SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

282 tablesERP 6.0 

Supply Chain Management
1ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_BPI152Exception Management - Business Process Instance TableSupply Chain Management
2ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_CALL_STK101Exception Management - Call StackSupply Chain Management
3ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_CFG41Configuration Table for EM-IPASupply Chain Management
4ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_MSG131MessagesSupply Chain Management
5ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_OBJECT101Exception Management - Object TableSupply Chain Management
6ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_STEP191Exception Management - Process Step TableSupply Chain Management
7ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EM_UNIT91Exception Management - Unit TableSupply Chain Management
8ERP EHP76.0/SDF/WS_GROUPMAP21Mapping of Web Services to GroupsSupply Chain Management
9ERP EHP76.0/SDF/WS_GROUPS21GroupsSupply Chain Management
10ERP EHP76.0/SDF/WS_MON51System Table INDXSupply Chain Management
11ERP EHP76.0/SDF/WS_MON_CONF31Configuration for WS MonitoringSupply Chain Management
12ERP EHP76.0ERPTM_IV_DATA348TM 8.0 TCM-ERP Invoice Integration Data TableSupply Chain Management
13ERP EHP76.0TCMC_AMOUNT_RC21Transportation Charge Management Amount RolesSupply Chain Management
14ERP EHP76.0TCMC_AMOUNT_RC_T41Transportation Charge Management Amount Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
15ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDR_RC21TCM Business Transaction Document Relationsship Role CodeSupply Chain Management
16ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDR_RC_T41TCM BTD Relationship Role Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
17ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDR_TY21TCM Business Transaction Document Relationsship Type CodeSupply Chain Management
18ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDR_TY_T41TCM BTD Relationship Type Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
19ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDTYPE21TCM usiness Transaction Document Type CodeSupply Chain Management
20ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTDTYPE_T41Transportation Charge Management for BTD Type (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
21ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTD_ITMTY21TCM Business Transaction Document Item Type CodeSupply Chain Management
22ERP EHP76.0TCMC_BTD_ITMTY_T41TCM Business Transaction Document Item Type Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
23ERP EHP76.0TCMC_CURR_RC21Transportation Charge Management Currency RolesSupply Chain Management
24ERP EHP76.0TCMC_CURR_RC_T41Transportation Charge Management Currency Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
25ERP EHP76.0TCMC_LOCRO21Transportation Charge Management Location RolesSupply Chain Management
26ERP EHP76.0TCMC_LOCRO_T41Transportation Charge Management Location RolesSupply Chain Management
27ERP EHP76.0TCMC_PARTY_RC21Transportation Charge Management Party RolesSupply Chain Management
28ERP EHP76.0TCMC_PARTY_RC_T41Transportation Charge Management Party Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
29ERP EHP76.0TCMC_PERO21Transportation Charge Management Period Role CodeSupply Chain Management
30ERP EHP76.0TCMC_PERO_T41TCM Period Role Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
31ERP EHP76.0TCMC_QTRO21Transportation Charge Management Quantity Role CodeSupply Chain Management
32ERP EHP76.0TCMC_QTRO_T41Transportation Charge Management Qty Role Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
33ERP EHP76.0TCMC_QTTY41Transportation Charge Management Quantity Type CodeSupply Chain Management
34ERP EHP76.0TCMC_QTTY_T41Transportation Charge Management Qty Type Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
35ERP EHP76.0TCMC_RATE_RC21Transportation Charge Management Rate RolesSupply Chain Management
36ERP EHP76.0TCMC_RATE_RC_T41Transportation Charge Management Rate Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
37ERP EHP76.0TCMC_RATE_TY21Transportation Charge Management Rate Type CodeSupply Chain Management
38ERP EHP76.0TCMC_RATE_TY_T41Transportation Charge Management Rate Type Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
39ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCCAT21Charge Calculation - Charge Category CodesSupply Chain Management
40ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCCATT41Charge Calculation - Charge Category Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
41ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCET41Charge Calculation - Charge Element TypeSupply Chain Management
42ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCETT41Charge Calculation - Charge Element Type (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
43ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCSUBCAT31Charge Calculation - Charge Sub-Category CodeSupply Chain Management
44ERP EHP76.0TCMC_TCSUBCATT41Charge Calculation - Charge Sub-Category Code (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
45ERP EHP76.0TCM_AMOUNTRC_MAP41Mapping Party Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
46ERP EHP76.0TCM_BTDR_RC_MAP41Mapping BTD Relationship Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
