Rental Subsidy SchemaNon Profit Organizations
2036ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSCH_T41Rental Subsidy Calculation Scheme DescriptionNon Profit Organizations
2037ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSDA81Rental Subsidy Entitlements (Amount)Non Profit Organizations
2038ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSDE71Rental Subsidy Entitlements (Percentage)Non Profit Organizations
2039ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSDR61Rental Subsidy Dwelling Rent TypeNon Profit Organizations
2040ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSDR_T51Rental Subsidy Dwelling Rent Type Text TableNon Profit Organizations
2041ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSMA91Rental Subsidy Maximum AmountNon Profit Organizations
2042ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSMAG81Rental Subsidy Maximum Amount Grade GroupingNon Profit Organizations
2043ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RSRR81Rental Subsidy Reimbursement RateNon Profit Organizations
2044ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RULESSER31NPO: Rule Series for Infotype 0016Non Profit Organizations
2045ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_RULES_CT41NPO: Rules Series Relationship to CTTYPNon Profit Organizations
2046ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_SLGR31NPO: Sick Leave Quota GroupingNon Profit Organizations
2047ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_SLGR_T51NPO: Sick Leave Quota Grouping TextNon Profit Organizations
2048ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_SLQU101NPO: Sick Leave Quota ValuesNon Profit Organizations
2049ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_STATUS1631NPO: Status for Infotype 0016Non Profit Organizations
2050ERP EHP76.0T7UNPAD_T502_T51Marital Status Designators Relation to Rental Subsidy MarStaNon Profit Organizations
2051ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_ATTRIB71AttributesNon Profit Organizations
2052ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_CATM71Category Code MappingNon Profit Organizations
2053ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_CNT31PY-NPO: UNJSPF Country code tableNon Profit Organizations
2054ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_CNTM51NPO: UNJSPF Country Code MappingNon Profit Organizations
2055ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_CNTT51PY-NPO: UNJSPF Country code text tableNon Profit Organizations
2056ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_DSPFM61Duty Station MappingNon Profit Organizations
2057ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_LANGM51Language Code Mapping TableNon Profit Organizations
2058ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MARSTM51Marital Status MappingNon Profit Organizations
2059ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_ACTCO151UNJSPF Monthly Interface Activity Control TableNon Profit Organizations
2060ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_BISTA181UNJSPF Monthly Interface Break in ServiceNon Profit Organizations
2061ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_CHLDR281UNJSPF Monthly Interface Children TableNon Profit Organizations
2062ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_DEPND291UNJSPF Monthly Interface Export keyNon Profit Organizations
2063ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_PARTT161UNJSPF Monthly Interface Part Time TableNon Profit Organizations
2064ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_MI_PRTCI301UNJSPF Monthly Interface Participant TableNon Profit Organizations
2065ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_PFLANG21PF Language CodeNon Profit Organizations
2066ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_PFLANGT41PF Language Code Text TableNon Profit Organizations
2067ERP EHP76.0T7UNPF_YI_SCHE181UNJSPF Yearly Interface data tableNon Profit Organizations
2068ERP EHP76.0T7UNSLWOP_RC31SLWOP periods to be ignored for next reclassification dateNon Profit Organizations
2069ERP EHP76.0T7UN_ATTRIBS31NPO: General AttributesNon Profit Organizations
2070ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52B541Assignment of Values to Objects (NPO Extensions)Non Profit Organizations
2071ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52B751Valid Function Parameter ValuesNon Profit Organizations
2072ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52BB61Texts for Function Parameter ValuesNon Profit Organizations
2073ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52BO111Operation ParametersNon Profit Organizations
2074ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52BP71Texts for Operation ParametersNon Profit Organizations
2075ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52C0101AbrechnungsschemenNon Profit Organizations
2076ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52C241Texte zu AbrechnungsschemenNon Profit Organizations
2077ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52CD151Schema-DirectoryNon Profit Organizations
2078ERP EHP76.0T7UN_T52CD_T31Text Table for Schema DirectoryNon Profit Organizations
Payroll :: Norway
2079ERP EHP76.0REIMB_RECON_COM71Comments for Reimbursement Reconciliation reportNorway
2080ERP EHP76.0T5V0P41Attributes of the Norwegian organisational structureNorway
2081ERP EHP76.0T5V2G201Connection org. numbers and rep. org. numberNorway
2082ERP EHP76.0T5V2H51Assessment limit (bunnfradrag) per legal org. no.Norway
2083ERP EHP76.0T5V2I31Reporting organisational number for tax and ERC reportingNorway
2084ERP EHP76.0T5V2J51NACE codes (Business area codes; Næringskoder)Norway
2085ERP EHP76.0T5V2K71Entity table for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer)Norway
2086ERP EHP76.0T5V2L31Entity table for BedriftsnummerNorway
2087ERP EHP76.0T5V2N51Connection rep. org. no and status for ERC reportingNorway
2088ERP EHP76.0T5V2O21Organisation group for AA register reportingNorway
2089ERP EHP76.0T5V2OT41Orgledd table (Norway)Norway
2090ERP EHP76.0T5V2T41Text table for NACE codesNorway
2091ERP EHP76.0T5V3E91Holiday allowance: PaymentNorway
2092ERP EHP76.0T5V3F41Text for T5V3ENorway
2093ERP EHP76.0T5V3G81Leave quota typesNorway
2094ERP EHP76.0T5VA341Norwegian absence evaluation segment definitionNorway
2095ERP EHP76.0T5VA441Norwegian absence valuation segment definition - textNorway
2096ERP EHP76.0T5VA561Norwegian absence classificationNorway
2097ERP EHP76.0T5VA681Norwegian absence evaluation rulesNorway
2098ERP EHP76.0T5VBF61Assessment limit (bunnfradrag) per Reporting Org. NoNorway
2099ERP EHP76.0T5VBP161Altinn Integration Status TableNorway
2100ERP EHP76.0T5VCT41Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax keyNorway
2101ERP EHP76.0T5VM121Pension typeNorway
2102ERP EHP76.0T5VM1T41Pension type textNorway
2103ERP EHP76.0T5VM231Pension variantNorway
2104ERP EHP76.0T5VM2T41Pension variant textNorway
2105ERP EHP76.0T5VM3161Parameters for pension variantNorway
2106ERP EHP76.0T5VOT61Overtime LimitsNorway
2107ERP EHP76.0T5VS231Tax code granularity - Check tableNorway
2108ERP EHP76.0T5VS351Tax code granularity - Text tableNorway
2109ERP EHP76.0T5VS491Tax codes with direct attributesNorway
2110ERP EHP76.0T5VS541Tax codes - text tableNorway
2111ERP EHP76.0T5VS871Assignment of wage types to tax codesNorway
2112ERP EHP76.0T5VSA71Cumulation category of wage types for annual tax reportingNorway
2113ERP EHP76.0T5VST41Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax keyNorway
2114ERP EHP76.0T5VT081Annual tax statements - Reporting statusNorway
2115ERP EHP76.0T5VT181AA-Register file table.Norway
2116ERP EHP76.0T5VTP101Altinn authentication responseNorway
2117ERP EHP76.0T5VXI51Connecting rep. org. number with Enterprise IDNorway
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts
2118ERP EHP76.0DSYS_CUST91HRDSYS: Storage for Customer DocumentationPayroll General Parts
2119ERP EHP76.0DSYS_DOCU_SEARCH201Attributes for HR Documentation SearchPayroll General Parts
2120ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LODESC_C_CD52DSYS: Logical information object descriptionsPayroll General Parts
2121ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LODESC_E_CD52DSYS: Logical information object descriptionsPayroll General Parts
2122ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LODESC_E_CI42DSYS: Logical information object descriptionsPayroll General Parts
2123ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LOHEAD_C_CD182SDOK: Logical information object instancesPayroll General Parts
2124ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CD182DSYS: Logical information objects instancesPayroll General Parts
2125ERP EHP76.0DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CI172DSYS: Logical information objects instancesPayroll General Parts
2126ERP EHP76.0DSYS_OTYPE41HR Documentation System: Definition of Object TypesPayroll General Parts
2127ERP EHP76.0DSYS_OTYPE_T31HRDSYS: Object Type DescriptionsPayroll General Parts
2128ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCHKO_CCD2122DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info ObjectPayroll General Parts
2129ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCHKO_ECD2122DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info ObjectPayroll General Parts
2130ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCHKO_ECI2112DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info ObjectPayroll General Parts
2131ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_CCD292DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2132ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_C_CD71DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2133ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_ECD292DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2134ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_ECI282DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2135ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_E_CD71DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2136ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHCONT_E_CI61DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)Payroll General Parts
2137ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_CCD2123DSYS2: Files of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2138ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_C_CD101DSYS: Physical information object filesPayroll General Parts
2139ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_ECD2123DSYS2: Files of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2140ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_ECI2113DSYS2: Files of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2141ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_E_CD101DSYS: Physical information object filesPayroll General Parts
2142ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHFILE_E_CI91DSYS: Physical information object filesPayroll General Parts
2143ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_CCD2253DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2144ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_C_CD252DSYS: Physical information object instancesPayroll General Parts
2145ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_ECD2253DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2146ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_ECI2243DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2147ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_E_CD252DSYS: Physical information object instancesPayroll General Parts
2148ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHEAD_E_CI242DSYS: Physical information object instancesPayroll General Parts
2149ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_CCD2145DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2150ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_C_CD123DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objectsPayroll General Parts
2151ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_ECD2145DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2152ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_ECI2135DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2153ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_E_CD123DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objectsPayroll General Parts
2154ERP EHP76.0DSYS_PHHYPE_E_CI113DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objectsPayroll General Parts
2155ERP EHP76.0DSYS_SAPC31HRDSYS: Maint.characters for object types in SAP systemPayroll General Parts
2156ERP EHP76.0DSYS_STD91HRDSYS: Storage for SAP standard documentationPayroll General Parts
2157ERP EHP76.0DSYS_TRANS_DEVCL61HRDSYS: Object Not to be Translated (Except DE, EN)Payroll General Parts
2158ERP EHP76.0DSYS_XPRA_PROT121Log table for converting RPDSYS to HRDSYSPayroll General Parts
2159ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_STVAR21Set start variants for reports started using RPSTARTMENU00Payroll General Parts
2160ERP EHP76.0HRPY_CYCLEINFO81Comments for Payroll RulesPayroll General Parts
2161ERP EHP76.0HRPY_CYCLE_DOCU51Personnel Calculation Rules: User CommentsPayroll General Parts
2162ERP EHP76.0HRPY_CYCLE_INDEX41Index Table for Table HRPY_CYCLE_DOCPayroll General Parts
2163ERP EHP76.0HRPY_GROUPING81Transparent grouping table from payroll runsPayroll General Parts
2164ERP EHP76.0HRPY_RGDIR391Directory for Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2165ERP EHP76.0HRPY_RGDIR_TEMP391Internal TEMPORARY Directory for Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2166ERP EHP76.0HRPY_WPBP391HR-PAY: Transparent Table WPBPPayroll General Parts
2167ERP EHP76.0PA0045401HR Master Record: Infotype 0045 (Company Loans)Payroll General Parts
2168ERP EHP76.0PA0078301HR Master Record: Infotype 0078 (Loan Payments)Payroll General Parts
2169ERP EHP76.0PA0121451HR Master Record: Infotype 0121 (RefPerNo Priority)Payroll General Parts
2170ERP EHP76.0PA0128311HR Master Record: Infotype 0128 (Notifications)Payroll General Parts
2171ERP EHP76.0PA0129241HR Master Record: Infotype 0129 (Text Number Assign.)Payroll General Parts
2172ERP EHP76.0PA0165271HR Master Record: Infotype 0165 (Limits Deductions)Payroll General Parts
2173ERP EHP76.0PA0267381HR Master Record: Infotype 0267 (One time Payment off-cycle)Payroll General Parts
2174ERP EHP76.0PA04761171HR master record infotype 0476 (Deductions Spain)Payroll General Parts
2175ERP EHP76.0PA0477501Personnel Master Record Infotype 0477: Debt (Garnishments)Payroll General Parts
2176ERP EHP76.0PA0478301Personnel Master Record Infotype 0478: Adjustment (Garnish)Payroll General Parts
2177ERP EHP76.0PA0611551HR Master Record: Infotype 0611Payroll General Parts
2178ERP EHP76.0PA0612381HR Master Record: Infotype 0612Payroll General Parts
2179ERP EHP76.0PA0655241HR Master Record for Infotype 0655Payroll General Parts
2180ERP EHP76.0PA0815441HR Master Record for Infotype 0815Payroll General Parts
2181ERP EHP76.0PCL1111HR Cluster 1Payroll General Parts
2182ERP EHP76.0PCL2111HR Cluster 2Payroll General Parts
2183ERP EHP76.0PCL3111HR Cluster 3Payroll General Parts
2184ERP EHP76.0PCL4113HR Cluster 4Payroll General Parts
2185ERP EHP76.0PYNOSCREEN101Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)Payroll General Parts
2186ERP EHP76.0PYORGSCREEN111PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational SelectionPayroll General Parts
2187ERP EHP76.0PYTIMESCREEN21PNP900: Fields For Time SelectionPayroll General Parts
2188ERP EHP76.0T500L_ADDON51Indicator Country Grouping Add-On SolutionPayroll General Parts
2189ERP EHP76.0T500L_CUST21Customer View of Table T500LPayroll General Parts
2190ERP EHP76.0T506A51Loan CategoriesPayroll General Parts
2191ERP EHP76.0T506C91Controlling Loan AllocationPayroll General Parts
2192ERP EHP76.0T506D191Conditions for Employee LoansPayroll General Parts
2193ERP EHP76.0T506L41Loan Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2194ERP EHP76.0T506P41Assignment of Wage Types to Loan PaymentsPayroll General Parts
2195ERP EHP76.0T506R41National Reports and Screens for HR LoansPayroll General Parts
2196ERP EHP76.0T506S51HR Loans: Value Date for Each Payroll AreaPayroll General Parts
2197ERP EHP76.0T506W81Technical Characteristics of Loan Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2198ERP EHP76.0T50FA41HR: Message Type DefinitionPayroll General Parts
2199ERP EHP76.0T50FAT61HR Notification Type TextPayroll General Parts
2200ERP EHP76.0T50FB111HR: Mapping Program Fields to StructurePayroll General Parts
2201ERP EHP76.0T50FC41HR: Permitted Conversions per AreaPayroll General Parts
2202ERP EHP76.0T50FCT61HR: Text for ConversionsPayroll General Parts
2203ERP EHP76.0T50FD71HR: Time Dependency of Message Type VersionsPayroll General Parts
2204ERP EHP76.0T50FE81HR: Mapping Internal and External StructurePayroll General Parts
2205ERP EHP76.0T510C81Adjust Bases for Calculating PScalePayroll General Parts
2206ERP EHP76.0T510H71Payroll Parameters for Time UnitPayroll General Parts
2207ERP EHP76.0T510J71Constant ValuationsPayroll General Parts
2208ERP EHP76.0T511A91Calculation Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2209ERP EHP76.0T511B101Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPayroll General Parts
2210ERP EHP76.0T511C91Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPayroll General Parts
2211ERP EHP76.0T511K61Payroll ParametersPayroll General Parts
2212ERP EHP76.0T511P71International Payroll ConstantsPayroll General Parts
2213ERP EHP76.0T511T51Designation of Payroll Constant AmountsPayroll General Parts
2214ERP EHP76.0T512B341Backup table for T512WPayroll General Parts
2215ERP EHP76.0T512D111Line Layout in WindowPayroll General Parts
2216ERP EHP76.0T512E181Form-Related Control of Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2217ERP EHP76.0T512F81Form WindowsPayroll General Parts
2218ERP EHP76.0T512G92Supplementary Group TextsPayroll General Parts
2219ERP EHP76.0T512J41Objects in T512U (Not Language Dependent)Payroll General Parts
2220ERP EHP76.0T512K61Text for Payroll Constants Regarding Time UnitsPayroll General Parts
2221ERP EHP76.0T512L51Payroll Constant DesignationsPayroll General Parts
2222ERP EHP76.0T512N181Rule Table for FormPayroll General Parts
2223ERP EHP76.0T512P62Form BackgroundPayroll General Parts
2224ERP EHP76.0T512Q121Information in Fixed PositionsPayroll General Parts
2225ERP EHP76.0T512R41Cumulation Wage Types in FormsPayroll General Parts
2226ERP EHP76.0T512S72Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in FormsPayroll General Parts
2227ERP EHP76.0T512W321Wage Type ValuationPayroll General Parts
2228ERP EHP76.0T513J101RPDSYS00 - Default ValuesPayroll General Parts
2229ERP EHP76.0T514D181Form IndexPayroll General Parts
2230ERP EHP76.0T514V51Form Name TextsPayroll General Parts
2231ERP EHP76.0T515R31Tables in Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2232ERP EHP76.0T515S61Relationships between Tables in Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2233ERP EHP76.0T515T11Splits in Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2234ERP EHP76.0T515U41Hierarchy of Tables in Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2235ERP EHP76.0T515V51Element Tables in Payroll Results TablesPayroll General Parts
2236ERP EHP76.0T515W31Group Together Table Fields in the Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2237ERP EHP76.0T515Y41Sign Reversal for Table Fields in the Payroll ResultsPayroll General Parts
2238ERP EHP76.0T51AV_2P71Assignment of Partial Period Parameters to Average BasesPayroll General Parts
2239ERP EHP76.0T51AV_2W121Assignment of Primary Wage Types to Average BasesPayroll General Parts
2240ERP EHP76.0T51AV_A171Calculation Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2241ERP EHP76.0T51AV_AT51Text for Calculation Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2242ERP EHP76.0T51AV_B161Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPayroll General Parts
2243ERP EHP76.0T51AV_BT51Text for Cumulation Rule for Average Calculation BasesPayroll General Parts
2244ERP EHP76.0T51AV_C91Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPayroll General Parts
2245ERP EHP76.0T51AV_CT51Text for Calculation Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2246ERP EHP76.0T51AV_E41Final Processing Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2247ERP EHP76.0T51AV_E_BR61Final Processing Rules for Averages (Brazil)Payroll General Parts
2248ERP EHP76.0T51AV_P61Assignment of Wage Types to Average Calculation RulesPayroll General Parts
2249ERP EHP76.0T51AV_R81Relevance Rule for Calculating AveragesPayroll General Parts
2250ERP EHP76.0T51AV_ROC41Off-cycle reasons not relevant for calculation of averagesPayroll General Parts
2251ERP EHP76.0T51AV_RT51Text for Relevance Rules for AveragesPayroll General Parts
2252ERP EHP76.0T51AV_W61Comparison Rules for Calculating AveragesPayroll General Parts
2253ERP EHP76.0T51D1121Limits for DeductionsPayroll General Parts
2254ERP EHP76.0T51D281Wage Type ClassesPayroll General Parts
2255ERP EHP76.0T51D351Reduction RulesPayroll General Parts
2256ERP EHP76.0T51D481Limit RulesPayroll General Parts
2257ERP EHP76.0T51D581Start PointPayroll General Parts
2258ERP EHP76.0T51D661Interval DefinitionsPayroll General Parts
2259ERP EHP76.0T51DS51Text for Time IntervalsPayroll General Parts
2260ERP EHP76.0T51DT51Wage Type Class TextsPayroll General Parts
2261ERP EHP76.0T51G1151Off-Cycle Batch TablePayroll General Parts
2262ERP EHP76.0T51P171Wage Type AssignmentPayroll General Parts
2263ERP EHP76.0T51P331Indicator for Wage Type AssignmentPayroll General Parts
2264ERP EHP76.0T51P451Text: Indicator for Wage Type AssignmentPayroll General Parts
2265ERP EHP76.0T51P681Characteristics of WTypes for Arrears ProcessingPayroll General Parts
2266ERP EHP76.0T520N101Salary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting OptionsPayroll General Parts
2267ERP EHP76.0T52A051Internal Object NumberPayroll General Parts
2268ERP EHP76.0T52A0_T51Texts for Objects in T52A0Payroll General Parts
2269ERP EHP76.0T52B121Object ClassesPayroll General Parts
2270ERP EHP76.0T52B221Object AttributesPayroll General Parts
2271ERP EHP76.0T52B331Valid Object Class AttributesPayroll General Parts
2272ERP EHP76.0T52B431Valid Attribute ValuesPayroll General Parts
2273ERP EHP76.0T52B551Assignment of Values to ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2274ERP EHP76.0T52B5_ADDON51HR-Add-on: Assignment of Values to ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2275ERP EHP76.0T52B661Function ParametersPayroll General Parts
2276ERP EHP76.0T52B6_ADDON61HR-Add-on : Function ParameterPayroll General Parts
2277ERP EHP76.0T52B751Valid Function Parameter ValuesPayroll General Parts
2278ERP EHP76.0T52B7_ADDON51HR-Add-On : Valid Values of Function ParametersPayroll General Parts
2279ERP EHP76.0T52B851Function Parameter TextsPayroll General Parts
2280ERP EHP76.0T52B8_ADDON51HR-Add-on : Texts for the Function ParametersPayroll General Parts
2281ERP EHP76.0T52B951Use of Infotypes for ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2282ERP EHP76.0T52B9_ADDON51HR-Add-on : Use of Infotypes with ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2283ERP EHP76.0T52BA61Assignment of Values to Customer ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2284ERP EHP76.0T52BB61Texts on Function Parameter ValuesPayroll General Parts
2285ERP EHP76.0T52BB_ADDON61HR-Add-On : Texts of Values for Function ParameterPayroll General Parts
2286ERP EHP76.0T52BG51Use of Grouping Reasons for ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2287ERP EHP76.0T52BG_ADDON51HR-Add-On: Use of Grouping Reasons with ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2288ERP EHP76.0T52BM21Operation ModelsPayroll General Parts
2289ERP EHP76.0T52BN41Assigning Models to OperationsPayroll General Parts
2290ERP EHP76.0T52BN_ADDON41HR-Add-on : Assignment of Models for OperationsPayroll General Parts
2291ERP EHP76.0T52BO111Operation ParametersPayroll General Parts
2292ERP EHP76.0T52BO_ADDON111HR-Add-on : Operation ParameterPayroll General Parts
2293ERP EHP76.0T52BP71Texts For Operation ParametersPayroll General Parts
2294ERP EHP76.0T52BPO_IT_LINKS172HR BPO: Link Between HR Infotypes with n:1 RelationPayroll General Parts
2295ERP EHP76.0T52BP_ADDON71HR-Add-on : Texts for the Operation ParametersPayroll General Parts
2296ERP EHP76.0T52BR41Texts For Attribute ValuesPayroll General Parts
2297ERP EHP76.0T52BS31Texts for Attributes of HR ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2298ERP EHP76.0T52BT31Texts For HR ObjectsPayroll General Parts
2299ERP EHP76.0T52BX21Valid Special Payroll Runs for CountriesPayroll General Parts
2300ERP EHP76.0T52C0101Payroll SchemasPayroll General Parts
2301ERP EHP76.0T52C1111Payroll Schemas (Customer)Payroll General Parts
2302ERP EHP76.0T52C241Texts for Personnel Calculation SchemasPayroll General Parts
2303ERP EHP76.0T52C351Texts for Personnel Calculation SchemasPayroll General Parts
2304ERP EHP76.0T52C571Personnel Calculation RulesPayroll General Parts
2305ERP EHP76.0T52CC171Directory of Customer SchemasPayroll General Parts
2306ERP EHP76.0T52CD161Schema DirectoryPayroll General Parts
2307ERP EHP76.0T52CE91Directory of Personnel Calculation RulesPayroll General Parts
2308ERP EHP76.0T52CLST41Display Order for Payroll Tables in PC_PAYRESULTPayroll General Parts
2309ERP EHP76.0T52CT51Text ElementsPayroll General Parts
2310ERP EHP76.0T52D131Valid Processing ClassesPayroll General Parts
2311ERP EHP76.0T52D241Valid Values for Processing ClassesPayroll General Parts
2312ERP EHP76.0T52D331Valid Evaluation ClassesPayroll General Parts
2313ERP EHP76.0T52D441Permitted Values for Evaluation ClassesPayroll General Parts
2314ERP EHP76.0T52D521Wage Type GroupsPayroll General Parts
2315ERP EHP76.0T52D641Wage Type Group TextsPayroll General Parts
2316ERP EHP76.0T52D741Assign Wage Types to Wage Type GroupsPayroll General Parts
2317ERP EHP76.0T52D851Valid Processing Classes - TextsPayroll General Parts
2318ERP EHP76.0T52D961Valid Values for Processing Classes - TextsPayroll General Parts
2319ERP EHP76.0T52DA51Valid Evaluation Classes - TextsPayroll General Parts
2320ERP EHP76.0T52DB61Valid Evaluation Classes - TextsPayroll General Parts
2321ERP EHP76.0T52DN41Name Range for Processing and Evaluation ClassesPayroll General Parts
2322ERP EHP76.0T52DZ81Assignment: Customizing - Model Wage TypePayroll General Parts
2323ERP EHP76.0T52G031JurisdictionPayroll General Parts
2324ERP EHP76.0T52G151Description of the jurisdictionPayroll General Parts
2325ERP EHP76.0T52G241Garnishment categoryPayroll General Parts
2326ERP EHP76.0T52G351Description of the garnishment categoryPayroll General Parts
2327ERP EHP76.0T52G431AgencyPayroll General Parts
2328ERP EHP76.0T52G551Description of the agencyPayroll General Parts
2329ERP EHP76.0T52G671Remittance rulePayroll General Parts
2330ERP EHP76.0T52G7111DebtPayroll General Parts
2331ERP EHP76.0T52G861Description of the debtPayroll General Parts
2332ERP EHP76.0T52G931Model for the gross/netPayroll General Parts
2333ERP EHP76.0T52GA51Description of the model for the gross/netPayroll General Parts
2334ERP EHP76.0T52GB31Model for the non-exempt amountPayroll General Parts
2335ERP EHP76.0T52GC51Description of the model for the non-exempt amountPayroll General Parts
2336ERP EHP76.0T52GD31Model for the relationship to other debtsPayroll General Parts
2337ERP EHP76.0T52GE51Description of the model for the relationship to other debtsPayroll General Parts
2338ERP EHP76.0T52GF61Calculation rulePayroll General Parts
2339ERP EHP76.0T52GG81Description of the calculation rulePayroll General Parts
2340ERP EHP76.0T52GH151Calculation rule characteristicsPayroll General Parts
2341ERP EHP76.0T52GI51Garnishee feePayroll General Parts
2342ERP EHP76.0T52GJ71Description of garnishee feePayroll General Parts
2343ERP EHP76.0T52GK71General gross and netPayroll General Parts
2344ERP EHP76.0T52GL21Definitions of types affecting the gross and netPayroll General Parts
2345ERP EHP76.0T52GLT41Descriptions of types for affecting the gross and netPayroll General Parts
2346ERP EHP76.0T52GM71Adjustments to the gross and netPayroll General Parts
2347ERP EHP76.0T52IA71Payroll InfotypesPayroll General Parts
2348ERP EHP76.0T52IB51Assignment of Evaluation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2349ERP EHP76.0T52IC61Evaluation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2350ERP EHP76.0T52ID51Texts for Evaluation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2351ERP EHP76.0T52IE61Assignment for Evaluation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2352ERP EHP76.0T52MCD121Multiple Checks - DefaultsPayroll General Parts
2353ERP EHP76.0T52MCGR81Assignment of Grouping to Reason for Supplemental CheckPayroll General Parts
2354ERP EHP76.0T52MCW31HR Payroll: Matchcode WPayroll General Parts
2355ERP EHP76.0T52MENU41Assign Menu Transaction to Symbolic Menu NamePayroll General Parts
2356ERP EHP76.0T52RELID41HR: Description of cluster in table PCLxPayroll General Parts
2357ERP EHP76.0T52RELIDT31HR: Texts for clusters in table PCLxPayroll General Parts
2358ERP EHP76.0T52RIC81Retroactive Changes to Off-Cycle InfotypesPayroll General Parts
2359ERP EHP76.0T52_WAGE_SEPARAT42Wage Separation According to DatePayroll General Parts
2360ERP EHP76.0T530B201Payment Condition (Special Payments)Payroll General Parts
