SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

128 tablesERP 6.0 

Payroll :: Australia
1ERP EHP76.0T5QGO131Group Certificate OverridesAustralia
2ERP EHP76.0T5QGP_CE41AU CE : Define Grouping Value for Australian Business NumberAustralia
3ERP EHP76.0T5QIA131PS Specific Characteristic for absence typeAustralia
4ERP EHP76.0T5QIG71Leave Quota GroupingAustralia
5ERP EHP76.0T5QIT221Calculation rule for transfer frequencyAustralia
6ERP EHP76.0T5QLK81Leave Liability ConstantsAustralia
7ERP EHP76.0T5QLL111Australian Leave Loading - international leaveAustralia
8ERP EHP76.0T5QPR91Aust. Leave Provision for international leaveAustralia
9ERP EHP76.0T5QSC261Table for Superannuation SuperChoicesAustralia
10ERP EHP76.0T5QTR241Term. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading AustraliaAustralia
Payroll :: Australia :: Public Sector
11ERP EHP76.0PA0507511HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation)Public Sector
12ERP EHP76.0PA05082461HR-AU-PS: Master Data For Prior ServicePublic Sector
13ERP EHP76.0PA05091411HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Higher Duty Allowance)Public Sector
14ERP EHP76.0PA05671441HR AU PS:Master Data Data ContainerPublic Sector
15ERP EHP76.0PA05682431HR Master Record: Infotype 0568 for anniversay historyPublic Sector
16ERP EHP76.0PA05731831Master leave code for Public Sector AustraliaPublic Sector
17ERP EHP76.0PA0619431HR-AU-PS : Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
18ERP EHP76.0PA0716331Business Scenario Management InfotypePublic Sector
19ERP EHP76.0PAPBS00_PWEBFLOW221Business Flow ExchangerPublic Sector
20ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS0A41Industry within a HR countryPublic Sector
21ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1A51Minimum number of days to receive Higher duty allowancePublic Sector
22ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1B21Reason for performing Higher dutyPublic Sector
23ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1BT41Text for Reason codePublic Sector
24ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1C21Superannuation contributor statusPublic Sector
25ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1CT41Text for Contributor statusPublic Sector
26ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1D81Superannuation funds for Public SectorPublic Sector
27ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1E121National Wage Case (NWC) increase for SuperannuationPublic Sector
28ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1F51Work schedules for Shifts/Non-shifts for SuperannuationPublic Sector
29ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1G81EPSC Contribution TablePublic Sector
30ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1H81Priority Table used in calculating HDA super salary comp.Public Sector
31ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS1J71Additional contribution table for Public sectorPublic Sector
32ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2A261Parameter setting for Prior Service and Leave ManagementPublic Sector
33ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2B21Nature of leave typePublic Sector
34ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2BT41Leave nature textPublic Sector
35ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2C161Master leave code and their characteristicPublic Sector
36ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2CT51Texts for master leave codePublic Sector
37ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2D181Mapping business rules between PS Infotype 0573 and 2001Public Sector
38ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2E91Parallel deduction sequence of quota typesPublic Sector
39ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2F201LWOP/UNAL impact on individual leave typePublic Sector
40ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2G71Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
41ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2GT41Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
42ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2H21Flexible Accrual Transfer Rules (check table for 13TRF)Public Sector
43ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2HT41Text for Flex. Accrual Transfer Rules(check table for 13TRF)Public Sector
44ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2I121Calculation rule for transfer frequencyPublic Sector
45ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2IT41Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency RulesPublic Sector
46ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2J111PS Specific Characteristic for absence typePublic Sector
47ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2K91Control table for infotype 0573 popupPublic Sector
48ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2L71Leave Provision for Australia - Public sectorPublic Sector
49ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2M151Repeat structure for Infotype 0573Public Sector
50ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2N101Orgn change & simulation quota for Absence QuotasPublic Sector
51ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2O142Impact of Organizational changePublic Sector
52ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2P91Absence records prior to HiringPublic Sector
53ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2R41Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrualPublic Sector
54ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2RT51Text for Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrualPublic Sector
55ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2S51Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation-HR:AU:PBSPublic Sector
56ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS2T121To determine the Seniority based on the Anniversary datePublic Sector
57ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS3A121Eligibility Criteria for IncrementPublic Sector
58ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS3AT41Text for Eligibility Criteria for IncrementPublic Sector
59ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4A21Payment Type for terminations & redundanciesPublic Sector
60ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4AT41Text for Payment Type for terminations & redundanciesPublic Sector
61ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4B111Termination Payment TypePublic Sector
62ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4C101Assignment between payment formula and payment rule groupPublic Sector
63ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4D191Termination Payment RulesPublic Sector
64ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4E151Leave Payment RulesPublic Sector
65ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4F121Attribute for determining the flexible rulesPublic Sector
66ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4I21Payment Formula for termination and redundancyPublic Sector
67ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4IT41Text for payment FormulaPublic Sector
68ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4J21Payment Rule Group for termination and redundancyPublic Sector
69ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4JT41Text for Payment Rule GroupPublic Sector
70ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4K21Termination Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIP)Public Sector
71ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4KT41Text for Term. Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIP)Public Sector
72ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4L21Leave Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIL)Public Sector
73ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4LT41Text for Leave Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIL)Public Sector
74ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4M21Redundancy Model (check table for fetaure 13RDN)Public Sector
75ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS4MT41Text for Redundancy Model (check table for fetaure 13RDN)Public Sector
76ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5A281HR AU PS:Australian Leave LoadingPublic Sector
77ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5B101HR AU PS:Australian Leave Loading for varying percentagePublic Sector
78ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS5C41HR AU PS:Australian absence type groupingPublic Sector
79ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6A21Type of data for Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
80ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6AT41Text for Type of data for Equity and DiversityPublic Sector
81ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6B41PSMPC CodesPublic Sector
82ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6BT51Text for PSMPC codesPublic Sector
83ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6C71Assignment of APS classification structurePublic Sector
84ERP EHP76.0T5QPBS6D51Mapping SAP events to APSC movement codesPublic Sector
85ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1A41Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
86ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1B71Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
87ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1C71Assignment of transaction code to Business & Obj scenarioPublic Sector
88ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1D61Specification of process scenarioPublic Sector
89ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB1E81Assignment of process scenarioPublic Sector
90ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2A51Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
91ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2AT51Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
92ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2B31Sub Process scenariosPublic Sector
93ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2BT51Text table for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
94ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2C31Status definitionPublic Sector
95ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2CT51Text table for statusPublic Sector
96ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2D31Request modesPublic Sector
97ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2DT51Text table for business scenario request modesPublic Sector
98ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2E31Process groupPublic Sector
99ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2ET51Text for process groupPublic Sector
100ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2F31Grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
101ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2FT51Text for grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
102ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2G31Grouping for statusPublic Sector
103ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2GT51Text table for Grouping for statusPublic Sector
104ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2H31Business RulesPublic Sector
105ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2HT51Text table for business rulesPublic Sector
106ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2I31Process status flow rulePublic Sector
107ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2IT51Description for process status flow rulePublic Sector
108ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2J31Process ScenariosPublic Sector
109ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2JT51Text table for process scenariosPublic Sector
110ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2K31Grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
111ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2KT51Text for grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
112ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2L31Process tasksPublic Sector
113ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2LT51Text for process tasksPublic Sector
114ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB2M21Appications using PWEPublic Sector
115ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3A111Specification for grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
116ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3B81Specification for grouping for statusPublic Sector
117ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB3C71Specification for grouping for process tasksPublic Sector
118ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4A81Specification of Process groupPublic Sector
119ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4B91Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
120ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4C61Obsolete : Do not usePublic Sector
121ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4D61Specification for sub process scenarioPublic Sector
122ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4E71Specification for process tasksPublic Sector
123ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB4F61Assignment of grouping for sub process scenariosPublic Sector
124ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB5A101Business flow for processPublic Sector
125ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB5B121Process status flow rule definitionPublic Sector
126ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB6A181Business flow logPublic Sector
127ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB7A31Parameter defintion for Process Workbench EnginePublic Sector
128ERP EHP76.0T7PBSWB7B51Container definiton for requestsPublic Sector