47ERP EHP76.0TCM_BTDR_TY_MAP41Mapping BTD Relationship Type Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
48ERP EHP76.0TCM_BTD_ITTY_MAP41Mapping BTD Item Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
49ERP EHP76.0TCM_BTD_TYPE_MAP41Mapping BTD Type Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
50ERP EHP76.0TCM_CFIR_INT41TCM CFIR Type -> Inter-/Intra-CompanySupply Chain Management
51ERP EHP76.0TCM_CURR_RC_MAP41Mapping Party Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
52ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_AMOUNT_RC21Transportation Charge Management Amount Role CodeSupply Chain Management
53ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_AMOUNT_RCT41Transportation Management Amount Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
54ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_COND_MAP71Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - ConditionsSupply Chain Management
55ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_CRD_MAP31Mapping between Credit segment and credit control areaSupply Chain Management
56ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_CURR_RC21Transportation Charge Management Currency RolesSupply Chain Management
57ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_CURR_RCT41Transportation Charge Management Currency Roles (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
58ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_PUR_MAP141Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Purchasing OrganisationSupply Chain Management
59ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_SLS_MAP181Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Sales OrganisationSupply Chain Management
60ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_SLS_RC_MAP31Mapping TM credit memo reason code to order reason codeSupply Chain Management
61ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCCAT21Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/InternalSupply Chain Management
62ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCCATT41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements (Text table)Supply Chain Management
63ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCCAT_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/InternalSupply Chain Management
64ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCD_MAP81Mapping TM Sales Org./Send.Org. Units to Internal Order/CostSupply Chain Management
65ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCD_PURMAP71Mapping TM Purch.Org./Rec.Org. Units to Internal Order/CostSupply Chain Management
66ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCET41Charge Calculation - Charge Element TypeSupply Chain Management
67ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCETT41Charge Calculation - Charge Element Type (Text Tab.)Supply Chain Management
68ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCETYP_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/InternalSupply Chain Management
69ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCSCAT31Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/InternalSupply Chain Management
70ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCSCATT41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements (Text table)Supply Chain Management
71ERP EHP76.0TCM_C_TCSCAT_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/InternalSupply Chain Management
72ERP EHP76.0TCM_D_IV_INDEX202TM 7.0 TCM-ERP Invoice Integration IndextableSupply Chain Management
73ERP EHP76.0TCM_D_IV_SELOPT101IV: Selection TM Transportation Service ProviderSupply Chain Management
74ERP EHP76.0TCM_D_SALES_DATA52TM XML data for ERP Invoice Print PreviewSupply Chain Management
75ERP EHP76.0TCM_D_TC_SRV_MAP91Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - ServicesSupply Chain Management
76ERP EHP76.0TCM_LOCRO_MAP41Mapping Location Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
77ERP EHP76.0TCM_ORG_INO_MAP61Mapping TCM Organizational Units -> Account Assignment objSupply Chain Management
78ERP EHP76.0TCM_ORG_PUR_MAP91Mapping TCM Organizational unit to purchasing organisationSupply Chain Management
79ERP EHP76.0TCM_ORG_SLS_MAP161Mapping TCM Organizational unit to sales organisationSupply Chain Management
80ERP EHP76.0TCM_PARTY_RC_MAP41Mapping Party Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
81ERP EHP76.0TCM_PERO_MAP41TCM Period Role Code external/internalSupply Chain Management
82ERP EHP76.0TCM_PUR_ORG_MAP81Mapping TCM Organizational unit to purchasing organisationSupply Chain Management
83ERP EHP76.0TCM_QTRO_MAP41TCM Quantity Role Code external/internalSupply Chain Management
84ERP EHP76.0TCM_QTTY_MAP41TCM Quantity Type Code external/internalSupply Chain Management
85ERP EHP76.0TCM_RATE_RC_MAP41Mapping Rate Role Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
86ERP EHP76.0TCM_RATE_TY_MAP41Mapping Rate Type Codes external/internalSupply Chain Management
87ERP EHP76.0TCM_SLS_ORG_MAP71Mapping TCM Organizational unit to sales organisationSupply Chain Management
88ERP EHP76.0TCM_TCCAT_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internalSupply Chain Management
89ERP EHP76.0TCM_TCETY_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internalSupply Chain Management
90ERP EHP76.0TCM_TCET_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internalSupply Chain Management