2361ERP EHP76.0T530C371Control Table for Special PaymentsPayroll General Parts
2362ERP EHP76.0T530D91Special Payments (Emp.Per.-Dependent Factors)Payroll General Parts
2363ERP EHP76.0T530L71Wage Types for Special PaymentsPayroll General Parts
2364ERP EHP76.0T53G031JurisdictionPayroll General Parts
2365ERP EHP76.0T53G0T51Description of the jurisdictionPayroll General Parts
2366ERP EHP76.0T53G151Garnishment CategoryPayroll General Parts
2367ERP EHP76.0T53G1T51Description of the garnishment categoryPayroll General Parts
2368ERP EHP76.0T53G231AgencyPayroll General Parts
2369ERP EHP76.0T53G2T51Description of the agencyPayroll General Parts
2370ERP EHP76.0T53G4121Debt Types for GarnishmentsPayroll General Parts
2371ERP EHP76.0T53G4T71Description of the debtPayroll General Parts
2372ERP EHP76.0T53G531Model for the basis amountPayroll General Parts
2373ERP EHP76.0T53G651Description of the basis modelPayroll General Parts
2374ERP EHP76.0T53G7111Characteristics of the basis modelPayroll General Parts
2375ERP EHP76.0T53G831Model for the gross amountPayroll General Parts
2376ERP EHP76.0T53G951Description of the Model for the gross amountPayroll General Parts
2377ERP EHP76.0T53GA101Characteristics Model for the gross amountPayroll General Parts
2378ERP EHP76.0T53GB31Model for the net amountPayroll General Parts
2379ERP EHP76.0T53GC51Description of the Model for the net amountPayroll General Parts
2380ERP EHP76.0T53GD101Characteristics Model for the net amountPayroll General Parts
2381ERP EHP76.0T53GE31Model for the non-exempt amountPayroll General Parts
2382ERP EHP76.0T53GF51Description of the Model for the non-exempt amountPayroll General Parts
2383ERP EHP76.0T53GG151Characteristics Model for the non exempt amountPayroll General Parts
2384ERP EHP76.0T53GH111Non Exempt: Special rulesPayroll General Parts
2385ERP EHP76.0T53GI51Non Exempt: Description of special rulePayroll General Parts
2386ERP EHP76.0T53GJ101Non Exempt: Characteristics Special rulePayroll General Parts
2387ERP EHP76.0T53GK31Non Exempt: Level SystemsPayroll General Parts
2388ERP EHP76.0T53GL51Non Exempt: Description of Level SystemsPayroll General Parts
2389ERP EHP76.0T53GM71Non Exempt: Characteristics Level SystemsPayroll General Parts
2390ERP EHP76.0T53GN71Non Exempt: Level Systems DependentsPayroll General Parts
2391ERP EHP76.0T53GO31Model for the relationship to other debtsPayroll General Parts
2392ERP EHP76.0T53GP51Description of the model for the relationship to other debtsPayroll General Parts
2393ERP EHP76.0T53GQ61Service ChargePayroll General Parts
2394ERP EHP76.0T53GR81Service Charge DescriptionPayroll General Parts
2395ERP EHP76.0T53GS151Service Charge CharacterisiticsPayroll General Parts
2396ERP EHP76.0T53GT91Priority of debtsPayroll General Parts
2397ERP EHP76.0T53GU61Calculation ModelPayroll General Parts
2398ERP EHP76.0T53GV81Description of the calculation modelPayroll General Parts
2399ERP EHP76.0T53GW151Characteristics of the Calculation RulePayroll General Parts
2400ERP EHP76.0T53GX31Basis Model RoundingPayroll General Parts
2401ERP EHP76.0T53GX151Description Basis Model RoundingPayroll General Parts
2402ERP EHP76.0T53GX291Characteristics Basis Model RoundingPayroll General Parts
2403ERP EHP76.0T53GY171Garnishments ElementsPayroll General Parts
2404ERP EHP76.0T546A21Employee Subgroup Grouping for PayrollPayroll General Parts
2405ERP EHP76.0T546T51EE Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation RulesPayroll General Parts
2406ERP EHP76.0T549AG21Payroll Area GroupsPayroll General Parts
2407ERP EHP76.0T549AGA51Assign Payroll Area Group to Payroll AreasPayroll General Parts
2408ERP EHP76.0T549AGT41Texts for Payroll Area GroupsPayroll General Parts
2409ERP EHP76.0T549L21Date ModifiersPayroll General Parts
2410ERP EHP76.0T549M51Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period (no longer used)Payroll General Parts
2411ERP EHP76.0T549O41Text for date modifierPayroll General Parts
2412ERP EHP76.0T549P21Valid Time Units for PayrollPayroll General Parts
2413ERP EHP76.0T549Z81Calendar for payment modelPayroll General Parts
2414ERP EHP76.0T54C031Start of the tax year for payroll periodsPayroll General Parts
2415ERP EHP76.0T54C181Calendar for CumulationPayroll General Parts
2416ERP EHP76.0T54C231Calendar TypePayroll General Parts
2417ERP EHP76.0T54C381Cumulation of Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2418ERP EHP76.0T54C441Valid Calendar TypesPayroll General Parts
2419ERP EHP76.0T54C521Date IdentifierPayroll General Parts
2420ERP EHP76.0T54C661Cumulation PeriodsPayroll General Parts
2421ERP EHP76.0T54C921Functions GroupingPayroll General Parts
2422ERP EHP76.0T54CA41Function Grouping (Texts)Payroll General Parts
2423ERP EHP76.0T54CC41Date Identifier (Texts)Payroll General Parts
2424ERP EHP76.0T54CT51Calendar Types (Texts)Payroll General Parts
2425ERP EHP76.0T558A91Old Payroll Account TransferPayroll General Parts
2426ERP EHP76.0T558B131Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll PeriodsPayroll General Parts
2427ERP EHP76.0T558C91Payroll Account Transfer: Old Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2428ERP EHP76.0T558D201Transfer Wage Types with Split IndicatorPayroll General Parts
2429ERP EHP76.0T569T41Control Record TextsPayroll General Parts
2430ERP EHP76.0T569U111Logs for Control RecordsPayroll General Parts
2431ERP EHP76.0T569V101Control RecordsPayroll General Parts
2432ERP EHP76.0T56C161Parameter for Cumulation TypesPayroll General Parts
2433ERP EHP76.0T56C1T41Parameter for Cumulation Types - TextsPayroll General Parts
2434ERP EHP76.0T56C241Permitted Cumulation TypesPayroll General Parts
2435ERP EHP76.0T56C361Date for the Cumulation IntervalsPayroll General Parts
2436ERP EHP76.0T56C421Period Date Relevant for CumulationsPayroll General Parts
2437ERP EHP76.0T56C521Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table EntriesPayroll General Parts
2438ERP EHP76.0T56C731HR-PAY: Country Exits for CumulationsPayroll General Parts
2439ERP EHP76.0T56C821HR-PAY: Country-Specific Cumulation TablesPayroll General Parts
2440ERP EHP76.0T596131AreaPayroll General Parts
2441ERP EHP76.0T596251Area TextPayroll General Parts
2442ERP EHP76.0T596361Report ID AssignmentPayroll General Parts
2443ERP EHP76.0T596A51Wage Type ApplicationPayroll General Parts
2444ERP EHP76.0T596B51Texts for SubapplicationsPayroll General Parts
2445ERP EHP76.0T596C51Validity Interval for Statutory SubapplicationsPayroll General Parts
2446ERP EHP76.0T596D51Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory SubapplicationsPayroll General Parts
2447ERP EHP76.0T596G41Wage Type BucketsPayroll General Parts
2448ERP EHP76.0T596H61Texts on Cumulation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2449ERP EHP76.0T596I91Calculation Rules for Cumulation Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2450ERP EHP76.0T596J91Calculation guideline for cum. wage types (customer table)Payroll General Parts
2451ERP EHP76.0T596K51HR-PAY: Country-Specific Table NamesPayroll General Parts
2452ERP EHP76.0T596X71Dynamic Assignment of Cumulation Wage Types to FieldsPayroll General Parts
2453ERP EHP76.0T599C_PY161PNP900 Time Selections and Further OptionsPayroll General Parts
2454ERP EHP76.0T599D_PY31Report Category NamesPayroll General Parts
2455ERP EHP76.0T599F_PY31Report Categories - Select OptionsPayroll General Parts
2456ERP EHP76.0T599J31IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameters - TextsPayroll General Parts
2457ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_CUM_RT_PER141Cumulate Wage Types from RT in RT_PERSONPayroll General Parts
2458ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_APPL11Distribution applicationPayroll General Parts
2459ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_APPLT31Distribution Application TextPayroll General Parts
2460ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_BASIS71Distribution basisPayroll General Parts
2461ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_DIST111Distribution Definition (Wage Types)Payroll General Parts
2462ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_METH11Distribution MethodPayroll General Parts
2463ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_METHT31Distribution Method TextPayroll General Parts
2464ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_RULE51Distribution RulePayroll General Parts
2465ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_RULET51Distribution Rule TextPayroll General Parts
2466ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_WRKT11Distribution Working TimePayroll General Parts
2467ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_DIST_WRKTT31Distribution: Working Time TextPayroll General Parts
2468ERP EHP76.0T7CCE_PERS_WGTYP41Assign Wage Type to RT_PERSONPayroll General Parts
2469ERP EHP76.0THRFORMS_FLAGWTS61HRFORMS - Flag Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2470ERP EHP76.0THRFORMS_R4FLWTS41HRFORMS - Reference for Flag Wage TypesPayroll General Parts
2471ERP EHP76.0TPAD_WS_ONR181WageSeparation ObjectNodeReferencesPayroll General Parts
Payroll :: Philippines
2472ERP EHP76.0PA0411341Taxation Philippines - infotypePhilippines
2473ERP EHP76.0PA0422301SSS Philippines infotypePhilippines
2474ERP EHP76.0PA0423431HR Master Record: Infotype 0423Philippines
2475ERP EHP76.0PA0596251PhilHealth Philippines InfotypePhilippines
2476ERP EHP76.0PA0634311Philippines Previous Employer Information Info-typePhilippines
2477ERP EHP76.0T7PH0A91Personnel area and personnel sub area groupingsPhilippines
2478ERP EHP76.0T7PH0P101CompanyEmployer DetailsPhilippines
2479ERP EHP76.0T7PHCD71Business DetailsPhilippines
2480ERP EHP76.0T7PHCH51Pag-Ibig GroupingPhilippines
2481ERP EHP76.0T7PHCP41Pag-Ibig GroupingPhilippines
2482ERP EHP76.0T7PHCS41SSS GroupingPhilippines
2483ERP EHP76.0T7PHCT41Tax GroupingPhilippines
2484ERP EHP76.0T7PHHC71HDMF ContributionsPhilippines
2485ERP EHP76.0T7PHRE61Minimum wages per Region PhilippinesPhilippines
2486ERP EHP76.0T7PHRS71Receipt number and Issue dates-Company Grouping.Philippines
2487ERP EHP76.0T7PHSC111SSS ContributionsPhilippines
2488ERP EHP76.0T7PHSM71SSS Sickness and Maternity BenefitsPhilippines
2489ERP EHP76.0T7PHTA71Tax installment amounts per salary bracketPhilippines
2490ERP EHP76.0T7PHTB71Tax Brackets PhilippinesPhilippines
2491ERP EHP76.0T7PHTC31Tax Status Check TablePhilippines
2492ERP EHP76.0T7PHTE51Tax Exemptions per statusPhilippines
2493ERP EHP76.0T7PHTP121Tax Projection Method detailsPhilippines
2494ERP EHP76.0T7PHTW71Period Tax WithheldPhilippines
Payroll :: Portugal
2495ERP EHP76.0T5P1J51HR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPERPortugal
2496ERP EHP76.0T5P1T31HR-PT: Text table for the relation of tax calc.Portugal
2497ERP EHP76.0T5P1U71HR-PT: Relation of reference amount WTs for tax calculationPortugal
2498ERP EHP76.0T5P1W131HR-PT: Relation of wage types in tax calculationPortugal
2499ERP EHP76.0T5P2E121HR-PT: Social Security ContributorPortugal
2500ERP EHP76.0T5P2M101HR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th MonthPortugal
2501ERP EHP76.0T5P2P101HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Payroll ProcessingPortugal
2502ERP EHP76.0T5P2U131HR-PT: Social Security ContributorPortugal
2503ERP EHP76.0T5P6C61HR-PT: CouncilsPortugal
2504ERP EHP76.0T5P6D31HR-PT: DistrictsPortugal
2505ERP EHP76.0T5P6P81HR-PT: ParishesPortugal
2506ERP EHP76.0T5PAB101HR-PT: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting classificationPortugal
2507ERP EHP76.0T5PED61HR-PT: Education LevelsPortugal
2508ERP EHP76.0T5PIT41HR-PT: Infotype subtype - ClassificationPortugal
2509ERP EHP76.0T5PNC31HR-PT: Nationality CodesPortugal
2510ERP EHP76.0T5PS1111HR-PT: professional categories assignment (IRC code)Portugal
2511ERP EHP76.0T5PS271HR-PT: Professional categoriesPortugal
2512ERP EHP76.0T5PS2T41HR-PT: Professional category designationsPortugal
2513ERP EHP76.0T5PS471HR-PT: Professional Category designationPortugal
2514ERP EHP76.0T5PS4T71HR-PT: text table for professional category designationPortugal
2515ERP EHP76.0T5PSC111HR-PT: Pay scale types additional informationPortugal
2516ERP EHP76.0T5PST61HR-PT: text table for additional information wage typesPortugal
2517ERP EHP76.0T5PV1111HR-PT: Assignment of quota type selection rule groupPortugal
2518ERP EHP76.0T5PV271HR-PT: Classification of absence quota typesPortugal
2519ERP EHP76.0T5PVA311HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowancePortugal
2520ERP EHP76.0T5PVT41HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance (text)Portugal
2521ERP EHP76.0T5PWS41HR-PT: Work Schedules - ClassificationPortugal
Payroll :: Russia
2522ERP EHP76.0PA0290781HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CISRussia
2523ERP EHP76.0PA0291341HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CISRussia
2524ERP EHP76.0PA0292251HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social InsuranceRussia
2525ERP EHP76.0PA0293861HR Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)Russia
2526ERP EHP76.0PA0295461HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)Russia
2527ERP EHP76.0PA0296591HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)Russia
2528ERP EHP76.0PA0298372HR Master Record: Infotype 0298Russia
2529ERP EHP76.0PA0299251HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 - Tax privilegesRussia
2530ERP EHP76.0T7RU1B281Payee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard)Russia
2531ERP EHP76.0T7RU51AV_A81alculation Rules for Averages - Russian fieldsRussia
2532ERP EHP76.0T7RU51AV_B71Cumulation Rules for Averages - Russian fieldsRussia
2533ERP EHP76.0T7RU9A_GRP101Assignment groups to OrganizationRussia
2534ERP EHP76.0T7RU9GP31Assignment of parameters to the groupRussia
2535ERP EHP76.0T7RU9GRP31Definition of the groupsRussia
2536ERP EHP76.0T7RU9GRP_T41Text of Group of parametersRussia
2537ERP EHP76.0T7RU9PAR41Definition of the parametersRussia
2538ERP EHP76.0T7RU9PAR_T41Text for Parameters of group of parametersRussia
2539ERP EHP76.0T7RU9PAR_VAL71Value of the parameterRussia
2540ERP EHP76.0T7RUAWARDS71State AwardsRussia
2541ERP EHP76.0T7RUAWARDSG31State Awards GroupsRussia
2542ERP EHP76.0T7RUCATS41Payer categoriesRussia
2543ERP EHP76.0T7RUD161Group of deductionsRussia
2544ERP EHP76.0T7RUD1T41Group of deductions - textsRussia
2545ERP EHP76.0T7RUD251Wage Types of deductions for limitingRussia
2546ERP EHP76.0T7RUD391Limit RulesRussia
2547ERP EHP76.0T7RUDOCTYPES31Document typesRussia
2548ERP EHP76.0T7RUDOCTYPEST51Document typesRussia
2549ERP EHP76.0T7RUG0171HR: Garnishment Order TypesRussia
2550ERP EHP76.0T7RUG131Garnishment Document CategoryRussia
2551ERP EHP76.0T7RUG391Rules for Calculation of Garnishment Order TypesRussia
2552ERP EHP76.0T7RUG9501Money order fee for payment methodRussia
2553ERP EHP76.0T7RUGA31Garnishment: Region KeyRussia
2554ERP EHP76.0T7RUGV81Rules for Calculation of garnishment order typeRussia
2555ERP EHP76.0T7RUGX51HR: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia) - TEXT tableRussia
2556ERP EHP76.0T7RUGY51HR: Garnishment Order TypesRussia
2557ERP EHP76.0T7RUGZ51Garnishment: Region Key: TextsRussia
2558ERP EHP76.0T7RUM051Military card information catalogueRussia
2559ERP EHP76.0T7RUOC1151Content of Employee Selection ProcessRussia
2560ERP EHP76.0T7RUOC231Process of Employee SelectionRussia
2561ERP EHP76.0T7RUOC2T51Texts of Process of Employee SelectionRussia
2562ERP EHP76.0T7RUP051Tax schemaRussia
2563ERP EHP76.0T7RUP161Tax's schemaRussia
2564ERP EHP76.0T7RUP261Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/AccumulaRussia
2565ERP EHP76.0T7RUP371Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/AccumulaRussia
2566ERP EHP76.0T7RUR0151HR RU FormsRussia
2567ERP EHP76.0T7RUR111Subtypes of HR RU formsRussia
2568ERP EHP76.0T7RURS61Details About Reasons for ActionsRussia
2569ERP EHP76.0T7RURST111Specification for Reasons of Action TextsRussia
2570ERP EHP76.0T7RUT051Name of taxes/netto paymentsRussia
2571ERP EHP76.0T7RUT1581Taxes and netto paymentsRussia
2572ERP EHP76.0T7RUT1_CE81Taxes and netto payments - addition for CERussia
2573ERP EHP76.0T7RUT251Name of Tax PrivilegesRussia
2574ERP EHP76.0T7RUT3201Tax privilegesRussia
2575ERP EHP76.0T7RUT3_CE51Tax privilegesRussia
2576ERP EHP76.0T7RUT451Values of Minimum PayRussia
2577ERP EHP76.0T7RUT5111Social InsuranceRussia
2578ERP EHP76.0T7RUT5_PAID81Social Insurance - Paid days of illnessRussia
2579ERP EHP76.0T7RUT651Text for Social group SIRussia
2580ERP EHP76.0T7RUT741Social Insurance Group ModifierRussia
2581ERP EHP76.0T7RUT881Conversion of Social Insurance GroupRussia
2582ERP EHP76.0T7RUT_XAB101Cover processing to refine AB in RUNABRussia
2583ERP EHP76.0T7RU_554T51Absence and Attendance TextsRussia
2584ERP EHP76.0T7RU_556B61Absence Quota Type TextsRussia
2585ERP EHP76.0T7RU_99F061Forms - Russian AttributesRussia
2586ERP EHP76.0T7RU_99FF101Russian addition to DAQ Field definitionRussia
2587ERP EHP76.0T7RU_99FFC101Russian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)Russia
2588ERP EHP76.0T7RU_99FM101Report Control Field mappingRussia
Payroll :: Singapore
2589ERP EHP76.0T5R1M111HR-SG: MembershipsSingapore
2590ERP EHP76.0T5R2C81Rate for CPF deduction by festival advance paymentSingapore
2591ERP EHP76.0T5R3A101HR-SG: AWS Union Subscription RatesSingapore
2592ERP EHP76.0T5R8A_CAP71Capping for IR8A BIK wagetypesSingapore
Payroll :: South Africa
2593ERP EHP76.0T5W1071Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - EquitySouth Africa
2594ERP EHP76.0T5W1161Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - EquitySouth Africa
2595ERP EHP76.0T5W1331Link job category occupational level Employment equity.South Africa
2596ERP EHP76.0T5W3041Termination categoriesSouth Africa
2597ERP EHP76.0T5W3151Termination CategoriesSouth Africa
2598ERP EHP76.0T5W6141SARS Interface : Status Check TableSouth Africa
2599ERP EHP76.0T5W6231SARS Interface : Status DescriptionSouth Africa
2600ERP EHP76.0T5W63161SARS Interface : Run AttributesSouth Africa
2601ERP EHP76.0T5W6491SARS Interface : Employee StatusSouth Africa
2602ERP EHP76.0T5W6561SARS Interface : Certificates IssuedSouth Africa
2603ERP EHP76.0T5W6661SARS Interface : PAYE Reference Number AttributesSouth Africa
2604ERP EHP76.0T5W67181SARS Interface : Definition of Electronic Tax CertificateSouth Africa
2605ERP EHP76.0T5W6821SARS Interface : Record TypesSouth Africa
2606ERP EHP76.0T5W70121UIF Interface : Run AttributesSouth Africa
2607ERP EHP76.0T5W7161UIF interface : Reference number attributesSouth Africa
2608ERP EHP76.0T5W72111UIF interface: Runs per UIF reference numberSouth Africa
Payroll :: Spain
2609ERP EHP76.0T5E2161Pension developerSpain
2610ERP EHP76.0T5E2261Assignment between payroll and pension key/subkeySpain
2611ERP EHP76.0T5E2351Contract additional clausesSpain
2612ERP EHP76.0T5E2461Additional clauses sectionsSpain
2613ERP EHP76.0T5E24T41Texts for additional clauses sectionsSpain
2614ERP EHP76.0T5E4A81Contribution limits per non-industrial risksSpain
2615ERP EHP76.0T5E4I81Contribution limits according to full remunerationsSpain
2616ERP EHP76.0T5E4J31Contribution groupsSpain
2617ERP EHP76.0T5E4JT51Text table for contribution groupsSpain
2618ERP EHP76.0T5E4L51Configuration of special payment wage typesSpain
2619ERP EHP76.0T5E9291Deduction groups for garnishmentsSpain
2620ERP EHP76.0T5E92T51Deduction groups for garnishments textsSpain
2621ERP EHP76.0T5EB191Retirement plans: attributes for Form 345Spain
2622ERP EHP76.0T5EC1111Directory of payroll results used in the TCSpain
2623ERP EHP76.0T5ET2111Cluster table for SpainSpain
Payroll :: Sweden
2624ERP EHP76.0T5S0R51Absence category (SE)Sweden
2625ERP EHP76.0T5SPP311HR-SE: Information needed to be reported to AlectaSweden
2626ERP EHP76.0T5SXM91XML Node Mapping with Payslip FormSweden
Payroll :: Switzerland
2627ERP EHP76.0T5C2081Time Quotas for Subapplications CHSwitzerland
2628ERP EHP76.0T5C2C251Withholding Tax LiabilitySwitzerland
2629ERP EHP76.0T5C2J21Withholding Tax LiabilitySwitzerland
2630ERP EHP76.0T5C2O41Conversion of Residence Status for VaudSwitzerland
2631ERP EHP76.0T5C2O_CHILD41EMP-ACI: No. of ChildrenSwitzerland
2632ERP EHP76.0T5C2O_FAMST41EMP-ACI: Assignment of Marital Status to EventSwitzerland
2633ERP EHP76.0T5C2O_SCALE41EMP-ACI: Conversion of Scale Names for FileSwitzerland
2634ERP EHP76.0T5C2P51WHT Geneva: Conversion of Pay Scale IndicatorSwitzerland
2635ERP EHP76.0T5C2P_ABRNR141Employer Data for WHT Accounting GenevaSwitzerland
2636ERP EHP76.0T5C2P_FAMST51WHT Geneva: Conversion of Marital Status from Infotype 0002Switzerland
2637ERP EHP76.0T5C2P_KONFE51WHT GE: Assignment of Religion Key for FileSwitzerland
2638ERP EHP76.0T5C2P_LOCCD51Withholding Tax Geneva: Place of Residence MunicipalitySwitzerland
2639ERP EHP76.0T5C2P_STREET51Withholding Tax for Geneva: Street Name ConversionSwitzerland
2640ERP EHP76.0T5C3C71HR-CH: Share of Hourly WagesSwitzerland
2641ERP EHP76.0T5C3F51HR-CH: Valuation of AbsencesSwitzerland
2642ERP EHP76.0T5C3G61HR-CH: Reduced Working Hours Grace DaysSwitzerland
2643ERP EHP76.0T5C3H291HR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage)Switzerland
2644ERP EHP76.0T5C3I41HR-CH: Application Key SwitzerlandSwitzerland
2645ERP EHP76.0T5C5071Uniform Wage Notification Procedure: Control Data ExtractionSwitzerland
2646ERP EHP76.0T5C5151ELM: Grouping Payroll Units for EnterpriseSwitzerland
2647ERP EHP76.0T5C5251Internal Institution IDSwitzerland
2648ERP EHP76.0T5C5351Conversion Table Marital StatusSwitzerland
2649ERP EHP76.0T5C5451Conversion Table Residence StatusSwitzerland
2650ERP EHP76.0T5C6041Notification FormatsSwitzerland
2651ERP EHP76.0T5C6171ObsoleteSwitzerland
2652ERP EHP76.0T5C62111Versions of Notification FormatsSwitzerland
2653ERP EHP76.0T5C63111LayoutsSwitzerland
2654ERP EHP76.0T5C6471Validity Periods of Versions for Each Notification FormatSwitzerland
2655ERP EHP76.0T5C6561Derivation of Relationship Between Child and Bonus RecipientSwitzerland
2656ERP EHP76.0T5C6641Message ID Number for Notifications to FamRelBRegSwitzerland
2657ERP EHP76.0T5C6771Employer Data for Overall Monthly Report (Fam.Rel.Bonus Reg)Switzerland
2658ERP EHP76.0T5C7041Message NumbersSwitzerland
2659ERP EHP76.0T5CS1501HR-CH: Control of SISwitzerland
2660ERP EHP76.0T5CS251HR-CH: Application Key SwitzerlandSwitzerland
2661ERP EHP76.0T5CS3111HR-CH: Creation of Wage Types for SISwitzerland
2662ERP EHP76.0T5CS441HR-CH: Application Key SwitzerlandSwitzerland
2663ERP EHP76.0T5CS591HR-CH: Creation of Wage Types for SISwitzerland
2664ERP EHP76.0T5CS671HR-CH: Period Wage Types for Gross/Net IterationSwitzerland
2665ERP EHP76.0T5CS7181HR-CH: Premium Rates for InsuranceSwitzerland
2666ERP EHP76.0T5CS871HR-CH: Texts for Contribution Rates for InsuranceSwitzerland
2667ERP EHP76.0T5CS9151HR-CH: Payroll unit - AHV/UISwitzerland
2668ERP EHP76.0T5CS9T41HR-CH: Payroll unit - AHV/UISwitzerland
2669ERP EHP76.0T5CSH21Grouping for Social InsuranceSwitzerland
2670ERP EHP76.0T5CSHT41Grouping for Social Insurance SwitzerlandSwitzerland
2671ERP EHP76.0T5CSK91HR-CH: PAyroll Unit Compensation Fund VDSwitzerland
2672ERP EHP76.0T5CSKT41HR-CH: Payroll Unit Compensation Fund VDSwitzerland
2673ERP EHP76.0T5CSL151Value Table Enterprises for ELMSwitzerland
2674ERP EHP76.0T5CSLT41Text for Value Table Enterprises for ELMSwitzerland
2675ERP EHP76.0T5CSM111HR-CH: Payroll Unit BVG ELMSwitzerland
2676ERP EHP76.0T5CSMT41HR-CH: Payroll Unit BVG ELMSwitzerland
2677ERP EHP76.0T5CZA41HR-CH: Scope of Validity of Child Benefit/Training BonusSwitzerland
2678ERP EHP76.0T5CZB41HR-CH: Code for Calculating Age of ChildSwitzerland
2679ERP EHP76.0T5CZC71HR-CH: Counting Class for Children for Fam.Allow.Switzerland
2680ERP EHP76.0T5CZM161HR-CH: FAK Reduction RulesSwitzerland
2681ERP EHP76.0T5CZN41HR-CH: FAK Reduction RulesSwitzerland
2682ERP EHP76.0T5CZO181HR-CH: Amount of Child BenefitSwitzerland
2683ERP EHP76.0T5CZP121HR-CH: Amount of Bonus Paid after Birth of ChildSwitzerland
2684ERP EHP76.0T5CZQ91HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Child BenefitSwitzerland
2685ERP EHP76.0T5CZR71HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Bonus Paid after Birth of ChildSwitzerland
2686ERP EHP76.0T5CZS101HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Household AllowanceSwitzerland
2687ERP EHP76.0T5CZT111HR-CH: FAK ContributionSwitzerland
2688ERP EHP76.0T5CZU81HR-CH: Different Payment of Family-Related BonusesSwitzerland
2689ERP EHP76.0T5CZV51HR-CH: Differing Reduction RulesSwitzerland
Payroll :: United Kingdom
2690ERP EHP76.0PAGB_ASHE521ASHE Return DataUnited Kingdom
2691ERP EHP76.0T56E141HR: Exception Reporting - Tolerance limit GroupingUnited Kingdom
2692ERP EHP76.0T56E251HR: Exception Reporting- RulesUnited Kingdom
2693ERP EHP76.0T56E371HR: Exception Reporting-Message TextUnited Kingdom
2694ERP EHP76.0T56E4211HR: Exception Reporting-Subrule detailsUnited Kingdom
2695ERP EHP76.0T56E551HR-XX: Exception Reporting table listUnited Kingdom
2696ERP EHP76.0T56E661HR-XX: Exception Reporting table field's listUnited Kingdom
2697ERP EHP76.0T5G35F51P35: XML tag structureUnited Kingdom
2698ERP EHP76.0T5G35P61HR-GB: Checklist fields for P35United Kingdom
2699ERP EHP76.0T5G35V21P35: XML tag and attribute valuesUnited Kingdom
2700ERP EHP76.0T5G35VT31P35: XML tag and attribute values - textsUnited Kingdom
2701ERP EHP76.0T5G42161HR-GB: National Insurance CategoriesUnited Kingdom
2702ERP EHP76.0T5G5761HR-GB: Supplementary fields for P35United Kingdom
2703ERP EHP76.0T5G7051Official Rates for Beneficial LoansUnited Kingdom
2704ERP EHP76.0T5G7141Loan CategoriesUnited Kingdom
2705ERP EHP76.0T5G9A51Gross to net control report optionsUnited Kingdom
2706ERP EHP76.0T5GASHE151ASHE Pension TypeUnited Kingdom
2707ERP EHP76.0T5GASHE231ASHE Collective Agreement TypeUnited Kingdom
2708ERP EHP76.0T5GBGC_XML31Link Correlation ID to Global B2A IDUnited Kingdom
2709ERP EHP76.0T5GMAP_XML121Schema info for parsing xml doc into abap structureUnited Kingdom
2710ERP EHP76.0T5GPBS3351SxP Absence Processing TypeUnited Kingdom
2711ERP EHP76.0T5GPBSP_PRO71LGPS Protected Contribution RatesUnited Kingdom
2712ERP EHP76.0T5GPBSP_SCH71GBLGP: Pension SchemesUnited Kingdom
2713ERP EHP76.0T5GPBSP_UNP91LGPS Unprotected Contribution RatesUnited Kingdom
2714ERP EHP76.0T5G_ASHE_CONTROL141ASHE Control TableUnited Kingdom
2715ERP EHP76.0T5G_CONVNI71NI Conversion: Mapping customer wage typesUnited Kingdom
2716ERP EHP76.0T5G_DTONI311National Insurance Data Take-onUnited Kingdom
2717ERP EHP76.0T5G_NICLIM51NIC LimitsUnited Kingdom
2718ERP EHP76.0T5G_NICPCT91NIC PercentagesUnited Kingdom
2719ERP EHP76.0T5G_NIDTO261National Insurance data take onUnited Kingdom
Payroll :: USA
2725ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_TT_W_CODE51Claims threshold model textUSA
2726ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_MNWGVAL81Minimum Wage Amount for StatesUSA
2727ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_OCR31Reasons for Off-Cycle and Claims RunUSA
2728ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_OCRT41Gründe für Off-Cycle Abrechnungen - TexteUSA
2729ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_RULECRI91Set the threshold rule criteriaUSA
2730ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_RULEDEF91Define Threshold RulesUSA
2731ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_THRRULE71Define Threshold RulesUSA
2732ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_THRSTAT91Set threshold rule for a criteriaUSA
2733ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_WCODE51Claims threshold model textUSA
2734ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_WGTPRIO61Wage Type Priority TableUSA
2735ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_WGTPRTY61Wage Type Priority TableUSA
2736ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_WT_CODE61Claims Threshold Rule Code DefinitionUSA
2737ERP EHP76.0HRCCE_T_WT_CODET51Claims threshold model textUSA
2738ERP EHP76.0PA0077761HR Master Record: Infotype 0077 (Additional Personal Data)USA
2739ERP EHP76.0PA0096831HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)USA
2740ERP EHP76.0PA0103391HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA)USA
2741ERP EHP76.0PA0104511HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA)USA
2742ERP EHP76.0PA0106621HR Master Record: Infotype 0106 (Related Persons NA)USA
2743ERP EHP76.0PA0161271HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (Limits IRS)USA
2744ERP EHP76.0PA0194521HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)USA
2745ERP EHP76.0PA0195461HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)USA
2746ERP EHP76.0PA0207251HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Residence Tax Area)USA
2747ERP EHP76.0PA0208271HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA)USA
2748ERP EHP76.0PA0209251HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment Insurance USA)USA
2749ERP EHP76.0PA0210431HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4 USA)USA
2750ERP EHP76.0PA0216301Garnishment AdjustmentUSA
2751ERP EHP76.0PA0234321HR Master Record Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inform. - USA)USA
2752ERP EHP76.0PA0235691HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)USA
2753ERP EHP76.0PA0269241HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information USA)USA
2754ERP EHP76.0PA0449511HR Master Record: Infotype 0449USA
2755ERP EHP76.0PA0450811HR Master Record: Infotype 0450USA
2756ERP EHP76.0PA0451451HR Master Record: Infotype 0451USA
2757ERP EHP76.0PA0452451HR Master Record: Infotype 0452USA
2758ERP EHP76.0PA0453451HR Master Record: Infotype 0453USA
2759ERP EHP76.0PA0454331HR Master Record: Infotype 0454USA
2760ERP EHP76.0PA0455331HR Master Record: Infotype 0455USA
2761ERP EHP76.0PA0456331HR Master Record: Infotype 0456USA
2762ERP EHP76.0PA0457331HR Master Record: Infotype 0457USA
2763ERP EHP76.0PA0506251Tip IndicatorsUSA
2764ERP EHP76.0PA0909451HR Master Record: Infotype 0909USA
2765ERP EHP76.0PA0941441HR Master Record: Infotype 0941USA
2766ERP EHP76.0PB0077761HR Master Record: Infotype 0077USA
2767ERP EHP76.0PRUEXTUSERS51Link users/employees to external user namesUSA
2768ERP EHP76.0T51G2101Off-Cycle Batch TableUSA
2769ERP EHP76.0T5U8A111Transfer ext.payroll result: Tax cumulation data (USA)USA
2770ERP EHP76.0T5UAP141Address for personnel area/subareaUSA
2771ERP EHP76.0T5UB851Benefits Payment Model AssignmentUSA
2772ERP EHP76.0T5UCP_COMPM51Common Paymaster RelationshipUSA
2773ERP EHP76.0T5UCP_CPCFI51Common Paymaster: Map posting wage types to CP tax companyUSA
2774ERP EHP76.0T5UCP_STATE51Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for StatesUSA
2775ERP EHP76.0T5UF041HR-US: ADP InterfaceUSA
2776ERP EHP76.0T5UF131HR-US: ADP Interface, ADP FieldsUSA
2777ERP EHP76.0T5UF241HR-US: ADP Interface, used fields per InterfaceUSA
2778ERP EHP76.0T5UF351HR-US: ADP Interface, field sortUSA
2779ERP EHP76.0T5UF451HR-US: ADP Interface, Record typeUSA
2780ERP EHP76.0T5UF551HR-US: ADP Interface, fields per record typeUSA
2781ERP EHP76.0T5UF691HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping InformationUSA
2782ERP EHP76.0T5UFA81ADP Interface: Mapping Table between SAP and ADP Wage TypesUSA
2783ERP EHP76.0T5UFB41SAP to ADP tax authority mapping tableUSA
2784ERP EHP76.0T5UFC31ADP Company CodesUSA
2785ERP EHP76.0T5UFD61Variables for ADP company set upUSA
2786ERP EHP76.0T5UFE41ADP system variablesUSA
2787ERP EHP76.0T5UFF51Personnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only)USA
2788ERP EHP76.0T5UG0151HR: Garnishment Order TypesUSA
2789ERP EHP76.0T5UG141HR: Garnishment Document CategoryUSA
2790ERP EHP76.0T5UG261Adjustment to the Disposable NetUSA
2791ERP EHP76.0T5UG3161Model for Calculation of the Non-Exempt AmountUSA
2792ERP EHP76.0T5UG4141Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt AmountUSA
2793ERP EHP76.0T5UG531Model of the Disposable NetUSA
2794ERP EHP76.0T5UG6151Government Service ChargeUSA
2795ERP EHP76.0T5UG751Government Remittance RuleUSA
2796ERP EHP76.0T5UG861Company Remittance RuleUSA
2797ERP EHP76.0T5UG931Garnishment Default ValuesUSA
2798ERP EHP76.0T5UGA111Special Rule for Calculation of the Non-Exempt AmountUSA
2799ERP EHP76.0T5UGB91Calculation Scheme for Special RuleUSA
2800ERP EHP76.0T5UGC61Service ChargeUSA
2801ERP EHP76.0T5UGD41Filing StatusUSA
2802ERP EHP76.0T5UGE81Determining Amount Exempt from LevyUSA
2803ERP EHP76.0T5UGF81Determining Additional Exempt AmountUSA
2804ERP EHP76.0T5UGG161Company Service ChargeUSA
2805ERP EHP76.0T5UGH31Levy StatementUSA
2806ERP EHP76.0T5UGI91Garnishment LettersUSA
2807ERP EHP76.0T5UGJ72Print Request of Notification LettersUSA
2808ERP EHP76.0T5UGK62Print Request of Answer LettersUSA
2809ERP EHP76.0T5UGL51Function Exit for Garnishment LettersUSA
2810ERP EHP76.0T5UGM31HR: Garnishment OriginatorUSA
2811ERP EHP76.0T5UP181Minimum and cash wages for tip creditUSA
2812ERP EHP76.0T5UP2151Establishment/stores for tip processingUSA
2813ERP EHP76.0T5UP341Establishment textUSA
2814ERP EHP76.0T5UP4121Establishment level adjusted gross receiptsUSA
2815ERP EHP76.0T5UP551Distribution Payments MappingUSA
2816ERP EHP76.0T5UP621Distribution CodesUSA
2817ERP EHP76.0T5UP6T41Distribution Codes TextUSA
2818ERP EHP76.0T5US0131Priority for tax wagetypesUSA
2819ERP EHP76.0T5US161SAP Taxability Matrix TableUSA
2820ERP EHP76.0T5USL41States relevant for BSI TaxLocatorUSA
2821ERP EHP76.0T5UT071SAP Taxability Matrix TableUSA
2822ERP EHP76.0T5UTA71Resident Tax AreasUSA
2823ERP EHP76.0T5UTB61Work Tax AreasUSA
2824ERP EHP76.0T5UTD71Default Tax TypesUSA
2825ERP EHP76.0T5UTE51Tax Authority / Tax Calculation ModelUSA
2826ERP EHP76.0T5UTF61ZIP Codes for Residence Tax AreasUSA
2827ERP EHP76.0T5UTI71Tax identification number and successor enterpriseUSA
2828ERP EHP76.0T5UTLA121Timedependent Attributes of Taxcompany on Taxauthority LevelUSA
2829ERP EHP76.0T5UTM81Tax ModelUSA
2830ERP EHP76.0T5UTO72Assignment of technical wage types to tax typesUSA
2831ERP EHP76.0T5UTQ61Tax Authority Combination for Local ReciprocityUSA
2832ERP EHP76.0T5UTR51Tax Authorities per Resident Tax AreaUSA
2833ERP EHP76.0T5UTRC81Payroll USA: Tax Reciprocity AttributesUSA
2834ERP EHP76.0T5UTS31States without withholding taxUSA
2835ERP EHP76.0T5UTT21Tax TypesUSA
2836ERP EHP76.0T5UTU41Wage Base Continuity for Tax AuthoritiesUSA
2837ERP EHP76.0T5UTW51Tax Authorities per Work Tax AreaUSA
2838ERP EHP76.0T5UTX61Tax Ceilings and ratesUSA
2839ERP EHP76.0T5UTY61Tax Type CombinationsUSA
2840ERP EHP76.0T5UTZ201Tax AuthoritiesUSA
2841ERP EHP76.0T5UTZC71Tax Authority AttributesUSA
2842ERP EHP76.0T5UU071SAP Taxability Customized TableUSA
2843ERP EHP76.0T77USPAY_COBASE61Cost distribution base configurationUSA
2844ERP EHP76.0THRCCE_OCR41Reasons for Off-Cycle and Claims RunUSA
Payroll :: Australia :: Public Sector
2845ERP EHP76.0PA0507511HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation)Public Sector
2846ERP EHP76.0PA05082461HR-AU-PS: Master Data For Prior ServicePublic Sector
2847ERP EHP76.0PA05091411HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Higher Duty Allowance)Public Sector
2848ERP EHP76.0PA05671441HR AU PS:Master Data Data ContainerPublic Sector
2849ERP EHP76.0PA05682431HR Master Record: Infotype 0568 for anniversay historyPublic Sector
2850ERP EHP76.0PA05731831Master leave code for Public Sector AustraliaPublic Sector
2851ERP EHP76.0PA0619431HR-AU-PS : Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
2852ERP EHP76.0PA0716331Business Scenario Management InfotypePublic Sector
2853ERP EHP76.0PAPBS00_PWEBFLOW221Business Flow ExchangerPublic Sector
2854ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS0A41Industry within a HR countryPublic Sector
2855ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1A51Minimum number of days to receive Higher duty allowancePublic Sector
2856ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1B21Reason for performing Higher dutyPublic Sector
2857ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1BT41Text for Reason codePublic Sector
2858ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1C21Superannuation contributor statusPublic Sector
2859ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1CT41Text for Contributor statusPublic Sector
2860ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1D81Superannuation funds for Public SectorPublic Sector
2861ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1E121National Wage Case (NWC) increase for SuperannuationPublic Sector
2862ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1F51Work schedules for Shifts/Non-shifts for SuperannuationPublic Sector
2863ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1G81EPSC Contribution TablePublic Sector
2864ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1H81Priority Table used in calculating HDA super salary comp.Public Sector
2865ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1J71Additional contribution table for Public sectorPublic Sector
2866ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2A261Parameter setting for Prior Service and Leave ManagementPublic Sector
2867ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2B21Nature of leave typePublic Sector
2868ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2BT41Leave nature textPublic Sector
2869ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2C161Master leave code and their characteristicPublic Sector
2870ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2CT51Texts for master leave codePublic Sector
2871ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2D181Mapping business rules between PS Infotype 0573 and 2001Public Sector
2872ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2E91Parallel deduction sequence of quota typesPublic Sector
2873ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2F201LWOP/UNAL impact on individual leave typePublic Sector
2874ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2G71Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
2875ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2GT41Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
2876ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2H21Flexible Accrual Transfer Rules (check table for 13TRF)Public Sector
2877ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2HT41Text for Flex. Accrual Transfer Rules(check table for 13TRF)Public Sector
2878ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2I121Calculation rule for transfer frequencyPublic Sector
2879ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2IT41Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
2880ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2J111PS Specific Characteristic for absence typePublic Sector
2881ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2K91Control table for infotype 0573 popupPublic Sector
2882ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2L71Leave Provision for Australia - Public sectorPublic Sector
2883ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2M151Repeat structure for Infotype 0573Public Sector
2884ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2N101Orgn change & simulation quota for Absence QuotasPublic Sector
2885ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2O142Impact of Organizational changePublic Sector
2886ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2P91Absence records prior to HiringPublic Sector
2887ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2R41Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrualPublic Sector
2888ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2RT51Text for Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrualPublic Sector
2889ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2S51Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation-HR:AU:PBSPublic Sector
2890ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2T121To determine the Seniority based on the Anniversary datePublic Sector
2891ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS3A121Eligibility Criteria for IncrementPublic Sector
2892ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS3AT41Text for Eligibility Criteria for IncrementPublic Sector
2893ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4A21Payment Type for terminations & redundanciesPublic Sector
2894ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4AT41Text for Payment Type for terminations & redundanciesPublic Sector
2895ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4B111Termination Payment TypePublic Sector
2896ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4C101Assignment between payment formula and payment rule groupPublic Sector
2897ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4D191Termination Payment RulesPublic Sector
2898ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4E151Leave Payment RulesPublic Sector
2899ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4F121Attribute for determining the flexible rulesPublic Sector
2900ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4I21Payment Formula for termination and redundancyPublic Sector
2901ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4IT41Text for payment FormulaPublic Sector
2902ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4J21Payment Rule Group for termination and redundancyPublic Sector
2903ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4JT41Text for Payment Rule GroupPublic Sector
2904ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4K21Termination Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIP)Public Sector
2905ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4KT41Text for Term. Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIP)Public Sector
2906ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4L21Leave Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIL)Public Sector
2907ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4LT41Text for Leave Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIL)Public Sector
2908ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4M21Redundancy Model (check table for fetaure 13RDN)Public Sector
2909ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4MT41Text for Redundancy Model (check table for fetaure 13RDN)Public Sector
2910ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5A281HR AU PS:Australian Leave LoadingPublic Sector
2911ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5B101HR AU PS:Australian Leave Loading for varying percentagePublic Sector
2912ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5C41HR AU PS:Australian absence type groupingPublic Sector
2913ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6A21Type of data for Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
2914ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6AT41Text for Type of data for Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
2915ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6B41PSMPC CodesPublic Sector
2916ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6BT51Text for PSMPC codesPublic Sector
2917ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6C71Assignment of APS classification structurePublic Sector
2918ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6D51Mapping SAP events to APSC movement codesPublic Sector
2919ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1A41Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2920ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1B71Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2921ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1C71Assignment of transaction code to Business & Obj scenarioPublic Sector
2922ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1D61Specification of process scenarioPublic Sector
2923ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1E81Assignment of process scenarioPublic Sector
2924ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2A51Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2925ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2AT51Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2926ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2B31Sub Process scenariosPublic Sector
2927ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2BT51Text table for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
2928ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2C31Status definitionPublic Sector
2929ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2CT51Text table for statusPublic Sector
2930ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2D31Request modesPublic Sector
2931ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2DT51Text table for business scenario request modesPublic Sector
2932ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2E31Process groupPublic Sector
2933ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2ET51Text for process groupPublic Sector
2934ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2F31Grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
2935ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2FT51Text for grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
2936ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2G31Grouping for statusPublic Sector
2937ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2GT51Text table for Grouping for statusPublic Sector
2938ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2H31Business RulesPublic Sector
2939ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2HT51Text table for business rulesPublic Sector
2940ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2I31Process status flow rulePublic Sector
2941ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2IT51Description for process status flow rulePublic Sector
2942ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2J31Process ScenariosPublic Sector
2943ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2JT51Text table for process scenariosPublic Sector
2944ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2K31Grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
2945ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2KT51Text for grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
2946ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2L31Process tasksPublic Sector
2947ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2LT51Text for process tasksPublic Sector
2948ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2M21Appications using PWEPublic Sector
2949ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3A111Specification for grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
2950ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3B81Specification for grouping for statusPublic Sector
2951ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3C71Specification for grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
2952ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4A81Specification of Process groupPublic Sector
2953ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4B91Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2954ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4C61Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
2955ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4D61Specification for sub process scenarioPublic Sector
2956ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4E71Specification for process tasksPublic Sector
2957ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4F61Assignment of grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
2958ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB5A101Business flow for processPublic Sector
2959ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB5B121Process status flow rule definitionPublic Sector
2960ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB6A181Business flow logPublic Sector
2961ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB7A31Parameter defintion for Process Workbench EnginePublic Sector
2962ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB7B51Container definiton for requestsPublic Sector
2963ERP EHP76.0PA0043891HR Master Record: Infotype 0043 (Family Allowance - A)Public Sector
2964ERP EHP76.0PA0484351HR Master Record Infotype 0484 (Joint Taxation A)Public Sector
2965ERP EHP76.0PA0574241HR Master Record Infotype 0574Public Sector
2966ERP EHP76.0PA0794521HR Master Record Infotype 0794Public Sector
2967ERP EHP76.0PA0813261HR Master Record Infotype 0813Public Sector
2968ERP EHP76.0T5A8C71Calculation Period and Year-Dependent SCB Pts DivisorPublic Sector
2969ERP EHP76.0T5APBS0131Joint Taxation: Tax-Levying AuthorityPublic Sector
2970ERP EHP76.0T5APBS01T41Joint Taxation: Tax-Levying Authority (Texts)Public Sector
2971ERP EHP76.0T5APBS0221Joint Taxation: Types of Cash BenefitsPublic Sector
2972ERP EHP76.0T5APBS02T41Joint Taxation: Types of Cash Benefits (Texts)Public Sector
2973ERP EHP76.0T5APBS0381Joint Taxation: Conversion of Wage Types - ImportPublic Sector
2974ERP EHP76.0T5APBS0461Joint Taxation: Assignment of Infotypes to Wage TypesPublic Sector
2975ERP EHP76.0T5APBS0581Joint Taxation: Conversion of Wage Types - Record StructurePublic Sector
2976ERP EHP76.0T5APBS06151Pay scale reclassificationPublic Sector
2977ERP EHP76.0T5APBS07151SI Public Sector: Correction Wage Types for Contrib. BasesPublic Sector
2978ERP EHP76.0T5APBS08131SI Public Sector: Contribution Limits, RoundingPublic Sector
2979ERP EHP76.0T5APBS09111Variable SI Percentages for Public SectorPublic Sector
2980ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1061Properties for Attendence/Absence Types for SI Publ. SectorPublic Sector
2981ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1161SI Public Sector: Sequence Tax Calculation Special PaymentPublic Sector
2982ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1291SI Public Sector: Absence - Contribut. Type Group AssignmentPublic Sector
2983ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1371SI Public Sector: Assign Insurance Institution to RegionPublic Sector
2984ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1481SI Public Sector: SI Modifier - Percentages AssignmentPublic Sector
2985ERP EHP76.0T5APBS15171Contrib.Types for RPCSVBA2PBS (*GRL, *GRS, *BTL, *BTS, *PRZ)Public Sector
2986ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1671Percentages for Valuation Module APSV2Public Sector
2987ERP EHP76.0T5APBS17121SI Public Sector: Correction Wage Type - Contr.Basis Assign.Public Sector
2988ERP EHP76.0T5APBS18101SI Public Sector: Contribution Limits, RoundingPublic Sector
2989ERP EHP76.0T5APBS1971Assignment of Subtypes to Wage Types for SCB PtsPublic Sector
2990ERP EHP76.0T5APBS_F_APORG21Entity Table for Return Values for Feature APORG SIPublic Sector
2991ERP EHP76.0T5APBS_F_APORGT41Text Table for Return Values for Feature APORG SIPublic Sector
Payroll :: Canada :: Reporting
2992ERP EHP76.0T5KR4171Record of Employment (ROE) History for Concurrent EmploymentReporting
Payroll :: Germany :: B2A Business to Administration
2993ERP EHP76.0PB2ADATA101HR-B2A: Transfer DataB2A Business to Administration
2994ERP EHP76.0PB2ADATB101HR-B2A: Transfer DataB2A Business to Administration
2995ERP EHP76.0PB2ADATEMAIL101HR-B2A: Data Table for Incoming E-MailsB2A Business to Administration
2996ERP EHP76.0PB2ADATSTR71HR-B2A: Data Table for StringsB2A Business to Administration
2997ERP EHP76.0PB2AMGR171HR-B2A: Application DataB2A Business to Administration
2998ERP EHP76.0PB2ASTAT101HR-B2A: Status ManagementB2A Business to Administration
2999ERP EHP76.0PC01B2A_SVEM91SI-Specific Storage E-Mails for Procedure for Returning DataB2A Business to Administration
3000ERP EHP76.0PC01B2A_SVEMSTAT81SI-Specific Storage E-Mails for Procedure for Returning DataB2A Business to Administration
3001ERP EHP76.0T50BA101HR-B2A: Valid Transfer Formats and ClassesB2A Business to Administration
3002ERP EHP76.0T50BAT61HR-B2A: Text for Document ClassesB2A Business to Administration
3003ERP EHP76.0T50BB51HR-B2A: Standard Transfer FormatB2A Business to Administration
3004ERP EHP76.0T50BC61HR-B2A: Transfer Format for CustomerB2A Business to Administration
3005ERP EHP76.0T50BD81HR-B2A: Status ManagementB2A Business to Administration
3006ERP EHP76.0T50BDT81HR-B2A: Texts for Status ManagementB2A Business to Administration
3007ERP EHP76.0T50BE71HR-B2A: Assignment Returncode-GroupB2A Business to Administration
3008ERP EHP76.0T50BE271HR-B2A: External Return CodesB2A Business to Administration
3009ERP EHP76.0T50BF101HR-B2A: Method TableB2A Business to Administration
3010ERP EHP76.0T50BFC101HR-B2A: Method TableB2A Business to Administration
3011ERP EHP76.0T50BG91HRB2A: Manual Status SwitchB2A Business to Administration
3012ERP EHP76.0T50BK81HR-B2A: Constant TableB2A Business to Administration
3013ERP EHP76.0T50BKT71HR-B2A: Text to Constant TableB2A Business to Administration
3014ERP EHP76.0T50BS71HR-B2A: Client-independent constants tableB2A Business to Administration
3015ERP EHP76.0T50BV71Logical Connections for Distributed ReportingB2A Business to Administration
Payroll :: Germany :: Construction Industry
3016ERP EHP76.0PA0189271HR Master Record: Infotype 0189 (Construction Pay: Funds)Construction Industry
3017ERP EHP76.0PA01901061HR Master Data Record Infotype 0190 (BuildingTradePrevERDat)Construction Industry
3018ERP EHP76.0PA0191571HR Master Record Infotype 0191 (BuildingTradeReimbursExpens)Construction Industry
3019ERP EHP76.0PA0192341HR Master Record Infotype 0192 (Construction Pay Attributes)Construction Industry
3020ERP EHP76.0PA0215371Construction Pay Transaction DataConstruction Industry
3021ERP EHP76.0PDBKAD111CI: Social Fund Procedure: Records ManagementConstruction Industry
3022ERP EHP76.0PDBKAN461Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: ANMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3023ERP EHP76.0PDBKAU301Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: AUMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3024ERP EHP76.0PDBKBE341Constr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL (PerNo) RecordsConstruction Industry
3025ERP EHP76.0PDBKBESUM411Constr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL Records (Total)Construction Industry
3026ERP EHP76.0PDBKLO301Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: LOMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3027ERP EHP76.0PDBKNE301Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3028ERP EHP76.0PDBKNW811Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: Employee StatementConstruction Industry
3029ERP EHP76.0PDBKRA241Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: RAMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3030ERP EHP76.0PDBKUR451Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: URMEL Data RecordsConstruction Industry
3031ERP EHP76.0T5DB031Construction Industry: Work CooperativesConstruction Industry
3032ERP EHP76.0T5DB1111Trainee RemunerationConstruction Industry
3033ERP EHP76.0T5DB281External Data for Breakdown of Trade Tax (Construction Ind.)Construction Industry
3034ERP EHP76.0T5DB4532HR Construction Site FileConstruction Industry
3035ERP EHP76.0T5DB5441Construction Site File: Work Breakdown Structure ElementConstruction Industry
3036ERP EHP76.0T5DB6441Construction Site File: OrderConstruction Industry
3037ERP EHP76.0T5DB7151Team DescriptionConstruction Industry
3038ERP EHP76.0T5DB8341Construction Sector: Team Assignment to Work SiteConstruction Industry
3039ERP EHP76.0T5DB9232Construction Pay Evaluation Records for Social Fund Proc.Construction Industry
3040ERP EHP76.0T5DBA141Social Funds in the Building SectorConstruction Industry
3041ERP EHP76.0T5DBB141Social Funds Contributions for ConstructionConstruction Industry
3042ERP EHP76.0T5DBC51Construction Industry: Partners in Work CooperativesConstruction Industry
3043ERP EHP76.0T5DBD211Construction: Meal+Separation Allowances/Travel CostsConstruction Industry
3044ERP EHP76.0T5DBE101Constr. Ind.: Company Number Assignment to Social FundsConstruction Industry
3045ERP EHP76.0T5DBF911Construction Industry LeaveConstruction Industry
3046ERP EHP76.0T5DBG61Texts for Construction Pay ExpensesConstruction Industry
3047ERP EHP76.0T5DBH71Construction AttributesConstruction Industry
3048ERP EHP76.0T5DBI91Construct. Pay: Effects of Short Indicators for Trans. DataConstruction Industry
3049ERP EHP76.0T5DBJ41Texts for Construction Pay ConstantsConstruction Industry
3050ERP EHP76.0T5DBK71Construction Pay ConstantsConstruction Industry
3051ERP EHP76.0T5DBL51Construction Pay: Short Indicator Transaction DataConstruction Industry
3052ERP EHP76.0T5DBM161Construction Pay Expenses Tax EvaluationConstruction Industry
3053ERP EHP76.0T5DBN51Construction Work KeyConstruction Industry
3054ERP EHP76.0T5DBO51Construction Pay Expenses: Permissible EntriesConstruction Industry
3055ERP EHP76.0T5DBP331Data for Year-End Bonus (Construction Industry)Construction Industry
3056ERP EHP76.0T5DBQ41Texts for Construction KeysConstruction Industry
3057ERP EHP76.0T5DBR371Construction Industry: Flexible Working Hours ModelConstruction Industry
3058ERP EHP76.0T5DBS51Flexible Working Hours Models - TextsConstruction Industry
3059ERP EHP76.0T5DBT51Construction Pay: Short Indicator Texts - Transaction DataConstruction Industry
3060ERP EHP76.0T5DBU131Construction Industry: Statement Wage Types ExpensesConstruction Industry
3061ERP EHP76.0T5DBV471Construction Pay: Cost Assignment: HostelsConstruction Industry
3062ERP EHP76.0T5DBW71Construction Industry: Hostel ManagementConstruction Industry
3063ERP EHP76.0T5DBX471Construction Pay: Incentive Wage ConnectionConstruction Industry
3064ERP EHP76.0T5DBY141Construction Pay Data Center Numbers / SFP Data MediumConstruction Industry
3065ERP EHP76.0T5DBZ251Construction Pay: Cancell. Records (Keys) for SFP Data MediaConstruction Industry
3066ERP EHP76.0T5DB_KTARTATTR21Attributes for Absence Quota Types for IT 2006Construction Industry
3067ERP EHP76.0T5DB_KTARTATTT41Texts for Attributes for Absence Quota Types for IT 2006Construction Industry
3068ERP EHP76.0T5DB_KTARTGRP41Absence Quota Types Groups for IT 2006Construction Industry
3069ERP EHP76.0T5DB_KTARTGRT61Texts for Absence Quota Types Groups for IT 2006Construction Industry
3070ERP EHP76.0T5DB_REISEZIEL21Destination for Expenses - Construction IndustryConstruction Industry
3071ERP EHP76.0T5DB_REISEZIELT41PY-DE-CI:Text Table Destination / Expenses: Const. IndustryConstruction Industry
3072ERP EHP76.0T5DB_SKBER31(SF) Contribution Areas (Entity Table for P01B_SKBER)Construction Industry
3073ERP EHP76.0T5DB_UREGELN151Leave Regulations for IT 2006Construction Industry
3074ERP EHP76.0T5DB_ZUORDUREG131Assignments for Leave Regulations for IT 2006Construction Industry
3075ERP EHP76.0T5DDE131Constr. Ind. Company Number Assignment SFP - From FYC2002/03Construction Industry