91ERP EHP76.0TCM_TCSUBCAT_MAP41Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internalSupply Chain Management
92ERP EHP76.0TCM_TC_CE_MAP51Mapping Charge Elements -> Cost ElementsSupply Chain Management
93ERP EHP76.0TCM_TC_COND_MAP71Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - ConditionsSupply Chain Management
94ERP EHP76.0TCM_TC_SRV_MAP61Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - ServicesSupply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management :: Event Management
95ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/AOALLTAB121All tables for a business process typeEvent Management
96ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/AOTREF217Reference between application objects and event handlersEvent Management
97ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/AOTYPES481Application object typesEvent Management
98ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/AOTYPEST61Application object type descriptions (texts)Event Management
99ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/APPTALOG73Application transaction logEvent Management
100ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASTOTYPE61Business process types (Application System)Event Management
101ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASTOTYPT31Text for trackable object typesEvent Management
102ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/CONDDATA131Condition data tableEvent Management
103ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/CONDID71Condition ID tableEvent Management
104ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/CONDIDT51Condition ID text tableEvent Management
105ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/CONF_EHO51EH display configuration- overview screenEvent Management
106ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EVTYPES261Event TypesEvent Management
107ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EVTYPEST61Event Type Descriptions (Texts)Event Management
108ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_AOT31Additional table w Application Object Types for ExtractionEvent Management
109ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_EE101Extraction of Expected EventsEvent Management
110ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_ETY31Additional Table for Event Types for ExtractionEvent Management
111ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_EVT81Extraction table for Event TypesEvent Management
112ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_FLD31Extraction Fields OverviewEvent Management
113ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_FLDS141Extraction fieldsEvent Management
114ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_FLDT51Text Table for Extraction FieldsEvent Management
115ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/EXT_PAR121Parameter and IDs for EM generic extractionEvent Management
116ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/FUNCTION61Event Activity tableEvent Management
117ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/FUNCTMPL21Event Activity TemplatesEvent Management
118ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/FUNCTNT51Event Activity text tableEvent Management
119ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/MTOTYPE81Utilized business process typesEvent Management
120ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCAOTMAP41Scenario AOT Mapping TableEvent Management
121ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCCNDMAP41Scenario Condition Mapping TableEvent Management
122ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCENAR21Scenario of a solution which is owner of EM processesEvent Management
123ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCENART41Scenario of a solution which is owner of EM processesEvent Management
124ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCEVTMAP41Scenario Event Types Mapping TableEvent Management
125ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCFUNMAP41Scenario Functions Mapping TableEvent Management
126ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCROLE31Scenario role mapping tableEvent Management
127ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SCSOMAP31Mapping of scenarios to solutionsEvent Management
128ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SOLUTN21Solutions as owners of EM processesEvent Management
129ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SOLUTNT41Solutions as owners of EM processesEvent Management
130ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/SOSCUSR31Scenario User Mapping TableEvent Management
131ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/TOTYPE21Business process types (global definition)Event Management
132ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/TOTYPET31Text for business process typesEvent Management
133ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/TRXSERV71Event Manager configuration tableEvent Management
Supply Chain Management :: SCM Basis
134ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/DP440G392Master Forecast Profile (APO0300)SCM Basis
135ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/DP440P672Univariate Forecast Profile (APO0326)SCM Basis
136ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/DP_ALERT131Profile for Filtering Output to Alert MonitorSCM Basis
137ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/FCSTOUTL61Outlier Correction SettingsSCM Basis
138ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/FCST_56171Log: Strategy 56SCM Basis
139ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/PRF_EXT1761Profile Extension for Base Profile /SAPAPO/DP440PSCM Basis
140ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/PROFTEXT61Forecast Profile TextsSCM Basis
141ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/SGRP_PRF41Seasonal Coefficients for Seasonal ModelSCM Basis
142ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/SMTH_SET61Smoothing Factors SetSCM Basis
143ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/TIMESERI233Time Series in ForecastSCM Basis
144ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/T_BOUNDS91Range within which an MLR Model will function correctlySCM Basis
145ERP EHP76.0/SAPAPO/T_UNIBDS91Limits Within Which the Univariate Forecast can be UsedSCM Basis
146ERP EHP76.0APODELTA111ATP: POSGUID Copied to a Second R/3 SystemSCM Basis
147ERP EHP76.0CAVEIBDOC121CAVE: Inbound Document ProcessingSCM Basis
148ERP EHP76.0CIFALOGCNF91Configuration of the CIF Application LogSCM Basis
149ERP EHP76.0CIFAPLSET101Application-Specific Settings, Target System-DependentSCM Basis
150ERP EHP76.0CIFAPLSET2191Application-Specific Settings, Target System-IndependentSCM Basis
151ERP EHP76.0CIFBALSEL92Application Log: CIF Extension for Log SelectionSCM Basis
152ERP EHP76.0CIFCPINFO91Control Table for APO-CIF CP Change TransferSCM Basis
153ERP EHP76.0CIFDESTSYS31CIF Target Systems: Assgt "Own LOGSYS" and "CIF LOGSYS"SCM Basis
154ERP EHP76.0CIFERRCTRL81Control for Enhanced CIF Error HandlingSCM Basis
155ERP EHP76.0CIFERRLOG351Error Recording in Enhanced CIF Error HandlingSCM Basis
156ERP EHP76.0CIFGPARAMS101Global Parameters for CIFSCM Basis
157ERP EHP76.0CIFIMODGEN51Customizing the Automatic Generation of Integration ModelsSCM Basis
158ERP EHP76.0CIFOBJINFC41Control Table for APO-CIF Filter Objects, Client-DependentSCM Basis
159ERP EHP76.0CIFOBJINFO281Control Table for APO-CIF Filter Objects, Client-IndependentSCM Basis
160ERP EHP76.0CIFOBJINFT31Texts for APO-CIF Filter ObjectsSCM Basis
161ERP EHP76.0CIFOPMODE41Transfer Modes for Relevant Logical SystemSCM Basis
162ERP EHP76.0CIFORDMAP42Mapping Table Order No. <-> APO-GUID (Plan/Prod. Orders)SCM Basis
163ERP EHP76.0CIFPOMAP82Mapping Table NR/POS/ET <-> APO GUID (Purch. Ord. Docs)SCM Basis
164ERP EHP76.0CIFRFCDES31RFC Destinations for CIF Dialog ApplicationsSCM Basis
165ERP EHP76.0CIFRVMAP51Mapping Table NR/POS/ET <-> APO GUID (Sales Orders)SCM Basis
166ERP EHP76.0CIFSELOPT101Definition of the Selection Options for Publishing TypesSCM Basis
167ERP EHP76.0CIFSLSMAP62Mapping Table NR/POS/ET <-> APO GUID (Sales Orders)SCM Basis
168ERP EHP76.0CIFSTKUCOUNT41CIF Update Counter Table for StocksSCM Basis
169ERP EHP76.0CIFTXTPOOL41Table for Storing Additional Integration Model TextsSCM Basis
170ERP EHP76.0CIFVENTYPE31Assignment of Vendor Account Group to APO Location TypeSCM Basis
171ERP EHP76.0CIF_CHANN31Table for Locking Channels to Target SystemsSCM Basis
172ERP EHP76.0CIF_CLBLAN31Release CIF from CL ApplicationsSCM Basis
173ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMAMPL52Integration Model Table for Approved Manufacturer Parts ListSCM Basis
174ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMATP52Integration Model Reference Table for ATP CheckSCM Basis
175ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMAX61Maximum Vectors for Target System and Publishing TypeSCM Basis
176ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMBTC42Integration Model Reference Table for BatchesSCM Basis
177ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCHAR72Integration Model Reference Table for ClassificationSCM Basis
178ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCHR42Integration Model Reference Table for CharacteristicsSCM Basis
179ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCHRG21Integration Model Reference Table for Batch Master DataSCM Basis
180ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCLA42Integration Model Reference Tables for ClassesSCM Basis
181ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCTBW42Integration Model Reference Table for Data SourceSCM Basis
182ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCUS52Integration Model Reference Table for CustomersSCM Basis
183ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMCUVT42IMod Reference Table for Planning TableSCM Basis
184ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMECM42Int. Model Reference Table for Engineering Change ManagementSCM Basis
185ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMFCC51Integration Model Reference Table for Requirements ReductionSCM Basis
186ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMFESR92IMod Reference Table for Str. Elements and Supply RelsSCM Basis
187ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMFFF62IM Reference Table for FFF ClassesSCM Basis
188ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMGST42Integration Model Reference Table for Quota Info. StructuresSCM Basis
189ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMIPPE62IMod Reference Table for IPPESCM Basis
190ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMIPRT81IMod Reference Table for IPPE Runtime ObjectSCM Basis
191ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMKSC42Int. Model Reference Table for Product Allocation ProcedureSCM Basis
192ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMLOT51Integration Model Reference Table for Inspection LotsSCM Basis
193ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMARC52Integration Model Reference Table for Stock in TransitSCM Basis
194ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMARD62Integration Model Reference Table for Storage Location StockSCM Basis
195ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMAT52Integration Model Reference Table for MaterialSCM Basis
196ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMBOM81IMod Reference Table for Material BOM'sSCM Basis
197ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMCHB72Integration Model Reference Table for Batch StocksSCM Basis
198ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMKOL92Int. Model Reference Table for Consignment Stock for VendorSCM Basis
199ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMRPA42Integration Model Reference Table for MRP AreasSCM Basis
200ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMSKA102Integration Model Reference Table for Sales Order StockSCM Basis
201ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMSKU82Int. Model Reference Table for Special Stocks at CustomerSCM Basis
202ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMSL52Integration Model Reference Table for Consumption DataSCM Basis
203ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMSLB82Int. Model Reference Table for Special Stocks at VendorSCM Basis
204ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMSPR92Integration Model Reference Table for Project StocksSCM Basis
205ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMMTMRPA52Integration Model Reference Table for MaterialSCM Basis
206ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMNETW51Int. Mod. Reference Table for NetworksSCM Basis
207ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMOD141Basis Table of Integration Model for APO InterfaceSCM Basis
208ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMOD_TEMP141Temporary Data Storage for CIF Integration ModelsSCM Basis
209ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMORD52Integration Model Reference Table for Production OrdersSCM Basis
210ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPCM52Integration Model Reference Table for Production CampaignsSCM Basis
211ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPIR52IMod Reference Table for Planned Independent RequirementSCM Basis
212ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPLO52Integration Model Reference Table for Planned OrdersSCM Basis
213ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPLT42Integration Model Reference Table for PlantsSCM Basis
214ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPMOD51Int. Mod. Reference Table for Maintenance OrdersSCM Basis
215ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPO52Integration Model Reference Table for OrdersSCM Basis
216ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPPM182Int. Model Reference Table for Production Process ModelSCM Basis
217ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPPR52Int. Mod. Reference Table for Planning ProductsSCM Basis
218ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPRO52IMod Reference Table for Retail PromotionSCM Basis
219ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMPVBE42IMod Reference Table for Production Supply AreaSCM Basis
220ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMRES42Integration Model Reference Table for CapacitySCM Basis
221ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMRSV52Integration Model Reference Table for ReservationsSCM Basis
222ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSDLS52Int. Mod. Reference Table for Sales Scheduling Agmnt ItemsSCM Basis
223ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSHP42Integration Model Reference Table for ShipmentsSCM Basis
224ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSLS52Integration Model Reference Table for Sales OrdersSCM Basis
225ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSPNT41IM Reference Table for Shipping PointsSCM Basis
226ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSRCC52Imod Reference Table for ContractsSCM Basis
227ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSRCD52IMod Reference Table for Scheduling AgreementsSCM Basis
228ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSRCI72IMod Reference Table for Purchasing Info RecordsSCM Basis
229ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSSD51Integration Model Reference Table for Simple DiscontinuationSCM Basis
230ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSTG42IMod Reference Table for Setup GroupsSCM Basis
231ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMSUS42IMod Reference Table for SupersessionSCM Basis
232ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMVCLP82Integration Model Reference Table for VMI Customer MaterialSCM Basis
233ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMVEN52Integration Model Reference Table for VendorsSCM Basis
234ERP EHP76.0CIF_IMVMI62Mapping Table for Scheduling Sales OrderSCM Basis
235ERP EHP76.0CIF_LAYPREF_INDX71Cluster Table for Storing Layout SettingsSCM Basis
236ERP EHP76.0CIF_MAPLCK21Table for Lock Object ECIF_MAPLCKSCM Basis
237ERP EHP76.0CIF_MAP_HANDLE21Table: Conversion of Object ID to Unique HandleSCM Basis
238ERP EHP76.0CIF_MAP_REP_LAYT21Table for Converting Report Name to Unique IDSCM Basis