Payroll :: Germany :: Public Sector
3076ERP EHP76.0P01O_TVOED_SZ_RR61Earlier December Data for RA Trigger: ASP TVoeD/TVAoeDPublic Sector
3077ERP EHP76.0P01O_ZVB_RR41Trigger of RA for Deferred Processing of Irregular PaymentsPublic Sector
3078ERP EHP76.0P01ZFA_NN_DATA421ZfA: Notifications Not AssignedPublic Sector
3079ERP EHP76.0P01ZFA_NN_KIDS181ZfA: Notifications Not Assigned - Child DataPublic Sector
3080ERP EHP76.0P01ZFA_NN_STATUS141ZfA: Status Management for ZKNN NotificationsPublic Sector
3081ERP EHP76.0P01ZFA_STATUS151ZfA: Status Management for NotificationsPublic Sector
3082ERP EHP76.0P01ZFA_TRANS111ZfA: Status Table for TransferPublic Sector
3083ERP EHP76.0P593R161Application Status: SI Reimbursement for RehabilitantsPublic Sector
3084ERP EHP76.0PA0051521HR Master Record Infotype 0051 (VBL/SPI Data)Public Sector
3085ERP EHP76.0PA0118341HR Master Record: Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance D)Public Sector
3086ERP EHP76.0PA0119291HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D)Public Sector
3087ERP EHP76.0PA0122281HR Master Record: Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance Bonus D)Public Sector
3088ERP EHP76.0PA0230371Personnel Master Data Infotype 0230/View 0008 PSGPublic Sector
3089ERP EHP76.0PA0231251HR Master Record: Infotype 0231 / View 0001 (PSG)Public Sector
3090ERP EHP76.0PA0237471HR Master Record: Infotype 0237 / View for 0052 (PSG)Public Sector
3091ERP EHP76.0PA0265351HR Master Record Infotype 0265/Special Regulations PSGPublic Sector
3092ERP EHP76.0PA0266731HR Master Record: Infotype 0266 / View 0027 (PSG)Public Sector
3093ERP EHP76.0PA0271451HR Master Record: Infotype 0271 (Public Sector Statistics)Public Sector
3094ERP EHP76.0PA0304291Additional Information: Basic PayPublic Sector
3095ERP EHP76.0PA0320261Official HousingPublic Sector
3096ERP EHP76.0PA0321271Employee AccommodationPublic Sector
3097ERP EHP76.0PA03221142HR Master Record: Infotype 0322 (Pensions and Rel. Ben.)Public Sector
3098ERP EHP76.0PA0326621HR Master Rec.: Infotype 0326 (Imputation to Pension Payts)Public Sector
3099ERP EHP76.0PA0329461HR Master Record: Infotype 0329 (Sideline Job)Public Sector
3100ERP EHP76.0PA0330391Infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration)Public Sector
3101ERP EHP76.0PA0363631Prev.Emp.PeriodPublic Sector
3102ERP EHP76.0PA0368301RehabilitantsPublic Sector
3103ERP EHP76.0PA0406321HR-PSG: Infotype 0406 (Pension Information)Public Sector
3104ERP EHP76.0PA0592291HR Master Record: Infotype 0592 (Foreign Public Sector)Public Sector
3105ERP EHP76.0PA0593301RehabilitantsPublic Sector
3106ERP EHP76.0PA0595371HR Master Record Infotype 0595Public Sector
3107ERP EHP76.0PA0745271ZFA Notifications in Public SectorPublic Sector
3108ERP EHP76.0PDPBSDNEUG_UEB81Carried Over to DNeuG: General HR Master RecordPublic Sector
3109ERP EHP76.0PDPBSDNEUG_UEB_T261Carried Over to DNeuG: Personnel Pay Scale InformationPublic Sector
3110ERP EHP76.0PDPBSTVOED_UEB371Transfer to TVoeD: Personnel Master Record Before TransferPublic Sector
3111ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZV363111Estimated Tax-Free Contributions (Acc. to Sec.3 No.63)Public Sector
3112ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVABM161Dereg. from Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 40), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3113ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVABS241Periods (Record Type 60), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3114ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVADM202Administration Table for ZVE-PBS Notification ProcedurePublic Sector
3115ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVADR201Address (Record Type 81), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3116ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVANM221Reg. for Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 30), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3117ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVDCARRIERS111ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure for Data Medium Admin.Public Sector
3118ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVDIF191Difference (Record Type 70), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3119ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVLOG151Log Table for ZVE-PBS Notification ProcedurePublic Sector
3120ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVMDCARRS101Grouped Data Medium Administration, SP ReportingPublic Sector
3121ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVNAM221Name (Record Type 80), ZVE-PBSPublic Sector
3122ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZVSUM223Totals Record (Record Type 90), SPIPublic Sector
3123ERP EHP76.0PDPBSZV_PA005171ZVMP Employer to Be Overridden in IT0051 (Before ZVMP)Public Sector
3124ERP EHP76.0T510Q71Cost-of-Living AllowancesPublic Sector
3125ERP EHP76.0T510QN71Guaranteed Payments: COLA/Family-Related BonusPublic Sector
3126ERP EHP76.0T535V61CF TextsPublic Sector
3127ERP EHP76.0T5D5B241Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Employer TablePublic Sector
3128ERP EHP76.0T5D5C241Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Payroll TablePublic Sector
3129ERP EHP76.0T5D5D521Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Notification FieldsPublic Sector
3130ERP EHP76.0T5D5E101Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Table of Notfctn ReasonPublic Sector
3131ERP EHP76.0T5D5G191Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Combination TablePublic Sector
3132ERP EHP76.0T5D5GT21Insurance Types for Supplementary Pension in Public SectorPublic Sector
3133ERP EHP76.0T5D5H91Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Taxing FeaturesPublic Sector
3134ERP EHP76.0T5D5HT41SP Tax ModelsPublic Sector
3135ERP EHP76.0T5D5I61Assgmt: Contract Model -> Ins. Feature for Voluntary Ins.Public Sector
3136ERP EHP76.0T5D5LN91Pay Scale Assign. for Guaranteed Payts: COLA/Fam.-Rel BonusPublic Sector
3137ERP EHP76.0T5D5N81Supplementary Pension Public Sector: Account Number TablePublic Sector
3138ERP EHP76.0T5D5R61Supp. Pension Pub. Sector: Customizing fr Contrib. StatementPublic Sector
3139ERP EHP76.0T5D5Z341Supplementary Pension Public Sector: SPI DataPublic Sector
3140ERP EHP76.0T5D71151Period CalculationPublic Sector
3141ERP EHP76.0T5D71T71Function Model Texts for Period CalculationPublic Sector
3142ERP EHP76.0T5D7281HousesPublic Sector
3143ERP EHP76.0T5D7391Official HousingPublic Sector
3144ERP EHP76.0T5D74101Employee AccommodationPublic Sector
3145ERP EHP76.0T5D7551Employee Accommodation - Price per Square MeterPublic Sector
3146ERP EHP76.0T5D7641Official Housing Rule - ModifiersPublic Sector
3147ERP EHP76.0T5D7781Maximum Remuneration for Official HousingPublic Sector
3148ERP EHP76.0T5D7841Official Housing RulePublic Sector
3149ERP EHP76.0T5D7941Wage Type Control for Official Housing Gross AmountPublic Sector
3150ERP EHP76.0T5D7A21Catalogs of Service TypesPublic Sector
3151ERP EHP76.0T5D7B41Texts for Catalog of Service TypesPublic Sector
3152ERP EHP76.0T5D7C51Service TypesPublic Sector
3153ERP EHP76.0T5D7D51Service Type TextsPublic Sector
3154ERP EHP76.0T5D7E61Service CategoriesPublic Sector
3155ERP EHP76.0T5D7F61Service Category TextsPublic Sector
3156ERP EHP76.0T5D7G61Variants for Different Pay Scale ElementsPublic Sector
3157ERP EHP76.0T5D7H31Spouse Component - Exception and Reason -Public Sector
3158ERP EHP76.0T5D7I51Spouse Component -Text-Public Sector
3159ERP EHP76.0T5D7J101Control of BDA and COLA Relevance (Basic Pay)Public Sector
3160ERP EHP76.0T5D7K141Parameters for Determining Proposed Pay SeniorityPublic Sector
3161ERP EHP76.0T5D7L111Auxiliary Table for Higher Grouping and PromotionPublic Sector
3162ERP EHP76.0T5D7LN111Next Pay Scale Group for Higher/Lower GroupingPublic Sector
3163ERP EHP76.0T5D7M71Value of Remuneration GroupsPublic Sector
3164ERP EHP76.0T5D7MN91Value of Pay Scale GroupsPublic Sector
3165ERP EHP76.0T5D7N111Determination of Hiring Level Model 8Public Sector
3166ERP EHP76.0T5D7O41Grouping Company Code/Service Type CatalogPublic Sector
3167ERP EHP76.0T5D7Q121Models for Control of ContributionPublic Sector
3168ERP EHP76.0T5D7QT81Function Model Texts: Special PaymentPublic Sector
3169ERP EHP76.0T5D7R111Models for Controlling Vacation BonusPublic Sector
3170ERP EHP76.0T5D7RT81Function Model Texts: Vacation BonusPublic Sector
3171ERP EHP76.0T5D7S21Evaluation Areas in StatisticsPublic Sector
3172ERP EHP76.0T5D7SUM81Definition of Assignment of Statistics Rows to Totals RowPublic Sector
3173ERP EHP76.0T5D7T41Evaluation Areas - Texts -PSG-Public Sector
3174ERP EHP76.0T5D7U31Assignment of Evaluation Area to Internal KeyPublic Sector
3175ERP EHP76.0T5D7V91Definition of Exceptions in StatisticsPublic Sector
3176ERP EHP76.0T5D7W51Exception Indicator Texts in Statistics -PSG-Public Sector
3177ERP EHP76.0T5D7X61Assignment of Exception Indicator to Variable KeyPublic Sector
3178ERP EHP76.0T5D7Y81Assignment of Exception Indicator(s) to Service TypesPublic Sector
3179ERP EHP76.0T5D7Z61Assignment of Exception Indicator to JobPublic Sector
3180ERP EHP76.0T5D8041Tax Table Benefits PaymentPublic Sector
3181ERP EHP76.0T5D80_ABRST51Address Data of Accounting OfficesPublic Sector
3182ERP EHP76.0T5D8151Control Indicator Pension - TextsPublic Sector
3183ERP EHP76.0T5D8271Pay Scale Information for Calculation of Minimum PensionPublic Sector
3184ERP EHP76.0T5D82T51Function Model Texts: Minimum PensionPublic Sector
3185ERP EHP76.0T5D8321Payroll Number - Pension Insurance Institution (D)Public Sector
3186ERP EHP76.0T5D84171Models for Maternity Pay SupplementPublic Sector
3187ERP EHP76.0T5D84T51Function Model Texts: Supplement to Maternity PayPublic Sector
3188ERP EHP76.0T5D8551Wage Types for Non-Rec. Payts of Maternity Pay SupplementPublic Sector
3189ERP EHP76.0T5D8641Public Sector FunctionsPublic Sector
3190ERP EHP76.0T5D86T51Public Sector Functions (Texts)Public Sector
3191ERP EHP76.0T5D8771Assignment of Public Sector Function ModelsPublic Sector
3192ERP EHP76.0T5D88141Function Models for Leave and Sick Pay PremiumPublic Sector
3193ERP EHP76.0T5D88T61Function Model Texts: Leave and Sick Pay PremiumPublic Sector
3194ERP EHP76.0T5D89201Wage Type Models for Leave and Sick Pay PremiumPublic Sector
3195ERP EHP76.0T5D89T61Wage Type Models for Leave and Sick Pay Premium (Texts)Public Sector
3196ERP EHP76.0T5D8A41Name of ActivityPublic Sector
3197ERP EHP76.0T5D8AE21Name of ActivityPublic Sector
3198ERP EHP76.0T5D8B41Use of OrganizationsPublic Sector
3199ERP EHP76.0T5D8BE21Utilization of OrganizationsPublic Sector
3200ERP EHP76.0T5D8C41Subject to ApprovalPublic Sector
3201ERP EHP76.0T5D8CE21Approval obligationPublic Sector
3202ERP EHP76.0T5D8D41Work IndicatorPublic Sector
3203ERP EHP76.0T5D8DE21Work IndicatorPublic Sector
3204ERP EHP76.0T5D8E91Accommodation, Infotype 30 (payments in kind)Public Sector
3205ERP EHP76.0T5D8F91Non-Monetary Remuneration: Meals, Infotype 0330Public Sector
3206ERP EHP76.0T5D8G41Non-Monetary Remuneration: Meals, Infotype 0330Public Sector
3207ERP EHP76.0T5D8H71CollegesPublic Sector
3208ERP EHP76.0T5D8I71Assignment of Exception Indicator to PositionPublic Sector
3209ERP EHP76.0T5D8J61Assignment of Exception Indicator to Org. KeyPublic Sector
3210ERP EHP76.0T5D8K61Assignment of Exception Indicator to Organizational UnitPublic Sector
3211ERP EHP76.0T5D8L61Assignment of Exception Indicator to Supervisor AreaPublic Sector
3212ERP EHP76.0T5D8M231Position Table for College StatisticsPublic Sector
3213ERP EHP76.0T5D8N101Table of Employment OfficesPublic Sector
3214ERP EHP76.0T5D8O61Regional BoardPublic Sector
3215ERP EHP76.0T5D8P21Programs for RehabilitationPublic Sector
3216ERP EHP76.0T5D8PT41Programs for Rehabilitation (Texts)Public Sector
3217ERP EHP76.0T5D8Q181Properties of Rehabilitation ProgramsPublic Sector
3218ERP EHP76.0T5D8R31Logging of Technical ConversionsPublic Sector
3219ERP EHP76.0T5D8S51Payroll NumbersPublic Sector
3220ERP EHP76.0T5D8S_BANK121Bank Details for Payroll NumbersPublic Sector
3221ERP EHP76.0T5D8S_ZAV61Payroll Numbers with Connection to UWLPublic Sector
3222ERP EHP76.0T5D8S_ZAVT51Payroll Numbers with Connection to BAS (TEXT)Public Sector
3223ERP EHP76.0T5D8V41Function ModelsPublic Sector
3224ERP EHP76.0T5D8VT61Function Models (Text Table)Public Sector
3225ERP EHP76.0T5D9021Events at Start of Calc. Period for Leave/Sick Pay PremiumPublic Sector
3226ERP EHP76.0T5D90T41Events at Start of Calc. Period for Leave/Sick Pay PremiumPublic Sector
3227ERP EHP76.0T5D9141Models for Events at Start of Premium Calculation PeriodPublic Sector
3228ERP EHP76.0T5D9221Models for Start of New Premium Calculation PeriodPublic Sector
3229ERP EHP76.0T5D92T41Models for Events at Start of Premium Calculation PeriodPublic Sector
3230ERP EHP76.0T5D9331Employment LocationsPublic Sector
3231ERP EHP76.0T5D93T51Employment Locations (Texts)Public Sector
3232ERP EHP76.0T5D9461Assignment of Country Level to Employment LocationPublic Sector
3233ERP EHP76.0T5D95111Foreign Service BonusPublic Sector
3234ERP EHP76.0T5D9671Basic Amounts: Bonus for Foreign Service BonusPublic Sector
3235ERP EHP76.0T5D9791Supplement for Child Living AbroadPublic Sector
3236ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0121Models for Special Payments and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3237ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS01T41Models for Special Payments and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3238ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0231Entitlement Prerequisites for Special and Non-Recurr. PaytsPublic Sector
3239ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS02T41Entitlement Prerequisites for Special and Non-Recurr. PaytsPublic Sector
3240ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0341Modules for Calculating Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3241ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS03T41Modules for Calculating Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3242ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0431Reduction Variants for Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3243ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS04T41Reduction Variants for Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3244ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0521Groupings for Model Assignment for SNrPPublic Sector
3245ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS05T41Groupings for Model Assignment for SNrPPublic Sector
3246ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0681Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts: Percentages for Cumul. Wage TypesPublic Sector
3247ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0771Special and Non-Recurring Payments: ConstantsPublic Sector
3248ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS08111Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts, Fixed Amts for Each Pay Scale GrpPublic Sector
3249ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS09111Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts, Cumul. WTs for Each Pay Scale GrpPublic Sector
3250ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0A241Assignment of Models for Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3251ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0B51Entitlements for Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3252ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0C51Calculation Modules for Special and Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3253ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0D61Filter-Dependent Models of Special/Non-Recurring PaymentsPublic Sector
3254ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0E111Spec. and Non-Rec. Payments: Pay Scale-Dependent PercentagesPublic Sector
3255ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS0F161Models for Control of Annual Special Payment (TVoeD/TV-L)Public Sector
3256ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1A31Decision Value for Own PositionPublic Sector
3257ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1AT51Text for Decision Value of Own PositionPublic Sector
3258ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1B31Decision Value for Higher DutyPublic Sector
3259ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1BT51Text for Decision Value for Higher DutyPublic Sector
3260ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1C171Basis for Activity with Higher Rate of PayPublic Sector
3261ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1D51Selective Activation of Gross OverpaymentPublic Sector
3262ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1E61Repayment Wage Types for Gross OverpaymentPublic Sector
3263ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1F21Variable Key for Step IncreasePublic Sector
3264ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1FT41Variable Key for Step Increase (Texts)Public Sector
3265ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS1G91Validity of Variable Key for Each Pay Scale GroupPublic Sector
3266ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS2A31ZfA Error MessagesPublic Sector
3267ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS2AT51ZfA: Error TextPublic Sector
3268ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS2MQ91ZfA: Settings for WebSphere MQPublic Sector
3269ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS3A61Transfer to TVoeD: Assignment Pay Scale Type Old/NewPublic Sector
3270ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS3B71Assignment to Internal Pay Scale GroupPublic Sector
3271ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS3C51Transfer to TVoeD: Assignment EEGrp/Subgrp Old/NewPublic Sector
3272ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS3D151TVoeD: Structural AdjustmentPublic Sector
3273ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS3E71TVoeD: COLA Class for Guaranteed Payment (Children)Public Sector
3274ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAB71Temporal Validity of Deregistration ReasonsPublic Sector
3275ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVABT61Valid Deregistration Reasons: TextsPublic Sector
3276ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAG172Employer-Specific SettingsPublic Sector
3277ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAGE41Employer-Specific Settings: EntityPublic Sector
3278ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAGT61Employer-Specific Settings: TextPublic Sector
3279ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAV121Ring-Fencing of Supplementary Pension InstitutePublic Sector
3280ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVAVT61Ring-Fencing of Supplementary Pension InstitutePublic Sector
3281ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVBG121SP Assessment and Other ThresholdsPublic Sector
3282ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVBGT41SP Assessment and Other Thresholds: TextPublic Sector
3283ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVER21Valid Events Relevant for Notification: EntityPublic Sector
3284ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVERT41Valid Events Relevant for Notification: EntityPublic Sector
3285ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVME21Assignment of Notification Events/Notification TypePublic Sector
3286ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVMTSA121Events Relevant for Notif. -> Reasons for Notif., Rec. TypesPublic Sector
3287ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVPY81Payroll ControlPublic Sector
3288ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVPYT41Payroll Control: TextPublic Sector
3289ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVPZ141Percentages and Contract ModelsPublic Sector
3290ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVPZT51Percentages and Contract Models: TextPublic Sector
3291ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVRZ81Data Center InformationPublic Sector
3292ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVRZT61Data Center Information: TextPublic Sector
3293ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVST131Notification Record Structures for Data MediumPublic Sector
3294ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVSTT41Notification Record Structures for Data Medium: TextPublic Sector
3295ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVTY21Valid Notification Types: EntityPublic Sector
3296ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVTYT41Valid Notification Types: TextsPublic Sector
3297ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVZGE31Definition of SPI Group: EntityPublic Sector
3298ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVZGT41Valid Reasons for Notification for SPI Group: TextPublic Sector
3299ERP EHP76.0T5DPBSZVZVE231Supplementary Pension InstitutePublic Sector
3300ERP EHP76.0T5DPBS_VA_UB21Maint. Payment (Req. Entry) for Entry Reason/Pension SchemePublic Sector
3301ERP EHP76.0PA0756361Public Sector Loan Infotype 0756 (Mexico)Public Sector
3302ERP EHP76.0PAPBSMXACT81ISSSTE - Action TablePublic Sector
3303ERP EHP76.0PAPBSMXBQW61ISSSTE - Basic Quotation WagePublic Sector
3304ERP EHP76.0PAPBSMXSARC781SAR current resultPublic Sector
3305ERP EHP76.0PAPBSMXSARL161Table with the last information sent for ConsarPublic Sector
3306ERP EHP76.0PAPBSMXSARP781SAR previous resultPublic Sector
3307ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS1061ISSSTE - Mapping of the clinic code and permanent addressPublic Sector
3308ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS1141ISSSTE - Medical clinic name and addressPublic Sector
3309ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS1281ISSSTE contributions details for employee and employerPublic Sector
3310ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS1651ISSSTE - Categories and pay scalesPublic Sector
3311ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS1P71ISSSTE branch code and paying agent numberPublic Sector
3312ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS2041Loan type (PS)Public Sector
3313ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS20T41Text table for loan types (PS)Public Sector
3314ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS2161Loan Type and Wage Type mapping (PS)Public Sector
3315ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS3091SAR - Report Period TablePublic Sector
3316ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS3121Payment centerPublic Sector
3317ERP EHP76.0T7MXPBS31T41Payment center descriptionPublic Sector
3318ERP EHP76.0HRP1653222DB Table for Infotype 1653Public Sector
3319ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS1A31Process ID's for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3320ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS1B41Process ID and codes for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3321ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS1BT61Process ID and codes for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3322ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_51071Table to update T510 for yrly changes-Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3323ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_APRSN41Additional position reason for Norway PSPublic Sector
3324ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_APRSNT51Additional position reason for Norway PS - TextPublic Sector
3325ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_AP_LGART51Wage types for the Additional positions (Norway PS)Public Sector
3326ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_CAT31Eligibilty Category for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3327ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_CATT51Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector- TextPublic Sector
3328ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_ELEMENT31Element Category for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3329ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_ELEMENTT51Element Category for Norway Public Sector - TextPublic Sector
3330ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_ELG_CAT91Eligibility Category with Values for Norway Public SectorPublic Sector
3331ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_ETK31EtatkodePublic Sector
3332ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_ETK_TJK41Organization number - EtatskodePublic Sector
3333ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_IBUKY51Various types of organizationsPublic Sector
3334ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_PSRALV141Norway Public Sector: IT 0509 records in ALV of RPIPSP00Public Sector
3335ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_SPKP101Code for SPK for leave-agreement with valid yearsPublic Sector
3336ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_TJK41Tjenestested kodePublic Sector
3337ERP EHP76.0T5VPPS_TMA81Temporary Agreement codesPublic Sector
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Bases
3338ERP EHP76.0T52BW131Input/Output ParameterBases
3339ERP EHP76.0T52PG31Assign Country and Table to a GroupBases
3340ERP EHP76.0T52PLOG71Table Properties for Payroll LogBases
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Data Transfer
3341ERP EHP76.0PCALAC82Activities per Payroll ResultData Transfer
3342ERP EHP76.0PEVAT61Attributes for Posting RunsData Transfer
3343ERP EHP76.0PEVSH91History of Payroll Posting RunsData Transfer
3344ERP EHP76.0PEVST51Payroll Posting RunsData Transfer
3345ERP EHP76.0PPARFC111Interface Table for aRFC ProcessingData Transfer
3346ERP EHP76.0PPDHD142Transfer to Accounting: Document HeaderData Transfer
3347ERP EHP76.0PPDIT611Transfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCsData Transfer
3348ERP EHP76.0PPDIX62Transfer to Accounting: Index Table for HR IDOCsData Transfer
3349ERP EHP76.0PPDMSG121Transfer to Accounting: Table of Error MessagesData Transfer
3350ERP EHP76.0PPDSH91Payroll Posting Document: Status HistoryData Transfer
3351ERP EHP76.0PPDST441Transfer to Accounting: Substituted Acc. Assig. ObjectData Transfer
3352ERP EHP76.0PPKIX281Transfer FI/CO: Index of Account Assignment CombinationsData Transfer
3353ERP EHP76.0PPMIX302Index Payroll Results Lines -> Posting Lines for PaymentData Transfer
3354ERP EHP76.0PPMPX82Index Old <-> New Document Lines for 'P' Results - PaymentData Transfer
3355ERP EHP76.0PPOIX313Index of Payroll Result Lines -> Posting LinesData Transfer
3356ERP EHP76.0PPOPX73Index of Old <-> New Document Lines for 'P' ResultsData Transfer
3357ERP EHP76.0T51A151HR: Final Date for HR Postings (Accruals)Data Transfer
3358ERP EHP76.0T52CODIST81Distribution Groups for Cost DistributionData Transfer
3359ERP EHP76.0T52CODIST_RETRO91Retroactive Accounting-Specific Wage Types for Cost Distrib.Data Transfer
3360ERP EHP76.0T52E141HR: Sort Sequence RPCIPE00Data Transfer
3361ERP EHP76.0T52E2171Posting to Accounting: Posting VariantsData Transfer
3362ERP EHP76.0T52E2T41Transfer to Accounting: Posting Variants - TextsData Transfer
3363ERP EHP76.0T52E321Attributes of HR Evaluation TypesData Transfer
3364ERP EHP76.0T52E3T41Texts on Attributes of HR Evaluation TypesData Transfer
3365ERP EHP76.0T52E421Status of HR Evaluation TypesData Transfer
3366ERP EHP76.0T52E4T41Text on Status of HR Evaluation TypesData Transfer
3367ERP EHP76.0T52EK71Symbolic AccountsData Transfer
3368ERP EHP76.0T52EKT41Texts for Symbolic AccountsData Transfer
3369ERP EHP76.0T52EL101Posting of Payroll Wage TypesData Transfer
3370ERP EHP76.0T52EM21Valid Values for Employee Grouping Account DeterminationData Transfer
3371ERP EHP76.0T52EMT41Texts for Employee Grouping Account DeterminationData Transfer
3372ERP EHP76.0T52EP111Account Assignment TypeData Transfer
3373ERP EHP76.0T52EPT41Texts for Account Assignment TypeData Transfer
3374ERP EHP76.0T52EV11Payroll Reporting TypesData Transfer
3375ERP EHP76.0T52EVT31Texts for Payroll Reporting TypesData Transfer
3376ERP EHP76.0T52EX21Transfer to Accounting: External Company Codes 3.XData Transfer
3377ERP EHP76.0T52EZ51Time-Dependency of Wage Type PostingData Transfer
3378ERP EHP76.0T52E_ARFC71Transfer FI/CO: Run Variants for Parallel ProcessingData Transfer
3379ERP EHP76.0T52E_ARFCT41Transfer FI/CO: Run Variants TextsData Transfer
3380ERP EHP76.0T52E_FIX21Valid Values of Employee Grouping Standard Accounting FM/GMData Transfer
3381ERP EHP76.0T52E_FIXT41Texts for Employee Grouping Standard Accounting FM/GMData Transfer
3382ERP EHP76.0T52LIDI111Resource-Related Distribution of Liability Wage TypesData Transfer
3383ERP EHP76.0T52LIDIBASE151Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow PrincipleData Transfer
3384ERP EHP76.0T52POST_PAYMENT61Payment Wage Types to PostData Transfer
3385ERP EHP76.0T52SWCODIST51Archiving Cost DistributionData Transfer
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Forms
3386ERP EHP76.0T514B31Page Types for From ClassesForms
3387ERP EHP76.0T514C71Allowed Conversions for FormsForms
3388ERP EHP76.0T514F81Form Class AttributesForms
3389ERP EHP76.0T514K81Allowed Table Names / Short IDs for FormsForms
3390ERP EHP76.0T514N71Allowed Field Names for FormsForms
3391ERP EHP76.0T514R51Page Type TextsForms
3392ERP EHP76.0T514S51Table Name TextsForms
3393ERP EHP76.0T514T61Field Name TextsForms
3394ERP EHP76.0T514U51Conversion TextsForms
3395ERP EHP76.0T514X121Input Help Routines for Identifiers in PE51Forms
3396ERP EHP76.0T514Z111Screen Control for Transaction PE51Forms
3397ERP EHP76.0T59_PROTE111RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table ErrorForms
3398ERP EHP76.0T59_PROTL131RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table ReferenceForms
3399ERP EHP76.0T59_PROTM121RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table ModulesForms
3400ERP EHP76.0T7XSS_GRT_IFR_D41Customizing table for Iframe in the GRT based applicationsForms
3401ERP EHP76.0T7XSS_SER_RFW21ESS rep.framwork: Mapping of Application id to abap classForms
3402ERP EHP76.0THRFORMS_01181HR Forms: Form DirectoryForms
3403ERP EHP76.0THRFORM_CLASS91HR Forms: Form ClassesForms
3404ERP EHP76.0THRFORM_CLASS_T31HR Forms: Form Class TextsForms
3405ERP EHP76.0TIDIMATTRIB_0141HR Forms: Attribute Fields in InfoDimensionsForms
3406ERP EHP76.0TINETISTARS_0121HR Forms: Relation of Infonet to InfostarForms
3407ERP EHP76.0TINFODIM_0141HR Forms: InfoDimensionsForms
3408ERP EHP76.0TINFONET_0171HR Forms: InfoNetsForms
3409ERP EHP76.0TINFONET_T_0131HR Forms: InfoNet Short TextForms
3410ERP EHP76.0TINFOSTAR_0141HR Forms: InfoStarsForms
3411ERP EHP76.0TINFOSTAR_T_0141HR Forms: InfoStar Short TextForms
3412ERP EHP76.0TISCRFIELDS_0141HR Forms: Fields on Selection ScreenForms
3413ERP EHP76.0TISCRFIELDS_0251HR Forms: Fields on Selection ScreenForms
3414ERP EHP76.0TISTARFIG_0131HR Forms: Relation of InfoStar to Data FieldsForms
3415ERP EHP76.0TISTARIDIM_0131HR Forms: Relation of InfoStar to InfoDimensionForms
3416ERP EHP76.0TMETADIMFLD_02101HR Forms: MetaFieldsForms
3417ERP EHP76.0TMETADIMFLD_T_0241HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaFieldsForms
3418ERP EHP76.0TMETADIM_0271HR Forms: MetaDimensionsForms
3419ERP EHP76.0TMETADIM_FVAL_0231HR Forms: Additional Field Values for MetaDimensionsForms
3420ERP EHP76.0TMETADIM_T_0231HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaDimensionsForms
3421ERP EHP76.0TMETAFIGURE_0261HR Forms: MetaFiguresForms
3422ERP EHP76.0TMETAFIGURE_T_0241HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaFiguresForms
3423ERP EHP76.0TMETANETSTARI_0231HR Forms: MetaStars in MetaNets (International)Forms
3424ERP EHP76.0TMETANETSTAR_0341HR Forms: Assignment of MetaStars to MetaNetsForms
3425ERP EHP76.0TMETANET_0241HR Forms: MetaNetsForms
3426ERP EHP76.0TMETANET_INC_0241HR Forms: MetaNet InheritanceForms
3427ERP EHP76.0TMETANET_T_0231HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaNetsForms
3428ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIMII0291HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype Dim. (International)Forms
3429ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIMIO0281HR Forms: Read Data for Other Dim. (International)Forms
3430ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIMIP02101HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll Dim. (International)Forms
3431ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIMIT02101HR Forms: Read Data for Other Time Eval.Dim. (International)Forms
3432ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIMI_02101HR Forms: Dimensions in MetaStars (International)Forms
3433ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIM_0341HR Forms: Assignment of Dimensions to MetaStarsForms
3434ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIM_I03101HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype MetaDimensionsForms
3435ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIM_O0391HR Forms: Read Data for Other MetaDimensionsForms
3436ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIM_P03111HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll DimensionsForms
3437ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARDIM_T03111HR Forms: Read Data for Time MetaDimensionsForms
3438ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARFIG_0221HR Forms: Figures in MetaStarsForms
3439ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARFIG_I0251HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype FiguresForms
3440ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARFIG_O0251HR Forms: Read Data for Other FiguresForms
3441ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARFIG_P0261HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll FiguresForms
3442ERP EHP76.0TMETASTARFIG_T0251HR Forms: Read Data for Time Evaluation FiguresForms
3443ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_0231HR Forms: MetaStarsForms
3444ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_CLS_0221HR Forms: MetaStars not Permitted in Form ClassesForms
3445ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_FV_O0231HR Forms: Fixed Values for Read ModulesForms
3446ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_I0241HR Forms: Read Data for InfotypesForms
3447ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_O0231HR Forms: Read Data for Other MetaStarsForms
3448ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_P0261HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll ResultsForms
3449ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_T0241HR Forms: Read Data for Time Evaluation MetaStarsForms
3450ERP EHP76.0TMETASTAR_T_0231HR Forms: MetaStarsForms
3451ERP EHP76.0TMSCRFIELDS_0351HR Forms: Relations LDB Fields-MetaFields OBSELETE.Forms
3452ERP EHP76.0TMSCRFIELDS_0441HR Forms: Available Selection Fields for Print ReportForms
3453ERP EHP76.0TSELFIELDS_0151HR Forms: Selection Options for SelectionsForms
3454ERP EHP76.0TSELRANGES_01101HR Forms: Specifications of SelectionsForms
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Interface to External Payroll Systems
3455ERP EHP76.0PA0491481HR Master Record: Infotype 491Interface to External Payroll Systems
3456ERP EHP76.0T558E81Transfer External Payroll-Arrears Results (International)Interface to External Payroll Systems
3457ERP EHP76.0T5UOT131Tax Services: Terminations and InactivesInterface to External Payroll Systems
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: International Functions for the Public Sector
3458ERP EHP76.0T7PBSDEC_COSTS181XDEC: Cost Distribution DefinitionInternational Functions for the Public Sector
3459ERP EHP76.0T7PBSDEC_WTGRP91XDEC: Wage Type Group DefinitionInternational Functions for the Public Sector
3460ERP EHP76.0T7PBSDEC_WTGRPT51XDEC: Wage Type Group Definition DescriptionInternational Functions for the Public Sector
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Off-Cycle
3461ERP EHP76.0T52OCA51Off-Cycle Reasons for Absence TypesOff-Cycle
3462ERP EHP76.0T52OCAP41Payroll in Advance - Default Values for Number of PeriodsOff-Cycle
3463ERP EHP76.0T52OCB61Default Value for Payment Method - Off-Cycle WorkbenchOff-Cycle
3464ERP EHP76.0T52OCC41Categories for Off-Cycle ReasonsOff-Cycle
3465ERP EHP76.0T52OCCT41Categories for off-cycle reasons - textsOff-Cycle
3466ERP EHP76.0T52OCF21Permitted Functions for the Off-Cycle Workbench Per CountryOff-Cycle
3467ERP EHP76.0T52OCG231Off-Cycle: Indicators for Batch: Payroll, Subsequent ProgramOff-Cycle
3468ERP EHP76.0T52OCL81Off-cycle: Bank Transfer Replaced by Check or ReversedOff-Cycle
3469ERP EHP76.0T52OCMP151Off-Cycle Flag for Mass ProcessingOff-Cycle
3470ERP EHP76.0T52OCP71Default Wage Types For Displaying Payroll ResultsOff-Cycle
3471ERP EHP76.0T52OCP121Check Management GroupingsOff-Cycle
3472ERP EHP76.0T52OCP1T41Check Management Groupings - TextOff-Cycle
3473ERP EHP76.0T52OCP231Check Management Grouping - Assigned AdministratorsOff-Cycle
3474ERP EHP76.0T52OCP341Check Management Grouping - Assign Report and VariantsOff-Cycle
3475ERP EHP76.0T52OCP451Check Management Grouping - REGUH Information for ROff-Cycle
3476ERP EHP76.0T52OCR41Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll RunsOff-Cycle
3477ERP EHP76.0T52OCRT41Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll TextsOff-Cycle
3478ERP EHP76.0T52OCV51Variants for Off-Cycle Payroll RunsOff-Cycle
3479ERP EHP76.0T52OCW61Default Wage Types for Bonus Run - Off-Cycle WorkbenchOff-Cycle
3480ERP EHP76.0T52OCZ51Off-Cycle: Payment Methods for Transfer and CheckOff-Cycle
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Payroll for Global Employees
3481ERP EHP76.0PA0722271HR Master Record Infotype 0722Payroll for Global Employees
3482ERP EHP76.0PA0723251HR Master Record Infotype 0723Payroll for Global Employees
3483ERP EHP76.0T7GP_DATA_EXCNG61Type of Data Exchange Between Payroll RunsPayroll for Global Employees
3484ERP EHP76.0T7GP_PERMO_MAP101Assign Period Parameters for Global PayrollPayroll for Global Employees
3485ERP EHP76.0T7GP_WGTYP_MAP91Assign Wage Types for Global PayrollPayroll for Global Employees
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Reuse Services for Country Development
3486ERP EHP76.0PA0048391HR Master Record: Infotype 0048 (Residence Status - CH)Reuse Services for Country Development
3487ERP EHP76.0PA0262301HR Master Record: Infotype 0262Reuse Services for Country Development
3488ERP EHP76.0PA0598251Registro maestro personal infotipo 0654 (Terminación)Reuse Services for Country Development
3489ERP EHP76.0PA06511301HR Master Record Infotype 0651Reuse Services for Country Development
3490ERP EHP76.0PA0652751HR Master Record Infotype 0652Reuse Services for Country Development
3491ERP EHP76.0PA0653451HR Master Record Infotype 0653Reuse Services for Country Development
3492ERP EHP76.0PA07131131Work relationship termination, SWEReuse Services for Country Development
3493ERP EHP76.0PA0860471HR Master Record: Infotype 0860Reuse Services for Country Development
3494ERP EHP76.0PA0861401HR Master Record: Infotype 0861Reuse Services for Country Development
3495ERP EHP76.0PA08651531HR Master Record: Infotype 0865Reuse Services for Country Development
3496ERP EHP76.0PA3213831HR PensionsReuse Services for Country Development
3497ERP EHP76.0PA3228501XSS Online ElectionReuse Services for Country Development
3498ERP EHP76.0T500L_SUBCOMP51Assignment MOLGA -> SubcomponentReuse Services for Country Development
3499ERP EHP76.0T50F0201HR-FORMS: Assignment of Standard Texts to FormsReuse Services for Country Development
3500ERP EHP76.0T50F251Control of Statement FunctionsReuse Services for Country Development
3501ERP EHP76.0T50F841HR-FORMS: Statement FunctionsReuse Services for Country Development
3502ERP EHP76.0T50F8T51HR-FORMS: Statement Functions - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3503ERP EHP76.0T50F951Permitted TablesReuse Services for Country Development
3504ERP EHP76.0T50F9T51Permitted TablesReuse Services for Country Development
3505ERP EHP76.0T50FF71HR: Change in Field ContentReuse Services for Country Development
3506ERP EHP76.0T535N51Name affixesReuse Services for Country Development
3507ERP EHP76.0T536C51Addresses via Address ManagementReuse Services for Country Development
3508ERP EHP76.0T536CT61Text Table for AddressesReuse Services for Country Development
3509ERP EHP76.0T536D41Entity Table for Address TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3510ERP EHP76.0T536DT51Text Table for Address TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3511ERP EHP76.0T596L101Determination of Personnel Area ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3512ERP EHP76.0T596M191Data Personnel Area ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3513ERP EHP76.0T596MD91Screens/Structures of Subscreens from T596MReuse Services for Country Development
3514ERP EHP76.0T596N91Summary Personnel Area ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3515ERP EHP76.0T596NV101Summary Personnel Area ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3516ERP EHP76.0T599E131Time-Dependent Rounding for Operation RNDCReuse Services for Country Development
3517ERP EHP76.0T599SFE31Required infotypes for feature structureReuse Services for Country Development
3518ERP EHP76.0T5DF081Statement Parameters - Basic SettingsReuse Services for Country Development
3519ERP EHP76.0T5DF0T41Statement Parameters Basic Settings - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3520ERP EHP76.0T5DF141Statement Wage TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3521ERP EHP76.0T5DF1T51Statement Wage Types - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3522ERP EHP76.0T5DF3151Table Assignment and Window/Element Control for FormReuse Services for Country Development
3523ERP EHP76.0T5DF4101Control Statement Wage TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3524ERP EHP76.0T5DF531Functional Areas for StatementsReuse Services for Country Development
3525ERP EHP76.0T5DF5T41Functional Areas for Statements - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3526ERP EHP76.0T5DF6101Statement Parameters - Customer SettingsReuse Services for Country Development
3527ERP EHP76.0T5DF731Wage Type BasesReuse Services for Country Development
3528ERP EHP76.0T5DF7T41Wage Type Bases - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3529ERP EHP76.0T5DF831Statement FunctionsReuse Services for Country Development
3530ERP EHP76.0T5DF8T41Statement Functions - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3531ERP EHP76.0T5DF9T41Permitted Tables - Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3532ERP EHP76.0T5DFB41Assignment of Wage Type Bases to Wage TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3533ERP EHP76.0T5F99A071AwardsReuse Services for Country Development
3534ERP EHP76.0T5F99A0T61Award textsReuse Services for Country Development
3535ERP EHP76.0T5F99A151MotifsReuse Services for Country Development
3536ERP EHP76.0T5F99A1T51Motif textsReuse Services for Country Development
3537ERP EHP76.0T5F99A251Authority levelsReuse Services for Country Development
3538ERP EHP76.0T5F99A2T51Authority level textReuse Services for Country Development
3539ERP EHP76.0T5F99A351TitlesReuse Services for Country Development
3540ERP EHP76.0T5F99A3T51Title textsReuse Services for Country Development
3541ERP EHP76.0T5F99A441StatusReuse Services for Country Development
3542ERP EHP76.0T5F99A4T51Status TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3543ERP EHP76.0T5F99A531Award GroupsReuse Services for Country Development
3544ERP EHP76.0T5F99A5T51Award groups textsReuse Services for Country Development
3545ERP EHP76.0T5F99AD51Date Types by DAQ ApplicationReuse Services for Country Development
3546ERP EHP76.0T5F99ADT71Infotype 0041 date mapping types text DAQReuse Services for Country Development
3547ERP EHP76.0T5F99BX81HR-BE: Substatus transitions in B2AReuse Services for Country Development
3548ERP EHP76.0T5F99CD121Calculation of duration in HRReuse Services for Country Development
3549ERP EHP76.0T5F99DM81Mapping of Infotype 0041 Date Types for DAQ applicationsReuse Services for Country Development
3550ERP EHP76.0T5F99DT41Type of duration in HR ( for calculation of duration )Reuse Services for Country Development
3551ERP EHP76.0T5F99F0191FormsReuse Services for Country Development
3552ERP EHP76.0T5F99FAM71Marital status key recodification for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3553ERP EHP76.0T5F99FC161Forms: ConditionsReuse Services for Country Development
3554ERP EHP76.0T5F99FCI41Forms: ConditionsReuse Services for Country Development
3555ERP EHP76.0T5F99FCT61Forms: Condition descriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3556ERP EHP76.0T5F99FD261Forms: ConstructReuse Services for Country Development
3557ERP EHP76.0T5F99FF151Forms: Field definitionReuse Services for Country Development
3558ERP EHP76.0T5F99FFC151cForms: Field definitionReuse Services for Country Development
3559ERP EHP76.0T5F99FFT61Forms: Field descriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3560ERP EHP76.0T5F99FG81Forms: Source field groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3561ERP EHP76.0T5F99FGI41Forms: Source field groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3562ERP EHP76.0T5F99FGT61Forms: Source field group descriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3563ERP EHP76.0T5F99FMS41Marital status keys for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3564ERP EHP76.0T5F99FMST61Texts of Marital Status Keys for DAQ ReportReuse Services for Country Development
3565ERP EHP76.0T5F99FOA41Form of Address status keys for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3566ERP EHP76.0T5F99FOADM71Form of Address status key recodification for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3567ERP EHP76.0T5F99FOAM71Form of Address status key recodification for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3568ERP EHP76.0T5F99FOAT61Texts of Form of Address Status Keys for DAQ ReportReuse Services for Country Development
3569ERP EHP76.0T5F99FS231Forms: SectionsReuse Services for Country Development
3570ERP EHP76.0T5F99FST61Forms: Sections descriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3571ERP EHP76.0T5F99FV41Wage type source groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3572ERP EHP76.0T5F99FVT61Wage type source groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3573ERP EHP76.0T5F99FW131Forms: Wage type source group definitionReuse Services for Country Development
3574ERP EHP76.0T5F99FX131Forms: Wage type source group customer extensionReuse Services for Country Development
3575ERP EHP76.0T5F99IE81InstitutionsReuse Services for Country Development
3576ERP EHP76.0T5F99IET61Texts for institutionsReuse Services for Country Development
3577ERP EHP76.0T5F99IG71Institution groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3578ERP EHP76.0T5F99IGT51Texts for institution groupsReuse Services for Country Development
3579ERP EHP76.0T5F99K031Possible configuration optionsReuse Services for Country Development
3580ERP EHP76.0T5F99K0T51Possible configuration options descriptionsReuse Services for Country Development
3581ERP EHP76.0T5F99K141Configuration values for configuration optionsReuse Services for Country Development
3582ERP EHP76.0T5F99K1T61Description of configuration option valuesReuse Services for Country Development
3583ERP EHP76.0T5F99K271Customer values for configuration optionsReuse Services for Country Development
3584ERP EHP76.0T5F99KM41Modificators for configuration optionsReuse Services for Country Development
3585ERP EHP76.0T5F99KMT61Description of configuration option modificatorsReuse Services for Country Development
3586ERP EHP76.0T5F99M151Means of TransportReuse Services for Country Development
3587ERP EHP76.0T5F99M1151Mobility Groups for ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3588ERP EHP76.0T5F99M11T51Mobility Groups for Reporting - TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3589ERP EHP76.0T5F99M1271Mobility Groups and Means of Transport for ReportingReuse Services for Country Development
3590ERP EHP76.0T5F99M1T51Means of Transport TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3591ERP EHP76.0T5F99M261Reimbursement RulesReuse Services for Country Development
3592ERP EHP76.0T5F99M2T51Reimbursement Rule TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3593ERP EHP76.0T5F99M351Cost TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3594ERP EHP76.0T5F99M3T51Cost Type TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3595ERP EHP76.0T5F99M451Mobility ModifiersReuse Services for Country Development
3596ERP EHP76.0T5F99M4T51Mobility Modifier TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3597ERP EHP76.0T5F99M5101Connect Feature with Compensation RulesReuse Services for Country Development
3598ERP EHP76.0T5F99MC151Reimbursement Settings by GroupsReuse Services for Country Development
3599ERP EHP76.0T5F99MCT51Reimbursement Group TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3600ERP EHP76.0T5F99ME111Fixed Reimbursement SettingsReuse Services for Country Development
3601ERP EHP76.0T5F99OCFG61Output forms group type - CustomizingReuse Services for Country Development
3602ERP EHP76.0T5F99OCFT101Output Form Type - CustomizingReuse Services for Country Development
3603ERP EHP76.0T5F99OEFG41Form GroupsReuse Services for Country Development
3604ERP EHP76.0T5F99OEFGT41Form GroupsReuse Services for Country Development
3605ERP EHP76.0T5F99OMFG31Output forms groupingsReuse Services for Country Development
3606ERP EHP76.0T5F99OMFGT41Output forms groupingsReuse Services for Country Development
3607ERP EHP76.0T5F99OSFG61Output forms group typeReuse Services for Country Development
3608ERP EHP76.0T5F99OSFT101Output Form Type (reporting)Reuse Services for Country Development
3609ERP EHP76.0T5F99P141StatusReuse Services for Country Development
3610ERP EHP76.0T5F99P1T51Status TextReuse Services for Country Development
3611ERP EHP76.0T5F99P251Offense CategoryReuse Services for Country Development
3612ERP EHP76.0T5F99P2T51Offense Category TextReuse Services for Country Development
3613ERP EHP76.0T5F99P361Offense TypeReuse Services for Country Development
3614ERP EHP76.0T5F99P3T61Offense Type TextReuse Services for Country Development
3615ERP EHP76.0T5F99P471OffenseReuse Services for Country Development
3616ERP EHP76.0T5F99P4T71Offense TextReuse Services for Country Development
3617ERP EHP76.0T5F99P531Population groupReuse Services for Country Development
3618ERP EHP76.0T5F99P5T51Population group textReuse Services for Country Development
3619ERP EHP76.0T5F99P651Disciplinary Measure GroupReuse Services for Country Development
3620ERP EHP76.0T5F99P6T51Text of Disciplinary Measure GroupReuse Services for Country Development
3621ERP EHP76.0T5F99P7101Disciplinary MeasureReuse Services for Country Development
3622ERP EHP76.0T5F99P7T61Disciplinary Measure TextReuse Services for Country Development
3623ERP EHP76.0T5F99P8111Link Between Offense and Disciplinary MeasureReuse Services for Country Development
3624ERP EHP76.0T5F99P961CommitteeReuse Services for Country Development
3625ERP EHP76.0T5F99P9T51Committee textReuse Services for Country Development
3626ERP EHP76.0T5F99PA41Processing areas within HR ( for calculation of duration )Reuse Services for Country Development
3627ERP EHP76.0T5F99PHR41Public Holiday Calendar replacementsReuse Services for Country Development
3628ERP EHP76.0T5F99PHS41Public Holiday SubstitutionsReuse Services for Country Development
3629ERP EHP76.0T5F99PR51Reason for changing master data keys for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3630ERP EHP76.0T5F99PRM81Reason for changing master data recodification DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3631ERP EHP76.0T5F99PRT71Texts of reason for changing master data for DAQ reportsReuse Services for Country Development
3632ERP EHP76.0T5F99R_PRFID41Proof of Identity TypeReuse Services for Country Development
3633ERP EHP76.0T5F99R_WPFUN41Functional AreaReuse Services for Country Development
3634ERP EHP76.0T5F99S041Type of processReuse Services for Country Development
3635ERP EHP76.0T5F99S0T51Description of type of process definitionsReuse Services for Country Development
3636ERP EHP76.0T5F99SE171Subdocument status tableReuse Services for Country Development
3637ERP EHP76.0T5F99SR141Document status tableReuse Services for Country Development
3638ERP EHP76.0T5F99ST91StatusReuse Services for Country Development
3639ERP EHP76.0T5F99STT61Status DescriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3640ERP EHP76.0T5F99ST_R61Final status and their returnablesReuse Services for Country Development
3641ERP EHP76.0T5F99SV111Document status tableReuse Services for Country Development
3642ERP EHP76.0T5F99T031Termination typesReuse Services for Country Development
3643ERP EHP76.0T5F99T0T51Termination types textsReuse Services for Country Development
3644ERP EHP76.0T5F99T131Termination: Severance typesReuse Services for Country Development
3645ERP EHP76.0T5F99T1T51Termination: Severance typesReuse Services for Country Development
3646ERP EHP76.0T5F99TE91Termination: evaluation rulesReuse Services for Country Development
3647ERP EHP76.0T5F99TG31Termination: employee groupingReuse Services for Country Development
3648ERP EHP76.0T5F99TGT51Termination: employee groupingReuse Services for Country Development
3649ERP EHP76.0T5F99TM61Termination: severance model for a termination typeReuse Services for Country Development
3650ERP EHP76.0T5F99TP71Termination: severance payment rulesReuse Services for Country Development
3651ERP EHP76.0T5F99VD51Dates of activation of changesReuse Services for Country Development
3652ERP EHP76.0T5JOCC21Payroll Category for Payroll ReasonReuse Services for Country Development
3653ERP EHP76.0T7799B_SUBTY91Subtype CharacteristicsReuse Services for Country Development
3654ERP EHP76.0T7799B_SUBTY_T61Subtype CharacteristicsReuse Services for Country Development
3655ERP EHP76.0T7799B_X1CLSTR181Configuration of Cluster X1 and directory X0Reuse Services for Country Development
3656ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB0061HR Attribute TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3657ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB0171HR AttributesReuse Services for Country Development
3658ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB01T51HR AttributesReuse Services for Country Development
3659ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB0291Fixed Values of HR AttributesReuse Services for Country Development
3660ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB02T61Fixed Values of HR AttributesReuse Services for Country Development
3661ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB03C71Customizable Values of HR AttributesReuse Services for Country Development
3662ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB0561HR Attributes of HR Attribute ClassReuse Services for Country Development
3663ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB06C51Define HR Attribute ClassReuse Services for Country Development
3664ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB06CT51Assign HR Attribute Group to HR Attribute ClassReuse Services for Country Development
3665ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB0731Configuration of HR Attribute Sub-ApplicationsReuse Services for Country Development
3666ERP EHP76.0T799BATTRIB07T41Configuration of HR Attribute Sub-ApplicationsReuse Services for Country Development
3667ERP EHP76.0T799BCFG71Form Group - Output Type - CustomizingReuse Services for Country Development
3668ERP EHP76.0T799BCFT101Form Output Type - CustomizingReuse Services for Country Development
3669ERP EHP76.0T799BEFG41Entry Form GroupReuse Services for Country Development
3670ERP EHP76.0T799BEFGT51Form Group - DescriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3671ERP EHP76.0T799BFOR31Output Form TypeReuse Services for Country Development
3672ERP EHP76.0T799BFORT51Output Form Type - DescriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3673ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF0151Report: definitionReuse Services for Country Development
3674ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF0261HRF Report sectionsReuse Services for Country Development
3675ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF02C71HRF Report customer sectionsReuse Services for Country Development
3676ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF02T61HRF Report sections textsReuse Services for Country Development
3677ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF03141HRF Report fieldsReuse Services for Country Development
3678ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF03C151HRF Report customer fieldsReuse Services for Country Development
3679ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF03T71HRF Report fields textsReuse Services for Country Development
3680ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF0491HRF Report output generationReuse Services for Country Development
3681ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF04C101HRF Report customer output generationReuse Services for Country Development
3682ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF0571HRF Factory configurationReuse Services for Country Development
3683ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF05C81HRF Factory customer configurationReuse Services for Country Development
3684ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF06111HRF Report Post ProcessingReuse Services for Country Development
3685ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF06C121HRF Report Customer Post ProcessingReuse Services for Country Development
3686ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF0721HRF Content types for output generationReuse Services for Country Development
3687ERP EHP76.0T799BHRF07T41HRF Content types for output generation textsReuse Services for Country Development
3688ERP EHP76.0T799BHRFPL151Parallelization ConfigurationReuse Services for Country Development
3689ERP EHP76.0T799BHRFPL_C151Parallelization ConfigurationReuse Services for Country Development
3690ERP EHP76.0T799BHRFPL_TASKS181Parallelization TasksReuse Services for Country Development
3691ERP EHP76.0T799BMFG41Logical Form GroupReuse Services for Country Development
3692ERP EHP76.0T799BMFGT61Logical Form Group - DescriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3693ERP EHP76.0T799BPP0151PensionsReuse Services for Country Development
3694ERP EHP76.0T799BPP01T51Pension TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3695ERP EHP76.0T799BPP0261Pension SubplansReuse Services for Country Development
3696ERP EHP76.0T799BPP02T61Texts for Pension SubplansReuse Services for Country Development
3697ERP EHP76.0T799BPP0371Pension Calculation MethodsReuse Services for Country Development
3698ERP EHP76.0T799BPP03T51Texts for Pension Calculation MethodsReuse Services for Country Development
3699ERP EHP76.0T799BPP04211Pension Calculation SchemaReuse Services for Country Development
3700ERP EHP76.0T799BPP0581Connection Between Contribution and ReceiverReuse Services for Country Development
3701ERP EHP76.0T799BPP05T61Pension Modifier TextsReuse Services for Country Development
3702ERP EHP76.0T799BPP0631Periodicity Values for PensionsReuse Services for Country Development
3703ERP EHP76.0T799BPP06T51Texts for Pension Periodicity ValuesReuse Services for Country Development
3704ERP EHP76.0T799BRNDFC81Field Dependent Rounding (customer specific settings)Reuse Services for Country Development
3705ERP EHP76.0T799BRNDFS71Field Dependent Rounding (SAP-delivery)Reuse Services for Country Development
3706ERP EHP76.0T799BRNDM31Rounding MethodsReuse Services for Country Development
3707ERP EHP76.0T799BRNDMT51Rounding Methods (Description)Reuse Services for Country Development
3708ERP EHP76.0T799BSFG71Form Group - Output TypeReuse Services for Country Development
3709ERP EHP76.0T799BSFT91Form Output TypeReuse Services for Country Development
3710ERP EHP76.0T799L0081Protection PropertyReuse Services for Country Development
3711ERP EHP76.0T799L0151Protection Property DescriptionReuse Services for Country Development
3712ERP EHP76.0T799L0231Event GroupingReuse Services for Country Development
3713ERP EHP76.0T799L0351Event Grouping Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3714ERP EHP76.0T799L0471Event Relation TableReuse Services for Country Development
3715ERP EHP76.0T799L0541Relation Table Protection ReasonReuse Services for Country Development
3716ERP EHP76.0T799L0641Relation Table Org. CodeReuse Services for Country Development
3717ERP EHP76.0T799L0741Relation Table Event CodeReuse Services for Country Development
3718ERP EHP76.0T799L0851Law TableReuse Services for Country Development
3719ERP EHP76.0T799L0951Law Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3720ERP EHP76.0T799L0A51Decision Relation TableReuse Services for Country Development
3721ERP EHP76.0T799L0B81Usage rulesReuse Services for Country Development
3722ERP EHP76.0T799L0C51Usage Rule Text TableReuse Services for Country Development
3723ERP EHP76.0T799L1061Employee Grouping and Number of Days in Divisor 30Reuse Services for Country Development
3724ERP EHP76.0T799L1131Day Type Used in Divisor 30Reuse Services for Country Development
3725ERP EHP76.0T799L1251Text of Day Type Used in T799L11Reuse Services for Country Development
3726ERP EHP76.0T799L1381Day Type and Priority for Adjustment in Divisor 30Reuse Services for Country Development
3727ERP EHP76.0T799L1421Day Subtypes in Divisor 30Reuse Services for Country Development
3728ERP EHP76.0T799L1571Absence Grouping for Day Type in Divisor 30Reuse Services for Country Development
3729ERP EHP76.0T799L1651Function module for changing the priorities standard settingReuse Services for Country Development
3730ERP EHP76.0T799L2051Retroactive Accounting ReasonsReuse Services for Country Development
3731ERP EHP76.0T799L2171Define Retroactive Accounting TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3732ERP EHP76.0T799L2231Retroactive Accounting AreasReuse Services for Country Development
3733ERP EHP76.0T799L2321Define Valid Retro Acctg Methods for CountriesReuse Services for Country Development
3734ERP EHP76.0T799L2441Define Valid Retro Acctg Methods for Retro Acctg AreasReuse Services for Country Development
3735ERP EHP76.0T799L2561Define Bases for Retro Acctg AreasReuse Services for Country Development
3736ERP EHP76.0T799L2641Define Valid Cumulation FreezingReuse Services for Country Development
3737ERP EHP76.0T799L2771Determine Cumulation FreezingReuse Services for Country Development
3738ERP EHP76.0T799L2821Calculations to be ExcludedReuse Services for Country Development
3739ERP EHP76.0T799L2931Exclusion GroupingsReuse Services for Country Development
3740ERP EHP76.0T799L2A51Texts Retroactive Accounting ReasonsReuse Services for Country Development
3741ERP EHP76.0T799L2B51Texts Retroactive Accounting AreasReuse Services for Country Development
3742ERP EHP76.0T799L2C41Texts of Calculations to be ExcludedReuse Services for Country Development
3743ERP EHP76.0T799L2D61Define Wage Types for Calculations to be ExcludedReuse Services for Country Development
3744ERP EHP76.0T799L2E81Define Exclusion Criteria GroupingsReuse Services for Country Development
3745ERP EHP76.0T799L2F51Texts of Exclusion GroupingsReuse Services for Country Development
3746ERP EHP76.0T799L2X31Retroactive Accounting TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3747ERP EHP76.0T799L2Y51Texts Retroactive Accounting TypesReuse Services for Country Development
3748ERP EHP76.0T799L3051HCM Log category structure enhancementsReuse Services for Country Development
3749ERP EHP76.0T799L4031Legal categories for absence typesReuse Services for Country Development
3750ERP EHP76.0T799L4151Texts of legal categories for absence typesReuse Services for Country Development
3751ERP EHP76.0T799L4281Asignment between absence types and legal categoriesReuse Services for Country Development
3752ERP EHP76.0T799L_ADDON11Add-on Latinamerican CountriesReuse Services for Country Development
3753ERP EHP76.0T7CN4331Apply StatusReuse Services for Country Development
3754ERP EHP76.0T7CN4W61Apply Status TextReuse Services for Country Development
3755ERP EHP76.0T7F99TQ71Termination: Time quota settlement typesReuse Services for Country Development
3756ERP EHP76.0T7TW10101System table for VB Up/downloadReuse Services for Country Development
Payroll :: Payroll General Parts :: Tools
3757ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_CYCL132CyclesTools
3758ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_CYSTP262Steps of the cyclesTools
3759ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_DEPCY103Schedule DependencyTools
3760ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_DEPTM81Template DependencyTools
3761ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_SCHDL142ScheduleTools
3762ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_SCHDLT52Text table for scheduleTools
3763ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_SHPROFIL83Schedule profileTools
3764ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_STATSCHN72Reason for status changeTools
3765ERP EHP76.0HRPYO_D_STEPNOTE71Notes for stepTools
3766ERP EHP76.0PA0415311HR Master Record: Infotype 0415Tools
3767ERP EHP76.0PA0579344HR Master Record Infotype 0579 (Ext. Wage Components)Tools
3768ERP EHP76.0T512X71Accessibility of Wage Types for External Salary ElementsTools
3769ERP EHP76.0T52SE111HRPAY-Status Management: Program CategoriesTools
3770ERP EHP76.0T52SEIOC51HRPAY-Status Management: Program CategoriesTools
3771ERP EHP76.0T52SEOCT71Process Manager: Program Categories, Targets of ObjectsTools
3772ERP EHP76.0T52SES31HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values for CategoriesTools
3773ERP EHP76.0T52SESC51HRPAY Process Manager: Override Consistency CheckTools
3774ERP EHP76.0T52SES_C31HRPAY Status Management:Default Values for Customer CategoryTools
3775ERP EHP76.0T52SET41HRPAY-Status Management: Text for Program CategoryTools
3776ERP EHP76.0T52SM141HRPAY-Status Management: Attributes of a Process ModelTools
3777ERP EHP76.0T52SMBID11Process Manager: Filter Value of BAdI for Set CreationTools
3778ERP EHP76.0T52SMP21HRPAY-Status Management: Default ValuesTools
3779ERP EHP76.0T52SMPC31HRPAY-Status Management: Categories for Default ValuesTools
3780ERP EHP76.0T52SMPM31HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values with ClientsTools
3781ERP EHP76.0T52SMPM_C31HRPAY-Status Management:Default Values with Clients/CustomerTools
3782ERP EHP76.0T52SMP_C21HRPAY-Status Management: Default ValuesTools
3783ERP EHP76.0T52SMS171HRPAY-Status Management: Steps in a Process ModelTools
3784ERP EHP76.0T52SMSC121HRPAY-Status Management: Info on Communication per StepTools
3785ERP EHP76.0T52SMSS11Filter Values for Selection ProgramsTools
3786ERP EHP76.0T52SMSST31Filter Values for Selection ProgramsTools
3787ERP EHP76.0T52SMST51Process Manager: Text for a StepTools
3788ERP EHP76.0T52SMSW11Filter Values for Wait PointsTools
3789ERP EHP76.0T52SMS_INDX71Process Manager: Save General DataTools
3790ERP EHP76.0T52SMT41HRPAY-Status Management: Text for Process ModelTools
3791ERP EHP76.0T52SMVS21Process Manager: No Longer UsedTools
3792ERP EHP76.0T52SP141HRPAY-Status Management: Process IDTools
3793ERP EHP76.0T52SPCE91Process Manager: Counterevent SchedulingTools
3794ERP EHP76.0T52SPE91Process Manager: Scheduling Processes / StepsTools
3795ERP EHP76.0T52SPEV81Process Manager: CountereventsTools
3796ERP EHP76.0T52SPL51Counter for Steps Currently Being Processed by a ProcessTools
3797ERP EHP76.0T52SPO101Process Manager: Objects of SetTools
3798ERP EHP76.0T52SPOT91Process Manager: Objects of SetTools
3799ERP EHP76.0T52SPS151HRPAY-Status Management: Process StatusTools
3800ERP EHP76.0T52SPT41HRPAY-Status Management: Process TextTools
3801ERP EHP76.0T52ST53HRPAY-Status Management: Status TableTools
3802ERP EHP76.0T52STH92HRPAY-Status Management: Status TableTools
3803ERP EHP76.0T52STOD61Process Manager: Definition of Object Types and Their Admin.Tools
3804ERP EHP76.0T52STODT31Process Manager: Object Type Texts and Their AdministrationTools
3805ERP EHP76.0T52STOTD71Process Manager: Definition of Object Types and Their Admin.Tools
3806ERP EHP76.0T532A81HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of DataTools
3807ERP EHP76.0T532B221HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Wage TypesTools
3808ERP EHP76.0T532C31HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: ABAP/4 ConversionTools
3809ERP EHP76.0T532D61HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Symbolic ConversionTools
3810ERP EHP76.0T532E51HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Semantic ConversionTools
3811ERP EHP76.0T532F61HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Profiles/Free FormatTools
3812ERP EHP76.0T532K51HR PU12: Version Management Cluster IF - Exported TablesTools
3813ERP EHP76.0T532L81HR PU12: Version Management Cluster IF - Fields StructureTools
3814ERP EHP76.0T532R11PU12: Registration of Interface Formats UsedTools
3815ERP EHP76.0T77PAY_PYO_SYM31Mapping of Symbolic Accounts with MolgaTools
3816ERP EHP76.0T77PYORULES51Rules to generate start date in payroll scheduleTools
3817ERP EHP76.0T77PYORULEST41Text table for rulesTools
3818ERP EHP76.0T77PYOSCHTY32Payroll Schedule TypeTools
3819ERP EHP76.0T77PYOSCHTYT41Text table for schedule typeTools
3820ERP EHP76.0T77PYOSTEPS101Steps used in payroll scheduleTools
3821ERP EHP76.0T77PYOSTEPST41Text Table for Step TypeTools
3822ERP EHP76.0T77PYOTMPLT51Template DefinitionTools
3823ERP EHP76.0T77PYOTMPLTT41Text table for template typeTools
3824ERP EHP76.0T77PYOTMSTP62Template for payroll scheduleTools
Payroll :: Singapore :: Public Sector
3825ERP EHP76.0PA0486411HR-SG-PS: Master Data (National Service)Public Sector
3826ERP EHP76.0PA0487271HR-SG-PS: Security / medical ClearancePublic Sector
3827ERP EHP76.0PA0488271HR-SG-PS: Leave schemePublic Sector
3828ERP EHP76.0PA0489271HR-SG-PS: Voluntary Service / ECAPublic Sector
3829ERP EHP76.0PA0490451HR-PS-SG: Employee Suggestion SchemePublic Sector
3830ERP EHP76.0PA0493901HR-SG-PS: Extension of infotype 0022Public Sector
3831ERP EHP76.0PA04941131HR-PS-SG: Employee Suggestion Scheme - Evaluation ResultsPublic Sector
3832ERP EHP76.0PA04951121HR-PS-SG: Pensions SchemePublic Sector
3833ERP EHP76.0PA0502601Letter of appointmentPublic Sector
3834ERP EHP76.0PA0742261HR Master Record: Infotype 0742Public Sector
3835ERP EHP76.0PA07431011HR master record infotype 0743 (Discipline)Public Sector
3836ERP EHP76.0PA0744441HR master record infotype 0744 (Blacklist)Public Sector
3837ERP EHP76.0PA0752451HR Master Record: Infotype 0752Public Sector
3838ERP EHP76.0PA0753351HR Master Record: Infotype 0753Public Sector
3839ERP EHP76.0PA0754331HR Master Record: Infotype 0754Public Sector
3840ERP EHP76.0PA0755291HR Master Record: Infotype 0755Public Sector
3841ERP EHP76.0PB0488271HR-SG-PS: Leave schemePublic Sector
3842ERP EHP76.0PB0493901HR-SG-PS: Extension of infotype 0022Public Sector
3843ERP EHP76.0PB0502601Letter of appointmentPublic Sector
3844ERP EHP76.0PB0744441HR Master Record: Infotype 0744Public Sector
3845ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1A31Type of National Service and UnitPublic Sector
3846ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1AT51Text For Type of National Service And UnitPublic Sector
3847ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1B21National Service StatusPublic Sector
3848ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1BT41Text For National Service StatusPublic Sector
3849ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1C41RANK at ORD / ReservistPublic Sector
3850ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1CT51Text For Rank at ORD / ReservistPublic Sector
3851ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1D31VocationPublic Sector
3852ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1DT51Text For VocationPublic Sector
3853ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1E21CommendationPublic Sector
3854ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1ET41Text For CommendationPublic Sector
3855ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1F21Performance rating for national servicePublic Sector
3856ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1FT41Text For Performance RatingPublic Sector
3857ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1G21Conduct rating for national servicePublic Sector
3858ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1GT41Text For Conduct RatingPublic Sector
3859ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1H21Mobilisation CodePublic Sector
3860ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1HT41Text For MobilisationPublic Sector
3861ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1J31Level Of ClearancePublic Sector
3862ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1JT51Text For Level Of ClearancePublic Sector
3863ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1K21Status Of ClearancePublic Sector
3864ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1KT41Text For Status Of ClearancePublic Sector
3865ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1L31Types Of Voluntary Services / ECAPublic Sector
3866ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1LT51Text For Voluntary Services / ECAPublic Sector
3867ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1M21Position Held In Voluntary Service / ECAPublic Sector
3868ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1MT41Text For Position Held In Voluntary Service / ECAPublic Sector
3869ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1N21RepresentationPublic Sector
3870ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1NT41Text For RepresentationPublic Sector
3871ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1O31SubjectPublic Sector
3872ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1OT61Text For Subject CodePublic Sector
3873ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1P21Asset TypePublic Sector
3874ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1PT41Text For Asset TypePublic Sector
3875ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1Q31Dialect GroupPublic Sector
3876ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1QT51Text For Dialect GroupPublic Sector
3877ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR1T41Link table for absence and NS Type (No longer in use)Public Sector
3878ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2A61Stores the employer MediSave reference numberPublic Sector
3879ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2B281SI contr. table for Govt Pensionable Employees.Public Sector
3880ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2C311PR contr. table for govt. pensionable employees.Public Sector
3881ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2D301SI contr. table for Govt Non-pensionable EmployeesPublic Sector
3882ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2E331PR contr. table for Govt. non-pensionable employees.Public Sector
3883ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR2F101Special MSO Calculation RulesPublic Sector
3884ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3A21Leave scheme typesPublic Sector
3885ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3AT41Text table for leave schemesPublic Sector
3886ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3B61Leave entitlementPublic Sector
3887ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3BI21Group identifier for leave entilementPublic Sector
3888ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3BIT41Text for group identifier for leave entilementPublic Sector
3889ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3C51Leave Quota EntitlementPublic Sector
3890ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3CI21Group for leave quotaPublic Sector
3891ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3CIT41Text for group for leave quotaPublic Sector
3892ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3D61Leave allowance and daily rate of make up vac lv - scheme 73Public Sector
3893ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3DI21Group for leave allowancePublic Sector
3894ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3DIT41Text for group for leave allowancePublic Sector
3895ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3G21DivisionPublic Sector
3896ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3GT41Division textPublic Sector
3897ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3H41Salary GroupingPublic Sector
3898ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3I61Define the maximum number of absence days w/o prorationPublic Sector
3899ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR3J81Guideline for prorationPublic Sector
3900ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR4A21Appointment typePublic Sector
3901ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR4AT41Appointment type descriptionPublic Sector
3902ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR4B21Tenure of officePublic Sector
3903ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR4BT41Tenure of office descriptionPublic Sector
3904ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6A31Scheme of ServicesPublic Sector
3905ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6AT51Text for Scheme of ServicesPublic Sector
3906ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6B31Salary CodePublic Sector
3907ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6BT51Text for Salary CodePublic Sector
3908ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6C41Assignment between Scheme Code and Salary CodePublic Sector
3909ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6D41(Not used, will be deleted in 4.6)Public Sector
3910ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6E91Annual Wage Adjustment for Basic ComponentPublic Sector
3911ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6F111Monthly Salary ScalePublic Sector
3912ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6G81Basic ComponentPublic Sector
3913ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6H101NPVP Increment DetailPublic Sector
3914ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6HI21NPVP Increment Eligibility GroupPublic Sector
3915ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6HIT41Text for Eligibility Group for NPVP AdjustmentPublic Sector
3916ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6I121Guideline for Salary ComponentsPublic Sector
3917ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6J91Annual Wage Adjustment for MVC ComponentPublic Sector
3918ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6M41Assignment between Pay Scale Types and Scheme CodePublic Sector
3919ERP EHP76.0T5PBSR6N41Assignment between Pay scale area and divisionPublic Sector
3920ERP EHP76.0T5R0P_PS151Plant section/Singapore for PS EmployeesPublic Sector
3921ERP EHP76.0T5RCPF_SCH31CPF Scheme types for Public sectorPublic Sector
3922ERP EHP76.0T5RCPF_SCHT51CPF Scheme type textsPublic Sector
3923ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10A51Disciplinary ActPublic Sector
3924ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10AT51Text Table for Disciplinary ActPublic Sector
3925ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10B61Offences CodePublic Sector
3926ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10BT111Text table for Offences CodePublic Sector
3927ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10C31Outcome GroupingPublic Sector
3928ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10CT51Text table for Outcome GroupingPublic Sector
3929ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10D61Outcome CodePublic Sector
3930ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10DT51Text Table for Outcome codePublic Sector
3931ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10E51Type of RepresentationPublic Sector
3932ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10ET51Text Table for Type of RepresentationPublic Sector
3933ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10F31Offence GroupingPublic Sector
3934ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10FT51Text table for Offence GroupingPublic Sector
3935ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10G51Interdict/Stop pay typePublic Sector
3936ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10GT51Text Table for Interdiction TypePublic Sector
3937ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10H31Blacklist categoryPublic Sector
3938ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10HT51Text Table for Blacklist CategoryPublic Sector
3939ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10I31Exit ModePublic Sector
3940ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10IT51Text table for Exit modePublic Sector
3941ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10J31Blacklist reasonPublic Sector
3942ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS10JT51Text table for Blacklist ReasonPublic Sector
3943ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11A31Type of PropertyPublic Sector
3944ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11AT51Text Table for Type of PropertyPublic Sector
3945ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11B31Type of CompanyPublic Sector
3946ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11BT51Text Table for Type of CompanyPublic Sector
3947ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11C31Type of Business FirmPublic Sector
3948ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS11CT51Text Table for Type of Business FirmPublic Sector
3949ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1P31Staff Suggestion CategoryPublic Sector
3950ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1PT51Text Table for Staff Suggestion CategoryPublic Sector
3951ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1Q71Evaluator IdentificationPublic Sector
3952ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1R31Evaluation Criteria For Staff Suggestion SchemePublic Sector
3953ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1RT51Text Table for Evaluation Criteria in SSSPublic Sector
3954ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1T71Weighting of Evaluation CriteriaPublic Sector
3955ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1U31Evaluation Status in Staff Suggestion SchemePublic Sector
3956ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1UT51Text Table for Evaluation Status in SSSPublic Sector
3957ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1W81Evaluation Authority and Weighting Based on EvaluatorPublic Sector
3958ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1X31Staff Suggestion Scheme Ranking TablePublic Sector
3959ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1XT51Text Table for Staff Suggestion Ranking TablePublic Sector
3960ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS1Y91Definition of Rank TablePublic Sector
3961ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8A71Define Superannuation SchemePublic Sector
3962ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8AT41Text Table for Superannuation SchemePublic Sector
3963ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8B31Define Superannuation Scheme Payment OptionPublic Sector
3964ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8BT41Text Table for Superannuation Scheme Payment OptionPublic Sector
3965ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8C41OBSOLETE(Pensions Scheme Payment Option Eligibility Crite)Public Sector
3966ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8D41OBSOLETE (Absences not counted as Pensionable Service)Public Sector
3967ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8E101OBSOLETE (SG Public Sector Pensions Scheme Constants Tab)Public Sector
3968ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8ET41OBSOLETE (Text Table for Pensions Scheme Constants Table)Public Sector
3969ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8F51Pay Changes Reasons to be considered for Averaging of APEPublic Sector
3970ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8G81OBSOLETE (Specify Calculation Process for LOS Calculation)Public Sector
3971ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8H91Assign Options, Components, Val. Model to Elig. GroupingPublic Sector
3972ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8I21Define Eligibility Grouping for Superannuation SchemePublic Sector
3973ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8IT41Text Table for Pensions Scheme Eligibility GroupingPublic Sector
3974ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8J81Pensions Scheme Constant Value (TO BE OBSOLETED)Public Sector
3975ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8K21Pensions Scheme Option Component Code (Obsolete)Public Sector
3976ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8KT41Text Table for Pensions Scheme Option Comp. Code(Obsolete)Public Sector
3977ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8L61Pensions Scheme Discount ValuePublic Sector
3978ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8M91Interest RatesPublic Sector
3979ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8N21Pensions Scheme Eligibility GroupingPublic Sector
3980ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8NT41Text Table for Pensions Scheme Eligibility GroupingPublic Sector
3981ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8O21Pensions Scheme Option Component CodePublic Sector
3982ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8OT41Text Table for Pensions Scheme Option Component CodePublic Sector
3983ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8P71Exit Modules for Pension CalculationsPublic Sector
3984ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8Q51Absence type for proration of Past salary for CPF refundPublic Sector
3985ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8R51Maintain Formula Module for Generic APE CalculationPublic Sector
3986ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8S61Maintain Formula Module for Average APE CalculationPublic Sector
3987ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8T41Maintain Pensions ActPublic Sector
3988ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8TT51Text Table for Pensions ActPublic Sector
3989ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8U21Define Superannuation OptionPublic Sector
3990ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8UT41Text Table for Superannuation optionPublic Sector
3991ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8V51Assign Superannuation Option to Superannuation SchemePublic Sector
3992ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8W41Maintain Approval of RetirementPublic Sector
3993ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS8WT41Text Table for Approval of RetirementPublic Sector
3994ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS9A31Status GroupPublic Sector
3995ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS9AT51Text Table for Status GroupPublic Sector
3996ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS9B31StatusPublic Sector
3997ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS9BT51Text Table for StatusPublic Sector
3998ERP EHP76.0T5RPBS9C41Assignment of Status to Status GroupPublic Sector
3999ERP EHP76.0T5RPBSE151To define Standard Divisional Ratios for ERA.Public Sector
4000ERP EHP76.0T5RPBSE261Priority of ERA DeductionsPublic Sector
4001ERP EHP76.0T5RPBSG041GNP Code for GNPPublic Sector
4002ERP EHP76.0T5RPBSG1141Salary Conversions for GNPPublic Sector
4003ERP EHP76.0T5RPBSG251Golden Number for GNPPublic Sector
Payroll :: Sweden :: Public sector Sweden
4004ERP EHP76.0T5S0P_CE141Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings and Default ValuesPublic sector Sweden
4005ERP EHP76.0T5S0Q_CE91Absence split rules for SNABCPublic sector Sweden
4006ERP EHP76.0T5S1C_CE31Period Work Schedule Valuation for VACSPublic sector Sweden
4007ERP EHP76.0T5SA0_CE161AlectaPublic sector Sweden
4008ERP EHP76.0T5SAB_CE61Absence PropertiesPublic sector Sweden
4009ERP EHP76.0T5SAL_CE71Absence LimitsPublic sector Sweden
4010ERP EHP76.0T5SAM_CE91Absences to Limit code MappingPublic sector Sweden
4011ERP EHP76.0T5SAW_CE71Part-time absences made from WTs in infotype 14Public sector Sweden
4012ERP EHP76.0T5SK0_CE191KPA eventsPublic sector Sweden
4013ERP EHP76.0T5SK1_CE91KPA absencesPublic sector Sweden
4014ERP EHP76.0T5SK2_CE111KPA incomePublic sector Sweden
4015ERP EHP76.0T5SP0_CE151PA91 periodsPublic sector Sweden
4016ERP EHP76.0T5SP1_CE91PA91 absencePublic sector Sweden
4017ERP EHP76.0T5SP2_CE111PA91 incomePublic sector Sweden
4018ERP EHP76.0T5SP3_CE41PA91 pernrPublic sector Sweden
4019ERP EHP76.0T5SS0_CE201PA03 periodsPublic sector Sweden
4020ERP EHP76.0T5SS1_CE131PA03 absencesPublic sector Sweden
4021ERP EHP76.0T5SS2_CE121PA03 incomePublic sector Sweden
4022ERP EHP76.0T5SS3_CE71PA03 pernrPublic sector Sweden
4023ERP EHP76.0T5STE_CE111Teachers - School year definitionPublic sector Sweden
4024ERP EHP76.0T5STH_CE51Teachers - Other holidaysPublic sector Sweden
4025ERP EHP76.0T5SVA_CE101Vacation debtPublic sector Sweden
4026ERP EHP76.0T5SWS_CE101Working at school - School year definitionPublic sector Sweden
Payroll :: Switzerland :: Public Sector
4027ERP EHP76.0PA0511301Infotype Cost-of-Living Allowance/Office (0511)Public Sector
4028ERP EHP76.0T5CPBS0121Employee Activity KeyPublic Sector
4029ERP EHP76.0T5CPBS01T51Employee Activity Text (Male/Female)Public Sector
4030ERP EHP76.0T5CPBS0471Assgt Municipality (Distr) -> Cost-of-Living Level Allow.LvlPublic Sector
4031ERP EHP76.0T5CPBS0551Cost-of-Living Allowance Levels and AmountsPublic Sector
Payroll :: The Netherlands :: Reporting
4032ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_C_NUMIR71Pension Return: current IR numberReporting
4033ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_C_SEQNO61Pension Return: Current sequence number per periodReporting
4034ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_ADM141Pension Return: Admin Income Relationship - Pers LevelReporting
4035ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_ADMS182Pension Return: Admin of Status Income Relationship - Pers LReporting
4036ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_IRI141Pension Return: Income Relationship IndicatorsReporting
4037ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_IRP221Pension Return: Income Relationship - Income Period - Pers LReporting
4038ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_PD351Pension Return: Personal Data - Pers LevelReporting
4039ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_PR141Pension Return: Income Relationship Pens/Ins Relationship PLReporting
4040ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_PRP161Pension Return: Income Rel - Pens/Ins Relation Period - PLReporting
4041ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_EE_PRPI181Pension Return: Income Rel - Pens/Ins Rel Period Indic PLReporting
4042ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_LP_ADM141Pension Return: Administration - Legal Pers LevelReporting
4043ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS161Pension Return: Administration of Status - Legal Pers LevelReporting
4044ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_LP_COLL141Pension Return: Collective Return - Legal Pers LevelReporting
4045ERP EHP76.0P05TPRNL_M_NUMIR61Pension Return: Highest Assigned IR Number so farReporting
4046ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_AANGIFTE81Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Collective ReturnReporting
4047ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_AANG_CUM81Wage Return: Cumulated Values CollectiveReporting
4048ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_ADM91Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Admin. TableReporting
4049ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_ADM_STAT142Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Status TableReporting
4050ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_CORSALDO91Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Balance AdjustmentsReporting
4051ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_WGF101Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Redundancy Pay SchemeReporting
4052ERP EHP76.0P05T_AE_WGF_CUM101Wage Return: Administrative Unit: Sect/Risk Group CumulatedReporting
4053ERP EHP76.0P05T_A_EXT112Wage Return: Collective Employer Data - Wage ReturnReporting
4054ERP EHP76.0P05T_CORR_REL51Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for CorrectionsReporting
4055ERP EHP76.0P05T_CR_CUST71Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections (Customer)Reporting
4056ERP EHP76.0P05T_CR_TABS11Wage Return: Tables with Correction Relevant FieldsReporting
4057ERP EHP76.0P05T_CUM_KENT71Wage Return: Indicator Cumulation Wage TypesReporting
4058ERP EHP76.0P05T_CURR_NUMIV61Wage Return: current IR numberReporting
4059ERP EHP76.0P05T_CURR_VNR_JR41Wage Return: Current sequence number per yearReporting
4060ERP EHP76.0P05T_CURR_VOLGNR31Wage Return: Current Sequence NumberReporting
4061ERP EHP76.0P05T_CVZ_HEADER91HCIB transfer file headerlinesReporting
4062ERP EHP76.0P05T_CVZ_REG182HCIB: Registration tableReporting
4063ERP EHP76.0P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT272(De)registration data for HCIBReporting
4064ERP EHP76.0P05T_CVZ_UITW641CVZ: Tabel voor uitwisselingsbestandReporting
4065ERP EHP76.0P05T_EDM_PERSOON111Personal data for Day-one-announcement (EDM)Reporting
4066ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_AANGIFTE101Wage Return: Income Relationship - Nominative ReturnReporting
4067ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_AANG_CUM101Wage Return: Cumulated Values per Income RelationshipReporting
4068ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_AA_BSN121Wage Return: Cumulated Values for BSN ChangersReporting
4069ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_ADM111Wage Return: Income Relationship - Admin. TableReporting
4070ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_ADM_STAT162Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status TableReporting
4071ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_DA111Wage Return: Income Relationship - Return DataReporting
4072ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_DA_BSN121Wage Return: Other Cumulated Return DataReporting
4073ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_DA_CUM101Wage Return: Other Cumulated Return DataReporting
4074ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_INKPER361Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income PeriodReporting
4075ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_INKPERSA111Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income Period SIReporting
4076ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_PERSOON251Wage Return: Income Relationship - Personal DataReporting
4077ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_RG141Wage Return: Income Relationship - Risk Group SectorReporting
4078ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_RG_CUM121Wage Return: Income Relationship: Sect./Riskgrp. cumulatedReporting
4079ERP EHP76.0P05T_IV_SA51Wage Return: Income Relationship - Special IndicatorsReporting
4080ERP EHP76.0P05T_JLO_DATA641Data for Annual Wage ReturnReporting
4081ERP EHP76.0P05T_JLO_FIELDS91Use of table fields for Annual Wage ReturnReporting
4082ERP EHP76.0P05T_JLO_HEADER81Data and heading for Annual Wage Return CSV transfer fileReporting
4083ERP EHP76.0P05T_JLO_STAT172Annual Wage Return statusReporting
4084ERP EHP76.0P05T_KENTEKEN51Wage Return: IndicatorReporting
4085ERP EHP76.0P05T_KENT_CUST51Wage Return: Customizing Indicators for CustomersReporting
4086ERP EHP76.0P05T_KENT_TXT51Wage Return: Indicator Text TableReporting
4087ERP EHP76.0P05T_LL_SPLIT51Aangifte LH: Splitting of life-course saving scheme paymentsReporting
4088ERP EHP76.0P05T_MAX_NUMIV51Wage Return: highest assigned IR number so farReporting
4089ERP EHP76.0P05T_MFTP71Nominative Contribution May Be IncorrectReporting
4090ERP EHP76.0P05T_NOM_ERROR112Errors in Nominative Wage ReturnsReporting
4091ERP EHP76.0P05T_NO_XML_TAG51Wage Return: Text Table Feature without XML TagsReporting
4092ERP EHP76.0P05T_RESP2LA71Wage Return: Rel. between Response Message and Wage ReturnReporting
4093ERP EHP76.0P05T_RESPONSE121Wage Return: Table for Response MessagesReporting
4094ERP EHP76.0P05T_RESP_LINE81Wage Return: Table for Response Message ErrorsReporting
4095ERP EHP76.0P05T_RESP_LINE_A41Wage Return: Table for Resp. Message Errors (Add. Fields)Reporting
4096ERP EHP76.0P05T_SOM_KENT61Wage Return: IndicatorsReporting
4097ERP EHP76.0P05T_TIMEFRAME61Timeframe About Which a Response Message Contains DataReporting
4098ERP EHP76.0P05T_T_WCR_CODE61Codes for the Work Cost RegulationReporting
4099ERP EHP76.0P05T_T_WCR_CODET51WCR Code DescriptionReporting
4100ERP EHP76.0P05T_UITS_KENT61Indicator ExclusionReporting
4101ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_CWT61WCR Code for wage typeReporting
4102ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_EE_DATA91WCR Data on Employee LevelReporting
4103ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_ER_DATA91WCR Data on Employer LevelReporting
4104ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_ER_INFO191WCR Info on Employer LevelReporting
4105ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_FL81WCR: Final Levy and Final SettlementReporting
4106ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_PROT111WCR Protocol TableReporting
4107ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_STAT121WCR Status TableReporting
4108ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_SYSID41Work Cost Regulation: System IDReporting
4109ERP EHP76.0P05T_WCR_SYSID_T41Work Cost Regulation: System ID DescriptionsReporting
4110ERP EHP76.0P05T_XML_KENT81Wage Return: XML Tags Mapping IndicatorReporting
4111ERP EHP76.0P05T_XML_VERSION71Wage Return: VersionsReporting
4112ERP EHP76.0P05_TTCM91Mapping: Tax Table Column - Function Module ParameterReporting
4113ERP EHP76.0P05_TTCM_TEXT41NL Tax Table Column DescriptionReporting
4114ERP EHP76.0P05_TTFM91Mapping: Tax Table - Function ModuleReporting
4115ERP EHP76.0P05_TTFM_TEXT31NL Tax Table DescriptionReporting
4116ERP EHP76.0P05_TTFM_TTYPE11CSV Tax Table Check Report: Table TypesReporting
4117ERP EHP76.0P05_TTFM_TTYPET31CSV Tax Table Check Report: Tax Table Type Text TableReporting
4118ERP EHP76.0T5N0E51Link Between Difference Wage Types and Wage TypesReporting
4119ERP EHP76.0T5N0F51Link back-payment wage types to difference wage typesReporting
4120ERP EHP76.0T5N0G81Control Table for Guaranteed Net AmountsReporting
4121ERP EHP76.0T5N0_FEATURE51Return matrix for table transfer featuresReporting
4122ERP EHP76.0T5N1661Social Security TypesReporting
4123ERP EHP76.0T5N16T41Text Table for SI TypesReporting
4124ERP EHP76.0T5N1741Social Insurance Calculation MethodsReporting
4125ERP EHP76.0T5N17T41Description of Social Insurance Calculation MethodsReporting
4126ERP EHP76.0T5N1831Control Table for Mapping SI Variables to Wage TypesReporting
4127ERP EHP76.0T5N1G51Valuation of AbsencesReporting
4128ERP EHP76.0T5N1L231Social Insurance Contribution DataReporting
4129ERP EHP76.0T5N1U31Check Table for EmployerReporting
4130ERP EHP76.0T5N20141Payroll Parameters for Employment Rebate and Tax (NL)Reporting
4131ERP EHP76.0T5N2191Final levyReporting
4132ERP EHP76.0T5N2351Assign Wage Tax Return Indicator to Annual Employee Statem.Reporting
4133ERP EHP76.0T5N2461Additional Amount Percentage Private Use of CarReporting
4134ERP EHP76.0T5N2K41Text: Premium Reduction Type (NL)Reporting
4135ERP EHP76.0T5N2L41Text: Period Type (NL)Reporting
4136ERP EHP76.0T5N2O111Premium Reductions (NL)Reporting
4137ERP EHP76.0T5N2P21Period Type (NL)Reporting
4138ERP EHP76.0T5N2U21Premium Reduction TypeReporting
4139ERP EHP76.0T5N2Z131Taxable Allowance for ChildcareReporting
4140ERP EHP76.0T5N5L41Text: Calculation Methods (NL)Reporting
4141ERP EHP76.0T5N5M21Calculation Methods for Pensions (NL)Reporting
4142ERP EHP76.0T5N5N21Check Table for Pension Schemes (NL)Reporting
4143ERP EHP76.0T5N5O41Text: Pension Schemes (NL)Reporting
4144ERP EHP76.0T5N5P51Pension Schemes (NL)Reporting
4145ERP EHP76.0T5N5Q601Calculation Table for Pensions (NL)Reporting
4146ERP EHP76.0T5N5R41Text: Pension Indicators (NL)Reporting
4147ERP EHP76.0T5N5V61Marital Status for EvaluationsReporting
4148ERP EHP76.0T5N6A61RegulationsReporting
4149ERP EHP76.0T5N6AT41Description of RegulationsReporting
4150ERP EHP76.0T5N6B21Calculation Components of RegulationReporting
4151ERP EHP76.0T5N6BT41Description of Calculation Components of RegulationReporting
4152ERP EHP76.0T5N6C61Link between Regulations and Calculation ComponentsReporting
4153ERP EHP76.0T5N6D31Calculation Codes for RegulationsReporting
4154ERP EHP76.0T5N6DT41Description of Calculation CodesReporting
4155ERP EHP76.0T5N6E141Calculation Data for EntitlementsReporting
4156ERP EHP76.0T5N6F141Calculation Data for ReservationsReporting
4157ERP EHP76.0T5N6G241Calculation Data for Pay-out and ForwardingReporting
4158ERP EHP76.0T5N7631Municipal Personal Records Database [GBA] Code CountriesReporting
4159ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_ADDLPD51Pension Return: Additional Legal Person DataReporting
4160ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_EMK21Pension Return AGP: External Marital Status KeyReporting
4161ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_EMKT41Pension Return AGP: External Marital Status KeyReporting
4162ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_FILL151Pension Return: Fill Table APGReporting
4163ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_IN61Pension Return: IndicatorReporting
4164ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_IN_CPR101Pension Return: Assignment of Ind. to CumWTs Prod. RelatedReporting
4165ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_IN_CUM81Pension Return: Assignment of Cumulative Wage TypesReporting
4166ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_IN_SUM71Pension Return: Sum up indicatorsReporting
4167ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_IN_TXT61Pension Return: Indicator Text TableReporting
4168ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_MST61Pension Return AGP: Conversion of Marital Status KeyReporting
4169ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_SEL81Pension Return: Product Selection TableReporting
4170ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_SELWT71Pension Return: Selection Table APG for Wage TypesReporting
4171ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_SYCHNG41Pension Return: System ChangeReporting
4172ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_XML_IN91Pension Return: XML Tags Mapping IndicatorReporting
4173ERP EHP76.0T77PRNL_XML_V81Pension Return: XML VersionsReporting
Payroll :: United Kingdom :: B2A Business to Administration
4174ERP EHP76.0T50C_XML131XML-Convesion routinesB2A Business to Administration
4175ERP EHP76.0T50DST_XML71Document Subtype TextsB2A Business to Administration
4176ERP EHP76.0T50DS_XML51Document SubtypesB2A Business to Administration
4177ERP EHP76.0T50G_XML141XML-Global SchemaB2A Business to Administration
4178ERP EHP76.0T50L_XML171XML-Local SchemaB2A Business to Administration
4179ERP EHP76.0T50V_XML81XML-VersionsB2A Business to Administration
Payroll :: Germany :: Gross :: Integration with Time Management
4180ERP EHP76.0T5DTM_URL81Absence Quota Types Specific to GermanyIntegration with Time Management
Payroll :: Germany :: Net :: GarnishmentCession
4181ERP EHP76.0P01PF_RT_EP91Garnishment Pr. of Origin: Results of Garnishment Calc.GarnishmentCession
4182ERP EHP76.0P01PF_TILG61Garnishment of Principle of Origin: Repayment AmountsGarnishmentCession
4183ERP EHP76.0T5D6H61Garnishment Pension Scheme Age Pay ScalesGarnishmentCession
4184ERP EHP76.0T5DRC71AVmG (BVV): Assignment Pay Scale to Contract ModelGarnishmentCession
Payroll :: Germany :: Net :: Social Insurance
4185ERP EHP76.0P01BD_DBFE41Data Module Error in Notification Proc. Business Data Maint.Social Insurance
4186ERP EHP76.0P01BD_DBKA121Data Module Different Correspondence AddressSocial Insurance
4187ERP EHP76.0P01BD_DSBD371Business Data Maintenance Data RecordSocial Insurance
4188ERP EHP76.0P01BD_HIST161History Management for Business Data MaintenanceSocial Insurance
4189ERP EHP76.0P01BD_STAT192Data Module Alternative Correspondence AddressSocial Insurance
4190ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBAN81Address Data Modules for PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4191ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBEU41Data Modules EU Insurance Number of PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4192ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBFE41Data Modules - Errors from PPO DEUEV ConfirmationsSocial Insurance
4193ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBGB81Data Modules Birth Details of PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4194ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBME131Data Modules Reporting Facts of PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4195ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DBNA81Data Modules Name of PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4196ERP EHP76.0P01BM_DSME321Data Records Notification of PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4197ERP EHP76.0P01BM_HIST161Management of Status History for PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4198ERP EHP76.0P01BM_STAT272Control Records for PPO DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4199ERP EHP76.0P01BV_DBFE41Error Data Module for PPO Contribution Collection Proced.Social Insurance
4200ERP EHP76.0P01BV_HIST161History Admin. for PPO Contribution Survey ProcedureSocial Insurance
4201ERP EHP76.0P01BV_KEAN32Management of Employee IDSocial Insurance
4202ERP EHP76.0P01BV_MELD471Data Record for PPO Collection of ContributionsSocial Insurance
4203ERP EHP76.0P01BV_STAT222Status Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. ProcedureSocial Insurance
4204ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBAN81DEUEV Confirmation: Address Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4205ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBEU41DEUEV Confirmation: Europ. Insurance Number Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4206ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBFE41DEUEV Confirmtion: Data Module - ErrorSocial Insurance
4207ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBGB81DEUEV Confirmation: Birth Details Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4208ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBGZ91DEUEV Confirmation: Data Module Slide ZoneSocial Insurance
4209ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBKS81DEUEV Confirmation: Miners'/Sailors' Insurance Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4210ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBKV201DEUEV Confirmation: Data Module Health InsuranceSocial Insurance
4211ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBME131DEUEV Confirmation: Data Module - Reporting FactsSocial Insurance
4212ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBMM61DEUEV Confirmation: Data Module SHI Monthly DeclarationSocial Insurance
4213ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBMS61DEUEV Confirmation: Data Module SI AdjustmentSocial Insurance
4214ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBNA81DEUV Confirmation: Data Module - NameSocial Insurance
4215ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBUV51DEUEV Confirmation: DBUV Data Module - Accident InsuranceSocial Insurance
4216ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DBUV_DAT101DEUEV Confirmation: Data for DBUV Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4217ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DSAP192DEUEV Confirmation: Control Record for NotificationsSocial Insurance
4218ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DSKK231DEUEV Confirmation: Data Record HI Fund NotificationSocial Insurance
4219ERP EHP76.0P01D3_DSME321DEUEV Confirmation: Notification Data RecordSocial Insurance
4220ERP EHP76.0P01D3_FLAG161DEUEV Confirmation: Notification IndicatorsSocial Insurance
4221ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBAN81Data Modules Address of DEUEV Immediate NotificationsSocial Insurance
4222ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBEU41Data Modules EU Insurance No. (DEUEV Immed. Notifications)Social Insurance
4223ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBFE41Data Modules Error of DEUEV Confirmations (Immediate Notif.)Social Insurance
4224ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBGB81Data Modules Birth Details of DEUEV Immediate NotificationsSocial Insurance
4225ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBNA81Data Module Name of DEUEV Immediate NotificationsSocial Insurance
4226ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBSO41Data Modules Immediate Notif. of DEUEV Immediate NotifsSocial Insurance
4227ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DBVR51Module DBVR of DEUEV Immediate NotificationsSocial Insurance
4228ERP EHP76.0P01DS_DSME321DEUEV Immediate Notification: Data Record NotificationSocial Insurance
4229ERP EHP76.0P01DS_HIST161Management of Status History for DEUEV Immediate NotifsSocial Insurance
4230ERP EHP76.0P01DS_STAT262Control Records for DEUEV Immediate NotificationsSocial Insurance
4231ERP EHP76.0P01EA_DBFE41Data Module Error for Reimbursement ProcessSocial Insurance
4232ERP EHP76.0P01EA_HIST161History Administration for the Reimbursement ProcessSocial Insurance
4233ERP EHP76.0P01EA_MELD1031Data Record and Data Modules for the Reimbursement ProcessSocial Insurance
4234ERP EHP76.0P01EA_STAT202Status Table for Reimbursement ProcessSocial Insurance
4235ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBAE241Data Module DBAE RemunerationSocial Insurance
4236ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBAL221Data Module DBAL GeneralSocial Insurance
4237ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBAN81Data Module DBAN AddressSocial Insurance
4238ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBAV41Data Module DBAV Request for Notif. of Preexisting ConditionSocial Insurance
4239ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBAW111Data Module DBAW Absences Without RemunerationSocial Insurance
4240ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBBE51Data Module DBBE Amount fo Income Liable for ContributionsSocial Insurance
4241ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBFE41Data Modules Error of DEUEV Confirmations (Immediate Notif.)Social Insurance
4242ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBFR321Data Module DBFR Entry Release from Work Illness of ChildSocial Insurance
4243ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBHE61Data Module DBHE Amount of Compensation BenefitsSocial Insurance
4244ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBLT291Data Module DBLT Addit. Data Calculation of Transitional PaySocial Insurance
4245ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBMU431Data Module DBMU Remuneration Statement Maternity AllowanceSocial Insurance
4246ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBNA81Data Module DBNA NameSocial Insurance
4247ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBTK81Data Module DBTK Addit. Data of Transfer Reduced Hours Comp.Social Insurance
4248ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBUN161Data Module DBUN Work/School/Preschool AccidentSocial Insurance
4249ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBVO391Data Module DBVO Periods for Preexisting ConditionSocial Insurance
4250ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBZA131Data Module DBZA Working TimeSocial Insurance
4251ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DBZE161Data Module DBZE Working Time Illness/InjurySocial Insurance
4252ERP EHP76.0P01EE_DSLW462Data Record Benefits of Compensation Benefits NotificationSocial Insurance
4253ERP EHP76.0P01EE_HIST161Status History for Compensation Benefits NotificationsSocial Insurance
4254ERP EHP76.0P01EE_STAT252Admin. Records for Data Exchange for Compensation BenefitsSocial Insurance
4255ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBAB51Data Module Alternative Place of Employment of ELENA Notif.Social Insurance
4256ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBAG141Data Module Employer Details of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4257ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBAN81Data Module Address of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4258ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBAS61Data Module Education/Training of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4259ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBEN391Data Modules ELENA Basic Data for Employer and EmployeeSocial Insurance
4260ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBFE41Data Module Error in ELENA ProcedureSocial Insurance
4261ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBFZ61Data Module Absence Times of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4262ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBGB81Data Module Birth Details of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4263ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBHA61Data Module Homeworker for ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4264ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBKE511Data Module Notice/Dismissal (DBKE) ELENASocial Insurance
4265ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBNA81Data Module Name of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4266ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBSB71Data Module Tax-Exempt Payments of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4267ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBSE71Data Module Taxable One-Off Payment of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4268ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DBZD221Data Module Additional Data of ELENA NotificationsSocial Insurance
4269ERP EHP76.0P01EL_DSVV401Data Record Assignment of Insurance No./Process No. ELENASocial Insurance
4270ERP EHP76.0P01EL_HIST161History Administration for the ELENA ProcedureSocial Insurance
4271ERP EHP76.0P01EL_MVDS401Data Record Multifunctional Remun. Rec. (MVDS) ELENASocial Insurance
4272ERP EHP76.0P01EL_PROT162Log Table for the ELENA ProcedureSocial Insurance
4273ERP EHP76.0P01EL_STAT202Status Table for the ELENA Notification ProcedureSocial Insurance
4274ERP EHP76.0P01SV_B2ATRNS231Status Table Transfer to Social Insurance AgencySocial Insurance
4275ERP EHP76.0P01SV_DSID32Administration Data Record IdentificationSocial Insurance
4276ERP EHP76.0P01SV_IT700_A41Assignment Infotype Structure 0700 to Data ModuleSocial Insurance
4277ERP EHP76.0P01SV_IT700_B21Assignment IT 0700 Dynpro to Infotype StructureSocial Insurance
4278ERP EHP76.0P01SV_MLDAUFR51Control of Recalculation in SI ReportingSocial Insurance
4279ERP EHP76.0P01SV_MLDTRNS102Assignment of Notifications to File CountersSocial Insurance
4280ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_AZKK41Management of HI Fund Record Number (Paying Office Proced.)Social Insurance
4281ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_AZVU72Management Record No. of Employer (Paying Office Procedure)Social Insurance
4282ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_DBFE41Error Data Module for Paying Office ProcedureSocial Insurance
4283ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_HIST161Administration of the Paying Office Procedure HistorySocial Insurance
4284ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_INFT231Administration of Master Data Status (Paying Office Proc.)Social Insurance
4285ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_MELD651Data Record and Data Modules for Paying Office ProcedureSocial Insurance
4286ERP EHP76.0P01ZS_STAT202Status Table for Paying Office ProcedureSocial Insurance
4287ERP EHP76.0PA0700291HR Master Record for Infotype 0700Social Insurance
4288ERP EHP76.0PA0942271HR Master Record Infotype 0942Social Insurance
4289ERP EHP76.0PD3DBKV221DEUEV: Data Module Health InsuranceSocial Insurance
4290ERP EHP76.0PD3HIST181Status History Management for DEUEV NotificationsSocial Insurance
4291ERP EHP76.0T5D1771Subsequent Administration of Locked HI FundsSocial Insurance
4292ERP EHP76.0T5D18151Processing of Assessment ThresholdsSocial Insurance
4293ERP EHP76.0T5D31201Professionals Pension Organization (PPO)Social Insurance
4294ERP EHP76.0T5D32_GT61Workers' Compensation Associations Hazard Pay ScalesSocial Insurance
4295ERP EHP76.0T5D32_UV231Workers' Compensation AssociationsSocial Insurance
4296ERP EHP76.0T5D3331ELENA: Employment Agencies' Key DirectorySocial Insurance
4297ERP EHP76.0T5D3A_ABWUV21Alternative Determination of Responsible AI CarrierSocial Insurance
4298ERP EHP76.0T5D3A_ABWUVT41Texts for Alternative Determination of AI CarrierSocial Insurance
4299ERP EHP76.0T5D3A_MSL61Membership Key for AI Data of CompanySocial Insurance
4300ERP EHP76.0T5D3P191HR Technical Assignments for Workers' Compensation Assoc.Social Insurance
4301ERP EHP76.0T5D4ATS21DEUEV Occupational Code 2010Social Insurance
4302ERP EHP76.0T5D4ATS_BRF31DEUEV Occupational Code 2010 OccupationsSocial Insurance
4303ERP EHP76.0T5D4ATS_UMS3521DEUEV Occupational Code 2010 Conversion Table Old(3)->New(5)Social Insurance
4304ERP EHP76.0T5D4ATS_VAL51DEUEV Occupational Code 2010 Input HelpSocial Insurance
4305ERP EHP76.0T5D4EL41DEUEV Country CodesSocial Insurance
Payroll :: Germany :: Net :: Tax
4306ERP EHP76.0P01E2_ABMELDUNG81ELStAM Procedure: Tables of Deregistration DataTax
4307ERP EHP76.0P01E2_ADM334ELStAM Procedure: Administration DataTax
4308ERP EHP76.0P01E2_ANMELDUNG91ELStAM Procedure: Table of Registration DataTax
4309ERP EHP76.0P01E2_ELSTAM241ELStAM Procedure: Table of Change ListsTax
4310ERP EHP76.0P01E2_HIST151ELStAM Procedure: Table for Status HistoryTax
4311ERP EHP76.0P01E2_INFT231ELStAM Procedure: Table with Data Changes for Infotype 0012Tax
4312ERP EHP76.0P01E2_LISTMTL_ST251ELStAM: Status Table for Monthly Change ListsTax
4313ERP EHP76.0P01E2_LIST_ST171Status Table for ELStAM Procedure Change ListsTax
4314ERP EHP76.0P01E2_STATUS173ELStAM Procedure: Status TableTax
4315ERP EHP76.0P01E2_TRANS41Relationship Between GLBID/Proc. Data Ticket/Transfer TicketTax
4316ERP EHP76.0P01E2_TRANS_ST193Status Table Transfer for ELStAM ProcedureTax
4317ERP EHP76.0P01T_ADMIN161ETSmt: Administration of Employment Tax StatementTax
4318ERP EHP76.0P01T_ADMIN_STAT121ETStmt: Status Management Employment Tax StatementsTax
4319ERP EHP76.0P01T_ADMST121ETStmt: Status Management - Employment Tax Statements (Old)Tax
4320ERP EHP76.0P01T_A_ADM91ETNotif.: Administration - Employment Tax NotificationTax
4321ERP EHP76.0P01T_A_ADS141ETNotif.: Status Administration/Employment Tax NotificationTax
4322ERP EHP76.0P01T_A_BTG81ETNotif.: Tax Amounts in Employment Tax NotificationTax
4323ERP EHP76.0P01T_A_DAT121ETNotif.: General Data for Employment Tax NotificationTax
4324ERP EHP76.0P01T_A_EXT111ETNotif.: External DataTax
4325ERP EHP76.0P01T_ELSTAM191ETStmt: ELStAM (as of 2012)Tax
4326ERP EHP76.0P01T_FRBJ71Employment Tax Statement: Tax-Free Annual AmountsTax
4327ERP EHP76.0P01T_HINZ71ETStmt: Additional AmountsTax
4328ERP EHP76.0P01T_KIFB71ETStmt: Tax Exemptions for ChildrenTax
4329ERP EHP76.0P01T_KIST81ETStmt: Church Tax DataTax
4330ERP EHP76.0P01T_LST571ETStmt: General Employment Tax DataTax
4331ERP EHP76.0P01T_LST171ETStmt: Tax Bases on Employment Tax StatementTax
4332ERP EHP76.0P01T_LST291ETStmt: Addnl Data on Employment Tax StatementTax
4333ERP EHP76.0P01T_STKL81ETStmt: Tax Class DataTax
4334ERP EHP76.0P01T_SVBEZ91ETStmt: Other Pension PaymentsTax
4335ERP EHP76.0P01T_TRANS121ETStmt: Administration/Processing Data TicketsTax
4336ERP EHP76.0P01T_VBEZ131Employment Tax Statment: Pension BasisTax
4337ERP EHP76.0T5D2I91StADUEV Notifications: Transfer NumbersTax
4338ERP EHP76.0T5D2J71StADUEV Form ControlTax
4339ERP EHP76.0T5D2O81ETNotif.: Asssignment - Cumulation Wage Type to Key FigureTax
4340ERP EHP76.0T5D2P81ETNotif.: Key FiguresTax
4341ERP EHP76.0T5D2Q71ETNotif.: Totals Formation for Key FiguresTax
4342ERP EHP76.0T5D2R71ETStmt: Additional Data with Required TagTax
4343ERP EHP76.0T5D2Z111StADUEV Key FiguresTax
Payroll :: Germany :: Public Sector :: Pension Administration
4344ERP EHP76.0PA0780411HR Master Record Infotype 0780 (Sec. 53 Employer Data)Pension Administration
4345ERP EHP76.0PA0781261HR Master Record Infotype 0781 (Sec. 53 Income Data)Pension Administration
4346ERP EHP76.0PA0782582HR Master Record Infotype 0782Pension Administration
4347ERP EHP76.0PA0784371HR Master Record Infotype 0784Pension Administration
4348ERP EHP76.0PA0785591HR Master Record Infotype 0785Pension Administration
4349ERP EHP76.0PA0786501HR Master Record Infotype 0786Pension Administration
4350ERP EHP76.0PA0787251HR Master Record Infotype 0787Pension Administration
4351ERP EHP76.0PA0788341HR Master Record Infotype 0788Pension Administration
4352ERP EHP76.0PA0789441HR Master Record Infotype 0789Pension Administration
4353ERP EHP76.0PA0790321HR Master Record Infotype 0790Pension Administration
4354ERP EHP76.0PA0845391HR Master Record Infotype 0845 (Work Relationships)Pension Administration
4355ERP EHP76.0PA0846471Infotype 0846: ReimbursementsPension Administration
4356ERP EHP76.0PA0882421HR Master Record for Infotype 0882Pension Administration
4357ERP EHP76.0PA0883341HR Master Record for Infotype 0883Pension Administration
4358ERP EHP76.0PA0884491HR Master Record for Infotype 0884Pension Administration
4359ERP EHP76.0PAPBS00WBRPACLOG121Action Log PWE (Obsolete): New Table PAPBS00WBRP_LOGPension Administration
4360ERP EHP76.0PAPBS00WBRP_DATA91Transaction DataPension Administration
4361ERP EHP76.0PAPBS00WBRP_LOG131Action Log - Used for Logging in the PWEPension Administration
4362ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_ANZR191Entitlement PeriodsPension Administration
4363ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_ANZR_D151Dynamized Entitlement Periods - ResultPension Administration
4364ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_PAYLOG61Retroactive Pension Insurance Payment Runs PerformedPension Administration
4365ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_POIN153Input for Posting RunPension Administration
4366ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_POLOG101Status Information for Posting RunPension Administration
4367ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDENV_RESULT201Results/Payment Table Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4368ERP EHP76.0PAPBSDEVA_VLTSV1401Results Treaty on Sharing of Pension CostsPension Administration
4369ERP EHP76.0PDEPBSVASEN_FSPA141Assessed Employment PeriodsPension Administration
4370ERP EHP76.0PDEPBSVASEN_FSPB61Assessed Employment Periods with Their Selection ClassPension Administration
4371ERP EHP76.0PDEPBSVASEN_SIPA171Simulated Employment PeriodsPension Administration
4372ERP EHP76.0PDEPBSVASEN_SIPB91Simulated Employment Periods with Their Selection ClassPension Administration
4373ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBS25TR51Reason for Time Specification TypePension Administration
4374ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0131Calculation Types Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4375ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV01T41Calculation Types for Retroactive Pension Insurance - TextsPension Administration
4376ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0231Calculation Reasons for Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4377ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV02T41Calc. Reason for Retroact. Pension Ins. - TextsPension Administration
4378ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0321Employment Types for Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4379ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV03T41Employment Types: Retroact. Pension Ins. - TextsPension Administration
4380ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0421Deferment Reasons Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4381ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV04T41Deferment Reasons: Retroactive Pension Insurance - TextsPension Administration
4382ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0531Suspension Types Entitlement Periods of Retro. Pension Ins.Pension Administration
4383ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV05T41Suspension Type Entitlement Period Retro. Pens. Ins. - TextsPension Administration
4384ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0631Deferment Types for Retroactive Pension InsurancePension Administration
4385ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV06T41Deferment Types for Retroactive Pension Insurance - TextsPension Administration
4386ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0781Booking of Retroactive Pension Insurance ResultsPension Administration
4387ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0881Control of Program for Paying/Posting/Printing RPIPension Administration
4388ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0A51Assignment of Calculation Types to Process ScenariosPension Administration
4389ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0B31Assignment of Calculation Reasons to Calculation TypesPension Administration
4390ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0C51Assignment Class for Generation Infotype 0883Pension Administration
4391ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSNV0D61Assignment of Absence Types to Suspension TypesPension Administration
4392ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0171Current Pension Value (East, West)Pension Administration
4393ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0271Conversion Values PensionPension Administration
4394ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0361Annual Maximum Remuneration Point ValuesPension Administration
4395ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0471Average RemunerationPension Administration
4396ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0521Legal Basis for ReimbursementsPension Administration
4397ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG05T41Legal Basis for Reimbursements - TextsPension Administration
4398ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG0671Overriding of Texts from Tax Table for Pension PaymentPension Administration
4399ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVG06T71Text Table for T7DEPBSVAVG06Pension Administration
4400ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVGAGA61Age and Calculation Rule of Retirement Age LimitPension Administration
4401ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVGAGR31Retirement Age Limit Calculation RulePension Administration
4402ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVAVGAGRT41Age Limit Calculation Rule - TextsPension Administration
4403ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT0131Calculation Types for Severance Pay When Changing EmployerPension Administration
4404ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT01T41Texts: Calc. Types for Severance Pay for Change of EmployerPension Administration
4405ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT0231Calculation Reasons for Severance Pay (Change of Employer)Pension Administration
4406ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT02T41Texts: Calc. Reasons for Severance Pay (Change of Employer)Pension Administration
4407ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT0A31Assignment of Calc. Reasons to Calc. Types for Severance PayPension Administration
4408ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSVLT0B71Assignment of Accounting Office to Public Sector EmployerPension Administration
4409ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXAWE0121Empfängerarten Personalteilvorgang Abweichende EmpfängerPension Administration
4410ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXAWE01T41Empfängerarten Personalteilvorgang Abweichende Empf. - TextePension Administration
4411ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXAWE0A41Zuordnung Empfängerarten je PersonalvorgangsartPension Administration
4412ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXZUS1A21Textbausteingenerierung für SmartformsPension Administration
4413ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXZUS1AT41Textbausteingenerierung für SmartformsPension Administration
4414ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXZUS2A41Zuordnung der Smartforms Textbausteine zu einer GruppierungPension Administration
4415ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXZUS2AT51Zuordnung der Smartforms Textbausteine zu einer GruppierungPension Administration
4416ERP EHP76.0T7DEPBSXXZUS3A61Zuordnung Textbausteingruppen zu PersonalvorgängenPension Administration
4417ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_BAS51Legal BasisPension Administration
4418ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_BAST51Legal Basis (Text)Pension Administration
4419ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_DAT111Payscale Group-Dependent DataPension Administration
4420ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_DATES101Payscale Group-Dependent DataPension Administration
4421ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_EVENT31Pay Scale Events (Such as Standard Pay Increase)Pension Administration
4422ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_EVT31Pay Scale Events (Such as Standard Pay Increase)Pension Administration
4423ERP EHP76.0T7PBS00TRF_EVTT51Pay Scale Events (e.g. Standard Pay Increase) TEXTPension Administration
4424ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA1A61Calculation ModulePension Administration
4425ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA1AT51Calculation Module (Text)Pension Administration
4426ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA1B61Overriding of Calculation Module by CustomerPension Administration
4427ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2A61Calculation Time Calculation ModulePension Administration
4428ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2AT61Calculation Times Calculation Module (Text)Pension Administration
4429ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2B61Results Calculation TimesPension Administration
4430ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2BT61Results Calculation Periods (Text)Pension Administration
4431ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2C41Results of Calculation Points CustomerPension Administration
4432ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2CT61Results of Calculation Points Customer (Text)Pension Administration
4433ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2D31Indicator Public Services RegulationPension Administration
4434ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2DT51Indicator Public Services Regulation - TextsPension Administration
4435ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2E51Assignmt of Public Serv. Regulation to Pay Scale Type/AreaPension Administration
4436ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2F81Individual Texts Notice CreationPension Administration
4437ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2FT91Individual Texts Notice Creation - TextsPension Administration
4438ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2G31Entities Table of Domains for Table T7PBSCA2HPension Administration
4439ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2H71Alternative Texts for Fixed Value DomainsPension Administration
4440ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2HT71Text Table for T7PBSCA2HPension Administration
4441ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2I31Permitted Data Elements for Entering Own Quick Info TextsPension Administration
4442ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2J61Entry of Quick Info Texts (Depending on Data Element)Pension Administration
4443ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA2JT61Text Table for T7PBSCA2JPension Administration
4444ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA3A121Assignment of Results Calculation Module to Wage TypesPension Administration
4445ERP EHP76.0T7PBSCA3B131Assgmt of Calculation Module Results to Customer Wage TypesPension Administration
4446ERP EHP76.0T7PBSMD1C71Fieldgroup definitionPension Administration
4447ERP EHP76.0T7PBSMD1CT41Text table for FieldgroupPension Administration
4448ERP EHP76.0T7PBSMD1D81Fields of fieldgroupPension Administration
4449ERP EHP76.0T7PBSMD1E41Assignment of Field group to Sub process scenarioPension Administration
4450ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO1A31Notification Definition TablePension Administration
4451ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO1AT51Notification Definition Table - TEXTPension Administration
4452ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO1B31Definition for Grouping of NotificationsPension Administration
4453ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO1BT51Definition for Grouping of Notifications - TextPension Administration
4454ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO2A41Assign Notification ID to notification groupPension Administration
4455ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO2B91Assignment of Report & Formular to NotificationPension Administration
4456ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO2C41Assignment of Notification Group to RequestPension Administration
4457ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO5A31document typePension Administration
4458ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO5AT51Name of the documenttypesPension Administration
4459ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO5B41Definition of notification packagesPension Administration
4460ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO5BT61Name of the packagesPension Administration
4461ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO6A61Grouping of the notifications within a packagePension Administration
4462ERP EHP76.0T7PBSNO6B81Assignment of package, documentationtype and Pro.ScenarioPension Administration
4463ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP1A31Definition of Control FeaturesPension Administration
4464ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP1AT51Definition of Control FeaturesPension Administration
4465ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP1B41Definition of Processor Grouping KeysPension Administration
4466ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP1BT61Definition of User Name KeysPension Administration
4467ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2A111Definition of Selection Type for Proposed ProcessorPension Administration
4468ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2C51Number of Printouts in Process ScenarioPension Administration
4469ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2D61Control of Subprocesses for Background ProcessingPension Administration
4470ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2E91Overall Status Change Based on Process and Overall StatusPension Administration
4471ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2G91Control for Setting the Subprocess Scenario Status in SPSPension Administration
4472ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP2H61Control of Infotypes to Be Transferred from PWE to PAPension Administration
4473ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP3A101Assignment Between BAdI Return Value and User NamePension Administration
4474ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP4A31Define Meaning of Process ScenariosPension Administration
4475ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP4AT51Control of Infotypes to Be Transferred from PWE to PAPension Administration
4476ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWBRP4B51Assignment of Business Scenario/Process Scenario to MeaningPension Administration
Payroll :: Germany :: Reporting :: Statements
4477ERP EHP76.0P01W_ADMIN_01211HR: Data Module: Administration for Health Insurance FundsStatements
4478ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBAE341Data Module: Statement of Earnings - RemunerationStatements
4479ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBAL221Data Module: Statement of Earnings - GeneralStatements
4480ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBAN121Data Module: AddressStatements
4481ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBEK1271Data Module: Statement of Earnings for Sick ChildStatements
4482ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBFR341Data Module: Stmt of Earnings - Rel. from Work f. Sick ChildStatements
4483ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBFZ151Data Module: Stmt of Earnings - Absences w/o RemunerationStatements
4484ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBKR1121Data Module: Remuneration Statement for Sick PayStatements
4485ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBMU551Data Module: Statement of Earnings, Maternity PayStatements
4486ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBNA121Data Module: NameStatements
4487ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBUN181Data Module: Statement of Earnings - Accident DataStatements
4488ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBZE191Data Module: Statement of Earnings, Working Time, Sick ChildStatements
4489ERP EHP76.0P01W_DBZK171Data Module: Stmt of Earnings, Working Time for Sick PayStatements
4490ERP EHP76.0P01W_DSLW351Data Module: General InformationStatements
4491ERP EHP76.0PA06501261HR Master Record Infotype 0650Statements
4492ERP EHP76.0PCSTM_DRAFT51BW with IFbA: Statement DraftsStatements
4493ERP EHP76.0T50FG71Statement ParametersStatements
4494ERP EHP76.0T50FH61Changeable Fields in Interactive FormsStatements
4495ERP EHP76.0T50FI71Mapping Level 1 (Fields and Structures)Statements
4496ERP EHP76.0T50FJ81Mapping Level 2 (Table Fields)Statements
4497ERP EHP76.0T5DF241Control of Statement FunctionsStatements
4498ERP EHP76.0T5DF941Permitted TablesStatements
Payroll :: USA :: Gross :: Benefit Integration
4499ERP EHP76.0PA0496331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - Per Pay PeriodBenefit Integration
4500ERP EHP76.0PA0497331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - MTDBenefit Integration
4501ERP EHP76.0PA0498331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - QTDBenefit Integration
4502ERP EHP76.0PA0499331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTDBenefit Integration
4503ERP EHP76.0PA0500331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Arrears (ARRRS)Benefit Integration
4504ERP EHP76.0PA0501331Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)Benefit Integration
4505ERP EHP76.0T7USBEN0121Model for saving plans compensationBenefit Integration
4506ERP EHP76.0T7USBEN01T41Text for saving plans compensationBenefit Integration
4507ERP EHP76.0T7USBEN0251Adjustment to saving plans compensationBenefit Integration
4508ERP EHP76.0T7USBEN0381Catch-up contribution for Savings planBenefit Integration
4509ERP EHP76.0T7USBEN0491High Deductible Health Plan ContributionsBenefit Integration
4510ERP EHP76.0T7USBENH191For saving records of issued HIPAA certificatesBenefit Integration
4511ERP EHP76.0T7USBENH291For savings records of on-demand printing of HIPAA certs.Benefit Integration
4512ERP EHP76.0T7USBENPE141US pension related data (e.g. Soc. Sec. wages and taxes)Benefit Integration
4513ERP EHP76.0T7US_ETA_OVMTH21US Tax Override MethodBenefit Integration
4514ERP EHP76.0T7US_ETA_OVMTH_T41US Tax Override Method TextBenefit Integration
4515ERP EHP76.0T7US_ETA_TXOVM41Tax Override Method Per Tax TypeBenefit Integration
Payroll :: USA :: Reporting :: Tax Reporter
4516ERP EHP76.0T51T091Evaluation of wage types for tax reportingTax Reporter
4517ERP EHP76.0T51T151Tax Types, which has to be reported in the tax formsTax Reporter
4518ERP EHP76.0T51T2101Definitions, how tax datas will be reportedTax Reporter
4519ERP EHP76.0T51T3111Fields for tax information on magnetic mediaTax Reporter
4520ERP EHP76.0T51T4111Evaluated tax form reporting periodsTax Reporter
4521ERP EHP76.0T51T5111Events, on which form will be issuedTax Reporter
4522ERP EHP76.0T51T681Evaluated payroll time unitsTax Reporter
4523ERP EHP76.0T51T751Text for tax formsTax Reporter
4524ERP EHP76.0T51T8201Definitions of a tax formTax Reporter
4525ERP EHP76.0T51T991Tax pay datesTax Reporter
4526ERP EHP76.0T51TA41Wage or tax form group for tax reporterTax Reporter
4527ERP EHP76.0T51TB61Text of attributes for taxTax Reporter
4528ERP EHP76.0T51TC51Tax attributesTax Reporter
4529ERP EHP76.0T51TD31Tax attributesTax Reporter
4530ERP EHP76.0T51TE51Text table for subjects of tax calculation and reportingTax Reporter
4531ERP EHP76.0T51TX101Transfer to be EvaluatedTax Reporter
4532ERP EHP76.0T51TY51Transferred EmployeesTax Reporter
4533ERP EHP76.0T5UQR81Cross quarter retro-calculationsTax Reporter
4534ERP EHP76.0T5UT1133Tax Interface Table: Payroll resultsTax Reporter
4535ERP EHP76.0T5UT2101Deposited taxes, that have to be reported in tax formsTax Reporter
4536ERP EHP76.0T5UT3192Data to be printed in a tax formTax Reporter
4537ERP EHP76.0T5UT441Text form Class DescriptionTax Reporter
4538ERP EHP76.0T5UT521Tax Form ClassTax Reporter
4539ERP EHP76.0T5UT6121Tax form class tableTax Reporter
4540ERP EHP76.0T5UT751Tax Form Class RelationsTax Reporter
4541ERP EHP76.0T5UT871Tax Form Class Relations - Customer tableTax Reporter
4542ERP EHP76.0T5UT951User VariantsTax Reporter
4543ERP EHP76.0T5UTP111Assignment of tax amounts to tax form groupsTax Reporter
4544ERP EHP76.0T5UX161Tax Reporter Employee IndexTax Reporter
4545ERP EHP76.0T5UX431Assign tax form to categoryTax Reporter
4546ERP EHP76.0T5UX551Assign attributes to tax authorityTax Reporter
4547ERP EHP76.0T5UX691W-2/W-2C Puerto Rico Control NumberTax Reporter
4548ERP EHP76.0T5UX7111Alternate forms detailsTax Reporter
4549ERP EHP76.0T5UX9241Tax Reporting Additional InformationTax Reporter
4550ERP EHP76.0T5UXX101Evaluated tax form reporting periodsTax Reporter
4551ERP EHP76.0T5UXY71Tax Reporter Control RecordTax Reporter
4552ERP EHP76.0T5UXZ21Transaction table to keep track of background jobsTax Reporter
4553ERP EHP76.0T5UYY101TR MonitorTax Reporter
Payroll :: USA :: Subsequent Activities :: Third Party Remittance
4554ERP EHP76.0T51R1121Remittance evaluation run dataThird Party Remittance
4555ERP EHP76.0T51R241Remittance posting run dataThird Party Remittance
4556ERP EHP76.0T51R361Remittance acknowledgement run dataThird Party Remittance
4557ERP EHP76.0T51R441Remittance origin link data per personnel no.Third Party Remittance
4558ERP EHP76.0T51R5171Remittance accumulated posting dataThird Party Remittance
4559ERP EHP76.0T51R5_HIST131Remittance accumulated posting data historyThird Party Remittance
4560ERP EHP76.0T51R641Remittance origin data per symbolic accountThird Party Remittance
4561ERP EHP76.0T51R6_FUNDINFO241Remittance detail table for all entitiesThird Party Remittance
4562ERP EHP76.0T51R841Remittance evaluation run per payroll resultThird Party Remittance
4563ERP EHP76.0T51RA51HR payee derived from wage typeThird Party Remittance
4564ERP EHP76.0T51RD61Remittance rule derivation per HR accumulator and amountThird Party Remittance
4565ERP EHP76.0T51RH81HR payee derived link to FI vendorThird Party Remittance
4566ERP EHP76.0T51RJ41Remittance rule descriptionThird Party Remittance
4567ERP EHP76.0T51RK81Remittance rule definitionThird Party Remittance
4568ERP EHP76.0T51RL81HR payee link derived from HR payeeThird Party Remittance
4569ERP EHP76.0T51RM21HR accumulator definitionThird Party Remittance
4570ERP EHP76.0T51RN41HR accumulator descriptionThird Party Remittance
4571ERP EHP76.0T51RS61HR payee derived link to remittance ruleThird Party Remittance
4572ERP EHP76.0T51RT51HR payee descriptionThird Party Remittance
4573ERP EHP76.0T51RV41Remittance number range sub-objectsThird Party Remittance
4574ERP EHP76.0T7US3PR_TXSYMKO121Posting of tax wage typesThird Party Remittance
4575ERP EHP76.0T7US3PR_V0TYPE_T51Maintain wage types for other HR payees of V0 type 'T'Third Party Remittance
Payroll :: USA :: Net :: Tax :: BSI
4576ERP EHP76.0BSIUDES31BSI Default DestinationBSI
4577ERP EHP76.0BSIUDTA181HR-US: BSI test dataBSI
4578ERP EHP76.0BSIUDTT431HR-US: BSI test data (tax record)BSI
4579ERP EHP76.0BTXAUTH81BSI Tax AuthoritiesBSI
4580ERP EHP76.0BTXBGRP51BSI: Group Block DataBSI
4581ERP EHP76.0BTXBLOK61BSI: Tax Formula Block DataBSI
4582ERP EHP76.0BTXBRAK81BSI: Tax Formula Bracket DataBSI
4583ERP EHP76.0BTXCOMP51BSI: Tax Company CodeBSI
4584ERP EHP76.0BTXCOMP_O41BSI: Tax Company CodeBSI
4585ERP EHP76.0BTXCUTX151BSI: Customer Tax FormulaBSI
4586ERP EHP76.0BTXCUTX_O141BSI: Customer Tax FormulaBSI
4587ERP EHP76.0BTXEGRP51BSI: Employee GroupBSI
4588ERP EHP76.0BTXEGRP_O61BSI: Employee GroupBSI
4589ERP EHP76.0BTXFDOC81BSI: Tax Formula DocumentationBSI
4590ERP EHP76.0BTXFORM71BSI Tax FormulasBSI
4591ERP EHP76.0BTXOVER151BSI: Higher Level Tax FormulaBSI
4592ERP EHP76.0BTXOVER_O141BSI: Higher Level Tax FormulaBSI
4593ERP EHP76.0BTXOVFR171BSI: Higher Level Formulas for EmployeesBSI
4594ERP EHP76.0BTXOVFR_O161BSI: Higher Level Formulas for EmployeesBSI
4595ERP EHP76.0BTXPLAN41BSI: Benefit plan typesBSI
4596ERP EHP76.0BTXPLNX101BSI: Benefit PlanBSI
4597ERP EHP76.0BTXPURGE41BSI: Purge Retention PeriodsBSI
4598ERP EHP76.0BTXRATE141BSI: Tax Rates per Company Based on Degree of ExperienceBSI
4599ERP EHP76.0BTXRATE_O131BSI: Tax Rates per Company Based on Degree of ExperienceBSI
4600ERP EHP76.0BTXRCPT81BSI: Tax Formula Reciprocal DataBSI
4601ERP EHP76.0BTXTAX141BSI: Grouping Tax Authority Tax CategoryBSI
4602ERP EHP76.0BTXTAXC91Tax Authority MappingBSI
4603ERP EHP76.0BTXTAXT61BSI: Tax CategoryBSI
4604ERP EHP76.0T5UTH_O31Tax Number <-> BSI Tax InterfaceBSI