239ERP EHP76.0CIF_MD_CHANGES184Changes to BOM, Routing and Production VersionSCM Basis
240ERP EHP76.0CIF_MTCFGS141Default Values for Configuration Relevance for SAP APOSCM Basis
241ERP EHP76.0CIF_PPM_CHANGED82PPM: Change Transfer - Changed Production VersionsSCM Basis
242ERP EHP76.0CIF_PREF_INDX71Cluster Table for Storing User SettingsSCM Basis
243ERP EHP76.0CIF_TCO4361Enhancements for TCO43 in Plug-InSCM Basis
244ERP EHP76.0CIF_TMRPDS101MRP DS: Customizing to Activate MRP based DSSCM Basis
245ERP EHP76.0CIF_UPDCNT61Management of Change Status for an Order in CIFSCM Basis
246ERP EHP76.0CIF_USER_PREF41User SettingsSCM Basis
247ERP EHP76.0CIF_VMISD91Confirmation of Sales Area Data and Order Category for VMISCM Basis
248ERP EHP76.0CPVINFR61Purchasing info record and production version assignmentSCM Basis
249ERP EHP76.0CPV_MPV21Used production version for Multiple PVSCM Basis
250ERP EHP76.0CRCIFKAPID81Object IDs for Changed CapacitiesSCM Basis
252ERP EHP76.0CRTOFCHTXT31Text Table for Check Table for CIFRTOADTYSCM Basis
253ERP EHP76.0CRTO_BADI21System Table with Functions for Defining Filter ValuesSCM Basis
254ERP EHP76.0ICH_D_MWO_PPN62ManufactoringWorkOrderProductionProgress controlSCM Basis
Supply Chain Management :: Event Management :: Application System
255ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/AOTPARAM41Application system parameter assignmentApplication System
256ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/APARPRF21Application system profiles for parametersApplication System
257ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/APARPRFT41Text for application system profiles for parametersApplication System
258ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASFCTEV41Parameters for Application Plug-In FunctionsApplication System
259ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASFCTEVT61Event Tags for Application Plug-In FunctionsApplication System
260ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASFCTPAR61Parameters for Application Plug-In FunctionsApplication System
261ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASFCTPAT61Parameter Texts for Application Plug-In FunctionsApplication System
262ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASITEMID82Item Identifier Refernce TableApplication System
263ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASPARDC111Parameter dictionary for application objectsApplication System
264ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/ASPARDCT61Parameter dictionary for application objectsApplication System
265ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/MTOBJLOG42Reference between application objects and event handlersApplication System
266ERP EHP76.0/SAPTRX/TRXSRVT31Event manager descriptionApplication System
Supply Chain Management :: SCM Basis :: Cross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
267ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_CC_TRAN112Transport Table for Doc. Flow Appl. Data During Client CopyCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
268ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_CHAIN21Document Flow: Maximum ChainCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
269ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_CHAIN_D31Document Flow: Maximum Chain, LinksCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
270ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_CHAIN_T41Document Flow: Maximum Chain, DescriptionCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
271ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DEL_TAB51Tables Belonging to Document Types Deleted in CustomizingCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
272ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DNET42Document Flow: Attribute 'Network ID'Cross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
273ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DOC82Document Flow: Document IdentificationCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
274ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DOC_VAL41Document Flow: Document Data as XML StringCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
275ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DQTY51Document Flow: Attribute 'Quantity'Cross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
276ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_DVALUE41Document Flow: ValueCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
277ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_D_TYPE31Document Flow: Document CategoryCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
278ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_D_TYPEB91Document Flow category active work tableCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
279ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_D_TYPEG81Document Flow: Document AttributeCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
280ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_D_TYPET41Document Flow: Language-Dependent Texts for Doc. CategoryCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
281ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/DF_GLOBAL31Document Flow: General SettingsCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow
282ERP EHP76.0/SCMB/TREEVIEW2131Obsolete - Copy of TAGTREEVIEW from Package SBSPEXT_HTMLBCross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow